{ Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by Florian Klaempfl Member of the Free Pascal development team This unit implements the basic code generator object This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } {# @abstract(Abstract code generator unit) Abstreact code generator unit. This contains the base class to implement for all new supported processors. WARNING: None of the routines implemented in these modules, or their descendants, should use the temp. allocator, as these routines may be called inside genentrycode, and the stack frame is already setup! } unit cgobj; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses,globtype,constexp, cpubase,cgbase,cgutils,parabase, aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu, symconst,symtype,symdef,rgobj ; type talignment = (AM_NATURAL,AM_NONE,AM_2BYTE,AM_4BYTE,AM_8BYTE); tsubsetloadopt = (SL_REG,SL_REGNOSRCMASK,SL_SETZERO,SL_SETMAX); {# @abstract(Abstract code generator) This class implements an abstract instruction generator. Some of the methods of this class are generic, while others must be overriden for all new processors which will be supported by Free Pascal. For 32-bit processors, the base class sould be @link(tcg64f32) and not @var(tcg). } tcg = class public { how many times is this current code executed } executionweight : longint; alignment : talignment; rg : array[tregistertype] of trgobj; {$ifdef flowgraph} aktflownode:word; {$endif} {************************************************} { basic routines } constructor create; {# Initialize the register allocators needed for the codegenerator.} procedure init_register_allocators;virtual; {# Clean up the register allocators needed for the codegenerator.} procedure done_register_allocators;virtual; {# Set whether live_start or live_end should be updated when allocating registers, needed when e.g. generating initcode after the rest of the code. } procedure set_regalloc_live_range_direction(dir: TRADirection); {$ifdef flowgraph} procedure init_flowgraph; procedure done_flowgraph; {$endif} {# Gets a register suitable to do integer operations on.} function getintregister(list:TAsmList;size:Tcgsize):Tregister;virtual; {# Gets a register suitable to do integer operations on.} function getaddressregister(list:TAsmList):Tregister;virtual; function getfpuregister(list:TAsmList;size:Tcgsize):Tregister;virtual; function getmmregister(list:TAsmList;size:Tcgsize):Tregister;virtual; function getflagregister(list:TAsmList;size:Tcgsize):Tregister;virtual;abstract; {Does the generic cg need SIMD registers, like getmmxregister? Or should the cpu specific child cg object have such a method?} procedure add_reg_instruction(instr:Tai;r:tregister);virtual; procedure add_move_instruction(instr:Taicpu);virtual; function uses_registers(rt:Tregistertype):boolean;virtual; {# Get a specific register.} procedure getcpuregister(list:TAsmList;r:Tregister);virtual; procedure ungetcpuregister(list:TAsmList;r:Tregister);virtual; {# Get multiple registers specified.} procedure alloccpuregisters(list:TAsmList;rt:Tregistertype;const r:Tcpuregisterset);virtual; {# Free multiple registers specified.} procedure dealloccpuregisters(list:TAsmList;rt:Tregistertype;const r:Tcpuregisterset);virtual; procedure allocallcpuregisters(list:TAsmList);virtual; procedure deallocallcpuregisters(list:TAsmList);virtual; procedure do_register_allocation(list:TAsmList;headertai:tai);virtual; procedure translate_register(var reg : tregister); function makeregsize(list:TAsmList;reg:Tregister;size:Tcgsize):Tregister; {# Emit a label to the instruction stream. } procedure a_label(list : TAsmList;l : tasmlabel);virtual; {# Allocates register r by inserting a pai_realloc record } procedure a_reg_alloc(list : TAsmList;r : tregister); {# Deallocates register r by inserting a pa_regdealloc record} procedure a_reg_dealloc(list : TAsmList;r : tregister); { Synchronize register, make sure it is still valid } procedure a_reg_sync(list : TAsmList;r : tregister); {# Pass a parameter, which is located in a register, to a routine. This routine should push/send the parameter to the routine, as required by the specific processor ABI and routine modifiers. This must be overriden for each CPU target. @param(size size of the operand in the register) @param(r register source of the operand) @param(cgpara where the parameter will be stored) } procedure a_param_reg(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;r : tregister;const cgpara : TCGPara);virtual; {# Pass a parameter, which is a constant, to a routine. A generic version is provided. This routine should be overriden for optimization purposes if the cpu permits directly sending this type of parameter. @param(size size of the operand in constant) @param(a value of constant to send) @param(cgpara where the parameter will be stored) } procedure a_param_const(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;a : aint;const cgpara : TCGPara);virtual; {# Pass the value of a parameter, which is located in memory, to a routine. A generic version is provided. This routine should be overriden for optimization purposes if the cpu permits directly sending this type of parameter. @param(size size of the operand in constant) @param(r Memory reference of value to send) @param(cgpara where the parameter will be stored) } procedure a_param_ref(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;const r : treference;const cgpara : TCGPara);virtual; {# Pass the value of a parameter, which can be located either in a register or memory location, to a routine. A generic version is provided. @param(l location of the operand to send) @param(nr parameter number (starting from one) of routine (from left to right)) @param(cgpara where the parameter will be stored) } procedure a_param_loc(list : TAsmList;const l : tlocation;const cgpara : TCGPara); {# Pass the address of a reference to a routine. This routine will calculate the address of the reference, and pass this calculated address as a parameter. A generic version is provided. This routine should be overriden for optimization purposes if the cpu permits directly sending this type of parameter. @param(r reference to get address from) @param(nr parameter number (starting from one) of routine (from left to right)) } procedure a_paramaddr_ref(list : TAsmList;const r : treference;const cgpara : TCGPara);virtual; { Remarks: * If a method specifies a size you have only to take care of that number of bits, i.e. load_const_reg with OP_8 must only load the lower 8 bit of the specified register the rest of the register can be undefined if necessary the compiler will call a method to zero or sign extend the register * The a_load_XX_XX with OP_64 needn't to be implemented for 32 bit processors, the code generator takes care of that * the addr size is for work with the natural pointer size * the procedures without fpu/mm are only for integer usage * normally the first location is the source and the second the destination } {# Emits instruction to call the method specified by symbol name. This routine must be overriden for each new target cpu. There is no a_call_ref because loading the reference will use a temp register on most cpu's resulting in conflicts with the registers used for the parameters (PFV) } procedure a_call_name(list : TAsmList;const s : string);virtual; abstract; procedure a_call_reg(list : TAsmList;reg : tregister);virtual; abstract; procedure a_call_ref(list : TAsmList;ref : treference);virtual; abstract; { same as a_call_name, might be overriden on certain architectures to emit static calls without usage of a got trampoline } procedure a_call_name_static(list : TAsmList;const s : string);virtual; { move instructions } procedure a_load_const_reg(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;a : aint;register : tregister);virtual; abstract; procedure a_load_const_ref(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;a : aint;const ref : treference);virtual; procedure a_load_const_loc(list : TAsmList;a : aint;const loc : tlocation); procedure a_load_reg_ref(list : TAsmList;fromsize,tosize : tcgsize;register : tregister;const ref : treference);virtual; abstract; procedure a_load_reg_ref_unaligned(list : TAsmList;fromsize,tosize : tcgsize;register : tregister;const ref : treference);virtual; procedure a_load_reg_reg(list : TAsmList;fromsize,tosize : tcgsize;reg1,reg2 : tregister);virtual; abstract; procedure a_load_reg_loc(list : TAsmList;fromsize : tcgsize;reg : tregister;const loc: tlocation); procedure a_load_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;fromsize,tosize : tcgsize;const ref : treference;register : tregister);virtual; abstract; procedure a_load_ref_reg_unaligned(list : TAsmList;fromsize,tosize : tcgsize;const ref : treference;register : tregister);virtual; procedure a_load_ref_ref(list : TAsmList;fromsize,tosize : tcgsize;const sref : treference;const dref : treference);virtual; procedure a_load_loc_reg(list : TAsmList;tosize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; reg : tregister); procedure a_load_loc_ref(list : TAsmList;tosize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const ref : treference); procedure a_load_loc_subsetreg(list : TAsmList;subsetsize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const sreg : tsubsetregister); procedure a_load_loc_subsetref(list : TAsmList;subsetsize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const sref : tsubsetreference); procedure a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;const ref : treference;r : tregister);virtual; abstract; procedure a_load_subsetreg_reg(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, tosize: tcgsize; const sreg: tsubsetregister; destreg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_load_reg_subsetreg(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; fromreg: tregister; const sreg: tsubsetregister); virtual; procedure a_load_subsetreg_subsetreg(list: TAsmlist; fromsubsetsize, tosubsetsize : tcgsize; const fromsreg, tosreg: tsubsetregister); virtual; procedure a_load_subsetreg_ref(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, tosize: tcgsize; const sreg: tsubsetregister; const destref: treference); virtual; procedure a_load_ref_subsetreg(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; const fromref: treference; const sreg: tsubsetregister); virtual; procedure a_load_const_subsetreg(list: TAsmlist; subsetsize: tcgsize; a: aint; const sreg: tsubsetregister); virtual; procedure a_load_subsetreg_loc(list: TAsmlist; subsetsize: tcgsize; const sreg: tsubsetregister; const loc: tlocation); virtual; procedure a_load_subsetref_reg(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, tosize: tcgsize; const sref: tsubsetreference; destreg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_load_reg_subsetref(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; fromreg: tregister; const sref: tsubsetreference); procedure a_load_subsetref_subsetref(list: TAsmlist; fromsubsetsize, tosubsetsize : tcgsize; const fromsref, tosref: tsubsetreference); virtual; procedure a_load_subsetref_ref(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, tosize: tcgsize; const sref: tsubsetreference; const destref: treference); virtual; procedure a_load_ref_subsetref(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; const fromref: treference; const sref: tsubsetreference); virtual; procedure a_load_const_subsetref(list: TAsmlist; subsetsize: tcgsize; a: aint; const sref: tsubsetreference); virtual; procedure a_load_subsetref_loc(list: TAsmlist; subsetsize: tcgsize; const sref: tsubsetreference; const loc: tlocation); virtual; procedure a_load_subsetref_subsetreg(list: TAsmlist; fromsubsetsize, tosubsetsize : tcgsize; const fromsref: tsubsetreference; const tosreg: tsubsetregister); virtual; procedure a_load_subsetreg_subsetref(list: TAsmlist; fromsubsetsize, tosubsetsize : tcgsize; const fromsreg: tsubsetregister; const tosref: tsubsetreference); virtual; { bit test instructions } procedure a_bit_test_reg_reg_reg(list : TAsmList; bitnumbersize,valuesize,destsize: tcgsize;bitnumber,value,destreg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_bit_test_const_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const ref: treference; destreg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_bit_test_const_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; setregsize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; setreg, destreg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_bit_test_const_subsetreg_reg(list: TAsmList; setregsize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const setreg: tsubsetregister; destreg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_bit_test_reg_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; bitnumbersize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const ref: treference; destreg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_bit_test_reg_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; bitnumbersize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const loc: tlocation; destreg: tregister); procedure a_bit_test_const_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const loc: tlocation; destreg: tregister); { bit set/clear instructions } procedure a_bit_set_reg_reg(list : TAsmList; doset: boolean; bitnumbersize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber,dest: tregister); virtual; procedure a_bit_set_const_ref(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean;destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const ref: treference); virtual; procedure a_bit_set_const_reg(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; destreg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_bit_set_const_subsetreg(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const destreg: tsubsetregister); virtual; procedure a_bit_set_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; bitnumbersize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const ref: treference); virtual; procedure a_bit_set_reg_loc(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; bitnumbersize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const loc: tlocation); procedure a_bit_set_const_loc(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; bitnumber: aint; const loc: tlocation); { fpu move instructions } procedure a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize:tcgsize; reg1, reg2: tregister); virtual; abstract; procedure a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize; const ref: treference; reg: tregister); virtual; abstract; procedure a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize; reg: tregister; const ref: treference); virtual; abstract; procedure a_loadfpu_ref_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize; const ref1,ref2: treference); procedure a_loadfpu_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; tosize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const reg: tregister); procedure a_loadfpu_reg_loc(list: TAsmList; fromsize: tcgsize; const reg: tregister; const loc: tlocation); procedure a_paramfpu_reg(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;const r : tregister;const cgpara : TCGPara);virtual; procedure a_paramfpu_ref(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;const ref : treference;const cgpara : TCGPara);virtual; { vector register move instructions } procedure a_loadmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize : tcgsize;reg1, reg2: tregister;shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual; abstract; procedure a_loadmm_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize : tcgsize;const ref: treference; reg: tregister;shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual; abstract; procedure a_loadmm_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize : tcgsize;reg: tregister; const ref: treference;shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual; abstract; procedure a_loadmm_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const reg: tregister;shuffle : pmmshuffle); procedure a_loadmm_reg_loc(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize; const reg: tregister; const loc: tlocation;shuffle : pmmshuffle); procedure a_parammm_reg(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize; reg: tregister;const cgpara : TCGPara;shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual; procedure a_parammm_ref(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize; const ref: treference;const cgpara : TCGPara;shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual; procedure a_parammm_loc(list: TAsmList; const loc: tlocation; const cgpara : TCGPara;shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual; procedure a_opmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size : tcgsize;src,dst: tregister;shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual;abstract; procedure a_opmm_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size : tcgsize;const ref: treference; reg: tregister;shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual; procedure a_opmm_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size : tcgsize;const loc: tlocation; reg: tregister;shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual; procedure a_opmm_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size : tcgsize;reg: tregister;const ref: treference; shuffle : pmmshuffle); virtual; { basic arithmetic operations } { note: for operators which require only one argument (not, neg), use } { the op_reg_reg, op_reg_ref or op_reg_loc methods and keep in mind } { that in this case the *second* operand is used as both source and } { destination (JM) } procedure a_op_const_reg(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; a: Aint; reg: TRegister); virtual; abstract; procedure a_op_const_ref(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; a: Aint; const ref: TReference); virtual; procedure a_op_const_subsetreg(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size, subsetsize : TCGSize; a : aint; const sreg: tsubsetregister); virtual; procedure a_op_const_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size, subsetsize : TCGSize; a : aint; const sref: tsubsetreference); virtual; procedure a_op_const_loc(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; a: Aint; const loc: tlocation); procedure a_op_reg_reg(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; reg1, reg2: TRegister); virtual; abstract; procedure a_op_reg_ref(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; reg: TRegister; const ref: TReference); virtual; procedure a_op_ref_reg(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; const ref: TReference; reg: TRegister); virtual; procedure a_op_reg_subsetreg(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; opsize, subsetsize : TCGSize; reg: TRegister; const sreg: tsubsetregister); virtual; procedure a_op_reg_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; opsize, subsetsize : TCGSize; reg: TRegister; const sref: tsubsetreference); virtual; procedure a_op_reg_loc(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; reg: tregister; const loc: tlocation); procedure a_op_ref_loc(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; const ref: TReference; const loc: tlocation); { trinary operations for processors that support them, 'emulated' } { on others. None with "ref" arguments since I don't think there } { are any processors that support it (JM) } procedure a_op_const_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; a: aint; src, dst: tregister); virtual; procedure a_op_reg_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; src1, src2, dst: tregister); virtual; procedure a_op_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; a: aint; src, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); virtual; procedure a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; src1, src2, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); virtual; { comparison operations } procedure a_cmp_const_reg_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;a : aint;reg : tregister; l : tasmlabel);virtual; abstract; procedure a_cmp_const_ref_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;a : aint;const ref : treference; l : tasmlabel); virtual; procedure a_cmp_const_loc_label(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize;cmp_op: topcmp; a: aint; const loc: tlocation; l : tasmlabel); procedure a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;reg1,reg2 : tregister;l : tasmlabel); virtual; abstract; procedure a_cmp_ref_reg_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp; const ref: treference; reg : tregister; l : tasmlabel); virtual; procedure a_cmp_reg_ref_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;reg : tregister; const ref: treference; l : tasmlabel); virtual; procedure a_cmp_subsetreg_reg_label(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, cmpsize : tcgsize; cmp_op : topcmp; const sreg: tsubsetregister; reg : tregister; l : tasmlabel); virtual; procedure a_cmp_subsetref_reg_label(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, cmpsize : tcgsize; cmp_op : topcmp; const sref: tsubsetreference; reg : tregister; l : tasmlabel); virtual; procedure a_cmp_loc_reg_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp; const loc: tlocation; reg : tregister; l : tasmlabel); procedure a_cmp_reg_loc_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp; reg: tregister; const loc: tlocation; l : tasmlabel); procedure a_cmp_ref_loc_label(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize;cmp_op: topcmp; const ref: treference; const loc: tlocation; l : tasmlabel); procedure a_jmp_name(list : TAsmList;const s : string); virtual; abstract; procedure a_jmp_always(list : TAsmList;l: tasmlabel); virtual; abstract; procedure a_jmp_flags(list : TAsmList;const f : TResFlags;l: tasmlabel); virtual; abstract; {# Depending on the value to check in the flags, either sets the register reg to one (if the flag is set) or zero (if the flag is cleared). The size parameter indicates the destination size register. } procedure g_flags2reg(list: TAsmList; size: TCgSize; const f: tresflags; reg: TRegister); virtual; abstract; procedure g_flags2ref(list: TAsmList; size: TCgSize; const f: tresflags; const ref:TReference); virtual; { This routine tries to optimize the op_const_reg/ref opcode, and should be called at the start of a_op_const_reg/ref. It returns the actual opcode to emit, and the constant value to emit. This function can opcode OP_NONE to remove the opcode and OP_MOVE to replace it with a simple load @param(op The opcode to emit, returns the opcode which must be emitted) @param(a The constant which should be emitted, returns the constant which must be emitted) } procedure optimize_op_const(var op: topcg; var a : aint);virtual; {# This routine is used in exception management nodes. It should save the exception reason currently in the FUNCTION_RETURN_REG. The save should be done either to a temp (pointed to by href). or on the stack (pushing the value on the stack). The size of the value to save is OS_S32. The default version saves the exception reason to a temp. memory area. } procedure g_exception_reason_save(list : TAsmList; const href : treference);virtual; {# This routine is used in exception management nodes. It should save the exception reason constant. The save should be done either to a temp (pointed to by href). or on the stack (pushing the value on the stack). The size of the value to save is OS_S32. The default version saves the exception reason to a temp. memory area. } procedure g_exception_reason_save_const(list : TAsmList; const href : treference; a: aint);virtual; {# This routine is used in exception management nodes. It should load the exception reason to the FUNCTION_RETURN_REG. The saved value should either be in the temp. area (pointed to by href , href should *NOT* be freed) or on the stack (the value should be popped). The size of the value to save is OS_S32. The default version saves the exception reason to a temp. memory area. } procedure g_exception_reason_load(list : TAsmList; const href : treference);virtual; procedure g_maybe_testself(list : TAsmList;reg:tregister); procedure g_maybe_testvmt(list : TAsmList;reg:tregister;objdef:tobjectdef); {# This should emit the opcode to copy len bytes from the source to destination. It must be overriden for each new target processor. @param(source Source reference of copy) @param(dest Destination reference of copy) } procedure g_concatcopy(list : TAsmList;const source,dest : treference;len : aint);virtual; abstract; {# This should emit the opcode to copy len bytes from the an unaligned source to destination. It must be overriden for each new target processor. @param(source Source reference of copy) @param(dest Destination reference of copy) } procedure g_concatcopy_unaligned(list : TAsmList;const source,dest : treference;len : aint);virtual; {# This should emit the opcode to a shortrstring from the source to destination. @param(source Source reference of copy) @param(dest Destination reference of copy) } procedure g_copyshortstring(list : TAsmList;const source,dest : treference;len:byte); procedure g_copyvariant(list : TAsmList;const source,dest : treference); procedure g_incrrefcount(list : TAsmList;t: tdef; const ref: treference); procedure g_decrrefcount(list : TAsmList;t: tdef; const ref: treference); procedure g_initialize(list : TAsmList;t : tdef;const ref : treference); procedure g_finalize(list : TAsmList;t : tdef;const ref : treference); {# Generates range checking code. It is to note that this routine does not need to be overriden, as it takes care of everything. @param(p Node which contains the value to check) @param(todef Type definition of node to range check) } procedure g_rangecheck(list: TAsmList; const l:tlocation; fromdef,todef: tdef); virtual; {# Generates overflow checking code for a node } procedure g_overflowcheck(list: TAsmList; const Loc:tlocation; def:tdef); virtual;abstract; procedure g_overflowCheck_loc(List:TAsmList;const Loc:TLocation;def:TDef;ovloc : tlocation);virtual; procedure g_copyvaluepara_openarray(list : TAsmList;const ref:treference;const lenloc:tlocation;elesize:aint;destreg:tregister);virtual; procedure g_releasevaluepara_openarray(list : TAsmList;const l:tlocation);virtual; {# Emits instructions when compilation is done in profile mode (this is set as a command line option). The default behavior does nothing, should be overriden as required. } procedure g_profilecode(list : TAsmList);virtual; {# Emits instruction for allocating @var(size) bytes at the stackpointer @param(size Number of bytes to allocate) } procedure g_stackpointer_alloc(list : TAsmList;size : longint);virtual; abstract; {# Emits instruction for allocating the locals in entry code of a routine. This is one of the first routine called in @var(genentrycode). @param(localsize Number of bytes to allocate as locals) } procedure g_proc_entry(list : TAsmList;localsize : longint;nostackframe:boolean);virtual; abstract; {# Emits instructions for returning from a subroutine. Should also restore the framepointer and stack. @param(parasize Number of bytes of parameters to deallocate from stack) } procedure g_proc_exit(list : TAsmList;parasize:longint;nostackframe:boolean);virtual;abstract; {# This routine is called when generating the code for the entry point of a routine. It should save all registers which are not used in this routine, and which should be declared as saved in the std_saved_registers set. This routine is mainly used when linking to code which is generated by ABI-compliant compilers (like GCC), to make sure that the reserved registers of that ABI are not clobbered. @param(usedinproc Registers which are used in the code of this routine) } procedure g_save_registers(list:TAsmList);virtual; {# This routine is called when generating the code for the exit point of a routine. It should restore all registers which were previously saved in @var(g_save_standard_registers). @param(usedinproc Registers which are used in the code of this routine) } procedure g_restore_registers(list:TAsmList);virtual; procedure g_intf_wrapper(list: TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; const labelname: string; ioffset: longint);virtual;abstract; procedure g_adjust_self_value(list:TAsmList;procdef: tprocdef;ioffset: aint);virtual; function g_indirect_sym_load(list:TAsmList;const symname: string): tregister;virtual; { generate a stub which only purpose is to pass control the given external method, setting up any additional environment before doing so (if required). The default implementation issues a jump instruction to the external name. } procedure g_external_wrapper(list : TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; const externalname: string); virtual; { initialize the pic/got register } procedure g_maybe_got_init(list: TAsmList); virtual; protected procedure get_subsetref_load_info(const sref: tsubsetreference; out loadsize: tcgsize; out extra_load: boolean); procedure a_load_subsetref_regs_noindex(list: TAsmList; subsetsize: tcgsize; loadbitsize: byte; const sref: tsubsetreference; valuereg, extra_value_reg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_load_subsetref_regs_index(list: TAsmList; subsetsize: tcgsize; loadbitsize: byte; const sref: tsubsetreference; valuereg, extra_value_reg: tregister); virtual; procedure a_load_regconst_subsetref_intern(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; fromreg: tregister; const sref: tsubsetreference; slopt: tsubsetloadopt); virtual; procedure a_load_regconst_subsetreg_intern(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; fromreg: tregister; const sreg: tsubsetregister; slopt: tsubsetloadopt); virtual; function get_bit_const_ref_sref(bitnumber: aint; const ref: treference): tsubsetreference; function get_bit_const_reg_sreg(setregsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; setreg: tregister): tsubsetregister; function get_bit_reg_ref_sref(list: TAsmList; bitnumbersize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const ref: treference): tsubsetreference; end; {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} {# @abstract(Abstract code generator for 64 Bit operations) This class implements an abstract code generator class for 64 Bit operations. } tcg64 = class procedure a_load64_const_ref(list : TAsmList;value : int64;const ref : treference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_reg_ref(list : TAsmList;reg : tregister64;const ref : treference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;const ref : treference;reg : tregister64);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_reg_reg(list : TAsmList;regsrc,regdst : tregister64);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_const_reg(list : TAsmList;value : int64;reg : tregister64);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_loc_reg(list : TAsmList;const l : tlocation;reg : tregister64);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_loc_ref(list : TAsmList;const l : tlocation;const ref : treference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_const_loc(list : TAsmList;value : int64;const l : tlocation);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_reg_loc(list : TAsmList;reg : tregister64;const l : tlocation);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_subsetref_reg(list : TAsmList; const sref: tsubsetreference; destreg: tregister64);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_reg_subsetref(list : TAsmList; fromreg: tregister64; const sref: tsubsetreference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_const_subsetref(list: TAsmlist; a: int64; const sref: tsubsetreference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_ref_subsetref(list : TAsmList; const fromref: treference; const sref: tsubsetreference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_subsetref_subsetref(list: TAsmlist; const fromsref, tosref: tsubsetreference); virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_subsetref_ref(list : TAsmList; const sref: tsubsetreference; const destref: treference); virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64_loc_subsetref(list : TAsmList; const l: tlocation; const sref : tsubsetreference); procedure a_load64_subsetref_loc(list: TAsmlist; const sref: tsubsetreference; const l: tlocation); procedure a_load64high_reg_ref(list : TAsmList;reg : tregister;const ref : treference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64low_reg_ref(list : TAsmList;reg : tregister;const ref : treference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64high_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;const ref : treference;reg : tregister);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64low_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;const ref : treference;reg : tregister);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64high_loc_reg(list : TAsmList;const l : tlocation;reg : tregister);virtual;abstract; procedure a_load64low_loc_reg(list : TAsmList;const l : tlocation;reg : tregister);virtual;abstract; procedure a_op64_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;const ref : treference;reg : tregister64);virtual;abstract; procedure a_op64_reg_reg(list : TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc,regdst : tregister64);virtual;abstract; procedure a_op64_reg_ref(list : TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc : tregister64;const ref : treference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_op64_const_reg(list : TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;regdst : tregister64);virtual;abstract; procedure a_op64_const_ref(list : TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;const ref : treference);virtual;abstract; procedure a_op64_const_loc(list : TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;const l: tlocation);virtual;abstract; procedure a_op64_reg_loc(list : TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;reg : tregister64;const l : tlocation);virtual;abstract; procedure a_op64_loc_reg(list : TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;const l : tlocation;reg64 : tregister64);virtual;abstract; procedure a_op64_const_reg_reg(list: TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;regsrc,regdst : tregister64);virtual; procedure a_op64_reg_reg_reg(list: TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst : tregister64);virtual; procedure a_op64_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;regsrc,regdst : tregister64;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);virtual; procedure a_op64_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst : tregister64;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation);virtual; procedure a_op64_const_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size : TCGSize; a : int64; const sref: tsubsetreference); procedure a_op64_reg_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size : TCGSize; reg: tregister64; const sref: tsubsetreference); procedure a_op64_ref_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size : TCGSize; const ref: treference; const sref: tsubsetreference); procedure a_op64_subsetref_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size : TCGSize; const ssref,dsref: tsubsetreference); procedure a_param64_reg(list : TAsmList;reg64 : tregister64;const loc : TCGPara);virtual;abstract; procedure a_param64_const(list : TAsmList;value : int64;const loc : TCGPara);virtual;abstract; procedure a_param64_ref(list : TAsmList;const r : treference;const loc : TCGPara);virtual;abstract; procedure a_param64_loc(list : TAsmList;const l : tlocation;const loc : TCGPara);virtual;abstract; { This routine tries to optimize the const_reg opcode, and should be called at the start of a_op64_const_reg. It returns the actual opcode to emit, and the constant value to emit. If this routine returns TRUE, @var(no) instruction should be emitted (.eg : imul reg by 1 ) @param(op The