{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Compare definitions and parameter lists This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit defcmp; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses, globtype,globals, node, symconst,symtype,symdef,symbase; type { if acp is cp_all the var const or nothing are considered equal } tcompare_paras_type = ( cp_none, cp_value_equal_const, cp_all,cp_procvar); tcompare_paras_option = ( cpo_allowdefaults, cpo_ignorehidden, // ignore hidden parameters cpo_allowconvert, cpo_comparedefaultvalue, cpo_openequalisexact, cpo_ignoreuniv, cpo_warn_incompatible_univ, cpo_ignorevarspez, // ignore parameter access type cpo_ignoreframepointer, // ignore frame pointer parameter (for assignment-compatibility of global procedures to nested procvars) cpo_compilerproc, cpo_rtlproc, cpo_generic // two different undefined defs (or a constraint in the forward) alone or in open arrays are // treated as exactly equal (also in open arrays) if they are owned by their respective procdefs ); tcompare_paras_options = set of tcompare_paras_option; tcompare_defs_option = ( cdo_internal, cdo_explicit, cdo_check_operator, cdo_allow_variant, cdo_parameter, cdo_warn_incompatible_univ, cdo_strict_undefined_check, // undefined defs are incompatible to everything except other undefined defs cdo_equal_check // this call is only to check equality -> shortcut some expensive checks ); tcompare_defs_options = set of tcompare_defs_option; tconverttype = (tc_none, tc_equal, tc_not_possible, tc_string_2_string, tc_char_2_string, tc_char_2_chararray, tc_pchar_2_string, tc_cchar_2_pchar, tc_cstring_2_pchar, tc_cstring_2_int, tc_ansistring_2_pchar, tc_string_2_chararray, tc_chararray_2_string, tc_array_2_pointer, tc_pointer_2_array, tc_int_2_int, tc_int_2_bool, tc_bool_2_bool, tc_bool_2_int, tc_real_2_real, tc_int_2_real, tc_real_2_currency, tc_proc_2_procvar, tc_nil_2_methodprocvar, tc_arrayconstructor_2_set, tc_set_to_set, tc_cord_2_pointer, tc_intf_2_string, tc_intf_2_guid, tc_class_2_intf, tc_char_2_char, tc_dynarray_2_openarray, tc_pwchar_2_string, tc_variant_2_dynarray, tc_dynarray_2_variant, tc_variant_2_enum, tc_enum_2_variant, tc_interface_2_variant, tc_variant_2_interface, tc_array_2_dynarray, tc_elem_2_openarray, tc_arrayconstructor_2_dynarray, tc_arrayconstructor_2_array ); function compare_defs_ext(def_from,def_to : tdef; fromtreetype : tnodetype; var doconv : tconverttype; var operatorpd : tprocdef; cdoptions:tcompare_defs_options):tequaltype; { Returns if the type def_from can be converted to def_to or if both types are equal } function compare_defs(def_from,def_to:tdef;fromtreetype:tnodetype):tequaltype; { Returns true, if def1 and def2 are semantically the same } function equal_defs(def_from,def_to:tdef):boolean; { Checks for type compatibility (subgroups of type) used for case statements... probably missing stuff to use on other types } function is_subequal(def1, def2: tdef): boolean; {# true, if two parameter lists are equal if acp is cp_all, all have to match exactly if acp is cp_value_equal_const call by value and call by const parameter are assumed as equal if acp is cp_procvar then the varspez have to match, and all parameter types must be at least te_equal if acp is cp_none, then we don't check the varspez at all allowdefaults indicates if default value parameters are allowed (in this case, the search order will first search for a routine with default parameters, before searching for the same definition with no parameters) para1 is expected to be parameter list of the first encountered declaration (interface, forward), and para2 that of the second one (important in case of cpo_comparedefaultvalue) } function compare_paras(para1,para2 : TFPObjectList; acp : tcompare_paras_type; cpoptions: tcompare_paras_options):tequaltype; { True if a function can be assigned to a procvar } { changed first argument type to pabstractprocdef so that it can also be } { used to test compatibility between two pprocvardefs (JM) } function proc_to_procvar_equal(def1:tabstractprocdef;def2:tprocvardef;checkincompatibleuniv: boolean):tequaltype; { Parentdef is the definition of a method defined in a parent class or interface } { Childdef is the definition of a method defined in a child class, interface