{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Michael Van Canneyt, member of the Free Pascal development team. This file implements AnsiStrings for FPC See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} { This will release some functions for special shortstring support } { define EXTRAANSISHORT} {$ifndef FPC_ANSISTRING_TYPE_DEFINED} {$define FPC_ANSISTRING_TYPE_DEFINED} { This file contains the implementation of the AnsiString type, and all things that are needed for it. AnsiString is defined as a 'silent' pchar : a pchar that points to (S= SizeOf(SizeInt)): @-3*S : Code page indicator. @-3*S+2 : Character size (2 bytes) @-2*S : SizeInt for reference count; @-S : SizeInt for size; @ : String + Terminating #0; Pchar(Ansistring) is a valid typecast. So AS[i] is converted to the address @AS+i-1. Constants should be assigned a reference count of -1 Meaning that they can't be disposed of. } Type PAnsiRec = ^TAnsiRec; TAnsiRec = Record CodePage : TSystemCodePage; ElementSize : Word; {$ifdef CPU64} { align fields } Dummy : DWord; {$endif CPU64} Ref : SizeInt; Len : SizeInt; end; Const AnsiFirstOff = SizeOf(TAnsiRec); {$endif FPC_ANSISTRING_TYPE_DEFINED} {**************************************************************************** Internal functions, not in interface. ****************************************************************************} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_TRANSLATEPLACEHOLDERCP} {$define FPC_HAS_TRANSLATEPLACEHOLDERCP} function TranslatePlaceholderCP(cp: TSystemCodePage): TSystemCodePage; {$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin TranslatePlaceholderCP:=cp; case cp of CP_OEMCP, CP_ACP: TranslatePlaceholderCP:=DefaultSystemCodePage; end; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_TRANSLATEPLACEHOLDERCP} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_PCHAR_ANSISTR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$define FPC_HAS_PCHAR_ANSISTR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} procedure fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(const src: pchar; const srcindex: sizeint; var dst: rawbytestring; const dstindex, len: sizeint); {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}rtlproc;{$endif} {$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin move(src[srcindex],pbyte(pointer(dst))[dstindex],len); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_PCHAR_ANSISTR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_PCHAR_PCHAR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$define FPC_HAS_PCHAR_PCHAR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} procedure fpc_pchar_pchar_intern_charmove(const src: pchar; const srcindex: sizeint; const dst: pchar; const dstindex, len: sizeint); {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}rtlproc;{$endif} {$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin move(src[srcindex],dst[dstindex],len); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_PCHAR_PCHAR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_ANSISTR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$define FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_ANSISTR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} procedure fpc_shortstr_ansistr_intern_charmove(const src: shortstring; const srcindex: sizeint; var dst: rawbytestring; const dstindex, len: sizeint); {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}rtlproc;{$endif} {$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin move(src[srcindex],pbyte(pointer(dst))[dstindex],len); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_ANSISTR_INTERN_CHARMOVE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_NEWANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_NEWANSISTR} Function NewAnsiString(Len : SizeInt) : Pointer; { Allocate a new AnsiString on the heap. initialize it to zero length and reference count 1. } Var P : Pointer; begin { request a multiple of 16 because the heap manager alloctes anyways chunks of 16 bytes } GetMem(P,Len+(AnsiFirstOff+sizeof(char))); If P<>Nil then begin PAnsiRec(P)^.Ref:=1; { Set reference count } PAnsiRec(P)^.Len:=0; { Initial length } PAnsiRec(P)^.CodePage:=DefaultSystemCodePage; PAnsiRec(P)^.ElementSize:=SizeOf(AnsiChar); inc(p,AnsiFirstOff); { Points to string now } PAnsiChar(P)^:=#0; { Terminating #0 } end; NewAnsiString:=P; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_NEWANSISTR} {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ANSISTR_DECR_REF} {$define FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ANSISTR_DECR_REF} Procedure fpc_ansistr_decr_ref (Var S : Pointer); [Public,Alias:'FPC_ANSISTR_DECR_REF']; compilerproc; { Decreases the ReferenceCount of a non constant ansistring; If the reference count is zero, deallocate the string; } Var p: PAnsiRec; Begin { Zero string } If S=Nil then exit; { check for constant strings ...} p:=PAnsiRec(S-AnsiFirstOff); s:=nil; If p^.ref<0 then exit; { declocked does a MT safe dec and returns true, if the counter is 0 } If declocked(p^.ref) then FreeMem(p); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ANSISTR_DECR_REF} { also define alias for internal use in the system unit } Procedure fpc_ansistr_decr_ref (Var S : Pointer); [external name 'FPC_ANSISTR_DECR_REF']; {$ifndef FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ANSISTR_INCR_REF} {$define FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ANSISTR_INCR_REF} Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Incr_Ref (S : Pointer); [Public,Alias:'FPC_ANSISTR_INCR_REF']; compilerproc; inline; Begin If S=Nil then exit; { Let's be paranoid : Constant string ??