{ Copyright (c) 2014 by Jonas Maebe, member of the Free Pascal development team This unit implements typed constant data elements at the assembler level This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit aasmcnst; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses,globtype,constexp, aasmbase,aasmdata,aasmtai, symconst,symbase,symtype,symdef,symsym; type { typed const: integer/floating point/string/pointer/... const along with tdef info } ttypedconstkind = (tck_simple, tck_array, tck_record); { the type of the element and its def } tai_abstracttypedconst = class abstract (tai) private procedure setdef(def: tdef); protected fadetyp: ttypedconstkind; { the def of this element } fdef: tdef; public constructor create(_adetyp: ttypedconstkind; _def: tdef); property adetyp: ttypedconstkind read fadetyp; property def: tdef read fdef write setdef; end; { a simple data element; the value is stored as a tai } tai_simpletypedconst = class(tai_abstracttypedconst) private procedure setval(AValue: tai); protected fval: tai; public constructor create(_def: tdef; _val: tai); destructor destroy; override; property val: tai read fval write setval; end; { an aggregate data element (record or array). Values are stored as an array of tsimpledataelement. } tai_aggregatetypedconst = class(tai_abstracttypedconst) public type { iterator to walk over all individual items in the aggregate } tadeenumerator = class(tobject) private fvalues: tfpobjectlist; fvaluespos: longint; function getcurrent: tai_abstracttypedconst; public constructor create(data: tai_aggregatetypedconst); function movenext: boolean; procedure reset; property current: tai_abstracttypedconst read getcurrent; end; protected fvalues: tfpobjectlist; fisstring: boolean; { converts the existing data to a single tai_string } procedure convert_to_string; procedure add_to_string(strtai: tai_string; othertai: tai); public constructor create(_adetyp: ttypedconstkind; _fdef: tdef); function getenumerator: tadeenumerator; procedure addvalue(val: tai_abstracttypedconst); virtual; function valuecount: longint; procedure insertvaluebeforepos(val: tai_abstracttypedconst; pos: longint); procedure replacevalueatpos(val: tai_abstracttypedconst; pos: longint); { change the type to a record, regardless of how the aggregate was created; the size of the original type and the record must match } procedure changetorecord(_def: trecorddef); procedure finish; destructor destroy; override; end; tasmlabofs = record lab: tasmlabel; ofs: asizeint; end; { flags for the finalisation of the typed const builder asmlist } ttcasmlistoption = ( { the tasmsymbol is a tasmlabel } tcalo_is_lab, { start a new section (e.g., because we don't know the current section type) } tcalo_new_section, { this symbol is the start of a block of data that should be dead-stripable/smartlinkable; may imply starting a new section, but not necessarily (depends on what the platform requirements are) } tcalo_make_dead_strippable, { this symbol should never be removed by the linker } tcalo_no_dead_strip, { start of a vectorized but individually dead strippable list of elements, like the resource strings of a unit: they have to stay in this order, but individual elements can be removed } tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_start, { item in the above list } tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_item, { end of the above list } tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_end, { symbol should be weakly defined } tcalo_weak, { symbol should be registered with the unit's public assembler symbols } tcalo_is_public_asm, { symbol should be declared with AT_DATA_FORCEINDIRECT } tcalo_data_force_indirect, { apply const_align() to the alignment, for user-defined data } tcalo_apply_constalign ); ttcasmlistoptions = set of ttcasmlistoption; ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloption = ( { define the symbol } tcdssso_define, { register the assembler symbol either with the public or extern assembler symbols of the unit } tcdssso_register_asmsym, { use the indirect symbol } tcdssso_use_indirect ); ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloptions = set of ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloption; { information about aggregates we are parsing } taggregateinformation = class private fnextfieldname: TIDString; function getcuroffset: asizeint; procedure setnextfieldname(const AValue: TIDString); protected { type of the aggregate } fdef: tdef; { type of the aggregate } ftyp: ttypedconstkind; { symtable entry of the previously emitted field in case of a record/object (nil if none emitted yet), used to insert alignment bytes if necessary for variant records and objects } fcurfield, { field corresponding to the data that will be emitted next in case of a record/object (nil if not set), used to handle variant records and objects } fnextfield: tfieldvarsym; { similar as the fcurfield/fnextfield above, but instead of fieldvarsyms these are indices in the symlist of a recorddef that correspond to fieldvarsyms. These are used only for non-variant records, simply traversing the fields in order. We could use the above method here as well, but to find the next field we'd always have to use symlist.indexof(fcurfield), which would be quite slow. These have -1 as value if they're not set } fcurindex, fnextindex: longint; { anonymous record that is being built as we add constant data } fanonrecord: boolean; property curindex: longint read fcurindex write fcurindex; property nextindex: longint read fnextindex write fnextindex; public constructor create(_def: tdef; _typ: ttypedconstkind); virtual; { calculated padding bytes for alignment if needed, and add the def of the next field in case we are constructing an anonymous record } function prepare_next_field(nextfielddef: tdef): asizeint; virtual; property def: tdef read fdef; property typ: ttypedconstkind read ftyp; property curfield: tfieldvarsym read fcurfield write fcurfield; property nextfield: tfieldvarsym read fnextfield write fnextfield; property nextfieldname: TIDString write setnextfieldname; property curoffset: asizeint read getcuroffset; property anonrecord: boolean read fanonrecord write fanonrecord; end; taggregateinformationclass = class of taggregateinformation; { information about a placeholder element that has been added, and which has to be replaced later with a real data element } ttypedconstplaceholder = class abstract def: tdef; constructor create(d: tdef); { same usage as ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_tai } procedure replace(ai: tai; d: tdef); virtual; abstract; end; { Warning: never directly create a ttai_typedconstbuilder instance, instead create a cai_typedconstbuilder (this class can be overridden) } ttai_typedconstbuilder = class abstract { class type to use when creating new aggregate information instances } protected class var caggregateinformation: taggregateinformationclass; private function getcurragginfo: taggregateinformation; procedure set_next_field(AValue: tfieldvarsym); procedure set_next_field_name(const AValue: TIDString); protected { temporary list in which all data is collected } fasmlist: tasmlist; { options for the final asmlist } foptions: ttcasmlistoptions; { while queueing elements of a compound expression, this is the current offset in the top-level array/record } fqueue_offset: asizeint; fqueued_def: tdef; { array of caggregateinformation instances } faggregateinformation: tfpobjectlist; { Support for generating data that is only referenced from the typed constant data that we are currently generated. Such data can all be put in the same dead-strippable unit, as it's either all included or none of it is included. This data can be spread over multiple kinds of sections though (e.g. rodata and rodata_no_rel), so per section keep track whether we already started a dead-strippable unit and if so, what the section name was (so that on platforms that perform the dead stripping based on sections, we put all data for one typed constant into a single section with the same name) } protected type tinternal_data_section_info = record secname: TSymStr; sectype: TAsmSectiontype; end; protected var { all internally generated data must be stored in the same list, as it must be consecutive (if it's spread over multiple lists, we don't know in which order they'll be concatenated) -> keep track of this list } finternal_data_asmlist: tasmlist; { kind of the last section we started in the finternal_data_asmlist, to avoid creating unnecessary section statements } finternal_data_current_section: TAsmSectiontype; { info about in which kinds of sections we have already emitted internal data, and what their names were } finternal_data_section_info: array of tinternal_data_section_info; { ensure that finalize_asmlist is called only once } fasmlist_finalized: boolean; { ensure that if it's vectorized dead strippable data, we called finalize_vectorized_dead_strip_asmlist instead of finalize_asmlist } fvectorized_finalize_called: boolean; { returns whether def must be handled as an aggregate on the current platform } function aggregate_kind(def: tdef): ttypedconstkind; virtual; { finalize the asmlist: add the necessary symbols etc } procedure finalize_asmlist(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef; section: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; alignment: shortint; const options: ttcasmlistoptions); virtual; procedure