{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Peter Vreman This unit handles the writing of script files This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit cscript; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface {$H+} uses sysutils, globtype, cclasses; type TScript=class fn : TCmdStr; data : TCmdStrList; executable : boolean; constructor Create(const s:TCmdStr); constructor CreateExec(const s:TCmdStr); destructor Destroy;override; procedure AddStart(const s:TCmdStr); procedure Add(const s:TCmdStr); Function Empty:boolean; procedure WriteToDisk;virtual; end; TAsmScript = class (TScript) Constructor Create(Const ScriptName : TCmdStr); virtual; Procedure AddAsmCommand (Const Command, Options,FileName : TCmdStr);virtual;abstract; Procedure AddLinkCommand (Const Command, Options, FileName : TCmdStr);virtual;abstract; Procedure AddDeleteCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);virtual;abstract; Procedure AddDeleteDirCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);virtual;abstract; end; TAsmScriptDos = class (TAsmScript) Constructor Create (Const ScriptName : TCmdStr); override; Procedure AddAsmCommand (Const Command, Options,FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddLinkCommand (Const Command, Options, FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddDeleteCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddDeleteDirCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure WriteToDisk;override; end; TAsmScriptAmiga = class (TAsmScript) Constructor Create (Const ScriptName : TCmdStr); override; Procedure AddAsmCommand (Const Command, Options,FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddLinkCommand (Const Command, Options, FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddDeleteCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddDeleteDirCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure WriteToDisk;override; end; TAsmScriptUnix = class (TAsmScript) Constructor Create (Const ScriptName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddAsmCommand (Const Command, Options,FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddLinkCommand (Const Command, Options, FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddDeleteCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddDeleteDirCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure WriteToDisk;override; end; TAsmScriptMPW = class (TAsmScript) Constructor Create (Const ScriptName : TCmdStr); override; Procedure AddAsmCommand (Const Command, Options,FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddLinkCommand (Const Command, Options, FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddDeleteCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure AddDeleteDirCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr);override; Procedure WriteToDisk;override; end; TLinkRes = Class (TScript) section: string[30]; fRealResponseFile: Boolean; fForceUseForwardSlash: Boolean; constructor Create(const ScriptName : TCmdStr; RealResponseFile: Boolean); procedure Add(const s:TCmdStr); procedure AddFileName(const s:TCmdStr); procedure EndSection(const s:TCmdStr); procedure StartSection(const s:TCmdStr); end; var AsmRes : TAsmScript; Function ScriptFixFileName(const s:TCmdStr):TCmdStr; Procedure GenerateAsmRes(const st : TCmdStr); Function GenerateScript(const st : TCmdStr): TAsmScript; implementation uses {$ifdef hasUnix} BaseUnix, {$endif} cutils,cfileutl, globals,systems,verbose; {**************************************************************************** Helpers ****************************************************************************} Function ScriptFixFileName(const s:TCmdStr):TCmdStr; begin if cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches then ScriptFixFileName:=TargetFixFileName(s) else ScriptFixFileName:=FixFileName(s); end; {**************************************************************************** TScript ****************************************************************************} constructor TScript.Create(const s: TCmdStr); begin fn:=FixFileName(s); executable:=false; data:=TCmdStrList.Create; end; constructor TScript.CreateExec(const s:TCmdStr); begin fn:=FixFileName(s); if cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches then fn:=ChangeFileExt(fn,target_info.scriptext) else fn:=ChangeFileExt(fn,source_info.scriptext); executable:=true; data:=TCmdStrList.Create; end; destructor TScript.Destroy; begin data.Free; end; procedure TScript.AddStart(const s:TCmdStr); begin data.Insert(s); end; procedure TScript.Add(const s:TCmdStr); begin data.Concat(s); end; Function