{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Peter Vreman This unit implements the message object This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit cmsgs; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype; const maxmsgidxparts = 20; type ppchar=^pchar; TMsgStr = AnsiString; TArrayOfPChar = array[0..1000] of pchar; PArrayOfPChar = ^TArrayOfPChar; TArrayOfState = array[0..1000] of tmsgstate; PArrayOfState = ^TArrayOfState; PMessage=^TMessage; TMessage=object msgfilename : string; msgintern : boolean; msgallocsize, msgsize, msgparts, msgs : longint; msgtxt : pchar; msgidx : array[1..maxmsgidxparts] of PArrayOfPChar; msgidxmax : array[1..maxmsgidxparts] of longint; msgstates : array[1..maxmsgidxparts] of PArrayOfState; { set if changes with $WARN need to be cleared at next module change } has_local_changes : boolean; constructor Init(n:longint;const idxmax:array of longint); destructor Done; function LoadIntern(p:pointer;n:longint):boolean; function LoadExtern(const fn:string):boolean; procedure ClearIdx; procedure ResetStates; procedure CreateIdx; function GetPChar(nr:longint):pchar; { function ClearVerbosity(nr:longint):boolean; not used anymore } function SetVerbosity(nr:longint;newstate:tmsgstate):boolean; function Get(nr:longint;const args:array of TMsgStr):ansistring; end; { this will read a line until #10 or #0 and also increase p } function GetMsgLine(var p:pchar):string; implementation uses SysUtils, cutils; function MsgReplace(const s:TMsgStr;const args:array of TMsgStr):ansistring; var last, i : longint; hs : TMsgStr; begin if s='' then begin MsgReplace:=''; exit; end; hs:=''; i:=0; last:=0; while (ihigh(idxmax)+1 then fail; for i:=1 to n do begin msgidxmax[i]:=idxmax[i-1]; { create array of msgidx } getmem(msgidx[i],msgidxmax[i]*sizeof(pointer)); fillchar(msgidx[i]^,msgidxmax[i]*sizeof(pointer),0); { create array of states } getmem(msgstates[i],msgidxmax[i]*sizeof(tmsgstate)); { default value for msgstate is ms_on_global } for j:=0 to msgidxmax[i]-1 do msgstates[i]^[j]:=ms_on_global; end; end; destructor TMessage.Done; var i : longint; begin for i:=1 to msgparts do begin freemem(msgidx[i],msgidxmax[i]*sizeof(pointer)); freemem(msgstates[i],msgidxmax[i]*sizeof(tmsgstate)); end; if msgallocsize>0 then begin freemem(msgtxt,msgsize); msgallocsize:=0; end; msgtxt:=nil; msgsize:=0; msgparts:=0; end; function TMessage.LoadIntern(p:pointer;n:longint):boolean; begin msgtxt:=pchar(p); msgsize:=n; msgallocsize:=0; msgintern:=true; ClearIdx; CreateIdx; LoadIntern:=true; end; function TMessage.LoadExtern(const fn:string):boolean; const bufsize=8192; var f : text; error,multiline : boolean; line,i,j : longint; ptxt : pchar; s,s1 : string; buf : pointer; procedure err(const msgstr:TMsgStr); begin writeln('*** PPC, file ',fn,', error in line ',line,': ',msgstr); error:=true; end; begin LoadExtern:=false; getmem(buf,bufsize); { Read the message file } assign(f,fn); {$push}{$I-} reset(f); {$pop} if ioresult<>0 then begin WriteLn('*** PPC, can not open message file ',fn); exit; end; settextbuf(f,buf^,bufsize); { First parse the file and count bytes needed } error:=false; line:=0; multiline:=false; msgsize:=0; while not eof(f) do begin readln(f,s); inc(line); if multiline then begin