{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl and Peter Vreman This module provides stream classes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit cstreams; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cutils; {**************************************************************************** TCStream ****************************************************************************} { TCStream is copied directly from classesh.inc from the FCL so it's compatible with the normal Classes.TStream. TCFileStream is a merge of THandleStream and TFileStream and updated to have a 'file' type instead of Handle. TCCustomMemoryStream and TCMemoryStream are direct copies. } const { TCStream seek origins } soFromBeginning = 0; soFromCurrent = 1; soFromEnd = 2; { TCFileStream create mode } fmCreate = $FFFF; fmOpenRead = 0; fmOpenWrite = 1; fmOpenReadWrite = 2; var { Used for Error reporting instead of exceptions } CStreamError : longint; type { Fake TComponent class, it isn't used any futher } TCComponent = class(TObject) end; { TCStream abstract class } TCStream = class(TObject) private function GetPosition: Longint; procedure SetPosition(Pos: Longint); function GetSize: Longint; protected procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); virtual; public function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; virtual; abstract; function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; virtual; abstract; function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; virtual; abstract; procedure ReadBuffer(var Buffer; Count: Longint); procedure WriteBuffer(const Buffer; Count: Longint); function CopyFrom(Source: TCStream; Count: Longint): Longint; function ReadComponent(Instance: TCComponent): TCComponent; function ReadComponentRes(Instance: TCComponent): TCComponent; procedure WriteComponent(Instance: TCComponent); procedure WriteComponentRes(const ResName: string; Instance: TCComponent); procedure WriteDescendent(Instance, Ancestor: TCComponent); procedure WriteDescendentRes(const ResName: string; Instance, Ancestor: TCComponent); procedure WriteResourceHeader(const ResName: string; {!!!:out} var FixupInfo: Integer); procedure FixupResourceHeader(FixupInfo: Integer); procedure ReadResHeader; function ReadByte : Byte; function ReadWord : Word; function ReadDWord : Cardinal; function ReadAnsiString : AnsiString; procedure WriteByte(b : Byte); procedure WriteWord(w : Word); procedure WriteDWord(d : Cardinal); Procedure WriteAnsiString (S : AnsiString); property Position: Longint read GetPosition write SetPosition; property Size: Longint read GetSize write SetSize; end; { TFileStream class } TCFileStream = class(TCStream) Private FFileName : String; FHandle: File; protected procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); override; public constructor Create(const AFileName: string; Mode: Word); destructor Destroy; override; function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override; function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override; function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override; property FileName : String Read FFilename; end; { TCustomMemoryStream abstract class } TCCustomMemoryStream = class(TCStream) private FMemory: Pointer; FSize, FPosition: Longint; protected procedure SetPointer(Ptr: Pointer; ASize: Longint); public function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override; function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override; procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TCStream); procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string); property Memory: Pointer read FMemory; end; { TCMemoryStream } TCMemoryStream = class(TCCustomMemoryStream) private FCapacity: Longint; procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Longint); protected function Realloc(var NewCapacity: Longint): Pointer; virtual; property Capacity: Longint read FCapacity write SetCapacity; public destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TCStream); procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); override; function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override; end; implementation Type PByte = ^Byte; {***************************************************************************** TCStream *****************************************************************************} function TCStream.GetPosition: Longint; begin Result:=Seek(0,soFromCurrent); end; procedure TCStream.SetPosition(Pos: Longint); begin Seek(pos,soFromBeginning); end; function TCStream.GetSize: Longint; var p : longint; begin p:=GetPosition; GetSize:=Seek(0,soFromEnd); Seek(p,soFromBeginning); end; procedure TCStream.SetSize(NewSize: Longint); begin // We do nothing. Pipe streams don't support this // As wel as possible read-ony streams !! end; procedure TCStream.ReadBuffer(var Buffer; Count: Longint); begin CStreamError:=0; if Read(Buffer,Count)0 do begin if (Count>sizeof(buffer)) then i:=sizeof(Buffer) else i:=Count; i:=Source.Read(buffer,i); i:=Write(buffer,i); dec(count,i); inc(Result,i); if i=0 then exit; end; end; function TCStream.ReadComponent(Instance: TCComponent): TCComponent; begin Result:=nil; end; function TCStream.ReadComponentRes(Instance: TCComponent): TCComponent; begin Result:=nil; end; procedure TCStream.WriteComponent(Instance: TCComponent); begin end; procedure TCStream.WriteComponentRes(const ResName: string; Instance: TCComponent); begin end; procedure TCStream.WriteDescendent(Instance, Ancestor: TCComponent); begin end; procedure TCStream.WriteDescendentRes(const ResName: string; Instance, Ancestor: TCComponent); begin end; procedure TCStream.WriteResourceHeader(const ResName: string; {!!!: out} var FixupInfo: Integer); begin end; procedure TCStream.FixupResourceHeader(FixupInfo: Integer); begin end; procedure TCStream.ReadResHeader; begin end; function TCStream.ReadByte : Byte; var b : Byte; begin ReadBuffer(b,1); ReadByte:=b; end; function TCStream.ReadWord : Word; var w : Word; begin ReadBuffer(w,2); ReadWord:=w; end; function TCStream.ReadDWord : Cardinal; var d : Cardinal; begin ReadBuffer(d,4); ReadDWord:=d; end; Function TCStream.ReadAnsiString : AnsiString; Var TheSize : Longint; P : PByte ; begin ReadBuffer (TheSize,SizeOf(TheSize)); SetLength(Result,TheSize); // Illegal typecast if no AnsiStrings defined. if TheSize>0 then begin ReadBuffer (Pointer(Result)^,TheSize); P:=PByte(PtrInt(Result)+TheSize); p^:=0; end; end; Procedure TCStream.WriteAnsiString (S : AnsiString); Var L : Longint; begin L:=Length(S); WriteBuffer (L,SizeOf(L)); WriteBuffer (Pointer(S)^,L); end; procedure TCStream.WriteByte(b : Byte); begin WriteBuffer(b,1); end; procedure TCStream.WriteWord(w : Word); begin WriteBuffer(w,2); end; procedure TCStream.WriteDWord(d : Cardinal); begin WriteBuffer(d,4); end; {****************************************************************************} {* TCFileStream *} {****************************************************************************} constructor TCFileStream.Create(const AFileName: string; Mode: Word); var oldfilemode : byte; begin FFileName:=AFileName; If Mode=fmcreate then begin system.assign(FHandle,AFileName); {$I-} system.rewrite(FHandle,1); {$I+} CStreamError:=IOResult; end else begin oldfilemode:=filemode; filemode:=$40 or Mode; system.assign(FHandle,AFileName); {$I-} system.reset(FHandle,1); {$I+} CStreamError:=IOResult; filemode:=oldfilemode; end; end; destructor TCFileStream.Destroy; begin {$I-} System.Close(FHandle); {$I+} CStreamError:=IOResult; end; function TCFileStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; begin CStreamError:=0; BlockRead(FHandle,Buffer,Count,Result); If Result=-1 then Result:=0; end; function TCFileStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; begin CStreamError:=0; BlockWrite (FHandle,(@Buffer)^,Count,Result); If Result=-1 then Result:=0; end; Procedure TCFileStream.SetSize(NewSize: Longint); begin {$I-} System.Seek(FHandle,NewSize); System.Truncate(FHandle); {$I+} CStreamError:=IOResult; end; function TCFileStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; var l : longint; begin {$I-} case Origin of soFromBeginning : begin System.Seek(FHandle,Offset); l:=Offset; end; soFromCurrent : begin l:=System.FilePos(FHandle); inc(l,Offset); System.Seek(FHandle,l); end; soFromEnd : begin l:=System.FileSize(FHandle); dec(l,Offset); if l<0 then l:=0; System.Seek(FHandle,l); end; end; {$I+} CStreamError:=IOResult; Result:=l; end; {****************************************************************************} {* TCustomMemoryStream *} {****************************************************************************} procedure TCCustomMemoryStream.SetPointer(Ptr: Pointer; ASize: Longint); begin FMemory:=Ptr; FSize:=ASize; end; function TCCustomMemoryStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; begin Result:=0; If (FSize>0) and (FPositionCount then Result:=Count; Move (Pointer(PtrInt(FMemory)+FPosition)^,Buffer,Result); FPosition:=Fposition+Result; end; end; function TCCustomMemoryStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; begin Case Origin of soFromBeginning : FPosition:=Offset; soFromEnd : FPosition:=FSize+Offset; soFromCurrent : FpoSition:=FPosition+Offset; end; Result:=FPosition; end; procedure TCCustomMemoryStream.SaveToStream(Stream: TCStream); begin if FSize>0 then Stream.WriteBuffer (FMemory^,FSize); end; procedure TCCustomMemoryStream.SaveToFile(const FileName: string); Var S : TCFileStream; begin Try S:=TCFileStream.Create (FileName,fmCreate); SaveToStream(S); finally S.free; end; end; {****************************************************************************} {* TCMemoryStream *} {****************************************************************************} Const TMSGrow = 4096; { Use 4k blocks. } procedure TCMemoryStream.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Longint); begin SetPointer (Realloc(NewCapacity),Fsize); FCapacity:=NewCapacity; end; function TCMemoryStream.Realloc(var NewCapacity: Longint): Pointer; Var MoveSize : Longint; begin CStreamError:=0; If NewCapacity>0 Then // round off to block size. NewCapacity := (NewCapacity + (TMSGrow-1)) and not (TMSGROW-1); // Only now check ! If NewCapacity=FCapacity then Result:=FMemory else If NewCapacity=0 then FreeMem (FMemory,Fcapacity) else begin GetMem (Result,NewCapacity); If Result=Nil then CStreamError:=204; If FCapacity>0 then begin MoveSize:=FSize; If MoveSize>NewCapacity then MoveSize:=NewCapacity; Move (Fmemory^,Result^,MoveSize); FreeMem (FMemory,FCapacity); end; end; end; destructor TCMemoryStream.Destroy; begin Clear; Inherited Destroy; end; procedure TCMemoryStream.Clear; begin FSize:=0; FPosition:=0; SetCapacity (0); end; procedure TCMemoryStream.LoadFromStream(Stream: TCStream); begin Stream.Position:=0; SetSize(Stream.Size); If FSize>0 then Stream.ReadBuffer(FMemory^,FSize); end; procedure TCMemoryStream.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); Var S : TCFileStream; begin Try S:=TCFileStream.Create (FileName,fmOpenRead); LoadFromStream(S); finally S.free; end; end; procedure TCMemoryStream.SetSize(NewSize: Longint); begin SetCapacity (NewSize); FSize:=NewSize; IF FPosition>FSize then FPosition:=FSize; end; function TCMemoryStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; Var NewPos : Longint; begin If Count=0 then begin Result:=0; exit; end; NewPos:=FPosition+Count; If NewPos>Fsize then begin IF NewPos>FCapacity then SetCapacity (NewPos); FSize:=Newpos; end; System.Move (Buffer,Pointer(Ptrint(FMemory)+FPosition)^,Count); FPosition:=NewPos; Result:=Count; end; end.