or } { a class implementing an interface with parentdef. } { Returns true if the resultdef of childdef can be used to implement/override } { parentdef's resultdef } function compatible_childmethod_resultdef(parentretdef, childretdef: tdef): boolean; { Checks whether the class impldef or one of its parent classes implements } { the interface intfdef and returns the corresponding "implementation link } function find_implemented_interface(impldef,intfdef:tobjectdef):timplementedinterface; { Checks whether to defs are related to each other. Thereby the following } { cases of curdef are implemented: } { - stringdef: on JVM JLObject, JLString and AnsiString are compatible } { - recorddef: on JVM records are compatible to java_fpcbaserecordtype } { and JLObject } { - objectdef: if it inherits from otherdef or they are equal } function def_is_related(curdef,otherdef:tdef):boolean; { Checks whether two defs for parameters or result types of a generic } { routine can be considered as equal. Requires the symtables of the } { procdefs the parameters defs shall belong to. } function equal_genfunc_paradefs(fwdef,currdef:tdef;fwpdst,currpdst:tsymtable):boolean; implementation uses verbose,systems,constexp, symtable,symsym,symcpu, defutil,symutil; function compare_defs_ext(def_from,def_to : tdef; fromtreetype : tnodetype; var doconv : tconverttype; var operatorpd : tprocdef; cdoptions:tcompare_defs_options):tequaltype; { tordtype: uvoid, u8bit,u16bit,u32bit,u64bit, s8bit,s16bit,s32bit,s64bit, pasbool, bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,bool64bit, uchar,uwidechar,scurrency,customint } type tbasedef=(bvoid,bchar,bint,bbool); const basedeftbl:array[tordtype] of tbasedef = (bvoid, bint,bint,bint,bint,bint, bint,bint,bint,bint,bint, bbool,bbool,bbool,bbool,bbool, bbool,bbool,bbool,bbool, bchar,bchar,bint,bint); basedefconvertsimplicit : array[tbasedef,tbasedef] of tconverttype = { void, char, int, bool } ((tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible), (tc_not_possible,tc_char_2_char,tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible), (tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_int_2_int,tc_not_possible), (tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_bool_2_bool)); basedefconvertsexplicit : array[tbasedef,tbasedef] of tconverttype = { void, char, int, bool } ((tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible), (tc_not_possible,tc_char_2_char,tc_int_2_int,tc_int_2_bool), (tc_not_possible,tc_int_2_int,tc_int_2_int,tc_int_2_bool), (tc_not_possible,tc_bool_2_int,tc_bool_2_int,tc_bool_2_bool)); var subeq,eq : tequaltype; hd1,hd2 : tdef; def_generic : tstoreddef; hct : tconverttype; hobjdef : tobjectdef; hpd : tprocdef; i : longint; diff : boolean; symfrom,symto : tsym; begin eq:=te_incompatible; doconv:=tc_not_possible; { safety check } if not(assigned(def_from) and assigned(def_to)) then begin compare_defs_ext:=te_incompatible; exit; end; { resolve anonymous external definitions } if def_from.typ=objectdef then def_from:=find_real_class_definition(tobjectdef(def_from),false); if def_to.typ=objectdef then def_to:=find_real_class_definition(tobjectdef(def_to),false); { same def? then we've an exact match } if def_from=def_to then begin doconv:=tc_equal; compare_defs_ext:=te_exact; exit; end; if cdo_strict_undefined_check in cdoptions then begin { two different undefined defs are not considered equal } if (def_from.typ=undefineddef) and (def_to.typ=undefineddef) then begin doconv:=tc_not_possible; compare_defs_ext:=te_incompatible; exit; end; { if only one def is a undefined def then they are not considered as equal} if ( (def_from.typ=undefineddef) or assigned(tstoreddef(def_from).genconstraintdata) ) or ( (def_to.typ=undefineddef) or assigned(tstoreddef(def_to).genconstraintdata) ) then begin doconv:=tc_not_possible; compare_defs_ext:=te_incompatible; exit; end; end else begin { undefined defs are considered equal to everything } if (def_from.typ=undefineddef) or (def_to.typ=undefineddef) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; compare_defs_ext:=te_exact; exit; end; { either type has constraints } if assigned(tstoreddef(def_from).genconstraintdata) or assigned(tstoreddef(def_to).genconstraintdata) then begin { this is bascially a poor man's