finalize_asmlist_add_indirect_sym(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef; section: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; alignment: shortint; const options: ttcasmlistoptions); virtual; { prepare finalization (common for the default and overridden versions } procedure finalize_asmlist_prepare(const options: ttcasmlistoptions; var alignment: shortint); { functionality of the above for vectorized dead strippable sections } procedure finalize_vectorized_dead_strip_asmlist(def: tdef; const basename, itemname: TSymStr; st: tsymtable; alignment: shortint; options: ttcasmlistoptions); virtual; { called by the public emit_tai() routines to actually add the typed constant data; the public ones also take care of adding extra padding bytes etc (by calling this one) } procedure do_emit_tai(p: tai; def: tdef); virtual; { calls prepare_next_field() and adds the padding bytes in the current location } procedure pad_next_field(nextfielddef: tdef); { returns the index in finternal_data_section_info of the info for the section of type typ. Returns -1 if there is no such info yet } function get_internal_data_section_index(typ: TAsmSectiontype): longint; { get a start label for an internal data section (at the start of a potentially dead-strippable part) } function get_internal_data_section_start_label: tasmlabel; virtual; { get a label in the middle of an internal data section (no dead stripping) } function get_internal_data_section_internal_label: tasmlabel; virtual; { adds a new entry to current_module.linkorderedsymbols } procedure add_link_ordered_symbol(sym: tasmsymbol; const secname: TSymStr); virtual; { easy access to the top level aggregate information instance } property curagginfo: taggregateinformation read getcurragginfo; public constructor create(const options: ttcasmlistoptions); virtual; destructor destroy; override; public { returns a builder for generating data that is only referrenced by the typed constant date we are currently generating (e.g. string data for a pchar constant). Also returns the label that will be placed at the start of that data. list is the tasmlist to which the data will be added. secname can be empty to use a default } procedure start_internal_data_builder(list: tasmlist; sectype: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; out tcb: ttai_typedconstbuilder; out l: tasmlabel); { finish a previously started internal data builder, including concatenating all generated data to the provided list and freeing the builder } procedure finish_internal_data_builder(var tcb: ttai_typedconstbuilder; l: tasmlabel; def: tdef; alignment: longint); { add a simple constant data element (p) to the typed constant. def is the type of the added value } procedure emit_tai(p: tai; def: tdef); virtual; { same as above, for a special case: when the def is a procvardef and we want to use it explicitly as a procdef (i.e., not as a record with a code and data pointer in case of a complex procvardef) } procedure emit_tai_procvar2procdef(p: tai; pvdef: tprocvardef); virtual; protected procedure maybe_emit_tail_padding(def: tdef); virtual; function emit_string_const_common(stringtype: tstringtype; len: asizeint; encoding: tstringencoding; var startlab: tasmlabel):tasmlabofs; function get_dynstring_def_for_type(stringtype: tstringtype; winlikewidestring: boolean): tstringdef; procedure begin_aggregate_internal(def: tdef; anonymous: boolean); virtual; procedure end_aggregate_internal(def: tdef; anonymous: boolean); virtual; { when building an anonymous record, we cannot immediately insert the alignment before it in case it's nested, since we only know the required alignment once all fields have been inserted -> mark the location before the anonymous record, and insert the alignment once it's finished } procedure mark_anon_aggregate_alignment; virtual; abstract; procedure insert_marked_aggregate_alignment(def: tdef); virtual; abstract; class function get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol(const basename: string; st: tsymtable; options: ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloptions; start: boolean): tasmsymbol; virtual; public class function get_vectorized_dead_strip_custom_section_name(const basename: TSymStr; st: tsymtable; options: ttcasmlistoptions; out secname: TSymStr): boolean; virtual; { get the start/end symbol for a dead stripable vectorized section, such as the resourcestring data of a unit } class function get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol_start(const basename: string; st: tsymtable; options: ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloptions): tasmsymbol; virtual; class function get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol_end(const basename: string; st: tsymtable; options: ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloptions): tasmsymbol; virtual; { returns true if smartlinking of the dead stripable vectorized lists is supported } class function is_smartlink_vectorized_dead_strip: boolean; virtual; class function get_dynstring_rec_name(typ: tstringtype; winlike: boolean; len: asizeint): TSymStr; class function get_dynstring_rec(typ: tstringtype; winlike: boolean; len: asizeint): trecorddef; { the datalist parameter specifies where the data for the string constant will be emitted (via an internal data builder) } function emit_ansistring_const(datalist: TAsmList; data: pchar; len: asizeint; encoding: tstringencoding): tasmlabofs; function emit_unicodestring_const(datalist: TAsmList; data: pointer; encoding: tstringencoding; winlike: boolean):tasmlabofs; { emits a tasmlabofs as returned by emit_*string_const } procedure emit_string_offset(const ll: tasmlabofs; const strlength: longint; const st: tstringtype; const winlikewidestring: boolean; const charptrdef: tdef);virtual; { emits a tasmlabofs as returned by begin_dynarray_const } procedure emit_dynarray_offset(const ll:tasmlabofs;const arrlength:asizeint;const arrdef:tarraydef; const arrconstdatadef: trecorddef);virtual; { starts a dynamic array constant so that its data can be emitted directly afterwards } function begin_dynarray_const(arrdef:tdef;var startlab:tasmlabel;out arrlengthloc:ttypedconstplaceholder):tasmlabofs;virtual; function end_dynarray_const(arrdef:tdef;arrlength:asizeint;arrlengthloc:ttypedconstplaceholder):tdef;virtual; { emit a shortstring constant, and return its def } function emit_shortstring_const(const str: shortstring): tdef; { emit a pchar string constant (the characters, not a pointer to them), and return its def } function emit_pchar_const(str: pchar; len: pint; copypchar: boolean): tdef; { emit a guid constant } procedure emit_guid_const(const guid: tguid); { emit a procdef constant } procedure emit_procdef_const(pd: tprocdef); { emit an ordinal constant } procedure emit_ord_const(value: int64; def: tdef); { emit a reference to a pooled shortstring constant } procedure emit_pooled_shortstring_const_ref(const str:shortstring); { begin a potential aggregate type. Must be called for any type that consists of multiple tai constant data entries, or that represents an aggregate at the Pascal level (a record, a non-dynamic array, ... } procedure maybe_begin_aggregate(def: tdef); { end a potential aggregate type. Must be paired with every maybe_begin_aggregate } procedure maybe_end_aggregate(def: tdef); { similar as above, but in case a) it's definitely a record b) the def of the record should be automatically constructed based on the types of the emitted fields packrecords: same as "packrecords x" recordalign: specify the (minimum) alignment of the start of the record (no equivalent in source code), used as an alternative for explicit align statements. Use "1" if it should be calculated based on the fields recordalignmin: same as "codealign recordmin=x" maxcrecordalign: specify maximum C record alignment (no equivalent in source code) } function begin_anonymous_record(const optionalname: string; packrecords, recordalign, recordalignmin: shortint): trecorddef; virtual; function end_anonymous_record: trecorddef; virtual; { add a placeholder element at the current position that later can be filled in with the actual data (via ttypedconstplaceholder.replace) useful in case you have table preceded by the number of elements, and you count the elements while building the table } function emit_placeholder(def: tdef): ttypedconstplaceholder; virtual; abstract; protected { common code to check whether a placeholder can be added at the current position } procedure check_add_placeholder(def: tdef); public { The next group of routines are for constructing complex expressions. While parsing a typed constant these operators are encountered from outer to inner, so that is also the order in which they should be added to the queue. Only one queue can be active at a time. } { Init the queue. Gives an internalerror if a queue was already active } procedure queue_init(todef: tdef); virtual; { queue an array/string indexing operation (performs all range checking, so it doesn't have to be duplicated in all descendents). } procedure queue_vecn(def: tdef; const index: tconstexprint); virtual; { queue a subscripting operation } procedure queue_subscriptn(def: tabstractrecorddef; vs: tfieldvarsym); virtual; { queue indexing a record recursively via several field names. The fields are specified in the inner to outer order (i.e., def.field1.field2) } function queue_subscriptn_multiple_by_name(def: tabstractrecorddef; const fields: array of TIDString): tdef; { queue a type conversion operation } procedure queue_typeconvn(fromdef, todef: tdef); virtual; { queue a add operation } procedure queue_addn(def: tdef; const index: tconstexprint); virtual; { queue a sub operation } procedure queue_subn(def: tdef; const index: tconstexprint); virtual; { finalise the queue (so a new one can be created) and flush the previously queued operations, applying them in reverse order on a...