{ Copyright (c) 1998-2008 by Florian Klaempfl Handles the resource files handling This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit comprsrc; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses Systems, cstreams, Script; type tresoutput = (roRES, roOBJ); tresourcefile = class(TAbstractResourceFile) private fname : ansistring; protected function SetupCompilerArguments(output: tresoutput; const OutName : ansistring; respath: ansistring; out ObjUsed : boolean) : ansistring; virtual; public constructor Create(const fn : ansistring);override; function Compile(output: tresoutput; const OutName: ansistring) : boolean; virtual; procedure PostProcessResourcefile(const s : ansistring);virtual; function IsCompiled(const fn : ansistring) : boolean;virtual; procedure Collect(const fn : ansistring);virtual; procedure EndCollect; virtual; end; TWinLikeResourceFile = class(tresourcefile) private fResScript : TScript; fScriptName : ansistring; fCollectCount : integer; protected function SetupCompilerArguments(output: tresoutput; const OutName : ansistring; respath: ansistring; out ObjUsed : boolean) : ansistring; override; public constructor Create(const fn : ansistring);override; destructor Destroy; override; function Compile(output: tresoutput; const OutName: ansistring) : boolean; override; function IsCompiled(const fn : ansistring) : boolean;override; procedure Collect(const fn : ansistring);override; procedure EndCollect; override; end; procedure CompileResourceFiles; procedure CollectResourceFiles; Var ResCompiler : String; RCCompiler : String; implementation uses SysUtils, cutils,cfileutl,cclasses, Globtype,Globals,Verbose,Fmodule, comphook; {**************************************************************************** TRESOURCEFILE ****************************************************************************} constructor tresourcefile.create(const fn : ansistring); begin fname:=fn; end; procedure tresourcefile.PostProcessResourcefile(const s : ansistring); begin end; function tresourcefile.IsCompiled(const fn: ansistring): boolean; begin Result:=CompareText(ExtractFileExt(fn), target_info.resobjext) = 0; end; procedure tresourcefile.Collect(const fn: ansistring); begin if fn='' then exit; fname:=fn; Compile(roOBJ, ChangeFileExt(fn, target_info.resobjext)); end; procedure tresourcefile.EndCollect; begin end; function tresourcefile.SetupCompilerArguments(output: tresoutput; const OutName : ansistring; respath: ansistring; out ObjUsed : boolean) : ansistring; var s : TCmdStr; begin if output=roRES then begin s:=target_res.rccmd; Replace(s,'$RES',maybequoted(OutName)); Replace(s,'$RC',maybequoted(fname)); ObjUsed:=False; end else begin s:=target_res.rescmd; ObjUsed:=(pos('$OBJ',s)>0); Replace(s,'$OBJ',maybequoted(OutName)); Replace(s,'$RES',maybequoted(fname)); end; Result:=s; end; function tresourcefile.compile(output: tresoutput; const OutName: ansistring) : boolean; Function SelectBin(Const Bin1,Bin2 : String) : String; begin If (Bin1<>'') then SelectBin:=Bin1 else SelectBin:=Bin2; end; var respath, s, bin, resbin : TCmdStr; resfound, objused : boolean; begin Result:=true; if output=roRES then Bin:=SelectBin(RCCompiler,target_res.rcbin) else Bin:=SelectBin(ResCompiler,target_res.resbin); if bin='' then begin Result:=false; exit; end; resfound:=false; if utilsdirectory<>'' then resfound:=FindFile(utilsprefix+bin+source_info.exeext,utilsdirectory,false,resbin); if not resfound then begin resfound:=FindExe(utilsprefix+bin,false,resbin); if not resfound and (utilsprefix<>'') and ( (output=roRES) or (Pos('$ARCH', target_res.rescmd)<>0) ) then { Search for resource compiler without utilsprefix, if RC->RES compiler is called } { or RES->OBJ compiler supports different architectures. } resfound:=FindExe(bin,false,resbin); end; { get also the path to be searched for the windres.h } respath:=ExtractFilePath(resbin); if (not resfound) and not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then begin