{ Copyright (c) 2012 by Jonas Maebe This units contains support for STABX debug info generation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit dbgstabx; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses,globtype, dbgbase,dbgstabs,cgbase, symtype,symdef,symsym,symtable,symbase, aasmtai,aasmdata; type TDebugInfoStabx = class(TDebugInfoStabs) protected function staticvarsym_mangled_name(sym: tstaticvarsym): string; override; procedure maybe_add_vmt_sym(list: TAsmList; def: tobjectdef); override; procedure write_def_stabstr(list:TAsmList;def:tdef;const ss:ansistring);override; function base_stabs_str(const typ, other, desc, value: ansistring): ansistring;overload;override; function gen_procdef_startsym_stabs(def: tprocdef): TAsmList; override; function gen_procdef_endsym_stabs(def: tprocdef): TAsmList; override; procedure appendsym_label(list: TAsmList; sym: tlabelsym); override; procedure appendsym_staticvar(list: TAsmList; sym: tstaticvarsym); override; public procedure insertlineinfo(list:TAsmList);override; procedure insertmoduleinfo; override; procedure referencesections(list: TAsmList); override; constructor create;override; end; implementation uses globals,cutils,cfileutl,verbose, systems,finput,fmodule, aasmbase, symconst; const STABX_N_GSYM = $80; STABX_N_LSYM = $81; STABX_N_PSYM = $82; STABX_N_RSYM = $83; STABX_N_RPSYM = $84; STABX_N_STSYM = $85; STABX_N_LCSYM = 255; STABX_N_Function = $8e; STABX_N_TextLine = 255; STABX_N_DataLine = 255; STABX_N_BssLine = 255; STABX_N_DECL = $8c; STABX_N_tsym = $86; STABX_N_SourceFile = 255; STABX_N_OSO = 255; STABX_N_IncludeFile = 255; STABX_N_BINCL = 255; STABX_N_EINCL = 255; STABX_N_LBRAC = 255; STABX_N_EXCL = 255; STABX_N_RBRAC = 255; { TDebugInfoStabx } function TDebugInfoStabx.base_stabs_str(const typ, other, desc, value: ansistring): ansistring; begin { no other/desc } result:=value+','+typ+',0'; end; function TDebugInfoStabx.staticvarsym_mangled_name(sym: tstaticvarsym): string; begin { create reference to the local symbol at the same address as the global symbol (with same name as unmangled symbol, so GDB can find it) } Result:=ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(sym.name); end; procedure TDebugInfoStabx.maybe_add_vmt_sym(list: TAsmList; def: tobjectdef); begin (* if assigned(def.owner) and def.owner.iscurrentunit then begin if (oo_has_vmt in def.objectoptions) and assigned(def.owner.name) then list.concat(Tai_stab.create_ansistr(stabsdir,ansistring('"vmt_')+GetSymTableName(def.owner)+tobjectdef(def).objname^+':S'+ def_stab_number(vmttype)+'",'+ base_stabs_str(globalvarsym_inited_stab,'0','0',ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(tobjectdef(def).vmt_mangledname)+'.'))); end; *) { do nothing, because creating debug information for a global symbol defined in another unit is not possible for stabx given the FPC constraints (namely that the name of the global symbol does not match the name of the variable). If it's in the same unit, we have to add an extra symbol for the vmt with the same variable name as what we have here (ansistring('"vmt_')+GetSymTableName(def.owner)+tobjectdef(def).objname^). We'd have to do that when that symbol is created, in generic code, which is not very clean, and moreover these symbols are not really used for anything currently, afaik } end; procedure TDebugInfoStabx.write_def_stabstr(list:TAsmList;def:tdef;const ss:ansistring); var stabchar, symname, declstabnr, st : ansistring; begin { type prefix } if use_tag_prefix(def) then stabchar := tagtypeprefix else stabchar := 't'; { in case of writing the class record structure, we always have to use the class name (so it refers both to the struct and the pointer to the struct), otherwise gdb crashes (see tests/webtbs/tw9766.pp) } if is_class(def) and tobjectdef(def).writing_class_record_dbginfo then begin declstabnr:=def_stab_classnumber(tobjectdef(def)); symname:='${sym_name}' end else begin { Type names for types defined in the current unit are already written in the typesym } if (def.owner.symtabletype=globalsymtable) and not(def.owner.iscurrentunit) then symname:='${sym_name}' else symname:=''; declstabnr:=def_stab_number(def) end; if (symname='') or not(def.typ in tagtypes) then begin st:=def_stabstr_evaluate(def,':$1$2=',[stabchar,declstabnr]); st:='"'+def_stabstr_evaluate(def,symname,[])+st+ss; { line info is set to 0 for all defs, because the def can be in another unit and then the linenumber is invalid in the