} { ... procdef } procedure queue_emit_proc(pd: tprocdef); virtual; { ... staticvarsym } procedure queue_emit_staticvar(vs: tstaticvarsym); virtual; { ... labelsym } procedure queue_emit_label(l: tlabelsym); virtual; { ... constsym } procedure queue_emit_const(cs: tconstsym); virtual; { ... asmsym/asmlabel } procedure queue_emit_asmsym(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef); virtual; { ... an ordinal constant } procedure queue_emit_ordconst(value: int64; def: tdef); virtual; protected { returns whether queue_init has been called without a corresponding queue_emit_* to finish it } function queue_is_active: boolean; public { finalize the internal asmlist (if necessary) and return it. This asmlist will be freed when the builder is destroyed, so add its contents to another list first. This property should only be accessed once all data has been added. } function get_final_asmlist(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef; section: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; alignment: longint): tasmlist; function get_final_asmlist_vectorized_dead_strip(def: tdef; const basename, itemname: TSymStr; st: TSymtable; alignment: longint): tasmlist; { returns the offset of the string data relative to ansi/unicode/widestring constant labels. On most platforms, this is 0 (with the header at a negative offset), but on some platforms such negative offsets are not supported this is equal to the header size } class function get_string_symofs(typ: tstringtype; winlikewidestring: boolean): pint; virtual; { returns the offset of the array data relatve to dynamic array constant labels. On most platforms, this is 0 (with the header at a negative offset), but on some platforms such negative offsets are not supported and thus this is equal to the header size } class function get_dynarray_symofs:pint;virtual; { set the fieldvarsym whose data we will emit next; needed in case of variant records, so we know which part of the variant gets initialised. Also in case of objects, because the fieldvarsyms are spread over the symtables of the entire inheritance tree } property next_field: tfieldvarsym write set_next_field; { set the name of the next field that will be emitted for an anonymous record (also if that field is a nested anonymous record) } property next_field_name: TIDString write set_next_field_name; protected { these ones always return the actual offset, called by the above (and overridden versions) } class function get_string_header_size(typ: tstringtype; winlikewidestring: boolean): pint; class function get_dynarray_header_size:pint; end; ttai_typedconstbuilderclass = class of ttai_typedconstbuilder; tlowlevelaggregateinformation = class(taggregateinformation) protected fanonrecmarker: tai; public property anonrecmarker: tai read fanonrecmarker write fanonrecmarker; end; tlowleveltypedconstplaceholder = class(ttypedconstplaceholder) list: tasmlist; insertpos: tai; constructor create(l: tasmlist; pos: tai; d: tdef); procedure replace(ai: tai; d: tdef); override; end; ttai_lowleveltypedconstbuilder = class(ttai_typedconstbuilder) protected procedure mark_anon_aggregate_alignment; override; procedure insert_marked_aggregate_alignment(def: tdef); override; procedure finalize_asmlist(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef; section: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; alignment: shortint; const options: ttcasmlistoptions); override; public { set the default value for caggregateinformation (= tlowlevelaggregateinformation) } class constructor classcreate; function emit_placeholder(def: tdef): ttypedconstplaceholder; override; end; var ctai_typedconstbuilder: ttai_typedconstbuilderclass; implementation uses cutils, verbose,globals,systems,widestr, fmodule, symtable,symutil,defutil; {**************************************************************************** taggregateinformation ****************************************************************************} function taggregateinformation.getcuroffset: asizeint; var field: tfieldvarsym; begin if assigned(curfield) then result:=curfield.fieldoffset+curfield.vardef.size else if curindex<>-1 then begin field:=tfieldvarsym(tabstractrecorddef(def).symtable.symlist[curindex]); result:=field.fieldoffset+field.vardef.size end else result:=0 end; procedure taggregateinformation.setnextfieldname(const AValue: TIDString); begin if (fnextfieldname<>'') or not anonrecord then internalerror(2015071503); fnextfieldname:=AValue; end; constructor taggregateinformation.create(_def: tdef; _typ: ttypedconstkind); begin fdef:=_def; ftyp:=_typ; fcurindex:=-1; fnextindex:=-1; end; function taggregateinformation.prepare_next_field(nextfielddef: tdef): asizeint; var sym: tsym; currentoffset,nextoffset: asizeint; i: longint; begin { get the next field and its offset, and make that next field the current one } if assigned(nextfield) then begin nextoffset:=nextfield.fieldoffset; currentoffset:=curoffset; curfield:=nextfield; end else begin { must set nextfield for unions and objects, as we cannot automatically detect the "next" field in that case } if ((def.typ=recorddef) and trecorddef(def).isunion) or is_object(def) then internalerror(2014091202); { if we are constructing this record as data gets emitted, add a field for this data } if anonrecord then begin trecorddef(def).add_field_by_def(fnextfieldname,nextfielddef); fnextfieldname:=''; end else if fnextfieldname<>'' then internalerror(2015071501); currentoffset:=curoffset; { find next field } i:=curindex; repeat inc(i); sym:=tsym(tabstractrecorddef(def).symtable.symlist[i]); until is_normal_fieldvarsym(sym); curfield:=tfieldvarsym(sym); nextoffset:=curfield.fieldoffset; curindex:=i; end; { need padding? } result:=nextoffset-currentoffset; end; {**************************************************************************** ttypedconstplaceholder ****************************************************************************} constructor ttypedconstplaceholder.create(d: tdef); begin def:=d; end; {**************************************************************************** tai_abstracttypedconst ****************************************************************************} procedure tai_abstracttypedconst.setdef(def: tdef); begin { should not be changed, rewrite the calling code if this happens } if assigned(fdef) then Internalerror(2014080203); fdef:=def; end; constructor tai_abstracttypedconst.create(_adetyp: ttypedconstkind; _def: tdef); begin inherited create; typ:=ait_typedconst; fadetyp:=_adetyp; fdef:=_def; end; {**************************************************************************** tai_simpletypedconst ****************************************************************************} procedure tai_simpletypedconst.setval(AValue: tai); begin fval:=AValue; end; constructor tai_simpletypedconst.create(_def: tdef; _val: tai); begin inherited create(tck_simple,_def); fval:=_val; end; destructor tai_simpletypedconst.destroy; begin fval.free; inherited destroy; end; {**************************************************************************** tai_aggregatetypedconst.tadeenumerator ****************************************************************************} constructor tai_aggregatetypedconst.tadeenumerator.create(data: tai_aggregatetypedconst); begin fvalues:=data.fvalues; fvaluespos:=-1; end; function tai_aggregatetypedconst.tadeenumerator.getcurrent: tai_abstracttypedconst; begin result:=tai_abstracttypedconst(fvalues[fvaluespos]); end; function tai_aggregatetypedconst.tadeenumerator.movenext: boolean; begin if fvaluespostck_simple then internalerror(2014070103); add_to_string(newstr,tai_simpletypedconst(ai).val); ai.free; end; fvalues.count:=0; { the "nil" def will be replaced with an array def of the appropriate size once we're finished adding data, so we don't create intermediate arraydefs all the time } fvalues.add(tai_simpletypedconst.create(nil,newstr)); end; procedure tai_aggregatetypedconst.add_to_string(strtai: tai_string; othertai: tai); begin case othertai.typ of ait_string: begin strtai.str:=reallocmem(strtai.str,strtai.len+tai_string(othertai).len+1); { also copy null terminator } move(tai_string(othertai).str[0],strtai.str[strtai.len],tai_string(othertai).len+1); { the null terminator is not part of the string data } strtai.len:=strtai.len+tai_string(othertai).len; end; ait_const: begin if tai_const(othertai).size<>1 then internalerror(2014070101); { it was already len+1 to hold the #0 -> realloc to len+2 } strtai.str:=reallocmem(strtai.str,strtai.len+2); strtai.str[strtai.len]:=ansichar(tai_const(othertai).value); strtai.str[strtai.len+1]:=#0; inc(strtai.len); end; else internalerror(2014070102); end; end; constructor tai_aggregatetypedconst.create(_adetyp: ttypedconstkind; _fdef: tdef); begin inherited; fisstring:=false; fvalues:=tfpobjectlist.create(true); end; function tai_aggregatetypedconst.getenumerator: tadeenumerator; begin result:=tadeenumerator.create(self); end; procedure tai_aggregatetypedconst.addvalue(val: tai_abstracttypedconst); begin { merge string constants