if s=']' then multiline:=false else inc(msgsize,length(s)+1); { +1 for linebreak } end else begin if (s<>'') and not(s[1] in ['#',';','%']) then begin i:=pos('=',s); if i>0 then begin j:=i+1; if not(s[j] in ['0'..'9']) then err('no number found') else begin while (s[j] in ['0'..'9']) do inc(j); end; if j-i-1<>5 then err('number length is not 5'); if s[j+1]='[' then begin inc(msgsize,j-i); multiline:=true end else inc(msgsize,length(s)-i+1); end else err('no = found'); end; end; end; if multiline then err('still in multiline mode'); if error then begin freemem(buf,bufsize); close(f); exit; end; { now read the buffer in mem } msgallocsize:=msgsize; getmem(msgtxt,msgallocsize); ptxt:=msgtxt; reset(f); while not eof(f) do begin readln(f,s); if multiline then begin if s=']' then begin multiline:=false; { overwrite last eol } dec(ptxt); ptxt^:=#0; inc(ptxt); end else begin move(s[1],ptxt^,length(s)); inc(ptxt,length(s)); ptxt^:=#10; inc(ptxt); end; end else begin if (s<>'') and not(s[1] in ['#',';','%']) then begin i:=pos('=',s); if i>0 then begin j:=i+1; while (s[j] in ['0'..'9']) do inc(j); { multiline start then no txt } if s[j+1]='[' then begin s1:=Copy(s,i+1,j-i); move(s1[1],ptxt^,length(s1)); inc(ptxt,length(s1)); multiline:=true; end else begin { txt including number } s1:=Copy(s,i+1,255); move(s1[1],ptxt^,length(s1)); inc(ptxt,length(s1)); ptxt^:=#0; inc(ptxt); end; end; end; end; end; close(f); freemem(buf,bufsize); { now we can create the index, clear if the previous load was also an external file, because those can't be reused } if not msgintern then ClearIdx; CreateIdx; { set that we've loaded an external file } msgintern:=false; LoadExtern:=true; end; procedure TMessage.ClearIdx; var i : longint; begin { clear } for i:=1 to msgparts do fillchar(msgidx[i]^,msgidxmax[i]*sizeof(pointer),0); end; procedure TMessage.CreateIdx; var hp1, hp,hpend : pchar; code : integer; num : longint; number : string[5]; i : longint; numpart,numidx : longint; begin { process msgtxt buffer } number:='00000'; hp:=msgtxt; hpend:=@msgtxt[msgsize]; while (hp msgparts) then exit; if (nr mod 1000 < msgidxmax[i]) then begin is_global:=(ord(newstate) and ms_global_mask) <> 0; oldstate:=msgstates[i]^[nr mod 1000]; if not is_global then newstate:= tmsgstate((ord(newstate) and ms_local_mask) or (ord(oldstate) and ms_global_mask)); if newstate<>oldstate then has_local_changes:=true; msgstates[i]^[nr mod 1000]:=newstate; result:=true; end; end; { function TMessage.ClearVerbosity(nr:longint):boolean; begin ClearVerbosity:=SetVerbosity(nr,ms_off); end; } function TMessage.Get(nr:longint;const args:array of TMsgStr):ansistring; var hp : pchar; begin if (nr div 1000 < msgparts) and (nr mod 1000 < msgidxmax[nr div 1000]) then hp:=msgidx[nr div 1000]^[nr mod 1000] else hp:=nil; if hp=nil then Get:='msg nr '+tostr(nr) else Get:=MsgReplace(system.strpas(hp),args); end; procedure TMessage.ResetStates; var i,j,glob : longint; state : tmsgstate; begin if not has_local_changes then exit; for i:=1 to msgparts do for j:=0 to msgidxmax[i] - 1 do begin state:=msgstates[i]^[j]; glob:=(ord(state) and ms_global_mask) shr ms_shift; state:=tmsgstate((glob shl ms_shift) or glob); msgstates[i]^[j]:=state; end; has_local_changes:=false; end; end.