{ Copyright (c) 2014 by Florian Klaempfl Symbol table overrides for ARM This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit symcpu; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses symtype,symdef,symsym,globtype; type { defs } tcpufiledef = class(tfiledef) end; tcpufiledefclass = class of tcpufiledef; tcpuvariantdef = class(tvariantdef) end; tcpuvariantdefclass = class of tcpuvariantdef; tcpuformaldef = class(tformaldef) end; tcpuformaldefclass = class of tcpuformaldef; tcpuforwarddef = class(tforwarddef) end; tcpuforwarddefclass = class of tcpuforwarddef; tcpuundefineddef = class(tundefineddef) end; tcpuundefineddefclass = class of tcpuundefineddef; tcpuerrordef = class(terrordef) end; tcpuerrordefclass = class of tcpuerrordef; tcpupointerdef = class(tpointerdef) end; tcpupointerdefclass = class of tcpupointerdef; tcpurecorddef = class(trecorddef) end; tcpurecorddefclass = class of tcpurecorddef; tcpuimplementedinterface = class(timplementedinterface) end; tcpuimplementedinterfaceclass = class of tcpuimplementedinterface; tcpuobjectdef = class(tobjectdef) end; tcpuobjectdefclass = class of tcpuobjectdef; tcpuclassrefdef = class(tclassrefdef) end; tcpuclassrefdefclass = class of tcpuclassrefdef; tcpuarraydef = class(tarraydef) end; tcpuarraydefclass = class of tcpuarraydef; tcpuorddef = class(torddef) end; tcpuorddefclass = class of tcpuorddef; tcpufloatdef = class(tfloatdef) end; tcpufloatdefclass = class of tcpufloatdef; tcpuprocvardef = class(tprocvardef) end; tcpuprocvardefclass = class of tcpuprocvardef; tcpuprocdef = class(tprocdef) { the arm paramanager might need to know the total size of the stackframe to avoid cyclic unit dependencies or global variables, this infomatation is stored in total_stackframe_size } total_stackframe_size : aint; end; tcpuprocdefclass = class of tcpuprocdef; tcpustringdef = class(tstringdef) end; tcpustringdefclass = class of tcpustringdef; tcpuenumdef = class(tenumdef) end; tcpuenumdefclass = class of tcpuenumdef; tcpusetdef = class(tsetdef) end; tcpusetdefclass = class of tcpusetdef; { syms } tcpulabelsym = class(tlabelsym) end; tcpulabelsymclass = class of tcpulabelsym; tcpuunitsym = class(tunitsym) end; tcpuunitsymclass = class of tcpuunitsym; tcpuprogramparasym = class(tprogramparasym) end; tcpuprogramparasymclass = class(tprogramparasym); tcpunamespacesym = class(tnamespacesym) end; tcpunamespacesymclass = class of tcpunamespacesym; tcpuprocsym = class(tprocsym) end; tcpuprocsymclass = class of tcpuprocsym; tcputypesym = class(ttypesym) end; tcpuypesymclass = class of tcputypesym; tcpufieldvarsym = class(tfieldvarsym) end; tcpufieldvarsymclass = class of tcpufieldvarsym; tcpulocalvarsym = class(tlocalvarsym) end; tcpulocalvarsymclass = class of tcpulocalvarsym; tcpuparavarsym = class(tparavarsym) end; tcpuparavarsymclass = class of tcpuparavarsym; tcpustaticvarsym = class(tstaticvarsym) end; tcpustaticvarsymclass = class of tcpustaticvarsym; tcpuabsolutevarsym = class(tabsolutevarsym) end; tcpuabsolutevarsymclass = class of tcpuabsolutevarsym; tcpupropertysym = class(tpropertysym) end; tcpupropertysymclass = class of tcpupropertysym; tcpuconstsym = class(tconstsym) end; tcpuconstsymclass = class of tcpuconstsym; tcpuenumsym = class(tenumsym) end; tcpuenumsymclass = class of tcpuenumsym; tcpusyssym = class(tsyssym) end; tcpusyssymclass = class of tcpusyssym; const pbestrealtype : ^tdef = @s64floattype; implementation begin { used tdef classes } cfiledef:=tcpufiledef; cvariantdef:=tcpuvariantdef; cformaldef:=tcpuformaldef; cforwarddef:=tcpuforwarddef; cundefineddef:=tcpuundefineddef; cerrordef:=tcpuerrordef; cpointerdef:=tcpupointerdef; crecorddef:=tcpurecorddef; cimplementedinterface:=tcpuimplementedinterface; cobjectdef:=tcpuobjectdef; cclassrefdef:=tcpuclassrefdef; carraydef:=tcpuarraydef; corddef:=tcpuorddef; cfloatdef:=tcpufloatdef; cprocvardef:=tcpuprocvardef; cprocdef:=tcpuprocdef; cstringdef:=tcpustringdef; cenumdef:=tcpuenumdef; csetdef:=tcpusetdef; { used tsym classes } clabelsym:=tcpulabelsym; cunitsym:=tcpuunitsym; cprogramparasym:=tcpuprogramparasym; cnamespacesym:=tcpunamespacesym; cprocsym:=tcpuprocsym; ctypesym:=tcputypesym; cfieldvarsym:=tcpufieldvarsym; clocalvarsym:=tcpulocalvarsym; cparavarsym:=tcpuparavarsym; cstaticvarsym:=tcpustaticvarsym; cabsolutevarsym:=tcpuabsolutevarsym; cpropertysym:=tcpupropertysym; cconstsym:=tcpuconstsym; cenumsym:=tcpuenumsym; csyssym:=tcpusyssym; end.