{ Copyright (c) 1998-2010 by the Free Pascal team This unit implements the Jasmin assembler writer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } { Unit for writing Jasmin assembler (JVM bytecode) output. } unit agjasmin; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses, globtype,globals, symconst,symbase,symdef,symsym, aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu, assemble; type TJasminInstrWriter = class; {# This is a derived class which is used to write Jasmin-styled assembler. } { TJasminAssembler } TJasminAssembler=class(texternalassembler) protected jasminjar: tcmdstr; asmfiles: TCmdStrList; procedure WriteExtraHeader(obj: tabstractrecorddef); procedure WriteInstruction(hp: tai); procedure NewAsmFileForStructDef(obj: tabstractrecorddef); function VisibilityToStr(vis: tvisibility): ansistring; function MethodDefinition(pd: tprocdef): ansistring; function ConstValue(csym: tconstsym): ansistring; function ConstAssignmentValue(csym: tconstsym): ansistring; function ConstDefinition(sym: tconstsym): ansistring; function FieldDefinition(sym: tabstractvarsym): ansistring; function InnerStructDef(obj: tabstractrecorddef): ansistring; procedure WriteProcDef(pd: tprocdef); procedure WriteFieldSym(sym: tabstractvarsym); procedure WriteConstSym(sym: tconstsym); procedure WriteSymtableVarSyms(st: TSymtable); procedure WriteSymtableProcdefs(st: TSymtable); procedure WriteSymtableStructDefs(st: TSymtable); public constructor Create(smart: boolean); override; function MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr;override; procedure WriteTree(p:TAsmList);override; procedure WriteAsmList;override; procedure RemoveAsm; override; destructor destroy; override; protected InstrWriter: TJasminInstrWriter; end; {# This is the base class for writing instructions. The WriteInstruction() method must be overridden to write a single instruction to the assembler file. } { TJasminInstrWriter } TJasminInstrWriter = class constructor create(_owner: TJasminAssembler); procedure WriteInstruction(hp : tai); virtual; protected owner: TJasminAssembler; end; implementation uses SysUtils, cutils,cfileutl,systems,script, fmodule,finput,verbose, symtype,symcpu,symtable,jvmdef, itcpujas,cpubase,cpuinfo,cgutils, widestr ; const line_length = 70; type t64bitarray = array[0..7] of byte; t32bitarray = array[0..3] of byte; {****************************************************************************} { Support routines } {****************************************************************************} function fixline(s:string):string; { return s with all leading and ending spaces and tabs removed } var i,j,k : integer; begin i:=length(s); while (i>0) and (s[i] in [#9,' ']) do dec(i); j:=1; while (j0 then begin setlength(result,length(result)+runlen); move(p[runstart],result[length(result)-runlen+1],runlen); runlen:=0; end; end; begin result:='"'; runlen:=0; runstart:=0; for i:=0 to len-1 do begin { escape control codes } case p[i] of { LF and CR must be escaped specially, because \uXXXX parsing happens in the pre-processor, so it's the same as actually inserting a newline in the middle of a string constant } #10: begin flush; result:=result+'\n'; end; #13: begin flush; result:=result+'\r'; end; '"','\': begin flush; result:=result+'\'+p[i]; end else if p[i]<#32 then begin flush; result:=result+'\u'+hexstr(ord(p[i]),4); end else if p[i]<#127 then begin if runlen=0 then runstart:=i; inc(runlen); end else begin { see comments in njvmcon } flush; result:=result+'\u'+hexstr(ord(p[i]),4) end; end; end; flush; result:=result+'"'; end; function constwstr(w: pcompilerwidechar; len: longint): ansistring; var i: longint; begin result:='"'; for i:=0 to len-1 do begin { escape control codes } case w[i] of 10: result:=result+'\n'; 13: result:=result+'\r'; ord('"'),ord('\'): result:=result+'\'+chr(w[i]); else if (w[i]<32) or (w[i]>=127) then result:=result+'\u'+hexstr(w[i],4) else result:=result+char(w[i]); end; end; result:=result+'"'; end; function constsingle(s: single): ansistring; begin result:='0fx'+hexstr(longint(t32bitarray(s)),8); end; function constdouble(d: double): ansistring; begin // force