{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Some basic types and constants for the code generation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } {# This unit exports some types which are used across the code generator } unit cgbase; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype, symconst; type { Location types where value can be stored } TCGLoc=( LOC_INVALID, { added for tracking problems} LOC_VOID, { no value is available } LOC_CONSTANT, { constant value } LOC_JUMP, { boolean results only, jump to false or true label } LOC_FLAGS, { boolean results only, flags are set } LOC_REGISTER, { in a processor register } LOC_CREGISTER, { Constant register which shouldn't be modified } LOC_FPUREGISTER, { FPU stack } LOC_CFPUREGISTER, { if it is a FPU register variable on the fpu stack } LOC_MMXREGISTER, { MMX register } { MMX register variable } LOC_CMMXREGISTER, { multimedia register } LOC_MMREGISTER, { Constant multimedia reg which shouldn't be modified } LOC_CMMREGISTER, { contiguous subset of bits of an integer register } LOC_SUBSETREG, LOC_CSUBSETREG, { contiguous subset of bits in memory } LOC_SUBSETREF, LOC_CSUBSETREF, { keep these last for range checking purposes } LOC_CREFERENCE, { in memory constant value reference (cannot change) } LOC_REFERENCE { in memory value } ); TCGNonRefLoc=low(TCGLoc)..pred(LOC_CREFERENCE); TCGRefLoc=LOC_CREFERENCE..LOC_REFERENCE; { since we have only 16bit offsets, we need to be able to specify the high and lower 16 bits of the address of a symbol of up to 64 bit } trefaddr = ( addr_no, addr_full, addr_pic, addr_pic_no_got {$IF defined(POWERPC) or defined(POWERPC64) or defined(SPARC) or defined(MIPS)} , addr_low, // bits 48-63 addr_high, // bits 32-47 {$IF defined(POWERPC64)} addr_higher, // bits 16-31 addr_highest, // bits 00-15 {$ENDIF} addr_higha // bits 16-31, adjusted {$IF defined(POWERPC64)} , addr_highera, // bits 32-47, adjusted addr_highesta // bits 48-63, adjusted {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF POWERPC or POWERPC64 or SPARC or MIPS} {$IFDEF MIPS} , addr_pic_call16, // like addr_pic, but generates call16 reloc instead of got16 addr_low_pic, // for large GOT model, generate got_hi16 and got_lo16 relocs addr_high_pic, addr_low_call, // counterpart of two above, generate call_hi16 and call_lo16 relocs addr_high_call {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF AVR} ,addr_lo8 ,addr_lo8_gs ,addr_hi8 ,addr_hi8_gs {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF i8086} ,addr_dgroup // the data segment group ,addr_fardataseg // the far data segment of the current pascal module (unit or program) ,addr_seg // used for getting the segment of an object, e.g. 'mov ax, SEG symbol' {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF AARCH64} ,addr_page ,addr_pageoffset ,addr_gotpage ,addr_gotpageoffset {$ENDIF AARCH64} ); {# Generic opcodes, which must be supported by all processors } topcg = ( OP_NONE, OP_MOVE, { replaced operation with direct load } OP_ADD, { simple addition } OP_AND, { simple logical and } OP_DIV, { simple unsigned division } OP_IDIV, { simple signed division } OP_IMUL, { simple signed multiply } OP_MUL, { simple unsigned multiply } OP_NEG, { simple negate } OP_NOT, { simple logical not } OP_OR, { simple logical or } OP_SAR, { arithmetic shift-right } OP_SHL, { logical shift left } OP_SHR, { logical shift right } OP_SUB, { simple subtraction } OP_XOR, { simple exclusive or } OP_ROL, { rotate left } OP_ROR { rotate right } ); {# Generic flag values - used for jump locations } TOpCmp = ( OC_NONE, OC_EQ, { equality comparison } OC_GT, { greater than (signed) } OC_LT, { less than (signed) } OC_GTE, { greater or equal than (signed) } OC_LTE, { less or equal than (signed) } OC_NE, { not equal } OC_BE, { less or equal than (unsigned) } OC_B, { less than (unsigned) } OC_AE, { greater or equal than (unsigned) } OC_A { greater than (unsigned) } ); { indirect symbol flags } tindsymflag = (is_data,is_weak); tindsymflags = set of tindsymflag; { OS_NO is also used memory references with large data that can not be loaded in a register directly } TCgSize = (OS_NO, { integer registers } OS_8,OS_16,OS_32,OS_64,OS_128,OS_S8,OS_S16,OS_S32,OS_S64,OS_S128, { single,double,extended,comp,float128 } OS_F32,OS_F64,OS_F80,OS_C64,OS_F128, { multi-media sizes: split in byte, word, dword, ... } { entities, then the signed counterparts } OS_M8,OS_M16,OS_M32,OS_M64,OS_M128,OS_M256, OS_MS8,OS_MS16,OS_MS32,OS_MS64,OS_MS128,OS_MS256 ); { Register types } TRegisterType = ( R_INVALIDREGISTER, { = 0 } R_INTREGISTER, { = 1 } R_FPUREGISTER, { = 2 } { used by Intel only } R_MMXREGISTER, { = 3 } R_MMREGISTER, { = 4 } R_SPECIALREGISTER, { = 5 } R_ADDRESSREGISTER, { = 6 } { used on llvm, every temp gets its own "base register" } R_TEMPREGISTER { = 7 } ); { Sub registers } TSubRegister = ( R_SUBNONE, { = 0; no sub register possible } R_SUBL, { = 1; 8 bits, Like AL } R_SUBH, { = 2; 8 bits, Like AH } R_SUBW, { = 3; 16 bits, Like AX } R_SUBD, { = 4; 32 bits, Like EAX } R_SUBQ, { = 5; 64 bits, Like RAX } { For Sparc floats that use F0:F1 to store doubles } R_SUBFS, { = 6; Float that allocates 1 FPU register } R_SUBFD, { = 7; Float that allocates 2 FPU registers } R_SUBFQ, { = 8; Float that allocates 4 FPU registers } R_SUBMMS, { = 9; single scalar in multi media register } R_SUBMMD, { = 10; double scalar in multi media register } R_SUBMMWHOLE, { = 11; complete MM register, size depends on CPU } { For Intel X86 AVX-Register } R_SUBMMX, { = 12; 128 BITS } R_SUBMMY { = 13; 256 BITS } ); TSubRegisterSet = set of TSubRegister; TSuperRegister = type word; { The new register coding: SuperRegister (bits 0..15) Subregister (bits 16..23) Register type (bits 24..31) TRegister is defined as an enum to make it incompatible with TSuperRegister to avoid mixing them } TRegister = ( TRegisterLowEnum := Low(longint), TRegisterHighEnum := High(longint) ); TRegisterRec=packed record {$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} regtype : Tregistertype; subreg : Tsubregister; supreg : Tsuperregister; {$else FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} supreg : Tsuperregister; subreg : Tsubregister; regtype : Tregistertype; {$endif FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} end; { A type to store register locations for 64 Bit values. } {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} tregister64 = tregister; tregister128 = record reglo,reghi : tregister; end; {$else cpu64bitalu} tregister64 = record reglo,reghi : tregister; end; {$endif cpu64bitalu} Tregistermmxset = record reg0,reg1,reg2,reg3:Tregister end; { Set type definition for registers } tsuperregisterset = array[byte] of set of byte; pmmshuffle = ^tmmshuffle; { this record describes shuffle operations for mm operations; if a pointer a shuffle record passed to an mm operation is nil, it means that the whole location is moved } tmmshuffle = record { describes how many shuffles are actually described, if len=0 then moving the scalar with index 0 to the scalar with index 0 is meant } len : byte; { lower nibble of each entry of this array describes index of the source data index while the upper nibble describes the destination index } shuffles : array[1..1] of byte; end; Tsuperregisterarray=array[0..