{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl and Peter Vreman This module provides some basic classes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit cclasses; {$i fpcdefs.inc} {$ifndef VER2_0} {$define CCLASSESINLINE} {$endif} interface uses {$IFNDEF USE_FAKE_SYSUTILS} SysUtils, {$ELSE} fksysutl, {$ENDIF} globtype, CUtils,CStreams; {******************************************** TMemDebug ********************************************} type tmemdebug = class private totalmem, startmem : int64; infostr : string[40]; public constructor Create(const s:string); destructor Destroy;override; procedure show; procedure start; procedure stop; end; {******************************************************* TFPList (From rtl/objpas/classes/classesh.inc) ********************************************************} const SListIndexError = 'List index exceeds bounds (%d)'; SListCapacityError = 'The maximum list capacity is reached (%d)'; SListCapacityPower2Error = 'The capacity has to be a power of 2, but is set to %d'; SListCountError = 'List count too large (%d)'; type EListError = class(Exception); const MaxListSize = Maxint div 16; type PPointerList = ^TPointerList; TPointerList = array[0..MaxListSize - 1] of Pointer; TListSortCompare = function (Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; TListCallback = procedure(data,arg:pointer) of object; TListStaticCallback = procedure(data,arg:pointer); TDynStringArray = Array Of String; TFPList = class(TObject) private FList: PPointerList; FCount: Integer; FCapacity: Integer; protected function Get(Index: Integer): Pointer; procedure Put(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer); procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); procedure SetCount(NewCount: Integer); Procedure RaiseIndexError(Index : Integer);{$ifndef VER2_6}noreturn;{$endif VER2_6} public destructor Destroy; override; function Add(Item: Pointer): Integer; procedure Clear; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); class procedure Error(const Msg: string; Data: PtrInt);{$ifndef VER2_6}noreturn;{$endif VER2_6} procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); function Expand: TFPList; function Extract(item: Pointer): Pointer; function First: Pointer; function IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer; procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer); function Last: Pointer; procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer); procedure Assign(Obj:TFPList); function Remove(Item: Pointer): Integer; procedure Pack; procedure Sort(Compare: TListSortCompare); procedure ForEachCall(proc2call:TListCallback;arg:pointer); procedure ForEachCall(proc2call:TListStaticCallback;arg:pointer); property Capacity: Integer read FCapacity write SetCapacity; property Count: Integer read FCount write SetCount; property Items[Index: Integer]: Pointer read Get write Put; default; property List: PPointerList read FList; end; {******************************************************* TFPObjectList (From fcl/inc/contnrs.pp) ********************************************************} TObjectListCallback = procedure(data:TObject;arg:pointer) of object; TObjectListStaticCallback = procedure(data:TObject;arg:pointer); TFPObjectList = class(TObject) private FFreeObjects : Boolean; FList: TFPList; function GetCount: integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure SetCount(const AValue: integer); protected function GetItem(Index: Integer): TObject; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function GetCapacity: integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} public constructor Create; constructor Create(FreeObjects : Boolean); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; function Add(AObject: TObject): Integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure Delete(Index: Integer); procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function Expand: TFPObjectList;{$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function Extract(Item: TObject): TObject; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function Remove(AObject: TObject): Integer; function IndexOf(AObject: TObject): Integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function FindInstanceOf(AClass: TClass; AExact: Boolean; AStartAt: Integer): Integer; procedure Insert(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function First: TObject; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function Last: TObject; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure Assign(Obj:TFPObjectList); procedure ConcatListCopy(Obj:TFPObjectList); procedure Pack; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure Sort(Compare: TListSortCompare); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure ForEachCall(proc2call:TObjectListCallback;arg:pointer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure ForEachCall(proc2call:TObjectListStaticCallback;arg:pointer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity; property Count: Integer read GetCount write SetCount; property OwnsObjects: Boolean read FFreeObjects write FFreeObjects; property Items[Index: Integer]: TObject read GetItem write SetItem; default; property List: TFPList read FList; end; type THashItem=record HashValue : LongWord; StrIndex : Integer; NextIndex : Integer; Data : Pointer; end; PHashItem=^THashItem; const MaxHashListSize = Maxint div 16; MaxHashStrSize = Maxint; MaxHashTableSize = Maxint div 4; MaxItemsPerHash = 3; type PHashItemList = ^THashItemList; THashItemList = array[0..MaxHashListSize - 1] of THashItem; PHashTable = ^THashTable; THashTable = array[0..MaxHashTableSize - 1] of Integer; TFPHashList = class(TObject) private { ItemList } FHashList : PHashItemList; FCount, FCapacity : Integer; FCapacityMask: LongWord; { Hash } FHashTable : PHashTable; FHashCapacity : Integer; { Strings } {$ifdef symansistr} FStrs : PAnsiString; {$else symansistr} FStrs : PChar; {$endif symansistr} FStrCount, FStrCapacity : Integer; function InternalFind(AHash:LongWord;const AName:TSymStr;out PrevIndex:Integer):Integer; protected function Get(Index: Integer): Pointer; procedure Put(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer); procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); procedure SetCount(NewCount: Integer); Procedure RaiseIndexError(Index : Integer); function AddStr(const s:TSymStr): Integer; procedure AddToHashTable(Index: Integer); procedure StrExpand(MinIncSize:Integer); procedure SetStrCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); procedure SetHashCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); procedure ReHash; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Add(const AName:TSymStr;Item: Pointer): Integer; procedure Clear; function NameOfIndex(Index: Integer): TSymStr; function HashOfIndex(Index: Integer): LongWord; function GetNextCollision(Index: Integer): Integer; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); class procedure Error(const Msg: string; Data: PtrInt);{$ifndef VER2_6}noreturn;{$endif VER2_6} function Expand: TFPHashList; function Extract(item: Pointer): Pointer; function IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer; function Find(const AName:TSymStr): Pointer; function FindIndexOf(const AName:TSymStr): Integer; function FindWithHash(const AName:TSymStr;AHash:LongWord): Pointer; function Rename(const AOldName,ANewName:TSymStr): Integer; function Remove(Item: Pointer): Integer; procedure Pack; procedure ShowStatistics; procedure ForEachCall(proc2call:TListCallback;arg:pointer); procedure ForEachCall(proc2call:TListStaticCallback;arg:pointer); procedure WhileEachCall(proc2call:TListCallback;arg:pointer); procedure WhileEachCall(proc2call:TListStaticCallback;arg:pointer); property Capacity: Integer read FCapacity write SetCapacity; property Count: Integer read FCount write SetCount; property Items[Index: Integer]: Pointer read Get write Put; default; property