interpretation as double (since we write it out as an // integer, we never have to swap the endianess). We have to // include the sign separately because of the way Java parses // hex numbers (0x8000000000000000 is not a valid long) result:=hexstr(abs(int64(t64bitarray(d))),16); if int64(t64bitarray(d))<0 then result:='-'+result; result:='0dx'+result; end; {****************************************************************************} { Jasmin Assembler writer } {****************************************************************************} destructor TJasminAssembler.Destroy; begin InstrWriter.free; asmfiles.free; inherited destroy; end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteTree(p:TAsmList); var ch : char; hp : tai; hp1 : tailineinfo; s : ansistring; i,pos : longint; InlineLevel : longint; do_line : boolean; begin if not assigned(p) then exit; InlineLevel:=0; { lineinfo is only needed for al_procedures (PFV) } do_line:=(cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches); hp:=tai(p.first); while assigned(hp) do begin prefetch(pointer(hp.next)^); if not(hp.typ in SkipLineInfo) then begin hp1 := hp as tailineinfo; current_filepos:=hp1.fileinfo; { no line info for inlined code } if do_line and (inlinelevel=0) then begin { load infile } if lastfileinfo.fileindex<>hp1.fileinfo.fileindex then begin infile:=current_module.sourcefiles.get_file(hp1.fileinfo.fileindex); if assigned(infile) then begin { open only if needed !! } if (cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches) then infile.open; end; { avoid unnecessary reopens of the same file !! } lastfileinfo.fileindex:=hp1.fileinfo.fileindex; { be sure to change line !! } lastfileinfo.line:=-1; end; { write source } if (cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches) and assigned(infile) then begin if (infile<>lastinfile) then begin AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'['+infile.name+']'); if assigned(lastinfile) then lastinfile.close; end; if (hp1.fileinfo.line<>lastfileinfo.line) and ((hp1.fileinfo.line0)) then begin if (hp1.fileinfo.line<>0) and ((infile.linebuf^[hp1.fileinfo.line]>=0) or (InlineLevel>0)) then AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'['+tostr(hp1.fileinfo.line)+'] '+ fixline(infile.GetLineStr(hp1.fileinfo.line))); { set it to a negative value ! to make that is has been read already !! PM } if (infile.linebuf^[hp1.fileinfo.line]>=0) then infile.linebuf^[hp1.fileinfo.line]:=-infile.linebuf^[hp1.fileinfo.line]-1; end; end; lastfileinfo:=hp1.fileinfo; lastinfile:=infile; end; end; case hp.typ of ait_comment : Begin AsmWrite(target_asm.comment); AsmWritePChar(tai_comment(hp).str); AsmLn; End; ait_regalloc : begin if (cs_asm_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin AsmWrite(#9+target_asm.comment+'Register '); repeat AsmWrite(std_regname(Tai_regalloc(hp).reg)); if (hp.next=nil) or (tai(hp.next).typ<>ait_regalloc) or (tai_regalloc(hp.next).ratype<>tai_regalloc(hp).ratype) then break; hp:=tai(hp.next); AsmWrite(','); until false; AsmWrite(' '); AsmWriteLn(regallocstr[tai_regalloc(hp).ratype]); end; end; ait_tempalloc : begin if (cs_asm_tempalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} if assigned(tai_tempalloc(hp).problem) then AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'Temp '+tostr(tai_tempalloc(hp).temppos)+','+ tostr(tai_tempalloc(hp).tempsize)+' '+tai_tempalloc(hp).problem^) else {$endif EXTDEBUG} AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'Temp '+tostr(tai_tempalloc(hp).temppos)+','+ tostr(tai_tempalloc(hp).tempsize)+' '+tempallocstr[tai_tempalloc(hp).allocation]); end; end; ait_align : begin end; ait_section : begin end; ait_datablock : begin internalerror(2010122701); end; ait_const: begin AsmWriteln('constant'); // internalerror(2010122702); end; ait_real_64bit : begin internalerror(2010122703); end; ait_real_32bit : begin internalerror(2010122703); end; ait_comp_64bit : begin internalerror(2010122704); end; ait_string : begin pos:=0; for i:=1 to tai_string(hp).len do begin if pos=0 then begin AsmWrite(#9'strconst: '#9'"'); pos:=20; end; ch:=tai_string(hp).str[i-1]; case ch of #0, {This can't be done by range, because a bug in FPC} #1..