} If PAnsiRec(S-AnsiFirstOff)^.Ref<0 then exit; inclocked(PAnsiRec(S-AnsiFirstOff)^.Ref); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ANSISTR_DECR_REF} { also define alias which can be used inside the system unit } Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Incr_Ref (S : Pointer); [external name 'FPC_ANSISTR_INCR_REF']; {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_ASSIGN} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_ASSIGN} Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Assign (Var DestS : Pointer;S2 : Pointer);[Public,Alias:'FPC_ANSISTR_ASSIGN']; compilerproc; { Assigns S2 to S1 (S1:=S2), taking in account reference counts. } begin if DestS=S2 then exit; If S2<>nil then If PAnsiRec(S2-AnsiFirstOff)^.Ref>0 then inclocked(PAnsiRec(S2-AnsiFirstOff)^.Ref); { Decrease the reference count on the old S1 } fpc_ansistr_decr_ref (DestS); { And finally, have DestS pointing to S2 (or its copy) } DestS:=S2; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_ASSIGN} { alias for internal use } Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Assign (Var S1 : Pointer;S2 : Pointer);[external name 'FPC_ANSISTR_ASSIGN']; {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_CONCAT_COMPLEX} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_CONCAT_COMPLEX} { keeps implicit try..finally block out from primary control flow } procedure ansistr_concat_complex(var DestS: RawByteString; const S1,S2: RawByteString; cp: TSystemCodePage); var U: UnicodeString; begin U:=UnicodeString(S1)+UnicodeString(S2); widestringmanager.Unicode2AnsiMoveProc(PUnicodeChar(Pointer(U)),DestS,cp,Length(U)); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_CONCAT_COMPLEX} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_CONCAT} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_CONCAT} procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Concat (var DestS:RawByteString;const S1,S2 : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}); compilerproc; Var S1Len, S2Len: SizeInt; same : boolean; S1CP, S2CP, DestCP: TSystemCodePage; begin {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} DestCP:=cp; if DestCp=CP_NONE then DestCP:=DefaultSystemCodePage; {$else FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} DestCP:=StringCodePage(DestS); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} DestCP:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(DestCP); { if codepages are different then concat using unicodestring, but avoid conversions if either addend is empty (StringCodePage will return DefaultSystemCodePage in that case, which may differ from other addend/dest) } if S1='' then S1CP:=DestCP else S1CP:=StringCodePage(S1); S1CP:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(S1CP); if S2='' then S2CP:=DestCP else S2CP:=StringCodePage(S2); S2CP:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(S2CP); {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} { if the result is rawbytestring and both strings have the same code page, keep that code page } if (cp=CP_NONE) and (S1CP=S2CP) then DestCP:=S1CP; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} if (S1CP<>DestCP) or (S2CP<>DestCP) then begin ansistr_concat_complex(DestS,S1,S2,DestCP); exit; end; { only assign if s1 or s2 is empty } if (S1='') then begin DestS:=s2; exit; end; if (S2='') then begin DestS:=s1; exit; end; S1Len:=Length(S1); S2Len:=length(S2); { Use Pointer() typecasts to prevent extra conversion code } if Pointer(DestS)=Pointer(S1) then begin same:=Pointer(S1)=Pointer(S2); SetLength(DestS,S1Len+S2Len); if same then fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(PAnsiChar(DestS),0,DestS,S1Len,S2Len) else fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(PAnsiChar(S2),0,DestS,S1Len,S2Len+1) end else if Pointer(DestS)=Pointer(S2) then begin SetLength(DestS,S1Len+S2Len); fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(PAnsiChar(DestS),0,DestS,S1Len,S2Len+1); fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(PAnsiChar(S1),0,DestS,0,S1Len); end else begin SetLength(DestS,S1Len+S2Len); fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(PAnsiChar(S1),0,DestS,0,S1Len); fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(PAnsiChar(S2),0,DestS,S1Len,S2Len+1); end; SetCodePage(DestS,DestCP,false); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_CONCAT} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_CONCAT_MULTI} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_CONCAT_MULTI} procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Concat_multi (var DestS:RawByteString;const sarr:array of RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}); compilerproc; Var lowstart, nonemptystart, i : ObjpasInt; p,pc : pointer; Size,NewLen, OldDestLen : SizeInt; destcopy : pointer; U : UnicodeString; DestCP, tmpCP : TSystemCodePage; sameCP : Boolean; begin if high(sarr)=0 then begin DestS:=''; exit; end; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} DestCP:=cp; if DestCp=CP_NONE then DestCP:=DefaultSystemCodePage; {$else FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} DestCP:=StringCodePage(DestS); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} lowstart:=low(sarr); { skip empty strings } while (lowstart<=high(sarr)) and (sarr[lowstart]='') do inc(lowstart); if