List: PHashItemList read FHashList; {$ifdef symansistr} property Strs: PSymStr read FStrs; {$else} property Strs: PChar read FStrs; {$endif} end; {******************************************************* TFPHashObjectList (From fcl/inc/contnrs.pp) ********************************************************} TFPHashObjectList = class; { TFPHashObject } TFPHashObject = class private FOwner : TFPHashObjectList; FStrIndex : Integer; procedure InternalChangeOwner(HashObjectList:TFPHashObjectList;const s:TSymStr); protected function GetName:TSymStr;virtual; function GetHash:Longword;virtual; public constructor CreateNotOwned; constructor Create(HashObjectList:TFPHashObjectList;const s:TSymStr); procedure ChangeOwner(HashObjectList:TFPHashObjectList); procedure ChangeOwnerAndName(HashObjectList:TFPHashObjectList;const s:TSymStr); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure Rename(const ANewName:TSymStr); property Name:TSymStr read GetName; property Hash:Longword read GetHash; property OwnerList: TFPHashObjectList read FOwner; end; TFPHashObjectList = class(TObject) private FFreeObjects : Boolean; FHashList: TFPHashList; function GetCount: integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure SetCount(const AValue: integer); protected function GetItem(Index: Integer): TObject; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function GetCapacity: integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} public constructor Create(FreeObjects : boolean = True); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; function Add(const AName:TSymStr;AObject: TObject): Integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function NameOfIndex(Index: Integer): TSymStr; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function HashOfIndex(Index: Integer): LongWord; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function GetNextCollision(Index: Integer): Integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure Delete(Index: Integer); function Expand: TFPHashObjectList; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function Extract(Item: TObject): TObject; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function Remove(AObject: TObject): Integer; function IndexOf(AObject: TObject): Integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function Find(const s:TSymStr): TObject; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function FindIndexOf(const s:TSymStr): Integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function FindWithHash(const AName:TSymStr;AHash:LongWord): Pointer; function Rename(const AOldName,ANewName:TSymStr): Integer; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} function FindInstanceOf(AClass: TClass; AExact: Boolean; AStartAt: Integer): Integer; procedure Pack; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure ShowStatistics; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure ForEachCall(proc2call:TObjectListCallback;arg:pointer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure ForEachCall(proc2call:TObjectListStaticCallback;arg:pointer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure WhileEachCall(proc2call:TObjectListCallback;arg:pointer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure WhileEachCall(proc2call:TObjectListStaticCallback;arg:pointer); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity; property Count: Integer read GetCount write SetCount; property OwnsObjects: Boolean read FFreeObjects write FFreeObjects; property Items[Index: Integer]: TObject read GetItem write SetItem; default; property List: TFPHashList read FHashList; end; {******************************************** TLinkedList ********************************************} type TLinkedListItem = class public Previous, Next : TLinkedListItem; Constructor Create; Destructor Destroy;override; Function GetCopy:TLinkedListItem;virtual; end; TLinkedListItemClass = class of TLinkedListItem; TLinkedList = class private FCount : integer; FFirst, FLast : TLinkedListItem; FNoClear : boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy;override; { true when the List is empty } function Empty:boolean; {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} { deletes all Items } procedure Clear; { inserts an Item } procedure Insert(Item:TLinkedListItem); { inserts an Item before Loc } procedure InsertBefore(Item,Loc : TLinkedListItem); { inserts an Item after Loc } procedure InsertAfter(Item,Loc : TLinkedListItem);virtual; { concats an Item } procedure Concat(Item:TLinkedListItem); { deletes an Item } procedure Remove(Item:TLinkedListItem); { Gets First Item } function GetFirst:TLinkedListItem; { Gets last Item } function GetLast:TLinkedListItem; { inserts another List at the begin and make this List empty } procedure insertList(p : TLinkedList); virtual; { inserts another List before the provided item and make this List empty } procedure insertListBefore(Item:TLinkedListItem;p : TLinkedList); virtual; { inserts another List after the provided item and make this List empty } procedure insertListAfter(Item:TLinkedListItem;p : TLinkedList); virtual; { concats another List at the end and make this List empty } procedure concatList(p : TLinkedList); virtual; { concats another List at the start and makes a copy the list is ordered in reverse. } procedure insertListcopy(p : TLinkedList); virtual; { concats another List at the end and makes a copy } procedure concatListcopy(p : TLinkedList); virtual; { removes all items from the list, the items are not freed } procedure RemoveAll; virtual; property First:TLinkedListItem read FFirst; property Last:TLinkedListItem read FLast; property Count:Integer read FCount; property NoClear:boolean write FNoClear; end; {******************************************** TCmdStrList ********************************************} { string containerItem } TCmdStrListItem = class(TLinkedListItem) FPStr : TCmdStr; public constructor Create(const s:TCmdStr); destructor Destroy;override; function GetCopy:TLinkedListItem;override; property Str: TCmdStr read FPStr; end; { string container } TCmdStrList = class(TLinkedList) private FDoubles : boolean; { if this is set to true, doubles (case insensitive!) are allowed } public constructor Create; constructor Create_No_Double; { inserts an Item } procedure Insert(const s:TCmdStr); { concats an Item } procedure Concat(const s:TCmdStr); { deletes an Item } procedure Remove(const s:TCmdStr); { Gets First Item } function GetFirst:TCmdStr; { Gets last Item } function GetLast:TCmdStr; { true if string is in the container, compare case sensitive } function FindCase(const s:TCmdStr):TCmdStrListItem; { true if string is in the container } function Find(const s:TCmdStr):TCmdStrListItem; { inserts an item } procedure InsertItem(item:TCmdStrListItem); { concats an item } procedure ConcatItem(item:TCmdStrListItem); property Doubles:boolean read FDoubles write FDoubles; end; {******************************************** DynamicArray ********************************************} type { can't use sizeof(integer) because it crashes gdb } tdynamicblockdata=array[0..1024*1024-1] of byte; pdynamicblock = ^tdynamicblock; tdynamicblock = record pos, size, used : longword; Next : pdynamicblock; data : tdynamicblockdata; end; const dynamicblockbasesize = sizeof(tdynamicblock)-sizeof(tdynamicblockdata); mindynamicblocksize = 8*sizeof(pointer); type tdynamicarray = class private FPosn : longword; FPosnblock : pdynamicblock; FCurrBlocksize, FMaxBlocksize : longword; FFirstblock, FLastblock : pdynamicblock; procedure grow; public constructor Create(Ablocksize:longword); destructor Destroy;override; procedure reset; function size:longword; procedure align(i:longword); procedure seek(i:longword); function read(var d;len:longword):longword; procedure write(const d;len:longword); procedure writestr(const s:string); {$ifdef CCLASSESINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure readstream(f:TCStream;maxlen:longword); procedure