{ This unit is the interface of the compiler which can be used by external programs to link in the compiler Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by Florian Klaempfl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ****************************************************************************} unit compiler; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses {$ifdef GO32V2} emu387, {$endif GO32V2} {$ifdef WATCOM} emu387, {$endif WATCOM} {$IFNDEF USE_FAKE_SYSUTILS} sysutils,math, {$ELSE} fksysutl, {$ENDIF} verbose,comphook,systems, cutils,cfileutl,cclasses,globals,options,fmodule,parser,symtable, assemble,link,dbgbase,import,export,tokens,pass_1 { cpu parameter handling } ,cpupara { procinfo stuff } ,cpupi { cpu codegenerator } ,cgcpu {$ifndef NOPASS2} ,cpunode {$endif} { cpu targets } ,cputarg { system information for source system } { the information about the target os } { are pulled in by the t_* units } {$ifdef amiga} ,i_amiga {$endif amiga} {$ifdef atari} ,i_atari {$endif atari} {$ifdef beos} ,i_beos {$endif beos} {$ifdef fbsd} ,i_fbsd {$endif fbsd} {$ifdef gba} ,i_gba {$endif gba} {$ifdef go32v2} ,i_go32v2 {$endif go32v2} {$ifdef linux} ,i_linux {$endif linux} {$ifdef macos} ,i_macos {$endif macos} {$ifdef nds} ,i_nds {$endif nds} {$ifdef nwm} ,i_nwm {$endif nwm} {$ifdef nwl} ,i_nwl {$endif nwm} {$ifdef os2} {$ifdef emx} ,i_emx {$else emx} ,i_os2 {$endif emx} {$endif os2} {$ifdef palmos} ,i_palmos {$endif palmos} {$ifdef solaris} ,i_sunos {$endif solaris} {$ifdef wdosx} ,i_wdosx {$endif wdosx} {$ifdef win32} ,i_win {$endif win32} {$ifdef symbian} ,i_symbian {$endif symbian} ; function Compile(const cmd:string):longint; implementation uses aasmcpu; {$if defined(EXTDEBUG) or defined(MEMDEBUG)} {$define SHOWUSEDMEM} {$endif} var CompilerInitedAfterArgs, CompilerInited : boolean; {**************************************************************************** Compiler ****************************************************************************} procedure DoneCompiler; begin if not CompilerInited then exit; { Free compiler if args are read } if CompilerInitedAfterArgs then begin CompilerInitedAfterArgs:=false; DoneParser; DoneImport; DoneExport; DoneLinker; DoneAsm; end; { Free memory for the others } CompilerInited:=false; do_doneSymbolInfo; DoneSymtable; DoneGlobals; DoneFileUtils; donetokens; end; procedure InitCompiler(const cmd:string); begin if CompilerInited then DoneCompiler; { inits which need to be done before the arguments are parsed } InitSystems; { fileutils depends on source_info so it must be after systems } InitFileUtils; { globals depends on source_info so it must be after systems } InitGlobals; { verbose depends on exe_path and must be after globals } InitVerbose; inittokens; IniTSymtable; {Must come before read_arguments, to enable macrosymstack} do_initSymbolInfo; CompilerInited:=true; { this is needed here for the IDE in case of compilation failure at the previous compile } set_current_module(nil); { read the arguments } read_arguments(cmd); { inits which depend on arguments } InitParser; InitImport; InitExport; InitLinker; InitAsm; CompilerInitedAfterArgs:=true; end; function Compile(const cmd:string):longint; {$maxfpuregisters 0} procedure writepathlist(w:longint;l:TSearchPathList); var hp : TCmdStrListItem; begin hp:=TCmdStrListItem(l.first); while assigned(hp) do begin Message1(w,hp.str); hp:=TCmdStrListItem(hp.next); end; end; var timestr : string[20]; linkstr : string[64]; {$ifdef SHOWUSEDMEM} hstatus : TFPCHeapStatus; {$endif SHOWUSEDMEM} ExceptionMask : TFPUExceptionMask; totaltime : real; begin try try ExceptionMask:=GetExceptionMask; SetExceptionMask([exInvalidOp, exDenormalized, exZeroDivide, exOverflow, exUnderflow, exPrecision]); starttime:=getrealtime; { Initialize the compiler } InitCompiler(cmd); { show some info } Message1(general_t_compilername,FixFileName(system.paramstr(0))); Message1(general_d_sourceos,source_info.name); Message1(general_i_targetos,target_info.name); Message1(general_t_exepath,exepath); WritePathList(general_t_unitpath,unitsearchpath); WritePathList(general_t_includepath,includesearchpath); WritePathList(general_t_librarypath,librarysearchpath); WritePathList(general_t_objectpath,objectsearchpath); { Compile the program } {$ifdef PREPROCWRITE} if parapreprocess then parser.preprocess(inputfilepath+inputfilename) else {$endif PREPROCWRITE} parser.compile(inputfilepath+inputfilename); { Show statistics } if status.errorcount=0 then begin totaltime:=getrealtime-starttime; if totaltime<0 then totaltime:=totaltime+3600.0*24.0; timestr:=tostr(trunc(totaltime))+'.'+tostr(round(frac(totaltime)*10)); if status.codesize<>-1 then linkstr:=', '+tostr(status.codesize)+' ' +strpas(MessagePChar(general_text_bytes_code))+', '+tostr(status.datasize)+' '+strpas(MessagePChar(general_text_bytes_data)) else linkstr:=''; Message3(general_i_abslines_compiled,tostr(status.compiledlines),timestr,linkstr); if (Status.Verbosity and V_Warning = V_Warning) and (Status.CountWarnings <> 0) then Message1 (general_i_number_of_warnings, tostr (Status.CountWarnings)); if (Status.Verbosity and V_Hint = V_Hint) and (Status.CountHints <> 0) then Message1 (general_i_number_of_hints, tostr (Status.CountHints)); if (Status.Verbosity and V_Note = V_Note) and (Status.CountNotes <> 0) then Message1 (general_i_number_of_notes, tostr (Status.CountNotes)); end; finally { no message possible after this !! } DoneCompiler; SetExceptionMask(ExceptionMask); end; DoneVerbose; except on EControlCAbort do begin try { in case of 50 errors, this could cause another exception, suppress this exception } Message(general_f_compilation_aborted); except on ECompilerAbort do ; end; DoneVerbose; end; on ECompilerAbort do begin try { in case of 50 errors, this could cause another exception, suppress this exception } Message(general_f_compilation_aborted); except on ECompilerAbort do ; end; DoneVerbose; end; on ECompilerAbortSilent do begin DoneVerbose; end; on Exception do begin { General catchall, normally not used } try { in case of 50 errors, this could cause another exception, suppress this exception } Message(general_f_compilation_aborted); except on ECompilerAbort do ; end; DoneVerbose; Raise; end; end; {$ifdef SHOWUSEDMEM} hstatus:=GetFPCHeapStatus; Writeln('Max Memory used/heapsize: ',DStr(hstatus.MaxHeapUsed shr 10),'/',DStr(hstatus.MaxHeapSize shr 10),' Kb'); {$endif SHOWUSEDMEM} { Set the return value if an error has occurred } if status.errorcount=0 then result:=0 else result:=1; end; end.