opcode to emit, returns the opcode which must be emitted) @param(a The constant which should be emitted, returns the constant which must be emitted) @param(reg The register to emit the opcode with, returns the register with which the opcode will be emitted) } function optimize64_op_const_reg(list: TAsmList; var op: topcg; var a : int64; var reg: tregister64): boolean;virtual;abstract; { override to catch 64bit rangechecks } procedure g_rangecheck64(list: TAsmList; const l:tlocation; fromdef,todef: tdef);virtual;abstract; end; {$endif cpu64bitalu} var {# Main code generator class } cg : tcg; {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} {# Code generator class for all operations working with 64-Bit operands } cg64 : tcg64; {$endif cpu64bitalu} implementation uses globals,options,systems, verbose,defutil,paramgr,symsym, tgobj,cutils,procinfo, ncgrtti; {***************************************************************************** basic functionallity ******************************************************************************} constructor tcg.create; begin end; {***************************************************************************** register allocation ******************************************************************************} procedure tcg.init_register_allocators; begin fillchar(rg,sizeof(rg),0); add_reg_instruction_hook:=@add_reg_instruction; executionweight:=1; end; procedure tcg.done_register_allocators; begin { Safety } fillchar(rg,sizeof(rg),0); add_reg_instruction_hook:=nil; end; {$ifdef flowgraph} procedure Tcg.init_flowgraph; begin aktflownode:=0; end; procedure Tcg.done_flowgraph; begin end; {$endif} function tcg.getintregister(list:TAsmList;size:Tcgsize):Tregister; begin if not assigned(rg[R_INTREGISTER]) then internalerror(200312122); result:=rg[R_INTREGISTER].getregister(list,cgsize2subreg(size)); end; function tcg.getfpuregister(list:TAsmList;size:Tcgsize):Tregister; begin if not assigned(rg[R_FPUREGISTER]) then internalerror(200312123); result:=rg[R_FPUREGISTER].getregister(list,cgsize2subreg(size)); end; function tcg.getmmregister(list:TAsmList;size:Tcgsize):Tregister; begin if not assigned(rg[R_MMREGISTER]) then internalerror(2003121214); result:=rg[R_MMREGISTER].getregister(list,cgsize2subreg(size)); end; function tcg.getaddressregister(list:TAsmList):Tregister; begin if assigned(rg[R_ADDRESSREGISTER]) then result:=rg[R_ADDRESSREGISTER].getregister(list,R_SUBWHOLE) else begin if not assigned(rg[R_INTREGISTER]) then internalerror(200312121); result:=rg[R_INTREGISTER].getregister(list,R_SUBWHOLE); end; end; function Tcg.makeregsize(list:TAsmList;reg:Tregister;size:Tcgsize):Tregister; var subreg:Tsubregister; begin subreg:=cgsize2subreg(size); result:=reg; setsubreg(result,subreg); { notify RA } if result<>reg then list.concat(tai_regalloc.resize(result)); end; procedure tcg.getcpuregister(list:TAsmList;r:Tregister); begin if not assigned(rg[getregtype(r)]) then internalerror(200312125); rg[getregtype(r)].getcpuregister(list,r); end; procedure tcg.ungetcpuregister(list:TAsmList;r:Tregister); begin if not assigned(rg[getregtype(r)]) then internalerror(200312126); rg[getregtype(r)].ungetcpuregister(list,r); end; procedure tcg.alloccpuregisters(list:TAsmList;rt:Tregistertype;const r:Tcpuregisterset); begin if assigned(rg[rt]) then rg[rt].alloccpuregisters(list,r) else internalerror(200310092); end; procedure tcg.allocallcpuregisters(list:TAsmList); begin alloccpuregisters(list,R_INTREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(pocall_default)); {$ifndef i386} alloccpuregisters(list,R_FPUREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(pocall_default)); {$ifdef cpumm} alloccpuregisters(list,R_MMREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_mm(pocall_default)); {$endif cpumm} {$endif i386} end; procedure tcg.dealloccpuregisters(list:TAsmList;rt:Tregistertype;const r:Tcpuregisterset); begin if assigned(rg[rt]) then rg[rt].dealloccpuregisters(list,r) else internalerror(200310093); end; procedure tcg.deallocallcpuregisters(list:TAsmList); begin dealloccpuregisters(list,R_INTREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(pocall_default)); {$ifndef i386} dealloccpuregisters(list,R_FPUREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(pocall_default)); {$ifdef cpumm} dealloccpuregisters(list,R_MMREGISTER,paramanager.get_volatile_registers_mm(pocall_default)); {$endif cpumm} {$endif i386} end; function tcg.uses_registers(rt:Tregistertype):boolean; begin if assigned(rg[rt]) then result:=rg[rt].uses_registers else result:=false; end; procedure tcg.add_reg_instruction(instr:Tai;r:tregister); var rt : tregistertype; begin rt:=getregtype(r); { Only add it when a register allocator is configured. No IE can be generated, because the VMT is written without a valid rg[] } if assigned(rg[rt]) then rg[rt].add_reg_instruction(instr,r,cg.executionweight); end; procedure tcg.add_move_instruction(instr:Taicpu); var rt : tregistertype; begin rt:=getregtype(instr.oper[O_MOV_SOURCE]^.reg); if assigned(rg[rt]) then rg[rt].add_move_instruction(instr) else internalerror(200310095); end; procedure tcg.set_regalloc_live_range_direction(dir: TRADirection); var rt : tregistertype; begin for rt:=low(rg) to high(rg) do begin if assigned(rg[rt]) then rg[rt].live_range_direction:=dir; end; end; procedure tcg.do_register_allocation(list:TAsmList;headertai:tai); var rt : tregistertype; begin for rt:=R_FPUREGISTER to R_SPECIALREGISTER do begin if assigned(rg[rt]) then rg[rt].do_register_allocation(list,headertai); end; { running the other register allocator passes could require addition int/addr. registers when spilling so run int/addr register allocation at the end } if assigned(rg[R_INTREGISTER]) then rg[R_INTREGISTER].do_register_allocation(list,headertai); if assigned(rg[R_ADDRESSREGISTER]) then rg[R_ADDRESSREGISTER].do_register_allocation(list,headertai); end; procedure tcg.translate_register(var reg : tregister); begin rg[getregtype(reg)].translate_register(reg); end; procedure tcg.a_reg_alloc(list : TAsmList;r : tregister); begin list.concat(tai_regalloc.alloc(r,nil)); end; procedure tcg.a_reg_dealloc(list : TAsmList;r : tregister); begin list.concat(tai_regalloc.dealloc(r,nil)); end; procedure tcg.a_reg_sync(list : TAsmList;r : tregister); var instr : tai; begin instr:=tai_regalloc.sync(r); list.concat(instr); add_reg_instruction(instr,r); end; procedure tcg.a_label(list : TAsmList;l : tasmlabel); begin list.concat(tai_label.create(l)); end; {***************************************************************************** for better code generation these methods should be overridden ******************************************************************************} procedure tcg.a_param_reg(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;r : tregister;const cgpara : TCGPara); var ref : treference; begin cgpara.check_simple_location; case cgpara.location^.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_reg_reg(list,size,cgpara.location^.size,r,cgpara.location^.register); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: begin reference_reset_base(ref,cgpara.location^.reference.index,cgpara.location^.reference.offset); a_load_reg_ref(list,size,cgpara.location^.size,r,ref); end else internalerror(2002071004); end; end; procedure tcg.a_param_const(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;a : aint;const cgpara : TCGPara); var ref : treference; begin cgpara.check_simple_location; case cgpara.location^.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_const_reg(list,cgpara.location^.size,a,cgpara.location^.register); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: begin reference_reset_base(ref,cgpara.location^.reference.index,cgpara.location^.reference.offset); a_load_const_ref(list,cgpara.location^.size,a,ref); end else internalerror(2002071004); end; end; procedure tcg.a_param_ref(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;const r : treference;const cgpara : TCGPara); var ref : treference; begin cgpara.check_simple_location; case cgpara.location^.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_ref_reg(list,size,cgpara.location^.size,r,cgpara.location^.register); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: begin reference_reset(ref); ref.base:=cgpara.location^.reference.index; ref.offset:=cgpara.location^.reference.offset; if (size <> OS_NO) and (tcgsize2size[size] < sizeof(aint)) then begin if (cgpara.size = OS_NO) or assigned(cgpara.location^.next) then internalerror(2006052401); a_load_ref_ref(list,size,cgpara.size,r,ref); end else { use concatcopy, because the parameter can be larger than } { what the OS_* constants can handle } g_concatcopy(list,r,ref,cgpara.intsize); end else internalerror(2002071004); end; end; procedure tcg.a_param_loc(list : TAsmList;const l:tlocation;const cgpara : TCGPara); begin case l.loc of LOC_REGISTER, LOC_CREGISTER : a_param_reg(list,l.size,l.register,cgpara); LOC_CONSTANT : a_param_const(list,l.size,l.value,cgpara); LOC_CREFERENCE, LOC_REFERENCE : a_param_ref(list,l.size,l.reference,cgpara); else internalerror(2002032211); end; end; procedure tcg.a_paramaddr_ref(list : TAsmList;const r : treference;const cgpara : TCGPara); var hr : tregister; begin cgpara.check_simple_location; if cgpara.location^.loc in [LOC_CREGISTER,LOC_REGISTER] then a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list,r,cgpara.location^.register) else begin hr:=getaddressregister(list); a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list,r,hr); a_param_reg(list,OS_ADDR,hr,cgpara); end; end; {**************************************************************************** some generic implementations ****************************************************************************} {$ifopt r+} {$define rangeon} {$r-} {$endif} {$ifopt q+} {$define overflowon} {$q-} {$endif} procedure tcg.a_load_subsetreg_reg(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, tosize: tcgsize; const sreg: tsubsetregister; destreg: tregister); var bitmask: aword; tmpreg: tregister; stopbit: byte; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,sreg.subsetregsize); if (subsetsize in [OS_S8..OS_S128]) then begin { sign extend in case the value has a bitsize mod 8 <> 0 } { both instructions will be optimized away if not } a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,sreg.subsetregsize,(tcgsize2size[sreg.subsetregsize]*8)-sreg.startbit-sreg.bitlen,sreg.subsetreg,tmpreg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SAR,sreg.subsetregsize,(tcgsize2size[sreg.subsetregsize]*8)-sreg.bitlen,tmpreg); end else begin a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,sreg.subsetregsize,sreg.startbit,sreg.subsetreg,tmpreg); stopbit := sreg.startbit + sreg.bitlen; // on x86(64), 1 shl 32(64) = 1 instead of 0 // use aword to prevent overflow with 1 shl 31 if (stopbit - sreg.startbit <> AIntBits) then bitmask := (aword(1) shl (stopbit - sreg.startbit)) - 1 else bitmask := high(aword); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,sreg.subsetregsize,aint(bitmask),tmpreg); end; tmpreg := makeregsize(list,tmpreg,subsetsize); a_load_reg_reg(list,tcgsize2unsigned[subsetsize],subsetsize,tmpreg,tmpreg); a_load_reg_reg(list,subsetsize,tosize,tmpreg,destreg); end; procedure tcg.a_load_reg_subsetreg(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; fromreg: tregister; const sreg: tsubsetregister); begin a_load_regconst_subsetreg_intern(list,fromsize,subsetsize,fromreg,sreg,SL_REG); end; procedure tcg.a_load_regconst_subsetreg_intern(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; fromreg: tregister; const sreg: tsubsetregister; slopt: tsubsetloadopt); var bitmask: aword; tmpreg: tregister; stopbit: byte; begin stopbit := sreg.startbit + sreg.bitlen; // on x86(64), 1 shl 32(64) = 1 instead of 0 if (stopbit <> AIntBits) then bitmask := not(((aword(1) shl stopbit)-1) xor ((aword(1) shl sreg.startbit)-1)) else bitmask := not(high(aword) xor ((aword(1) shl sreg.startbit)-1)); if not(slopt in [SL_SETZERO,SL_SETMAX]) then begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,sreg.subsetregsize); a_load_reg_reg(list,fromsize,sreg.subsetregsize,fromreg,tmpreg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,sreg.subsetregsize,sreg.startbit,tmpreg); if (slopt <> SL_REGNOSRCMASK) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,sreg.subsetregsize,aint(not(bitmask)),tmpreg); end; if (slopt <> SL_SETMAX) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,sreg.subsetregsize,aint(bitmask),sreg.subsetreg); case slopt of SL_SETZERO : ; SL_SETMAX : if (sreg.bitlen <> AIntBits) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_OR,sreg.subsetregsize, aint(((aword(1) shl sreg.bitlen)-1) shl sreg.startbit), sreg.subsetreg) else a_load_const_reg(list,sreg.subsetregsize,-1,sreg.subsetreg); else a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,sreg.subsetregsize,tmpreg,sreg.subsetreg); end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetreg_subsetreg(list: TAsmlist; fromsubsetsize, tosubsetsize : tcgsize; const fromsreg, tosreg: tsubsetregister); var tmpreg: tregister; bitmask: aword; stopbit: byte; begin if (fromsreg.bitlen >= tosreg.bitlen) then begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,tosreg.subsetregsize); a_load_reg_reg(list,fromsreg.subsetregsize,tosreg.subsetregsize,fromsreg.subsetreg,tmpreg); if (fromsreg.startbit <= tosreg.startbit) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,tosreg.subsetregsize,tosreg.startbit-fromsreg.startbit,tmpreg) else a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,tosreg.subsetregsize,fromsreg.startbit-tosreg.startbit,tmpreg); stopbit := tosreg.startbit + tosreg.bitlen; // on x86(64), 1 shl 32(64) = 1 instead of 0 if (stopbit <> AIntBits) then bitmask := not(((aword(1) shl stopbit)-1) xor ((aword(1) shl tosreg.startbit)-1)) else bitmask := (aword(1) shl tosreg.startbit) - 1; a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,tosreg.subsetregsize,aint(bitmask),tosreg.subsetreg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,tosreg.subsetregsize,aint(not(bitmask)),tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,tosreg.subsetregsize,tmpreg,tosreg.subsetreg); end else begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,tosubsetsize); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,fromsubsetsize,tosubsetsize,fromsreg,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetreg(list,tosubsetsize,tosubsetsize,tmpreg,tosreg); end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetreg_ref(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, tosize: tcgsize; const sreg: tsubsetregister; const destref: treference); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,tosize); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,subsetsize,tosize,sreg,tmpreg); a_load_reg_ref(list,tosize,tosize,tmpreg,destref); end; procedure tcg.a_load_ref_subsetreg(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; const fromref: treference; const sreg: tsubsetregister); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,subsetsize); a_load_ref_reg(list,fromsize,subsetsize,fromref,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetreg(list,subsetsize,subsetsize,tmpreg,sreg); end; procedure tcg.a_load_const_subsetreg(list: TAsmlist; subsetsize: tcgsize; a: aint; const sreg: tsubsetregister); var bitmask: aword; stopbit: byte; begin stopbit := sreg.startbit + sreg.bitlen; // on x86(64), 1 shl 32(64) = 1 instead of 0 if (stopbit <> AIntBits) then bitmask := not(((aword(1) shl stopbit)-1) xor ((aword(1) shl sreg.startbit)-1)) else bitmask := (aword(1) shl sreg.startbit) - 1; if (((aword(a) shl sreg.startbit) and not bitmask) <> not bitmask) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,sreg.subsetregsize,aint(bitmask),sreg.subsetreg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_OR,sreg.subsetregsize,aint((aword(a) shl sreg.startbit) and not(bitmask)),sreg.subsetreg); end; procedure tcg.a_load_loc_subsetref(list : TAsmList;subsetsize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const sref : tsubsetreference); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load_ref_subsetref(list,loc.size,subsetsize,loc.reference,sref); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_reg_subsetref(list,loc.size,subsetsize,loc.register,sref); LOC_CONSTANT: a_load_const_subsetref(list,subsetsize,loc.value,sref); LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_load_subsetreg_subsetref(list,loc.size,subsetsize,loc.sreg,sref); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load_subsetref_subsetref(list,loc.size,subsetsize,loc.sref,sref); else internalerror(200608053); end; end; (* Subsetrefs are used for (bit)packed arrays and (bit)packed records stored in memory. They are like a regular reference, but contain an extra bit offset (either constant -startbit- or variable -bitindexreg-, always OS_INT) and a bit length (always constant). Bit packed values are stored differently in memory depending on whether we are on a big or a little endian system (compatible with at least GPC). The size of the basic working unit is always the smallest power-of-2 byte size which can contain the bit value (so 1..8 bits -> 1 byte, 9..16 bits -> 2 bytes, 17..32 bits -> 4 bytes etc). On a big endian, 5-bit: values are stored like this: 11111222 22333334 44445555 56666677 77788888 The leftmost bit of each 5-bit value corresponds to the most significant bit. On little endian, it goes like this: 22211111 43333322 55554444 77666665 88888777 In this case, per byte the left-most bit is more significant than those on the right, but the bits in the next byte are all more significant than those in the previous byte (e.g., the 222 in the first byte are the low three bits of that value, while the 22 in the second byte are the upper two bits. Big endian, 9 bit values: 11111111 12222222 22333333 33344444 ... Little endian, 9 bit values: 11111111 22222221 33333322 44444333 ... This is memory representation and the 16 bit values are byteswapped. Similarly as in the previous