{ Copyright (c) 1998-2006 by Florian Klaempfl This unit implements an abstract asmoutput class for all processor types This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } { @abstract(This unit implements an abstract asm output class for all processor types) This unit implements an abstract assembler output class for all processors, these are then overridden for each assembler writer to actually write the data in these classes to an assembler file. } unit aasmdata; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cutils,cclasses, globtype,systems, cgbase, symtype, aasmbase; type { Type of AsmLists. The order is important for the layout of the information in the .o file. The stabs for the types must be defined before they can be referenced and therefor they need to be written first (PFV) } TAsmListType=( al_start, al_stabs, al_procedures, al_globals, al_const, al_typedconsts, al_rotypedconsts, al_threadvars, al_imports, al_exports, al_resources, al_rtti, al_dwarf_frame, al_dwarf_info, al_dwarf_abbrev, al_dwarf_line, al_picdata, al_indirectpicdata, al_resourcestrings, { Objective-C related sections } al_objc_data, { keep pool data separate, so we can generate new pool entries while emitting other data } al_objc_pools, al_end ); { Type of constant 'pools'. Mostly for string types, but usable for floating point and large set constants, too. } TConstPoolType = ( sp_invalid, sp_conststr, sp_shortstr, sp_longstr, sp_ansistr, sp_widestr, sp_unicodestr, sp_objcclassnamerefs, sp_varnamerefs, sp_objcclassnames, sp_objcvarnames, sp_objcvartypes, sp_objcprotocolrefs, sp_varsets, sp_floats ); const AsmListTypeStr : array[TAsmListType] of string[24] =( 'al_begin', 'al_stabs', 'al_procedures', 'al_globals', 'al_const', 'al_typedconsts', 'al_rotypedconsts', 'al_threadvars', 'al_imports', 'al_exports', 'al_resources', 'al_rtti', 'al_dwarf_frame', 'al_dwarf_info', 'al_dwarf_abbrev', 'al_dwarf_line', 'al_picdata', 'al_indirectpicdata', 'al_resourcestrings', 'al_objc_data', 'al_objc_pools', 'al_end' ); type TAsmList = class(tlinkedlist) constructor create; function empty : boolean; function getlasttaifilepos : pfileposinfo; end; TAsmCFI=class public constructor create;virtual; destructor destroy;override; procedure generate_code(list:TAsmList);virtual; procedure start_frame(list:TAsmList);virtual; procedure end_frame(list:TAsmList);virtual; procedure cfa_offset(list:TAsmList;reg:tregister;ofs:longint);virtual; procedure cfa_restore(list:TAsmList;reg:tregister);virtual; procedure cfa_def_cfa_register(list:TAsmList;reg:tregister);virtual; procedure cfa_def_cfa_offset(list:TAsmList;ofs:longint);virtual; end; TAsmCFIClass=class of TAsmCFI; { TAsmData } TAsmData = class private { Symbols } FAsmSymbolDict : TFPHashObjectList; FAltSymbolList : TFPObjectList; FNextAltNr : longint; FNextLabelNr : array[TAsmLabeltype] of longint; { Call Frame Information for stack unwinding} FAsmCFI : TAsmCFI; FConstPools : array[TConstPoolType] of THashSet; function GetConstPools(APoolType: TConstPoolType): THashSet; public name, realname : string[80]; NextVTEntryNr : longint; { Assembler lists } AsmLists : array[TAsmListType] of TAsmList; CurrAsmList : TAsmList; WideInits : TLinkedList; ResStrInits : TLinkedList; constructor create(const n:string); destructor destroy;override; { asmsymbol } function DefineAsmSymbolByClass(symclass: TAsmSymbolClass; const s : TSymStr;_bind:TAsmSymBind;_typ:Tasmsymtype) : TAsmSymbol; function DefineAsmSymbol(const s : TSymStr;_bind:TAsmSymBind;_typ:Tasmsymtype) : TAsmSymbol; function WeakRefAsmSymbol(const s : TSymStr) : TAsmSymbol; function RefAsmSymbol(const s : TSymStr) : TAsmSymbol; function GetAsmSymbol(const s : TSymStr) : TAsmSymbol; { create new assembler label } procedure getlabel(out l : TAsmLabel;alt:TAsmLabeltype); procedure getjumplabel(out l : TAsmLabel); procedure getglobaljumplabel(out l : TAsmLabel); procedure getaddrlabel(out l : TAsmLabel); procedure getdatalabel(out l : TAsmLabel); { generate an alternative (duplicate) symbol } procedure GenerateAltSymbol(p:TAsmSymbol); procedure