writestream(f:TCStream); function equal(other:tdynamicarray):boolean; property CurrBlockSize : longword read FCurrBlocksize; property FirstBlock : PDynamicBlock read FFirstBlock; property Pos : longword read FPosn; end; {****************************************************************** THashSet (keys not limited to ShortString, no indexed access) *******************************************************************} PPHashSetItem = ^PHashSetItem; PHashSetItem = ^THashSetItem; THashSetItem = record Next: PHashSetItem; Key: Pointer; KeyLength: Integer; HashValue: LongWord; Data: TObject; end; THashSet = class(TObject) private FCount: LongWord; FOwnsObjects: Boolean; FOwnsKeys: Boolean; function Lookup(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; var Found: Boolean; CanCreate: Boolean): PHashSetItem; procedure Resize(NewCapacity: LongWord); protected FBucket: PPHashSetItem; FBucketCount: LongWord; class procedure FreeItem(item:PHashSetItem); virtual; class function SizeOfItem: Integer; virtual; public constructor Create(InitSize: Integer; OwnKeys, OwnObjects: Boolean); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; { finds an entry by key } function Find(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer): PHashSetItem;virtual; { finds an entry, creates one if not exists } function FindOrAdd(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; var Found: Boolean): PHashSetItem;virtual; { finds an entry, creates one if not exists } function FindOrAdd(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer): PHashSetItem;virtual; { returns Data by given Key } function Get(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer): TObject;virtual; { removes an entry, returns False if entry wasn't there } function Remove(Entry: PHashSetItem): Boolean; property Count: LongWord read FCount; end; {****************************************************************** TTagHasSet *******************************************************************} PPTagHashSetItem = ^PTagHashSetItem; PTagHashSetItem = ^TTagHashSetItem; TTagHashSetItem = record Next: PTagHashSetItem; Key: Pointer; KeyLength: Integer; HashValue: LongWord; Data: TObject; Tag: LongWord; end; TTagHashSet = class(THashSet) private function Lookup(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord; var Found: Boolean; CanCreate: Boolean): PTagHashSetItem; protected class procedure FreeItem(item:PHashSetItem); override; class function SizeOfItem: Integer; override; public { finds an entry by key } function Find(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord): PTagHashSetItem; reintroduce; { finds an entry, creates one if not exists } function FindOrAdd(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord; var Found: Boolean): PTagHashSetItem; reintroduce; { finds an entry, creates one if not exists } function FindOrAdd(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord): PTagHashSetItem; reintroduce; { returns Data by given Key } function Get(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord): TObject; reintroduce; end; {****************************************************************** tbitset *******************************************************************} tbitset = class private fdata: pbyte; fdatasize: longint; public constructor create(initsize: longint); constructor create_bytesize(bytesize: longint); destructor destroy; override; procedure clear; procedure grow(nsize: longint); { sets a bit } procedure include(index: longint); { clears a bit } procedure exclude(index: longint); { finds an entry, creates one if not exists } function isset(index: longint): boolean; procedure addset(aset: tbitset); procedure subset(aset: tbitset); property data: pbyte read fdata; property datasize: longint read fdatasize; end; function FPHash(P: PChar; Len: Integer; Tag: LongWord): LongWord; function FPHash(P: PChar; Len: Integer): LongWord; inline; function FPHash(const s:shortstring):LongWord; inline; function FPHash(const a:ansistring):LongWord; inline; function ExtractStrings(Separators, WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar; var Strings: TDynStringArray; AddEmptyStrings : Boolean = False): Integer; implementation {***************************************************************************** Memory debug *****************************************************************************} function ExtractStrings(Separators, WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar; var Strings: TDynStringArray; AddEmptyStrings : Boolean = False): Integer; var b, c : pchar; procedure SkipWhitespace; begin while (c^ in Whitespace) do inc (c); end; procedure AddString; var l : integer; s : string; begin l := c-b; s:=''; if (l > 0) or AddEmptyStrings then begin setlength(s, l); if l>0 then move (b^, s[1],l*SizeOf(char)); l:=length(Strings); setlength(Strings,l+1); Strings[l]:=S; inc (result); end; end; var quoted : char; begin result := 0; c := Content; Quoted := #0; Separators := Separators + [#13, #10] - ['''','"']; SkipWhitespace; b := c; while (c^ <> #0) do begin if (c^ = Quoted) then begin if ((c+1)^ = Quoted) then inc (c) else Quoted := #0 end else if (Quoted = #0) and (c^ in ['''','"']) then Quoted := c^; if (Quoted = #0) and (c^ in Separators) then begin AddString; inc (c); SkipWhitespace; b := c; end else inc (c); end; if (c <> b) then AddString; end; constructor tmemdebug.create(const s:string); begin infostr:=s; totalmem:=0; Start; end; procedure tmemdebug.start; var status : TFPCHeapStatus; begin status:=GetFPCHeapStatus; startmem:=status.CurrHeapUsed; end; procedure tmemdebug.stop; var status : TFPCHeapStatus; begin if startmem<>0 then begin status:=GetFPCHeapStatus; inc(TotalMem,startmem-status.CurrHeapUsed); startmem:=0; end; end; destructor tmemdebug.destroy; begin Stop; show; end; procedure tmemdebug.show; begin write('memory [',infostr,'] '); if TotalMem>0 then writeln(DStr(TotalMem shr 10),' Kb released') else writeln(DStr((-TotalMem) shr 10),' Kb allocated'); end; {***************************************************************************** TFPObjectList (Copied from rtl/objpas/classes/lists.inc) *****************************************************************************} procedure TFPList.RaiseIndexError(Index : Integer);{$ifndef VER2_6}noreturn;{$endif VER2_6} begin Error(SListIndexError, Index); end; function TFPList.Get(Index: Integer): Pointer; begin If (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then RaiseIndexError(Index); Result:=FList^[Index]; end; procedure TFPList.Put(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer); begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then RaiseIndexError(Index); Flist^[Index] := Item; end; function TFPList.Extract(item: Pointer): Pointer; var i : Integer; begin result := nil; i := IndexOf(item); if i >= 0 then begin Result := item; FList^[i] := nil; Delete(i); end; end; procedure TFPList.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); begin If (NewCapacity < FCount) or (NewCapacity > MaxListSize) then Error (SListCapacityError, NewCapacity); if NewCapacity = FCapacity then exit; ReallocMem(FList, SizeOf(Pointer)*NewCapacity); FCapacity := NewCapacity; end; procedure TFPList.SetCount(NewCount: Integer); begin if (NewCount < 0) or (NewCount > MaxListSize)then Error(SListCountError, NewCount); If NewCount > FCount then begin If NewCount > FCapacity then SetCapacity(NewCount); If FCount < NewCount then FillChar(Flist^[FCount], (NewCount-FCount) * sizeof(Pointer), 0); end; FCount := Newcount; end; destructor TFPList.Destroy; begin Self.Clear; inherited Destroy; end; function TFPList.Add(Item: Pointer): Integer; begin if FCount = FCapacity then Self.Expand; FList^[FCount] := Item; Result := FCount; inc(FCount); end; procedure TFPList.Clear; begin if Assigned(FList) then begin SetCount(0); SetCapacity(0); FList := nil; end; end; procedure TFPList.Delete(Index: Integer); begin If (Index<0) or (Index>=FCount) then Error (SListIndexError, Index); dec(FCount); System.Move (FList^[Index+1], FList^[Index], (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(Pointer)); { Shrink the list if appropriate } if (FCapacity > 256) and (FCount < FCapacity shr 2) then begin FCapacity := FCapacity shr 1; ReallocMem(FList, SizeOf(Pointer) * FCapacity); end; end; class procedure TFPList.Error(const Msg: string; Data: PtrInt);{$ifndef VER2_6}noreturn;{$endif VER2_6} begin Raise EListError.CreateFmt(Msg,[Data]) at get_caller_addr(get_frame), get_caller_frame(get_frame); end; procedure TFPList.Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); var Temp : Pointer; begin If ((Index1 >= FCount) or (Index1 < 0)) then Error(SListIndexError, Index1); If ((Index2 >= FCount) or (Index2 < 0)) then Error(SListIndexError, Index2); Temp := FList^[Index1]; FList^[Index1] := FList^[Index2]; FList^[Index2] := Temp; end; function TFPList.Expand: TFPList; var IncSize : Longint; begin Result := Self; if FCount < FCapacity then exit; IncSize := sizeof(ptrint)*2; if FCapacity > 127 then Inc(IncSize, FCapacity shr 2) else if FCapacity > sizeof(ptrint)*4 then Inc(IncSize, FCapacity shr 1) else if FCapacity >= sizeof(ptrint) then inc(IncSize,sizeof(ptrint)); SetCapacity(FCapacity + IncSize); end; function TFPList.First: Pointer; begin If FCount<>0 then Result := Items[0] else Result := Nil; end; function TFPList.IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer; var psrc : PPointer; Index : Integer; begin Result:=-1; psrc:=@FList^[0]; For Index:=0 To FCount-1 Do begin if psrc^=Item then begin Result:=Index; exit; end; inc(psrc); end; end; procedure TFPList.Insert(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer); begin if (Index < 0) or (Index > FCount )then Error(SlistIndexError, Index); iF FCount = FCapacity then Self.Expand; if Index0 then Result := Items[FCount - 1] else Result := nil end; procedure TFPList.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer); var Temp : Pointer; begin if ((CurIndex < 0) or (CurIndex > Count - 1)) then Error(SListIndexError, CurIndex); if (NewINdex < 0) then Error(SlistIndexError, NewIndex); Temp := FList^[CurIndex]; FList^[CurIndex] := nil; Self.Delete(CurIndex); Self.Insert(NewIndex, nil); FList^[NewIndex] := Temp; end; function TFPList.Remove(Item: Pointer): Integer; begin Result := IndexOf(Item); If Result <> -1 then Self.Delete(Result); end; procedure TFPList.Pack; var NewCount, i : integer; pdest, psrc : PPointer; begin NewCount:=0; psrc:=@FList^[0]; pdest:=psrc; For I:=0 To FCount-1 Do begin if assigned(psrc^) then begin pdest^:=psrc^; inc(pdest); inc(NewCount); end; inc(psrc); end; FCount:=NewCount; end; Procedure QuickSort(FList: PPointerList; L, R : Longint;Compare: TListSortCompare); var I, J, P: Longint; PItem, Q : Pointer; begin repeat I := L; J := R; P := (L + R) div 2; repeat PItem := FList^[P]; while Compare(PItem, FList^[i]) > 0 do I := I + 1; while Compare(PItem, FList^[J]) < 0 do J := J - 1; If I <= J then begin Q := FList^[I]; Flist^[I] := FList^[J]; FList^[J] := Q; if P = I then P := J else if P = J then P := I; I := I + 1; J := J - 1; end; until I > J; if L < J then QuickSort(FList, L, J, Compare); L := I; until I >= R; end; procedure TFPList.Sort(Compare: TListSortCompare); begin if Not Assigned(FList) or (FCount < 2) then exit; QuickSort(Flist, 0, FCount-1, Compare); end; procedure TFPList.Assign(Obj: TFPList); var i: Integer; begin Clear; for I := 0 to Obj.Count - 1 do Add(Obj[i]); end; procedure TFPList.ForEachCall(proc2call:TListCallback;arg:pointer); var i : integer; p : pointer; begin For I:=0 To Count-1 Do begin p:=FList^[i]; if assigned(p) then proc2call(p,arg); end; end; procedure TFPList.ForEachCall(proc2call:TListStaticCallback;arg:pointer); var i : integer; p : pointer; begin For I:=0 To Count-1 Do begin p:=FList^[i]; if assigned(p) then proc2call(p,arg); end; end; {***************************************************************************** TFPObjectList (Copied from rtl/objpas/classes/lists.inc) *****************************************************************************} constructor TFPObjectList.Create(FreeObjects : boolean); begin Create; FFreeObjects := Freeobjects; end; destructor TFPObjectList.Destroy; begin if (FList <> nil) then begin Clear; FList.Destroy; FList:=nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFPObjectList.Clear; var i: integer; begin if FFreeObjects then for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do TObject(FList[i]).Free; FList.Clear; end; constructor TFPObjectList.Create; begin inherited Create; FList := TFPList.Create; FFreeObjects := True; end; function TFPObjectList.IndexOf(AObject: TObject): Integer; begin Result := FList.IndexOf(Pointer(AObject)); end; function TFPObjectList.GetCount: integer; begin Result := FList.Count; end; procedure TFPObjectList.SetCount(const AValue: integer); begin if FList.Count <> AValue then FList.Count := AValue; end; function TFPObjectList.GetItem(Index: Integer): TObject; begin Result := TObject(FList[Index]); end; procedure TFPObjectList.SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); begin if OwnsObjects then TObject(FList[Index]).Free; FList[index] := AObject; end; procedure TFPObjectList.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); begin FList.Capacity := NewCapacity; end; function TFPObjectList.GetCapacity: integer; begin Result := FList.Capacity; end; function TFPObjectList.Add(AObject: TObject): Integer; begin Result := FList.Add(AObject); end; procedure TFPObjectList.Delete(Index: Integer); begin if OwnsObjects then TObject(FList[Index]).Free; FList.Delete(Index); end; procedure TFPObjectList.Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); begin FList.Exchange(Index1, Index2); end; function TFPObjectList.Expand: TFPObjectList; begin FList.Expand; Result := Self; end; function TFPObjectList.Extract(Item: TObject): TObject; begin Result := TObject(FList.Extract(Item)); end; function TFPObjectList.Remove(AObject: TObject): Integer; begin Result := IndexOf(AObject); if (Result <> -1) then begin if OwnsObjects then TObject(FList[Result]).Free; FList.Delete(Result); end; end; function TFPObjectList.FindInstanceOf(AClass: TClass; AExact: Boolean; AStartAt : Integer): Integer; var I : Integer; begin I:=AStartAt; Result:=-1; If AExact then while (I= FCount) then RaiseIndexError(Index); Result:=FHashList^[Index].Data; end; procedure TFPHashList.Put(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer); begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then RaiseIndexError(Index); FHashList^[Index].Data:=Item; end; function TFPHashList.NameOfIndex(Index: Integer): TSymStr; begin If (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then RaiseIndexError(Index); with FHashList^[Index] do begin if StrIndex>=0 then Result:=PSymStr(@FStrs[StrIndex])^ else Result:=''; end; end; function TFPHashList.HashOfIndex(Index: Integer): LongWord; begin If (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then RaiseIndexError(Index); Result:=FHashList^[Index].HashValue; end; function TFPHashList.GetNextCollision(Index: Integer): Integer; begin Result:=-1; if ((Index > -1) and (Index < FCount)) then Result:=FHashList^[Index].NextIndex; end; function TFPHashList.Extract(item: Pointer): Pointer; var i : Integer; begin result := nil; i := IndexOf(item); if i >= 0 then begin Result := item; Delete(i); end; end; procedure TFPHashList.