case, the 2222222 string contains the lower bits of value 2 and the 22 string contains the upper bits. Once loaded into registers (two 16 bit registers in the current implementation, although a single 32 bit register would be possible too, in particular if 32 bit alignment can be guaranteed), this becomes: 22222221 11111111 44444333 33333322 ... (l)ow u l l u l u The startbit/bitindex in a subsetreference always refers to a) on big endian: the most significant bit of the value (bits counted from left to right, both memory an registers) b) on little endian: the least significant bit when the value is loaded in a register (bit counted from right to left) Although a) results in more complex code for big endian systems, it's needed for compatibility both with GPC and with e.g. bitpacked arrays in Apple's universal interfaces which depend on these layout differences). Note: when changing the loadsize calculated in get_subsetref_load_info, make sure the appropriate alignment is guaranteed, at least in case of {$defined cpurequiresproperalignment}. *) procedure tcg.get_subsetref_load_info(const sref: tsubsetreference; out loadsize: tcgsize; out extra_load: boolean); var intloadsize: aint; begin intloadsize := packedbitsloadsize(sref.bitlen); if (intloadsize = 0) then internalerror(2006081310); if (intloadsize > sizeof(aint)) then intloadsize := sizeof(aint); loadsize := int_cgsize(intloadsize); if (loadsize = OS_NO) then internalerror(2006081311); if (sref.bitlen > sizeof(aint)*8) then internalerror(2006081312); extra_load := (sref.bitlen <> 1) and ((sref.bitindexreg <> NR_NO) or (byte(sref.startbit+sref.bitlen) > byte(intloadsize*8))); end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetref_regs_noindex(list: TAsmList; subsetsize: tcgsize; loadbitsize: byte; const sref: tsubsetreference; valuereg, extra_value_reg: tregister); var restbits: byte; begin if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin { valuereg contains the upper bits, extra_value_reg the lower } restbits := (sref.bitlen - (loadbitsize - sref.startbit)); if (subsetsize in [OS_S8..OS_S128]) then begin { sign extend } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,AIntBits-loadbitsize+sref.startbit,valuereg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SAR,OS_INT,AIntBits-sref.bitlen,valuereg); end else begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,restbits,valuereg); { mask other bits } if (sref.bitlen <> AIntBits) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),valuereg); end; a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,loadbitsize-restbits,extra_value_reg) end else begin { valuereg contains the lower bits, extra_value_reg the upper } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,sref.startbit,valuereg); if (subsetsize in [OS_S8..OS_S128]) then begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,AIntBits-sref.bitlen+loadbitsize-sref.startbit,extra_value_reg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SAR,OS_INT,AIntBits-sref.bitlen,extra_value_reg); end else begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,loadbitsize-sref.startbit,extra_value_reg); { mask other bits } if (sref.bitlen <> AIntBits) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),extra_value_reg); end; end; { merge } a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,OS_INT,extra_value_reg,valuereg); end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetref_regs_index(list: TAsmList; subsetsize: tcgsize; loadbitsize: byte; const sref: tsubsetreference; valuereg, extra_value_reg: tregister); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin { since this is a dynamic index, it's possible that the value } { is entirely in valuereg. } { get the data in valuereg in the right place } a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,valuereg); if (subsetsize in [OS_S8..OS_S128]) then begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,AIntBits-loadbitsize,valuereg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SAR,OS_INT,AIntBits-sref.bitlen,valuereg) end else begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,loadbitsize-sref.bitlen,valuereg); if (loadbitsize <> AIntBits) then { mask left over bits } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),valuereg); end; tmpreg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); { the bits in extra_value_reg (if any) start at the most significant bit => } { extra_value_reg must be shr by (loadbitsize-sref.bitlen)+(loadsize-sref.bitindex) } { => = -(sref.bitindex+(sref.bitlen-2*loadbitsize)) } a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_ADD,OS_INT,sref.bitlen-2*loadbitsize,sref.bitindexreg,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NEG,OS_INT,tmpreg,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,tmpreg,extra_value_reg); { if there are no bits in extra_value_reg, then sref.bitindex was } { < loadsize-sref.bitlen, and therefore tmpreg will now be >= loadsize } { => extra_value_reg is now 0 } {$ifdef sparc} { except on sparc, where "shr X" = "shr (X and (bitsize-1))" } if (loadbitsize = AIntBits) then begin { if (tmpreg >= cpu_bit_size) then tmpreg := 1 else tmpreg := 0 } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,{$ifdef cpu64bitalu}6{$else}5{$endif},tmpreg); { if (tmpreg = cpu_bit_size) then tmpreg := 0 else tmpreg := -1 } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SUB,OS_INT,1,tmpreg); { if (tmpreg = cpu_bit_size) then extra_value_reg := 0 } a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,tmpreg,extra_value_reg); end; {$endif sparc} { merge } a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,OS_INT,extra_value_reg,valuereg); { no need to mask, necessary masking happened earlier on } end else begin a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,valuereg); { Y-x = -(Y-x) } a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_SUB,OS_INT,loadbitsize,sref.bitindexreg,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NEG,OS_INT,tmpreg,tmpreg); { tmpreg is in the range 1.. -> will zero extra_value_reg } { if all bits are in valuereg } a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,tmpreg,extra_value_reg); {$ifdef x86} { on i386 "x shl 32 = x shl 0", on x86/64 "x shl 64 = x shl 0". Fix so it's 0. } if (loadbitsize = AIntBits) then begin { if (tmpreg >= cpu_bit_size) then tmpreg := 1 else tmpreg := 0 } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,{$ifdef cpu64bitalu}6{$else}5{$endif},tmpreg); { if (tmpreg = cpu_bit_size) then tmpreg := 0 else tmpreg := -1 } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SUB,OS_INT,1,tmpreg); { if (tmpreg = cpu_bit_size) then extra_value_reg := 0 } a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,tmpreg,extra_value_reg); end; {$endif x86} { merge } a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,OS_INT,extra_value_reg,valuereg); { sign extend or mask other bits } if (subsetsize in [OS_S8..OS_S128]) then begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,AIntBits-sref.bitlen,valuereg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SAR,OS_INT,AIntBits-sref.bitlen,valuereg); end else a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),valuereg); end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetref_reg(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, tosize: tcgsize; const sref: tsubsetreference; destreg: tregister); var tmpref: treference; valuereg,extra_value_reg: tregister; tosreg: tsubsetregister; loadsize: tcgsize; loadbitsize: byte; extra_load: boolean; begin get_subsetref_load_info(sref,loadsize,extra_load); loadbitsize := tcgsize2size[loadsize]*8; { load the (first part) of the bit sequence } valuereg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); a_load_ref_reg(list,loadsize,OS_INT,sref.ref,valuereg); if not extra_load then begin { everything is guaranteed to be in a single register of loadsize } if (sref.bitindexreg = NR_NO) then begin { use subsetreg routine, it may have been overridden with an optimized version } tosreg.subsetreg := valuereg; tosreg.subsetregsize := OS_INT; { subsetregs always count bits from right to left } if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then tosreg.startbit := loadbitsize - (sref.startbit+sref.bitlen) else tosreg.startbit := sref.startbit; tosreg.bitlen := sref.bitlen; a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,subsetsize,tosize,tosreg,destreg); exit; end else begin if (sref.startbit <> 0) then internalerror(2006081510); if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,valuereg); if (subsetsize in [OS_S8..OS_S128]) then begin { sign extend to entire register } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,AIntBits-loadbitsize,valuereg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SAR,OS_INT,AIntBits-sref.bitlen,valuereg); end else a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,loadbitsize-sref.bitlen,valuereg); end else begin a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,valuereg); if (subsetsize in [OS_S8..OS_S128]) then begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,AIntBits-sref.bitlen,valuereg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SAR,OS_INT,AIntBits-sref.bitlen,valuereg); end end; { mask other bits/sign extend } if not(subsetsize in [OS_S8..OS_S128]) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),valuereg); end end else begin { load next value as well } extra_value_reg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); tmpref := sref.ref; inc(tmpref.offset,loadbitsize div 8); a_load_ref_reg(list,loadsize,OS_INT,tmpref,extra_value_reg); if (sref.bitindexreg = NR_NO) then { can be overridden to optimize } a_load_subsetref_regs_noindex(list,subsetsize,loadbitsize,sref,valuereg,extra_value_reg) else begin if (sref.startbit <> 0) then internalerror(2006080610); a_load_subsetref_regs_index(list,subsetsize,loadbitsize,sref,valuereg,extra_value_reg); end; end; { store in destination } { avoid unnecessary sign extension and zeroing } valuereg := makeregsize(list,valuereg,OS_INT); destreg := makeregsize(list,destreg,OS_INT); a_load_reg_reg(list,OS_INT,OS_INT,valuereg,destreg); destreg := makeregsize(list,destreg,tosize); end; procedure tcg.a_load_reg_subsetref(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; fromreg: tregister; const sref: tsubsetreference); begin a_load_regconst_subsetref_intern(list,fromsize,subsetsize,fromreg,sref,SL_REG); end; procedure tcg.a_load_regconst_subsetref_intern(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; fromreg: tregister; const sref: tsubsetreference; slopt: tsubsetloadopt); var tmpreg, tmpindexreg, valuereg, extra_value_reg, maskreg: tregister; tosreg, fromsreg: tsubsetregister; tmpref: treference; bitmask: aword; loadsize: tcgsize; loadbitsize: byte; extra_load: boolean; begin { the register must be able to contain the requested value } if (tcgsize2size[fromsize]*8 < sref.bitlen) then internalerror(2006081613); get_subsetref_load_info(sref,loadsize,extra_load); loadbitsize := tcgsize2size[loadsize]*8; { load the (first part) of the bit sequence } valuereg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); a_load_ref_reg(list,loadsize,OS_INT,sref.ref,valuereg); { constant offset of bit sequence? } if not extra_load then begin if (sref.bitindexreg = NR_NO) then begin { use subsetreg routine, it may have been overridden with an optimized version } tosreg.subsetreg := valuereg; tosreg.subsetregsize := OS_INT; { subsetregs always count bits from right to left } if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then tosreg.startbit := loadbitsize - (sref.startbit+sref.bitlen) else tosreg.startbit := sref.startbit; tosreg.bitlen := sref.bitlen; a_load_regconst_subsetreg_intern(list,fromsize,subsetsize,fromreg,tosreg,slopt); end else begin if (sref.startbit <> 0) then internalerror(2006081710); { should be handled by normal code and will give wrong result } { on x86 for the '1 shl bitlen' below } if (sref.bitlen = AIntBits) then internalerror(2006081711); { zero the bits we have to insert } if (slopt <> SL_SETMAX) then begin maskreg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1) shl (loadbitsize-sref.bitlen),maskreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,maskreg); end else begin a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),maskreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,maskreg); end; a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NOT,OS_INT,maskreg,maskreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,maskreg,valuereg); end; { insert the value } if (slopt <> SL_SETZERO) then begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); if (slopt <> SL_SETMAX) then a_load_reg_reg(list,fromsize,OS_INT,fromreg,tmpreg) else if (sref.bitlen <> AIntBits) then a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen) - 1), tmpreg) else a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,-1,tmpreg); if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,loadbitsize-sref.bitlen,tmpreg); if not(slopt in [SL_REGNOSRCMASK,SL_SETMAX]) then begin if (loadbitsize <> AIntBits) then bitmask := (((aword(1) shl loadbitsize)-1) xor ((aword(1) shl (loadbitsize-sref.bitlen))-1)) else bitmask := (high(aword) xor ((aword(1) shl (loadbitsize-sref.bitlen))-1)); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,bitmask,tmpreg); end; a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,tmpreg); end else begin if not(slopt in [SL_REGNOSRCMASK,SL_SETMAX]) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,tmpreg); end; a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,OS_INT,tmpreg,valuereg); end; end; { store back to memory } valuereg := makeregsize(list,valuereg,loadsize); a_load_reg_ref(list,loadsize,loadsize,valuereg,sref.ref); exit; end else begin { load next value } extra_value_reg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); tmpref := sref.ref; inc(tmpref.offset,loadbitsize div 8); { should maybe be taken out too, can be done more efficiently } { on e.g. i386 with shld/shrd } if (sref.bitindexreg = NR_NO) then begin a_load_ref_reg(list,loadsize,OS_INT,tmpref,extra_value_reg); fromsreg.subsetreg := fromreg; fromsreg.subsetregsize := fromsize; tosreg.subsetreg := valuereg; tosreg.subsetregsize := OS_INT; { transfer first part } fromsreg.bitlen := loadbitsize-sref.startbit; tosreg.bitlen := fromsreg.bitlen; if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin { valuereg must contain the upper bits of the value at bits [0..loadbitsize-startbit] } { upper bits of the value ... } fromsreg.startbit := sref.bitlen-(loadbitsize-sref.startbit); { ... to bit 0 } tosreg.startbit := 0 end else begin { valuereg must contain the lower bits of the value at bits [startbit..loadbitsize] } { lower bits of the value ... } fromsreg.startbit := 0; { ... to startbit } tosreg.startbit := sref.startbit; end; a_load_subsetreg_subsetreg(list,subsetsize,subsetsize,fromsreg,tosreg); valuereg := makeregsize(list,valuereg,loadsize); a_load_reg_ref(list,loadsize,loadsize,valuereg,sref.ref); { transfer second part } if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin { extra_value_reg must contain the lower bits of the value at bits } { [(loadbitsize-(bitlen-(loadbitsize-startbit)))..loadbitsize] } { (loadbitsize-(bitlen-(loadbitsize-startbit))) = 2*loadbitsize } { - bitlen - startbit } fromsreg.startbit := 0; tosreg.startbit := 2*loadbitsize - sref.bitlen - sref.startbit end else begin { extra_value_reg must contain the upper bits of the value at bits [0..bitlen-(loadbitsize-startbit)] } fromsreg.startbit := fromsreg.bitlen; tosreg.startbit := 0; end; tosreg.subsetreg := extra_value_reg; fromsreg.bitlen := sref.bitlen-fromsreg.bitlen; tosreg.bitlen := fromsreg.bitlen; a_load_subsetreg_subsetreg(list,fromsize,subsetsize,fromsreg,tosreg); extra_value_reg := makeregsize(list,extra_value_reg,loadsize); a_load_reg_ref(list,loadsize,loadsize,extra_value_reg,tmpref); exit; end else begin if (sref.startbit <> 0) then internalerror(2006081812); { should be handled by normal code and will give wrong result } { on x86 for the '1 shl bitlen' below } if (sref.bitlen = AIntBits) then internalerror(2006081713); { generate mask to zero the bits we have to insert } if (slopt <> SL_SETMAX) then begin maskreg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,aint(((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1) shl (loadbitsize-sref.bitlen)),maskreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,maskreg); end else begin a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),maskreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,maskreg); end; a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NOT,OS_INT,maskreg,maskreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,maskreg,valuereg); end; { insert the value } if (slopt <> SL_SETZERO) then begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); if (slopt <> SL_SETMAX) then a_load_reg_reg(list,fromsize,OS_INT,fromreg,tmpreg) else if (sref.bitlen <> AIntBits) then a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen) - 1), tmpreg) else a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,-1,tmpreg); if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,loadbitsize-sref.bitlen,tmpreg); if not(slopt in [SL_REGNOSRCMASK,SL_SETMAX]) then { mask left over bits } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,aint(((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1) shl (loadbitsize-sref.bitlen)),tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,tmpreg); end else begin if not(slopt in [SL_REGNOSRCMASK,SL_SETMAX]) then { mask left over bits } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,sref.bitindexreg,tmpreg); end; a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,OS_INT,tmpreg,valuereg); end; valuereg := makeregsize(list,valuereg,loadsize); a_load_reg_ref(list,loadsize,loadsize,valuereg,sref.ref); a_load_ref_reg(list,loadsize,OS_INT,tmpref,extra_value_reg); tmpindexreg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); { load current array value } if (slopt <> SL_SETZERO) then begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); if (slopt <> SL_SETMAX) then a_load_reg_reg(list,fromsize,OS_INT,fromreg,tmpreg) else if (sref.bitlen <> AIntBits) then a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen) - 1), tmpreg) else a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,-1,tmpreg); end; { generate mask to zero the bits we have to insert } if (slopt <> SL_SETMAX) then begin maskreg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then begin a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_ADD,OS_INT,sref.bitlen-2*loadbitsize,sref.bitindexreg,tmpindexreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NEG,OS_INT,tmpindexreg,tmpindexreg); a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),maskreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,tmpindexreg,maskreg); {$ifdef sparc} { on sparc, "shr X" = "shr (X and (bitsize-1))" -> fix so shr (x>32) = 0 } if (loadbitsize = AIntBits) then begin { if (tmpindexreg >= cpu_bit_size) then tmpreg := 1 else tmpreg := 0 } a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,{$ifdef cpu64bitalu}6{$else}5{$endif},tmpindexreg,valuereg); { if (tmpindexreg = cpu_bit_size) then maskreg := 0 else maskreg := -1 } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SUB,OS_INT,1,valuereg); { if (tmpindexreg = cpu_bit_size) then maskreg := 0 } if (slopt <> SL_SETZERO) then a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,valuereg,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,valuereg,maskreg); end; {$endif sparc} end else begin { Y-x = -(Y-x) } a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_SUB,OS_INT,loadbitsize,sref.bitindexreg,tmpindexreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NEG,OS_INT,tmpindexreg,tmpindexreg); a_load_const_reg(list,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),maskreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,tmpindexreg,maskreg); {$ifdef x86} { on i386 "x shl 32 = x shl 0", on x86/64 "x shl 64 = x shl 0". Fix so it's 0. } if (loadbitsize = AIntBits) then begin valuereg := getintregister(list,OS_INT); { if (tmpindexreg >= cpu_bit_size) then valuereg := 1 else valuereg := 0 } a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,{$ifdef cpu64bitalu}6{$else}5{$endif},tmpindexreg,valuereg); { if (tmpindexreg = cpu_bit_size) then valuereg := 0 else valuereg := -1 } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SUB,OS_INT,1,valuereg); { if (tmpindexreg = cpu_bit_size) then tmpreg := maskreg := 0 } if (slopt <> SL_SETZERO) then a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,valuereg,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,valuereg,maskreg); end; {$endif x86} end; a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NOT,OS_INT,maskreg,maskreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,maskreg,extra_value_reg); end; if (slopt <> SL_SETZERO) then begin if (target_info.endian = endian_big) then a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_INT,tmpindexreg,tmpreg) else begin if not(slopt in [SL_REGNOSRCMASK,SL_SETMAX]) then a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,aint((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen)-1),tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_INT,tmpindexreg,tmpreg); end; a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,OS_INT,tmpreg,extra_value_reg); end; extra_value_reg := makeregsize(list,extra_value_reg,loadsize); a_load_reg_ref(list,loadsize,loadsize,extra_value_reg,tmpref); end; end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetref_subsetref(list: TAsmlist; fromsubsetsize, tosubsetsize : tcgsize; const fromsref, tosref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,tosubsetsize); a_load_subsetref_reg(list,fromsubsetsize,tosubsetsize,fromsref,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetref(list,tosubsetsize,tosubsetsize,tmpreg,tosref); end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetref_ref(list : TAsmList; subsetsize, tosize: tcgsize; const sref: tsubsetreference; const destref: treference); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,tosize); a_load_subsetref_reg(list,subsetsize,tosize,sref,tmpreg); a_load_reg_ref(list,tosize,tosize,tmpreg,destref); end; procedure tcg.a_load_ref_subsetref(list : TAsmList; fromsize, subsetsize: tcgsize; const fromref: treference; const sref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,subsetsize); a_load_ref_reg(list,fromsize,subsetsize,fromref,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetref(list,subsetsize,subsetsize,tmpreg,sref); end; procedure tcg.a_load_const_subsetref(list: TAsmlist; subsetsize: tcgsize; a: aint; const sref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg: tregister; slopt: tsubsetloadopt; begin { perform masking of the source value in advance } slopt := SL_REGNOSRCMASK; if (sref.bitlen <> AIntBits) then aword(a) := aword(a) and ((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen) -1); if ( { broken x86 "x shl regbitsize = x" } ((sref.bitlen <> AIntBits) and ((aword(a) and ((aword(1) shl sref.bitlen) -1)) = (aword(1) shl sref.bitlen) -1)) or ((sref.bitlen = AIntBits) and (a = -1)) ) then slopt := SL_SETMAX else if (a = 0) then slopt := SL_SETZERO; tmpreg := getintregister(list,subsetsize); if not(slopt in [SL_SETZERO,SL_SETMAX]) then a_load_const_reg(list,subsetsize,a,tmpreg); a_load_regconst_subsetref_intern(list,subsetsize,subsetsize,tmpreg,sref,slopt); end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetref_loc(list: TAsmlist; subsetsize: tcgsize; const sref: tsubsetreference; const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load_subsetref_ref(list,subsetsize,loc.size,sref,loc.reference); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_subsetref_reg(list,subsetsize,loc.size,sref,loc.register); LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_load_subsetref_subsetreg(list,subsetsize,loc.size,sref,loc.sreg); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load_subsetref_subsetref(list,subsetsize,loc.size,sref,loc.sref); else internalerror(200608054); end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetref_subsetreg(list: TAsmlist; fromsubsetsize, tosubsetsize : tcgsize; const fromsref: tsubsetreference; const tosreg: tsubsetregister); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,tosubsetsize); a_load_subsetref_reg(list,fromsubsetsize,tosubsetsize,fromsref,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetreg(list,tosubsetsize,tosubsetsize,tmpreg,tosreg); end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetreg_subsetref(list: TAsmlist; fromsubsetsize, tosubsetsize : tcgsize; const fromsreg: tsubsetregister; const tosref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list,tosubsetsize); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,fromsubsetsize,tosubsetsize,fromsreg,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetref(list,tosubsetsize,tosubsetsize,tmpreg,tosref); end; {$ifdef rangeon} {$r+} {$undef rangeon} {$endif} {$ifdef overflowon} {$q+} {$undef overflowon} {$endif} { generic bit address calculation routines } function tcg.get_bit_const_ref_sref(bitnumber: aint; const ref: treference): tsubsetreference; begin result.ref:=ref; inc(result.ref.offset,bitnumber div 8); result.bitindexreg:=NR_NO; result.startbit:=bitnumber mod 8; result.bitlen:=1; end; function tcg.get_bit_const_reg_sreg(setregsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; setreg: tregister): tsubsetregister; begin result.subsetreg:=setreg; result.subsetregsize:=setregsize; { subsetregs always count from the least significant to the most significant bit } if (target_info.endian=endian_big) then result.startbit:=(tcgsize2size[setregsize]*8)-bitnumber-1 else result.startbit:=bitnumber; result.bitlen:=1; end; function tcg.get_bit_reg_ref_sref(list: TAsmList; bitnumbersize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const ref: treference): tsubsetreference; var tmpreg, tmpaddrreg: tregister; begin result.ref:=ref; result.startbit:=0; result.bitlen:=1; tmpreg:=getintregister(list,bitnumbersize); a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,bitnumbersize,3,bitnumber,tmpreg); tmpaddrreg:=getaddressregister(list); a_load_reg_reg(list,bitnumbersize,OS_ADDR,tmpreg,tmpaddrreg); if (result.ref.base=NR_NO) then result.ref.base:=tmpaddrreg else if (result.ref.index=NR_NO) then result.ref.index:=tmpaddrreg else begin a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_ADD,OS_ADDR,result.ref.index,tmpaddrreg); result.ref.index:=tmpaddrreg; end; tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_INT); a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,OS_INT,7,bitnumber,tmpreg); result.bitindexreg:=tmpreg; end; { bit testing routines } procedure tcg.a_bit_test_reg_reg_reg(list : TAsmList; bitnumbersize,valuesize,destsize: tcgsize;bitnumber,value,destreg: tregister); var tmpvalue: tregister; begin tmpvalue:=getintregister(list,valuesize); if (target_info.endian=endian_little) then begin { rotate value register "bitnumber" bits to the right } a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,valuesize,bitnumber,value,tmpvalue); { extract the bit we want } a_op_const_reg(list,OP_AND,valuesize,1,tmpvalue); end else begin { highest (leftmost) bit = bit 0 -> shl bitnumber results in wanted } { bit in uppermost position, then move it to the lowest position } { "and" is not necessary since combination of shl/shr will clear } { all other bits } a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,valuesize,bitnumber,value,tmpvalue); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,valuesize,tcgsize2size[valuesize]*8-1,tmpvalue); end; a_load_reg_reg(list,valuesize,destsize,tmpvalue,destreg); end; procedure tcg.a_bit_test_const_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const ref: treference; destreg: tregister); begin a_load_subsetref_reg(list,OS_8,destsize,get_bit_const_ref_sref(bitnumber,ref),destreg); end; procedure tcg.a_bit_test_const_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; setregsize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; setreg, destreg: tregister); begin a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,setregsize,destsize,get_bit_const_reg_sreg(setregsize,bitnumber,setreg),destreg); end; procedure tcg.a_bit_test_const_subsetreg_reg(list: TAsmList; setregsize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const setreg: tsubsetregister; destreg: tregister); var tmpsreg: tsubsetregister; begin { the first parameter is used to calculate the bit offset in } { case of big endian, and therefore must be the size of the } { set and not of the whole subsetreg } tmpsreg:=get_bit_const_reg_sreg(setregsize,bitnumber,setreg.subsetreg); { now fix the size of the subsetreg } tmpsreg.subsetregsize:=setreg.subsetregsize; { correct offset of the set in the subsetreg } inc(tmpsreg.startbit,setreg.startbit); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,setregsize,destsize,tmpsreg,destreg); end; procedure tcg.a_bit_test_reg_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; bitnumbersize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const ref: treference; destreg: tregister); begin a_load_subsetref_reg(list,OS_8,destsize,get_bit_reg_ref_sref(list,bitnumbersize,bitnumber,ref),destreg); end; procedure tcg.a_bit_test_reg_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; bitnumbersize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const loc: tlocation; destreg: tregister); var tmpreg: tregister; begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_bit_test_reg_ref_reg(list,bitnumbersize,destsize,bitnumber,loc.reference,destreg); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER, LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG, LOC_CONSTANT: begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: tmpreg:=loc.register; LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,loc.size); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,loc.size,loc.size,loc.sreg,tmpreg); end; LOC_CONSTANT: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,loc.size); a_load_const_reg(list,loc.size,loc.value,tmpreg); end; end; a_bit_test_reg_reg_reg(list,bitnumbersize,loc.size,destsize,bitnumber,tmpreg,destreg); end; { LOC_SUBSETREF is not possible, because sets are not (yet) bitpacked } else internalerror(2007051701); end; end; procedure tcg.a_bit_test_const_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const loc: tlocation; destreg: tregister); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_bit_test_const_ref_reg(list,destsize,bitnumber,loc.reference,destreg); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_bit_test_const_reg_reg(list,loc.size,destsize,bitnumber,loc.register,destreg); LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_bit_test_const_subsetreg_reg(list,loc.size,destsize,bitnumber,loc.sreg,destreg); { LOC_SUBSETREF is not possible, because sets are not (yet) bitpacked } else internalerror(2007051702); end; end; { bit setting/clearing routines } procedure tcg.a_bit_set_reg_reg(list : TAsmList; doset: boolean; bitnumbersize, destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber,dest: tregister); var tmpvalue: tregister; begin tmpvalue:=getintregister(list,destsize); if (target_info.endian=endian_little) then begin a_load_const_reg(list,destsize,1,tmpvalue); { rotate bit "bitnumber" bits to the left } a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHL,destsize,bitnumber,tmpvalue); end else begin { highest (leftmost) bit = bit 0 -> "$80/$8000/$80000000/ ... } { shr bitnumber" results in correct mask } a_load_const_reg(list,destsize,1 shl (tcgsize2size[destsize]*8-1),tmpvalue); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_SHR,destsize,bitnumber,tmpvalue); end; { set/clear the bit we want } if (doset) then a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,destsize,tmpvalue,dest) else begin a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_NOT,destsize,tmpvalue,tmpvalue); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_AND,destsize,tmpvalue,dest) end; end; procedure tcg.a_bit_set_const_ref(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean;destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const ref: treference); begin a_load_const_subsetref(list,OS_8,ord(doset),get_bit_const_ref_sref(bitnumber,ref)); end; procedure tcg.a_bit_set_const_reg(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; destreg: tregister); begin a_load_const_subsetreg(list,OS_8,ord(doset),get_bit_const_reg_sreg(destsize,bitnumber,destreg)); end; procedure tcg.a_bit_set_const_subsetreg(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; destsize: tcgsize; bitnumber: aint; const destreg: tsubsetregister); var tmpsreg: tsubsetregister; begin { the first parameter is used to calculate the bit offset in } { case of big endian, and therefore must be the size of the } { set and not of the whole subsetreg } tmpsreg:=get_bit_const_reg_sreg(destsize,bitnumber,destreg.subsetreg); { now fix the size of the subsetreg } tmpsreg.subsetregsize:=destreg.subsetregsize; { correct offset of the set in the subsetreg } inc(tmpsreg.startbit,destreg.startbit); a_load_const_subsetreg(list,OS_8,ord(doset),tmpsreg); end; procedure tcg.a_bit_set_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; bitnumbersize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const ref: treference); begin a_load_const_subsetref(list,OS_8,ord(doset),get_bit_reg_ref_sref(list,bitnumbersize,bitnumber,ref)); end; procedure tcg.a_bit_set_reg_loc(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; bitnumbersize: tcgsize; bitnumber: tregister; const loc: tlocation); var tmpreg: tregister; begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE: a_bit_set_reg_ref(list,doset,bitnumbersize,bitnumber,loc.reference); LOC_CREGISTER: a_bit_set_reg_reg(list,doset,bitnumbersize,loc.size,bitnumber,loc.register); { e.g. a 2-byte set in a record regvar } LOC_CSUBSETREG: begin { hard to do in-place in a generic way, so operate on a copy } tmpreg:=getintregister(list,loc.size); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,loc.size,loc.size,loc.sreg,tmpreg); a_bit_set_reg_reg(list,doset,bitnumbersize,loc.size,bitnumber,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetreg(list,loc.size,loc.size,tmpreg,loc.sreg); end; { LOC_SUBSETREF is not possible, because sets are not (yet) bitpacked } else internalerror(2007051703) end; end; procedure tcg.a_bit_set_const_loc(list: TAsmList; doset: boolean; bitnumber: aint; const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE: a_bit_set_const_ref(list,doset,loc.size,bitnumber,loc.reference); LOC_CREGISTER: a_bit_set_const_reg(list,doset,loc.size,bitnumber,loc.register); LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_bit_set_const_subsetreg(list,doset,loc.size,bitnumber,loc.sreg); { LOC_SUBSETREF is not possible, because sets are not (yet) bitpacked } else internalerror(2007051704) end; end; { memory/register loading } procedure tcg.a_load_reg_ref_unaligned(list : TAsmList;fromsize,tosize : tcgsize;register : tregister;const ref : treference); var tmpref : treference; tmpreg : tregister; i : longint; begin if ref.alignment<>0 then begin tmpref:=ref; { we take care of the alignment now } tmpref.alignment:=0; case FromSize of OS_16,OS_S16: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_16); a_load_reg_reg(list,fromsize,OS_16,register,tmpreg); if target_info.endian=endian_big then inc(tmpref.offset); tmpreg:=makeregsize(list,tmpreg,OS_8); a_load_reg_ref(list,OS_8,OS_8,tmpreg,tmpref); tmpreg:=makeregsize(list,tmpreg,OS_16); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_16,8,tmpreg); if target_info.endian=endian_big then dec(tmpref.offset) else inc(tmpref.offset); tmpreg:=makeregsize(list,tmpreg,OS_8); a_load_reg_ref(list,OS_8,OS_8,tmpreg,tmpref); end; OS_32,OS_S32: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_32); a_load_reg_reg(list,fromsize,OS_32,register,tmpreg); if target_info.endian=endian_big then