type checking, if there is a chance that the types are equal considering the constraints, this needs probably to be improved and maybe factored out or even result in a recursive compare_defs_ext } if (def_from.typ<>def_to.typ) and { formaldefs are compatible with everything } not(def_from.typ in [formaldef]) and not(def_to.typ in [formaldef]) and { constants could get another deftype (e.g. niln) } not(fromtreetype in nodetype_const) then begin { not compatible anyway } doconv:=tc_not_possible; compare_defs_ext:=te_incompatible; exit; end; { maybe we are in generic type declaration/implementation. In this case constraint in comparison to not specialized generic is not "exact" nor "incompatible" } if not(((df_genconstraint in def_from.defoptions) and ([df_generic,df_specialization]*def_to.defoptions=[df_generic]) ) or ( (df_genconstraint in def_to.defoptions) and ([df_generic,df_specialization]*def_from.defoptions=[df_generic])) ) then begin { one is definitely a constraint, for the other we don't care right now } doconv:=tc_equal; compare_defs_ext:=te_exact; exit; end; end; end; { two specializations are considered equal if they specialize the same generic with the same types } if (df_specialization in def_from.defoptions) and (df_specialization in def_to.defoptions) and (tstoreddef(def_from).genericdef=tstoreddef(def_to).genericdef) then begin if assigned(tstoreddef(def_from).genericparas) xor assigned(tstoreddef(def_to).genericparas) then internalerror(2013030901); diff:=false; if assigned(tstoreddef(def_from).genericparas) then begin if tstoreddef(def_from).genericparas.count<>tstoreddef(def_to).genericparas.count then internalerror(2012091301); for i:=0 to tstoreddef(def_from).genericparas.count-1 do begin if tstoreddef(def_from).genericparas.nameofindex(i)<>tstoreddef(def_to).genericparas.nameofindex(i) then internalerror(2012091302); symfrom:=ttypesym(tstoreddef(def_from).genericparas[i]); symto:=ttypesym(tstoreddef(def_to).genericparas[i]); if not (symfrom.typ in [typesym,constsym]) or not (symto.typ in [typesym,constsym]) then internalerror(2012121401); if symto.typ<>symfrom.typ then diff:=true else if (symfrom.typ=constsym) and (symto.typ=constsym) and not equal_constsym(tconstsym(symfrom),tconstsym(symto),true) then diff:=true else if not equal_defs(ttypesym(symfrom).typedef,ttypesym(symto).typedef) then diff:=true; if diff then break; end; end; if not diff then begin doconv:=tc_equal; { the definitions are not exactly the same, but only equal } compare_defs_ext:=te_equal; exit; end; end; { handling of partial specializations } if ( (df_generic in def_to.defoptions) and (df_specialization in def_from.defoptions) and (tstoreddef(def_from).genericdef=def_to) ) or ( (df_generic in def_from.defoptions) and (df_specialization in def_to.defoptions) and (tstoreddef(def_to).genericdef=def_from) ) then begin if tstoreddef(def_from).genericdef=def_to then def_generic:=tstoreddef(def_to) else def_generic:=tstoreddef(def_from); if not assigned(def_generic.genericparas) then internalerror(2014052306); diff:=false; for i:=0 to def_generic.genericparas.count-1 do begin symfrom:=tsym(def_generic.genericparas[i]); if symfrom.typ<>typesym then internalerror(2014052307); if ttypesym(symfrom).typedef.typ<>undefineddef then diff:=true; if diff then break; end; if not diff then begin doconv:=tc_equal; { the definitions are not exactly the same, but only equal } compare_defs_ext:=te_equal; exit; end; end; { we walk the wanted (def_to) types and check then the def_from types if there is a conversion possible } case def_to.typ of orddef : begin case def_from.typ of orddef : begin if (torddef(def_from).ordtype=torddef(def_to).ordtype) then begin case torddef(def_from).ordtype of uchar,uwidechar, u8bit,u16bit,u32bit,u64bit, s8bit,s16bit,s32bit,s64bit: begin if (torddef(def_from).low>=torddef(def_to).low) and (torddef(def_from).high<=torddef(def_to).high) then eq:=te_equal else begin doconv:=tc_int_2_int; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; uvoid, pasbool1,pasbool8,pasbool16,pasbool32,pasbool64, bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,bool64bit, scurrency: eq:=te_equal; else internalerror(200210061); end; end { currency cannot be implicitly converted to an ordinal type } else if not