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); var power: longint; begin { use a power of two to be able to quickly calculate the hash table index } if NewCapacity <> 0 then NewCapacity := nextpowerof2((NewCapacity+(MaxItemsPerHash-1)) div MaxItemsPerHash, power) * MaxItemsPerHash; if (NewCapacity < FCount) or (NewCapacity > MaxHashListSize) then Error (SListCapacityError, NewCapacity); if NewCapacity = FCapacity then exit; ReallocMem(FHashList, NewCapacity*SizeOf(THashItem)); FCapacity := NewCapacity; { Maybe expand hash also } if FCapacity>FHashCapacity*MaxItemsPerHash then SetHashCapacity(FCapacity div MaxItemsPerHash); end; procedure TFPHashList.SetCount(NewCount: Integer); begin if (NewCount < 0) or (NewCount > MaxHashListSize)then Error(SListCountError, NewCount); If NewCount > FCount then begin If NewCount > FCapacity then SetCapacity(NewCount); If FCount < NewCount then { FCapacity is NewCount rounded up to the next power of 2 } FillChar(FHashList^[FCount], (FCapacity-FCount) div Sizeof(THashItem), 0); end; FCount := Newcount; end; procedure TFPHashList.SetStrCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); {$ifdef symansistr} var i: longint; {$endif symansistr} begin {$push}{$warnings off} If (NewCapacity < FStrCount) or (NewCapacity > MaxHashStrSize) then Error (SListCapacityError, NewCapacity); {$pop} if NewCapacity = FStrCapacity then exit; {$ifdef symansistr} { array of ansistrings -> finalize } if (NewCapacity < FStrCapacity) then for i:=NewCapacity to FStrCapacity-1 do finalize(FStrs[i]); ReallocMem(FStrs, NewCapacity*sizeof(pansistring)); { array of ansistrings -> initialize to nil } if (NewCapacity > FStrCapacity) then fillchar(FStrs[FStrCapacity],(NewCapacity-FStrCapacity)*sizeof(pansistring),0); {$else symansistr} ReallocMem(FStrs, NewCapacity); {$endif symansistr} FStrCapacity := NewCapacity; end; procedure TFPHashList.SetHashCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); var power: longint; begin If (NewCapacity < 1) then Error (SListCapacityError, NewCapacity); if FHashCapacity=NewCapacity then exit; if (NewCapacity<>0) and not ispowerof2(NewCapacity,power) then Error(SListCapacityPower2Error, NewCapacity); FHashCapacity:=NewCapacity; ReallocMem(FHashTable, FHashCapacity*sizeof(Integer)); FCapacityMask:=(1 shl power)-1; ReHash; end; procedure TFPHashList.ReHash; var i : Integer; begin FillDword(FHashTable^,FHashCapacity,LongWord(-1)); For i:=0 To FCount-1 Do AddToHashTable(i); end; constructor TFPHashList.Create; begin SetHashCapacity(1); end; destructor TFPHashList.Destroy; begin Clear; if assigned(FHashTable) then FreeMem(FHashTable); inherited Destroy; end; function TFPHashList.AddStr(const s:TSymStr): Integer; {$ifndef symansistr} var Len : Integer; {$endif symansistr} begin {$ifdef symansistr} if FStrCount+1 >= FStrCapacity then StrExpand(FStrCount+1); FStrs[FStrCount]:=s; result:=FStrCount; inc(FStrCount); {$else symansistr} len:=length(s)+1; if FStrCount+Len >= FStrCapacity then StrExpand(Len); System.Move(s[0],FStrs[FStrCount],Len); result:=FStrCount; inc(FStrCount,Len); {$endif symansistr} end; procedure TFPHashList.AddToHashTable(Index: Integer); var HashIndex : Integer; begin with FHashList^[Index] do begin if not assigned(Data) then exit; HashIndex:=HashValue and FCapacityMask; NextIndex:=FHashTable^[HashIndex]; FHashTable^[HashIndex]:=Index; end; end; function TFPHashList.Add(const AName:TSymStr;Item: Pointer): Integer; begin if FCount = FCapacity then Expand; with FHashList^[FCount] do begin HashValue:=FPHash(AName); Data:=Item; StrIndex:=AddStr(AName); end; AddToHashTable(FCount); Result := FCount; inc(FCount); end; procedure TFPHashList.Clear; begin if Assigned(FHashList) then begin FCount:=0; SetCapacity(0); FHashList := nil; end; SetHashCapacity(1); FHashTable^[0]:=-1; // sethashcapacity does not always call rehash if Assigned(FStrs) then begin FStrCount:=0; SetStrCapacity(0); FStrs := nil; end; end; procedure TFPHashList.Delete(Index: Integer); begin If (Index<0) or (Index>=FCount) then Error (SListIndexError, Index); { Remove from HashList } dec(FCount); System.Move (FHashList^[Index+1], FHashList^[Index], (FCount - Index) * Sizeof(THashItem)); { All indexes are updated, we need to build the hashtable again } Rehash; { Shrink the list if appropriate } if (FCapacity > 256) and (FCount < FCapacity shr 2) then begin FCapacity := FCapacity shr 1; ReallocMem(FHashList, Sizeof(THashItem) * FCapacity); end; end; function TFPHashList.Remove(Item: Pointer): Integer; begin Result := IndexOf(Item); If Result <> -1 then Self.Delete(Result); end; class procedure TFPHashList.Error(const Msg: string; Data: PtrInt);{$ifndef VER2_6}noreturn;{$endif VER2_6} begin Raise EListError.CreateFmt(Msg,[Data]) at get_caller_addr(get_frame), get_caller_frame(get_frame); end; function TFPHashList.Expand: TFPHashList; var IncSize : Longint; begin Result := Self; if FCount < FCapacity then exit; IncSize := sizeof(ptrint)*2; SetCapacity(FCapacity + IncSize); end; procedure TFPHashList.StrExpand(MinIncSize:Integer); var IncSize : Longint; begin if FStrCount+MinIncSize < FStrCapacity then exit; IncSize := 64; if FStrCapacity > 255 then Inc(IncSize, FStrCapacity shr 2); SetStrCapacity(FStrCapacity + IncSize + MinIncSize); end; function TFPHashList.IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer; var psrc : PHashItem; Index : integer; begin Result:=-1; psrc:=@FHashList^[0]; For Index:=0 To FCount-1 Do begin if psrc^.Data=Item then begin Result:=Index; exit; end; inc(psrc); end; end; function TFPHashList.InternalFind(AHash:LongWord;const AName:TSymStr;out PrevIndex:Integer):Integer; begin prefetch(AName[1]); Result:=FHashTable^[AHash and FCapacityMask]; PrevIndex:=-1; while Result<>-1 do begin with FHashList^[Result] do begin if assigned(Data) and (HashValue=AHash) and (AName=PSymStr(@FStrs[StrIndex])^) then exit; PrevIndex:=Result; Result:=NextIndex; end; end; end; function TFPHashList.Find(const AName:TSymStr): Pointer; var Index, PrevIndex : Integer; begin Result:=nil; Index:=InternalFind(FPHash(AName),AName,PrevIndex); if Index=-1 then exit; Result:=FHashList^[Index].Data; end; function TFPHashList.FindIndexOf(const AName:TSymStr): Integer; var PrevIndex : Integer; begin Result:=InternalFind(FPHash(AName),AName,PrevIndex); end; function TFPHashList.FindWithHash(const AName:TSymStr;AHash:LongWord): Pointer; var Index, PrevIndex : Integer; begin Result:=nil; Index:=InternalFind(AHash,AName,PrevIndex); if Index=-1 then exit; Result:=FHashList^[Index].Data; end; function TFPHashList.Rename(const AOldName,ANewName:TSymStr): Integer; var PrevIndex, Index : Integer; OldHash : LongWord; begin Result:=-1; OldHash:=FPHash(AOldName); Index:=InternalFind(OldHash,AOldName,PrevIndex); if Index=-1 then exit; { Remove from current Hash } if PrevIndex<>-1 then FHashList^[PrevIndex].NextIndex:=FHashList^[Index].NextIndex else FHashTable^[OldHash and FCapacityMask]:=FHashList^[Index].NextIndex; { Set new name and hash } with FHashList^[Index] do begin HashValue:=FPHash(ANewName); StrIndex:=AddStr(ANewName); end; { Insert back in Hash } AddToHashTable(Index); { Return Index } Result:=Index; end; procedure TFPHashList.Pack; var NewCount, i : integer; pdest, psrc : PHashItem; begin NewCount:=0; psrc:=@FHashList^[0]; pdest:=psrc; For I:=0 To FCount-1 Do begin if assigned(psrc^.Data) then begin pdest^:=psrc^; inc(pdest); inc(NewCount); end; inc(psrc); end; FCount:=NewCount; { We need to ReHash to update the IndexNext } ReHash; { Release over-capacity } SetCapacity(FCount); SetStrCapacity(FStrCount); end; procedure TFPHashList.ShowStatistics; var HashMean, HashStdDev : Double; Index, i,j : Integer; begin { Calculate Mean and StdDev } HashMean:=0; HashStdDev:=0; for i:=0 to FHashCapacity-1 do begin j:=0; Index:=FHashTable^[i]; while (Index<>-1) do begin inc(j); Index:=FHashList^[Index].NextIndex; end; HashMean:=HashMean+j; HashStdDev:=HashStdDev+Sqr(j); end; HashMean:=HashMean/FHashCapacity; HashStdDev:=(HashStdDev-FHashCapacity*Sqr(HashMean)); If FHashCapacity>1 then HashStdDev:=Sqrt(HashStdDev/(FHashCapacity-1)) else HashStdDev:=0; { Print info to stdout } Writeln('HashSize : ',FHashCapacity); Writeln('HashMean : ',HashMean:1:4); Writeln('HashStdDev : ',HashStdDev:1:4); Writeln('ListSize : ',FCount,'/',FCapacity); Writeln('StringSize : ',FStrCount,'/',FStrCapacity); end; procedure TFPHashList.ForEachCall(proc2call:TListCallback;arg:pointer); var i : integer; p : pointer; begin For I:=0 To Count-1 Do begin