lowstart>high(sarr) then begin DestS:=''; { All source strings empty } exit; end; DestCP:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(DestCP); sameCP:=true; tmpCP:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(StringCodePage(sarr[lowstart])); for i:=lowstart+1 to high(sarr) do begin { ignore the code page of empty strings, it will always be DefaultSystemCodePage but it doesn't matter for the outcome } if (sarr[i]<>'') and (tmpCP<>TranslatePlaceholderCP(StringCodePage(sarr[i]))) then begin sameCP:=false; break; end; end; if not sameCP then begin U:=''; for i:=lowstart to high(sarr) do if sarr[i]<>'' then U:=U+UnicodeString(sarr[i]); DestS:=''; widestringmanager.Unicode2AnsiMoveProc(PUnicodeChar(Pointer(U)),DestS,DestCP,Length(U)); exit; end; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} { if the result is rawbytestring and all strings have the same code page, keep that code page } if cp=CP_NONE then DestCP:=tmpCP; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} destcopy:=nil; nonemptystart:=lowstart; { Check for another reuse, then we can't use the append optimization } if DestS<>'' then begin if Pointer(DestS)=Pointer(sarr[lowstart]) then inc(lowstart); for i:=lowstart to high(sarr) do begin if Pointer(DestS)=Pointer(sarr[i]) then begin { if DestS is used somewhere in the middle of the expression, we need to make sure the original string still exists after we empty/modify DestS } destcopy:=pointer(dests); fpc_AnsiStr_Incr_Ref(destcopy); lowstart:=nonemptystart; break; end; end; end; { Start with empty DestS if we start with concatting the first (non-empty) array element } if lowstart=nonemptystart then DestS:=''; OldDestLen:=length(DestS); { Calculate size of the result so we can do a single call to SetLength() } NewLen:=0; for i:=nonemptystart to high(sarr) do inc(NewLen,length(sarr[i])); SetLength(DestS,NewLen); { Concat all strings, except the string we already copied in DestS } pc:=Pointer(DestS)+OldDestLen; for i:=lowstart to high(sarr) do begin p:=pointer(sarr[i]); if assigned(p) then begin Size:=length(ansistring(p)); Move(p^,pc^,Size+1); inc(pc,size); end; end; SetCodePage(DestS,tmpCP,False); SetCodePage(DestS,DestCP,True); fpc_AnsiStr_Decr_Ref(destcopy); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_CONCAT_MULTI} {$ifdef EXTRAANSISHORT} Procedure AnsiStr_ShortStr_Concat (Var S1: AnsiString; Var S2 : ShortString); { Concatenates a Ansi with a short string; : S2 + S2 } Var Size,Location : SizeInt; begin Size:=Length(S2); Location:=Length(S1); If Size=0 then exit; { Setlength takes case of uniqueness and alllocated memory. We need to use length, to take into account possibility of S1=Nil } SetLength (S1,Size+Length(S1)); Move (S2[1],Pointer(Pointer(S1)+Location)^,Size); PByte( Pointer(S1)+length(S1) )^:=0; { Terminating Zero } end; {$endif EXTRAANSISHORT} {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_ANSISTR} Function fpc_AnsiStr_To_AnsiStr (const S : RawByteString;cp : TSystemCodePage): RawByteString; [Public, alias: 'FPC_ANSISTR_TO_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; { Converts an AnsiString to an AnsiString taking code pages into care } Var Size : SizeInt; temp : UnicodeString; orgcp: TSystemCodePage; begin result:=''; Size:=Length(S); if Size>0 then begin cp:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(cp); orgcp:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(StringCodePage(S)); if (orgcp=cp) or (orgcp=CP_NONE) then begin SetLength(result,Size); Move(S[1],result[1],Size); PAnsiRec(Pointer(result)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage:=cp; end else begin temp:=UnicodeString(S); Size:=Length(temp); widestringmanager.Unicode2AnsiMoveProc(PUnicodeChar(Pointer(temp)),result,cp,Size); end; end; end; Function fpc_AnsiStr_To_AnsiStr (const S : RawByteString;cp : TSystemCodePage): RawByteString; [external name 'FPC_ANSISTR_TO_ANSISTR']; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_ANSISTR} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_SHORTSTR} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_SHORTSTR} procedure fpc_AnsiStr_To_ShortStr (out res: shortstring; const S2 : RawByteString);[Public, alias: 'FPC_ANSISTR_TO_SHORTSTR']; compilerproc; { Converts a AnsiString to a ShortString; } Var Size : SizeInt; begin if S2='' then res:='' else begin Size:=Length(S2); If Size>high(res) then Size:=high(res); Move (S2[1],res[1],Size); byte(res[0]):=byte(Size); end; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_SHORTSTR} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_TO_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_TO_ANSISTR} Function fpc_ShortStr_To_AnsiStr (Const S2 : ShortString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}): RawByteString; compilerproc; { Converts a ShortString to a AnsiString; } Var Size : SizeInt; {$ifndef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp : TSystemCodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} begin {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(cp); {$else FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp:=DefaultSystemCodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} Size:=Length(S2); Setlength(fpc_ShortStr_To_AnsiStr,Size); if Size>0 then begin fpc_shortstr_ansistr_intern_charmove(S2,1,fpc_ShortStr_To_AnsiStr,0,Size); SetCodePage(fpc_ShortStr_To_AnsiStr,cp,False); end end; {$endif FPC_HAS_SHORTSTR_TO_ANSISTR} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_CHAR_TO_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_CHAR_TO_ANSISTR} Function