{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Carl Eric Codere and Peter Vreman Does the parsing for the ARM GNU AS styled inline assembler. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } Unit raarmgas; {$i fpcdefs.inc} Interface uses raatt,raarm, cpubase; type tarmattreader = class(tattreader) actoppostfix : TOpPostfix; actwideformat : boolean; function is_asmopcode(const s: string):boolean;override; function is_register(const s:string):boolean;override; function is_targetdirective(const s: string): boolean; override; procedure handleopcode;override; procedure BuildReference(oper : tarmoperand); procedure BuildOperand(oper : tarmoperand); procedure BuildSpecialreg(oper : tarmoperand); function TryBuildShifterOp(oper : tarmoperand) : boolean; procedure BuildOpCode(instr : tarminstruction); procedure ReadSym(oper : tarmoperand); procedure ConvertCalljmp(instr : tarminstruction); procedure HandleTargetDirective; override; protected function is_unified: boolean; virtual; end; tarmunifiedattreader = class(tarmattreader) protected function is_unified: boolean; override; end; Implementation uses { helpers } cutils, { global } globtype,verbose, systems,aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu, { symtable } symconst,symsym, procinfo, rabase,rautils, cgbase,cgutils; function tarmunifiedattreader.is_unified: boolean; begin result:=true; end; function tarmattreader.is_register(const s:string):boolean; type treg2str = record name : string[3]; reg : tregister; end; const extraregs : array[0..19+16] of treg2str = ( (name: 'A1'; reg : NR_R0), (name: 'A2'; reg : NR_R1), (name: 'A3'; reg : NR_R2), (name: 'A4'; reg : NR_R3), (name: 'V1'; reg : NR_R4), (name: 'V2'; reg : NR_R5), (name: 'V3'; reg : NR_R6), (name: 'V4'; reg : NR_R7), (name: 'V5'; reg : NR_R8), (name: 'V6'; reg : NR_R9), (name: 'V7'; reg : NR_R10), (name: 'V8'; reg : NR_R11), (name: 'WR'; reg : NR_R7), (name: 'SB'; reg : NR_R9), (name: 'SL'; reg : NR_R10), (name: 'FP'; reg : NR_R11), (name: 'IP'; reg : NR_R12), (name: 'SP'; reg : NR_R13), (name: 'LR'; reg : NR_R14), (name: 'PC'; reg : NR_R15), (name: 'C0'; reg : NR_CR0), (name: 'C1'; reg : NR_CR1), (name: 'C2'; reg : NR_CR2), (name: 'C3'; reg : NR_CR3), (name: 'C4'; reg : NR_CR4), (name: 'C5'; reg : NR_CR5), (name: 'C6'; reg : NR_CR6), (name: 'C7'; reg : NR_CR7), (name: 'C8'; reg : NR_CR8), (name: 'C9'; reg : NR_CR9), (name: 'C10'; reg : NR_CR10), (name: 'C11'; reg : NR_CR11), (name: 'C12'; reg : NR_CR12), (name: 'C13'; reg : NR_CR13), (name: 'C14'; reg : NR_CR14), (name: 'C15'; reg : NR_CR15) ); var i : longint; begin result:=inherited is_register(s); { reg found? possible aliases are always 2 char } if result or (not (length(s) in [2,3])) then exit; for i:=low(extraregs) to high(extraregs) do begin if s=extraregs[i].name then begin actasmregister:=extraregs[i].reg; result:=true; actasmtoken:=AS_REGISTER; exit; end; end; end; function tarmattreader.is_targetdirective(const s: string): boolean; begin if s = '.thumb_func' then result:=true else if s='.thumb_set' then result:=true else Result:=inherited is_targetdirective(s); end; procedure tarmattreader.ReadSym(oper : tarmoperand); var tempstr, mangledname : string; typesize,l,k : longint; begin tempstr:=actasmpattern; Consume(AS_ID); { typecasting? } if (actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN) and SearchType(tempstr,typesize) then begin oper.hastype:=true; Consume(AS_LPAREN); BuildOperand(oper); Consume(AS_RPAREN); if oper.opr.typ in [OPR_REFERENCE,OPR_LOCAL] then oper.SetSize(typesize,true); end else if not oper.SetupVar(tempstr,false) then Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,tempstr); { record.field ? } if actasmtoken=AS_DOT then begin BuildRecordOffsetSize(tempstr,l,k,mangledname,false); if (mangledname<>'') then Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax); inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l); end; end; Procedure tarmattreader.BuildReference(oper : tarmoperand); procedure do_error; begin Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax); RecoverConsume(false); end; procedure test_end(require_rbracket : boolean); begin if require_rbracket then begin if not(actasmtoken=AS_RBRACKET) then begin do_error; exit; end else Consume(AS_RBRACKET); if (actasmtoken=AS_NOT) then begin oper.opr.ref.addressmode:=AM_PREINDEXED; Consume(AS_NOT); end; end; if not(actasmtoken in [AS_SEPARATOR,AS_end]) then do_error else begin {$IFDEF debugasmreader} writeln('TEST_end_FINAL_OK. Created the following ref:'); writeln('oper.opr.ref.shiftimm=',oper.opr.ref.shiftimm); writeln('oper.opr.ref.shiftmode=',ord(oper.opr.ref.shiftmode)); writeln('oper.opr.ref.index=',ord(oper.opr.ref.index)); writeln('oper.opr.ref.base=',ord(oper.opr.ref.base)); writeln('oper.opr.ref.signindex=',ord(oper.opr.ref.signindex)); writeln('oper.opr.ref.addressmode=',ord(oper.opr.ref.addressmode)); writeln; {$endIF debugasmreader} end; end; function is_shifter_ref_operation(var a : tshiftmode) : boolean; begin a := SM_NONE; if (actasmpattern='LSL') then a := SM_LSL else if (actasmpattern='LSR') then a := SM_LSR else if (actasmpattern='ASR') then a := SM_ASR else if (actasmpattern='ROR') then a := SM_ROR else if (actasmpattern='RRX') then a := SM_RRX; is_shifter_ref_operation := not(a=SM_NONE); end; procedure read_index_shift(require_rbracket : boolean); var shift : aint; begin case actasmtoken of AS_COMMA : begin Consume(AS_COMMA); if not(actasmtoken=AS_ID) then do_error; if is_shifter_ref_operation(oper.opr.ref.shiftmode) then begin Consume(AS_ID); if not(oper.opr.ref.shiftmode=SM_RRX) then begin if not(actasmtoken=AS_HASH) then do_error; Consume(AS_HASH); shift := BuildConstExpression(false,true); if (shift<0) or (shift>32) then do_error; oper.opr.ref.shiftimm := shift; test_end(require_rbracket); end else test_end(require_rbracket); end else begin do_error; exit; end; end; AS_RBRACKET : if require_rbracket then test_end(require_rbracket) else begin do_error; exit; end; AS_SEPARATOR,AS_END : if not require_rbracket then test_end(false) else do_error; else begin do_error; exit; end; end; end; procedure read_index(require_rbracket : boolean); var recname : string; o_int,s_int : aint; begin case actasmtoken of AS_REGISTER : begin oper.opr.ref.index:=actasmregister; Consume(AS_REGISTER); read_index_shift(require_rbracket); exit; end; AS_PLUS,AS_MINUS : begin if actasmtoken=AS_PLUS then begin Consume(AS_PLUS); end else begin oper.opr.ref.signindex := -1; Consume(AS_MINUS); end; if actasmtoken=AS_REGISTER then begin oper.opr.ref.index:=actasmregister; Consume(AS_REGISTER); read_index_shift(require_rbracket); exit; end else begin do_error; exit; end; test_end(require_rbracket); exit; end; AS_HASH : // constant begin Consume(AS_HASH); o_int := BuildConstExpression(false,true); if (o_int>4095) or (o_int<-4095) then begin Message(asmr_e_constant_out_of_bounds); RecoverConsume(false); exit; end else begin inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,o_int); test_end(require_rbracket); exit; end; end; AS_ID : begin recname := actasmpattern; Consume(AS_ID); BuildRecordOffsetSize(recname,o_int,s_int,recname,false); if (o_int>4095)or(o_int<-4095) then begin Message(asmr_e_constant_out_of_bounds); RecoverConsume(false); exit; end else begin inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,o_int); test_end(require_rbracket); exit; end; end; AS_AT: begin do_error; exit; end; AS_DOT : // local label begin oper.opr.ref.signindex := BuildConstExpression(true,false); test_end(require_rbracket); exit; end; AS_RBRACKET : begin if require_rbracket then begin test_end(require_rbracket); exit; end else begin do_error; // unexpected rbracket exit; end; end; AS_SEPARATOR,AS_end : begin if not require_rbracket then begin test_end(false); exit; end else begin do_error; exit; end; end; else begin // unexpected token do_error; exit; end; end; // case end; procedure try_prepostindexed; begin Consume(AS_RBRACKET); case actasmtoken of AS_COMMA : begin // post-indexed Consume(AS_COMMA); oper.opr.ref.addressmode:=AM_POSTINDEXED; read_index(false); exit; end; AS_NOT : begin // pre-indexed Consume(AS_NOT); oper.opr.ref.addressmode:=AM_PREINDEXED; test_end(false); exit; end; else begin test_end(false); exit; end; end; // case end; var lab : TASMLABEL; begin Consume(AS_LBRACKET); oper.opr.ref.addressmode:=AM_OFFSET; // assume "neither PRE nor POST inc" if actasmtoken=AS_REGISTER then begin oper.opr.ref.base:=actasmregister; Consume(AS_REGISTER); case actasmtoken of AS_RBRACKET : begin try_prepostindexed; exit; end; AS_COMMA : begin Consume(AS_COMMA); read_index(true); exit; end; else begin Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax); RecoverConsume(false); end; end; end else { if base isn't a register, r15=PC is implied base, so it must be a local label. pascal constants don't make sense, because implied r15 record offsets probably don't make sense, too (a record offset of code?) TODO: However, we could make the Stackpointer implied. } Begin case actasmtoken of AS_ID : begin if is_locallabel(actasmpattern) then begin CreateLocalLabel(actasmpattern,lab,false); oper.opr.ref.symbol := lab; oper.opr.ref.base := NR_PC; Consume(AS_ID); test_end(true); exit; end else begin // TODO: Stackpointer implied, Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax); RecoverConsume(false); exit; end; end; else begin // elsecase Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax); RecoverConsume(false); exit; end; end; end; end; function tarmattreader.TryBuildShifterOp(oper : tarmoperand) : boolean; procedure handlepara(sm : tshiftmode); begin consume(AS_ID); fillchar(oper.opr,sizeof(oper.opr),0); oper.opr.typ:=OPR_SHIFTEROP; oper.opr.shifterop.shiftmode:=sm; if sm<>SM_RRX then begin case actasmtoken of AS_REGISTER: begin oper.opr.shifterop.rs:=actasmregister; consume(AS_REGISTER); end; AS_HASH: begin consume(AS_HASH); oper.opr.shifterop.shiftimm:=BuildConstExpression(false,false); end; else Message(asmr_e_illegal_shifterop_syntax); end; end; end; begin result:=true; if (actasmtoken=AS_ID) then begin if (actasmpattern='LSL') then handlepara(SM_LSL) else if (actasmpattern='LSR') then handlepara(SM_LSR) else if (actasmpattern='ASR') then handlepara(SM_ASR) else if (actasmpattern='ROR') then handlepara(SM_ROR) else if (actasmpattern='RRX') then handlepara(SM_RRX) else result:=false; end else result:=false; end; Procedure tarmattreader.BuildOperand(oper : tarmoperand); var expr : string; typesize,l : longint; procedure AddLabelOperand(hl:tasmlabel); begin if not(actasmtoken in [AS_PLUS,AS_MINUS,AS_LPAREN]) and is_calljmp(actopcode) then begin oper.opr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL; oper.opr.symbol:=hl; end else begin oper.InitRef; oper.opr.ref.symbol:=hl; oper.opr.ref.base:=NR_PC; if (actasmtoken in [AS_PLUS, AS_MINUS]) then begin l:=BuildConstExpression(true,false); oper.opr.ref.offset:=l; end; end; end; procedure MaybeRecordOffset; var mangledname: string; hasdot : boolean; l, toffset, tsize : longint; begin if not(actasmtoken in [AS_DOT,AS_PLUS,AS_MINUS]) then exit; l:=0; hasdot:=(actasmtoken=AS_DOT); if hasdot then begin if expr<>'' then begin BuildRecordOffsetSize(expr,toffset,tsize,mangledname,false); if (oper.opr.typ<>OPR_CONSTANT) and (mangledname<>'') then