{ Copyright (c) 1998-2004 by Florian Klaempfl Some basic types and constants for the code generation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } { This unit exports some helper routines which are used across the code generator } unit cgutils; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype, cclasses, aasmbase, cpubase,cgbase; const { implementation of max function using only functionality that can be evaluated as a constant expression by the compiler -- this is basically maxcpureg = max(max(first_int_imreg,first_fpu_imreg),first_mm_imreg)-1 } tmpmaxcpufpuintreg = first_int_imreg + ((first_fpu_imreg - first_int_imreg) * ord(first_int_imreg < first_fpu_imreg)); maxcpuregister = (tmpmaxcpufpuintreg + ((first_mm_imreg - tmpmaxcpufpuintreg) * ord(tmpmaxcpufpuintreg < first_mm_imreg)))-1; type { Set type definition for cpuregisters } tcpuregisterset = set of 0..maxcpuregister; tcpuregisterarray = array of tsuperregister; { use record for type-safety; should only be accessed directly by temp manager } treftemppos = record val: asizeint; end; {$packset 1} { a reference may be volatile for reading, writing, or both. E.g., local variables inside try-blocks are volatile for writes (writes must not be removed, because at any point an exception may be triggered and then all previous writes to the variable must have been performed), but not for reads (these variables' values won't be changed behind the back of the current code just because they're in a try-block) } tvolatility = (vol_read,vol_write); tvolatilityset = set of tvolatility; {$packset default} { reference record, reordered for best alignment } preference = ^treference; treference = record offset : asizeint; symbol, relsymbol : tasmsymbol; temppos : treftemppos; {$if defined(x86)} segment, {$endif defined(x86)} base, index : tregister; refaddr : trefaddr; scalefactor : byte; {$ifdef arm} symboldata : tlinkedlistitem; signindex : shortint; shiftimm : byte; addressmode : taddressmode; shiftmode : tshiftmode; {$endif arm} {$ifdef aarch64} symboldata : tlinkedlistitem; shiftimm : byte; addressmode : taddressmode; shiftmode : tshiftmode; {$endif aarch64} {$ifdef avr} addressmode : taddressmode; {$endif avr} {$ifdef m68k} { indexed increment and decrement mode } { (An)+ and -(An) } direction : tdirection; {$endif m68k} {$ifdef jvm} arrayreftype: tarrayreftype; indexbase: tregister; indexsymbol: tasmsymbol; indexoffset: aint; checkcast: boolean; {$endif jvm} volatility: tvolatilityset; alignment : byte; end; const ctempposinvalid: treftemppos = (val: low(treftemppos.val)); type tsubsetregister = record subsetreg : tregister; startbit, bitlen: byte; subsetregsize: tcgsize; end; tsubsetreference = record ref: treference; bitindexreg: tregister; startbit, bitlen: byte; end; tlocation = record loc : TCGLoc; size : TCGSize; case TCGLoc of {$ifdef cpuflags} LOC_FLAGS : (resflags : tresflags); {$endif cpuflags} LOC_CONSTANT : ( case longint of {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} 1 : (value : Int64); {$else cpu64bitalu} {$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} 1 : (_valuedummy,value : longint); {$else FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} 1 : (value : longint); {$endif FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} {$endif cpu64bitalu} 2 : (value64 : Int64); ); LOC_CREFERENCE, LOC_REFERENCE : (reference : treference); { segment in reference at the same place as in loc_register } LOC_REGISTER, LOC_CREGISTER : ( case longint of 1 : (register : tregister; { some x86_64 targets require two function result registers } registerhi : tregister; {$ifdef m68k} { some m68k OSes require that the