is_currency(def_from) or (cdo_explicit in cdoptions) then begin if cdo_explicit in cdoptions then doconv:=basedefconvertsexplicit[basedeftbl[torddef(def_from).ordtype],basedeftbl[torddef(def_to).ordtype]] else doconv:=basedefconvertsimplicit[basedeftbl[torddef(def_from).ordtype],basedeftbl[torddef(def_to).ordtype]]; if (doconv=tc_not_possible) then eq:=te_incompatible else if (not is_in_limit(def_from,def_to)) then { "punish" bad type conversions :) (JM) } eq:=te_convert_l3 else eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; enumdef : begin { needed for char(enum) } if cdo_explicit in cdoptions then begin doconv:=tc_int_2_int; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; floatdef : begin if is_currency(def_to) then begin doconv:=tc_real_2_currency; eq:=te_convert_l2; end; end; objectdef: begin if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and is_implicit_pointer_object_type(def_from) and (cdo_explicit in cdoptions) then begin eq:=te_convert_l1; if (fromtreetype=niln) then begin { will be handled by the constant folding } doconv:=tc_equal; end else doconv:=tc_int_2_int; end; end; classrefdef, procvardef, pointerdef : begin if cdo_explicit in cdoptions then begin eq:=te_convert_l1; if (fromtreetype=niln) then begin { will be handled by the constant folding } doconv:=tc_equal; end else doconv:=tc_int_2_int; end; end; arraydef : begin if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and is_integer(def_to) and (fromtreetype=stringconstn) then begin eq:=te_convert_l3; doconv:=tc_cstring_2_int; end; end; else ; end; end; stringdef : begin case def_from.typ of stringdef : begin { Constant string } if (fromtreetype=stringconstn) and is_shortstring(def_from) and is_shortstring(def_to) then eq:=te_equal else if (tstringdef(def_to).stringtype=st_ansistring) and (tstringdef(def_from).stringtype=st_ansistring) then begin { don't convert ansistrings if any condition is true: 1) same encoding 2) from explicit codepage ansistring to ansistring and vice versa 3) from any ansistring to rawbytestring 4) from rawbytestring to any ansistring } if (tstringdef(def_from).encoding=tstringdef(def_to).encoding) or ((tstringdef(def_to).encoding=0) and (tstringdef(def_from).encoding=getansistringcodepage)) or ((tstringdef(def_to).encoding=getansistringcodepage) and (tstringdef(def_from).encoding=0)) or (tstringdef(def_to).encoding=globals.CP_NONE) or (tstringdef(def_from).encoding=globals.CP_NONE) then begin eq:=te_equal; end else begin doconv := tc_string_2_string; { prefere conversion to utf8 codepage } if tstringdef(def_to).encoding = globals.CP_UTF8 then eq:=te_convert_l1 { else to AnsiString type } else if def_to=getansistringdef then eq:=te_convert_l2 { else to AnsiString with other codepage } else eq:=te_convert_l3; end end else { same string type ? } if (tstringdef(def_from).stringtype=tstringdef(def_to).stringtype) and { for shortstrings also the length must match } ((tstringdef(def_from).stringtype<>st_shortstring) or (tstringdef(def_from).len=tstringdef(def_to).len)) and { for ansi- and unicodestrings also the encoding must match } (not(tstringdef(def_from).stringtype in [st_ansistring,st_unicodestring]) or (tstringdef(def_from).encoding=tstringdef(def_to).encoding)) then eq:=te_equal else begin doconv:=tc_string_2_string; case tstringdef(def_from).stringtype of st_widestring : begin case tstringdef(def_to).stringtype of { Prefer conversions to unicodestring } st_unicodestring: eq:=te_convert_l1; { else prefer conversions to ansistring } st_ansistring: eq:=te_convert_l2; else eq:=te_convert_l3; end; end; st_unicodestring : begin case tstringdef(def_to).stringtype of { Prefer conversions to widestring } st_widestring: eq:=te_convert_l1; { else prefer conversions to ansistring } st_ansistring: eq:=te_convert_l2; else eq:=te_convert_l3; end; end; st_shortstring : begin { Prefer shortstrings of different length or conversions from shortstring to ansistring } case tstringdef(def_to).stringtype of st_shortstring: eq:=te_convert_l1; st_ansistring: if tstringdef(def_to).encoding=globals.CP_UTF8 then eq:=te_convert_l2 else if def_to=getansistringdef then eq:=te_convert_l3 else eq:=te_convert_l4; st_unicodestring: eq:=te_convert_l5; else eq:=te_convert_l6; end; end; st_ansistring : begin { Prefer conversion to