{ Copyright (c) 2007 by Daniel Mantione This unit implements a Tconstexprint type. This type simulates an integer type that can handle numbers from low(int64) to high(qword) calculations. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit constexp; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface type Tconstexprint=record overflow:boolean; case signed:boolean of false: (uvalue:qword); true: (svalue:int64); end; errorproc=procedure (i:longint); {"Uses verbose" gives a dependency on cpuinfo through globals. This leads build trouble when compiling the directory utils, since the cpu directory isn't searched there. Therefore we use a procvar and make verbose install the errorhandler. A dependency from verbose on this unit is no problem.} var internalerrorproc:errorproc; {Same issue, avoid dependency on cpuinfo because the cpu directory isn't searched during utils building.} {$ifdef GENERIC_CPU} type bestreal=extended; {$else} {$ifdef x86} type bestreal=extended; {$else} type bestreal=double; {$endif} {$endif} operator := (const u:qword):Tconstexprint;inline; operator := (const s:int64):Tconstexprint;inline; operator := (const c:Tconstexprint):qword; operator := (const c:Tconstexprint):int64; operator := (const c:Tconstexprint):bestreal; operator + (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator - (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator - (const a:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator * (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator div (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator mod (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator / (const a,b:Tconstexprint):bestreal; operator = (const a,b:Tconstexprint):boolean; operator > (const a,b:Tconstexprint):boolean; operator >= (const a,b:Tconstexprint):boolean; operator < (const a,b:Tconstexprint):boolean; operator <= (const a,b:Tconstexprint):boolean; operator and (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator or (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator xor (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator shl (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; operator shr (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; function tostr(const i:Tconstexprint):shortstring;overload; {****************************************************************************} implementation {****************************************************************************} { use a separate procedure here instead of calling internalerrorproc directly because - procedure variables cannot have a noreturn directive - having a procedure and a procedure variable with the same name in the interfaces of different units is confusing } procedure internalerror(i:longint);{$ifndef VER2_6}noreturn;{$endif VER2_6} begin internalerrorproc(i); end; operator := (const u:qword):Tconstexprint; begin result.overflow:=false; result.signed:=false; result.uvalue:=u; end; operator := (const s:int64):Tconstexprint; begin result.overflow:=false; result.signed:=true; result.svalue:=s; end; operator := (const c:Tconstexprint):qword; begin if c.overflow then internalerror(200706091) else if not c.signed then result:=c.uvalue else if c.svalue<0 then internalerror(200706092) else result:=qword(c.svalue); end; operator := (const c:Tconstexprint):int64; begin if c.overflow then internalerror(200706093) else if c.signed then result:=c.svalue else if c.uvalue>qword(high(int64)) then internalerror(200706094) else result:=int64(c.uvalue); end; operator := (const c:Tconstexprint):bestreal; begin if c.overflow then internalerror(200706095) else if c.signed then result:=c.svalue else result:=c.uvalue; end; function add_to(const a:Tconstexprint;b:qword):Tconstexprint; var sspace,uspace:qword; label try_qword; begin result.overflow:=false; {Try if the result fits in an int64.} if (a.signed) and (a.svalue<0) then {$push}{$Q-} sspace:=qword(high(int64))+qword(-a.svalue) {$pop} else if not a.signed and (a.uvalue>qword(high(int64))) then goto try_qword else sspace:=qword(high(int64))-a.svalue; if sspace>=b then begin result.signed:=true; {$push} {$Q-} result.svalue:=a.svalue+int64(b); {$pop} exit; end; {Try if the result fits in a qword.} try_qword: if (a.signed) and (a.svalue<0) then uspace:=high(qword)-qword(-a.svalue) { else if not a.signed and (a.uvalue>qword(high(int64))) then uspace:=high(qword)-a.uvalue} else uspace:=high(qword)-a.uvalue; if uspace>=b then begin result.signed:=false; {$push} {$Q-} result.uvalue:=a.uvalue+b; {$pop} exit; end; result.overflow:=true; end; { workaround for 2.6.x bug } {$ifdef VER2_6} {$push} {$Q-} {$endif VER2_6} function sub_from(const a:Tconstexprint;b:qword):Tconstexprint; const abs_low_int64=qword(9223372036854775808); {abs(low(int64)) -> overflow error} var sspace:qword; label try_qword,ov; begin result.overflow:=false; {Try if the result fits in an int64.} if (a.signed) and (a.svalue<0) then {$push} {$Q-} sspace:=qword(a.svalue)+abs_low_int64 {$pop} else if not a.signed and (a.uvalue>qword(high(int64))) then goto try_qword else sspace:=a.uvalue+qword(abs(low(int64))); if sspace>=b then begin result.signed:=true; {$push} {$Q-} result.svalue:=a.svalue-int64(b); {$pop} exit; end; {Try if the result fits in a qword.