TScript.Empty:boolean; begin Empty:=Data.Empty; end; procedure TScript.WriteToDisk; var t : file; i : longint; s : TCmdStr; le: string[2]; begin Assign(t,fn); if cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches then le:= target_info.newline else le:= source_info.newline; {$push}{$I-} Rewrite(t,1); if ioresult<>0 then exit; while not data.Empty do begin s:=data.GetFirst; Blockwrite(t,s[1],length(s),i); Blockwrite(t,le[1],length(le),i); end; Close(t); {$pop} i:=ioresult; {$ifdef hasUnix} if executable then fpchmod(fn,493); {$endif} end; {**************************************************************************** Asm Response ****************************************************************************} Constructor TAsmScript.Create (Const ScriptName : TCmdStr); begin Inherited CreateExec(ScriptName); end; {**************************************************************************** DOS Asm Response ****************************************************************************} Constructor TAsmScriptDos.Create (Const ScriptName : TCmdStr); begin Inherited Create(ScriptName); end; Procedure TAsmScriptDos.AddAsmCommand (Const Command, Options,FileName : TCmdStr); begin if FileName<>'' then begin Add('SET THEFILE='+ScriptFixFileName(FileName)); Add('echo Assembling %THEFILE%'); end; Add(maybequoted(command)+' '+Options); Add('if errorlevel 1 goto asmend'); end; Procedure TAsmScriptDos.AddLinkCommand (Const Command, Options, FileName : TCmdStr); begin if FileName<>'' then begin Add('SET THEFILE='+ScriptFixFileName(FileName)); Add('echo Linking %THEFILE%'); end; Add(maybequoted(command)+' '+Options); Add('if errorlevel 1 goto linkend'); end; Procedure TAsmScriptDos.AddDeleteCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr); begin Add('Del ' + MaybeQuoted (ScriptFixFileName (FileName))); end; Procedure TAsmScriptDos.AddDeleteDirCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr); begin Add('Rmdir ' + MaybeQuoted (ScriptFixFileName (FileName))); end; Procedure TAsmScriptDos.WriteToDisk; Begin AddStart('@echo off'); Add('goto end'); Add(':asmend'); Add('echo An error occurred while assembling %THEFILE%'); Add('goto end'); Add(':linkend'); Add('echo An error occurred while linking %THEFILE%'); Add(':end'); inherited WriteToDisk; end; {**************************************************************************** Amiga Asm Response ****************************************************************************} Constructor TAsmScriptAmiga.Create (Const ScriptName : TCmdStr); begin Inherited Create(ScriptName); end; Procedure TAsmScriptAmiga.AddAsmCommand (Const Command, Options,FileName : TCmdStr); begin if FileName<>'' then begin Add('SET THEFILE '+ScriptFixFileName(FileName)); Add('echo Assembling $THEFILE'); end; Add(maybequoted(command)+' '+Options); { There is a problem here, as always return with a non zero error value PM } Add('if error'); Add('why'); Add('skip asmend'); Add('endif'); end; Procedure TAsmScriptAmiga.AddLinkCommand (Const Command, Options, FileName : TCmdStr); begin if FileName<>'' then begin Add('SET THEFILE '+ScriptFixFileName(FileName)); Add('echo Linking $THEFILE'); end; Add(maybequoted(command)+' '+Options); Add('if error'); Add('skip linkend'); Add('endif'); end; Procedure TAsmScriptAmiga.AddDeleteCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr); begin Add('Delete ' + Unix2AmigaPath(MaybeQuoted(ScriptFixFileName(FileName))) + ' Quiet'); end; Procedure TAsmScriptAmiga.AddDeleteDirCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr); begin Add('Delete ' + Unix2AmigaPath(MaybeQuoted(ScriptFixFileName(FileName))) + ' All Quiet'); end; Procedure TAsmScriptAmiga.WriteToDisk; Begin Add('skip end'); Add('lab asmend'); Add('why'); Add('echo An error occurred while assembling $THEFILE'); Add('skip end'); Add('lab linkend'); Add('why'); Add('echo An error occurred while linking $THEFILE'); Add('lab end'); inherited WriteToDisk; end; {**************************************************************************** Unix Asm Response ****************************************************************************} Constructor TAsmScriptUnix.Create (Const ScriptName : TCmdStr); begin Inherited Create(ScriptName); end; Procedure TAsmScriptUnix.AddAsmCommand (Const Command, Options,FileName : TCmdStr); begin if FileName<>'' then Add('echo Assembling '+maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(FileName))); Add(maybequoted(command)+' '+Options); Add('if [ $? != 0 ]; then DoExitAsm '+maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(FileName))+'; fi'); end; Procedure TAsmScriptUnix.AddLinkCommand (Const