#31, #128..#255 : s:='\'+tostr(ord(ch) shr 6)+tostr((ord(ch) and 63) shr 3)+tostr(ord(ch) and 7); '"' : s:='\"'; '\' : s:='\\'; else s:=ch; end; AsmWrite(s); inc(pos,length(s)); if (pos>line_length) or (i=tai_string(hp).len) then begin AsmWriteLn('"'); pos:=0; end; end; end; ait_label : begin if (tai_label(hp).labsym.is_used) then begin AsmWrite(tai_label(hp).labsym.name); AsmWriteLn(':'); end; end; ait_symbol : begin if (tai_symbol(hp).sym.typ = AT_FUNCTION) then begin end else begin AsmWrite('data symbol: '); AsmWriteln(tai_symbol(hp).sym.name); // internalerror(2010122706); end; end; ait_symbol_end : begin end; ait_instruction : begin WriteInstruction(hp); end; ait_force_line, ait_function_name : ; ait_cutobject : begin end; ait_marker : if tai_marker(hp).kind=mark_NoLineInfoStart then inc(InlineLevel) else if tai_marker(hp).kind=mark_NoLineInfoEnd then dec(InlineLevel); ait_directive : begin AsmWrite('.'+directivestr[tai_directive(hp).directive]+' '); if tai_directive(hp).name<>'' then AsmWrite(tai_directive(hp).name); AsmLn; end; ait_jvar: begin AsmWrite('.var '); AsmWrite(tostr(tai_jvar(hp).stackslot)); AsmWrite(' is '); AsmWrite(tai_jvar(hp).desc^); AsmWrite(' from '); AsmWrite(tai_jvar(hp).startlab.name); AsmWrite(' to '); AsmWriteLn(tai_jvar(hp).stoplab.name); end; ait_jcatch: begin AsmWrite('.catch '); AsmWrite(tai_jcatch(hp).name^); AsmWrite(' from '); AsmWrite(tai_jcatch(hp).startlab.name); AsmWrite(' to '); AsmWrite(tai_jcatch(hp).stoplab.name); AsmWrite(' using '); AsmWriteLn(tai_jcatch(hp).handlerlab.name); end; else internalerror(2010122707); end; hp:=tai(hp.next); end; end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteExtraHeader(obj: tabstractrecorddef); var superclass, intf: tobjectdef; n: ansistring; i: longint; toplevelowner: tsymtable; begin superclass:=nil; { JVM 1.5+ } AsmWriteLn('.bytecode 49.0'); // include files are not support by Java, and the directory of the main // source file must not be specified if current_module.mainsource<>'' then n:=ExtractFileName(current_module.mainsource) else n:=InputFileName; AsmWriteLn('.source '+ExtractFileName(n)); { class/interface name } if not assigned(obj) then begin { fake class type for unit -> name=unitname and superclass=java.lang.object, make final so you cannot descend from it } AsmWrite('.class final public '); if assigned(current_module.namespace) then AsmWrite(current_module.namespace^+'.'); AsmWriteln(current_module.realmodulename^); AsmWriteLn('.super java/lang/Object'); end else begin toplevelowner:=obj.owner; while not(toplevelowner.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) do toplevelowner:=toplevelowner.defowner.owner; case obj.typ of recorddef: begin { can't inherit from records } AsmWrite('.class final '); if toplevelowner.symtabletype=globalsymtable then AsmWrite('public '); AsmWriteln(obj.jvm_full_typename(true)); superclass:=java_fpcbaserecordtype; end; objectdef: begin case tobjectdef(obj).objecttype of odt_javaclass: begin AsmWrite('.class '); if oo_is_sealed in tobjectdef(obj).objectoptions then AsmWrite('final '); if (oo_is_abstract in tobjectdef(obj).objectoptions) or (tobjectdef(obj).abstractcnt<>0) then AsmWrite('abstract '); if toplevelowner.symtabletype=globalsymtable then AsmWrite('public '); if (oo_is_enum_class in tobjectdef(obj).objectoptions) then AsmWrite('enum '); AsmWriteln(obj.jvm_full_typename(true)); superclass:=tobjectdef(obj).childof; end; odt_interfacejava: begin AsmWrite('.interface abstract '); if toplevelowner.symtabletype=globalsymtable then AsmWrite('public '); AsmWriteLn(obj.jvm_full_typename(true)); { interfaces must always specify Java.lang.object as superclass } superclass:=java_jlobject; end else internalerror(2011010906); end; end; end; { superclass } if assigned(superclass) then begin AsmWrite('.super '); if assigned(superclass.import_lib) then AsmWrite(superclass.import_lib^+'/'); AsmWriteln(superclass.objextname^); end; { implemented interfaces } if (obj.typ=objectdef) and assigned(tobjectdef(obj).ImplementedInterfaces) then begin for i:=0 to tobjectdef(obj).ImplementedInterfaces.count-1 do begin intf:=TImplementedInterface(tobjectdef(obj).ImplementedInterfaces[i]).IntfDef; AsmWrite('.implements '); AsmWriteLn(intf.jvm_full_typename(true)); end; end; { signature for enum classes (must come after superclass and implemented interfaces) } if (obj.typ=objectdef) and (oo_is_enum_class in tobjectdef(obj).objectoptions) then AsmWriteln('.signature "Ljava/lang/Enum;"'); { in case of nested class: relation to parent class } if obj.owner.