result is returned in d0 and a0 the second location must be stored here } registeralias : tregister; {$endif m68k} ); {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} { overlay a 128 Bit register type } 2 : (register128 : tregister128); {$else cpu64bitalu} { overlay a 64 Bit register type } 2 : (register64 : tregister64); {$endif cpu64bitalu} {$ifdef cpu8bitalu} 3 : (registers : array[0..3] of tregister); {$endif cpu8bitalu} ); LOC_SUBSETREG, LOC_CSUBSETREG : ( sreg: tsubsetregister; ); LOC_SUBSETREF : ( sref: tsubsetreference; ); LOC_JUMP : ( truelabel, falselabel: tasmlabel; ); end; { trerefence handling } {# Clear to zero a treference } procedure reference_reset(var ref : treference; alignment: longint; volatility: tvolatilityset); {# Clear to zero a treference, and set is base address to base register. } procedure reference_reset_base(var ref : treference;base : tregister;offset : longint; temppos : treftemppos; alignment : longint; volatility: tvolatilityset); procedure reference_reset_symbol(var ref : treference;sym : tasmsymbol;offset, alignment : longint; volatility: tvolatilityset); { This routine verifies if two references are the same, and if so, returns TRUE, otherwise returns false. } function references_equal(const sref,dref : treference) : boolean; { tlocation handling } { cannot be used for loc_(c)reference, because that one requires an alignment } procedure location_reset(var l : tlocation;lt:TCGNonRefLoc;lsize:TCGSize); { for loc_(c)reference } procedure location_reset_ref(var l : tlocation;lt:TCGRefLoc;lsize:TCGSize; alignment: longint; volatility: tvolatilityset); { for loc_jump } procedure location_reset_jump(out l: tlocation; truelab, falselab: tasmlabel); procedure location_copy(var destloc:tlocation; const sourceloc : tlocation); procedure location_swap(var destloc,sourceloc : tlocation); function location_reg2string(const locreg: tlocation): string; { returns r with the given alignment } function setalignment(const r : treference;b : byte) : treference; { Helper function which calculate "magic" values for replacement of division by constant operation by multiplication. See the "PowerPC compiler developer manual" for more information. N is number of bits to handle, functionality tested for values 32 and 64. } procedure calc_divconst_magic_signed(N: byte; d: aInt; out magic_m: aInt; out magic_s: byte); procedure calc_divconst_magic_unsigned(N: byte; d: aWord; out magic_m: aWord; out magic_add: boolean; out magic_shift: byte); implementation uses systems, verbose, cgobj; {**************************************************************************** TReference ****************************************************************************} procedure reference_reset(var ref: treference; alignment: longint; volatility: tvolatilityset); begin FillChar(ref,sizeof(treference),0); {$ifdef arm} ref.signindex:=1; {$endif arm} ref.alignment:=alignment; ref.volatility:=volatility; ref.temppos:=ctempposinvalid; end; procedure reference_reset_base(var ref: treference; base: tregister; offset : longint; temppos : treftemppos ; alignment : longint; volatility: tvolatilityset); begin reference_reset(ref,alignment,volatility); ref.base:=base; ref.offset:=offset; ref.temppos:=temppos; end; procedure reference_reset_symbol(var ref: treference; sym: tasmsymbol; offset, alignment: longint; volatility: tvolatilityset); begin reference_reset(ref,alignment,volatility); ref.symbol:=sym; ref.offset:=offset; ref.temppos:=ctempposinvalid; end; function references_equal(const sref,dref : treference):boolean; begin references_equal:=CompareByte(sref,dref,sizeof(treference))=0; end; { returns r with