$ffff] of Tsuperregister; Psuperregisterarray=^Tsuperregisterarray; Tsuperregisterworklist=object buflength, buflengthinc, length:word; buf:Psuperregisterarray; constructor init; constructor copyfrom(const x:Tsuperregisterworklist); destructor done; procedure clear; procedure add(s:tsuperregister); function addnodup(s:tsuperregister): boolean; function get:tsuperregister; function readidx(i:word):tsuperregister; procedure deleteidx(i:word); function delete(s:tsuperregister):boolean; end; psuperregisterworklist=^tsuperregisterworklist; const { alias for easier understanding } R_SSEREGISTER = R_MMREGISTER; { Invalid register number } RS_INVALID = high(tsuperregister); NR_INVALID = tregister($fffffffff); tcgsize2size : Array[tcgsize] of integer = { integer values } (0,1,2,4,8,16,1,2,4,8,16, { floating point values } 4,8,10,8,16, { multimedia values } 1,2,4,8,16,32,1,2,4,8,16,32); tfloat2tcgsize: array[tfloattype] of tcgsize = (OS_F32,OS_F64,OS_F80,OS_F80,OS_C64,OS_C64,OS_F128); tcgsize2tfloat: array[OS_F32..OS_C64] of tfloattype = (s32real,s64real,s80real,s64comp); tvarregable2tcgloc : array[tvarregable] of tcgloc = (LOC_VOID, LOC_CREGISTER,LOC_CFPUREGISTER,LOC_CMMREGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER); {$if defined(cpu64bitalu)} { operand size describing an unsigned value in a pair of int registers } OS_PAIR = OS_128; { operand size describing an signed value in a pair of int registers } OS_SPAIR = OS_S128; {$elseif defined(cpu32bitalu)} { operand size describing an unsigned value in a pair of int registers } OS_PAIR = OS_64; { operand size describing an signed value in a pair of int registers } OS_SPAIR = OS_S64; {$elseif defined(cpu16bitalu)} { operand size describing an unsigned value in a pair of int registers } OS_PAIR = OS_32; { operand size describing an signed value in a pair of int registers } OS_SPAIR = OS_S32; {$elseif defined(cpu8bitalu)} { operand size describing an unsigned value in a pair of int registers } OS_PAIR = OS_16; { operand size describing an signed value in a pair of int registers } OS_SPAIR = OS_S16; {$endif} { Table to convert tcgsize variables to the correspondending unsigned types } tcgsize2unsigned : array[tcgsize] of tcgsize = (OS_NO, OS_8,OS_16,OS_32,OS_64,OS_128,OS_8,OS_16,OS_32,OS_64,OS_128, OS_F32,OS_F64,OS_F80,OS_C64,OS_F128, OS_M8,OS_M16,OS_M32,OS_M64,OS_M128,OS_M256,OS_M8,OS_M16,OS_M32, OS_M64,OS_M128,OS_M256); tcgsize2signed : array[tcgsize] of tcgsize = (OS_NO, OS_S8,OS_S16,OS_S32,OS_S64,OS_S128,OS_S8,OS_S16,OS_S32,OS_S64,OS_S128, OS_F32,OS_F64,OS_F80,OS_C64,OS_F128, OS_M8,OS_M16,OS_M32,OS_M64,OS_M128,OS_M256,OS_M8,OS_M16,OS_M32, OS_M64,OS_M128,OS_M256); tcgloc2str : array[TCGLoc] of string[12] = ( 'LOC_INVALID', 'LOC_VOID', 'LOC_CONST', 'LOC_JUMP', 'LOC_FLAGS', 'LOC_REG', 'LOC_CREG', 'LOC_FPUREG', 'LOC_CFPUREG', 'LOC_MMXREG', 'LOC_CMMXREG', 'LOC_MMREG', 'LOC_CMMREG', 'LOC_SSETREG', 'LOC_CSSETREG', 'LOC_SSETREF', 'LOC_CSSETREF', 'LOC_CREF', 'LOC_REF' ); var mms_movescalar : pmmshuffle; procedure supregset_reset(var regs:tsuperregisterset;setall:boolean; maxreg:Tsuperregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure supregset_include(var regs:tsuperregisterset;s:tsuperregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure supregset_exclude(var regs:tsuperregisterset;s:tsuperregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} function supregset_in(const regs:tsuperregisterset;s:tsuperregister):boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} function newreg(rt:tregistertype;sr:tsuperregister;sb:tsubregister):tregister;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} function getsubreg(r:tregister):tsubregister;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} function getsupreg(r:tregister):tsuperregister;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} function getregtype(r:tregister):tregistertype;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure setsubreg(var r:tregister;sr:tsubregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} procedure setsupreg(var r:tregister;sr:tsuperregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} function generic_regname(r:tregister):string; {# From