p:=FHashList^[i].Data; if assigned(p) then proc2call(p,arg); end; end; procedure TFPHashList.ForEachCall(proc2call:TListStaticCallback;arg:pointer); var i : integer; p : pointer; begin For I:=0 To Count-1 Do begin p:=FHashList^[i].Data; if assigned(p) then proc2call(p,arg); end; end; procedure TFPHashList.WhileEachCall(proc2call:TListCallback;arg:pointer); var i : integer; p : pointer; begin i:=0; while i nil) then begin Clear; FHashList.Destroy; FHashList:=nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFPHashObjectList.Clear; var i: integer; begin if FFreeObjects then for i := 0 to FHashList.Count - 1 do TObject(FHashList[i]).Free; FHashList.Clear; end; function TFPHashObjectList.IndexOf(AObject: TObject): Integer; begin Result := FHashList.IndexOf(Pointer(AObject)); end; function TFPHashObjectList.GetCount: integer; begin Result := FHashList.Count; end; procedure TFPHashObjectList.SetCount(const AValue: integer); begin if FHashList.Count <> AValue then FHashList.Count := AValue; end; function TFPHashObjectList.GetItem(Index: Integer): TObject; begin Result := TObject(FHashList[Index]); end; procedure TFPHashObjectList.SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); begin if OwnsObjects then TObject(FHashList[Index]).Free; FHashList[index] := AObject; end; procedure TFPHashObjectList.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); begin FHashList.Capacity := NewCapacity; end; function TFPHashObjectList.GetCapacity: integer; begin Result := FHashList.Capacity; end; function TFPHashObjectList.Add(const AName:TSymStr;AObject: TObject): Integer; begin Result := FHashList.Add(AName,AObject); end; function TFPHashObjectList.NameOfIndex(Index: Integer): TSymStr; begin Result := FHashList.NameOfIndex(Index); end; function TFPHashObjectList.HashOfIndex(Index: Integer): LongWord; begin Result := FHashList.HashOfIndex(Index); end; function TFPHashObjectList.GetNextCollision(Index: Integer): Integer; begin Result := FHashList.GetNextCollision(Index); end; procedure TFPHashObjectList.Delete(Index: Integer); begin if OwnsObjects then TObject(FHashList[Index]).Free; FHashList.Delete(Index); end; function TFPHashObjectList.Expand: TFPHashObjectList; begin FHashList.Expand; Result := Self; end; function TFPHashObjectList.Extract(Item: TObject): TObject; begin Result := TObject(FHashList.Extract(Item)); end; function TFPHashObjectList.Remove(AObject: TObject): Integer; begin Result := IndexOf(AObject); if (Result <> -1) then begin if OwnsObjects then TObject(FHashList[Result]).Free; FHashList.Delete(Result); end; end; function TFPHashObjectList.Find(const s:TSymStr): TObject; begin result:=TObject(FHashList.Find(s)); end; function TFPHashObjectList.FindIndexOf(const s:TSymStr): Integer; begin result:=FHashList.FindIndexOf(s); end; function TFPHashObjectList.FindWithHash(const AName:TSymStr;AHash:LongWord): Pointer; begin Result:=TObject(FHashList.FindWithHash(AName,AHash)); end; function TFPHashObjectList.Rename(const AOldName,ANewName:TSymStr): Integer; begin Result:=FHashList.Rename(AOldName,ANewName); end; function TFPHashObjectList.FindInstanceOf(AClass: TClass; AExact: Boolean; AStartAt : Integer): Integer; var I : Integer; begin I:=AStartAt; Result:=-1; If AExact then while (I-1 then FStrIndex:=FOwner.List.List^[Index].StrIndex; end; function TFPHashObject.GetName:TSymStr; begin if FOwner<>nil then Result:=PSymStr(@FOwner.List.Strs[FStrIndex])^ else Result:=''; end; function TFPHashObject.GetHash:Longword; begin if FOwner<>nil then Result:=FPHash(PSymStr(@FOwner.List.Strs[FStrIndex])^) else Result:=$ffffffff; end; {**************************************************************************** TLinkedListItem ****************************************************************************} constructor TLinkedListItem.Create; begin Previous:=nil; Next:=nil; end; destructor TLinkedListItem.Destroy; begin end; function TLinkedListItem.GetCopy:TLinkedListItem; var p : TLinkedListItem; l : integer; begin p:=TLinkedListItemClass(ClassType).Create; l:=InstanceSize; Move(pointer(self)^,pointer(p)^,l); Result:=p; end; {**************************************************************************** TLinkedList ****************************************************************************} constructor TLinkedList.Create; begin FFirst:=nil; Flast:=nil; FCount:=0; FNoClear:=False; end; destructor TLinkedList.destroy; begin if not FNoClear then Clear; end; function TLinkedList.empty:boolean; begin Empty:=(FFirst=nil); end; procedure TLinkedList.Insert(Item:TLinkedListItem); begin if FFirst=nil then begin FLast:=Item; Item.Previous:=nil; Item.Next:=nil; end else begin FFirst.Previous:=Item; Item.Previous:=nil; Item.Next:=FFirst; end; FFirst:=Item; inc(FCount); end; procedure TLinkedList.InsertBefore(Item,Loc : TLinkedListItem); begin Item.Previous:=Loc.Previous; Item.Next:=Loc; Loc.Previous:=Item; if assigned(Item.Previous) then Item.Previous.Next:=Item else { if we've no next item, we've to adjust FFist } FFirst:=Item; inc(FCount); end; procedure TLinkedList.InsertAfter(Item,Loc : TLinkedListItem); begin Item.Next:=Loc.Next; Loc.Next:=Item; Item.Previous:=Loc; if assigned(Item.Next) then Item.Next.Previous:=Item else { if we've no next item, we've to adjust FLast } FLast:=Item; inc(FCount); end; procedure TLinkedList.Concat(Item:TLinkedListItem); begin if FFirst=nil then begin FFirst:=Item; Item.Previous:=nil; Item.Next:=nil; end else begin Flast.Next:=Item; Item.Previous:=Flast; Item.Next:=nil; end; Flast:=Item; inc(FCount); end; procedure TLinkedList.remove(Item:TLinkedListItem); begin if Item=nil then exit; if (FFirst=Item) and (Flast=Item) then begin FFirst:=nil; Flast:=nil; end else if FFirst=Item then begin FFirst:=Item.Next; if assigned(FFirst) then FFirst.Previous:=nil; end else if Flast=Item then begin Flast:=Flast.Previous; if assigned(Flast) then Flast.Next:=nil; end else begin Item.Previous.Next:=Item.Next; Item.Next.Previous:=Item.Previous; end; Item.Next:=nil; Item.Previous:=nil; dec(FCount); end; procedure TLinkedList.clear; var NewNode, Next : TLinkedListItem; begin NewNode:=FFirst; while assigned(NewNode) do begin Next:=NewNode.Next; prefetch(pointer(Next)^); NewNode.Free; NewNode:=Next; end; FLast:=nil; FFirst:=nil; FCount:=0; end; function TLinkedList.GetFirst:TLinkedListItem; begin if FFirst=nil then GetFirst:=nil else begin GetFirst:=FFirst; if FFirst=FLast then FLast:=nil; FFirst:=FFirst.Next; dec(FCount); end; end; function TLinkedList.GetLast:TLinkedListItem; begin if FLast=nil then Getlast:=nil else begin Getlast:=FLast; if FLast=FFirst then FFirst:=nil; FLast:=FLast.Previous; dec(FCount); end; end; procedure TLinkedList.insertList(p : TLinkedList); begin { empty List ? } if (p.FFirst=nil) then exit; p.Flast.Next:=FFirst; { we have a double Linked List } if assigned(FFirst) then FFirst.Previous:=p.Flast; FFirst:=p.FFirst; if (FLast=nil) then Flast:=p.Flast; inc(FCount,p.FCount); { p becomes empty } p.FFirst:=nil; p.Flast:=nil; p.FCount:=0; end; procedure TLinkedList.insertListBefore(Item:TLinkedListItem;p : TLinkedList); begin { empty List ? } if (p.FFirst=nil) then exit; if (Item=nil) then begin { Insert at begin } InsertList(p); exit; end else begin p.FLast.Next:=Item; p.FFirst.Previous:=Item.Previous; if assigned(Item.Previous) then Item.Previous.Next:=p.FFirst else FFirst:=p.FFirst; Item.Previous:=p.FLast; inc(FCount,p.FCount); end; { p becomes empty } p.FFirst:=nil; p.Flast:=nil; p.FCount:=0; end; procedure TLinkedList.insertListAfter(Item:TLinkedListItem;p : TLinkedList); begin { empty List ? } if (p.FFirst=nil) then exit; if (Item=nil) then begin { Insert at begin } InsertList(p); exit; end else begin p.FFirst.Previous:=Item; p.FLast.Next:=Item.Next; if assigned(Item.Next) then Item.Next.Previous:=p.FLast else FLast:=p.FLast; Item.Next:=p.FFirst; inc(FCount,p.FCount); end; { p becomes empty } p.FFirst:=nil; p.Flast:=nil; p.FCount:=0; end; procedure TLinkedList.concatList(p : TLinkedList); begin