{ Copyright (c) 1998-2004 by Jonas Maebe, member of the Free Pascal Development Team This unit contains the processor independent assembler optimizer object, base for the dataflow analyzer, peepholeoptimizer and common subexpression elimination objects. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } Unit AoptObj; {$i fpcdefs.inc} { general, processor independent objects for use by the assembler optimizer } Interface uses globtype, aasmbase,aasmcpu,aasmtai,aasmdata, cclasses, cgbase,cgutils, cpubase, aoptbase,aoptcpub,aoptda; { ************************************************************************* } { ********************************* Constants ***************************** } { ************************************************************************* } Const {Possible register content types} con_Unknown = 0; con_ref = 1; con_const = 2; {***************** Types ****************} Type { ************************************************************************* } { ************************* Some general type definitions ***************** } { ************************************************************************* } TRefCompare = Function(const r1, r2: TReference): Boolean; //!!! FIXME TRegArray = Array[byte] of tsuperregister; TRegSet = tcpuregisterset; { possible actions on an operand: read, write or modify (= read & write) } TOpAction = (OpAct_Read, OpAct_Write, OpAct_Modify, OpAct_Unknown); { ************************************************************************* } { * Object to hold information on which regiters are in use and which not * } { ************************************************************************* } { TUsedRegs } TUsedRegs = class Constructor create(aTyp : TRegisterType); Constructor create_regset(aTyp : TRegisterType;Const _RegSet: TRegSet); Destructor Destroy;override; Procedure Clear; { update the info with the pairegalloc objects coming after p } procedure Update(p: Tai; IgnoreNewAllocs: Boolean=false); { is Reg currently in use } Function IsUsed(Reg: TRegister): Boolean; { get all the currently used registers } Function GetUsedRegs: TRegSet; Private Typ : TRegisterType; UsedRegs: TRegSet; End; { ************************************************************************* } { ******************* Contents of the integer registers ******************* } { ************************************************************************* } { size of the integer that holds the state number of a register. Can be any } { integer type, so it can be changed to reduce the size of the TContent } { structure or to improve alignment } TStateInt = Byte; TContent = Record { start and end of block instructions that defines the } { content of this register. If Typ = con_const, then } { Longint(StartMod) = value of the constant) } StartMod: Tai; { starts at 0, gets increased everytime the register is } { written to } WState: TStateInt; { starts at 0, gets increased everytime the register is read } { from } RState: TStateInt; { how many instructions starting with StarMod does the block } { consist of } NrOfMods: Byte; { the type of the content of the register: unknown, memory } { (variable) or constant } Typ: Byte; End; //!!! FIXME TRegContent = Array[byte] Of TContent; { ************************************************************************** } { information object with the contents of every register. Every Tai object } { gets one of these assigned: a pointer to it is stored in the OptInfo field } { ************************************************************************** } { TPaiProp } TPaiProp = class(TAoptBaseCpu) Regs: TRegContent; { can this instruction be removed? } CanBeRemoved: Boolean; Constructor create; reintroduce; { checks the whole sequence of which (so regs[which].StartMod and and } { the next NrOfMods Tai objects) to see whether Reg is used somewhere, } { without it being loaded with something else first } Function RegInSequence(Reg, which: TRegister): Boolean; { destroy the contents of a register, as well as those whose contents } { are based on those of that register } Procedure DestroyReg(Reg: TRegister; var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); { if the contents of WhichReg (can be R_NO in case of a constant) are } { written to memory at the location Ref, the contents of the registers } { that depend on Ref have to be destroyed } Procedure DestroyRefs(Const Ref: TReference; WhichReg: TRegister; var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); { an instruction reads from operand o } Procedure ReadOp(const o:toper); { an instruction reads from reference Ref } Procedure ReadRef(Ref: PReference); { an instruction reads from register Reg } Procedure ReadReg(Reg: TRegister); { an instruction writes/modifies operand o and this has special } { side-effects or modifies the contents in such a way that we can't } { simply add this instruction to the sequence of instructions that } { describe the contents of the operand, so destroy it } Procedure DestroyOp(const o:Toper; var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); { destroy the contents of all registers } Procedure DestroyAllRegs(var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); { a register's contents are modified, but not destroyed (the new value depends on the old one) } Procedure ModifyReg(reg: TRegister; var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); { an operand's contents are modified, but not destroyed (the new value depends on the old one) } Procedure ModifyOp(const oper: TOper; var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); { increase the write state of a register (call every time a register is written to) } Procedure IncWState(Reg: TRegister); { increase the read state of a register (call every time a register is } { read from) } Procedure IncRState(Reg: TRegister); { get the write state of a register } Function GetWState(Reg: TRegister): TStateInt; { get the read state of a register } Function GetRState(Reg: TRegister): TStateInt; { get the type of contents of a register } Function GetRegContentType(Reg: TRegister): Byte; Destructor Done; Private Procedure IncState(var s: TStateInt); { returns whether the reference Ref is used somewhere in the loading } { sequence Content } Function RefInSequence(Const Ref: TReference; Content: TContent; RefsEq: TRefCompare): Boolean; { returns whether the instruction P reads from and/or writes } { to Reg } Function RefInInstruction(Const Ref: TReference; p: Tai; RefsEq: TRefCompare): Boolean; { returns whether two references with at least one pointing to an array } { may point to the same memory location } End; { ************************************************************************* } { ************************ Label information ****************************** } { ************************************************************************* } TLabelTableItem = Record PaiObj: Tai; End; TLabelTable = Array[0..2500000] Of TLabelTableItem; PLabelTable = ^TLabelTable; PLabelInfo = ^TLabelInfo; TLabelInfo = Record { the highest and lowest label number occurring in the current code } { fragment } LowLabel, HighLabel: longint; LabelDif: cardinal; { table that contains the addresses of the Pai_Label objects associated with each label number } LabelTable: PLabelTable; End; { ************************************************************************* } { ********** General optimizer object, used to derive others from ********* } { ************************************************************************* } TAllUsedRegs = array[TRegisterType] of TUsedRegs; { TAOptObj } TAOptObj = class(TAoptBaseCpu) { the PAasmOutput list this optimizer instance works on } AsmL: TAsmList; { The labelinfo record contains the addresses of the Tai objects } { that are labels, how many labels there are and the min and max } { label numbers } LabelInfo: PLabelInfo; { Start and end of the block that is currently being optimized } BlockStart, BlockEnd: Tai; DFA: TAOptDFA; UsedRegs: TAllUsedRegs; { _AsmL is the PAasmOutpout list that has to be optimized, } { _BlockStart and _BlockEnd the start and the end of the block } { that has to be optimized and _LabelInfo a pointer to a } { TLabelInfo record } Constructor create(_AsmL: TAsmList; _BlockStart, _BlockEnd: Tai; _LabelInfo: PLabelInfo); virtual; reintroduce; Destructor Destroy;override; { processor independent methods } Procedure CreateUsedRegs(var regs: TAllUsedRegs); Procedure ClearUsedRegs; Procedure UpdateUsedRegs(p : Tai); procedure UpdateUsedRegs(var Regs: TAllUsedRegs; p: Tai); Function CopyUsedRegs(var dest : TAllUsedRegs) : boolean; Procedure ReleaseUsedRegs(const regs : TAllUsedRegs); Function RegInUsedRegs(reg : TRegister;regs : TAllUsedRegs) : boolean; Procedure IncludeRegInUsedRegs(reg : TRegister;var regs : TAllUsedRegs); Procedure ExcludeRegFromUsedRegs(reg: TRegister;var regs : TAllUsedRegs); Function GetAllocationString(const regs : TAllUsedRegs) : string; { returns true if the label L is found between hp and the next } { instruction } Function FindLabel(L: TasmLabel; Var hp: Tai): Boolean; { inserts new_one between prev and foll in AsmL } Procedure InsertLLItem(prev, foll, new_one: TLinkedListItem); { If P is a Tai object releveant to the optimizer, P is returned If it is not relevant tot he optimizer, the first object after P that is relevant is returned } Function SkipHead(P: Tai): Tai; { returns true if the operands o1 and o2 are completely equal } Function OpsEqual(const o1,o2:toper): Boolean; { Returns the next ait_alloc object with ratype ra_alloc for Reg is found in the block of Tai's starting with StartPai and ending with the next "real" instruction. If none is found, it returns nil } Function FindRegAlloc(Reg: TRegister; StartPai: Tai): tai_regalloc; { Returns the last ait_alloc object with ratype ra_alloc for Reg is found in the block of Tai's starting with StartPai and ending with the next "real" instruction. If none is found, it returns nil } Function FindRegAllocBackward(Reg : TRegister; StartPai : Tai) : tai_regalloc; { Returns the next ait_alloc object with ratype ra_dealloc for Reg which is found in the block of Tai's starting with StartPai and ending with the next "real" instruction. If none is found, it returns nil } Function FindRegDeAlloc(Reg: TRegister; StartPai: Tai): tai_regalloc; { reg used after p? } function RegUsedAfterInstruction(reg: Tregister; p: tai; var AllUsedRegs: TAllUsedRegs): Boolean; { traces sucessive jumps to their final destination and sets it, e.g. je l1 je l3 l1: becomes l1: je l2 je l3 l2: l2: jmp l3 jmp l3 the level parameter denotes how deeep we have already followed the jump, to avoid endless loops with constructs such as "l5: ; jmp l5" } function GetFinalDestination(hp: taicpu; level: longint): boolean; function getlabelwithsym(sym: tasmlabel): tai; { Removes an instruction following hp1 (possibly with reg.deallocations in between), if its opcode is A_NOP. } procedure RemoveDelaySlot(hp1: tai); { peephole optimizer } procedure PrePeepHoleOpts; procedure PeepHoleOptPass1; procedure PeepHoleOptPass2; virtual; procedure PostPeepHoleOpts; { processor dependent methods } // if it returns true, perform a "continue" function PeepHoleOptPass1Cpu(var p: tai): boolean; virtual; function PostPeepHoleOptsCpu(var p: tai): boolean; virtual; End; Function ArrayRefsEq(const r1, r2: TReference): Boolean; { ***************************** Implementation **************************** } Implementation uses cutils, globals, verbose, procinfo; function JumpTargetOp(ai: taicpu): poper; inline; begin {$ifdef MIPS} { MIPS branches can have 1,2 or 3 operands, target label is the last one. } result:=ai.oper[ai.ops-1]; {$else MIPS} result:=ai.oper[0]; {$endif MIPS} end; { ************************************************************************* } { ******************************** TUsedRegs ****************************** } { ************************************************************************* } Constructor TUsedRegs.create(aTyp : TRegisterType); Begin Typ:=aTyp; UsedRegs := []; End; Constructor TUsedRegs.create_regset(aTyp : TRegisterType;Const _RegSet: TRegSet); Begin Typ:=aTyp; UsedRegs := _RegSet; End; { updates UsedRegs with the RegAlloc Information coming after P } Procedure TUsedRegs.Update(p: Tai;IgnoreNewAllocs : Boolean = false); Begin { this code is normally not used because updating the register allocation information is done in TAOptObj.UpdateUsedRegs for speed reasons } repeat while assigned(p) and ((p.typ in (SkipInstr - [ait_RegAlloc])) or ((p.typ = ait_label) and labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(p))) or ((p.typ = ait_marker) and (tai_Marker(p).Kind in [mark_AsmBlockEnd,mark_NoLineInfoStart,mark_NoLineInfoEnd]))) do p := tai(p.next); while assigned(p) and (p.typ=ait_RegAlloc) Do begin if (getregtype(tai_regalloc(p).reg) = typ) then begin case tai_regalloc(p).ratype of ra_alloc : if not(IgnoreNewAllocs) then Include(UsedRegs, getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg)); ra_dealloc : Exclude(UsedRegs, getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg)); end; end; p := tai(p.next); end; until not(assigned(p)) or (not(p.typ in SkipInstr) and not((p.typ = ait_label) and labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(p)))); End; Function TUsedRegs.IsUsed(Reg: TRegister): Boolean; Begin IsUsed := (getregtype(Reg)=Typ) and (getsupreg(Reg) in UsedRegs); End; Function TUsedRegs.GetUsedRegs: TRegSet; Begin GetUsedRegs := UsedRegs; End; Destructor TUsedRegs.Destroy; Begin inherited destroy; end; procedure TUsedRegs.Clear; begin UsedRegs := []; end; { ************************************************************************* } { **************************** TPaiProp *********************************** } { ************************************************************************* } Constructor TPaiProp.Create; Begin {!!!!!! UsedRegs.Init; CondRegs.init; } { DirFlag: TFlagContents; I386 specific} End; Function TPaiProp.RegInSequence(Reg, which: TRegister): Boolean; { Var p: Tai; RegsChecked: TRegSet; content: TContent; Counter: Byte; TmpResult: Boolean; } begin Result:=False; { unimplemented } (*!!!!!!!!!!1 RegsChecked := []; content := regs[which]; p := content.StartMod; TmpResult := False; Counter := 1; While Not(TmpResult) And (Counter <= Content.NrOfMods) Do Begin If IsLoadMemReg(p) Then With PInstr(p)^.oper[LoadSrc]^.ref^ Do If (Base = ProcInfo.FramePointer) {$ifdef cpurefshaveindexreg} And (Index = R_NO) {$endif cpurefshaveindexreg} Then Begin RegsChecked := RegsChecked + [RegMaxSize(PInstr(p)^.oper[LoadDst]^.reg)]; If Reg = RegMaxSize(PInstr(p)^.oper[LoadDst]^.reg) Then Break; End Else Begin If (Base = Reg) And Not(Base In RegsChecked) Then TmpResult := True; {$ifdef cpurefshaveindexreg} If Not(TmpResult) And (Index = Reg) And Not(Index In RegsChecked) Then TmpResult := True; {$Endif cpurefshaveindexreg} End Else TmpResult := RegInInstruction(Reg, p); Inc(Counter); GetNextInstruction(p,p) End; RegInSequence := TmpResult *) End; Procedure TPaiProp.DestroyReg(Reg: TRegister; var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); { Destroys the contents of the register Reg in the PPaiProp p1, as well as } { the contents of registers are loaded with a memory location based on Reg } { Var TmpWState, TmpRState: Byte; Counter: TRegister; } Begin {!!!!!!! Reg := RegMaxSize(Reg); If (Reg in [LoGPReg..HiGPReg]) Then For Counter := LoGPReg to HiGPReg Do With Regs[Counter] Do If (Counter = reg) Or ((Typ = Con_Ref) And RegInSequence(Reg, Counter)) Then Begin InstrSinceLastMod[Counter] := 0; IncWState(Counter); TmpWState := GetWState(Counter); TmpRState := GetRState(Counter); FillChar(Regs[Counter], SizeOf(TContent), 0); WState := TmpWState; RState := TmpRState End } End; Function ArrayRefsEq(const r1, r2: TReference): Boolean; Begin Result:=False; { unimplemented } (*!!!!!!!!!! ArrayRefsEq := (R1.Offset+R1.OffsetFixup = R2.Offset+R2.OffsetFixup) And {$ifdef refsHaveSegmentReg} (R1.Segment = R2.Segment) And {$endif} (R1.Base = R2.Base) And (R1.Symbol=R2.Symbol); *) End; Procedure TPaiProp.DestroyRefs(Const Ref: TReference; WhichReg: TRegister; var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); { destroys all registers which possibly contain a reference to Ref, WhichReg } { is the register whose contents are being written to memory (if this proc } { is called because of a "mov?? %reg, (mem)" instruction) } { Var RefsEq: TRefCompare; Counter: TRegister; } Begin (*!!!!!!!!!!! WhichReg := RegMaxSize(WhichReg); If (Ref.base = procinfo.FramePointer) or Assigned(Ref.Symbol) Then Begin If {$ifdef cpurefshaveindexreg} (Ref.Index = R_NO) And {$endif cpurefshaveindexreg} (Not(Assigned(Ref.Symbol)) or (Ref.base = R_NO)) Then { local variable which is not an array } RefsEq := @RefsEqual Else { local variable which is an array } RefsEq := @ArrayRefsEq; {write something to a parameter, a local or global variable, so * with uncertain optimizations on: - destroy the contents of registers whose contents have somewhere a "mov?? (Ref), %reg". WhichReg (this is the register whose contents are being written to memory) is not destroyed if it's StartMod is of that form and NrOfMods = 1 (so if it holds ref, but is not a pointer or value based on Ref) * with uncertain optimizations off: - also destroy registers that contain any pointer} For Counter := LoGPReg to HiGPReg Do With Regs[Counter] Do Begin If (typ = Con_Ref) And ((Not(cs_opt_size in current_settings.optimizerswitches) And (NrOfMods <> 1) ) Or (RefInSequence(Ref,Regs[Counter], RefsEq) And ((Counter <> WhichReg) Or ((NrOfMods <> 1) And {StarMod is always of the type ait_instruction} (PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].typ = top_ref) And RefsEq(PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].ref^, Ref) ) ) ) ) Then DestroyReg(Counter, InstrSinceLastMod) End End Else {write something to a pointer location, so * with uncertain optimzations on: - do not destroy registers which contain a local/global variable or a parameter, except if DestroyRefs is called because of a "movsl" * with uncertain optimzations off: - destroy every register which contains a memory location } For Counter := LoGPReg to HiGPReg Do With Regs[Counter] Do If (typ = Con_Ref) And (Not(cs_opt_size in current_settings.optimizerswitches) Or {$ifdef x86} {for movsl} (Ref.Base = R_EDI) Or {$endif} {don't destroy if reg contains a parameter, local or global variable} Not((NrOfMods = 1) And (PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].typ = top_ref) And ((PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].ref^.base = ProcInfo.FramePointer) Or Assigned(PInstr(StartMod)^.oper[0].ref^.Symbol) ) ) ) Then DestroyReg(Counter, InstrSinceLastMod) *) End; Procedure TPaiProp.DestroyAllRegs(var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); {Var Counter: TRegister;} Begin {initializes/desrtoys all registers} (*!!!!!!!!! For Counter := LoGPReg To HiGPReg Do Begin ReadReg(Counter); DestroyReg(Counter, InstrSinceLastMod); End; CondRegs.Init; { FPURegs.Init; } *) End; Procedure TPaiProp.DestroyOp(const o:Toper; var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); Begin {!!!!!!! Case o.typ Of top_reg: DestroyReg(o.reg, InstrSinceLastMod); top_ref: Begin ReadRef(o.ref); DestroyRefs(o.ref^, R_NO, InstrSinceLastMod); End; top_symbol:; End; } End; Procedure TPaiProp.ReadReg(Reg: TRegister); Begin {!!!!!!! Reg := RegMaxSize(Reg); If Reg in General_Registers Then IncRState(RegMaxSize(Reg)) } End; Procedure TPaiProp.ReadRef(Ref: PReference); Begin (*!!!!!! If Ref^.Base <> R_NO Then ReadReg(Ref^.Base); {$ifdef cpurefshaveindexreg} If Ref^.Index <> R_NO Then ReadReg(Ref^.Index); {$endif cpurefshaveindexreg} *) End; Procedure TPaiProp.ReadOp(const o:toper); Begin Case o.typ Of top_reg: ReadReg(o.reg); top_ref: ReadRef(o.ref); else internalerror(200410241); End; End; Procedure TPaiProp.ModifyReg(reg: TRegister; Var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); Begin (*!!!!!!! With Regs[reg] Do If (Typ = Con_Ref) Then Begin IncState(WState); {also store how many instructions are part of the sequence in the first instructions PPaiProp, so it can be easily accessed from within CheckSequence} Inc(NrOfMods, InstrSinceLastMod[Reg]); PPaiProp(StartMod.OptInfo)^.Regs[Reg].NrOfMods := NrOfMods; InstrSinceLastMod[Reg] := 0; End Else DestroyReg(Reg, InstrSinceLastMod); *) End; Procedure TPaiProp.ModifyOp(const oper: TOper; var InstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod); Begin If oper.typ = top_reg Then ModifyReg(RegMaxSize(oper.reg),InstrSinceLastMod) Else Begin ReadOp(oper); DestroyOp(oper, InstrSinceLastMod); End End; Procedure TPaiProp.IncWState(Reg: TRegister);{$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl} Begin //!!!! IncState(Regs[Reg].WState); End; Procedure TPaiProp.IncRState(Reg: TRegister);{$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl} Begin //!!!! IncState(Regs[Reg].RState); End; Function TPaiProp.GetWState(Reg: TRegister): TStateInt; {$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl} Begin Result:=0; { unimplemented } //!!!! GetWState := Regs[Reg].WState End; Function TPaiProp.GetRState(Reg: TRegister): TStateInt; {$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl} Begin Result:=0; { unimplemented } //!!!! GetRState := Regs[Reg].RState End; Function TPaiProp.GetRegContentType(Reg: TRegister): Byte; {$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl} Begin Result:=0; { unimplemented } //!!!! GetRegContentType := Regs[Reg].typ End; Destructor TPaiProp.Done; Begin //!!!! UsedRegs.Done; //!!!! CondRegs.Done; { DirFlag: TFlagContents; I386 specific} End; { ************************ private TPaiProp stuff ************************* } Procedure TPaiProp.IncState(Var s: TStateInt); {$ifdef inl} inline;{$endif inl} Begin If s <> High(TStateInt) Then Inc(s) Else s := 0 End; Function TPaiProp.RefInInstruction(Const Ref: TReference; p: Tai; RefsEq: TRefCompare): Boolean; Var Count: AWord; TmpResult: Boolean; Begin TmpResult := False; If (p.typ = ait_instruction) Then Begin Count := 0; Repeat If (TInstr(p).oper[Count]^.typ = Top_Ref) Then TmpResult := RefsEq(Ref, PInstr(p)^.oper[Count]^.ref^); Inc(Count); Until (Count = MaxOps) or TmpResult; End; RefInInstruction := TmpResult; End; Function TPaiProp.RefInSequence(Const Ref: TReference; Content: TContent; RefsEq: TRefCompare): Boolean; Var p: Tai; Counter: Byte; TmpResult: Boolean; Begin p := Content.StartMod; TmpResult := False; Counter := 1; While Not(TmpResult) And (Counter <= Content.NrOfMods) Do Begin If (p.typ = ait_instruction) And RefInInstruction(Ref, p, @references_equal) Then TmpResult := True; Inc(Counter); GetNextInstruction(p,p) End; RefInSequence := TmpResult End; { ************************************************************************* } { ***************************** TAoptObj ********************************** } { ************************************************************************* } Constructor TAoptObj.create(_AsmL: TAsmList; _BlockStart, _BlockEnd: Tai; _LabelInfo: PLabelInfo); Begin AsmL := _AsmL; BlockStart := _BlockStart; BlockEnd := _BlockEnd; LabelInfo := _LabelInfo; CreateUsedRegs(UsedRegs); End; destructor TAOptObj.Destroy; var i : TRegisterType; begin for i:=low(TRegisterType) to high(TRegisterType) do UsedRegs[i].Destroy; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TAOptObj.CreateUsedRegs(var regs: TAllUsedRegs); var i : TRegisterType; begin for i:=low(TRegisterType) to high(TRegisterType) do Regs[i]:=TUsedRegs.Create(i); end; procedure TAOptObj.ClearUsedRegs; var i : TRegisterType; begin for i:=low(TRegisterType) to high(TRegisterType) do UsedRegs[i].Clear; end; procedure TAOptObj.UpdateUsedRegs(p : Tai); var i : TRegisterType; begin { this code is based on TUsedRegs.Update to avoid multiple passes through the asmlist, the code is duplicated here } repeat while assigned(p) and ((p.typ in (SkipInstr - [ait_RegAlloc])) or ((p.typ = ait_label) and labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(p))) or ((p.typ = ait_marker) and (tai_Marker(p).Kind in [mark_AsmBlockEnd,mark_NoLineInfoStart,mark_NoLineInfoEnd]))) do p := tai(p.next); while assigned(p) and (p.typ=ait_RegAlloc) Do begin