widestrings } case tstringdef(def_to).stringtype of st_unicodestring: eq:=te_convert_l4; st_widestring: eq:=te_convert_l5; else eq:=te_convert_l6; end; end; else ; end; end; end; orddef : begin { char to string} if is_char(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_char_2_string; case tstringdef(def_to).stringtype of st_shortstring: eq:=te_convert_l1; st_ansistring: eq:=te_convert_l2; st_unicodestring: eq:=te_convert_l3; st_widestring: eq:=te_convert_l4; else eq:=te_convert_l5; end; end else if is_widechar(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_char_2_string; case tstringdef(def_to).stringtype of st_unicodestring: eq:=te_convert_l1; st_widestring: eq:=te_convert_l2; st_ansistring: eq:=te_convert_l3; st_shortstring: eq:=te_convert_l4; else eq:=te_convert_l5; end; end; end; arraydef : begin { array of char to string, the length check is done by the firstpass of this node } if (is_chararray(def_from) or is_open_chararray(def_from)) and { bitpacked arrays of char whose element bitsize is not 8 cannot be auto-converted to strings } (not is_packed_array(def_from) or (tarraydef(def_from).elementdef.packedbitsize=8)) then begin { "Untyped" stringconstn is an array of char } if fromtreetype=stringconstn then begin doconv:=tc_string_2_string; { prefered string type depends on the $H switch } if (m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches) and (cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches) then case tstringdef(def_to).stringtype of st_unicodestring: eq:=te_equal; st_widestring: eq:=te_convert_l1; // widechar: eq:=te_convert_l2; // ansichar: eq:=te_convert_l3; st_ansistring: eq:=te_convert_l4; st_shortstring: eq:=te_convert_l5; else eq:=te_convert_l6; end else if not(cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches) and (tstringdef(def_to).stringtype=st_shortstring) then eq:=te_equal else if not(m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches) and (cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches) and (tstringdef(def_to).stringtype=st_ansistring) then eq:=te_equal else if tstringdef(def_to).stringtype in [st_widestring,st_unicodestring] then eq:=te_convert_l3 else eq:=te_convert_l1; end else begin doconv:=tc_chararray_2_string; if is_open_array(def_from) then begin if is_ansistring(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l1 else if is_wide_or_unicode_string(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l3 else eq:=te_convert_l2; end else begin if is_shortstring(def_to) then begin { Only compatible with arrays that fit smaller than 255 chars } if (def_from.size <= 255) then eq:=te_convert_l1; end else if is_ansistring(def_to) then begin if (def_from.size > 255) then eq:=te_convert_l1 else eq:=te_convert_l2; end else if is_wide_or_unicode_string(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l3 else eq:=te_convert_l2; end; end; end else { array of widechar to string, the length check is done by the firstpass of this node } if is_widechararray(def_from) or is_open_widechararray(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_chararray_2_string; if is_wide_or_unicode_string(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l1 else { size of widechar array is double due the sizeof a widechar } if not(is_shortstring(def_to) and (is_open_widechararray(def_from) or (def_from.size>255*sizeof(widechar)))) then eq:=te_convert_l3 else eq:=te_convert_l2; end; end; pointerdef : begin { pchar can be assigned to short/ansistrings, but not in tp7 compatible mode } if not(m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin if is_pchar(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_pchar_2_string; { prefer ansistrings/unicodestrings because pchars can overflow shortstrings; don't use l1/l2/l3 because then pchar -> ansistring has the same preference as conststring -> pchar, and this breaks webtbs/tw3328.pp } if is_ansistring(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l2 else if is_wide_or_unicode_string(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l3 else eq:=te_convert_l4 end else if is_pwidechar(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_pwchar_2_string; if is_wide_or_unicode_string(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l1 else { shortstring and ansistring can both