and ordinal constants added in an array of char, to unify the length and the string data } if fisstring or ((val.adetyp=tck_simple) and (tai_simpletypedconst(val).val.typ=ait_string)) then begin if not fisstring and (fvalues.count>0) then convert_to_string; fisstring:=true; case fvalues.count of 0: fvalues.add(val); 1: begin add_to_string(tai_string(tai_simpletypedconst(fvalues[0]).val),tai_simpletypedconst(val).val); val.free end else internalerror(2014070104); end; end else fvalues.add(val); end; function tai_aggregatetypedconst.valuecount: longint; begin result:=fvalues.count; end; procedure tai_aggregatetypedconst.insertvaluebeforepos(val: tai_abstracttypedconst; pos: longint); begin fvalues.insert(pos,val); end; procedure tai_aggregatetypedconst.replacevalueatpos(val: tai_abstracttypedconst; pos: longint); begin { since fvalues owns its elements, it will automatically free the old value } fvalues[pos]:=val; end; procedure tai_aggregatetypedconst.changetorecord(_def: trecorddef); begin { must be a record of the same size as the current data } if assigned(fdef) and (fdef.size<>_def.size) then internalerror(2015122402); fdef:=_def; fadetyp:=tck_record; end; procedure tai_aggregatetypedconst.finish; begin if fisstring then begin { set the def: an array of char with the same length as the string data } if fvalues.count<>1 then internalerror(2014070105); tai_simpletypedconst(fvalues[0]).fdef:= carraydef.getreusable(cansichartype, tai_string(tai_simpletypedconst(fvalues[0]).val).len); end; end; destructor tai_aggregatetypedconst.destroy; begin fvalues.free; inherited destroy; end; {***************************************************************************** ttai_typedconstbuilder *****************************************************************************} function ttai_typedconstbuilder.getcurragginfo: taggregateinformation; begin if assigned(faggregateinformation) and (faggregateinformation.count>0) then result:=taggregateinformation(faggregateinformation[faggregateinformation.count-1]) else result:=nil; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.set_next_field(AValue: tfieldvarsym); var info: taggregateinformation; begin info:=curagginfo; if not assigned(info) then internalerror(2014091206); info.nextfield:=AValue; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.set_next_field_name(const AValue: TIDString); var info: taggregateinformation; begin info:=curagginfo; if not assigned(info) then internalerror(2015071502); info.nextfieldname:='$'+AValue; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.pad_next_field(nextfielddef: tdef); var fillbytes: asizeint; begin fillbytes:=curagginfo.prepare_next_field(nextfielddef); while fillbytes>0 do begin do_emit_tai(tai_const.create_8bit(0),u8inttype); dec(fillbytes); end; end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_internal_data_section_index(typ: TAsmSectiontype): longint; begin { avoid wrong warning by -Oodfa } result:=-1; for result:=low(finternal_data_section_info) to high(finternal_data_section_info) do if finternal_data_section_info[result].sectype=typ then exit; result:=-1; end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_internal_data_section_start_label: tasmlabel; begin { on Darwin, dead code/data stripping happens based on non-temporary labels (any label that doesn't start with "L" -- it doesn't have to be global) } if target_info.system in systems_darwin then current_asmdata.getstaticdatalabel(result) else if create_smartlink_library then current_asmdata.getglobaldatalabel(result) else current_asmdata.getlocaldatalabel(result); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_internal_data_section_internal_label: tasmlabel; begin if create_smartlink_library then { all labels need to be global in case they're in another object } current_asmdata.getglobaldatalabel(result) else { no special requirement for the label -> just get a local one } current_asmdata.getlocaldatalabel(result); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.add_link_ordered_symbol(sym: tasmsymbol; const secname: TSymStr); begin current_module.linkorderedsymbols.concat(sym.Name); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.aggregate_kind(def: tdef): ttypedconstkind; begin if (def.typ in [recorddef,filedef,variantdef]) or is_object(def) or ((def.typ=procvardef) and not tprocvardef(def).is_addressonly and not is_block(def)) then result:=tck_record else if ((def.typ=arraydef) and not is_dynamic_array(def)) or ((def.typ=setdef) and not is_smallset(def)) or is_shortstring(def) then result:=tck_array else result:=tck_simple; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.finalize_asmlist_prepare(const options: ttcasmlistoptions; var alignment: shortint); begin if tcalo_apply_constalign in options then alignment:=const_align(alignment); { have we finished all aggregates? } if (getcurragginfo<>nil) and { in case of syntax errors, the aggregate may not have been finished } (ErrorCount=0) then internalerror(2015072301); { must call finalize_vectorized_dead_strip_asmlist() instead } if (([tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_start, tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_item, tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_end]*options)<>[]) and not fvectorized_finalize_called then internalerror(2015110602); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.finalize_asmlist(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef; section: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; alignment: shortint; const options: ttcasmlistoptions); var prelist: tasmlist; begin finalize_asmlist_prepare(options, alignment); prelist:=tasmlist.create; { only now add items based on the symbolname, because it may be modified by the "section" specifier in case of a typed constant } { both in case the data should be dead strippable and never dead stripped, it should be in a separate section (so this property doesn't affect other data) } if ([tcalo_no_dead_strip,tcalo_make_dead_strippable]*options)<>[] then begin maybe_new_object_file(prelist); { we always need a new section here, since if we started a new object file then we have to say what the section is, and otherwise we need a new section because that's how the dead stripping works } new_section(prelist,section,secname,alignment); end else if tcalo_new_section in options then new_section(prelist,section,secname,alignment) else prelist.concat(cai_align.Create(alignment)); { On Darwin, use .reference to ensure the data doesn't get dead stripped. On other platforms, the data must be in the .fpc section (which is kept via the linker script) } if tcalo_no_dead_strip in options then begin if (target_info.system in systems_darwin) then begin { Objective-C section declarations contain "no_dead_strip" attributes if none of their symbols need to be stripped -> don't add extra ".reference" statement for their symbols (gcc/clang don't either) } if not(section in [low(TObjCAsmSectionType)..high(TObjCAsmSectionType)]) then prelist.concat(tai_directive.Create(asd_reference,sym.name)) end else if section<>sec_fpc then internalerror(2015101402); end; if not(tcalo_is_lab in options) then if sym.bind=AB_LOCAL then prelist.concat(tai_symbol.Create(sym,0)) else prelist.concat(tai_symbol.Create_Global(sym,0)) else prelist.concat(tai_label.Create(tasmlabel(sym))); if tcalo_weak in options then prelist.concat(tai_directive.Create(asd_weak_definition,sym.name)); { insert the symbol information before the data } fasmlist.insertlist(prelist); { end of the symbol } fasmlist.concat(tai_symbol_end.Createname(sym.name)); { free the temporary list } prelist.free; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.finalize_asmlist_add_indirect_sym(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef; section: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; alignment: shortint; const options: ttcasmlistoptions); var ptrdef : tdef; symind : tasmsymbol; indtcb : ttai_typedconstbuilder; indsecname : tsymstr; begin if (tcalo_data_force_indirect in options) and (sym.bind in [AB_GLOBAL,AB_COMMON]) and (sym.typ=AT_DATA) then begin ptrdef:=cpointerdef.getreusable(def); symind:=current_asmdata.DefineAsmSymbol(sym.name,AB_INDIRECT,AT_DATA,ptrdef); { reuse the section if possible } if section=sec_rodata then indsecname:=secname else indsecname:=lower(symind.name); indtcb:=ctai_typedconstbuilder.create([tcalo_new_section,tcalo_make_dead_strippable]); indtcb.emit_tai(tai_const.create_sym_offset(sym,0),ptrdef); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_indirectglobals].concatlist(indtcb.get_final_asmlist( symind, ptrdef, sec_rodata, indsecname, ptrdef.alignment)); indtcb.free; if not (target_info.system in systems_indirect_var_imports) then current_module.add_public_asmsym(symind.name,AB_INDIRECT,AT_DATA); end; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.finalize_vectorized_dead_strip_asmlist(def: tdef; const basename, itemname: TSymStr; st: tsymtable; alignment: shortint; options: ttcasmlistoptions); var sym: tasmsymbol; secname: TSymStr; sectype: TAsmSectiontype; asmtype : TAsmsymtype; customsecname: boolean; dsopts : ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloptions; begin fvectorized_finalize_called:=true; sym:=nil; customsecname:=get_vectorized_dead_strip_custom_section_name(basename,st,options,secname); if customsecname then sectype:=sec_user else sectype:=sec_data; dsopts:=[tcdssso_define]; if tcalo_is_public_asm in options then include(dsopts,tcdssso_register_asmsym); if