Message(asmr_e_wrong_sym_type); inc(l,toffset); oper.SetSize(tsize,true); end; end; if actasmtoken in [AS_PLUS,AS_MINUS] then inc(l,BuildConstExpression(true,false)); case oper.opr.typ of OPR_LOCAL : begin { don't allow direct access to fields of parameters, because that will generate buggy code. Allow it only for explicit typecasting } if hasdot and (not oper.hastype) and (tabstractnormalvarsym(oper.opr.localsym).owner.symtabletype=parasymtable) and (current_procinfo.procdef.proccalloption<>pocall_register) then Message(asmr_e_cannot_access_field_directly_for_parameters); inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l) end; OPR_CONSTANT : inc(oper.opr.val,l); OPR_REFERENCE : if (mangledname<>'') then begin if (oper.opr.val<>0) then Message(asmr_e_wrong_sym_type); oper.opr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL; oper.opr.symbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(mangledname); end else inc(oper.opr.val,l); OPR_SYMBOL: Message(asmr_e_invalid_symbol_ref); else internalerror(200309221); end; end; function MaybeBuildReference:boolean; { Try to create a reference, if not a reference is found then false is returned } begin MaybeBuildReference:=true; case actasmtoken of AS_INTNUM, AS_MINUS, AS_PLUS: Begin oper.opr.ref.offset:=BuildConstExpression(True,False); if actasmtoken<>AS_LPAREN then Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax) else BuildReference(oper); end; AS_LPAREN: BuildReference(oper); AS_ID: { only a variable is allowed ... } Begin ReadSym(oper); case actasmtoken of AS_end, AS_SEPARATOR, AS_COMMA: ; AS_LPAREN: BuildReference(oper); else Begin Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax); Consume(actasmtoken); end; end; {end case } end; else MaybeBuildReference:=false; end; { end case } end; function is_ConditionCode(hs: string): boolean; var icond: tasmcond; begin is_ConditionCode := false; case actopcode of A_IT,A_ITE,A_ITT, A_ITEE,A_ITTE,A_ITET,A_ITTT, A_ITEEE,A_ITTEE,A_ITETE,A_ITTTE,A_ITEET,A_ITTET,A_ITETT,A_ITTTT: begin { search for condition, conditions are always 2 chars } if length(hs)>1 then begin for icond:=low(tasmcond) to high(tasmcond) do begin if copy(hs,1,2)=uppercond2str[icond] then begin //actcondition:=icond; oper.opr.typ := OPR_COND; oper.opr.cc := icond; exit(true); end; end; end; end; end; end; function is_modeflag(hs : string): boolean; var i: longint; flags: tcpumodeflags; begin is_modeflag := false; flags:=[]; hs:=lower(hs); if (actopcode in [A_CPSID,A_CPSIE]) and (length(hs) >= 1) then begin for i:=1 to length(hs) do begin case hs[i] of 'a': Include(flags,mfA); 'f': Include(flags,mfF); 'i': Include(flags,mfI); else exit; end; end; oper.opr.typ := OPR_MODEFLAGS; oper.opr.flags := flags; exit(true); end; end; procedure BuildDirectRef; function GetConstLabel(const symname: string; ofs: aint): TAsmLabel; var hp: tai; newconst: tai_const; lab: TAsmLabel; begin if symname<>'' then newconst:=tai_const.Createname(symname,ofs) else newconst:=tai_const.Create_32bit(ofs); hp:=tai(current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.First); while assigned(hp) do begin if hp.typ=ait_const then begin if (tai_const(hp).sym=newconst.sym) and (tai_const(hp).value=newconst.value) and assigned(hp.Previous) and (tai(hp.previous).typ=ait_label) then begin newconst.Free; result:=tai_label(hp.Previous).labsym; exit; end; end; hp:=tai(hp.Next); end; current_asmdata.getjumplabel(lab); current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(tai_align.create(4)); current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(tai_label.create(lab)); current_procinfo.aktlocaldata.concat(newconst); result:=lab; end; var symtype: TAsmsymtype; sym: string; val: aint; begin case actasmtoken of AS_INTNUM, AS_ID: begin