a constant numeric value, return the abstract code generator size. } function int_cgsize(const a: tcgint): tcgsize;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} function int_float_cgsize(const a: tcgint): tcgsize; function tcgsize2str(cgsize: tcgsize):string; { return the inverse condition of opcmp } function inverse_opcmp(opcmp: topcmp): topcmp;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} { return the opcmp needed when swapping the operands } function swap_opcmp(opcmp: topcmp): topcmp;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} { return whether op is commutative } function commutativeop(op: topcg): boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} { returns true, if shuffle describes a real shuffle operation and not only a move } function realshuffle(shuffle : pmmshuffle) : boolean; { returns true, if the shuffle describes only a move of the scalar at index 0 } function shufflescalar(shuffle : pmmshuffle) : boolean; { removes shuffling from shuffle, this means that the destenation index of each shuffle is copied to the source } procedure removeshuffles(var shuffle : tmmshuffle); implementation uses verbose; {****************************************************************************** tsuperregisterworklist ******************************************************************************} constructor tsuperregisterworklist.init; begin length:=0; buflength:=0; buflengthinc:=16; buf:=nil; end; constructor Tsuperregisterworklist.copyfrom(const x:Tsuperregisterworklist); begin self:=x; if x.buf<>nil then begin getmem(buf,buflength*sizeof(Tsuperregister)); move(x.buf^,buf^,length*sizeof(Tsuperregister)); end; end; destructor tsuperregisterworklist.done; begin if assigned(buf) then freemem(buf); end; procedure tsuperregisterworklist.add(s:tsuperregister); begin inc(length); { Need to increase buffer length? } if length>=buflength then begin inc(buflength,buflengthinc); buflengthinc:=buflengthinc*2; if buflengthinc>256 then buflengthinc:=256; reallocmem(buf,buflength*sizeof(Tsuperregister)); end; buf^[length-1]:=s; end; function tsuperregisterworklist.addnodup(s:tsuperregister): boolean; begin addnodup := false; if indexword(buf^,length,s) = -1 then begin add(s); addnodup := true; end; end; procedure tsuperregisterworklist.clear; begin length:=0; end; procedure tsuperregisterworklist.deleteidx(i:word); begin if i>=length then internalerror(200310144); buf^[i]:=buf^[length-1]; dec(length); end; function tsuperregisterworklist.readidx(i:word):tsuperregister; begin if (i >= length) then internalerror(2005010601); result := buf^[i]; end; function tsuperregisterworklist.get:tsuperregister; begin if length=0 then internalerror(200310142); get:=buf^[0]; buf^[0]:=buf^[length-1]; dec(length); end; function tsuperregisterworklist.delete(s:tsuperregister):boolean; var i:longint; begin delete:=false; { indexword in 1.0.x and 1.9.4 is broken } i:=indexword(buf^,length,s); if i<>-1 then begin deleteidx(i); delete := true; end; end; procedure supregset_reset(var regs:tsuperregisterset;setall:boolean; maxreg:Tsuperregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin fillchar(regs,(maxreg+7) shr 3,-byte(setall)); end; procedure supregset_include(var regs:tsuperregisterset;s:tsuperregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin include(regs[s shr 8],(s and $ff)); end; procedure supregset_exclude(var regs:tsuperregisterset;s:tsuperregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin exclude(regs[s shr 8],(s and $ff)); end; function supregset_in(const regs:tsuperregisterset;s:tsuperregister):boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin result:=(s and $ff) in regs[s shr 8]; end; function newreg(rt:tregistertype;sr:tsuperregister;sb:tsubregister):tregister;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin tregisterrec(result).regtype:=rt; tregisterrec(result).supreg:=sr; tregisterrec(result).subreg:=sb; end; function getsubreg(r:tregister):tsubregister;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin result:=tregisterrec(r).subreg; end; function getsupreg(r:tregister):tsuperregister;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin result:=tregisterrec(r).supreg; end; function getregtype(r:tregister):tregistertype;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin result:=tregisterrec(r).regtype; end; procedure setsubreg(var r:tregister;sr:tsubregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin tregisterrec(r).subreg:=sr; end; procedure setsupreg(var r:tregister;sr:tsuperregister);{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin tregisterrec(r).supreg:=sr; end; function generic_regname(r:tregister):string; var nr : string[12]; begin str(getsupreg(r),nr); case getregtype(r) of R_INTREGISTER: result:='ireg'+nr; R_FPUREGISTER: result:='freg'+nr; R_MMREGISTER: result:='mreg'+nr; R_MMXREGISTER: result:='xreg'+nr; R_ADDRESSREGISTER: result:='areg'+nr; R_SPECIALREGISTER: result:='sreg'+nr; else begin result:='INVALID'; exit; end; end; case getsubreg(r) of R_SUBNONE: ; R_SUBL: result:=result+'l'; R_SUBH: result:=result+'h'; R_SUBW: result:=result+'w'; R_SUBD: result:=result+'d'; R_SUBQ: result:=result+'q'; R_SUBFS: result:=result+'fs'; R_SUBFD: result:=result+'fd'; R_SUBMMD: result:=result+'md'; R_SUBMMS: result:=result+'ms'; R_SUBMMWHOLE: result:=result+'ma'; R_SUBMMX: result:=result+'mx'; R_SUBMMY: result:=result+'my'; else internalerror(200308252); end; end; function int_cgsize(const a: tcgint): tcgsize;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} const size2cgsize : array[0..8] of tcgsize = ( OS_NO,OS_8,OS_16,OS_NO,OS_32,OS_NO,OS_NO,OS_NO,OS_64 ); begin {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} if a=16 then result:=OS_128 else {$endif cpu64bitalu} if a>8 then result:=OS_NO else result:=size2cgsize[a]; end; function int_float_cgsize(const a: tcgint): tcgsize; begin case a of 4 : result:=OS_F32; 8 : result:=OS_F64; 10 : result:=OS_F80; 16 : result:=OS_F128; else internalerror(200603211); end; end; function tcgsize2str(cgsize: tcgsize):string; begin Str(cgsize, Result); end; function inverse_opcmp(opcmp: topcmp): topcmp;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} const list: array[TOpCmp] of TOpCmp = (OC_NONE,OC_NE,OC_LTE,OC_GTE,OC_LT,OC_GT,OC_EQ,OC_A,OC_AE, OC_B,OC_BE); begin inverse_opcmp := list[opcmp]; end; function swap_opcmp(opcmp: topcmp): topcmp;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} const list: array[TOpCmp] of TOpCmp = (OC_NONE,OC_EQ,OC_LT,OC_GT,OC_LTE,OC_GTE,OC_NE,OC_AE,OC_A, OC_BE,OC_B); begin swap_opcmp := list[opcmp]; end; function commutativeop(op: topcg): boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} const list: array[topcg] of boolean = (true,false,true,true,false,false,true,true,false,false, true,false,false,false,false,true,false,false); begin commutativeop := list[op]; end; function realshuffle(shuffle : pmmshuffle) : boolean; var i : longint; begin realshuffle:=true; if (shuffle=nil) or (shuffle^.len=0) then realshuffle:=false else begin for i:=1 to shuffle^.len do begin if (shuffle^.shuffles[i] and $f)<>((shuffle^.shuffles[i] and $f0) shr 4) then exit; end; realshuffle:=false; end; end; function shufflescalar(shuffle : pmmshuffle) : boolean; begin result:=shuffle^.len=0; end; procedure removeshuffles(var shuffle : tmmshuffle); var i : longint; begin if shuffle.len=0 then exit; for i:=1 to shuffle.len do shuffle.shuffles[i]:=(shuffle.shuffles[i] and $f) or ((shuffle.shuffles[i] and $f0) shr 4); end; initialization new(mms_movescalar); mms_movescalar^.len:=0; finalization dispose(mms_movescalar); end.