fpc_Char_To_AnsiStr(const c : AnsiChar{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}): RawByteString; compilerproc; { Converts a Char to a AnsiString; } {$ifndef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} var cp : TSystemCodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} begin {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(cp); {$else FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp:=DefaultSystemCodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} Setlength (fpc_Char_To_AnsiStr,1); PAnsiChar(fpc_Char_To_AnsiStr)^:=c; { Terminating Zero already set by SetLength above } SetCodePage(fpc_Char_To_AnsiStr,cp,False); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_CHAR_TO_ANSISTR} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_PCHAR_TO_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_PCHAR_TO_ANSISTR} Function fpc_PChar_To_AnsiStr(const p : PAnsiChar{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}): RawByteString; compilerproc; Var L : SizeInt; {$ifndef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp : TSystemCodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} begin if (not assigned(p)) or (p[0]=#0) Then L := 0 else L:=IndexChar(p^,-1,#0); SetLength(fpc_PChar_To_AnsiStr,L); if L > 0 then begin {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(cp); {$else FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp:=DefaultSystemCodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(p,0,fpc_PChar_To_AnsiStr,0,L); SetCodePage(fpc_PChar_To_AnsiStr,cp,False); end; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_PCHAR_TO_ANSISTR} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_CHARARRAY_TO_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_CHARARRAY_TO_ANSISTR} Function fpc_CharArray_To_AnsiStr(const arr: array of ansichar; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}cp : TSystemCodePage;{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}zerobased: boolean = true): RawByteString; compilerproc; var i : SizeInt; {$ifndef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp : TSystemCodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} begin if (zerobased) then begin if (arr[0]=#0) Then i := 0 else begin i:=IndexChar(arr,high(arr)+1,#0); if i = -1 then i := high(arr)+1; end; end else i := high(arr)+1; SetLength(fpc_CharArray_To_AnsiStr,i); if i > 0 then begin {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(cp); {$else FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp:=DefaultSystemCodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(pansichar(@arr),0,fpc_CharArray_To_AnsiStr,0,i); SetCodePage(fpc_CharArray_To_AnsiStr,cp,False); end; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_CHARARRAY} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_CHARARRAY} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_CHARARRAY} procedure fpc_ansistr_to_chararray(out res: array of AnsiChar; const src: RawByteString); compilerproc; var len: SizeInt; begin len := length(src); if len > length(res) then len := length(res); {$push}{$r-} { make sure we don't try to access element 1 of the ansistring if it's nil } if len > 0 then move(src[1],res[0],len); fillchar(res[len],length(res)-len,0); {$pop} end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_TO_CHARARRAY} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_COMPARE} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_COMPARE} Function fpc_utf8_Compare(const S1,S2 : RawByteString): SizeInt; var r1,r2 : RawByteString; begin r1:=S1; r2:=S2; //convert them to utf8 then compare SetCodePage(r1,65001); SetCodePage(r2,65001); Result:=fpc_AnsiStr_Compare(r1,r2); end; Function fpc_AnsiStr_Compare(const S1,S2 : RawByteString): SizeInt;[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_COMPARE']; compilerproc; { Compares 2 AnsiStrings; The result is <0 if S10 if S1>S2 } Var MaxI,Temp : SizeInt; cp1,cp2 : TSystemCodePage; r1,r2 : RawByteString; begin if pointer(S1)=pointer(S2) then begin result:=0; exit; end; if (pointer(S1)=nil) then begin result:=-Length(S2); exit; end; if (pointer(S2)=nil) then begin result:=Length(S1); exit; end; cp1:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(StringCodePage(S1)); cp2:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(StringCodePage(S2)); if cp1=cp2 then begin Maxi:=Length(S1); temp:=Length(S2); If MaxI>Temp then MaxI:=Temp; if MaxI>0 then begin result:=CompareByte(S1[1],S2[1],MaxI); if result=0 then result:=Length(S1)-Length(S2); end else result:=Length(S1)-Length(S2); end else Result:=fpc_utf8_compare(s1,s2); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_COMPARE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_COMPARE_EQUAL} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_COMPARE_EQUAL} Function fpc_utf8_Compare_equal(Const S1,S2 : RawByteString): SizeInt; Var r1,r2 : RawByteString; L1,L2 : SizeInt; begin r1:=S1; r2:=S2; //convert them to utf8 then compare SetCodePage(r1,65001); SetCodePage(r2,65001); L1:=Length(r1); L2:=Length(r2); Result:=L1-L2; if Result = 0 then if L1>0 then result:=CompareByte(r1[1],r2[1],L1); end; Function fpc_AnsiStr_Compare_equal(const S1,S2 : RawByteString): SizeInt;[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_COMPARE_EQUAL']; compilerproc; { Compares 2 AnsiStrings for equality/inequality only; The result is 0 if S1=S2 <>0 if S1<>S2 } Var