inc(tmpref.offset,3); tmpreg:=makeregsize(list,tmpreg,OS_8); a_load_reg_ref(list,OS_8,OS_8,tmpreg,tmpref); tmpreg:=makeregsize(list,tmpreg,OS_32); for i:=1 to 3 do begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHR,OS_32,8,tmpreg); if target_info.endian=endian_big then dec(tmpref.offset) else inc(tmpref.offset); tmpreg:=makeregsize(list,tmpreg,OS_8); a_load_reg_ref(list,OS_8,OS_8,tmpreg,tmpref); tmpreg:=makeregsize(list,tmpreg,OS_32); end; end else a_load_reg_ref(list,fromsize,tosize,register,tmpref); end; end else a_load_reg_ref(list,fromsize,tosize,register,ref); end; procedure tcg.a_load_ref_reg_unaligned(list : TAsmList;fromsize,tosize : tcgsize;const ref : treference;register : tregister); var tmpref : treference; tmpreg, tmpreg2 : tregister; i : longint; begin if ref.alignment in [1,2] then begin tmpref:=ref; { we take care of the alignment now } tmpref.alignment:=0; case FromSize of OS_16,OS_S16: if ref.alignment=2 then a_load_ref_reg(list,fromsize,tosize,tmpref,register) else begin { first load in tmpreg, because the target register } { may be used in ref as well } if target_info.endian=endian_little then inc(tmpref.offset); tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_8); a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_8,OS_8,tmpref,tmpreg); tmpreg:=makeregsize(list,tmpreg,OS_16); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_16,8,tmpreg); if target_info.endian=endian_little then dec(tmpref.offset) else inc(tmpref.offset); a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_8,OS_16,tmpref,register); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,OS_16,tmpreg,register); end; OS_32,OS_S32: if ref.alignment=2 then begin if target_info.endian=endian_little then inc(tmpref.offset,2); tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_32); a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_16,OS_32,tmpref,tmpreg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_32,16,tmpreg); if target_info.endian=endian_little then dec(tmpref.offset,2) else inc(tmpref.offset,2); a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_16,OS_32,tmpref,register); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,OS_32,tmpreg,register); end else begin if target_info.endian=endian_little then inc(tmpref.offset,3); tmpreg:=getintregister(list,OS_32); a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_8,OS_32,tmpref,tmpreg); tmpreg2:=getintregister(list,OS_32); for i:=1 to 3 do begin a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SHL,OS_32,8,tmpreg); if target_info.endian=endian_little then dec(tmpref.offset) else inc(tmpref.offset); a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_8,OS_32,tmpref,tmpreg2); a_op_reg_reg(list,OP_OR,OS_32,tmpreg2,tmpreg); end; a_load_reg_reg(list,OS_32,OS_32,tmpreg,register); end else a_load_ref_reg(list,fromsize,tosize,tmpref,register); end; end else a_load_ref_reg(list,fromsize,tosize,ref,register); end; procedure tcg.a_load_ref_ref(list : TAsmList;fromsize,tosize : tcgsize;const sref : treference;const dref : treference); var tmpreg: tregister; begin { verify if we have the same reference } if references_equal(sref,dref) then exit; tmpreg:=getintregister(list,tosize); a_load_ref_reg(list,fromsize,tosize,sref,tmpreg); a_load_reg_ref(list,tosize,tosize,tmpreg,dref); end; procedure tcg.a_load_const_ref(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;a : aint;const ref : treference); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_const_reg(list,size,a,tmpreg); a_load_reg_ref(list,size,size,tmpreg,ref); end; procedure tcg.a_load_const_loc(list : TAsmList;a : aint;const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load_const_ref(list,loc.size,a,loc.reference); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_const_reg(list,loc.size,a,loc.register); LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_load_const_subsetreg(list,loc.size,a,loc.sreg); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load_const_subsetref(list,loc.size,a,loc.sref); else internalerror(200203272); end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_reg_loc(list : TAsmList;fromsize : tcgsize;reg : tregister;const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load_reg_ref(list,fromsize,loc.size,reg,loc.reference); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_reg_reg(list,fromsize,loc.size,reg,loc.register); LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_load_reg_subsetreg(list,fromsize,loc.size,reg,loc.sreg); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load_reg_subsetref(list,fromsize,loc.size,reg,loc.sref); else internalerror(200203271); end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_loc_reg(list : TAsmList; tosize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; reg : tregister); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load_ref_reg(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.reference,reg); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_reg_reg(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.register,reg); LOC_CONSTANT: a_load_const_reg(list,tosize,loc.value,reg); LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.sreg,reg); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load_subsetref_reg(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.sref,reg); else internalerror(200109092); end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_loc_ref(list : TAsmList;tosize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const ref : treference); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load_ref_ref(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.reference,ref); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_reg_ref(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.register,ref); LOC_CONSTANT: a_load_const_ref(list,tosize,loc.value,ref); LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_load_subsetreg_ref(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.sreg,ref); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load_subsetref_ref(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.sref,ref); else internalerror(200109302); end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_loc_subsetreg(list : TAsmList; subsetsize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const sreg : tsubsetregister); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load_ref_subsetreg(list,loc.size,subsetsize,loc.reference,sreg); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_reg_subsetreg(list,loc.size,subsetsize,loc.register,sreg); LOC_CONSTANT: a_load_const_subsetreg(list,subsetsize,loc.value,sreg); LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_load_subsetreg_subsetreg(list,loc.size,subsetsize,loc.sreg,sreg); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load_subsetref_subsetreg(list,loc.size,subsetsize,loc.sref,sreg); else internalerror(2006052310); end; end; procedure tcg.a_load_subsetreg_loc(list: TAsmlist; subsetsize: tcgsize; const sreg: tsubsetregister; const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load_subsetreg_ref(list,subsetsize,loc.size,sreg,loc.reference); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,subsetsize,loc.size,sreg,loc.register); LOC_SUBSETREG,LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_load_subsetreg_subsetreg(list,subsetsize,loc.size,sreg,loc.sreg); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load_subsetreg_subsetref(list,subsetsize,loc.size,sreg,loc.sref); else internalerror(2006051510); end; end; procedure tcg.optimize_op_const(var op: topcg; var a : aint); var powerval : longint; begin case op of OP_OR : begin { or with zero returns same result } if a = 0 then op:=OP_NONE else { or with max returns max } if a = -1 then op:=OP_MOVE; end; OP_AND : begin { and with max returns same result } if (a = -1) then op:=OP_NONE else { and with 0 returns 0 } if a=0 then op:=OP_MOVE; end; OP_DIV : begin { division by 1 returns result } if a = 1 then op:=OP_NONE else if ispowerof2(int64(a), powerval) and not(cs_check_overflow in current_settings.localswitches) then begin a := powerval; op:= OP_SHR; end; end; OP_IDIV: begin if a = 1 then op:=OP_NONE; end; OP_MUL,OP_IMUL: begin if a = 1 then op:=OP_NONE else if a=0 then op:=OP_MOVE else if ispowerof2(int64(a), powerval) and not(cs_check_overflow in current_settings.localswitches) then begin a := powerval; op:= OP_SHL; end; end; OP_ADD,OP_SUB: begin if a = 0 then op:=OP_NONE; end; OP_SAR,OP_SHL,OP_SHR: begin if a = 0 then op:=OP_NONE; end; end; end; procedure tcg.a_loadfpu_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; tosize: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const reg: tregister); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE, LOC_CREFERENCE: a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.reference,reg); LOC_FPUREGISTER, LOC_CFPUREGISTER: a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list,loc.size,tosize,loc.register,reg); else internalerror(200203301); end; end; procedure tcg.a_loadfpu_reg_loc(list: TAsmList; fromsize: tcgsize; const reg: tregister; const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REFERENCE, LOC_CREFERENCE: a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list,fromsize,loc.size,reg,loc.reference); LOC_FPUREGISTER, LOC_CFPUREGISTER: a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list,fromsize,loc.size,reg,loc.register); else internalerror(48991); end; end; procedure tcg.a_loadfpu_ref_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize; const ref1,ref2: treference); var reg: tregister; regsize: tcgsize; begin if (fromsize>=tosize) then regsize:=fromsize else regsize:=tosize; reg:=getfpuregister(list,regsize); a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list,fromsize,regsize,ref1,reg); a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list,regsize,tosize,reg,ref2); end; procedure tcg.a_paramfpu_reg(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;const r : tregister;const cgpara : TCGPara); var ref : treference; begin case cgpara.location^.loc of LOC_FPUREGISTER,LOC_CFPUREGISTER: begin cgpara.check_simple_location; a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list,size,size,r,cgpara.location^.register); end; LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: begin cgpara.check_simple_location; reference_reset_base(ref,cgpara.location^.reference.index,cgpara.location^.reference.offset); a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list,size,size,r,ref); end; LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: begin { paramfpu_ref does the check_simpe_location check here if necessary } tg.GetTemp(list,TCGSize2Size[size],tt_normal,ref); a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list,size,size,r,ref); a_paramfpu_ref(list,size,ref,cgpara); tg.Ungettemp(list,ref); end; else internalerror(2002071004); end; end; procedure tcg.a_paramfpu_ref(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;const ref : treference;const cgpara : TCGPara); var href : treference; begin cgpara.check_simple_location; case cgpara.location^.loc of LOC_FPUREGISTER,LOC_CFPUREGISTER: a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,cgpara.location^.register); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: begin reference_reset_base(href,cgpara.location^.reference.index,cgpara.location^.reference.offset); { concatcopy should choose the best way to copy the data } g_concatcopy(list,ref,href,tcgsize2size[size]); end; else internalerror(200402201); end; end; procedure tcg.a_op_const_ref(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; a: aint; const ref: TReference); var tmpreg : tregister; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,tmpreg); a_op_const_reg(list,op,size,a,tmpreg); a_load_reg_ref(list,size,size,tmpreg,ref); end; procedure tcg.a_op_const_subsetreg(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size, subsetsize : TCGSize; a : aint; const sreg: tsubsetregister); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list, size); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,subsetsize,size,sreg,tmpreg); a_op_const_reg(list,op,size,a,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetreg(list,size,subsetsize,tmpreg,sreg); end; procedure tcg.a_op_const_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size, subsetsize : TCGSize; a : aint; const sref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list, size); a_load_subsetref_reg(list,subsetsize,size,sref,tmpreg); a_op_const_reg(list,op,size,a,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetref(list,size,subsetsize,tmpreg,sref); end; procedure tcg.a_op_const_loc(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; a: aint; const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER, LOC_CREGISTER: a_op_const_reg(list,op,loc.size,a,loc.register); LOC_REFERENCE, LOC_CREFERENCE: a_op_const_ref(list,op,loc.size,a,loc.reference); LOC_SUBSETREG, LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_op_const_subsetreg(list,op,loc.size,loc.size,a,loc.sreg); LOC_SUBSETREF, LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_op_const_subsetref(list,op,loc.size,loc.size,a,loc.sref); else internalerror(200109061); end; end; procedure tcg.a_op_reg_ref(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize;reg: TRegister; const ref: TReference); var tmpreg : tregister; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,op,size,reg,tmpreg); a_load_reg_ref(list,size,size,tmpreg,ref); end; procedure tcg.a_op_ref_reg(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: TCGSize; const ref: TReference; reg: TRegister); var tmpreg: tregister; begin case op of OP_NOT,OP_NEG: { handle it as "load ref,reg; op reg" } begin a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,reg); a_op_reg_reg(list,op,size,reg,reg); end; else begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,op,size,tmpreg,reg); end; end; end; procedure tcg.a_op_reg_subsetreg(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; opsize, subsetsize : TCGSize; reg: TRegister; const sreg: tsubsetregister); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list, opsize); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,subsetsize,opsize,sreg,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,op,opsize,reg,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetreg(list,opsize,subsetsize,tmpreg,sreg); end; procedure tcg.a_op_reg_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; opsize, subsetsize : TCGSize; reg: TRegister; const sref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg := getintregister(list, opsize); a_load_subsetref_reg(list,subsetsize,opsize,sref,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,op,opsize,reg,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetref(list,opsize,subsetsize,tmpreg,sref); end; procedure tcg.a_op_reg_loc(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; reg: tregister; const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER, LOC_CREGISTER: a_op_reg_reg(list,op,loc.size,reg,loc.register); LOC_REFERENCE, LOC_CREFERENCE: a_op_reg_ref(list,op,loc.size,reg,loc.reference); LOC_SUBSETREG, LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_op_reg_subsetreg(list,op,loc.size,loc.size,reg,loc.sreg); LOC_SUBSETREF, LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_op_reg_subsetref(list,op,loc.size,loc.size,reg,loc.sref); else internalerror(200109061); end; end; procedure tcg.a_op_ref_loc(list : TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; const ref: TReference; const loc: tlocation); var tmpreg: tregister; begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_op_ref_reg(list,op,loc.size,ref,loc.register); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,loc.size); a_load_ref_reg(list,loc.size,loc.size,ref,tmpreg); a_op_reg_ref(list,op,loc.size,tmpreg,loc.reference); end; LOC_SUBSETREG, LOC_CSUBSETREG: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,loc.size); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,loc.size,loc.size,loc.sreg,tmpreg); a_op_ref_reg(list,op,loc.size,ref,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetreg(list,loc.size,loc.size,tmpreg,loc.sreg); end; LOC_SUBSETREF, LOC_CSUBSETREF: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,loc.size); a_load_subsetreF_reg(list,loc.size,loc.size,loc.sref,tmpreg); a_op_ref_reg(list,op,loc.size,ref,tmpreg); a_load_reg_subsetref(list,loc.size,loc.size,tmpreg,loc.sref); end; else internalerror(200109061); end; end; procedure Tcg.a_op_const_reg_reg(list:TAsmList;op:Topcg;size:Tcgsize; a:aint;src,dst:Tregister); begin a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src,dst); a_op_const_reg(list,op,size,a,dst); end; procedure tcg.a_op_reg_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; src1, src2, dst: tregister); var tmpreg: tregister; begin if (dst<>src1) then begin a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src2,dst); a_op_reg_reg(list,op,size,src1,dst); end else begin { can we do a direct operation on the target register ? } if op in [OP_ADD,OP_MUL,OP_AND,OP_MOVE,OP_XOR,OP_IMUL,OP_OR] then a_op_reg_reg(list,op,size,src2,dst) else begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src2,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg(list,op,size,src1,tmpreg); a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,tmpreg,dst); end; end; end; procedure tcg.a_op_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; a: aint; src, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); begin a_op_const_reg_reg(list,op,size,a,src,dst); ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID; end; procedure tcg.a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tcgsize; src1, src2, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); begin a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,op,size,src1,src2,dst); ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID; end; procedure tcg.a_cmp_const_ref_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;a : aint;const ref : treference; l : tasmlabel); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,tmpreg); a_cmp_const_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,a,tmpreg,l); end; procedure tcg.a_cmp_const_loc_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;a : aint;const loc : tlocation; l : tasmlabel); var tmpreg : tregister; begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_cmp_const_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,a,loc.register,l); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_cmp_const_ref_label(list,size,cmp_op,a,loc.reference,l); LOC_SUBSETREG, LOC_CSUBSETREG: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,loc.size,size,loc.sreg,tmpreg); a_cmp_const_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,a,tmpreg,l); end; LOC_SUBSETREF, LOC_CSUBSETREF: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_subsetref_reg(list,loc.size,size,loc.sref,tmpreg); a_cmp_const_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,a,tmpreg,l); end; else internalerror(200109061); end; end; procedure tcg.a_cmp_ref_reg_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp; const ref: treference; reg : tregister; l : tasmlabel); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,tmpreg); a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,tmpreg,reg,l); end; procedure tcg.a_cmp_reg_ref_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp; reg : tregister; const ref: treference; l : tasmlabel); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,tmpreg); a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,reg,tmpreg,l); end; procedure tcg.a_cmp_reg_loc_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp; reg: tregister; const loc: tlocation; l : tasmlabel); begin a_cmp_loc_reg_label(list,size,swap_opcmp(cmp_op),loc,reg,l); end; procedure tcg.a_cmp_loc_reg_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp; const loc: tlocation; reg : tregister; l : tasmlabel); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER, LOC_CREGISTER: a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,loc.register,reg,l); LOC_REFERENCE, LOC_CREFERENCE : a_cmp_ref_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,loc.reference,reg,l); LOC_CONSTANT: a_cmp_const_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,loc.value,reg,l); LOC_SUBSETREG, LOC_CSUBSETREG: a_cmp_subsetreg_reg_label(list,loc.size,size,cmp_op,loc.sreg,reg,l); LOC_SUBSETREF, LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_cmp_subsetref_reg_label(list,loc.size,size,cmp_op,loc.sref,reg,l); else internalerror(200203231); end; end; procedure tcg.a_cmp_subsetreg_reg_label(list : TAsmList; subsetsize : tcgsize; cmpsize : tcgsize; cmp_op : topcmp; const sreg: tsubsetregister; reg : tregister; l : tasmlabel); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list, cmpsize); a_load_subsetreg_reg(list,subsetsize,cmpsize,sreg,tmpreg); a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list,cmpsize,cmp_op,tmpreg,reg,l); end; procedure tcg.a_cmp_subsetref_reg_label(list : TAsmList; subsetsize : tcgsize; cmpsize : tcgsize; cmp_op : topcmp; const sref: tsubsetreference; reg : tregister; l : tasmlabel); var tmpreg: tregister; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list, cmpsize); a_load_subsetref_reg(list,subsetsize,cmpsize,sref,tmpreg); a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list,cmpsize,cmp_op,tmpreg,reg,l); end; procedure tcg.a_cmp_ref_loc_label(list : TAsmList;size : tcgsize;cmp_op : topcmp;const ref: treference;const loc : tlocation; l : tasmlabel); var tmpreg: tregister; begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_cmp_ref_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,ref,loc.register,l); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,loc.reference,tmpreg); a_cmp_ref_reg_label(list,size,cmp_op,ref,tmpreg,l); end; LOC_SUBSETREG, LOC_CSUBSETREG: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list, size); a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,loc.reference,tmpreg); a_cmp_subsetreg_reg_label(list,loc.size,size,swap_opcmp(cmp_op),loc.sreg,tmpreg,l); end; LOC_SUBSETREF, LOC_CSUBSETREF: begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list, size); a_load_ref_reg(list,size,size,loc.reference,tmpreg); a_cmp_subsetref_reg_label(list,loc.size,size,swap_opcmp(cmp_op),loc.sref,tmpreg,l); end; else internalerror(200109061); end; end; procedure tcg.a_loadmm_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize; const loc: tlocation; const reg: tregister;shuffle : pmmshuffle); begin case loc.loc of LOC_MMREGISTER,LOC_CMMREGISTER: a_loadmm_reg_reg(list,loc.size,size,loc.register,reg,shuffle); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_loadmm_ref_reg(list,loc.size,size,loc.reference,reg,shuffle); else internalerror(200310121); end; end; procedure tcg.a_loadmm_reg_loc(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize; const reg: tregister; const loc: tlocation;shuffle : pmmshuffle); begin case loc.loc of LOC_MMREGISTER,LOC_CMMREGISTER: a_loadmm_reg_reg(list,size,loc.size,reg,loc.register,shuffle); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_loadmm_reg_ref(list,size,loc.size,reg,loc.reference,shuffle); else internalerror(200310122); end; end; procedure tcg.a_parammm_reg(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize; reg: tregister;const cgpara : TCGPara;shuffle : pmmshuffle); var href : treference; begin cgpara.check_simple_location; case cgpara.location^.loc of LOC_MMREGISTER,LOC_CMMREGISTER: a_loadmm_reg_reg(list,size,cgpara.location^.size,reg,cgpara.location^.register,shuffle); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: begin reference_reset_base(href,cgpara.location^.reference.index,cgpara.location^.reference.offset); a_loadmm_reg_ref(list,size,cgpara.location^.size,reg,href,shuffle); end else internalerror(200310123); end; end; procedure tcg.a_parammm_ref(list: TAsmList; size: tcgsize;const ref: treference;const cgpara : TCGPara;shuffle : pmmshuffle); var hr : tregister; hs : tmmshuffle; begin cgpara.check_simple_location; hr:=getmmregister(list,cgpara.location^.size); a_loadmm_ref_reg(list,size,cgpara.location^.size,ref,hr,shuffle); if realshuffle(shuffle) then begin hs:=shuffle^; removeshuffles(hs); a_parammm_reg(list,cgpara.location^.size,hr,cgpara,@hs); end else a_parammm_reg(list,cgpara.location^.size,hr,cgpara,shuffle); end; procedure tcg.a_parammm_loc(list: TAsmList;const loc: tlocation; const cgpara : TCGPara;shuffle : pmmshuffle); begin case loc.loc of LOC_MMREGISTER,LOC_CMMREGISTER: a_parammm_reg(list,loc.size,loc.register,cgpara,shuffle); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_parammm_ref(list,loc.size,loc.reference,cgpara,shuffle); else internalerror(200310123); end; end; procedure tcg.a_opmm_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size : tcgsize;const ref: treference; reg: tregister;shuffle : pmmshuffle); var hr : tregister; hs : tmmshuffle; begin hr:=getmmregister(list,size); a_loadmm_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,hr,shuffle); if realshuffle(shuffle) then begin hs:=shuffle^; removeshuffles(hs); a_opmm_reg_reg(list,op,size,hr,reg,@hs); end else a_opmm_reg_reg(list,op,size,hr,reg,shuffle); end; procedure tcg.a_opmm_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size : tcgsize;reg: tregister; const ref: treference; shuffle : pmmshuffle); var hr : tregister; hs : tmmshuffle; begin hr:=getmmregister(list,size); a_loadmm_ref_reg(list,size,size,ref,hr,shuffle); if realshuffle(shuffle) then begin hs:=shuffle^; removeshuffles(hs); a_opmm_reg_reg(list,op,size,reg,hr,@hs); a_loadmm_reg_ref(list,size,size,hr,ref,@hs); end else begin a_opmm_reg_reg(list,op,size,reg,hr,shuffle); a_loadmm_reg_ref(list,size,size,hr,ref,shuffle); end; end; procedure tcg.a_opmm_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size : tcgsize;const loc: tlocation; reg: tregister;shuffle : pmmshuffle); begin case loc.loc of LOC_CMMREGISTER,LOC_MMREGISTER: a_opmm_reg_reg(list,op,size,loc.register,reg,shuffle); LOC_CREFERENCE,LOC_REFERENCE: a_opmm_ref_reg(list,op,size,loc.reference,reg,shuffle); else internalerror(200312232); end; end; procedure tcg.g_concatcopy_unaligned(list : TAsmList;const source,dest : treference;len : aint); begin g_concatcopy(list,source,dest,len); end; procedure tcg.g_copyshortstring(list : TAsmList;const source,dest : treference;len:byte); var cgpara1,cgpara2,cgpara3 : TCGPara; begin cgpara1.init; cgpara2.init; cgpara3.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,2,cgpara2); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,3,cgpara3); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara3); a_paramaddr_ref(list,dest,cgpara3); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara2); a_paramaddr_ref(list,source,cgpara2); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_param_const(list,OS_INT,len,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara3); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara2); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_SHORTSTR_ASSIGN'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); cgpara3.done; cgpara2.done; cgpara1.done; end; procedure tcg.g_copyvariant(list : TAsmList;const source,dest : treference); var cgpara1,cgpara2 : TCGPara; begin cgpara1.init; cgpara2.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,2,cgpara2); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara2); a_paramaddr_ref(list,dest,cgpara2); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_paramaddr_ref(list,source,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara2); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_VARIANT_COPY_OVERWRITE'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); cgpara2.done; cgpara1.done; end; procedure tcg.g_incrrefcount(list : TAsmList;t: tdef; const ref: treference); var href : treference; incrfunc : string; cgpara1,cgpara2 : TCGPara; begin cgpara1.init; cgpara2.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,2,cgpara2); if is_interfacecom(t) then incrfunc:='FPC_INTF_INCR_REF' else if is_ansistring(t) then incrfunc:='FPC_ANSISTR_INCR_REF' else if is_widestring(t) then incrfunc:='FPC_WIDESTR_INCR_REF' else if is_dynamic_array(t) then incrfunc:='FPC_DYNARRAY_INCR_REF' else incrfunc:=''; { call the special incr function or the generic addref } if incrfunc<>'' then begin paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); { widestrings aren't ref. counted on all platforms so we need the address to create a real copy } if is_widestring(t) then a_paramaddr_ref(list,ref,cgpara1) else { these functions get the pointer by value } a_param_ref(list,OS_ADDR,ref,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,incrfunc); deallocallcpuregisters(list); end else begin reference_reset_symbol(href,RTTIWriter.get_rtti_label(t,initrtti),0); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara2); a_paramaddr_ref(list,href,cgpara2); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_paramaddr_ref(list,ref,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara2); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_ADDREF'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); end; cgpara2.done; cgpara1.done; end; procedure tcg.g_decrrefcount(list : TAsmList;t: tdef; const ref: treference); var href : treference; decrfunc : string; needrtti : boolean; cgpara1,cgpara2 : TCGPara; tempreg1,tempreg2 : TRegister; begin cgpara1.init; cgpara2.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,2,cgpara2); needrtti:=false; if is_interfacecom(t) then decrfunc:='FPC_INTF_DECR_REF' else if is_ansistring(t) then decrfunc:='FPC_ANSISTR_DECR_REF' else if is_widestring(t) then decrfunc:='FPC_WIDESTR_DECR_REF' else if is_dynamic_array(t) then begin decrfunc:='FPC_DYNARRAY_DECR_REF'; needrtti:=true; end else decrfunc:=''; { call the special decr function or the generic decref } if decrfunc<>'' then begin if needrtti then begin reference_reset_symbol(href,RTTIWriter.get_rtti_label(t,initrtti),0); tempreg2:=getaddressregister(list); a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list,href,tempreg2); end; tempreg1:=getaddressregister(list); a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list,ref,tempreg1); if needrtti then begin paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara2); a_param_reg(list,OS_ADDR,tempreg2,cgpara2); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara2); end; paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_param_reg(list,OS_ADDR,tempreg1,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,decrfunc); deallocallcpuregisters(list); end else begin reference_reset_symbol(href,RTTIWriter.get_rtti_label(t,initrtti),0); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara2); a_paramaddr_ref(list,href,cgpara2); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_paramaddr_ref(list,ref,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara2); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_DECREF'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); end; cgpara2.done; cgpara1.done; end; procedure tcg.g_initialize(list : TAsmList;t : tdef;const ref : treference); var href : treference; cgpara1,cgpara2 : TCGPara; begin cgpara1.init; cgpara2.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,2,cgpara2); if is_ansistring(t) or is_widestring(t) or is_interfacecom(t) or is_dynamic_array(t) then a_load_const_ref(list,OS_ADDR,0,ref) else begin reference_reset_symbol(href,RTTIWriter.get_rtti_label(t,initrtti),0); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara2); a_paramaddr_ref(list,href,cgpara2); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_paramaddr_ref(list,ref,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara2); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_INITIALIZE'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); end; cgpara1.done; cgpara2.done; end; procedure tcg.g_finalize(list : TAsmList;t : tdef;const ref : treference); var href : treference; cgpara1,cgpara2 : TCGPara; begin cgpara1.init; cgpara2.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,2,cgpara2); if is_ansistring(t) or is_widestring(t) or is_interfacecom(t) then begin g_decrrefcount(list,t,ref); a_load_const_ref(list,OS_ADDR,0,ref); end else begin reference_reset_symbol(href,RTTIWriter.get_rtti_label(t,initrtti),0); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara2); a_paramaddr_ref(list,href,cgpara2); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_paramaddr_ref(list,ref,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara2); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_FINALIZE'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); end; cgpara1.done; cgpara2.done; end; procedure tcg.g_rangecheck(list: TAsmList; const l:tlocation;fromdef,todef: tdef); { generate range checking code for the value at location p. The type } { type used is checked against todefs ranges. fromdef (p.resultdef) } { is the original type used at that location. When both defs are equal } { the check is also insert (needed for succ,pref,inc,dec) } const aintmax=high(aint); var neglabel : tasmlabel; hreg : tregister; lto,hto, lfrom,hfrom : TConstExprInt; fromsize, tosize: cardinal; from_signed, to_signed: boolean; begin { range checking on and range checkable value? } if not(cs_check_range in current_settings.localswitches) or not(fromdef.typ in [orddef,enumdef]) or { C-style booleans can't really fail range checks, } { all values are always valid } is_cbool(todef) then exit; {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} { handle 64bit rangechecks separate for 32bit processors } if is_64bit(fromdef) or is_64bit(todef) then begin cg64.g_rangecheck64(list,l,fromdef,todef); exit; end; {$endif cpu64bitalu} { only check when assigning to scalar, subranges are different, } { when todef=fromdef then the check is always generated } getrange(fromdef,lfrom,hfrom); getrange(todef,lto,hto); from_signed := is_signed(fromdef); to_signed := is_signed(todef); { check the rangedef of the array, not the array itself } { (only change now, since getrange needs the arraydef) } if (todef.typ = arraydef) then todef := tarraydef(todef).rangedef; { no range check if from and to are equal and are both longint/dword } { (if we have a 32bit processor) or int64/qword, since such } { operations can at most cause overflows (JM) } { Note that these checks are mostly processor independent, they only } { have to be changed once we introduce 64bit subrange types } {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} if (fromdef = todef) and (fromdef.typ=orddef) and (((((torddef(fromdef).ordtype = s64bit) and (lfrom = low(int64)) and (hfrom = high(int64))) or ((torddef(fromdef).ordtype = u64bit) and (lfrom = low(qword)) and (hfrom = high(qword))) or ((torddef(fromdef).ordtype = scurrency) and (lfrom = low(int64)) and (hfrom = high(int64)))))) then exit; {$else cpu64bitalu} if (fromdef = todef) and (fromdef.typ=orddef) and (((((torddef(fromdef).ordtype = s32bit) and (lfrom = int64(low(longint))) and (hfrom = int64(high(longint)))) or ((torddef(fromdef).ordtype = u32bit) and (lfrom = low(cardinal)) and (hfrom = high(cardinal)))))) then exit; {$endif cpu64bitalu} { optimize some range checks away in safe cases } fromsize := fromdef.size; tosize := todef.size; if ((from_signed = to_signed) or (not from_signed)) and (lto<=lfrom) and (hto>=hfrom) and (fromsize <= tosize) then begin { if fromsize < tosize, and both have the same signed-ness or } { fromdef is unsigned, then all bit patterns from fromdef are } { valid for todef as well } if (fromsize < tosize) then exit; if (fromsize = tosize) and (from_signed = to_signed) then { only optimize away if all bit patterns which fit in fromsize } { are valid for the todef } begin {$ifopt Q+} {$define overflowon} {$Q-} {$endif} if to_signed then begin { calculation of the low/high ranges must not overflow 64 bit otherwise we end up comparing with zero for 64 bit data types on 64 bit processors } if (lto = (int64(-1) << (tosize * 8 - 1))) and (hto = (-((int64(-1) << (tosize * 8 - 1))+1))) then exit end else begin { calculation of the low/high ranges must not overflow 64 bit otherwise