{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl This unit implements an abstract asmoutput class for all processor types This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } { @abstract(This unit implements an abstract asm output class for all processor types) This unit implements an abstract assembler output class for all processors, these are then overridden for each assembler writer to actually write the data in these classes to an assembler file. } unit aasmbase; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cutils,cclasses, globtype,globals,systems ; type TAsmsymbind=( AB_NONE,AB_EXTERNAL,AB_COMMON,AB_LOCAL,AB_GLOBAL,AB_WEAK_EXTERNAL, { global in the current program/library, but not visible outside it (= "hidden" in ELF) } AB_PRIVATE_EXTERN, AB_LAZY,AB_IMPORT, { a symbol that's internal to the compiler and used as a temp } AB_TEMP, { a global symbol that points to another global symbol and is only used to allow indirect loading in case of packages and indirect imports } AB_INDIRECT,AB_EXTERNAL_INDIRECT); TAsmsymtype=( AT_NONE,AT_FUNCTION,AT_DATA,AT_SECTION,AT_LABEL, { the address of this code label is taken somewhere in the code so it must be taken care of it when creating pic } AT_ADDR, { Label for debug or other non-program information } AT_METADATA, { label for data that must always be accessed indirectly, because it is handled explcitely in the system unit or (e.g. RTTI and threadvar tables) -- never seen in an assembler/assembler writer, always changed to AT_DATA } AT_DATA_FORCEINDIRECT, { don't generate an implicit indirect symbol as that might be provided by other means (e.g. the typed const builder) to ensure a correct section name } AT_DATA_NOINDIRECT, { Thread-local symbol (ELF targets) } AT_TLS, { GNU indirect function (ELF targets) } AT_GNU_IFUNC ); { is the label only there for getting an DataOffset (e.g. for i/o checks -> alt_addr) or is it a jump target (alt_jump), for debug info alt_dbgline and alt_dbgfile, etc. } TAsmLabelType = (alt_jump,alt_addr,alt_data,alt_dbgline,alt_dbgfile,alt_dbgtype,alt_dbgframe,alt_eh_begin,alt_eh_end); const asmlabeltypeprefix : array[TAsmLabeltype] of string[2] = ('j','a','d','l','f','t','c','eb','ee'); asmsymbindname : array[TAsmsymbind] of string[23] = ('none', 'external','common', 'local','global','weak external','private external','lazy','import','internal temp', 'indirect','external indirect'); asmsymbindindirect = [AB_INDIRECT,AB_EXTERNAL_INDIRECT]; type TAsmSectiontype=(sec_none, { this section type allows to define a user named section } sec_user, sec_code, sec_data, { read-only, but may contain relocations } sec_rodata, { read-only and cannot contain relocations } sec_rodata_norel, sec_bss, sec_threadvar, { used for wince exception handling } sec_pdata, { used for darwin import stubs } sec_stub, sec_data_nonlazy, sec_data_lazy, sec_init_func, sec_term_func, { stabs } sec_stab,sec_stabstr, { win32 } sec_idata2,sec_idata4,sec_idata5,sec_idata6,sec_idata7,sec_edata, { C++ exception handling unwinding (uses dwarf) } sec_eh_frame, { dwarf } sec_debug_frame, sec_debug_info, sec_debug_line, sec_debug_abbrev, sec_debug_aranges, sec_debug_ranges, { Yury: "sec_fpc is intended for storing fpc specific data which must be recognized and processed specially by linker. Currently fpc version string, dummy links to stab sections and elf resources are stored in .fpc sections." "If special .fpc section cannot be used on some target, .text can be used instead." } sec_fpc, { Table of contents section } sec_toc, sec_init, sec_fini, {Objective-C common and fragile ABI } sec_objc_class, sec_objc_meta_class, sec_objc_cat_cls_meth, sec_objc_cat_inst_meth, sec_objc_protocol, sec_objc_string_object, sec_objc_cls_meth, sec_objc_inst_meth, sec_objc_cls_refs, sec_objc_message_refs, sec_objc_symbols, sec_objc_category, sec_objc_class_vars, sec_objc_instance_vars, sec_objc_module_info, sec_objc_class_names, sec_objc_meth_var_types, sec_objc_meth_var_names, sec_objc_selector_strs, sec_objc_protocol_ext, sec_objc_class_ext, sec_objc_property, sec_objc_image_info, sec_objc_cstring_object, sec_objc_sel_fixup, { Objective-C non-fragile ABI } sec_objc_data, sec_objc_const, sec_objc_sup_refs, sec_data_coalesced, sec_objc_classlist, sec_objc_nlclasslist, sec_objc_catlist, sec_objc_nlcatlist, sec_objc_protolist, { stack segment for 16-bit DOS } sec_stack, { initial heap segment for 16-bit DOS } sec_heap, { dwarf based/gcc style exception handling } sec_gcc_except_table, sec_arm_attribute ); TObjCAsmSectionType = sec_objc_class..sec_objc_protolist; TAsmSectionOrder = (secorder_begin,secorder_default,secorder_end); TSectionFlag = (SF_A,SF_W,SF_X); TSectionFlags = set of TSectionFlag; TSectionProgbits = (SPB_None,SPB_PROGBITS,SPB_NOBITS,SPB_NOTE,SPB_ARM_ATTRIBUTES); TAsmSymbol = class(TFPHashObject) private { this need to be incremented with every symbol loading into the TAsmList with loadsym/loadref/const_symbol (PFV) } refs : longint; public { on avr the compiler needs to replace cond. jumps with too large offsets so we have to store an offset somewhere to calculate jump distances } {$ifdef AVR} offset : longint; {$endif AVR} bind : TAsmsymbind; typ : TAsmsymtype; {$ifdef llvm} { have we generated a declaration for this symbol? } declared : boolean; {$endif llvm} { Alternate symbol which can be used for 'renaming' needed for asm inlining. Also used for external and common solving during linking } altsymbol : TAsmSymbol; { Cached objsymbol } cachedobjsymbol : TObject; constructor Create(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const s:TSymStr;_bind:TAsmsymbind;_typ:Tasmsymtype); function getaltcopy(AList:TFPHashObjectList;altnr: longint): TAsmSymbol; virtual; function is_used:boolean; procedure increfs; procedure decrefs; function getrefs: longint; end; TAsmSymbolClass = class of TAsmSymbol; TAsmLabel = class(TAsmSymbol) protected function getname:TSymStr;override; {$push}{$warnings off} { new visibility section to let "warnings off" take effect } protected { this constructor is only supposed to be used internally by createstatoc/createlocal -> disable warning that constructors should be public } constructor create_non_global(AList: TFPHashObjectList; nr: longint; ltyp: TAsmLabelType; const prefix: TSymStr); public {$pop} labelnr : longint; labeltype : TAsmLabelType; is_set : boolean; is_public : boolean; defined_in_asmstatement : boolean; constructor Createlocal(AList: TFPHashObjectList; nr: longint; ltyp: TAsmLabelType); constructor Createstatic(AList: TFPHashObjectList; nr: longint; ltyp: TAsmLabelType); constructor Createglobal(AList: TFPHashObjectList; const modulename: TSymStr; nr: longint; ltyp: TAsmLabelType); function getaltcopy(AList:TFPHashObjectList;altnr: longint): TAsmSymbol; override; end; function create_smartlink_sections:boolean;inline; function create_smartlink_library:boolean;inline; function create_smartlink:boolean;inline; function ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(const s: ansistring): ansistring; { dummy default noop callback } procedure default_global_used; type { Procedure variable to allow for special handling of the occurence of use of a global variable, used by PIC code generation to request GOT loading } TGlobalUsedProcedure = procedure; const global_used : TGlobalUsedProcedure = @default_global_used; implementation uses verbose; function create_smartlink_sections:boolean;inline; begin result:=(af_smartlink_sections in target_asm.flags) and (tf_smartlink_sections in target_info.flags); end; function create_smartlink_library:boolean;inline; begin result:=(cs_Create_smart in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (tf_smartlink_library in target_info.flags) and not create_smartlink_sections; end; function create_smartlink:boolean;inline; begin result:=( (af_smartlink_sections in target_asm.flags) and (tf_smartlink_sections in target_info.flags) ) or ( (cs_Create_smart in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (tf_smartlink_library in target_info.flags) ); end; function ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(const s: ansistring): ansistring; var i : longint; rchar: char; begin Result:=s; rchar:=target_asm.dollarsign; for i:=1 to Length(Result) do if Result[i]='$' then Result[i]:=rchar; end; {***************************************************************************** TAsmSymbol *****************************************************************************} constructor TAsmSymbol.Create(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const s:TSymStr;_bind:TAsmsymbind;_typ:Tasmsymtype); begin; inherited Create(AList,s); bind:=_bind; typ:=_typ; { used to remove unused labels from the al_procedures } refs:=0; end; function TAsmSymbol.getaltcopy(AList:TFPHashObjectList;altnr: longint): TAsmSymbol; begin result := TAsmSymbol(TAsmSymbolClass(classtype).Create(AList,name+'_'+tostr(altnr),bind,typ)); end; function TAsmSymbol.is_used:boolean; begin is_used:=(refs>0); end; procedure TAsmSymbol.increfs; begin inc(refs); end; procedure TAsmSymbol.decrefs; begin dec(refs); if refs<0 then internalerror(200211121); end; function TAsmSymbol.getrefs: longint; begin getrefs := refs; end; {***************************************************************************** TAsmLabel *****************************************************************************} constructor TAsmLabel.Createlocal(AList: TFPHashObjectList; nr: longint; ltyp: TAsmLabelType); begin create_non_global(AList,nr,ltyp,target_asm.labelprefix); end; constructor TAsmLabel.Createstatic(AList:TFPHashObjectList;nr:longint;ltyp:TAsmLabelType); begin create_non_global(AList,nr,ltyp,'_$$fpclocal$_l'); end; constructor TAsmLabel.Createglobal(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const modulename:TSymStr;nr:longint;ltyp:TAsmLabelType); begin inherited Create(AList,'_$'+modulename+'$_L'+asmlabeltypeprefix[ltyp]+tostr(nr),AB_GLOBAL,AT_DATA); labelnr:=nr; labeltype:=ltyp; is_set:=false; { write it always } increfs; global_used; end; function TAsmLabel.getaltcopy(AList:TFPHashObjectList;altnr: longint): TAsmSymbol; begin; result := inherited getaltcopy(AList,altnr); TAsmLabel(result).labelnr:=labelnr; TAsmLabel(result).labeltype:=labeltype; TAsmLabel(result).is_set:=false; case bind of AB_GLOBAL, AB_PRIVATE_EXTERN: result.increfs; AB_LOCAL: ; else internalerror(2006053101); end; end; function TAsmLabel.getname:TSymStr; begin getname:=inherited getname; increfs; end; constructor TAsmLabel.create_non_global(AList: TFPHashObjectList; nr: longint; ltyp: TAsmLabelType; const prefix: TSymStr); var asmtyp: TAsmsymtype; begin case ltyp of alt_addr: asmtyp:=AT_ADDR; alt_data: asmtyp:=AT_DATA; else asmtyp:=AT_LABEL; end; inherited Create(AList,prefix+asmlabeltypeprefix[ltyp]+tostr(nr),AB_LOCAL,asmtyp); labelnr:=nr; labeltype:=ltyp; is_set:=false; end; procedure default_global_used; begin end; end.