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable] then AsmWriteln(InnerStructDef(obj)); { add all nested classes } for i:=0 to obj.symtable.deflist.count-1 do if (is_java_class_or_interface(tdef(obj.symtable.deflist[i])) or (tdef(obj.symtable.deflist[i]).typ=recorddef)) and not(df_generic in tdef(obj.symtable.deflist[i]).defoptions) then AsmWriteln(InnerStructDef(tabstractrecorddef(obj.symtable.deflist[i]))); end; AsmLn; end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteInstruction(hp: tai); begin InstrWriter.WriteInstruction(hp); end; function TJasminAssembler.MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr; const jasminjarname = 'jasmin.jar'; var filenames: tcmdstr; asmfile: tcmdstrlistitem; jasminjarfound: boolean; begin if jasminjar='' then begin jasminjarfound:=false; if utilsdirectory<>'' then jasminjarfound:=FindFile(jasminjarname,utilsdirectory,false,jasminjar); if not jasminjarfound then jasminjarfound:=FindFileInExeLocations(jasminjarname,false,jasminjar); if (not jasminjarfound) and not(cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin Message1(exec_e_assembler_not_found,jasminjarname); current_settings.globalswitches:=current_settings.globalswitches+[cs_asm_extern]; end; if jasminjarfound then Message1(exec_t_using_assembler,jasminjar); end; result:=target_asm.asmcmd; filenames:=ScriptFixFileName(AsmFileName); if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then filenames:=maybequoted(filenames); asmfile:=tcmdstrlistitem(asmfiles.First); while assigned(asmfile) do begin if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then filenames:=filenames+' '+maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(asmfile.str)) else filenames:=filenames+' '+ScriptFixFileName(asmfile.str); asmfile:=tcmdstrlistitem(asmfile.next); end; Replace(result,'$ASM',filenames); if (path<>'') then if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then Replace(result,'$OBJDIR',maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(path))) else Replace(result,'$OBJDIR',ScriptFixFileName(path)) else Replace(result,'$OBJDIR','.'); if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then Replace(result,'$JASMINJAR',maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(jasminjar))) else Replace(result,'$JASMINJAR',ScriptFixFileName(jasminjar)); Replace(result,'$EXTRAOPT',asmextraopt); end; procedure TJasminAssembler.NewAsmFileForStructDef(obj: tabstractrecorddef); begin if AsmSize<>AsmStartSize then begin AsmClose; asmfiles.Concat(AsmFileName); end else AsmClear; AsmFileName:=obj.jvm_full_typename(false); AsmFileName:=Path+FixFileName(AsmFileName)+target_info.asmext; AsmCreate(cut_normal); end; function TJasminAssembler.VisibilityToStr(vis: tvisibility): ansistring; begin case vis of vis_hidden, vis_strictprivate: result:='private '; { protected in Java means "accessible by subclasses *and* by classes in the same package" -> similar to regular "protected" in Pascal; "strict protected" is actually more strict in Pascal than in Java, but there's not much we can do about that } vis_protected, vis_strictprotected: result:='protected '; vis_private: { pick default visibility = "package" visibility; required because other classes in the same unit can also access these symbols } result:=''; vis_public: result:='public ' else internalerror(2010122609); end; end; function TJasminAssembler.MethodDefinition(pd: tprocdef): ansistring; begin result:=VisibilityToStr(pd.visibility); if (pd.procsym.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable,localsymtable]) or (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) then result:=result+'static '; if (po_abstractmethod in pd.procoptions) or is_javainterface(tdef(pd.owner.defowner)) then result:=result+'abstract '; if (pd.procsym.