BuildConstSymbolExpression(true,false,false,val,sym,symtype); if symtype=AT_NONE then sym:=''; reference_reset(oper.opr.ref,4); oper.opr.ref.base:=NR_PC; oper.opr.ref.symbol:=GetConstLabel(sym,val); end; end; end; function getregsetindex(reg: tregister): integer; begin if getsubreg(reg)=R_SUBFS then begin result:=getsupreg(reg)*2; if result>32 then result:=result-63; end else result:=getsupreg(reg); end; var tempreg : tregister; ireg : tsuperregister; regtype: tregistertype; subreg: tsubregister; hl : tasmlabel; {ofs : longint;} registerset : tcpuregisterset; Begin expr:=''; case actasmtoken of AS_LBRACKET: { Memory reference or constant expression } Begin oper.InitRef; BuildReference(oper); end; AS_HASH: { Constant expression } Begin Consume(AS_HASH); BuildConstantOperand(oper); end; AS_EQUAL: begin case actopcode of A_LDRBT,A_LDRB,A_LDR,A_LDRH,A_LDRSB,A_LDRSH,A_LDRT, A_LDREX,A_LDREXB,A_LDREXD,A_LDREXH: begin consume(AS_EQUAL); oper.InitRef; BuildDirectRef; end; else Message(asmr_e_invalid_opcode_and_operand); end; end; (* AS_INTNUM, AS_MINUS, AS_PLUS: Begin { Constant memory offset } { This must absolutely be followed by ( } oper.InitRef; oper.opr.ref.offset:=BuildConstExpression(True,False); if actasmtoken<>AS_LPAREN then begin ofs:=oper.opr.ref.offset; BuildConstantOperand(oper); inc(oper.opr.val,ofs); end else BuildReference(oper); end; *) AS_ID: { A constant expression, or a Variable ref. } Begin if is_modeflag(actasmpattern) then begin consume(AS_ID); end else { Condition code? } if is_conditioncode(actasmpattern) then begin consume(AS_ID); end else { Local Label ? } if is_locallabel(actasmpattern) then begin CreateLocalLabel(actasmpattern,hl,false); Consume(AS_ID); AddLabelOperand(hl); end else { Check for label } if SearchLabel(actasmpattern,hl,false) then begin Consume(AS_ID); AddLabelOperand(hl); end else { probably a variable or normal expression } { or a procedure (such as in CALL ID) } Begin { is it a constant ? } if SearchIConstant(actasmpattern,l) then Begin if not (oper.opr.typ in [OPR_NONE,OPR_CONSTANT]) then Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type); BuildConstantOperand(oper); end else begin expr:=actasmpattern; Consume(AS_ID); { typecasting? } if (actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN) and SearchType(expr,typesize) then begin oper.hastype:=true; Consume(AS_LPAREN); BuildOperand(oper); Consume(AS_RPAREN); if oper.opr.typ in [OPR_REFERENCE,OPR_LOCAL] then oper.SetSize(typesize,true); end else begin if not(oper.SetupVar(expr,false)) then Begin { look for special symbols ... } if expr= '__HIGH' then begin consume(AS_LPAREN); if not oper.setupvar('high'+actasmpattern,false) then Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,'high'+actasmpattern); consume(AS_ID); consume(AS_RPAREN); end else if expr = '__RESULT' then oper.SetUpResult else if expr = '__SELF' then oper.SetupSelf else if expr = '__OLDEBP' then oper.SetupOldEBP else Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,expr); end; end; end; if actasmtoken=AS_DOT then MaybeRecordOffset; { add a constant expression? } if (actasmtoken=AS_PLUS) then begin l:=BuildConstExpression(true,false); case oper.opr.typ of OPR_CONSTANT : inc(oper.opr.val,l); OPR_LOCAL : inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l); OPR_REFERENCE : inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l); else internalerror(200309202); end; end end; { Do we have a indexing reference, then parse it also } if actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN then BuildReference(oper); end; { Register, a variable reference or a constant reference } AS_REGISTER: Begin { save the type of register used. } tempreg:=actasmregister; Consume(AS_REGISTER); if (actasmtoken in [AS_end,AS_SEPARATOR,AS_COMMA]) then Begin if