result in data loss, so don't prefer one over the other } eq:=te_convert_l3; end; end; end; objectdef : begin { corba interface -> id string } if is_interfacecorba(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_intf_2_string; eq:=te_convert_l1; end else if (def_from=java_jlstring) then begin if is_wide_or_unicode_string(def_to) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_equal; end else if def_to.typ=stringdef then begin doconv:=tc_string_2_string; if is_ansistring(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l2 else eq:=te_convert_l3 end; end; end; else ; end; end; floatdef : begin case def_from.typ of orddef : begin { ordinal to real } { only for implicit and internal typecasts in tp } if (([cdo_explicit,cdo_internal] * cdoptions <> [cdo_explicit]) or (not(m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches))) and (is_integer(def_from) or (is_currency(def_from) and (s64currencytype.typ = floatdef))) then begin doconv:=tc_int_2_real; { prefer single over others } if is_single(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l3 else eq:=te_convert_l4; end else if is_currency(def_from) { and (s64currencytype.typ = orddef)) } then begin { prefer conversion to orddef in this case, unless } { the orddef < currency (then it will get convert l3, } { and conversion to float is favoured) } doconv:=tc_int_2_real; if is_extended(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l1 else if is_double(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l2 else if is_single(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l3 else eq:=te_convert_l2; end; end; floatdef : begin if tfloatdef(def_from).floattype=tfloatdef(def_to).floattype then eq:=te_equal else begin { Delphi does not allow explicit type conversions for float types like: single_var:=single(double_var); But if such conversion is inserted by compiler (internal) for some purpose, it should be allowed even in Delphi mode. } if (fromtreetype=realconstn) or not((cdoptions*[cdo_explicit,cdo_internal]=[cdo_explicit]) and (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches)) then begin doconv:=tc_real_2_real; { do we lose precision? } if (def_to.size8)) and not is_widechararray(def_from)) xor (is_packed_array(def_to) and (not is_chararray(def_to) or (tarraydef(def_to).elementdef.packedbitsize<>8)) and not is_widechararray(def_to)) then { both must be packed } begin compare_defs_ext:=te_incompatible; exit; end { to dynamic array } else if is_dynamic_array(def_to) then begin if is_array_constructor(def_from) then begin { array constructor -> dynamic array } if is_void(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef) then begin { only needs to loose to [] -> open array } eq:=te_convert_l2; doconv:=tc_arrayconstructor_2_dynarray; end else begin { this should loose to the array constructor -> open array conversions, but it might happen that the end of the convert levels is reached :/ } subeq:=compare_defs_ext(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef, tarraydef(def_to).elementdef, { reason for cdo_allow_variant: see webtbs/tw7070a and webtbs/tw7070b } arrayconstructorn,hct,hpd,[cdo_check_operator,cdo_allow_variant]); if (subeq>=te_equal) then begin eq:=te_convert_l2; end else { an array constructor is not a dynamic array, so use a lower level of compatibility than that one of of the elements } if subeq>te_convert_l5 then begin eq:=pred(pred(subeq)); end else if subeq>te_convert_l6 then eq:=pred(subeq) else if subeq=te_convert_operator then { the operater needs to be applied by element, so we tell the caller that it's some unpreffered conversion and let it handle the per-element stuff } eq:=te_convert_l6 else eq:=subeq; doconv:=tc_arrayconstructor_2_dynarray; end; end else if equal_defs(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef,tarraydef(def_to).elementdef) then begin { dynamic array -> dynamic array } if is_dynamic_array(def_from) then eq:=te_equal { regular array -> dynamic array } else if (m_array2dynarray in current_settings.modeswitches) and not(is_special_array(def_from)) and is_zero_based_array(def_from) then begin eq:=te_convert_l2; doconv:=tc_array_2_dynarray; end; end end else { to open array } if is_open_array(def_to) then begin { array constructor -> open array } if