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable,localsymtable]) or (po_finalmethod in pd.procoptions) or (not(po_virtualmethod in pd.procoptions) and not(po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_class_constructor])) then result:=result+'final '; result:=result+tcpuprocdef(pd).jvmmangledbasename(false); end; function TJasminAssembler.ConstValue(csym: tconstsym): ansistring; begin case csym.consttyp of constord: { always interpret as signed value, because the JVM does not support unsigned values } case csym.constdef.size of 1:result:=tostr(shortint(csym.value.valueord.svalue)); 2:result:=tostr(smallint(csym.value.valueord.svalue)); 4:result:=tostr(longint(csym.value.valueord.svalue)); 8:result:=tostr(csym.value.valueord.svalue); else internalerror(2014082050); end; conststring: result:=constastr(pchar(csym.value.valueptr),csym.value.len); constreal: case tfloatdef(csym.constdef).floattype of s32real: result:=constsingle(pbestreal(csym.value.valueptr)^); s64real: result:=constdouble(pbestreal(csym.value.valueptr)^); else internalerror(2011021204); end; constset: result:='TODO: add support for constant sets'; constpointer: { can only be null, but that's the default value and should not be written; there's no primitive type that can hold nill } internalerror(2011021201); constnil: internalerror(2011021202); constresourcestring: result:='TODO: add support for constant resource strings'; constwstring: result:=constwstr(pcompilerwidestring(csym.value.valueptr)^.data,pcompilerwidestring(csym.value.valueptr)^.len); constguid: result:='TODO: add support for constant guids'; else internalerror(2011021205); end; end; function TJasminAssembler.ConstAssignmentValue(csym: tconstsym): ansistring; begin result:=''; { nil is the default value -> don't write explicitly } case csym.consttyp of constpointer: begin if csym.value.valueordptr<>0 then internalerror(2011021206); end; constnil: ; else begin { enums and sets are initialized as typed constants } if not assigned(csym.constdef) or not(csym.constdef.typ in [enumdef,setdef]) then result:=' = '+ConstValue(csym); end; end; end; function TJasminAssembler.ConstDefinition(sym: tconstsym): ansistring; begin result:=VisibilityToStr(sym.visibility); { formal constants are always class-level, not instance-level } result:=result+'static final '; if sp_internal in sym.symoptions then result:=result+'synthetic '; result:=result+jvmmangledbasename(sym,true); result:=result+ConstAssignmentValue(tconstsym(sym)); end; function TJasminAssembler.FieldDefinition(sym: tabstractvarsym): ansistring; begin case sym.typ of staticvarsym: begin if sym.owner.symtabletype=globalsymtable then result:='public ' else { package visbility } result:=''; end; fieldvarsym, absolutevarsym: result:=VisibilityToStr(tstoredsym(sym).visibility); else internalerror(2011011204); end; if (sym.typ=staticvarsym) or (sp_static in sym.symoptions) then result:=result+'static '; if sym.varspez in [vs_const,vs_final] then result:=result+'final '; if sp_internal in sym.symoptions then result:=result+'synthetic '; { mark the class fields of enum classes that contain the initialised enum instances as "enum" (recognise them by the fact that their type is the same as their parent class, and that this parent class is marked as oo_is_enum_class) } if assigned(sym.owner.defowner) and (tdef(sym.owner.defowner).typ=objectdef) and (oo_is_enum_class in tobjectdef(sym.owner.defowner).objectoptions) and (sym.typ=staticvarsym) and (tstaticvarsym(sym).vardef=tdef(sym.owner.defowner)) then result:=result+'enum '; result:=result+jvmmangledbasename(sym,true); end; function TJasminAssembler.InnerStructDef(obj: tabstractrecorddef): ansistring; var extname: pshortstring; kindname: ansistring; begin if not(obj.owner.defowner.typ in [objectdef,recorddef]) then internalerror(2011021701); { Nested classes in the Pascal sense are equivalent to "static" inner classes in Java -- will be changed when support for Java-style non-static classes is added } case obj.typ of recorddef: begin kindname:='class static '; extname:=obj.symtable.realname; end; objectdef: begin