not (oper.opr.typ in [OPR_NONE,OPR_REGISTER]) then Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type); oper.opr.typ:=OPR_REGISTER; oper.opr.reg:=tempreg; end else if (actasmtoken=AS_NOT) and (actopcode in [A_LDM,A_STM,A_FLDM,A_FSTM,A_VLDM,A_VSTM]) then begin consume(AS_NOT); oper.opr.typ:=OPR_REFERENCE; oper.opr.ref.addressmode:=AM_PREINDEXED; oper.opr.ref.index:=tempreg; end else Message(asmr_e_syn_operand); end; { Registerset } AS_LSBRACKET: begin consume(AS_LSBRACKET); registerset:=[]; regtype:=R_INVALIDREGISTER; subreg:=R_SUBNONE; while actasmtoken<>AS_RSBRACKET do begin if actasmtoken=AS_REGISTER then begin include(registerset,getregsetindex(actasmregister)); if regtype<>R_INVALIDREGISTER then begin if (getregtype(actasmregister)<>regtype) or (getsubreg(actasmregister)<>subreg) then Message(asmr_e_mixing_regtypes); end else begin regtype:=getregtype(actasmregister); subreg:=getsubreg(actasmregister); end; tempreg:=actasmregister; consume(AS_REGISTER); if actasmtoken=AS_MINUS then begin consume(AS_MINUS); for ireg:=getregsetindex(tempreg) to getregsetindex(actasmregister) do include(registerset,ireg); consume(AS_REGISTER); end; end else consume(AS_REGISTER); if actasmtoken=AS_COMMA then consume(AS_COMMA) else break; end; consume(AS_RSBRACKET); oper.opr.typ:=OPR_REGSET; oper.opr.regtype:=regtype; oper.opr.subreg:=subreg; oper.opr.regset:=registerset; if actasmtoken=AS_XOR then begin consume(AS_XOR); oper.opr.usermode:=true; end else oper.opr.usermode:=false; if (registerset=[]) then Message(asmr_e_empty_regset); end; AS_end, AS_SEPARATOR, AS_COMMA: ; else Begin Message(asmr_e_syn_operand); Consume(actasmtoken); end; end; { end case } end; procedure tarmattreader.BuildSpecialreg(oper: tarmoperand); var hs, reg : String; ch : char; i, t : longint; hreg : tregister; flags : tspecialregflags; begin hreg:=NR_NO; case actasmtoken of AS_REGISTER: begin oper.opr.typ:=OPR_REGISTER; oper.opr.reg:=actasmregister; Consume(AS_REGISTER); end; AS_ID: begin t := pos('_', actasmpattern); if t > 0 then begin hs:=lower(actasmpattern); reg:=copy(hs, 1, t-1); delete(hs, 1, t); if length(hs) < 1 then Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type); if reg = 'cpsr' then hreg:=NR_CPSR else if reg='spsr' then hreg:=NR_SPSR else Message(asmr_e_invalid_register); flags:=[]; for i := 1 to length(hs) do begin ch:=hs[i]; if ch='c' then include(flags, srC) else if ch='x' then include(flags, srX) else if ch='f' then include(flags, srF) else if ch='s' then include(flags, srS) else message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type); end; oper.opr.typ:=OPR_SPECIALREG; oper.opr.specialreg:=hreg; oper.opr.specialregflags:=flags; consume(AS_ID); end else Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type); // Otherwise it would have been seen as a AS_REGISTER end; end; end; {***************************************************************************** tarmattreader *****************************************************************************} procedure tarmattreader.BuildOpCode(instr : tarminstruction); var operandnum : longint; Begin { opcode } if (actasmtoken<>AS_OPCODE) then Begin Message(asmr_e_invalid_or_missing_opcode); RecoverConsume(true); exit; end; { Fill the instr object with the current state } with instr do begin Opcode:=ActOpcode; condition:=ActCondition; oppostfix:=actoppostfix; wideformat:=actwideformat; end; { We are reading operands, so opcode will be an AS_ID } operandnum:=1; Consume(AS_OPCODE); { Zero operand opcode ? } if actasmtoken in [AS_SEPARATOR,AS_end] then begin operandnum:=0; exit; end; { Read the operands } repeat case actasmtoken of AS_COMMA: { Operand delimiter } Begin if ((instr.opcode in [A_MOV,A_MVN,A_CMP,A_CMN,A_TST,A_TEQ, A_UXTB,A_UXTH,A_UXTB16, A_SXTB,A_SXTH,A_SXTB16]) and (operandnum=2)) or ((operandnum=3) and not(instr.opcode in [A_UMLAL,A_UMULL,A_SMLAL,A_SMULL,A_MLA,A_UMAAL,A_MLS, A_SMLABB,A_SMLABT,A_SMLATB,A_SMLATT,A_SMMLA,A_SMMLS,A_SMLAD,A_SMLALD,A_SMLSD, A_SMLALBB,A_SMLALBT,A_SMLALTB,A_SMLALTT,A_SMLSLD, A_SMLAWB,A_SMLAWT, A_MRC,A_MCR,A_MCRR,A_MRRC,A_MRC2,A_MCR2,A_MCRR2,A_MRRC2, A_STREXD,A_STRD, A_USADA8, A_VMOV, A_SBFX,A_UBFX,A_BFI])) then begin Consume(AS_COMMA); if not(TryBuildShifterOp(instr.Operands[operandnum+1] as tarmoperand)) then Message(asmr_e_illegal_shifterop_syntax); Inc(operandnum); end else begin if operandnum>Max_Operands then Message(asmr_e_too_many_operands) else Inc(operandnum); Consume(AS_COMMA); end; end; AS_SEPARATOR, AS_end : { End of asm operands for this opcode } begin break; end; else if ((instr.opcode = A_MRS) and (operandnum = 2)) or ((instr.opcode = A_MSR) and (operandnum = 1)) then BuildSpecialreg(instr.Operands[operandnum] as tarmoperand) else BuildOperand(instr.Operands[operandnum] as tarmoperand); end; { end case } until false; instr.Ops:=operandnum; end; function tarmattreader.is_asmopcode(const s: string):boolean; const { sorted by length so longer postfixes will match first } postfix2strsorted : array[1..70] of string[9] = ( '.F32.S32','.F32.U32','.S32.F32','.U32.F32','.F64.S32','.F64.U32','.S32.F64','.U32.F64', '.F32.S16','.F32.U16','.S16.F32','.U16.F32','.F64.S16','.F64.U16','.S16.F64','.U16.F64', '.F32.F64','.F64.F32', '.I16','.I32','.I64','.S16','.S32','.S64','.U16','.U32','.U64','.F32','.F64', 'IAD','DBD','FDD','EAD','IAS','DBS','FDS','EAS','IAX','DBX','FDX','EAX', '.16','.32','.64','.I8','.S8','.U8','.P8', 'EP','SB','BT','SH','IA','IB','DA','DB','FD','FA','ED','EA', '.8','S','D','E','P','X','R','B','H','T'); postfixsorted : array[1..70] of TOpPostfix = ( PF_F32S32,PF_F32U32,PF_S32F32,PF_U32F32,PF_F64S32,PF_F64U32,PF_S32F64,PF_U32F64, PF_F32S16,PF_F32U16,PF_S16F32,PF_U16F32,PF_F64S16,PF_F64U16,PF_S16F64,PF_U16F64, PF_F32F64,PF_F64F32, PF_I16,PF_I32, PF_I64,PF_S16,PF_S32,PF_S64,PF_U16,PF_U32,PF_U64,PF_F32, PF_F64,PF_IAD,PF_DBD,PF_FDD,PF_EAD, PF_IAS,PF_DBS,PF_FDS,PF_EAS,PF_IAX, PF_DBX,PF_FDX,PF_EAX,PF_16,PF_32, PF_64,PF_I8,PF_S8,PF_U8,PF_P8, PF_EP,PF_SB,PF_BT,PF_SH,PF_IA, PF_IB,PF_DA,PF_DB,PF_FD,PF_FA, PF_ED,PF_EA,PF_8,PF_S,PF_D,PF_E, PF_P,PF_X,PF_R,PF_B,PF_H,PF_T); var j, j2 : longint; hs,hs2 : string; maxlen : longint; icond : tasmcond; Begin { making s a value parameter would break other assembler readers } hs:=s; is_asmopcode:=false; { clear op code } actopcode:=A_None; actcondition:=C_None; { first, handle B else BLS is read wrong } if ((hs[1]='B') and (length(hs)=3)) then begin for icond:=low(tasmcond) to high(tasmcond) do begin if copy(hs,2,3)=uppercond2str[icond] then begin actopcode:=A_B; actasmtoken:=AS_OPCODE; actcondition:=icond; is_asmopcode:=true; exit; end; end; end; maxlen:=min(length(hs),6); actopcode:=A_NONE; j2:=maxlen; hs2:=hs; while j2>=1 do begin hs:=hs2; while j2>=1 do begin actopcode:=tasmop(PtrUInt(iasmops.Find(copy(hs,1,j2)))); if actopcode<>A_NONE then begin actasmtoken:=AS_OPCODE; { strip op code } delete(hs,1,j2); dec(j2); break; end; dec(j2); end; if actopcode=A_NONE then exit; if is_unified then begin { check for postfix } if (length(hs)>0) and (actoppostfix=PF_None) then begin for j:=low(postfixsorted) to high(postfixsorted) do begin if copy(hs,1,length(postfix2strsorted[j]))=postfix2strsorted[j] then begin if not ((length(hs)-length(postfix2strsorted[j])) in [0,2,4]) then continue; actoppostfix:=postfixsorted[j]; { strip postfix } delete(hs,1,length(postfix2strsorted[j])); break; end; end; end; { search for condition, conditions are always 2 chars } if length(hs)>1 then begin for icond:=low(tasmcond) to high(tasmcond) do begin if copy(hs,1,2)=uppercond2str[icond] then