is_array_constructor(def_from) then begin if is_void(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end else begin subeq:=compare_defs_ext(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef, tarraydef(def_to).elementdef, { reason for cdo_allow_variant: see webtbs/tw7070a and webtbs/tw7070b } arrayconstructorn,hct,hpd,[cdo_check_operator,cdo_allow_variant]); if (subeq>=te_equal) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end else { an array constructor is not an open array, so use a lower level of compatibility than that one of of the elements } if subeq>te_convert_l6 then begin doconv:=hct; eq:=pred(subeq); end else eq:=subeq; end; end else { dynamic array -> open array } if is_dynamic_array(def_from) and equal_defs(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef,tarraydef(def_to).elementdef) then begin doconv:=tc_dynarray_2_openarray; eq:=te_convert_l2; end else { open array -> open array } if is_open_array(def_from) and equal_defs(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef,tarraydef(def_to).elementdef) then if tarraydef(def_from).elementdef=tarraydef(def_to).elementdef then eq:=te_exact else eq:=te_equal else { array -> open array } if not(cdo_parameter in cdoptions) and equal_defs(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef,tarraydef(def_to).elementdef) then begin if fromtreetype=stringconstn then eq:=te_convert_l1 else eq:=te_equal; end; end else { to array of const } if is_array_of_const(def_to) then begin if is_array_of_const(def_from) or is_array_constructor(def_from) then begin eq:=te_equal; end else { array of tvarrec -> array of const } if equal_defs(tarraydef(def_to).elementdef,tarraydef(def_from).elementdef) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end else { to array of char, from "Untyped" stringconstn (array of char) } if (fromtreetype=stringconstn) and ((is_chararray(def_to) and { bitpacked arrays of char whose element bitsize is not 8 cannot be auto-converted from strings } (not is_packed_array(def_to) or (tarraydef(def_to).elementdef.packedbitsize=8))) or is_widechararray(def_to)) then begin eq:=te_convert_l1; doconv:=tc_string_2_chararray; end else { to normal array } if is_normal_array(def_to) and is_array_constructor(def_from) then begin { element count must match exactly } if tarraydef(def_to).elecount=tarraydef(def_from).elecount then begin eq:=te_convert_l2; doconv:=tc_arrayconstructor_2_array; end; end else { other arrays } begin { open array -> array } if not(cdo_parameter in cdoptions) and is_open_array(def_from) and equal_defs(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef,tarraydef(def_to).elementdef) then begin eq:=te_equal end else { array -> array } if not(m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) and not(m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and (tarraydef(def_from).lowrange=tarraydef(def_to).lowrange) and (tarraydef(def_from).highrange=tarraydef(def_to).highrange) and equal_defs(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef,tarraydef(def_to).elementdef) and equal_defs(tarraydef(def_from).rangedef,tarraydef(def_to).rangedef) then begin eq:=te_equal end; end; end; pointerdef : begin { nil and voidpointers are compatible with dyn. arrays } if is_dynamic_array(def_to) and ((fromtreetype=niln) or is_voidpointer(def_from)) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end else if is_zero_based_array(def_to) and equal_defs(tpointerdef(def_from).pointeddef,tarraydef(def_to).elementdef) then begin doconv:=tc_pointer_2_array; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; stringdef : begin { string to char array } if not is_special_array(def_to) and ((is_char(tarraydef(def_to).elementdef) and { bitpacked arrays of char whose element bitsize is not 8 cannot be auto-converted from strings } (not is_packed_array(def_to) or (tarraydef(def_to).elementdef.packedbitsize=8))) or is_widechar(tarraydef(def_to).elementdef)) then begin doconv:=tc_string_2_chararray; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; orddef: begin if is_chararray(def_to) and is_char(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_char_2_chararray; eq:=te_convert_l2; end; end; recorddef : begin { tvarrec -> array of const } if is_array_of_const(def_to) and