current sourcefile } st:=st+'",'+base_stabs_str(def_stab,'0','0','0'); { add to list } list.concat(Tai_stab.create_ansistr(stabsdir,st)); end else begin { first tag, then type decl } inc(global_stab_number); st:=def_stabstr_evaluate(def,':$1$2=',[stabchar,tostr(global_stab_number)]); st:='"'+st+ss; st:=st+'",'+base_stabs_str(def_stab,'0','0','0'); list.concat(Tai_stab.create_ansistr(stabsdir,st)); st:='"'+def_stabstr_evaluate(def,symname+':t$1=$2',[declstabnr,tostr(global_stab_number)]); st:=st+'",'+base_stabs_str(def_stab,'0','0','0'); list.concat(Tai_stab.create_ansistr(stabsdir,st)); end; end; function TDebugInfoStabx.gen_procdef_startsym_stabs(def: tprocdef): TAsmList; var mangledname: ansistring; hp, hpp, inclstart: tai; begin result:=inherited; { can happen for procdefs defined in other units, this code is only for the place where it is defined } if not assigned(def.procstarttai) then exit; mangledname:=ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(def.mangledname); if target_info.system in systems_dotted_function_names then mangledname:='.'+mangledname; result.concat(tai_stab.create(stabx_function, strpnew(mangledname+','+mangledname+',16,044,LT.'+mangledname+'-'+mangledname))); { hoist the already generated ".bf" up right after the function definition so that all parameter and local variable definitions come after it -- we have to generate it during lineinfo generation and not here to make sure it takes into account include files opened right after the function definition but before the code starts -- also move include file start if any} hp:=def.procstarttai; inclstart:=nil; while (hp.typ<>ait_symbol_end) and ((hp.typ<>ait_stab) or (tai_stab(hp).stabtype<>stabx_bf)) do begin if (hp.typ=ait_stab) and (tai_stab(hp).stabtype=stabx_bi) then inclstart:=hp; hp:=tai(hp.next); end; { happens for implicit unit init routines and the like, they don't get line info } if hp.typ=ait_symbol_end then exit; if assigned(inclstart) then begin current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].Remove(inclstart); result.concat(inclstart); end; current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].Remove(hp); result.concat(hp); { also hoist up the function start symbol(s) } hp:=def.procstarttai; while assigned(hp) and (hp.typ<>ait_symbol_end) do begin if (hp.typ=ait_symbol) and (tai_symbol(hp).sym.typ=AT_FUNCTION) then begin hpp:=tai(hp.next); if hp=def.procstarttai then def.procstarttai:=hpp; current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].Remove(hp); result.insert(hp); hp:=hpp; end else hp:=tai(hp.next); end; end; function TDebugInfoStabx.gen_procdef_endsym_stabs(def: tprocdef): TAsmList; var procendsymbol: tasmsymbol; begin result:=inherited gen_procdef_endsym_stabs(def); if not assigned(def.procstarttai) then exit; procendsymbol:=current_asmdata.DefineAsmSymbol('LT..'+ReplaceForbiddenAsmSymbolChars(def.mangledname),AB_LOCAL,AT_ADDR); current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].insertbefore(tai_symbol.create(procendsymbol,0),def.procendtai); end; procedure TDebugInfoStabx.appendsym_label(list: TAsmList; sym: tlabelsym); begin // ignore, not sure what kind of debug information we could generate for // this end; procedure TDebugInfoStabx.appendsym_staticvar(list: TAsmList; sym: tstaticvarsym); var ismem, isglobal: boolean; begin if vo_is_external in sym.varoptions then exit; ismem:=not(sym.localloc.loc in [LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER,LOC_MMREGISTER,LOC_CMMREGISTER,LOC_FPUREGISTER,LOC_CFPUREGISTER]); isglobal:=false; if ismem then isglobal:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(sym.mangledname).bind=AB_GLOBAL; { put extra ss/es markers in place } if ismem then if isglobal then list.concat(tai_stab.Create_ansistr(stabx_bs,'.data[RW]')) else list.concat(tai_stab.Create_ansistr(stabx_bs,'_data.bss_')); inherited; if ismem then list.concat(tai_stab.Create_ansistr(stabx_es,'')); end; procedure TDebugInfoStabx.insertlineinfo(list: TAsmList); var currfileinfo, lastfileinfo, curincludefileinfo, curfunstartfileinfo: tfileposinfo; currsectype : TAsmSectiontype; hp, inclinsertpos, last : tai; infile : tinputfile; i, linenr, stabx_func_level, nolineinfolevel: longint; nextlineisfunstart: boolean; begin FillChar(currfileinfo,sizeof(currfileinfo),0); FillChar(lastfileinfo,sizeof(lastfileinfo),0); FillChar(curincludefileinfo,sizeof(curincludefileinfo),0); FillChar(curfunstartfileinfo,sizeof(curfunstartfileinfo),0); currsectype:=sec_code; hp:=Tai(list.first); nextlineisfunstart:=false; nolineinfolevel:=0; stabx_func_level:=0; last:=nil; while