begin actcondition:=icond; { strip condition } delete(hs,1,2); break; end; end; end; { check for postfix } if (length(hs)>0) and (actoppostfix=PF_None) then begin for j:=low(postfixsorted) to high(postfixsorted) do begin if copy(hs,1,length(postfix2strsorted[j]))=postfix2strsorted[j] then begin if not ((length(hs)-length(postfix2strsorted[j])) = 0) then continue; actoppostfix:=postfixsorted[j]; { strip postfix } delete(hs,1,length(postfix2strsorted[j])); break; end; end; end; end else begin { search for condition, conditions are always 2 chars } if length(hs)>1 then begin for icond:=low(tasmcond) to high(tasmcond) do begin if copy(hs,1,2)=uppercond2str[icond] then begin actcondition:=icond; { strip condition } delete(hs,1,2); break; end; end; end; { check for postfix } if (length(hs)>0) and (actoppostfix=PF_None) then begin for j:=low(postfixsorted) to high(postfixsorted) do begin if copy(hs,1,length(postfix2strsorted[j]))=postfix2strsorted[j] then begin actoppostfix:=postfixsorted[j]; { strip postfix } delete(hs,1,length(postfix2strsorted[j])); break; end; end; end; end; { check for format postfix } if length(hs)>0 then begin if copy(hs,1,2) = '.W' then begin actwideformat:=true; delete(hs,1,2); end; end; { if we stripped all postfixes, it's a valid opcode } is_asmopcode:=length(hs)=0; if is_asmopcode = true then break; end; end; procedure tarmattreader.ConvertCalljmp(instr : tarminstruction); var newopr : toprrec; begin if instr.Operands[1].opr.typ=OPR_REFERENCE then begin newopr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL; newopr.symbol:=instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.symbol; newopr.symofs:=instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.offset; if (instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.base<>NR_NO) or (instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.index<>NR_NO) then Message(asmr_e_syn_operand); instr.Operands[1].opr:=newopr; end; end; procedure tarmattreader.HandleTargetDirective; var symname, symval : String; val : aint; symtyp : TAsmsymtype; begin if actasmpattern='.thumb_set' then begin consume(AS_TARGET_DIRECTIVE); BuildConstSymbolExpression(true,false,false, val,symname,symtyp); Consume(AS_COMMA); BuildConstSymbolExpression(true,false,false, val,symval,symtyp); curList.concat(tai_symbolpair.create(spk_thumb_set,symname,symval)); end else if actasmpattern='.thumb_func' then begin consume(AS_TARGET_DIRECTIVE); curList.concat(tai_directive.create(asd_thumb_func,'')); end else inherited HandleTargetDirective; end; function tarmattreader.is_unified: boolean; begin result:=false; end; procedure tarmattreader.handleopcode; var instr : tarminstruction; begin instr:=TarmInstruction.Create(TarmOperand); BuildOpcode(instr); if is_calljmp(instr.opcode) then ConvertCalljmp(instr); { instr.AddReferenceSizes; instr.SetInstructionOpsize; instr.CheckOperandSizes; } instr.ConcatInstruction(curlist); instr.Free; actoppostfix:=PF_None; actwideformat:=false; end; {***************************************************************************** Initialize *****************************************************************************} const asmmode_arm_att_info : tasmmodeinfo = ( id : asmmode_arm_gas; idtxt : 'DIVIDED'; casmreader : tarmattreader; ); asmmode_arm_att_unified_info : tasmmodeinfo = ( id : asmmode_arm_gas_unified; idtxt : 'UNIFIED'; casmreader : tarmunifiedattreader; ); asmmode_arm_standard_info : tasmmodeinfo = ( id : asmmode_standard; idtxt : 'STANDARD'; casmreader : tarmattreader; ); initialization RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_arm_att_info); RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_arm_att_unified_info); RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_arm_standard_info); end.