{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Jonas Maebe, member of the Free Pascal Development Team This unit contains the base of all optimizer related objects This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit aoptbase; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses aasmbase,aasmcpu,aasmtai,aasmdata, cpubase, cgbase, cgutils; Type { the number of tai objects processed by an optimizer object since the last time a register was modified } { size at each dimension depends on the registers of this type } TInstrSinceLastMod = Array[tregistertype] of pbyte; { the TAopBase object implements the basic methods that most other } { assembler optimizer objects require } Type TAoptBase = class { processor independent methods } constructor create; virtual; destructor destroy;override; { returns true if register Reg is used by instruction p1 } Function RegInInstruction(Reg: TRegister; p1: tai): Boolean;virtual; { returns true if register Reg occurs in operand op } Function RegInOp(Reg: TRegister; const op: toper): Boolean; { returns true if register Reg is used in the reference Ref } Function RegInRef(Reg: TRegister; Const Ref: TReference): Boolean; function RegModifiedByInstruction(Reg: TRegister; p1: tai): boolean;virtual; { returns true if the references are completely equal } {Function RefsEqual(Const R1, R2: TReference): Boolean;} { gets the next tai object after current that contains info relevant } { to the optimizer in p1. If there is none, it returns false and } { sets p1 to nil } Function GetNextInstruction(Current: tai; Var Next: tai): Boolean; { gets the previous tai object after current that contains info } { relevant to the optimizer in last. If there is none, it retuns } { false and sets last to nil } Function GetLastInstruction(Current: tai; Var Last: tai): Boolean; function SkipEntryExitMarker(current: tai; var next: tai): boolean; { processor dependent methods } { returns the maximum width component of Reg. Only has to be } { overridden for the 80x86 (afaik) } Function RegMaxSize(Reg: TRegister): TRegister; Virtual; { returns true if Reg1 and Reg2 are of the samae width. Only has to } { overridden for the 80x86 (afaik) } Function RegsSameSize(Reg1, Reg2: TRegister): Boolean; Virtual; { returns whether P is a load instruction (load contents from a } { memory location or (register) variable into a register) } Function IsLoadMemReg(p: tai): Boolean; Virtual; Abstract; { returns whether P is a load constant instruction (load a constant } { into a register) } Function IsLoadConstReg(p: tai): Boolean; Virtual; Abstract; { returns whether P is a store instruction (store contents from a register to a memory location or to a (register) variable) } Function IsStoreRegMem(p: tai): Boolean; Virtual; Abstract; { create a paicpu Object that loads the contents of reg1 into reg2 } Function a_load_reg_reg(reg1, reg2: TRegister): taicpu; Virtual; Abstract; { returns true if reg is used by any instruction between p1 and p2 } Function RegUsedBetween(reg: TRegister; p1, p2: tai): Boolean; { returns true if reg is modified by any instruction between p1 and p2 } function RegModifiedBetween(reg: TRegister; p1, p2: tai): Boolean; end; function labelCanBeSkipped(p: tai_label): boolean; implementation uses globtype,globals,aoptcpub; constructor taoptbase.create; begin inherited create; end; destructor taoptbase.destroy; begin inherited destroy; end; Function TAOptBase.RegInInstruction(Reg: TRegister; p1: tai): Boolean; Var Count: longint; Begin result:=false; if p1.typ<>ait_instruction then exit; for Count:=0 to TInstr(p1).ops-1 do if RegInOp(Reg, TInstr(p1).oper[Count]^) then exit(true); result:=false; End; Function TAOptBase.RegInOp(Reg: TRegister; const op: toper): Boolean; Begin Case op.typ Of Top_Reg: RegInOp := Reg = op.reg; Top_Ref: RegInOp := RegInRef(Reg, op.ref^); {$ifdef arm} Top_Shifterop: RegInOp := op.shifterop^.rs = Reg; Top_RegSet: RegInOp := getsupreg(Reg) in op.regset^; {$endif arm} Else RegInOp := False End End; Function TAOptBase.RegInRef(Reg: TRegister; Const Ref: TReference): Boolean; Begin Reg := RegMaxSize(Reg); RegInRef := (Ref.Base = Reg) {$ifdef cpurefshaveindexreg} Or (Ref.Index = Reg) {$endif cpurefshaveindexreg} End; Function TAOptBase.RegModifiedByInstruction(Reg: TRegister; p1: tai): Boolean; Begin Result:=true; End; function labelCanBeSkipped(p: tai_label): boolean; begin labelCanBeSkipped := not(p.labsym.is_used) or (p.labsym.labeltype<>alt_jump); end; Function TAOptBase.GetNextInstruction(Current: tai; Var Next: tai): Boolean; Begin Repeat Current := tai(Current.Next); While Assigned(Current) And ((Current.typ In SkipInstr) or {$if defined(SPARC) or defined(MIPS)} ((Current.typ=ait_instruction) and (taicpu(Current).opcode=A_NOP) ) or {$endif SPARC or MIPS} ((Current.typ = ait_label) And labelCanBeSkipped(Tai_Label(Current)))) Do Current := tai(Current.Next); If Assigned(Current) And (Current.typ = ait_Marker) And (Tai_Marker(Current).Kind = mark_NoPropInfoStart) Then Begin While Assigned(Current) And ((Current.typ <> ait_Marker) Or (Tai_Marker(Current).Kind <> mark_NoPropInfoEnd)) Do Current := Tai(Current.Next); End; Until Not(Assigned(Current)) Or (Current.typ <> ait_Marker) Or (Tai_Marker(Current).Kind <> mark_NoPropInfoEnd); Next := Current; If Assigned(Current) And Not((Current.typ In SkipInstr) or ((Current.typ = ait_label) And labelCanBeSkipped(Tai_Label(Current)))) Then GetNextInstruction := True Else Begin Next := Nil; GetNextInstruction := False; End; End; Function TAOptBase.GetLastInstruction(Current: tai; Var Last: tai): Boolean; Begin Repeat Current := Tai(Current.previous); While Assigned(Current) And (((Current.typ = ait_Marker) And Not(Tai_Marker(Current).Kind in [mark_AsmBlockEnd{,mark_NoPropInfoEnd}])) or (Current.typ In SkipInstr) or ((Current.typ = ait_label) And labelCanBeSkipped(Tai_Label(Current)))) Do Current := Tai(Current.previous); { If Assigned(Current) And (Current.typ = ait_Marker) And (Tai_Marker(Current).Kind = mark_NoPropInfoEnd) Then Begin While Assigned(Current) And ((Current.typ <> ait_Marker) Or (Tai_Marker(Current).Kind <> mark_NoPropInfoStart)) Do Current := Tai(Current.previous); End; } Until Not(Assigned(Current)) Or (Current.typ <> ait_Marker) Or not(tai_Marker(current).Kind in [mark_NoPropInfoStart,mark_NoPropInfoEnd]); If Not(Assigned(Current)) or (Current.typ In SkipInstr) or ((Current.typ = ait_label) And labelCanBeSkipped(Tai_Label(Current))) or ((Current.typ = ait_Marker) And (Tai_Marker(Current).Kind = mark_AsmBlockEnd)) Then Begin Last := Nil; GetLastInstruction := False End Else Begin Last := Current; GetLastInstruction := True; End; End; function TAOptBase.SkipEntryExitMarker(current: tai; var next: tai): boolean; begin result:=true; if current.typ<>ait_marker then exit; next:=current; while GetNextInstruction(next,next) do begin if (next.typ<>ait_marker) or not(tai_marker(next).Kind in [mark_Position,mark_BlockStart]) then exit; end; result:=false; end; Function TAOptBase.RegUsedBetween(reg : TRegister;p1,p2 : tai) : Boolean; Begin Result:=false; while assigned(p1) and assigned(p2) and GetNextInstruction(p1,p1) and (p1<>p2) do if RegInInstruction(reg,p1) then begin Result:=true; exit; end; end; Function TAOptBase.RegModifiedBetween(reg : TRegister;p1,p2 : tai) : Boolean; Begin Result:=false; while assigned(p1) and assigned(p2) and GetNextInstruction(p1,p1) and (p1<>p2) do if RegModifiedByInstruction(reg,p1) then begin Result:=true; exit; end; end; { ******************* Processor dependent stuff *************************** } Function TAOptBase.RegMaxSize(Reg: TRegister): TRegister; Begin RegMaxSize := Reg End; Function TAOptBase.RegsSameSize(Reg1, Reg2: TRegister): Boolean; Begin RegsSameSize := True End; end.