extname:=tobjectdef(obj).objextname; case tobjectdef(obj).objecttype of odt_javaclass: kindname:='class static '; odt_interfacejava: kindname:='interface static abstract '; else internalerror(2011021702); end; end; else internalerror(2011032809); end; result:= '.inner '+ kindname+ VisibilityToStr(obj.typesym.visibility)+ extname^+ ' inner '+ obj.jvm_full_typename(true)+ ' outer '+ tabstractrecorddef(obj.owner.defowner).jvm_full_typename(true); end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteProcDef(pd: tprocdef); begin if not assigned(tcpuprocdef(pd).exprasmlist) and not(po_abstractmethod in pd.procoptions) and (not is_javainterface(pd.struct) or (pd.proctypeoption in [potype_unitinit,potype_unitfinalize])) then exit; AsmWrite('.method '); AsmWriteln(MethodDefinition(pd)); if jvmtypeneedssignature(pd) then begin AsmWrite('.signature "'); AsmWrite(tcpuprocdef(pd).jvmmangledbasename(true)); AsmWriteln('"'); end; WriteTree(tcpuprocdef(pd).exprasmlist); AsmWriteln('.end method'); AsmLn; end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteFieldSym(sym: tabstractvarsym); begin { internal static field definition alias -> skip } if (sym.owner.symtabletype in [recordsymtable,ObjectSymtable]) and (sym.typ=staticvarsym) then exit; { external or threadvar definition -> no definition here } if ([vo_is_external,vo_is_thread_var]*sym.varoptions)<>[] then exit; AsmWrite('.field '); AsmWriteln(FieldDefinition(sym)); end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteConstSym(sym: tconstsym); begin AsmWrite('.field '); AsmWriteln(ConstDefinition(sym)); end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteSymtableVarSyms(st: TSymtable); var sym : tsym; i,j : longint; begin if not assigned(st) then exit; for i:=0 to st.SymList.Count-1 do begin sym:=tsym(st.SymList[i]); case sym.typ of staticvarsym, fieldvarsym: begin WriteFieldSym(tabstractvarsym(sym)); if (sym.typ=staticvarsym) and assigned(tstaticvarsym(sym).defaultconstsym) then WriteFieldSym(tabstractvarsym(tstaticvarsym(sym).defaultconstsym)); end; constsym: begin { multiple procedures can have constants with the same name } if not assigned(sym.owner.defowner) or (tdef(sym.owner.defowner).typ<>procdef) then WriteConstSym(tconstsym(sym)); end; procsym: begin for j:=0 to tprocsym(sym).procdeflist.count-1 do if not(df_generic in tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).procdeflist[j]).defoptions) then WriteSymtableVarSyms(tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).procdeflist[j]).localst); end; end; end; end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteSymtableProcdefs(st: TSymtable); var i : longint; def : tdef; begin if not assigned(st) then exit; for i:=0 to st.DefList.Count-1 do begin def:=tdef(st.DefList[i]); case def.typ of procdef : begin { methods are also in the static/globalsymtable of the unit -> make sure they are only written for the objectdefs that own them } if (not(st.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) or (def.owner=st)) and not(df_generic in def.defoptions) then begin WriteProcDef(tprocdef(def)); if assigned(tprocdef(def).localst) then WriteSymtableProcdefs(tprocdef(def).localst); end; end; end; end; end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteSymtableStructDefs(st: TSymtable); var i : longint; def : tdef; obj : tabstractrecorddef; nestedstructs: tfpobjectlist; begin if not assigned(st) then exit; nestedstructs:=tfpobjectlist.create(false); for i:=0 to st.DefList.Count-1 do begin def:=tdef(st.DefList[i]); if df_generic in def.defoptions then continue; case def.typ of objectdef: if not(oo_is_external in tobjectdef(def).objectoptions) then nestedstructs.add(def); recorddef: nestedstructs.add(def); end; end; for i:=0 to nestedstructs.count-1 do begin obj:=tabstractrecorddef(nestedstructs[i]); NewAsmFileForStructDef(obj); WriteExtraHeader(obj); WriteSymtableVarSyms(obj.symtable); AsmLn; WriteSymtableProcDefs(obj.symtable); WriteSymtableStructDefs(obj.symtable); end; nestedstructs.free; end; constructor TJasminAssembler.Create(smart: boolean); begin inherited