tcalo_data_force_indirect in options then include(dsopts,tcdssso_use_indirect); if tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_start in options then begin { the start and end names are predefined } if itemname<>'' then internalerror(2015110801); sym:=get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol_start(basename,st,dsopts); if not customsecname then secname:=make_mangledname(basename,st,'1_START'); end else if tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_end in options then begin { the start and end names are predefined } if itemname<>'' then internalerror(2015110802); sym:=get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol_end(basename,st,dsopts); if not customsecname then secname:=make_mangledname(basename,st,'3_END'); end else if tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_item in options then begin if tcalo_data_force_indirect in options then asmtype:=AT_DATA_FORCEINDIRECT else asmtype:=AT_DATA; sym:=current_asmdata.DefineAsmSymbol(make_mangledname(basename,st,itemname),AB_GLOBAL,asmtype,def); if tcalo_is_public_asm in options then current_module.add_public_asmsym(sym); if not customsecname then secname:=make_mangledname(basename,st,'2_'+itemname); exclude(options,tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_item); end; add_link_ordered_symbol(sym,secname); if is_smartlink_vectorized_dead_strip then options:=options+[tcalo_new_section,tcalo_make_dead_strippable] else begin { if smartlinking of vectorized lists is not supported, put the whole list into a single section. } options:=options-[tcalo_new_section,tcalo_make_dead_strippable]; if tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_start in options then include(options,tcalo_new_section); end; finalize_asmlist(sym,def,sectype,secname,alignment,options); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.do_emit_tai(p: tai; def: tdef); begin { by default we don't care about the type } fasmlist.concat(p); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_final_asmlist(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef; section: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; alignment: longint): tasmlist; begin if not fasmlist_finalized then begin finalize_asmlist(sym,def,section,secname,alignment,foptions); finalize_asmlist_add_indirect_sym(sym,def,section,secname,alignment,foptions); fasmlist_finalized:=true; end; result:=fasmlist; end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_final_asmlist_vectorized_dead_strip(def: tdef; const basename, itemname: TSymStr; st: TSymtable; alignment: longint): tasmlist; begin if not fasmlist_finalized then begin finalize_vectorized_dead_strip_asmlist(def,basename,itemname,st,alignment,foptions); fasmlist_finalized:=true; end; result:=fasmlist; end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_string_symofs(typ: tstringtype; winlikewidestring: boolean): pint; begin { darwin's linker does not support negative offsets } if not(target_info.system in systems_darwin+systems_wasm) and { it seems that clang's assembler has a bug with the ADRP instruction... } (target_info.system<>system_aarch64_win64) then result:=0 else result:=get_string_header_size(typ,winlikewidestring); end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_dynarray_symofs:pint; begin { darwin's linker does not support negative offsets } if not (target_info.system in systems_darwin) and { it seems that clang's assembler has a bug with the ADRP instruction... } (target_info.system<>system_aarch64_win64) then result:=0 else result:=get_dynarray_header_size; end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_string_header_size(typ: tstringtype; winlikewidestring: boolean): pint; var ansistring_header_size: pint; unicodestring_header_size: pint; begin ansistring_header_size:= { encoding } 2 + { elesize } 2 + {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} { alignment } 4 + {$endif cpu64bitaddr} { reference count } sizesinttype.size + { length } sizesinttype.size; unicodestring_header_size:=ansistring_header_size; case typ of st_ansistring: result:=ansistring_header_size; st_unicodestring: result:=unicodestring_header_size; st_widestring: if winlikewidestring then result:=0 else result:=unicodestring_header_size; else result:=0; end; end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_dynarray_header_size:pint; begin result:= { reference count } ptrsinttype.size + { high value } sizesinttype.size; end; constructor ttai_typedconstbuilder.create(const options: ttcasmlistoptions); begin inherited create; fasmlist:=tasmlist.create; foptions:=options; { queue is empty } fqueue_offset:=low(fqueue_offset); finternal_data_current_section:=sec_none; end; destructor ttai_typedconstbuilder.destroy; begin { the queue should have been flushed if it was used } if fqueue_offset<>low(fqueue_offset) then internalerror(2014062901); faggregateinformation.free; fasmlist.free; inherited destroy; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.start_internal_data_builder(list: tasmlist; sectype: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; out tcb: ttai_typedconstbuilder; out l: tasmlabel); var options: ttcasmlistoptions; foundsec: longint; begin { you can't start multiple concurrent internal data builders for the same tcb, finish the first before starting another } if finternal_data_current_section<>sec_none then internalerror(2016082801); { we don't know what was previously added to this list, so always add a section header. We'll use the same section name in case multiple items are added to the same kind of section (rodata, rodata_no_rel, ...), so that everything will still end up in the same section even if there are multiple section headers } options:=[tcalo_is_lab,tcalo_new_section]; finternal_data_current_section:=sectype; l:=nil; { did we already create a section of this type for the internal data of this builder? } foundsec:=get_internal_data_section_index(sectype); if foundsec=-1 then begin { we only need to start a dead-strippable section of data at the start of the first subsection of this kind for this block. exception: if dead stripping happens based on objects/libraries, then we only have to create a new object file for the first internal data section of any kind (all the rest will simply be put in the same object file) } if create_smartlink then begin if not create_smartlink_library or (length(finternal_data_section_info)=0) then include(options,tcalo_make_dead_strippable); { on Darwin, dead code/data stripping happens based on non- temporary labels (any label that doesn't start with "L" -- it doesn't have to be global) -> add a non-temporary lobel at the start of every kind of subsection created in this builder } if target_info.system in systems_darwin then l:=get_internal_data_section_start_label; end; foundsec:=length(finternal_data_section_info); setlength(finternal_data_section_info,foundsec+1); finternal_data_section_info[foundsec].sectype:=sectype; end; if not assigned(finternal_data_asmlist) and (cs_create_smart in current_settings.moduleswitches) then begin l:=get_internal_data_section_start_label; { the internal data list should only be assigned by this routine, the first time that an internal data block is started } if not assigned(list) or assigned(finternal_data_asmlist) then internalerror(2015032101); finternal_data_asmlist:=list; end { all internal data for this tcb must go to the same list (otherwise all data we want to add to the dead-strippable block is not guaranteed to be sequential and e.g. in the same object file in case of library-based dead stripping) } else if (assigned(finternal_data_asmlist) and (list<>finternal_data_asmlist)) or not assigned(list) then internalerror(2015032102); finternal_data_asmlist:=list; if not assigned(l) then l:=get_internal_data_section_internal_label; { first section of this kind -> set name } if finternal_data_section_info[foundsec].secname='' then if secname='' then finternal_data_section_info[foundsec].secname:=l.Name else finternal_data_section_info[foundsec].secname:=secname { if the name is specified multiple times, it must match } else if (secname<>'') and (finternal_data_section_info[foundsec].secname<>secname) then internalerror(2015032401); tcb:=ttai_typedconstbuilderclass(classtype).create(options); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.finish_internal_data_builder(var tcb: ttai_typedconstbuilder; l: tasmlabel; def: tdef; alignment: longint); begin finternal_data_asmlist.concatList(tcb.get_final_asmlist(l,def, finternal_data_current_section, finternal_data_section_info[get_internal_data_section_index(finternal_data_current_section)].secname, alignment)); tcb.free; tcb:=nil; finternal_data_current_section:=sec_none; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_tai(p: tai; def: tdef); var kind: ttypedconstkind; info: taggregateinformation; begin { these elements can be aggregates themselves, e.g. a shortstring can be emitted as a series of bytes and char arrays } kind:=aggregate_kind(def); info:=curagginfo; if (kind<>tck_simple) and (not assigned(info) or (info.typ<>kind)) then internalerror(2014091001); { if we're emitting a record, handle the padding bytes, and in case of an anonymous record also add the next field } if assigned(info) then begin { queue_init already adds padding } if not queue_is_active and (is_record(info.def) or is_object(info.def)) and { may add support for these later } not is_packed_record_or_object(info.def) then