Message1(exec_e_res_not_found, utilsprefix+bin+source_info.exeext); current_settings.globalswitches:=current_settings.globalswitches+[cs_link_nolink]; Result:=false; end; s:=SetupCompilerArguments(output,OutName,respath,objused); { Execute the command } { Always try to compile resources. but don't complain if cs_link_nolink } if resfound then begin Message1(exec_i_compilingresource,fname); Message2(exec_d_resbin_params,resbin,s); FlushOutput; try if ExecuteProcess(resbin,s) <> 0 then begin if not (cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then Message(exec_e_error_while_compiling_resources); current_settings.globalswitches:=current_settings.globalswitches+[cs_link_nolink]; Result:=false; end; except on E:EOSError do begin if not (cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then Message1(exec_e_cant_call_resource_compiler, resbin); current_settings.globalswitches:=current_settings.globalswitches+[cs_link_nolink]; Result:=false; end end; end; { Update asmres when externmode is set and resource compiling failed } if (not Result) and (cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then AsmRes.AddLinkCommand(resbin,s,OutName); if Result and (output=roOBJ) and ObjUsed then current_module.linkunitofiles.add(OutName,link_always); end; constructor TWinLikeResourceFile.Create(const fn : ansistring); begin inherited Create(fn); fResScript:=nil; fCollectCount:=0; if (tf_use_8_3 in target_info.flags) then fScriptName:=ChangeFileExt(fn,'.rls') else fScriptName:=ChangeFileExt(fn,'.reslst'); end; destructor TWinLikeResourceFile.Destroy; begin if fResScript<>nil then fResScript.Free; inherited; end; function TWinLikeResourceFile.SetupCompilerArguments(output: tresoutput; const OutName : ansistring; respath : ansistring; out ObjUsed : boolean) : ansistring; var srcfilepath, preprocessorbin, s : TCmdStr; arch : ansistring; begin srcfilepath:=ExtractFilePath(current_module.mainsource^); if output=roRES then begin s:=target_res.rccmd; Replace(s,'$RES',maybequoted(OutName)); Replace(s,'$RC',maybequoted(fname)); ObjUsed:=False; end else begin s:=target_res.rescmd; if (res_external_file in target_res.resflags) then ObjUsed:=false else ObjUsed:=(pos('$OBJ',s)>0); Replace(s,'$OBJ',maybequoted(OutName)); arch:=cpu2str[target_cpu]; //Differentiate between arm and armeb if (source_info.cpu=cpu_arm) and (source_info.endian=endian_big) then arch:=arch+'eb'; Replace(s,'$ARCH',arch); case target_info.endian of endian_little : Replace(s,'$ENDIAN','littleendian'); endian_big : Replace(s,'$ENDIAN','bigendian'); end; //call resource compiler with debug switch if (status.verbosity and V_Debug)<>0 then Replace(s,'$DBG','-v') else Replace(s,'$DBG',''); if fCollectCount=0 then s:=s+' '+maybequoted(fname) else s:=s+' @'+fScriptName; end; { windres doesn't like empty include paths } if respath='' then respath:='.'; Replace(s,'$INC',maybequoted(respath)); if (output=roRes) and (target_res.rcbin='windres') then begin if (srcfilepath<>'') then s:=s+' --include '+maybequoted(srcfilepath); { try to find a preprocessor } preprocessorbin := respath+'cpp'+source_info.exeext; if FileExists(preprocessorbin,true) then s:=s+' --preprocessor='+preprocessorbin; end; Result:=s; end; function TWinLikeResourceFile.compile(output: tresoutput; const OutName: ansistring) : boolean; begin Result:=inherited compile(output,OutName); //delete fpc-res.lst file if things went well if Result and (output=roOBJ) then DeleteFile(fScriptName); end; function TWinLikeResourceFile.IsCompiled(const fn: ansistring): boolean; const ResSignature : array [1..32] of byte = ($00,$00,$00,$00,$20,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$00,$00, $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00); dfmexts : array[1..3] of string[4] = ('.lfm', '.dfm', '.xfm'); var f : file; oldfmode : byte; buf: array[1..32] of byte; i: longint; ext : shortstring; begin ext:=lower(ExtractFileExt(fn)); Result:=CompareText(ext, target_info.resext) = 0; if not Result then for i:=1 to high(dfmexts) do begin Result:=CompareText(ext, dfmexts[i]) = 0; if Result then break; end; if Result or not FileExists(fn, False) then