Command, Options, FileName : TCmdStr); begin if FileName<>'' then Add('echo Linking '+ScriptFixFileName(FileName)); Add('OFS=$IFS'); Add('IFS="'); Add('"'); Add(maybequoted(command)+' '+Options); Add('if [ $? != 0 ]; then DoExitLink '+ScriptFixFileName(FileName)+'; fi'); Add('IFS=$OFS'); end; Procedure TAsmScriptUnix.AddDeleteCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr); begin Add('rm ' + MaybeQuoted (ScriptFixFileName(FileName))); end; Procedure TAsmScriptUnix.AddDeleteDirCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr); begin Add('rmdir ' + MaybeQuoted (ScriptFixFileName(FileName))); end; Procedure TAsmScriptUnix.WriteToDisk; Begin AddStart('{ echo "An error occurred while linking $1"; exit 1; }'); AddStart('DoExitLink ()'); AddStart('{ echo "An error occurred while assembling $1"; exit 1; }'); AddStart('DoExitAsm ()'); {$ifdef BEOS} AddStart('#!/boot/beos/bin/sh'); {$else} AddStart('#!/bin/sh'); {$endif} inherited WriteToDisk; end; {**************************************************************************** MPW (MacOS) Asm Response ****************************************************************************} Constructor TAsmScriptMPW.Create (Const ScriptName : TCmdStr); begin Inherited Create(ScriptName); end; Procedure TAsmScriptMPW.AddAsmCommand (Const Command, Options,FileName : TCmdStr); begin if FileName<>'' then Add('Echo Assembling '+ScriptFixFileName(FileName)); Add(maybequoted(command)+' '+Options); Add('Exit If "{Status}" != 0'); end; Procedure TAsmScriptMPW.AddLinkCommand (Const Command, Options, FileName : TCmdStr); begin if FileName<>'' then Add('Echo Linking '+ScriptFixFileName(FileName)); Add(maybequoted(command)+' '+Options); Add('Exit If "{Status}" != 0'); {Add resources} if apptype = app_cui then {If SIOW} begin Add('Rez -append "{RIncludes}"SIOW.r -o '+ ScriptFixFileName(FileName)); Add('Exit If "{Status}" != 0'); end; end; Procedure TAsmScriptMPW.AddDeleteCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr); begin Add('Delete ' + MaybeQuoted (ScriptFixFileName(FileName))); end; Procedure TAsmScriptMPW.AddDeleteDirCommand (Const FileName : TCmdStr); begin Add('Delete ' + MaybeQuoted (ScriptFixFileName (FileName))); end; Procedure TAsmScriptMPW.WriteToDisk; Begin AddStart('# Script for assembling and linking a FreePascal program on MPW (MacOS)'); Add('Echo Done'); inherited WriteToDisk; end; Procedure GenerateAsmRes(const st : TCmdStr); begin AsmRes:=GenerateScript(st); end; function GenerateScript(const st: TCmdStr): TAsmScript; var scripttyp : tscripttype; begin if cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches then scripttyp := target_info.script else scripttyp := source_info.script; case scripttyp of script_unix : Result:=TAsmScriptUnix.Create(st); script_dos : Result:=TAsmScriptDos.Create(st); script_amiga : Result:=TAsmScriptAmiga.Create(st); script_mpw : Result:=TAsmScriptMPW.Create(st); else internalerror(2013112805); end; end; {**************************************************************************** Link Response ****************************************************************************} constructor TLinkRes.Create(const ScriptName: TCmdStr; RealResponseFile: Boolean); begin inherited Create(ScriptName); fRealResponseFile:=RealResponseFile; fForceUseForwardSlash:=false; end; procedure TLinkRes.Add(const s:TCmdStr); begin if s<>'' then inherited Add(s); end; procedure TLinkRes.AddFileName(const s:TCmdStr); var ls: TCmdStr; i: longint; begin if section<>'' then begin inherited Add(section); section:=''; end; if s<>'' then begin ls:=s; if fForceUseForwardSlash then { Fix separator } for i:=1 to length(ls) do if (ls[i]=source_info.dirsep) then ls[i]:='/'; { GNU ld only supports double quotes in the response file. } if fRealResponseFile and (ls[1]='''') and (((cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches) and (target_info.script=script_unix)) or (not(cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches) and (source_info.script=script_unix))) then inherited add(UnixRequoteWithDoubleQuotes(s)) else if not(ls[1] in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','/','\','.','"']) then begin if fForceUseForwardSlash then inherited Add('./'+ls) else if (cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches) then inherited Add('.'+target_info.DirSep+ls) else inherited Add('.'+source_info.DirSep+ls); end else inherited Add(ls); end; end; procedure TLinkRes.EndSection(const s:TCmdStr); begin { only terminate if we started the section } if section='' then inherited Add(s); section:=''; end; procedure TLinkRes.StartSection(const s:TCmdStr); begin section:=s; end; end.