the given alignment } function setalignment(const r : treference;b : byte) : treference; begin result:=r; result.alignment:=b; end; {**************************************************************************** TLocation ****************************************************************************} procedure location_reset(var l : tlocation;lt:TCGNonRefLoc;lsize:TCGSize); begin FillChar(l,sizeof(tlocation),0); l.loc:=lt; l.size:=lsize; if l.loc in [LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE,LOC_JUMP] then { call location_reset_ref/jump instead } internalerror(2009020705); end; procedure location_reset_ref(var l: tlocation; lt: TCGRefLoc; lsize: TCGSize; alignment: longint; volatility: tvolatilityset); begin FillChar(l,sizeof(tlocation),0); l.loc:=lt; l.size:=lsize; {$ifdef arm} l.reference.signindex:=1; {$endif arm} l.reference.alignment:=alignment; l.reference.volatility:=volatility; l.reference.temppos:=ctempposinvalid; end; procedure location_reset_jump(out l: tlocation; truelab, falselab: tasmlabel); begin FillChar(l,sizeof(tlocation),0); l.loc:=LOC_JUMP; l.size:=OS_NO; l.truelabel:=truelab; l.falselabel:=falselab; end; procedure location_copy(var destloc:tlocation; const sourceloc : tlocation); begin destloc:=sourceloc; end; procedure location_swap(var destloc,sourceloc : tlocation); var swapl : tlocation; begin swapl := destloc; destloc := sourceloc; sourceloc := swapl; end; function location_reg2string(const locreg: tlocation): string; begin if not (locreg.loc in [LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER, LOC_MMXREGISTER,LOC_CMMXREGISTER, LOC_MMREGISTER,LOC_CMMREGISTER, LOC_FPUREGISTER,LOC_CFPUREGISTER]) then internalerror(2013122301); if locreg.loc in [LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER] then begin case locreg.size of {$if defined(cpu64bitalu)} OS_128,OS_S128: result:=std_regname(locreg.registerhi)+':'+std_regname(locreg.register); {$elseif defined(cpu32bitalu)} OS_64,OS_S64: result:=std_regname(locreg.registerhi)+':'+std_regname(locreg.register); {$elseif defined(cpu16bitalu)} OS_64,OS_S64: if getsupreg(locreg.register)NR_NO then result:=std_regname(locreg.registerhi)+':'+std_regname(locreg.register) else result:=std_regname(locreg.register); end; end; {$push} {$r-,q-} procedure calc_divconst_magic_signed(N: byte; d: aInt; out magic_m: aInt; out magic_s: byte); var p: aInt; ad,anc,delta,q1,r1,q2,r2,t: aWord; two_N_minus_1: aWord; begin assert((d<-1) or (d>1)); two_N_minus_1:=aWord(1) shl (N-1); ad:=abs(d); t:=two_N_minus_1+(aWord(d) shr (N-1)); anc:=t-1-t mod ad; { absolute value of nc } p:=(N-1); { initialize p } q1:=two_N_minus_1 div anc; { initialize q1 = 2**p/abs(nc) } r1:=two_N_minus_1-q1*anc; { initialize r1 = rem(2**p,abs(nc)) } q2:=two_N_minus_1 div ad; { initialize q2 = 2**p/abs(d) } r2:=two_N_minus_1-q2*ad; { initialize r2 = rem(2**p,abs(d)) } repeat inc(p); q1:=2*q1; { update q1 = 2**p/abs(nc) } r1:=2*r1; { update r1 = rem(2**p/abs(nc)) } if (r1>=anc) then { must be unsigned comparison } begin inc(q1); dec(r1,anc); end; q2:=2*q2; { update q2 = 2p/abs(d) } r2:=2*r2; { update r2 = rem(2p/abs(d)) } if (r2>=ad) then { must be unsigned comparison } begin inc(q2); dec(r2,ad); end; delta:=ad-r2; until not ((q1=(nc-r1)) then begin q1:=2*q1+1; { update q1 } r1:=2*r1-nc; { update r1 } end else begin q1:=2*q1; { update q1 } r1:=2*r1; { update r1 } end; if ((r2+1)>=(d-r2)) then begin if (q2>=(two_N_minus_1-1)) then magic_add:=true; q2:=2*q2+1; { update q2 } r2:=2*r2+1-d; { update r2 } end else begin if (q2>=two_N_minus_1) then magic_add:=true; q2:=2*q2; { update q2 } r2:=2*r2+1; { update r2 } end; delta:=d-1-r2; until not ((p<(2*N)) and ((q1