{ Copyright (c) 1998-2006 by Florian Klaempfl This unit contains utility functions for assembler output This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit asmutils; interface {$i fpcdefs.inc} uses globtype, aasmbase, aasmdata, symconst; type tasmlabofs = record lab: tasmlabel; ofs: pint; end; function emit_ansistring_const(list:TAsmList;data:PChar;len:LongInt;encoding:tstringencoding;NewSection:Boolean=True):tasmlabofs; function emit_unicodestring_const(list:TAsmList;data:Pointer;encoding:tstringencoding;Winlike:Boolean):tasmlabofs; function get_string_symofs(typ: tstringtype; winlikewidestring: boolean): pint; implementation uses globals, systems, verbose, aasmtai, widestr, symdef; function emit_ansistring_const(list:TAsmList;data:PChar;len:LongInt;encoding:tstringencoding;NewSection:Boolean): tasmlabofs; var s: PChar; begin current_asmdata.getdatalabel(result.lab); result.ofs:=0; if NewSection then begin maybe_new_object_file(list); new_section(list,sec_rodata_norel,result.lab.name,const_align(sizeof(pint))); end; { put label before header on Darwin, because there the linker considers a global symbol to be the start of a new subsection } if target_info.system in systems_darwin then list.concat(tai_label.create(result.lab)); list.concat(tai_const.create_16bit(encoding)); inc(result.ofs,2); list.concat(tai_const.create_16bit(1)); inc(result.ofs,2); {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} { dummy for alignment } list.concat(tai_const.create_32bit(0)); inc(result.ofs,4); {$endif cpu64bitaddr} list.concat(tai_const.create_pint(-1)); inc(result.ofs,sizeof(pint)); list.concat(tai_const.create_pint(len)); inc(result.ofs,sizeof(pint)); if not(target_info.system in systems_darwin) then begin { results in slightly more efficient code } list.concat(tai_label.create(result.lab)); result.ofs:=0; end; { sanity check } if result.ofs<>get_string_symofs(st_ansistring,false) then internalerror(2012051701); getmem(s,len+1); move(data^,s^,len); s[len]:=#0; list.concat(tai_string.create_pchar(s,len+1)); { terminating zero included } end; function emit_unicodestring_const(list:TAsmList;data:Pointer;encoding:tstringencoding;Winlike:Boolean):tasmlabofs; var i, strlength: SizeInt; begin current_asmdata.getdatalabel(result.lab); result.ofs:=0; maybe_new_object_file(list); new_section(list,sec_rodata_norel,result.lab.name,const_align(sizeof(pint))); strlength := getlengthwidestring(pcompilerwidestring(data)); if Winlike then begin list.concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(strlength*cwidechartype.size)); { don't increase result.ofs, this is how Windows widestrings are defined by the OS: a pointer 4 bytes past the length of the string } list.concat(Tai_label.Create(result.lab)); end else begin { put label before header on Darwin, because there the linker considers a global symbol to be the start of a new subsection } if target_info.system in systems_darwin then list.concat(Tai_label.Create(result.lab)); list.concat(tai_const.create_16bit(encoding)); inc(result.ofs,2); list.concat(tai_const.create_16bit(2)); inc(result.ofs,2); {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} { dummy for alignment } list.concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0)); inc(result.ofs,4); {$endif cpu64bitaddr} list.concat(Tai_const.Create_pint(-1)); inc(result.ofs,sizeof(pint)); list.concat(Tai_const.Create_pint(strlength)); inc(result.ofs,sizeof(pint)); if not(target_info.system in systems_darwin) then begin { results in slightly more efficient code } list.concat(tai_label.create(result.lab)); result.ofs:=0; end; { sanity check } if result.ofs<>get_string_symofs(st_unicodestring,false) then internalerror(2012051702); end; if cwidechartype.size = 2 then begin for i:=0 to strlength-1 do list.concat(Tai_const.Create_16bit(pcompilerwidestring(data)^.data[i])); { ending #0 } list.concat(Tai_const.Create_16bit(0)); end else InternalError(200904271); { codegeneration for other sizes must be written } end; function get_string_symofs(typ: tstringtype; winlikewidestring: boolean): pint; const ansistring_header_size = { encoding } 2 + { elesize } 2 + {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} { alignment } 4 + {$endif cpu64bitaddr} { reference count } sizeof(pint) + { length } sizeof(pint); unicodestring_header_size = ansistring_header_size; begin if not(target_info.system in systems_darwin) then result:=0 else case typ of st_ansistring: result:=ansistring_header_size; st_unicodestring: result:=unicodestring_header_size; st_widestring: if winlikewidestring then result:=0 else result:=unicodestring_header_size; else result:=0; end; end; end.