pad_next_field(def); end; { emit the data } do_emit_tai(p,def); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_tai_procvar2procdef(p: tai; pvdef: tprocvardef); begin { nothing special by default, since we don't care about the type } emit_tai(p,pvdef); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.maybe_emit_tail_padding(def: tdef); var info: taggregateinformation; fillbytes: asizeint; begin info:=curagginfo; if not assigned(info) then internalerror(2014091002); if def<>info.def then internalerror(2014091205); if (is_record(def) or is_object(def)) and not is_packed_record_or_object(def) then begin fillbytes:=def.size-info.curoffset; while fillbytes>0 do begin do_emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_8bit(0),u8inttype); dec(fillbytes) end; end; end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_string_const_common(stringtype: tstringtype; len: asizeint; encoding: tstringencoding; var startlab: tasmlabel): tasmlabofs; var string_symofs: asizeint; charptrdef: tdef; elesize: word; begin result.lab:=startlab; result.ofs:=0; { pack the data, so that we don't add unnecessary null bytes after the constant string } begin_anonymous_record('$'+get_dynstring_rec_name(stringtype,false,len),1,sizeof(TConstPtrUInt),1); string_symofs:=get_string_symofs(stringtype,false); { encoding } emit_tai(tai_const.create_16bit(encoding),u16inttype); inc(result.ofs,2); { element size } case stringtype of st_ansistring: begin elesize:=1; charptrdef:=charpointertype; end; st_unicodestring: begin elesize:=2; charptrdef:=widecharpointertype; end else internalerror(2014080401); end; emit_tai(tai_const.create_16bit(elesize),u16inttype); inc(result.ofs,2); {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} { dummy for alignment } emit_tai(tai_const.create_32bit(0),u32inttype); inc(result.ofs,4); {$endif cpu64bitaddr} emit_tai(tai_const.create_sizeint(-1),sizesinttype); inc(result.ofs,sizesinttype.size); emit_tai(tai_const.create_sizeint(len),sizesinttype); inc(result.ofs,sizesinttype.size); if string_symofs=0 then begin { results in slightly more efficient code } emit_tai(tai_label.create(result.lab),charptrdef); result.ofs:=0; { create new label of the same kind (including whether or not the name starts with target_asm.labelprefix in case it's AB_LOCAL, so we keep the difference depending on whether the original was allocated via getstatic/getlocal/getglobal datalabel) } startlab:=tasmlabel.create(current_asmdata.AsmSymbolDict,startlab.name+'$strlab',startlab.bind,startlab.typ); end; { sanity check } if result.ofs<>string_symofs then internalerror(2012051701); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_dynstring_def_for_type(stringtype: tstringtype; winlikewidestring: boolean): tstringdef; begin if stringtype=st_ansistring then result:=tstringdef(cansistringtype) else if (stringtype=st_unicodestring) or ((stringtype=st_widestring) and not winlikewidestring) then result:=tstringdef(cunicodestringtype) else if stringtype=st_widestring then result:=tstringdef(cwidestringtype) else internalerror(2015122101); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.begin_aggregate_internal(def: tdef; anonymous: boolean); var info: taggregateinformation; tck: ttypedconstkind; begin tck:=aggregate_kind(def); if tck=tck_simple then exit; if not assigned(faggregateinformation) then faggregateinformation:=tfpobjectlist.create { if we're starting an anonymous record, we can't align it yet because the alignment depends on the fields that will be added -> we'll do it at the end } else if not anonymous or ((def.typ<>recorddef) and not is_object(def)) then begin { add padding if necessary, and update the current field/offset } info:=curagginfo; if (is_record(curagginfo.def) or is_object(curagginfo.def)) and not is_packed_record_or_object(curagginfo.def) then begin if queue_is_active then internalerror(2015073001); pad_next_field(def); end; end { if this is the outer record, no padding is required; the alignment has to be specified explicitly in that case via get_final_asmlist() } else if assigned(curagginfo) and (curagginfo.def.typ=recorddef) then { mark where we'll have to insert the padding bytes at the end } mark_anon_aggregate_alignment; info:=caggregateinformation.create(def,aggregate_kind(def)); faggregateinformation.add(info); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.end_aggregate_internal(def: tdef; anonymous: boolean); var info: taggregateinformation; tck: ttypedconstkind; begin tck:=aggregate_kind(def); if tck=tck_simple then exit; { add tail padding if necessary } maybe_emit_tail_padding(def); { pop and free the information } info:=curagginfo; faggregateinformation.count:=faggregateinformation.count-1; info.free; end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol(const basename: string; st: tsymtable; options: ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloptions; start: boolean): tasmsymbol; var name: TSymStr; asmtype : TAsmsymtype; begin if start then name:=make_mangledname(basename,st,'START') else name:=make_mangledname(basename,st,'END'); if tcdssso_define in options then begin if tcdssso_use_indirect in options then asmtype:=AT_DATA_FORCEINDIRECT else asmtype:=AT_DATA; result:=current_asmdata.DefineAsmSymbol(name,AB_GLOBAL,asmtype,voidpointertype); if tcdssso_register_asmsym in options then current_module.add_public_asmsym(result); end else begin result:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(name,AT_DATA,tcdssso_use_indirect in options); if tcdssso_register_asmsym in options then current_module.add_extern_asmsym(result); end; end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_vectorized_dead_strip_custom_section_name(const basename: TSymStr; st: tsymtable; options: ttcasmlistoptions; out secname: TSymStr): boolean; begin result:=false; end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol_start(const basename: string; st: tsymtable; options: ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloptions): tasmsymbol; begin result:=get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol(basename,st,options,true); end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol_end(const basename: string; st: tsymtable; options: ttcdeadstripsectionsymboloptions): tasmsymbol; begin result:=get_vectorized_dead_strip_section_symbol(basename,st,options,false); end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.is_smartlink_vectorized_dead_strip: boolean; begin result:=(tf_smartlink_sections in target_info.flags) and (not(target_info.system in systems_darwin) or (tf_supports_symbolorderfile in target_info.flags)); end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_dynstring_rec_name(typ: tstringtype; winlike: boolean; len: asizeint): TSymStr; begin case typ of st_ansistring: result:='ansistrrec'; st_unicodestring, st_widestring: if (typ=st_unicodestring) or not winlike then result:='unicodestrrec' else result:='widestrrec'; else internalerror(2014080402); end; result:=result+tostr(len); end; class function ttai_typedconstbuilder.get_dynstring_rec(typ: tstringtype; winlike: boolean; len: asizeint): trecorddef; var name: TSymStr; streledef: tdef; strtypesym: ttypesym; srsym: tsym; srsymtable: tsymtable; begin name:=get_dynstring_rec_name(typ,winlike,len); { search in the interface of all units for the type to reuse it } if searchsym_type(name,srsym,srsymtable) then begin result:=trecorddef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef); exit; end else begin { also search the implementation of the current unit } strtypesym:=try_search_current_module_type(name); if assigned(strtypesym) then begin result:=trecorddef(strtypesym.typedef); exit; end; end; if (typ<>st_widestring) or not winlike then begin result:=crecorddef.create_global_internal('$'+name,1,1); { encoding } result.add_field_by_def('',u16inttype); { element size } result.add_field_by_def('',u16inttype); { elements } case typ of st_ansistring: streledef:=cansichartype; st_unicodestring: streledef:=cwidechartype; else internalerror(2016082301); end; {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} { dummy for alignment } result.add_field_by_def('',u32inttype); {$endif cpu64bitaddr} { reference count } result.add_field_by_def('',sizesinttype); { length in elements } result.add_field_by_def('',sizesinttype); end else begin result:=crecorddef.create_global_internal('$'+name,4, targetinfos[target_info.system]^.alignment.recordalignmin); { length in bytes } result.add_field_by_def('',s32inttype); streledef:=cwidechartype; end; { data (include zero terminator) } result.add_field_by_def('',carraydef.getreusable(streledef,len+1)); trecordsymtable(trecorddef(result).symtable).addalignmentpadding; end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_ansistring_const(datalist: TAsmList; data: pchar; len: asizeint; encoding: tstringencoding): tasmlabofs; var s: PChar; startlab: tasmlabel; ansistrrecdef: trecorddef; datadef: tdef; datatcb: ttai_typedconstbuilder; begin start_internal_data_builder(datalist,sec_rodata_norel,'',datatcb,startlab); result:=datatcb.emit_string_const_common(st_ansistring,len,encoding,startlab); getmem(s,len+1); move(data^,s^,len); s[len]:=#0; { terminating zero included } datadef:=carraydef.getreusable(cansichartype,len+1); datatcb.maybe_begin_aggregate(datadef); datatcb.emit_tai(tai_string.create_pchar(s,len+1),datadef); datatcb.maybe_end_aggregate(datadef); ansistrrecdef:=datatcb.end_anonymous_record; finish_internal_data_builder(datatcb,startlab,ansistrrecdef,const_align(voidpointertype.alignment)); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_unicodestring_const(datalist: TAsmList; data: pointer; encoding: tstringencoding; winlike: boolean):tasmlabofs; var i, strlength: longint; string_symofs: asizeint; startlab: tasmlabel; datadef: tdef; datatcb: ttai_typedconstbuilder; unicodestrrecdef: trecorddef; begin start_internal_data_builder(datalist,sec_rodata_norel,'',datatcb,startlab); strlength:=getlengthwidestring(pcompilerwidestring(data)); if winlike then begin result.lab:=startlab; datatcb.begin_anonymous_record('$'+get_dynstring_rec_name(st_widestring,true,strlength), 4,4, targetinfos[target_info.system]^.alignment.recordalignmin); datatcb.emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_32bit(strlength*cwidechartype.size),s32inttype); { can we optimise by placing the string constant label at the required offset? } string_symofs:=get_string_symofs(st_widestring,true); if string_symofs=0 then begin { yes } datatcb.emit_tai(Tai_label.Create(result.lab),widecharpointertype); { allocate a separate label for the start of the data (see emit_string_const_common() for explanation) } startlab:=tasmlabel.create(current_asmdata.AsmSymbolDict,startlab.name+'$strlab',startlab.bind,startlab.typ); end else internalerror(2015031502); result.ofs:=string_symofs; end else begin result:=datatcb.emit_string_const_common(st_unicodestring,strlength,encoding,startlab); end; if cwidechartype.size = 2 then begin datadef:=carraydef.getreusable(cwidechartype,strlength+1); datatcb.maybe_begin_aggregate(datadef); for i:=0 to strlength-1 do datatcb.emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_16bit(pcompilerwidestring(data)^.data[i]),cwidechartype); { ending #0 } datatcb.emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_16bit(0),cwidechartype); datatcb.maybe_end_aggregate(datadef); unicodestrrecdef:=datatcb.end_anonymous_record; end else { code generation for other sizes must be written } internalerror(200904271); finish_internal_data_builder(datatcb,startlab,unicodestrrecdef,const_align(voidpointertype.alignment)); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_string_offset(const ll: tasmlabofs; const strlength: longint; const st: tstringtype; const winlikewidestring: boolean; const charptrdef: tdef); begin emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_sym_offset(ll.lab,ll.ofs),get_dynstring_def_for_type(st,winlikewidestring)); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_dynarray_offset(const ll:tasmlabofs;const arrlength:asizeint;const arrdef:tarraydef; const arrconstdatadef: trecorddef); begin emit_tai(tai_const.create_sym_offset(ll.lab,ll.ofs),arrdef); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.begin_dynarray_const(arrdef:tdef;var startlab:tasmlabel;out arrlengthloc:ttypedconstplaceholder):tasmlabofs; var dynarray_symofs: asizeint; begin result.lab:=startlab; result.ofs:=0; { pack the data, so that we don't add unnecessary null bytes after the constant string } begin_anonymous_record('',1,sizeof(TConstPtrUInt),1); dynarray_symofs:=get_dynarray_symofs; { what to do if ptrsinttype <> sizesinttype??? } emit_tai(tai_const.create_sizeint(-1),ptrsinttype); inc(result.ofs,ptrsinttype.size); arrlengthloc:=emit_placeholder(sizesinttype); inc(result.ofs,sizesinttype.size); if dynarray_symofs=0 then begin { results in slightly more efficient code } emit_tai(tai_label.create(result.lab),arrdef); result.ofs:=0; { create new label of the same kind (including whether or not the name starts with target_asm.labelprefix in case it's AB_LOCAL, so we keep the difference depending on whether the original was allocated via getstatic/getlocal/getglobal datalabel) } startlab:=tasmlabel.create(current_asmdata.AsmSymbolDict,startlab.name+'$dynarrlab',startlab.bind,startlab.typ); end; { sanity check } if result.ofs<>dynarray_symofs then internalerror(2018020601); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.end_dynarray_const(arrdef:tdef;arrlength:asizeint;arrlengthloc:ttypedconstplaceholder):tdef; begin { we emit the high value, not the count } arrlengthloc.replace(tai_const.Create_sizeint(arrlength-1),sizesinttype); result:=end_anonymous_record; end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_shortstring_const(const str: shortstring): tdef; begin { we use an arraydef instead of a shortstringdef, because we don't have functionality in place yet to reuse shortstringdefs of the same length and neither the lowlevel nor the llvm typedconst builder cares about this difference } result:=carraydef.getreusable(cansichartype,length(str)+1); maybe_begin_aggregate(result); emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_8bit(length(str)),u8inttype); if str<>'' then emit_tai(Tai_string.Create(str),carraydef.getreusable(cansichartype,length(str))); maybe_end_aggregate(result); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_pchar_const(str: pchar; len: pint; copypchar: boolean): tdef; var newstr: pchar; begin result:=carraydef.getreusable(cansichartype,len+1); maybe_begin_aggregate(result); if (len=0) and (not assigned(str) or copypchar) then emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_8bit(0),cansichartype) else begin if copypchar then begin getmem(newstr,len+1); move(str^,newstr^,len+1); str:=newstr; end; emit_tai(Tai_string.Create_pchar(str,len+1),result); end; maybe_end_aggregate(result); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_guid_const(const guid: tguid); var i: longint; field: tfieldvarsym; begin maybe_begin_aggregate(rec_tguid); { variant record -> must specify which fields get initialised } next_field:=tfieldvarsym(rec_tguid.symtable.Find('DATA1')); emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_32bit(longint(guid.D1)),u32inttype); next_field:=tfieldvarsym(rec_tguid.symtable.Find('DATA2')); emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_16bit(guid.D2),u16inttype); next_field:=tfieldvarsym(rec_tguid.symtable.Find('DATA3')); emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_16bit(guid.D3),u16inttype); field:=tfieldvarsym(rec_tguid.symtable.Find('DATA4')); next_field:=field; { the array } maybe_begin_aggregate(field.vardef); for i:=Low(guid.D4) to High(guid.D4) do emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_8bit(guid.D4[i]),u8inttype); maybe_end_aggregate(field.vardef); maybe_end_aggregate(rec_tguid); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_procdef_const(pd: tprocdef); begin emit_tai(Tai_const.Createname(pd.mangledname,AT_FUNCTION,0),cprocvardef.getreusableprocaddr(pd,pc_address_only)); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_ord_const(value: int64; def: tdef); begin case def.size of 1: emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_8bit(byte(value)),def); 2: emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_16bit(word(value)),def); 4: emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_32bit(longint(value)),def); 8: emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_64bit(value),def); else internalerror(2014100501); end; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.emit_pooled_shortstring_const_ref(const str:shortstring); var pool : thashset; entry : phashsetitem; strlab : tasmlabel; l : longint; pc : pansichar; datadef : tdef; strtcb : ttai_typedconstbuilder; begin pool:=current_asmdata.ConstPools[sp_shortstr]; entry:=pool.FindOrAdd(@str[1],length(str)); { :-(, we must generate a new entry } if not assigned(entry^.Data) then begin current_asmdata.getglobaldatalabel(strlab); { include length and terminating zero for quick conversion to pchar } l:=length(str); getmem(pc,l+2); move(str[1],pc[1],l); pc[0]:=chr(l); pc[l+1]:=#0; datadef:=carraydef.getreusable(cansichartype,l+2); { we start a new constbuilder as we don't know whether we're called from inside an internal constbuilder } strtcb:=ctai_typedconstbuilder.create([tcalo_is_lab,tcalo_make_dead_strippable,tcalo_apply_constalign]); strtcb.maybe_begin_aggregate(datadef); strtcb.emit_tai(Tai_string.Create_pchar(pc,l+2),datadef); strtcb.maybe_end_aggregate(datadef); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_typedconsts].concatList( strtcb.get_final_asmlist(strlab,datadef,sec_rodata_norel,strlab.name,const_align(sizeof(pint))) ); strtcb.free; entry^.Data:=strlab; end else strlab:=tasmlabel(entry^.Data); emit_tai(tai_const.Create_sym(strlab),charpointertype); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.maybe_begin_aggregate(def: tdef); begin begin_aggregate_internal(def,false); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.maybe_end_aggregate(def: tdef); begin end_aggregate_internal(def,false); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.begin_anonymous_record(const optionalname: string; packrecords, recordalign, recordalignmin: shortint): trecorddef; var anonrecorddef: trecorddef; typesym: ttypesym; begin { if the name is specified, we create a typesym with that name in order to ensure we can find it again later with that name -> reuse here as well if possible (and that also avoids duplicate type name issues) } if optionalname<>'' then begin typesym:=try_search_current_module_type(optionalname); if assigned(typesym) then begin if typesym.typedef.typ<>recorddef then internalerror(2015071401); result:=trecorddef(typesym.typedef); maybe_begin_aggregate(result); exit; end; end; { create skeleton def } anonrecorddef:=crecorddef.create_global_internal(optionalname,packrecords,recordalignmin); trecordsymtable(anonrecorddef.symtable).recordalignment:=recordalign; { generic