if (p.FFirst=nil) then exit; if FFirst=nil then FFirst:=p.FFirst else begin FLast.Next:=p.FFirst; p.FFirst.Previous:=Flast; end; Flast:=p.Flast; inc(FCount,p.FCount); { make p empty } p.Flast:=nil; p.FFirst:=nil; p.FCount:=0; end; procedure TLinkedList.insertListcopy(p : TLinkedList); var NewNode,NewNode2 : TLinkedListItem; begin NewNode:=p.Last; while assigned(NewNode) do begin NewNode2:=NewNode.Getcopy; if assigned(NewNode2) then Insert(NewNode2); NewNode:=NewNode.Previous; end; end; procedure TLinkedList.concatListcopy(p : TLinkedList); var NewNode,NewNode2 : TLinkedListItem; begin NewNode:=p.First; while assigned(NewNode) do begin NewNode2:=NewNode.Getcopy; if assigned(NewNode2) then Concat(NewNode2); NewNode:=NewNode.Next; end; end; procedure TLinkedList.RemoveAll; begin FFirst:=nil; FLast:=nil; FCount:=0; end; {**************************************************************************** TCmdStrListItem ****************************************************************************} constructor TCmdStrListItem.Create(const s:TCmdStr); begin inherited Create; FPStr:=s; end; destructor TCmdStrListItem.Destroy; begin FPStr:=''; end; function TCmdStrListItem.GetCopy:TLinkedListItem; begin Result:=(inherited GetCopy); { TLinkedListItem.GetCopy performs a "move" to copy all data -> reinit the ansistring, so the refcount is properly increased } Initialize(TCmdStrListItem(Result).FPStr); TCmdStrListItem(Result).FPStr:=FPstr; end; {**************************************************************************** TCmdStrList ****************************************************************************} constructor TCmdStrList.Create; begin inherited Create; FDoubles:=true; end; constructor TCmdStrList.Create_no_double; begin inherited Create; FDoubles:=false; end; procedure TCmdStrList.insert(const s : TCmdStr); begin if (s='') or ((not FDoubles) and (findcase(s)<>nil)) then exit; inherited insert(TCmdStrListItem.create(s)); end; procedure TCmdStrList.concat(const s : TCmdStr); begin if (s='') or ((not FDoubles) and (findcase(s)<>nil)) then exit; inherited concat(TCmdStrListItem.create(s)); end; procedure TCmdStrList.remove(const s : TCmdStr); var p : TCmdStrListItem; begin if s='' then exit; p:=findcase(s); if assigned(p) then begin inherited Remove(p); p.Free; end; end; function TCmdStrList.GetFirst : TCmdStr; var p : TCmdStrListItem; begin p:=TCmdStrListItem(inherited GetFirst); if p=nil then GetFirst:='' else begin GetFirst:=p.FPStr; p.free; end; end; function TCmdStrList.Getlast : TCmdStr; var p : TCmdStrListItem; begin p:=TCmdStrListItem(inherited Getlast); if p=nil then Getlast:='' else begin Getlast:=p.FPStr; p.free; end; end; function TCmdStrList.FindCase(const s:TCmdStr):TCmdStrListItem; var NewNode : TCmdStrListItem; begin result:=nil; if s='' then exit; NewNode:=TCmdStrListItem(FFirst); while assigned(NewNode) do begin if NewNode.FPStr=s then begin result:=NewNode; exit; end; NewNode:=TCmdStrListItem(NewNode.Next); end; end; function TCmdStrList.Find(const s:TCmdStr):TCmdStrListItem; var NewNode : TCmdStrListItem; begin result:=nil; if s='' then exit; NewNode:=TCmdStrListItem(FFirst); while assigned(NewNode) do begin if SysUtils.CompareText(s, NewNode.FPStr)=0 then begin result:=NewNode; exit; end; NewNode:=TCmdStrListItem(NewNode.Next); end; end; procedure TCmdStrList.InsertItem(item:TCmdStrListItem); begin inherited Insert(item); end; procedure TCmdStrList.ConcatItem(item:TCmdStrListItem); begin inherited Concat(item); end; {**************************************************************************** tdynamicarray ****************************************************************************} constructor tdynamicarray.create(Ablocksize:longword); begin FPosn:=0; FPosnblock:=nil; FFirstblock:=nil; FLastblock:=nil; FCurrBlockSize:=0; { Every block needs at least a header and alignment slack, therefore its size cannot be arbitrarily small. However, the blocksize argument is often confused with data size. See e.g. Mantis #20929. } if Ablocksize 255 then Inc(IncSize, FCurrBlockSize shr 2); inc(FCurrBlockSize,IncSize); end; if CurrBlockSize>FMaxBlocksize then FCurrBlockSize:=FMaxBlocksize; { Calculate the most optimal size so there is no alignment overhead lost in the heap manager } OptBlockSize:=cutils.Align(CurrBlockSize+dynamicblockbasesize,16)-dynamicblockbasesize-sizeof(ptrint); Getmem(nblock,OptBlockSize+dynamicblockbasesize); if not assigned(FFirstblock) then begin FFirstblock:=nblock; FPosnblock:=nblock; nblock^.pos:=0; end else begin FLastblock^.Next:=nblock; nblock^.pos:=FLastblock^.pos+FLastblock^.size; end; nblock^.used:=0; nblock^.size:=OptBlockSize; nblock^.Next:=nil; fillchar(nblock^.data,nblock^.size,0); FLastblock:=nblock; end; procedure tdynamicarray.align(i:longword); var j : longword; begin j:=(FPosn mod i); if j<>0 then begin j:=i-j; if FPosnblock^.used+j>FPosnblock^.size then begin dec(j,FPosnblock^.size-FPosnblock^.used); FPosnblock^.used:=FPosnblock^.size; grow; FPosnblock:=FLastblock; end; inc(FPosnblock^.used,j); inc(FPosn,j); end; end; procedure tdynamicarray.seek(i:longword); begin if (i=FPosnblock^.pos+FPosnblock^.size) then begin { set FPosnblock correct if the size is bigger then the current block } if FPosnblock^.pos>i then FPosnblock:=FFirstblock; while assigned(FPosnblock) do begin if FPosnblock^.pos+FPosnblock^.size>i then break; FPosnblock:=FPosnblock^.Next; end; { not found ? then increase blocks } if not assigned(FPosnblock) then begin repeat { the current FLastblock is now also fully used } FLastblock^.used:=FLastblock^.size; grow; FPosnblock:=FLastblock; until FPosnblock^.pos+FPosnblock^.size>=i; end; end; FPosn:=i; if FPosn-FPosnblock^.pos>FPosnblock^.used then FPosnblock^.used:=FPosn-FPosnblock^.pos; end; procedure tdynamicarray.write(const d;len:longword); var p : pchar; i,j : longword; begin p:=pchar(@d); while (len>0) do begin i:=FPosn-FPosnblock^.pos; if i+len>=FPosnblock^.size then begin j:=FPosnblock^.size-i; move(p^,FPosnblock^.data[i],j); inc(p,j); inc(FPosn,j); dec(len,j); FPosnblock^.used:=FPosnblock^.size; if assigned(FPosnblock^.Next) then FPosnblock:=FPosnblock^.Next else begin grow; FPosnblock:=FLastblock; end; end else begin move(p^,FPosnblock^.data[i],len); inc(p,len); inc(FPosn,len); i:=FPosn-FPosnblock^.pos; if i>FPosnblock^.used then FPosnblock^.used:=i; len:=0; end; end; end; procedure tdynamicarray.writestr(const s:string); begin write(s[1],length(s)); end; function tdynamicarray.read(var d;len:longword):longword; var p : pchar; i,j,res : longword; begin res:=0; p:=pchar(@d); while (len>0) do begin i:=FPosn-FPosnblock^.pos; if i+len>=FPosnblock^.used then begin j:=FPosnblock^.used-i; move(FPosnblock^.data[i],p^,j); inc(p,j); inc(FPosn,j); inc(res,j); dec(len,j); if assigned(FPosnblock^.Next) then FPosnblock:=FPosnblock^.Next else break; end else begin move(FPosnblock^.data[i],p^,len); inc(p,len); inc(FPosn,len); inc(res,len); len:=0; end; end; read:=res; end; procedure tdynamicarray.readstream(f:TCStream;maxlen:longword); var i,left : longword; begin repeat left:=FPosnblock^.size-FPosnblock^.used; if left>maxlen then left:=maxlen; i:=f.Read(FPosnblock^.data[FPosnblock^.used],left); dec(maxlen,i); inc(FPosnblock^.used,i); if FPosnblock^.used=FPosnblock^.size then begin if assigned(FPosnblock^.Next) then FPosnblock:=FPosnblock^.Next else begin grow; FPosnblock:=FLastblock; end; end; until (iother.size then exit(false); blockthis:=Firstblock; blockother:=other.FirstBlock; ofsthis:=0; ofsother:=0; while assigned(blockthis) and assigned(blockother) do begin remthis:=blockthis^.used-ofsthis; remother:=blockother^.used-ofsother; len:=min(remthis,remother); if not CompareMem(@blockthis^.data[ofsthis],@blockother^.data[ofsother],len) then exit(false); inc(ofsthis,len); inc(ofsother,len); if ofsthis=blockthis^.used then begin blockthis:=blockthis^.next; ofsthis:=0; end; if ofsother=blockother^.used then begin blockother:=blockother^.next; ofsother:=0; end; end; if