case tai_regalloc(p).ratype of ra_alloc : Include(UsedRegs[getregtype(tai_regalloc(p).reg)].UsedRegs, getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg)); ra_dealloc : Exclude(UsedRegs[getregtype(tai_regalloc(p).reg)].UsedRegs, getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg)); end; p := tai(p.next); end; until not(assigned(p)) or (not(p.typ in SkipInstr) and not((p.typ = ait_label) and labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(p)))); end; procedure TAOptObj.UpdateUsedRegs(var Regs : TAllUsedRegs;p : Tai); var i : TRegisterType; begin for i:=low(TRegisterType) to high(TRegisterType) do Regs[i].Update(p); end; function TAOptObj.CopyUsedRegs(var dest: TAllUsedRegs): boolean; var i : TRegisterType; begin Result:=true; for i:=low(TRegisterType) to high(TRegisterType) do dest[i]:=TUsedRegs.Create_Regset(i,UsedRegs[i].GetUsedRegs); end; procedure TAOptObj.ReleaseUsedRegs(const regs: TAllUsedRegs); var i : TRegisterType; begin for i:=low(TRegisterType) to high(TRegisterType) do regs[i].Free; end; Function TAOptObj.RegInUsedRegs(reg : TRegister;regs : TAllUsedRegs) : boolean; begin result:=regs[getregtype(reg)].IsUsed(reg); end; procedure TAOptObj.IncludeRegInUsedRegs(reg: TRegister; var regs: TAllUsedRegs); begin include(regs[getregtype(reg)].UsedRegs,getsupreg(Reg)); end; procedure TAOptObj.ExcludeRegFromUsedRegs(reg: TRegister; var regs: TAllUsedRegs); begin exclude(regs[getregtype(reg)].UsedRegs,getsupreg(Reg)); end; function TAOptObj.GetAllocationString(const regs: TAllUsedRegs): string; var i : TRegisterType; j : TSuperRegister; begin Result:=''; for i:=low(TRegisterType) to high(TRegisterType) do for j in regs[i].UsedRegs do Result:=Result+std_regname(newreg(i,j,R_SUBWHOLE))+' '; end; Function TAOptObj.FindLabel(L: TasmLabel; Var hp: Tai): Boolean; Var TempP: Tai; Begin TempP := hp; While Assigned(TempP) and (TempP.typ In SkipInstr + [ait_label,ait_align]) Do If (TempP.typ <> ait_Label) Or (Tai_label(TempP).labsym <> L) Then GetNextInstruction(TempP, TempP) Else Begin hp := TempP; FindLabel := True; exit End; FindLabel := False; End; Procedure TAOptObj.InsertLLItem(prev, foll, new_one : TLinkedListItem); Begin If Assigned(prev) Then If Assigned(foll) Then Begin If Assigned(new_one) Then Begin new_one.previous := prev; new_one.next := foll; prev.next := new_one; foll.previous := new_one; { should we update line information? } if (not (tai(new_one).typ in SkipLineInfo)) and (not (tai(foll).typ in SkipLineInfo)) then Tailineinfo(new_one).fileinfo := Tailineinfo(foll).fileinfo End End Else AsmL.Concat(new_one) Else If Assigned(Foll) Then AsmL.Insert(new_one) End; Function TAOptObj.SkipHead(P: Tai): Tai; Var OldP: Tai; Begin Repeat OldP := P; If (P.typ in SkipInstr) Or ((P.typ = ait_marker) And (Tai_Marker(P).Kind = mark_AsmBlockEnd)) Then GetNextInstruction(P, P) Else If ((P.Typ = Ait_Marker) And (Tai_Marker(P).Kind = mark_NoPropInfoStart)) Then { a marker of the type mark_NoPropInfoStart can't be the first instruction of a } { paasmoutput list } GetNextInstruction(Tai(P.Previous),P); If (P.Typ = Ait_Marker) And (Tai_Marker(P).Kind = mark_AsmBlockStart) Then Begin P := Tai(P.Next); While (P.typ <> Ait_Marker) Or (Tai_Marker(P).Kind <> mark_AsmBlockEnd) Do P := Tai(P.Next) End; Until P = OldP; SkipHead := P; End; Function TAOptObj.OpsEqual(const o1,o2:toper): Boolean; Begin if o1.typ=o2.typ then Case o1.typ Of Top_Reg : OpsEqual:=o1.reg=o2.reg; Top_Ref : OpsEqual := references_equal(o1.ref^, o2.ref^); Top_Const : OpsEqual:=o1.val=o2.val; Top_None : OpsEqual := True else OpsEqual := False End else OpsEqual := False; End; Function TAOptObj.FindRegAlloc(Reg: TRegister; StartPai: Tai): tai_regalloc; Begin Result:=nil; Repeat While Assigned(StartPai) And ((StartPai.typ in (SkipInstr - [ait_regAlloc])) Or ((StartPai.typ = ait_label) and Not(Tai_Label(StartPai).labsym.Is_Used))) Do StartPai := Tai(StartPai.Next); If Assigned(StartPai) And (StartPai.typ = ait_regAlloc) Then Begin if (tai_regalloc(StartPai).ratype=ra_alloc) and (getregtype(tai_regalloc(StartPai).Reg) = getregtype(Reg)) and (getsupreg(tai_regalloc(StartPai).Reg) = getsupreg(Reg)) then begin Result:=tai_regalloc(StartPai); exit; end; StartPai := Tai(StartPai.Next); End else exit; Until false; End; Function TAOptObj.FindRegAllocBackward(Reg: TRegister; StartPai: Tai): tai_regalloc; Begin Result:=nil; Repeat While Assigned(StartPai) And ((StartPai.typ in (SkipInstr - [ait_regAlloc])) Or ((StartPai.typ = ait_label) and Not(Tai_Label(StartPai).labsym.Is_Used))) Do StartPai := Tai(StartPai.Previous); If Assigned(StartPai) And (StartPai.typ = ait_regAlloc) Then Begin if (tai_regalloc(StartPai).ratype=ra_alloc) and (getregtype(tai_regalloc(StartPai).Reg) = getregtype(Reg)) and (getsupreg(tai_regalloc(StartPai).Reg) = getsupreg(Reg)) then begin Result:=tai_regalloc(StartPai); exit; end; StartPai := Tai(StartPai.Previous); End else exit; Until false; End; function TAOptObj.FindRegDeAlloc(Reg: TRegister; StartPai: Tai): tai_regalloc; Begin Result:=nil; Repeat While Assigned(StartPai) And ((StartPai.typ in (SkipInstr - [ait_regAlloc])) Or ((StartPai.typ = ait_label) and Not(Tai_Label(StartPai).labsym.Is_Used))) Do StartPai := Tai(StartPai.Next); If Assigned(StartPai) And (StartPai.typ = ait_regAlloc) Then Begin if (tai_regalloc(StartPai).ratype=ra_dealloc) and (getregtype(tai_regalloc(StartPai).Reg) = getregtype(Reg)) and (getsupreg(tai_regalloc(StartPai).Reg) = getsupreg(Reg)) then begin Result:=tai_regalloc(StartPai); exit; end; StartPai := Tai(StartPai.Next); End else exit; Until false; End; function TAOptObj.RegUsedAfterInstruction(reg: Tregister; p: tai; var AllUsedRegs: TAllUsedRegs): Boolean; begin AllUsedRegs[getregtype(reg)].Update(tai(p.Next),true); RegUsedAfterInstruction := (AllUsedRegs[getregtype(reg)].IsUsed(reg)); { optimization and (not(getNextInstruction(p,p)) or not(regLoadedWithNewValue(supreg,false,p))); } end; function SkipLabels(hp: tai; var hp2: tai): boolean; {skips all labels and returns the next "real" instruction} begin while assigned(hp.next) and (tai(hp.next).typ in SkipInstr + [ait_label,ait_align]) Do hp := tai(hp.next); if assigned(hp.next) then begin SkipLabels := True; hp2 := tai(hp.next) end else begin hp2 := hp; SkipLabels := False end; end; function FindAnyLabel(hp: tai; var l: tasmlabel): Boolean; begin FindAnyLabel := false; while assigned(hp.next) and (tai(hp.next).typ in (SkipInstr+[ait_align])) Do hp := tai(hp.next); if assigned(hp.next) and (tai(hp.next).typ = ait_label) then begin FindAnyLabel := true; l := tai_label(hp.next).labsym; end end; {$push} {$r-} function tAOptObj.getlabelwithsym(sym: tasmlabel): tai; begin if (int64(sym.labelnr) >= int64(labelinfo^.lowlabel)) and (int64(sym.labelnr) <= int64(labelinfo^.highlabel)) then { range check, a jump can go past an assembler block! } getlabelwithsym := labelinfo^.labeltable^[sym.labelnr-labelinfo^.lowlabel].paiobj else getlabelwithsym := nil; end; {$pop} function IsJumpToLabel(hp: taicpu): boolean; begin result:=(hp.opcode=aopt_uncondjmp) and {$ifdef arm} (hp.condition=c_None) and {$endif arm} (JumpTargetOp(hp)^.typ = top_ref) and (JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol is TAsmLabel); end; procedure TAOptObj.RemoveDelaySlot(hp1:tai); var hp2: tai; begin hp2:=tai(hp1.next); while assigned(hp2) and (hp2.typ in SkipInstr) do hp2:=tai(hp2.next); if assigned(hp2) and (hp2.typ=ait_instruction) and (taicpu(hp2).opcode=A_NOP) then begin asml.remove(hp2); hp2.free; end; { Anything except A_NOP must be left in place: these instructions execute before branch, so code stays correct if branch is removed. } end; function TAOptObj.GetFinalDestination(hp: taicpu; level: longint): boolean; {traces sucessive jumps to their final destination and sets it, e.g. je l1 je l3 l1: becomes l1: je l2 je l3 l2: l2: jmp l3 jmp l3 the level parameter denotes how deeep we have already followed the jump, to avoid endless loops with constructs such as "l5: ; jmp l5" } var p1, p2: tai; l: tasmlabel; begin GetfinalDestination := false; if level > 20 then exit; p1 := getlabelwithsym(tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol)); if assigned(p1) then begin SkipLabels(p1,p1); if (tai(p1).typ = ait_instruction) and (taicpu(p1).is_jmp) then if { the next instruction after the label where the jump hp arrives} { is unconditional or of the same type as hp, so continue } IsJumpToLabel(taicpu(p1)) {$ifndef MIPS} { for MIPS, it isn't enough to check the condition; first operands must be same, too. } or conditions_equal(taicpu(p1).condition,hp.condition) or { the next instruction after the label where the jump hp arrives is the opposite of hp (so this one is never taken), but after that one there is a branch that will be taken, so perform a little hack: set p1 equal to this instruction (that's what the last SkipLabels is for, only works with short bool evaluation)} (conditions_equal(taicpu(p1).condition,inverse_cond(hp.condition)) and SkipLabels(p1,p2) and (p2.typ = ait_instruction) and (taicpu(p2).is_jmp) and (IsJumpToLabel(taicpu(p2)) or (conditions_equal(taicpu(p2).condition,hp.condition))) and SkipLabels(p1,p1)) {$endif MIPS} then begin { quick check for loops of the form "l5: ; jmp l5 } if (tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(taicpu(p1))^.ref^.symbol).labelnr = tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol).labelnr) then exit; if not GetFinalDestination(taicpu(p1),succ(level)) then exit; tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol).decrefs; JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol:=JumpTargetOp(taicpu(p1))^.ref^.symbol; tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol).increfs; end {$ifndef MIPS} else if conditions_equal(taicpu(p1).condition,inverse_cond(hp.condition)) then if not FindAnyLabel(p1,l) then begin {$ifdef finaldestdebug} insertllitem(asml,p1,p1.next,tai_comment.Create( strpnew('previous label inserted')))); {$endif finaldestdebug} current_asmdata.getjumplabel(l); insertllitem(p1,p1.next,tai_label.Create(l)); tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol).decrefs; JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol := l; l.increfs; { this won't work, since the new label isn't in the labeltable } { so it will fail the rangecheck. Labeltable should become a } { hashtable to support this: } { GetFinalDestination(asml, hp); } end else begin {$ifdef finaldestdebug} insertllitem(asml,p1,p1.next,tai_comment.Create( strpnew('next label reused')))); {$endif finaldestdebug} l.increfs; tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol).decrefs; JumpTargetOp(hp)^.ref^.symbol := l; if not GetFinalDestination(hp,succ(level)) then exit; end; {$endif not MIPS} end; GetFinalDestination := true; end; procedure TAOptObj.PrePeepHoleOpts; begin end; procedure TAOptObj.PeepHoleOptPass1; var p,hp1,hp2 : tai; stoploop:boolean; begin repeat stoploop:=true; p := BlockStart; ClearUsedRegs; while (p <> BlockEnd) Do begin { I'am not sure why this is done, UsedRegs should reflect the register usage before the instruction If an instruction needs the information of this, it can easily create a TempUsedRegs (FK) UpdateUsedRegs(tai(p.next)); } {$ifdef DEBUG_OPTALLOC} if p.Typ=ait_instruction then InsertLLItem(tai(p.Previous),p,tai_comment.create(strpnew(GetAllocationString(UsedRegs)))); {$endif DEBUG_OPTALLOC} if PeepHoleOptPass1Cpu(p) then begin stoploop:=false; UpdateUsedRegs(p); continue; end; case p.Typ Of ait_instruction: begin { Handle Jmp Optimizations } if taicpu(p).is_jmp then begin { the following if-block removes all code between a jmp and the next label, because it can never be executed } if IsJumpToLabel(taicpu(p)) then begin hp2:=p; while GetNextInstruction(hp2, hp1) and (hp1.typ <> ait_label) do if not(hp1.typ in ([ait_label,ait_align]+skipinstr)) then begin if (hp1.typ = ait_instruction) and taicpu(hp1).is_jmp and (JumpTargetOp(taicpu(hp1))^.typ = top_ref) and (JumpTargetOp(taicpu(hp1))^.ref^.symbol is TAsmLabel) then TAsmLabel(JumpTargetOp(taicpu(hp1))^.ref^.symbol).decrefs; { don't kill start/end of assembler block, no-line-info-start/end etc } if hp1.typ<>ait_marker then begin {$if defined(SPARC) or defined(MIPS) } if (hp1.typ=ait_instruction) and (taicpu(hp1).is_jmp) then RemoveDelaySlot(hp1); {$endif SPARC or MIPS } asml.remove(hp1); hp1.free; stoploop:=false; end else hp2:=hp1; end else break; end; { remove jumps to a label coming right after them } if GetNextInstruction(p, hp1) then begin SkipEntryExitMarker(hp1,hp1); if FindLabel(tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(taicpu(p))^.ref^.symbol), hp1) and { TODO: FIXME removing the first instruction fails} (p<>blockstart) then begin tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(taicpu(p))^.ref^.symbol).decrefs; {$if defined(SPARC) or defined(MIPS)} RemoveDelaySlot(p); {$endif SPARC or MIPS} hp2:=tai(hp1.next); asml.remove(p); p.free; p:=hp2; stoploop:=false; continue; end else if assigned(hp1) then begin if hp1.typ = ait_label then SkipLabels(hp1,hp1); if (tai(hp1).typ=ait_instruction) and IsJumpToLabel(taicpu(hp1)) and GetNextInstruction(hp1, hp2) and FindLabel(tasmlabel(JumpTargetOp(taicpu(p))^.ref^.symbol), hp2) then begin if (taicpu(p).opcode=aopt_condjmp) {$ifdef arm} and (taicpu(p).condition<>C_None) {$endif arm} then begin taicpu(p).condition:=inverse_cond(taicpu(p).condition); tai_label(hp2).labsym.decrefs; JumpTargetOp(taicpu(p))^.ref^.symbol:=JumpTargetOp(taicpu(hp1))^.ref^.symbol; { when freeing hp1, the reference count isn't decreased, so don't increase taicpu(p).oper[0]^.ref^.symbol.increfs; } {$if defined(SPARC) or defined(MIPS)} RemoveDelaySlot(hp1); {$endif SPARC or MIPS} asml.remove(hp1); hp1.free; stoploop:=false; GetFinalDestination(taicpu(p),0); end else begin GetFinalDestination(taicpu(p),0); p:=tai(p.next); continue; end; end else GetFinalDestination(taicpu(p),0); end; end; end else { All other optimizes } begin end; { if is_jmp } end; end; UpdateUsedRegs(p); p:=tai(p.next); end; until stoploop or not(cs_opt_level3 in current_settings.optimizerswitches); end; procedure TAOptObj.PeepHoleOptPass2; begin end; procedure TAOptObj.PostPeepHoleOpts; var p: tai; begin p := BlockStart; ClearUsedRegs; while (p <> BlockEnd) Do begin UpdateUsedRegs(tai(p.next)); if PostPeepHoleOptsCpu(p) then continue; UpdateUsedRegs(p); p:=tai(p.next); end; end; function TAOptObj.PeepHoleOptPass1Cpu(var p: tai): boolean; begin result := false; end; function TAOptObj.PostPeepHoleOptsCpu(var p: tai): boolean; begin result := false; end; End.