MaxI,Temp : SizeInt; cp1,cp2 : TSystemCodePage; begin if pointer(S1)=pointer(S2) then Exit(0); { don't compare strings if one of them is empty } if (pointer(S1)=nil) or (pointer(S2)=Nil) then Exit(-1); cp1:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(StringCodePage(S1)); cp2:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(StringCodePage(S2)); if cp1=cp2 then begin Maxi:=Length(S1); temp:=Length(S2); Result := Maxi - temp; if Result = 0 then if MaxI>0 then result:=CompareByte(S1[1],S2[1],MaxI); end else begin Result:=fpc_utf8_Compare_equal(S1,S2); end; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_COMPARE_EQUAL} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_RANGECHECK} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_RANGECHECK} Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_RangeCheck(p: Pointer; index: SizeInt);[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_RANGECHECK']; compilerproc; begin if (p=nil) or (index>PAnsiRec(p-AnsiFirstOff)^.Len) or (Index<1) then HandleErrorAddrFrameInd(201,get_pc_addr,get_frame); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_RANGECHECK} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_SETLENGTH} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_SETLENGTH} Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_SetLength (Var S : RawByteString; l : SizeInt{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_SETLENGTH']; compilerproc; { Sets The length of string S to L. Makes sure S is unique, and contains enough room. } Var Temp : Pointer; lens, lena : SizeInt; begin if (l>0) then begin if Pointer(S)=nil then begin Pointer(S):=NewAnsiString(L); {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} cp:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(cp); PAnsiRec(Pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage:=cp; {$else} PAnsiRec(Pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage:=DefaultSystemCodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end else if PAnsiRec(Pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.Ref=1 then begin Temp:=Pointer(s)-AnsiFirstOff; lens:=MemSize(Temp); lena:=AnsiFirstOff+L+sizeof(AnsiChar); { allow shrinking string if that saves at least half of current size } if (lena>lens) or ((lens>32) and (lena<=(lens div 2))) then begin reallocmem(Temp,lena); Pointer(S):=Temp+AnsiFirstOff; end; end else begin { Reallocation is needed... } Temp:=NewAnsiString(L); PAnsiRec(Pointer(Temp)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage:=PAnsiRec(Pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage; lens:=length(s); if l<=lens then lens:=l else { Also copy a trailing implicit #0 of the original string to the new larger string } Inc(lens); Move(Pointer(S)^,Temp^,lens); fpc_ansistr_decr_ref(Pointer(s)); Pointer(S):=Temp; end; { Force nil termination in case it gets shorter } PByte(Pointer(S)+l)^:=0; PAnsiRec(Pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.Len:=l; end else { length=0, deallocate the string } fpc_ansistr_decr_ref (Pointer(S)); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_SETLENGTH} {$ifdef EXTRAANSISHORT} Function fpc_AnsiStr_ShortStr_Compare (Var S1 : Pointer; Var S2 : ShortString): SizeInt; compilerproc; { Compares a AnsiString with a ShortString; The result is <0 if S10 if S1>S2 } Var i,MaxI,Temp : SizeInt; begin Temp:=0; i:=0; MaxI:=Length(AnsiString(S1)); if MaxI>byte(S2[0]) then MaxI:=Byte(S2[0]); While (i1 then result:=fpc_truely_ansistr_unique(s); end; {$endif FPC_SYSTEM_HAS_ANSISTR_UNIQUE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_COPY} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_COPY} Function Fpc_Ansistr_Copy(Const S : RawByteString; Index,Size : SizeInt): RawByteString;compilerproc; var ResultAddress : Pointer; begin ResultAddress:=Nil; dec(index); if Index < 0 then Index := 0; { Check Size. Accounts for Zero-length S, the double check is needed because Size can be maxint and will get <0 when adding index } if (Size>Length(S)) or (Index+Size>Length(S)) then Size:=Length(S)-Index; If Size>0 then begin ResultAddress:=NewAnsiString(Size); if ResultAddress<>Nil then begin Move(Pointer(Pointer(S)+index)^,ResultAddress^,Size); PByte(ResultAddress+Size)^:=0; PAnsiRec(ResultAddress-AnsiFirstOff)^.Len:=Size; PAnsiRec(ResultAddress-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage:=PAnsiRec(Pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage; end; end; fpc_ansistr_decr_ref(Pointer(fpc_ansistr_copy)); Pointer(fpc_ansistr_Copy):=ResultAddress; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_COPY} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_POS_SHORTSTR_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_POS_SHORTSTR_ANSISTR} Function Pos(Const Substr : ShortString; Const Source : RawByteString; Offset : Sizeint = 1) : SizeInt; var i,MaxLen : SizeInt; pc : PAnsiChar; begin Pos:=0; if (Length(SubStr)>0) and (Offset>0) and (Offset<=Length(Source)) then begin MaxLen:=Length(source)-Length(SubStr); i:=Offset-1; pc:=@source[Offset]; while (i<=MaxLen) do begin inc(i); if (SubStr[1]=pc^) and (CompareByte(Substr[1],pc^,Length(SubStr))=0) then begin Pos:=i; exit; end; inc(pc); end; end; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_POS_SHORTSTR_ANSISTR} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_POS_ANSISTR_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_POS_ANSISTR_ANSISTR} Function Pos(Const Substr : RawByteString; Const Source : RawByteString; Offset : Sizeint = 1) : SizeInt; var i,MaxLen : SizeInt; pc : PAnsiChar; begin Pos:=0; if (Length(SubStr)>0) and (Offset>0) and (Offset<=Length(Source)) then begin MaxLen:=Length(source)-Length(SubStr); i:=Offset-1; pc:=@source[Offset]; while (i<=MaxLen) do begin inc(i); if (SubStr[1]=pc^) and (CompareByte(Substr[1],pc^,Length(SubStr))=0) then begin Pos:=i; exit; end; inc(pc); end; end; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_POS_ANSISTR_ANSISTR} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_POS_ANSICHAR_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_POS_ANSICHAR_ANSISTR} { Faster version for a char alone. Must be implemented because } { pos(c: char; const s: shortstring) also exists, so otherwise } { using pos(char,pchar) will always call the shortstring version } { (exact match for first argument), also with $h+ (JM) } Function Pos(c : AnsiChar; Const s : RawByteString; Offset : Sizeint = 1) : SizeInt; var i: SizeInt; pc : PAnsiChar; begin Pos:=0; If (Offset<1) or (Offset>Length(S)) then exit; pc:=@s[OffSet]; for i:=Offset to length(s) do begin if pc^=c then begin pos:=i; exit; end; inc(pc); end; pos:=0; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_POS_ANSICHAR_ANSISTR} {$ifndef FPUNONE} Function fpc_Val_Real_AnsiStr(Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): ValReal; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_REAL_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : String; begin fpc_Val_Real_AnsiStr := 0; if length(S) > 255 then code := 256 else begin SS := S; Val(SS,fpc_Val_Real_AnsiStr,code); end; end; {$endif} Function fpc_Val_Currency_AnsiStr(Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): Currency; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_CURRENCY_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : String; begin if length(S) > 255 then begin fpc_Val_Currency_AnsiStr := 0; code := 256; end else begin SS := S; Val(SS,fpc_Val_Currency_AnsiStr,code); end; end; Function fpc_Val_UInt_AnsiStr (Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): ValUInt; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_UINT_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_UInt_AnsiStr := 0; if length(S) > 255 then code := 256 else begin SS := S; Val(SS,fpc_Val_UInt_AnsiStr,code); end; end; Function fpc_Val_SInt_AnsiStr (DestSize: SizeInt; Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): ValSInt; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_SINT_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_SInt_AnsiStr:=0; if length(S)>255 then code:=256 else begin SS := S; fpc_Val_SInt_AnsiStr := int_Val_SInt_ShortStr(DestSize,SS,Code); end; end; {$ifndef CPU64} Function fpc_Val_qword_AnsiStr (Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): qword; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_QWORD_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_qword_AnsiStr:=0; if length(S)>255 then code:=256 else begin SS := S; Val(SS,fpc_Val_qword_AnsiStr,Code); end; end; Function fpc_Val_int64_AnsiStr (Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): Int64; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_INT64_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_int64_AnsiStr:=0; if length(S)>255 then code:=256 else begin SS := s; Val(SS,fpc_Val_int64_AnsiStr,Code); end; end; {$endif CPU64} {$if defined(CPU16) or defined(CPU8)} Function fpc_Val_longword_AnsiStr (Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): longword; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_LONGWORD_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_longword_AnsiStr:=0; if length(S)>255 then code:=256 else begin SS := S; Val(SS,fpc_Val_longword_AnsiStr,Code); end; end; Function fpc_Val_longint_AnsiStr (Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): LongInt; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_LONGINT_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_longint_AnsiStr:=0; if length(S)>255 then code:=256 else begin SS := s; Val(SS,fpc_Val_longint_AnsiStr,Code); end; end; Function fpc_Val_word_AnsiStr (Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): word; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_WORD_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_word_AnsiStr:=0; if length(S)>255 then code:=256 else begin SS := S; Val(SS,fpc_Val_word_AnsiStr,Code); end; end; Function fpc_Val_smallint_AnsiStr (Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): smallint; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_SMALLINT_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_smallint_AnsiStr:=0; if length(S)>255 then code:=256 else begin SS := s; Val(SS,fpc_Val_smallint_AnsiStr,Code); end; end; {$endif CPU16 or CPU8} {$if defined(CPU8)} Function fpc_Val_word_AnsiStr (Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): longword; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_WORD_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_longword_AnsiStr:=0; if length(S)>255 then code:=256 else begin SS := S; Val(SS,fpc_Val_longword_AnsiStr,Code); end; end; Function fpc_Val_smallint_AnsiStr (Const S : RawByteString; out Code : ValSInt): LongInt; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_SMALLINT_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; Var SS : ShortString; begin fpc_Val_longint_AnsiStr:=0; if length(S)>255 then code:=256 else begin SS := s; Val(SS,fpc_Val_longint_AnsiStr,Code); end; end; {$endif CPU8} {$ifndef