assigned(blockthis) and not assigned(blockother) then result:=blockthis^.used=0 else if assigned(blockother) and not assigned(blockthis) then result:=blockother^.used=0 else result:=true; end; {**************************************************************************** thashset ****************************************************************************} constructor THashSet.Create(InitSize: Integer; OwnKeys, OwnObjects: Boolean); var I: Integer; begin inherited Create; FOwnsObjects := OwnObjects; FOwnsKeys := OwnKeys; I := 64; while I < InitSize do I := I shl 1; FBucketCount := I; FBucket := AllocMem(I * sizeof(PHashSetItem)); end; destructor THashSet.Destroy; begin Clear; FreeMem(FBucket); inherited Destroy; end; procedure THashSet.Clear; var I: Integer; item, next: PHashSetItem; begin for I := 0 to FBucketCount-1 do begin item := FBucket[I]; while Assigned(item) do begin next := item^.Next; if FOwnsObjects then item^.Data.Free; if FOwnsKeys then FreeMem(item^.Key); FreeItem(item); item := next; end; end; FillChar(FBucket^, FBucketCount * sizeof(PHashSetItem), 0); end; function THashSet.Find(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer): PHashSetItem; var Dummy: Boolean; begin Result := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Dummy, False); end; function THashSet.FindOrAdd(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; var Found: Boolean): PHashSetItem; begin Result := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Found, True); end; function THashSet.FindOrAdd(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer): PHashSetItem; var Dummy: Boolean; begin Result := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Dummy, True); end; function THashSet.Get(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer): TObject; var e: PHashSetItem; Dummy: Boolean; begin e := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Dummy, False); if Assigned(e) then Result := e^.Data else Result := nil; end; function THashSet.Lookup(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; var Found: Boolean; CanCreate: Boolean): PHashSetItem; var Entry: PPHashSetItem; h: LongWord; begin h := FPHash(Key, KeyLen); Entry := @FBucket[h and (FBucketCount-1)]; while Assigned(Entry^) and not ((Entry^^.HashValue = h) and (Entry^^.KeyLength = KeyLen) and (CompareByte(Entry^^.Key^, Key^, KeyLen) = 0)) do Entry := @Entry^^.Next; Found := Assigned(Entry^); if Found or (not CanCreate) then begin Result := Entry^; Exit; end; if FCount > FBucketCount then { arbitrary limit, probably too high } begin { rehash and repeat search } Resize(FBucketCount * 2); Result := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Found, CanCreate); end else begin GetMem(Result,SizeOfItem); if FOwnsKeys then begin GetMem(Result^.Key, KeyLen); Move(Key^, Result^.Key^, KeyLen); end else Result^.Key := Key; Result^.KeyLength := KeyLen; Result^.HashValue := h; Result^.Data := nil; Result^.Next := nil; Inc(FCount); Entry^ := Result; end; end; procedure THashSet.Resize(NewCapacity: LongWord); var p, chain: PPHashSetItem; i: Integer; e, n: PHashSetItem; begin p := AllocMem(NewCapacity * SizeOf(PHashSetItem)); for i := 0 to FBucketCount-1 do begin e := FBucket[i]; while Assigned(e) do begin chain := @p[e^.HashValue and (NewCapacity-1)]; n := e^.Next; e^.Next := chain^; chain^ := e; e := n; end; end; FBucketCount := NewCapacity; FreeMem(FBucket); FBucket := p; end; class procedure THashSet.FreeItem(item: PHashSetItem); begin Dispose(item); end; class function THashSet.SizeOfItem: Integer; begin Result := SizeOf(THashSetItem); end; function THashSet.Remove(Entry: PHashSetItem): Boolean; var chain: PPHashSetItem; begin chain := @FBucket[Entry^.HashValue mod FBucketCount]; while Assigned(chain^) do begin if chain^ = Entry then begin chain^ := Entry^.Next; if FOwnsObjects then Entry^.Data.Free; if FOwnsKeys then FreeMem(Entry^.Key); FreeItem(Entry); Dec(FCount); Result := True; Exit; end; chain := @chain^^.Next; end; Result := False; end; {**************************************************************************** ttaghashset ****************************************************************************} function TTagHashSet.Lookup(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord; var Found: Boolean; CanCreate: Boolean): PTagHashSetItem; var Entry: PPTagHashSetItem; h: LongWord; begin h := FPHash(Key, KeyLen, Tag); Entry := @PPTagHashSetItem(FBucket)[h and (FBucketCount-1)]; while Assigned(Entry^) and not ((Entry^^.HashValue = h) and (Entry^^.KeyLength = KeyLen) and (Entry^^.Tag = Tag) and (CompareByte(Entry^^.Key^, Key^, KeyLen) = 0)) do Entry := @Entry^^.Next; Found := Assigned(Entry^); if Found or (not CanCreate) then begin Result := Entry^; Exit; end; if FCount > FBucketCount then { arbitrary limit, probably too high } begin { rehash and repeat search } Resize(FBucketCount * 2); Result := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Tag, Found, CanCreate); end else begin Getmem(Result,SizeOfItem); if FOwnsKeys then begin GetMem(Result^.Key, KeyLen); Move(Key^, Result^.Key^, KeyLen); end else Result^.Key := Key; Result^.KeyLength := KeyLen; Result^.HashValue := h; Result^.Tag := Tag; Result^.Data := nil; Result^.Next := nil; Inc(FCount); Entry^ := Result; end; end; class procedure TTagHashSet.FreeItem(item: PHashSetItem); begin Dispose(PTagHashSetItem(item)); end; class function TTagHashSet.SizeOfItem: Integer; begin Result := SizeOf(TTagHashSetItem); end; function TTagHashSet.Find(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord): PTagHashSetItem; var Dummy: Boolean; begin Result := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Tag, Dummy, False); end; function TTagHashSet.FindOrAdd(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord; var Found: Boolean): PTagHashSetItem; begin Result := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Tag, Found, True); end; function TTagHashSet.FindOrAdd(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord): PTagHashSetItem; var Dummy: Boolean; begin Result := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Tag, Dummy, True); end; function TTagHashSet.Get(Key: Pointer; KeyLen: Integer; Tag: LongWord): TObject; var e: PTagHashSetItem; Dummy: Boolean; begin e := Lookup(Key, KeyLen, Tag, Dummy, False); if Assigned(e) then Result := e^.Data else Result := nil; end; {**************************************************************************** tbitset ****************************************************************************} constructor tbitset.create(initsize: longint); begin create_bytesize((initsize+7) div 8); end; constructor tbitset.create_bytesize(bytesize: longint); begin fdatasize:=bytesize; getmem(fdata,fdataSize); clear; end; destructor tbitset.destroy; begin freemem(fdata,fdatasize); inherited destroy; end; procedure tbitset.clear; begin fillchar(fdata^,fdatasize,0); end; procedure tbitset.grow(nsize: longint); begin reallocmem(fdata,nsize); fillchar(fdata[fdatasize],nsize-fdatasize,0); fdatasize:=nsize; end; procedure tbitset.include(index: longint); var dataindex: longint; begin { don't use bitpacked array, not endian-safe } dataindex:=index shr 3; if (dataindex>=datasize) then grow(dataindex+16); fdata[dataindex]:=fdata[dataindex] or (1 shl (index and 7)); end; procedure tbitset.exclude(index: longint); var dataindex: longint; begin dataindex:=index shr 3; if (dataindex>=datasize) then exit; fdata[dataindex]:=fdata[dataindex] and not(1 shl (index and 7)); end; function tbitset.isset(index: longint): boolean; var dataindex: longint; begin dataindex:=index shr 3; result:= (dataindex0); end; procedure tbitset.addset(aset: tbitset); var i: longint; begin if (aset.datasize>datasize) then grow(aset.datasize); for i:=0 to aset.datasize-1 do fdata[i]:=fdata[i] or aset.data[i]; end; procedure tbitset.subset(aset: tbitset); var i: longint; begin for i:=0 to min(datasize,aset.datasize)-1 do fdata[i]:=fdata[i] and not(aset.data[i]); end; end.