assigned(hp) do begin case hp.typ of ait_section : currsectype:=tai_section(hp).sectype; ait_force_line : lastfileinfo.line:=-1; ait_symbol: if tai_symbol(hp).sym.typ = AT_FUNCTION then nextlineisfunstart:=true; ait_symbol_end: if tai_symbol_end(hp).sym.typ = AT_FUNCTION then begin { end of function } if stabx_func_level > 0 then begin list.insertbefore(Tai_stab.Create_str(stabx_ef,tostr(currfileinfo.line)),hp); dec(stabx_func_level); end; end; ait_marker : begin case tai_marker(hp).kind of mark_NoLineInfoStart: inc(nolineinfolevel); mark_NoLineInfoEnd: dec(nolineinfolevel); end; end; end; if (currsectype=sec_code) and (hp.typ=ait_instruction) then begin currfileinfo:=tailineinfo(hp).fileinfo; inclinsertpos:=hp; while assigned(inclinsertpos.previous) and (tai(inclinsertpos.previous).typ in (SkipInstr+[ait_marker])) do inclinsertpos:=tai(inclinsertpos.previous); { file changed ? (must be before line info) } if (currfileinfo.fileindex<>0) and ((lastfileinfo.fileindex<>currfileinfo.fileindex) or (lastfileinfo.moduleindex<>currfileinfo.moduleindex)) then begin if curincludefileinfo.fileindex<>0 then begin infile:=get_module(curincludefileinfo.moduleindex).sourcefiles.get_file(curincludefileinfo.fileindex); list.insertbefore(Tai_stab.Create_str(stabx_ei,'"'+FixFileName(infile.name)+'"'),inclinsertpos); curincludefileinfo.fileindex:=0; end; if currfileinfo.fileindex<>1 then begin infile:=get_module(currfileinfo.moduleindex).sourcefiles.get_file(currfileinfo.fileindex); if assigned(infile) then begin list.insertbefore(Tai_stab.Create_str(stabx_bi,'"'+FixFileName(infile.name)+'"'),inclinsertpos); curincludefileinfo:=currfileinfo; { force new line info } lastfileinfo.line:=-1; end; end else lastfileinfo.line:=-1; if nextlineisfunstart then begin curfunstartfileinfo:=currfileinfo; { insert here rather than via procdef, because the procdef may have been created in another file in case the body is completely declared in an include file } list.insertbefore(Tai_stab.Create_str(stabx_bf,tostr(currfileinfo.line)),hp); inc(stabx_func_level); { -1 to avoid outputting a relative line 0 in the function, because that means something different } dec(curfunstartfileinfo.line); nextlineisfunstart:=false; end; end; { implicit functions have no file information } if nextlineisfunstart then begin list.insertbefore(Tai_stab.Create_str(stabx_bf,tostr(currfileinfo.line)),hp); inc(stabx_func_level); nextlineisfunstart:=false; end; if nolineinfolevel=0 then begin { line changed ? } if (currfileinfo.line>lastfileinfo.line) and (currfileinfo.line<>0) then begin linenr:=currfileinfo.line; { line numbers in AIX are relative to the function start line (except if they are in a different file then where the function started!) } if (currfileinfo.fileindex=curfunstartfileinfo.fileindex) and (currfileinfo.moduleindex=curfunstartfileinfo.moduleindex) then dec(linenr,curfunstartfileinfo.line); { can be < 0 in case of bugs in the compiler } if (linenr > 0) {$ifndef cpu64bitaddr} { line numbers are unsigned short in 32 bit xcoff } and (linenr<=high(word)) {$endif} then list.insertbefore(Tai_stab.Create_str(stabx_line,tostr(linenr)),hp); end; lastfileinfo:=currfileinfo; end; end; last:=hp; hp:=tai(hp.next); end; { close include file if still open } if curincludefileinfo.fileindex<>0 then begin infile:=get_module(curincludefileinfo.moduleindex).sourcefiles.get_file(curincludefileinfo.fileindex); list.insertbefore(Tai_stab.Create_str(stabx_ei,'"'+FixFileName(infile.name)+'"'),last); curincludefileinfo.fileindex:=0; end; end; procedure TDebugInfoStabx.insertmoduleinfo; begin // do nothing end; procedure TDebugInfoStabx.referencesections(list: TAsmList); begin // do nothing end; constructor TDebugInfoStabx.create; begin inherited create; dbgtype:=dbg_stabx; stabsdir:=stab_stabx; def_stab:=STABX_N_DECL; regvar_stab:=STABX_N_RPSYM; procdef_stab:=STABX_N_Function; constsym_stab:=STABX_N_GSYM; typesym_stab:=STABX_N_DECL; globalvarsym_uninited_stab:=STABX_N_STSYM; globalvarsym_inited_stab:=STABX_N_STSYM; staticvarsym_uninited_stab:=STABX_N_STSYM; staticvarsym_inited_stab:=STABX_N_STSYM; localvarsymref_stab:=STABX_N_LSYM; paravarsymref_stab:=STABX_N_PSYM; tagtypeprefix:='T'; end; const dbg_stabx_info : tdbginfo = ( id : dbg_stabx; idtxt : 'STABX'; ); initialization RegisterDebugInfo(dbg_stabx_info,TDebugInfoStabx); end.