FPUNONE} procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Float(d : ValReal;len,fr,rt : SizeInt;out s : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[public,alias:'FPC_ANSISTR_FLOAT']; compilerproc; inline; var ss: ShortString; begin str_real(len,fr,d,treal_type(rt),ss); s:=ss; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; {$endif} {$ifndef FPC_STR_ENUM_INTERN} procedure fpc_ansistr_enum(ordinal,len:sizeint;typinfo,ord2strindex:pointer;out s:RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[public,alias:'FPC_ANSISTR_ENUM'];compilerproc; inline; var ss:shortstring; begin fpc_shortstr_enum(ordinal,len,typinfo,ord2strindex,ss); s:=ss; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; {$endif FPC_STR_ENUM_INTERN} procedure fpc_ansistr_bool(b : boolean;len:sizeint;out s:RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[public,alias:'FPC_ANSISTR_BOOL'];compilerproc; inline; var ss:shortstring; begin fpc_shortstr_bool(b,len,ss); s:=ss; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; {$ifndef FPC_STR_ENUM_INTERN} function fpc_val_enum_ansistr(str2ordindex:pointer;const s:RawByteString;out code:valsint):longint; [public, alias:'FPC_VAL_ENUM_ANSISTR']; compilerproc; begin fpc_val_enum_ansistr:=fpc_val_enum_shortstr(str2ordindex,s,code); end; {$endif FPC_STR_ENUM_INTERN} procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Currency(c : currency;len,fr : SizeInt;out s : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[public,alias:'FPC_ANSISTR_CURRENCY']; compilerproc; inline; var ss: ShortString; begin str(c:len:fr,ss); s:=ss; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_UInt(v : ValUInt;Len : SizeInt; out S : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_VALUINT']; compilerproc; inline; Var SS : ShortString; begin str(v:Len,SS); S:=SS; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_SInt(v : ValSInt;Len : SizeInt; out S : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_VALSINT']; compilerproc; inline; Var SS : ShortString; begin str (v:Len,SS); S:=SS; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; {$ifndef CPU64} Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_QWord(v : QWord;Len : SizeInt; out S : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_QWORD']; compilerproc; inline; Var SS : ShortString; begin str(v:Len,SS); S:=SS; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Int64(v : Int64; Len : SizeInt; out S : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_INT64']; compilerproc; inline; Var SS : ShortString; begin str (v:Len,SS); S:=SS; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; {$endif CPU64} {$if defined(CPU16) or defined(CPU8)} Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_LongWord(v : LongWord;Len : SizeInt; out S : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_LONGWORD']; compilerproc; inline; Var SS : ShortString; begin str(v:Len,SS); S:=SS; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_LongInt(v : LongInt; Len : SizeInt; out S : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_LONGINT']; compilerproc; inline; Var SS : ShortString; begin str (v:Len,SS); S:=SS; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_Word(v : Word;Len : SizeInt; out S : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_WORD']; compilerproc; inline; Var SS : ShortString; begin str(v:Len,SS); S:=SS; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; Procedure fpc_AnsiStr_SmallInt(v : SmallInt; Len : SizeInt; out S : RawByteString{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING};cp : TSystemCodePage{$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING});[Public,Alias : 'FPC_ANSISTR_SMALLINT']; compilerproc; inline; Var SS : ShortString; begin str (v:Len,SS); S:=SS; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(s,cp,false); {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end; {$endif CPU16 or CPU8} Procedure {$ifdef VER3_0}Delete{$else}fpc_ansistr_delete{$endif}(Var S : RawByteString; Index,Size: SizeInt); Var LS : SizeInt; begin ls:=Length(S); If (Index>LS) or (Index<=0) or (Size<=0) then exit; UniqueString(S); If (Size>LS-Index) then // Size+Index gives overflow ?? Size:=LS-Index+1; If (Size<=LS-Index) then begin Dec(Index); fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(pchar(S),Index+Size,S,Index,LS-Index-Size+1); end; Setlength(S,LS-Size); end; Procedure {$ifdef VER3_0}Insert{$else}fpc_ansistr_insert{$endif}(Const Source : RawByteString; Var S : RawByteString; Index : SizeInt); var Temp : RawByteString; LS : SizeInt; cp : TSystemCodePage; begin If Length(Source)=0 then exit; if index <= 0 then index := 1; Ls:=Length(S); if index > LS then index := LS+1; Dec(Index); SetLength(Temp,Length(Source)+LS); if length(S)<>0 then cp:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(StringCodePage(S)) else cp:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(StringCodePage(Source)); SetCodePage(Temp,cp,false); If Index>0 then fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(pchar(S),0,Temp,0,Index); fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(pchar(Source),0,Temp,Index,Length(Source)); If (LS-Index)>0 then fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(pchar(S),Index,Temp,Length(Source)+Index,LS-Index); S:=Temp; end; {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_OF_CHAR} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_OF_CHAR} Function StringOfChar(c : Ansichar;l : SizeInt) : AnsiString; begin