} try_qword: if not(a.signed and (a.svalue<0)) and (a.uvalue>=b) then begin result.signed:=false; {$push} {$Q-} result.uvalue:=a.uvalue-b; {$pop} exit; end; ov: result.overflow:=true; end; { workaround for 2.6.x bug } {$ifdef VER2_6} {$pop} {$endif VER2_6} operator + (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; begin if a.overflow or b.overflow then begin result.overflow:=true; exit; end; if b.signed and (b.svalue<0) then {$push} {$Q-} result:=sub_from(a,qword(-b.svalue)) {$pop} else result:=add_to(a,b.uvalue); end; operator - (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; begin if a.overflow or b.overflow then begin result.overflow:=true; exit; end; if b.signed and (b.svalue<0) then {$push} {$Q-} result:=add_to(a,qword(-b.svalue)) {$pop} else result:=sub_from(a,b.uvalue); end; operator - (const a:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; begin if not a.signed and (a.uvalue>qword(high(int64))) then result.overflow:=true else begin result.overflow:=false; result.signed:=true; result.svalue:=-a.svalue; end; end; operator * (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; var aa,bb,r:qword; sa,sb:boolean; begin if a.overflow or b.overflow then begin result.overflow:=true; exit; end; result.overflow:=false; sa:=a.signed and (a.svalue<0); if sa then aa:=qword(-a.svalue) else aa:=a.uvalue; sb:=b.signed and (b.svalue<0); if sb then bb:=qword(-b.svalue) else bb:=b.uvalue; if (bb<>0) and (high(qword) div bbqword(high(int64)) then result.overflow:=true else result.svalue:=-int64(r); end else begin result.signed:=false; result.uvalue:=r; end; end; end; operator div (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; var aa,bb,r:qword; sa,sb:boolean; begin if a.overflow or b.overflow then begin result.overflow:=true; exit; end; result.overflow:=false; sa:=a.signed and (a.svalue<0); if sa then {$push} {$Q-} aa:=qword(-a.svalue) {$pop} else aa:=a.uvalue; sb:=b.signed and (b.svalue<0); if sb then {$push} {$Q-} bb:=qword(-b.svalue) {$pop} else bb:=b.uvalue; if bb=0 then result.overflow:=true else begin r:=aa div bb; if sa xor sb then begin result.signed:=true; if r>qword(high(int64)) then result.overflow:=true else result.svalue:=-int64(r); end else begin result.signed:=false; result.uvalue:=r; end; end; end; operator mod (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; var aa,bb,r:qword; sa,sb:boolean; begin if a.overflow or b.overflow then begin result.overflow:=true; exit; end; result.overflow:=false; sa:=a.signed and (a.svalue<0); if sa then {$push} {$Q-} aa:=qword(-a.svalue) {$pop} else aa:=a.uvalue; sb:=b.signed and (b.svalue<0); if sb then {$push} {$Q-} bb:=qword(-b.svalue) {$pop} else bb:=b.uvalue; if bb=0 then result.overflow:=true else begin { the sign of a modulo operation only depends on the sign of the dividend } r:=aa mod bb; result.signed:=sa; if not sa then result.uvalue:=r else result.svalue:=-int64(r); end; end; operator / (const a,b:Tconstexprint):bestreal; var aa,bb:bestreal; begin if a.overflow or b.overflow then internalerror(200706096); if a.signed then aa:=a.svalue else aa:=a.uvalue; if b.signed then bb:=b.svalue else bb:=b.uvalue; result:=aa/bb; end; operator = (const a,b:Tconstexprint):boolean; begin if a.signed and (a.svalue<0) then if b.signed and (b.svalue<0) then result:=a.svalue=b.svalue else if b.uvalue>qword(high(int64)) then result:=false else result:=a.svalue=b.svalue else if not (b.signed and (b.svalue<0)) then result:=a.uvalue=b.uvalue else if a.uvalue>qword(high(int64)) then result:=false else result:=a.svalue=b.svalue end; operator > (const a,b:Tconstexprint):boolean; begin if a.signed and (a.svalue<0) then if b.signed and (b.svalue<0) then result:=a.svalue>b.svalue else if b.uvalue>qword(high(int64)) then result:=false else result:=a.svalue>b.svalue else if not (b.signed and (b.svalue<0)) then result:=a.uvalue>b.uvalue else if a.uvalue>qword(high(int64)) then result:=true else result:=a.svalue>b.svalue end; operator >= (const a,b:Tconstexprint):boolean; begin if a.signed and (a.svalue<0) then if b.signed and (b.svalue<0) then result:=a.svalue>=b.svalue else if b.uvalue>qword(high(int64)) then result:=false else result:=a.svalue>=b.svalue else if not (b.signed and (b.svalue<0)) then result:=a.uvalue>=b.uvalue else if a.uvalue>qword(high(int64)) then result:=true else result:=a.svalue>=b.svalue end; operator < (const a,b:Tconstexprint):boolean; begin if a.signed and (a.svalue<0) then if b.signed and (b.svalue<0) then result:=a.svalueqword(high(int64)) then result:=true else result:=a.svalueqword(high(int64)) then result:=false else result:=a.svalueqword(high(int64)) then result:=true else result:=a.svalue<=b.svalue else if not (b.signed and (b.svalue<0)) then result:=a.uvalue<=b.uvalue else if a.uvalue>qword(high(int64)) then result:=false else result:=a.svalue<=b.svalue end; operator and (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; begin result.overflow:=false; result.signed:=a.signed or b.signed; result.uvalue:=a.uvalue and b.uvalue; end; operator or (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; begin result.overflow:=false; result.signed:=a.signed or b.signed; result.uvalue:=a.uvalue or b.uvalue; end; operator xor (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; begin result.overflow:=false; result.signed:=a.signed or b.signed; result.uvalue:=a.uvalue xor b.uvalue; end; operator shl (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; begin result.overflow:=false; result.signed:=a.signed; result.uvalue:=a.uvalue shl b.uvalue; end; operator shr (const a,b:Tconstexprint):Tconstexprint; begin result.overflow:=false; result.signed:=a.signed; result.uvalue:=a.uvalue shr b.uvalue; end; function tostr(const i:Tconstexprint):shortstring;overload; begin if i.signed then str(i.svalue,result) else str(i.uvalue,result); end; end.