exit; oldfmode:=Filemode; Filemode:=0; assign(f,fn); reset(f,1); BlockRead(f, buf, SizeOf(buf), i); close(f); Filemode:=oldfmode; if i<>SizeOf(buf) then exit; for i:=1 to 32 do if buf[i]<>ResSignature[i] then exit; Result:=True; end; procedure TWinLikeResourceFile.Collect(const fn: ansistring); begin if fResScript=nil then fResScript:=TScript.Create(fScriptName); fResScript.Add(MaybeQuoted(fn)); inc(fCollectCount); end; procedure TWinLikeResourceFile.EndCollect; begin if fResScript<>nil then begin fResScript.WriteToDisk; FreeAndNil(fResScript); Compile(roOBJ,ChangeFileExt(fname,target_info.resobjext)); end; end; function CopyResFile(inf,outf : TCmdStr) : boolean; var src,dst : TCFileStream; begin { Copy .res file to units output dir. } Result:=false; src:=TCFileStream.Create(inf,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); if CStreamError<>0 then begin Message1(exec_e_cant_open_resource_file, src.FileName); Include(current_settings.globalswitches, cs_link_nolink); exit; end; dst:=TCFileStream.Create(current_module.outputpath^+outf,fmCreate); if CStreamError<>0 then begin Message1(exec_e_cant_write_resource_file, dst.FileName); Include(current_settings.globalswitches, cs_link_nolink); exit; end; dst.CopyFrom(src,src.Size); dst.Free; src.Free; Result:=true; end; procedure CompileResourceFiles; var resourcefile : tresourcefile; res: TCmdStrListItem; p,s : TCmdStr; outfmt : tresoutput; begin { Don't do anything for systems supporting resources without using resource file classes (e.g. Mac OS). They process resources elsewhere. } if (target_info.res<>res_none) and (target_res.resourcefileclass=nil) then exit; p:=ExtractFilePath(current_module.mainsource^); res:=TCmdStrListItem(current_module.ResourceFiles.First); while res<>nil do begin if target_info.res=res_none then Message(scan_e_resourcefiles_not_supported); s:=res.FPStr; if not path_absolute(s) then s:=p+s; if not FileExists(s, True) then begin Message1(exec_e_cant_open_resource_file, s); Include(current_settings.globalswitches, cs_link_nolink); exit; end; resourcefile:=TResourceFile(resinfos[target_info.res]^.resourcefileclass.create(s)); if resourcefile.IsCompiled(s) then begin resourcefile.free; if AnsiCompareText(current_module.outputpath^, p) <> 0 then begin { Copy .res file to units output dir. Otherwise .res file will not be found when only compiled units path is available } res.FPStr:=ExtractFileName(res.FPStr); //store file name only in PPU. if not CopyResFile(s,res.FPStr) then exit; end; end else begin res.FPStr:=ExtractFileName(res.FPStr); if (target_res.rcbin='') and (RCCompiler='') then begin { if target does not have .rc to .res compiler, create obj } outfmt:=roOBJ; res.FPStr:=ChangeFileExt(res.FPStr,target_info.resobjext); end else begin outfmt:=roRES; res.FPStr:=ChangeFileExt(res.FPStr,target_info.resext); end; resourcefile.compile(outfmt, current_module.outputpath^+res.FPStr); resourcefile.free; end; res:=TCmdStrListItem(res.Next); end; end; procedure CollectResourceFiles; var resourcefile : tresourcefile; procedure ProcessModule(u : tmodule); var res : TCmdStrListItem; s : TCmdStr; begin res:=TCmdStrListItem(u.ResourceFiles.First); while assigned(res) do begin if path_absolute(res.FPStr) then s:=res.FPStr else begin s:=u.path^+res.FPStr; if not FileExists(s,True) then s:=u.outputpath^+res.FPStr; end; resourcefile.Collect(s); res:=TCmdStrListItem(res.Next); end; end; var hp : tused_unit; s : TCmdStr; begin if (target_info.res=res_none) or ((target_res.resbin='') and (ResCompiler='')) then exit; // if cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches then // exit; s:=ChangeFileExt(current_module.ppufilename^,target_info.resobjext); if (res_arch_in_file_name in target_res.resflags) then s:=ChangeFileExt(s,'.'+cpu2str[target_cpu]+target_info.resobjext); resourcefile:=TResourceFile(resinfos[target_info.res]^.resourcefileclass.create(s)); hp:=tused_unit(usedunits.first); while assigned(hp) do begin ProcessModule(hp.u); hp:=tused_unit(hp.next); end; ProcessModule(current_module); { Finish collection } resourcefile.EndCollect; resourcefile.free; end; end.