ResetAltSymbols; property AsmSymbolDict:TFPHashObjectList read FAsmSymbolDict; property AsmCFI:TAsmCFI read FAsmCFI; { hash tables for reusing constant storage } property ConstPools[APoolType:TConstPoolType]: THashSet read GetConstPools; end; TAsmDataClass = class of TAsmData; TTCInitItem = class(TLinkedListItem) sym: tsym; offset: aint; datalabel: TAsmSymbol; constructor Create(asym: tsym; aoffset: aint; alabel: TAsmSymbol); end; const casmdata: TAsmDataClass = TAsmData; var CAsmCFI : TAsmCFIClass; current_asmdata : TAsmData; implementation uses verbose, aasmtai; {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} var memasmsymbols, memasmcfi, memasmlists : TMemDebug; {$endif MEMDEBUG} {***************************************************************************** TAsmCFI *****************************************************************************} constructor TAsmCFI.create; begin end; destructor TAsmCFI.destroy; begin end; procedure TAsmCFI.generate_code(list:TAsmList); begin end; procedure TAsmCFI.start_frame(list:TAsmList); begin end; procedure TAsmCFI.end_frame(list:TAsmList); begin end; procedure TAsmCFI.cfa_offset(list:TAsmList;reg:tregister;ofs:longint); begin end; procedure TAsmCFI.cfa_restore(list:TAsmList;reg:tregister); begin end; procedure TAsmCFI.cfa_def_cfa_register(list:TAsmList;reg:tregister); begin end; procedure TAsmCFI.cfa_def_cfa_offset(list:TAsmList;ofs:longint); begin end; {***************************************************************************** TTCInitItem *****************************************************************************} constructor TTCInitItem.Create(asym: tsym; aoffset: aint; alabel: TAsmSymbol); begin inherited Create; sym:=asym; offset:=aoffset; datalabel:=alabel; end; {***************************************************************************** TAsmList *****************************************************************************} constructor TAsmList.create; begin inherited create; { make sure the optimizer won't remove the first tai of this list} insert(tai_marker.create(mark_BlockStart)); end; function TAsmList.empty : boolean; begin { there is always a mark_BlockStart available, see TAsmList.create } result:=(count<=1); end; function TAsmList.getlasttaifilepos : pfileposinfo; var hp : tlinkedlistitem; begin getlasttaifilepos := nil; if assigned(last) then begin { find the last file information record } if not (tai(last).typ in SkipLineInfo) then getlasttaifilepos:=@tailineinfo(last).fileinfo else { go through list backwards to find the first entry with line information } begin hp:=tai(last); while assigned(hp) and (tai(hp).typ in SkipLineInfo) do hp:=hp.Previous; { found entry } if assigned(hp) then getlasttaifilepos:=@tailineinfo(hp).fileinfo end; end; end; {**************************************************************************** TAsmData ****************************************************************************} function TAsmData.GetConstPools(APoolType: TConstPoolType): THashSet; begin if FConstPools[APoolType] = nil then case APoolType of sp_ansistr: FConstPools[APoolType] := TTagHashSet.Create(64, True, False); else FConstPools[APoolType] := THashSet.Create(64, True, False); end; Result := FConstPools[APoolType]; end; constructor TAsmData.create(const n:string); var alt : TAsmLabelType; hal : TAsmListType; begin inherited create; realname:=n; name:=upper(n); { symbols } FAsmSymbolDict:=TFPHashObjectList.create(true); FAltSymbolList:=TFPObjectList.Create(false); { labels } FNextAltNr:=1; for alt:=low(TAsmLabelType) to high(TAsmLabelType) do FNextLabelNr[alt]:=1; { AsmLists } CurrAsmList:=TAsmList.create; for hal:=low(TAsmListType) to high(TAsmListType) do AsmLists[hal]:=TAsmList.create; WideInits :=TLinkedList.create; ResStrInits:=TLinkedList.create; { CFI } FAsmCFI:=CAsmCFI.Create; end; destructor TAsmData.destroy; var hal : TAsmListType; hp : TConstPoolType; begin { Symbols } {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} memasmsymbols.start; {$endif} FAltSymbolList.free; FAsmSymbolDict.free; {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} memasmsymbols.stop; {$endif} { CFI } {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} memasmcfi.start; {$endif} FAsmCFI.free; {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} memasmcfi.stop; {$endif} { Lists } {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} memasmlists.start; {$endif} ResStrInits.free; WideInits.free; for hal:=low(TAsmListType) to high(TAsmListType) do AsmLists[hal].free; CurrAsmList.free; {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} memasmlists.stop; {$endif} for hp := low(TConstPoolType) to high(TConstPoolType) do FConstPools[hp].Free; end; function TAsmData.DefineAsmSymbolByClass(symclass: TAsmSymbolClass; const s : TSymStr;_bind:TAsmSymBind;_typ:Tasmsymtype) : TAsmSymbol; var hp : TAsmSymbol; begin hp:=TAsmSymbol(FAsmSymbolDict.Find(s)); if assigned(hp) then begin { Redefine is allowed, but the types must be the same. The redefine is needed for Darwin where the labels are first allocated } if not(hp.bind in [AB_EXTERNAL,AB_WEAK_EXTERNAL]) then begin if (hp.bind<>_bind) and (hp.typ<>_typ) then internalerror(200603261); end; hp.typ:=_typ; hp.bind:=_bind; end else begin { Not found, insert it. } hp:=symclass.create(AsmSymbolDict,s,_bind,_typ); end; result:=hp; end; function TAsmData.DefineAsmSymbol(const s : TSymStr;_bind:TAsmSymBind;_typ:Tasmsymtype) : TAsmSymbol; begin result:=DefineAsmSymbolByClass(TAsmSymbol,s,_bind,_typ); end; function TAsmData.RefAsmSymbol(const s : TSymStr) : TAsmSymbol; begin result:=TAsmSymbol(FAsmSymbolDict.Find(s)); if not assigned(result) then result:=TAsmSymbol.create(AsmSymbolDict,s,AB_EXTERNAL,AT_NONE) { one normal reference removes the "weak" character of a symbol } else if (result.bind=AB_WEAK_EXTERNAL) then result.bind:=AB_EXTERNAL; end; function TAsmData.WeakRefAsmSymbol(const s : TSymStr) : TAsmSymbol; begin result:=TAsmSymbol(FAsmSymbolDict.Find(s)); if not assigned(result) then result:=TAsmSymbol.create(AsmSymbolDict,s,AB_WEAK_EXTERNAL,AT_NONE); end; function TAsmData.GetAsmSymbol(const s : TSymStr) : TAsmSymbol; begin result:=TAsmSymbol(FAsmSymbolDict.Find(s)); end; procedure TAsmData.GenerateAltSymbol(p:TAsmSymbol); begin if not assigned(p.altsymbol) then begin p.altsymbol:=p.getaltcopy(AsmSymbolDict,FNextAltNr); FAltSymbolList.Add(p); end; end; procedure TAsmData.ResetAltSymbols; var i : longint; begin for i:=0 to FAltSymbolList.Count-1 do TAsmSymbol(FAltSymbolList[i]).altsymbol:=nil; FAltSymbolList.Clear; end; procedure TAsmData.getlabel(out l : TAsmLabel;alt:TAsmLabeltype); begin if (target_info.system in (systems_linux + systems_bsd + systems_android)) and { the next condition was (cs_create_smart in current_settings.moduleswitches) and but if we create_smartlink_sections, this is useless } (create_smartlink_library) and (alt = alt_dbgline) then l:=TAsmLabel.createglobal(AsmSymbolDict,name,FNextLabelNr[alt],alt) else l:=TAsmLabel.createlocal(AsmSymbolDict,FNextLabelNr[alt],alt); inc(FNextLabelNr[alt]); end; procedure TAsmData.getjumplabel(out l : TAsmLabel); begin l:=TAsmLabel.createlocal(AsmSymbolDict,FNextLabelNr[alt_jump],alt_jump); inc(FNextLabelNr[alt_jump]); end; procedure TAsmData.getglobaljumplabel(out l : TAsmLabel); begin l:=TAsmLabel.createglobal(AsmSymbolDict,name,FNextLabelNr[alt_jump],alt_jump); inc(FNextLabelNr[alt_jump]); end; procedure TAsmData.getdatalabel(out l : TAsmLabel); begin l:=TAsmLabel.createglobal(AsmSymbolDict,name,FNextLabelNr[alt_data],alt_data); inc(FNextLabelNr[alt_data]); end; procedure TAsmData.getaddrlabel(out l : TAsmLabel); begin l:=TAsmLabel.createlocal(AsmSymbolDict,FNextLabelNr[alt_addr],alt_addr); inc(FNextLabelNr[alt_addr]); end; initialization {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} memasmsymbols:=TMemDebug.create('AsmSymbols'); memasmsymbols.stop; memasmcfi:=TMemDebug.create('AsmCFI'); memasmcfi.stop; memasmlists:=TMemDebug.create('AsmLists'); memasmlists.stop; {$endif MEMDEBUG} CAsmCFI:=TAsmCFI; finalization {$ifdef MEMDEBUG} memasmsymbols.free; memasmcfi.free; memasmlists.free; {$endif MEMDEBUG} end.