create(smart); InstrWriter:=TJasminInstrWriter.Create(self); asmfiles:=TCmdStrList.Create; end; procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteAsmList; begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} if assigned(current_module.mainsource) then Comment(V_Debug,'Start writing Jasmin-styled assembler output for '+current_module.mainsource); {$endif} AsmStartSize:=AsmSize; WriteExtraHeader(nil); (* for hal:=low(TasmlistType) to high(TasmlistType) do begin AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'Begin asmlist '+AsmlistTypeStr[hal]); writetree(current_asmdata.asmlists[hal]); AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'End asmlist '+AsmlistTypeStr[hal]); end; *) { print all global variables } WriteSymtableVarSyms(current_module.globalsymtable); WriteSymtableVarSyms(current_module.localsymtable); AsmLn; { print all global procedures/functions } WriteSymtableProcdefs(current_module.globalsymtable); WriteSymtableProcdefs(current_module.localsymtable); WriteSymtableStructDefs(current_module.globalsymtable); WriteSymtableStructDefs(current_module.localsymtable); AsmLn; {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} if assigned(current_module.mainsource) then Comment(V_Debug,'Done writing gas-styled assembler output for '+current_module.mainsource); {$endif EXTDEBUG} end; procedure TJasminAssembler.RemoveAsm; var g : file; begin inherited; if cs_asm_leave in current_settings.globalswitches then exit; while not asmfiles.empty do begin if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then AsmRes.AddDeleteCommand(asmfiles.GetFirst) else begin assign(g,asmfiles.GetFirst); {$I-} erase(g); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then; end; end; end; {****************************************************************************} { Jasmin Instruction Writer } {****************************************************************************} constructor TJasminInstrWriter.create(_owner: TJasminAssembler); begin inherited create; owner := _owner; end; function getreferencestring(var ref : treference) : ansistring; begin if (ref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or (ref.index<>NR_NO) then internalerror(2010122809); if assigned(ref.symbol) then begin // global symbol or field -> full type and name // ref.base can be <> NR_NO in case an instance field is loaded. // This register is not part of this instruction, it will have // been placed on the stack by the previous one. if (ref.offset<>0) then internalerror(2010122811); result:=ref.symbol.name; end else begin // local symbol -> stack slot, stored in offset if ref.base<>NR_STACK_POINTER_REG then internalerror(2010122810); result:=tostr(ref.offset); end; end; function getopstr(const o:toper) : ansistring; var d: double; s: single; begin case o.typ of top_reg: // should have been translated into a memory location by the // register allocator) if (cs_no_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then getopstr:=std_regname(o.reg) else internalerror(2010122803); top_const: str(o.val,result); top_ref: getopstr:=getreferencestring(o.ref^); top_single: begin result:=constsingle(o.sval); end; top_double: begin result:=constdouble(o.dval); end; top_string: begin result:=constastr(o.pcval,o.pcvallen); end; top_wstring: begin result:=constwstr(o.pwstrval^.data,getlengthwidestring(o.pwstrval)); end else internalerror(2010122802); end; end; procedure TJasminInstrWriter.WriteInstruction(hp: tai); var s: ansistring; i: byte; sep: ansistring; begin s:=#9+jas_op2str[taicpu(hp).opcode]; if taicpu(hp).ops<>0 then begin sep:=#9; for i:=0 to taicpu(hp).ops-1 do begin s:=s+sep+getopstr(taicpu(hp).oper[i]^); sep:=' '; end; end; owner.AsmWriteLn(s); end; {****************************************************************************} { Jasmin Instruction Writer } {****************************************************************************} const as_jvm_jasmin_info : tasminfo = ( id : as_jvm_jasmin; idtxt : 'Jasmin'; asmbin : 'java'; asmcmd : '-jar $JASMINJAR $ASM $EXTRAOPT -d $OBJDIR'; supported_targets : [system_jvm_java32,system_jvm_android32]; flags : []; labelprefix : 'L'; comment : ' ; '; dollarsign : '$'; ); begin RegisterAssembler(as_jvm_jasmin_info,TJasminAssembler); end.