we end up having all zeros for 64 bit data types on 64 bit processors } if (lto = 0) and (qword(hto) = (qword(-1) >> (64-(tosize * 8))) ) then exit end; {$ifdef overflowon} {$Q+} {$undef overflowon} {$endif} end end; { generate the rangecheck code for the def where we are going to } { store the result } { use the trick that } { a <= x <= b <=> 0 <= x-a <= b-a <=> unsigned(x-a) <= unsigned(b-a) } { To be able to do that, we have to make sure however that either } { fromdef and todef are both signed or unsigned, or that we leave } { the parts < 0 and > maxlongint out } if from_signed xor to_signed then begin if from_signed then { from is signed, to is unsigned } begin { if high(from) < 0 -> always range error } if (hfrom < 0) or { if low(to) > maxlongint also range error } (lto > aintmax) then begin a_call_name(list,'FPC_RANGEERROR'); exit end; { from is signed and to is unsigned -> when looking at to } { as an signed value, it must be < maxaint (otherwise } { it will become negative, which is invalid since "to" is unsigned) } if hto > aintmax then hto := aintmax; end else { from is unsigned, to is signed } begin if (lfrom > aintmax) or (hto < 0) then begin a_call_name(list,'FPC_RANGEERROR'); exit end; { from is unsigned and to is signed -> when looking at to } { as an unsigned value, it must be >= 0 (since negative } { values are the same as values > maxlongint) } if lto < 0 then lto := 0; end; end; hreg:=getintregister(list,OS_INT); a_load_loc_reg(list,OS_INT,l,hreg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SUB,OS_INT,aint(int64(lto)),hreg); current_asmdata.getjumplabel(neglabel); { if from_signed then a_cmp_const_reg_label(list,OS_INT,OC_GTE,aint(hto-lto),hreg,neglabel) else } {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} if qword(hto-lto)>qword(aintmax) then a_cmp_const_reg_label(list,OS_INT,OC_BE,aintmax,hreg,neglabel) else {$endif cpu64bitalu} a_cmp_const_reg_label(list,OS_INT,OC_BE,aint(int64(hto-lto)),hreg,neglabel); a_call_name(list,'FPC_RANGEERROR'); a_label(list,neglabel); end; procedure tcg.g_overflowCheck_loc(List:TAsmList;const Loc:TLocation;def:TDef;ovloc : tlocation); begin g_overflowCheck(list,loc,def); end; procedure tcg.g_flags2ref(list: TAsmList; size: TCgSize; const f: tresflags; const ref:TReference); var tmpreg : tregister; begin tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); g_flags2reg(list,size,f,tmpreg); a_load_reg_ref(list,size,size,tmpreg,ref); end; procedure tcg.g_maybe_testself(list : TAsmList;reg:tregister); var OKLabel : tasmlabel; cgpara1 : TCGPara; begin if (cs_check_object in current_settings.localswitches) or (cs_check_range in current_settings.localswitches) then begin current_asmdata.getjumplabel(oklabel); a_cmp_const_reg_label(list,OS_ADDR,OC_NE,0,reg,oklabel); cgpara1.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_param_const(list,OS_INT,210,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_call_name(list,'FPC_HANDLEERROR'); a_label(list,oklabel); cgpara1.done; end; end; procedure tcg.g_maybe_testvmt(list : TAsmList;reg:tregister;objdef:tobjectdef); var hrefvmt : treference; cgpara1,cgpara2 : TCGPara; begin cgpara1.init; cgpara2.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,2,cgpara2); if (cs_check_object in current_settings.localswitches) then begin reference_reset_symbol(hrefvmt,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(objdef.vmt_mangledname),0); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara2); a_paramaddr_ref(list,hrefvmt,cgpara2); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_param_reg(list,OS_ADDR,reg,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara2); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_CHECK_OBJECT_EXT'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); end else if (cs_check_range in current_settings.localswitches) then begin paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_param_reg(list,OS_ADDR,reg,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_CHECK_OBJECT'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); end; cgpara1.done; cgpara2.done; end; {***************************************************************************** Entry/Exit Code Functions *****************************************************************************} procedure tcg.g_copyvaluepara_openarray(list : TAsmList;const ref:treference;const lenloc:tlocation;elesize:aint;destreg:tregister); var sizereg,sourcereg,lenreg : tregister; cgpara1,cgpara2,cgpara3 : TCGPara; begin { because some abis don't support dynamic stack allocation properly open array value parameters are copied onto the heap } { calculate necessary memory } { read/write operations on one register make the life of the register allocator hard } if not(lenloc.loc in [LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER]) then begin lenreg:=getintregister(list,OS_INT); a_load_loc_reg(list,OS_INT,lenloc,lenreg); end else lenreg:=lenloc.register; sizereg:=getintregister(list,OS_INT); a_op_const_reg_reg(list,OP_ADD,OS_INT,1,lenreg,sizereg); a_op_const_reg(list,OP_IMUL,OS_INT,elesize,sizereg); { load source } sourcereg:=getaddressregister(list); a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list,ref,sourcereg); { do getmem call } cgpara1.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_param_reg(list,OS_INT,sizereg,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_GETMEM'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); cgpara1.done; { return the new address } a_load_reg_reg(list,OS_ADDR,OS_ADDR,NR_FUNCTION_RESULT_REG,destreg); { do move call } cgpara1.init; cgpara2.init; cgpara3.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,2,cgpara2); paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,3,cgpara3); { load size } paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara3); a_param_reg(list,OS_INT,sizereg,cgpara3); { load destination } paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara2); a_param_reg(list,OS_ADDR,destreg,cgpara2); { load source } paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_param_reg(list,OS_ADDR,sourcereg,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara3); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara2); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_MOVE'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); cgpara3.done; cgpara2.done; cgpara1.done; end; procedure tcg.g_releasevaluepara_openarray(list : TAsmList;const l:tlocation); var cgpara1 : TCGPara; begin { do move call } cgpara1.init; paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara1); { load source } paramanager.allocparaloc(list,cgpara1); a_param_loc(list,l,cgpara1); paramanager.freeparaloc(list,cgpara1); allocallcpuregisters(list); a_call_name(list,'FPC_FREEMEM'); deallocallcpuregisters(list); cgpara1.done; end; procedure tcg.g_save_registers(list:TAsmList); var href : treference; size : longint; r : integer; begin { calculate temp. size } size:=0; for r:=low(saved_standard_registers) to high(saved_standard_registers) do if saved_standard_registers[r] in rg[R_INTREGISTER].used_in_proc then inc(size,sizeof(aint)); { mm registers } if uses_registers(R_MMREGISTER) then begin { Make sure we reserve enough space to do the alignment based on the offset later on. We can't use the size for this, because the alignment of the start of the temp is smaller than needed for an OS_VECTOR } inc(size,tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR]); for r:=low(saved_mm_registers) to high(saved_mm_registers) do if saved_mm_registers[r] in rg[R_MMREGISTER].used_in_proc then inc(size,tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR]); end; if size>0 then begin tg.GetTemp(list,size,tt_noreuse,current_procinfo.save_regs_ref); include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_has_saved_regs); { Copy registers to temp } href:=current_procinfo.save_regs_ref; for r:=low(saved_standard_registers) to high(saved_standard_registers) do begin if saved_standard_registers[r] in rg[R_INTREGISTER].used_in_proc then begin a_load_reg_ref(list,OS_ADDR,OS_ADDR,newreg(R_INTREGISTER,saved_standard_registers[r],R_SUBWHOLE),href); inc(href.offset,sizeof(aint)); end; include(rg[R_INTREGISTER].preserved_by_proc,saved_standard_registers[r]); end; if uses_registers(R_MMREGISTER) then begin if (href.offset mod tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR])<>0 then inc(href.offset,tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR]-(href.offset mod tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR])); for r:=low(saved_mm_registers) to high(saved_mm_registers) do begin if saved_mm_registers[r] in rg[R_MMREGISTER].used_in_proc then begin a_loadmm_reg_ref(list,OS_VECTOR,OS_VECTOR,newreg(R_MMREGISTER,saved_mm_registers[r],R_SUBNONE),href,nil); inc(href.offset,tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR]); end; include(rg[R_MMREGISTER].preserved_by_proc,saved_mm_registers[r]); end; end; end; end; procedure tcg.g_restore_registers(list:TAsmList); var href : treference; r : integer; hreg : tregister; begin if not(pi_has_saved_regs in current_procinfo.flags) then exit; { Copy registers from temp } href:=current_procinfo.save_regs_ref; for r:=low(saved_standard_registers) to high(saved_standard_registers) do if saved_standard_registers[r] in rg[R_INTREGISTER].used_in_proc then begin hreg:=newreg(R_INTREGISTER,saved_standard_registers[r],R_SUBWHOLE); { Allocate register so the optimizer does not remove the load } a_reg_alloc(list,hreg); a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_ADDR,OS_ADDR,href,hreg); inc(href.offset,sizeof(aint)); end; if uses_registers(R_MMREGISTER) then begin if (href.offset mod tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR])<>0 then inc(href.offset,tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR]-(href.offset mod tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR])); for r:=low(saved_mm_registers) to high(saved_mm_registers) do begin if saved_mm_registers[r] in rg[R_MMREGISTER].used_in_proc then begin hreg:=newreg(R_MMREGISTER,saved_mm_registers[r],R_SUBNONE); { Allocate register so the optimizer does not remove the load } a_reg_alloc(list,hreg); a_loadmm_ref_reg(list,OS_VECTOR,OS_VECTOR,href,hreg,nil); inc(href.offset,tcgsize2size[OS_VECTOR]); end; end; end; tg.UnGetTemp(list,current_procinfo.save_regs_ref); end; procedure tcg.g_profilecode(list : TAsmList); begin end; procedure tcg.g_exception_reason_save(list : TAsmList; const href : treference); begin a_load_reg_ref(list, OS_INT, OS_INT, NR_FUNCTION_RESULT_REG, href); end; procedure tcg.g_exception_reason_save_const(list : TAsmList; const href : treference; a: aint); begin a_load_const_ref(list, OS_INT, a, href); end; procedure tcg.g_exception_reason_load(list : TAsmList; const href : treference); begin a_load_ref_reg(list, OS_INT, OS_INT, href, NR_FUNCTION_RESULT_REG); end; procedure tcg.g_adjust_self_value(list:TAsmList;procdef: tprocdef;ioffset: aint); var hsym : tsym; href : treference; paraloc : Pcgparalocation; begin { calculate the parameter info for the procdef } if not procdef.has_paraloc_info then begin procdef.requiredargarea:=paramanager.create_paraloc_info(procdef,callerside); procdef.has_paraloc_info:=true; end; hsym:=tsym(procdef.parast.Find('self')); if not(assigned(hsym) and (hsym.typ=paravarsym)) then internalerror(200305251); paraloc:=tparavarsym(hsym).paraloc[callerside].location; while paraloc<>nil do with paraloc^ do begin case loc of LOC_REGISTER: a_op_const_reg(list,OP_SUB,size,ioffset,register); LOC_REFERENCE: begin { offset in the wrapper needs to be adjusted for the stored return address } reference_reset_base(href,reference.index,reference.offset+sizeof(aint)); a_op_const_ref(list,OP_SUB,size,ioffset,href); end else internalerror(200309189); end; paraloc:=next; end; end; procedure tcg.g_external_wrapper(list : TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; const externalname: string); begin a_jmp_name(list,externalname); end; procedure tcg.a_call_name_static(list : TAsmList;const s : string); begin a_call_name(list,s); end; function tcg.g_indirect_sym_load(list:TAsmList;const symname: string): tregister; var l: tasmsymbol; ref: treference; begin result := NR_NO; case target_info.system of system_powerpc_darwin, system_i386_darwin, system_powerpc64_darwin: begin l:=current_asmdata.getasmsymbol('L'+symname+'$non_lazy_ptr'); if not(assigned(l)) then begin l:=current_asmdata.DefineAsmSymbol('L'+symname+'$non_lazy_ptr',AB_LOCAL,AT_DATA); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_picdata].concat(tai_symbol.create(l,0)); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_picdata].concat(tai_const.create_indirect_sym(current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(symname))); {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} current_asmdata.asmlists[al_picdata].concat(tai_const.create_64bit(0)); {$else cpu64bitaddr} current_asmdata.asmlists[al_picdata].concat(tai_const.create_32bit(0)); {$endif cpu64bitaddr} end; result := getaddressregister(list); reference_reset_symbol(ref,l,0); { a_load_ref_reg will turn this into a pic-load if needed } a_load_ref_reg(list,OS_ADDR,OS_ADDR,ref,result); end; end; end; procedure tcg.g_maybe_got_init(list: TAsmList); begin end; {***************************************************************************** TCG64 *****************************************************************************} {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} procedure tcg64.a_op64_const_reg_reg(list: TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64; regsrc,regdst : tregister64); begin a_load64_reg_reg(list,regsrc,regdst); a_op64_const_reg(list,op,size,value,regdst); end; procedure tcg64.a_op64_reg_reg_reg(list: TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst : tregister64); var tmpreg64 : tregister64; begin { when src1=dst then we need to first create a temp to prevent overwriting src1 with src2 } if (regsrc1.reghi=regdst.reghi) or (regsrc1.reglo=regdst.reghi) or (regsrc1.reghi=regdst.reglo) or (regsrc1.reglo=regdst.reglo) then begin tmpreg64.reglo:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); tmpreg64.reghi:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); a_load64_reg_reg(list,regsrc2,tmpreg64); a_op64_reg_reg(list,op,size,regsrc1,tmpreg64); a_load64_reg_reg(list,tmpreg64,regdst); end else begin a_load64_reg_reg(list,regsrc2,regdst); a_op64_reg_reg(list,op,size,regsrc1,regdst); end; end; procedure tcg64.a_op64_const_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size : TCGSize; a : int64; const sref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg64 : tregister64; begin tmpreg64.reglo:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); tmpreg64.reghi:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); a_load64_subsetref_reg(list,sref,tmpreg64); a_op64_const_reg(list,op,size,a,tmpreg64); a_load64_reg_subsetref(list,tmpreg64,sref); end; procedure tcg64.a_op64_reg_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size : TCGSize; reg: tregister64; const sref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg64 : tregister64; begin tmpreg64.reglo:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); tmpreg64.reghi:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); a_load64_subsetref_reg(list,sref,tmpreg64); a_op64_reg_reg(list,op,size,reg,tmpreg64); a_load64_reg_subsetref(list,tmpreg64,sref); end; procedure tcg64.a_op64_ref_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size : TCGSize; const ref: treference; const sref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg64 : tregister64; begin tmpreg64.reglo:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); tmpreg64.reghi:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); a_load64_subsetref_reg(list,sref,tmpreg64); a_op64_ref_reg(list,op,size,ref,tmpreg64); a_load64_reg_subsetref(list,tmpreg64,sref); end; procedure tcg64.a_op64_subsetref_subsetref(list : TAsmList; Op : TOpCG; size : TCGSize; const ssref,dsref: tsubsetreference); var tmpreg64 : tregister64; begin tmpreg64.reglo:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); tmpreg64.reghi:=cg.getintregister(list,OS_32); a_load64_subsetref_reg(list,ssref,tmpreg64); a_op64_reg_subsetref(list,op,size,tmpreg64,dsref); end; procedure tcg64.a_op64_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;value : int64;regsrc,regdst : tregister64;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); begin a_op64_const_reg_reg(list,op,size,value,regsrc,regdst); ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID; end; procedure tcg64.a_op64_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList;op:TOpCG;size : tcgsize;regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst : tregister64;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); begin a_op64_reg_reg_reg(list,op,size,regsrc1,regsrc2,regdst); ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID; end; procedure tcg64.a_load64_loc_subsetref(list : TAsmList;const l: tlocation; const sref : tsubsetreference); begin case l.loc of LOC_REFERENCE, LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load64_ref_subsetref(list,l.reference,sref); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load64_reg_subsetref(list,l.register64,sref); LOC_CONSTANT : a_load64_const_subsetref(list,l.value64,sref); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load64_subsetref_subsetref(list,l.sref,sref); else internalerror(2006082210); end; end; procedure tcg64.a_load64_subsetref_loc(list: TAsmlist; const sref: tsubsetreference; const l: tlocation); begin case l.loc of LOC_REFERENCE, LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load64_subsetref_ref(list,sref,l.reference); LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_load64_subsetref_reg(list,sref,l.register64); LOC_SUBSETREF,LOC_CSUBSETREF: a_load64_subsetref_subsetref(list,sref,l.sref); else internalerror(2006082211); end; end; {$endif cpu64bitalu} initialization ; finalization cg.free; {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} cg64.free; {$endif cpu64bitalu} end.