aggregate housekeeping } begin_aggregate_internal(anonrecorddef,true); { mark as anonymous record } curagginfo.anonrecord:=true; { in case a descendent wants to do something with the anonrecorddef too } result:=anonrecorddef; end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.end_anonymous_record: trecorddef; var info: taggregateinformation; anonrecord: boolean; begin info:=curagginfo; if not assigned(info) or (info.def.typ<>recorddef) then internalerror(2014080201); result:=trecorddef(info.def); { make a copy, as we need it after info has been freed by maybe_end_aggregate(result) } anonrecord:=info.anonrecord; { finalise the record skeleton (all fields have been added already by emit_tai()) -- anonrecord may not be set in case we reused an earlier constructed def } if anonrecord then trecordsymtable(result.symtable).addalignmentpadding; end_aggregate_internal(result,true); if anonrecord and assigned(curagginfo) and (curagginfo.def.typ=recorddef) then insert_marked_aggregate_alignment(result); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.check_add_placeholder(def: tdef); begin { it only makes sense to add a placeholder inside an aggregate (otherwise there can be but one element) we cannot add a placeholder in the middle of a queued expression either the placeholder cannot be an aggregate } if not assigned(curagginfo) or queue_is_active or (aggregate_kind(def)<>tck_simple) then internalerror(2015091001); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_init(todef: tdef); var info: taggregateinformation; begin { nested call to init? } if fqueue_offset<>low(fqueue_offset) then internalerror(2014062101); { insert padding bytes before starting the queue, so that the first padding byte won't be interpreted as the emitted value for this queue } info:=curagginfo; if assigned(info) then begin if ((info.def.typ=recorddef) or is_object(info.def)) and { may add support for these later } not is_packed_record_or_object(info.def) then pad_next_field(todef); end; fqueue_offset:=0; fqueued_def:=todef; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_vecn(def: tdef; const index: tconstexprint); var elelen, vecbase: asizeint; v: tconstexprint; begin elelen:=1; vecbase:=0; case def.typ of stringdef : ; arraydef : begin if not is_packed_array(def) then begin elelen:=tarraydef(def).elesize; vecbase:=tarraydef(def).lowrange; end else Message(parser_e_packed_dynamic_open_array); end; else Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; { Prevent overflow } v:=index-vecbase; if (vint64(high(fqueue_offset))) then message3(type_e_range_check_error_bounds,tostr(v),tostr(low(fqueue_offset)),tostr(high(fqueue_offset))); if high(fqueue_offset)-fqueue_offset div elelen>v then inc(fqueue_offset,elelen*v.svalue) else message3(type_e_range_check_error_bounds,tostr(index),tostr(vecbase),tostr(high(fqueue_offset)-fqueue_offset div elelen+vecbase)) end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_addn(def: tdef; const index: tconstexprint); begin inc(fqueue_offset,def.size*int64(index)); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_subn(def: tdef; const index: tconstexprint); begin dec(fqueue_offset,def.size*int64(index)); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_subscriptn(def: tabstractrecorddef; vs: tfieldvarsym); begin inc(fqueue_offset,vs.fieldoffset); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_subscriptn_multiple_by_name(def: tabstractrecorddef; const fields: array of TIDString): tdef; var syms, parentdefs: tfplist; sym: tsym; curdef: tdef; i: longint; begin result:=nil; if length(fields)=0 then internalerror(2015071601); syms:=tfplist.Create; syms.count:=length(fields); parentdefs:=tfplist.create; parentdefs.Count:=length(fields); curdef:=def; for i:=low(fields) to high(fields) do begin sym:=search_struct_member_no_helper(tabstractrecorddef(curdef),fields[i]); if not assigned(sym) or not is_normal_fieldvarsym(sym) or ((i<>high(fields)) and not(tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef])) then internalerror(2015071505); syms[i]:=sym; parentdefs[i]:=curdef; curdef:=tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef; result:=curdef; end; for i:=high(fields) downto low(fields) do queue_subscriptn(tabstractrecorddef(parentdefs[i]),tfieldvarsym(syms[i])); syms.free; parentdefs.free; end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_typeconvn(fromdef, todef: tdef); begin { do nothing } end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_emit_proc(pd: tprocdef); begin if fqueue_offset<>0 then internalerror(2014092101); emit_procdef_const(pd); fqueue_offset:=low(fqueue_offset); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_emit_staticvar(vs: tstaticvarsym); begin { pointerdef because we are emitting a pointer to the staticvarsym data, not the data itself } emit_tai(Tai_const.Createname(vs.mangledname,AT_DATA,fqueue_offset),cpointerdef.getreusable(vs.vardef)); fqueue_offset:=low(fqueue_offset); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_emit_label(l: tlabelsym); begin emit_tai(Tai_const.Createname(l.mangledname,fqueue_offset),voidcodepointertype); fqueue_offset:=low(fqueue_offset); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_emit_const(cs: tconstsym); var resourcestrrec: trecorddef; begin if cs.consttyp<>constresourcestring then internalerror(2014062102); if fqueue_offset<>0 then internalerror(2014062103); { warning: update if/when the type of resource strings changes } case cs.consttyp of constresourcestring: begin resourcestrrec:=trecorddef(search_system_type('TRESOURCESTRINGRECORD').typedef); queue_subscriptn_multiple_by_name(resourcestrrec,['CURRENTVALUE']); queue_emit_asmsym(current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol( make_mangledname('RESSTR',cs.owner,cs.name),AT_DATA),resourcestrrec ); end; { can these occur? } constord, conststring,constreal, constset,constpointer,constnil, constwstring,constguid: internalerror(2015090903); else internalerror(2015090904); end; fqueue_offset:=low(fqueue_offset); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_emit_asmsym(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef); begin { pointerdef, because "sym" represents the address of whatever the data is } def:=cpointerdef.getreusable(def); emit_tai(Tai_const.Create_sym_offset(sym,fqueue_offset),def); fqueue_offset:=low(fqueue_offset); end; procedure ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_emit_ordconst(value: int64; def: tdef); begin emit_ord_const(value,def); fqueue_offset:=low(fqueue_offset); end; function ttai_typedconstbuilder.queue_is_active: boolean; begin result:=fqueue_offset<>low(fqueue_offset) end; {**************************************************************************** tlowleveltypedconstplaceholder ****************************************************************************} constructor tlowleveltypedconstplaceholder.create(l: tasmlist; pos: tai; d: tdef); begin inherited create(d); list:=l; insertpos:=pos; end; procedure tlowleveltypedconstplaceholder.replace(ai: tai; d: tdef); begin if d<>def then internalerror(2015091007); list.insertafter(ai,insertpos); list.remove(insertpos); insertpos.free; end; {**************************************************************************** tai_abstracttypedconst ****************************************************************************} class constructor ttai_lowleveltypedconstbuilder.classcreate; begin caggregateinformation:=tlowlevelaggregateinformation; end; function ttai_lowleveltypedconstbuilder.emit_placeholder(def: tdef): ttypedconstplaceholder; var p: tai; begin check_add_placeholder(def); p:=tai_marker.Create(mark_position); emit_tai(p,def); result:=tlowleveltypedconstplaceholder.create(fasmlist,p,def); end; procedure ttai_lowleveltypedconstbuilder.mark_anon_aggregate_alignment; var marker: tai_marker; begin marker:=tai_marker.Create(mark_position); fasmlist.concat(marker); tlowlevelaggregateinformation(curagginfo).anonrecmarker:=marker; end; procedure ttai_lowleveltypedconstbuilder.insert_marked_aggregate_alignment(def: tdef); var info: tlowlevelaggregateinformation; fillbytes: asizeint; begin info:=tlowlevelaggregateinformation(curagginfo); if not assigned(info.anonrecmarker) then internalerror(2014091401); fillbytes:=info.prepare_next_field(def); while fillbytes>0 do begin fasmlist.insertafter(tai_const.create_8bit(0),info.anonrecmarker); dec(fillbytes); end; fasmlist.remove(info.anonrecmarker); info.anonrecmarker.free; info.anonrecmarker:=nil; end; procedure ttai_lowleveltypedconstbuilder.finalize_asmlist(sym: tasmsymbol; def: tdef; section: TAsmSectiontype; const secname: TSymStr; alignment: shortint; const options: ttcasmlistoptions); begin inherited; { The darwin/ppc64 assembler or linker seems to have trouble } { if a section ends with a global label without any data after it. } { So for safety, just put a dummy value here. } { Further, the regular linker also kills this symbol when turning } { on smart linking in case no value appears after it, so put the } { dummy byte there always } { Update: the Mac OS X 10.6 linker orders data that needs to be } { relocated before all other data, so make this data relocatable, } { otherwise the end label won't be moved with the rest } if (tcalo_vectorized_dead_strip_end in options) and (target_info.system in (systems_darwin+systems_aix)) then fasmlist.concat(Tai_const.create_sym(sym)); end; begin ctai_typedconstbuilder:=ttai_lowleveltypedconstbuilder; end.