{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Florian Klaempfl This unit contains some routines to get informations about the processor See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$mode objfpc} unit cpu; interface {$ifdef freebsd} // FreeBSD 7/8 have binutils version that don't support cmpxchg16b // Unless overridebinutils is defined (for ports usage), use db instead of the instruction {$ifndef overridebinutils} {$define oldbinutils} {$endif} {$endif} uses sysutils; function InterlockedCompareExchange128Support : boolean;inline; function AESSupport : boolean;inline; function AVXSupport : boolean;inline; function AVX2Support: boolean;inline; function FMASupport: boolean;inline; function POPCNTSupport: boolean;inline; function SSE41Support: boolean;inline; function SSE42Support: boolean;inline; function MOVBESupport: boolean;inline; function F16CSupport: boolean;inline; function RDRANDSupport: boolean;inline; function RTMSupport: boolean;inline; var is_sse3_cpu : boolean = false; function InterlockedCompareExchange128(var Target: Int128Rec; NewValue: Int128Rec; Comperand: Int128Rec): Int128Rec; implementation {$asmmode att} var _AESSupport, _AVXSupport, _InterlockedCompareExchange128Support, _AVX2Support, _FMASupport, _POPCNTSupport, _SSE41Support, _SSE42Support, _MOVBESupport, _F16CSupport, _RDRANDSupport, _RTMSupport: boolean; function InterlockedCompareExchange128(var Target: Int128Rec; NewValue: Int128Rec; Comperand: Int128Rec): Int128Rec; assembler; { win64: rcx ... pointer to result rdx ... target r8 ... NewValue r9 ... Comperand } {$ifdef win64} asm pushq %rbx { store result pointer for later use } pushq %rcx { load new value } movq (%r8),%rbx movq 8(%r8),%rcx { save target pointer for later use } movq %rdx,%r8 { load comperand } movq (%r9),%rax movq 8(%r9),%rdx {$ifdef oldbinutils} .byte 0xF0,0x49,0x0F,0xC7,0x08 {$else} lock cmpxchg16b (%r8) {$endif} { restore result pointer } popq %rcx { store result } movq %rax,(%rcx) movq %rdx,8(%rcx) popq %rbx end; {$else win64} { linux: rdi ... target [rsi:rdx] ... NewValue [rcx:r8] ... Comperand [rdx:rax] ... result } asm pushq %rbx movq %rsi,%rbx // new value low movq %rcx,%rax // comperand low movq %rdx,%rcx // new value high movq %r8,%rdx // comperand high {$ifdef oldbinutils} .byte 0xF0,0x48,0x0F,0xC7,0x0F {$else} lock cmpxchg16b (%rdi) {$endif} popq %rbx end; {$endif win64} function XGETBV(i : dword) : int64;assembler; asm {$ifndef win64} movq %rdi,%rcx {$endif win64} // older FPCs don't know the xgetbv opcode .byte 0x0f,0x01,0xd0 andl $0xffffffff,%eax shlq $32,%rdx orq %rdx,%rax end; procedure SetupSupport; var _ecx, _ebx : longint; begin asm movl $0x00000001,%eax cpuid movl %ecx,_ecx end ['rax','rbx','rcx','rdx']; _InterlockedCompareExchange128Support:=(_ecx and $2000)<>0; _AESSupport:=(_ecx and $2000000)<>0; _POPCNTSupport:=(_ecx and $800000)<>0; _SSE41Support:=(_ecx and $80000)<>0; _SSE42Support:=(_ecx and $100000)<>0; _MOVBESupport:=(_ecx and $400000)<>0; _F16CSupport:=(_ecx and $20000000)<>0; _RDRANDSupport:=(_ecx and $40000000)<>0; _AVXSupport:= { XGETBV suspport? } ((_ecx and $08000000)<>0) and { xmm and ymm state enabled? } ((XGETBV(0) and %110)=%110) and { avx supported? } ((_ecx and $10000000)<>0); is_sse3_cpu:=(_ecx and $1)<>0; _FMASupport:=_AVXSupport and ((_ecx and $1000)<>0); asm movl $7,%eax movl $0,%ecx cpuid movl %ebx,_ebx end ['rax','rbx','rcx','rdx']; _AVX2Support:=_AVXSupport and ((_ebx and $20)<>0); _RTMSupport:=((_ebx and $800)<>0); end; function InterlockedCompareExchange128Support : boolean;inline; begin result:=_InterlockedCompareExchange128Support; end; function AESSupport : boolean;inline; begin result:=_AESSupport; end; function AVXSupport: boolean;inline; begin result:=_AVXSupport; end; function AVX2Support: boolean;inline; begin result:=_AVX2Support; end; function FMASupport: boolean;inline; begin result:=_FMASupport; end; function POPCNTSupport: boolean;inline; begin result:=_POPCNTSupport; end; function SSE41Support: boolean;inline; begin result:=_SSE41Support; end; function SSE42Support: boolean;inline; begin result:=_SSE42Support; end; function MOVBESupport: boolean;inline; begin result:=_MOVBESupport; end; function F16CSupport: boolean;inline; begin result:=_F16CSupport; end; function RDRANDSupport: boolean;inline; begin result:=_RDRANDSupport; end; function RTMSupport: boolean;inline; begin result:=_RTMSupport; end; begin SetupSupport; end.