SetLength(StringOfChar,l); FillChar(Pointer(StringOfChar)^,Length(StringOfChar),c); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_OF_CHAR} {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} Procedure fpc_setstring_ansistr_pansichar(out S : RawByteString; Buf : PAnsiChar; Len : SizeInt; cp: TSystemCodePage); rtlproc; compilerproc; {$else} Procedure SetString(out S : AnsiString; Buf : PAnsiChar; Len : SizeInt); {$endif} begin SetLength(S,Len); {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(S,cp,false); {$endif} If (Buf<>Nil) then fpc_pchar_ansistr_intern_charmove(Buf,0,S,0,Len); end; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} Procedure fpc_setstring_ansistr_pwidechar(out S : RawByteString; Buf : PWideChar; Len : SizeInt; cp: TSystemCodePage); rtlproc; compilerproc; {$else} Procedure SetString(out S : AnsiString; Buf : PWideChar; Len : SizeInt); {$endif} begin if (Buf<>nil) and (Len>0) then widestringmanager.Wide2AnsiMoveProc(Buf,S,{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}cp{$else}DefaultSystemCodePage{$endif},Len) else begin SetLength(S, Len); {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} SetCodePage(S,cp,false); {$endif} end; end; {$ifndef FPC_HAS_UPCASE_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_UPCASE_ANSISTR} function upcase(const s : ansistring) : ansistring; var i : SizeInt; begin Setlength(result,length(s)); for i := 1 to length (s) do result[i] := upcase(s[i]); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_UPCASE_ANSISTR} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_LOWERCASE_ANSISTR} {$define FPC_HAS_LOWERCASE_ANSISTR} function lowercase(const s : ansistring) : ansistring; var i : SizeInt; begin Setlength(result,length(s)); for i := 1 to length (s) do result[i] := lowercase(s[i]); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_LOWERCASE_ANSISTR} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_STRINGCODEPAGE} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_STRINGCODEPAGE} function StringCodePage(const S: RawByteString): TSystemCodePage; overload; begin {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} if assigned(Pointer(S)) then Result:=PAnsiRec(pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage else {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} Result:=DefaultSystemCodePage; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_STRINGCODEPAGE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_STRINGELEMENTSIZE} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_STRINGELEMENTSIZE} function StringElementSize(const S: RawByteString): Word; overload; begin if assigned(Pointer(S)) then Result:=PAnsiRec(pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.ElementSize else Result:=SizeOf(AnsiChar); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_STRINGELEMENTSIZE} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_STRINGREFCOUNT} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_STRINGREFCOUNT} function StringRefCount(const S: RawByteString): SizeInt; overload; begin if assigned(Pointer(S)) then Result:=PAnsiRec(pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.Ref else Result:=0; end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_STRINGREFCOUNT} {$ifndef FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_SETCODEPAGE} {$define FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_SETCODEPAGE} procedure InternalSetCodePage(var s : RawByteString; CodePage : TSystemCodePage; Convert : Boolean = True); begin if Convert then begin {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} s:=fpc_AnsiStr_To_AnsiStr(s,CodePage); {$else FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} UniqueString(s); PAnsiRec(pointer(s)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage:=CodePage; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} end else begin UniqueString(s); PAnsiRec(pointer(s)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage:=CodePage; end; end; { use this wrapper for the simple case to avoid the generation of a temp. ansistring which causes extra exception frames } procedure SetCodePage(var s : RawByteString; CodePage : TSystemCodePage; Convert : Boolean = True); var OrgCodePage, TranslatedCodePage, TranslatedCurrentCodePage: TSystemCodePage; begin if (S='') then exit; { if the codepage are identical, we don't have to do anything (even if the string has multiple references) } OrgCodePage:=PAnsiRec(pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage; if OrgCodePage=CodePage then exit; { if we're just replacing a placeholder code page with its actual value or vice versa, we don't have to perform any conversion } TranslatedCurrentCodePage:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(OrgCodePage); TranslatedCodePage:=TranslatePlaceholderCP(CodePage); Convert:=Convert and (TranslatedCurrentCodePage<>TranslatedCodePage); if not Convert and (PAnsiRec(pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.Ref=1) then PAnsiRec(pointer(S)-AnsiFirstOff)^.CodePage:=CodePage else InternalSetCodePage(S,CodePage,Convert); end; {$endif FPC_HAS_ANSISTR_SETCODEPAGE} procedure SetMultiByteConversionCodePage(CodePage: TSystemCodePage); begin DefaultSystemCodePage:=CodePage; end; procedure SetMultiByteFileSystemCodePage(CodePage: TSystemCodePage); begin DefaultFileSystemCodePage:=CodePage; end; procedure SetMultiByteRTLFileSystemCodePage(CodePage: TSystemCodePage); begin DefaultRTLFileSystemCodePage:=CodePage; end;