equal_defs(def_from,tarraydef(def_to).elementdef) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; variantdef : begin if is_dynamic_array(def_to) then begin doconv:=tc_variant_2_dynarray; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; setdef : begin { special case: an empty set constant is compatible as well } if not assigned(tsetdef(def_from).elementdef) and (fromtreetype=setconstn) then begin doconv:=tc_arrayconstructor_2_dynarray; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; else ; end; end; end; variantdef : begin if (cdo_allow_variant in cdoptions) then begin case def_from.typ of enumdef : begin doconv:=tc_enum_2_variant; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; arraydef : begin if is_dynamic_array(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_dynarray_2_variant; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; objectdef : begin { corbainterfaces not accepted, until we have runtime support for them in Variants (sergei) } if is_interfacecom_or_dispinterface(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_interface_2_variant; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; variantdef : begin { doing this in the compiler avoids a lot of unncessary copying } if (tvariantdef(def_from).varianttype=vt_olevariant) and (tvariantdef(def_to).varianttype=vt_normalvariant) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; else ; end; end; end; pointerdef : begin case def_from.typ of stringdef : begin { string constant (which can be part of array constructor) to zero terminated string constant } if (fromtreetype = stringconstn) and (is_pchar(def_to) or is_pwidechar(def_to)) then begin doconv:=tc_cstring_2_pchar; if is_pwidechar(def_to)=(m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches) then eq:=te_convert_l2 else eq:=te_convert_l3 end else if (cdo_explicit in cdoptions) or (fromtreetype = arrayconstructorn) then begin { pchar(ansistring) } if is_pchar(def_to) and is_ansistring(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_ansistring_2_pchar; eq:=te_convert_l1; end else { pwidechar(widestring) } if is_pwidechar(def_to) and is_wide_or_unicode_string(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_ansistring_2_pchar; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; end; orddef : begin { char constant to zero terminated string constant } if (fromtreetype in [ordconstn,arrayconstructorn]) then begin if (is_char(def_from) or is_widechar(def_from)) and (is_pchar(def_to) or is_pwidechar(def_to)) then begin doconv:=tc_cchar_2_pchar; if is_pwidechar(def_to)=(m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches) then eq:=te_convert_l1 else eq:=te_convert_l2 end else if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and is_integer(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_cord_2_pointer; eq:=te_convert_l5; end; end; { allow explicit typecasts from ordinals to pointer. Support for delphi compatibility Support constructs like pointer(cardinal-cardinal) or pointer(longint+cardinal) where the result of the ordinal operation is int64 also on 32 bit platforms. It is also used by the compiler internally for inc(pointer,ordinal) } if (eq=te_incompatible) and not is_void(def_from) and ( ( (cdo_explicit in cdoptions) and ( (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) or { Don't allow pchar(char) in fpc modes } is_integer(def_from) ) ) or (cdo_internal in cdoptions) ) then begin doconv:=tc_int_2_int; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; enumdef : begin { allow explicit typecasts from enums to pointer. Support for delphi compatibility } { in Java enums /are/ class instances, and hence such typecasts must not be treated as integer-like conversions } if (((cdo_explicit in cdoptions) and ((m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) or (target_info.system in systems_jvm) ) ) or (cdo_internal in cdoptions) ) then begin { in Java enums /are/ class instances, and hence such typecasts must not be treated as integer-like conversions } if target_info.system in systems_jvm then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end else if m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches then begin doconv:=tc_int_2_int; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; end; arraydef : begin { string constant (which can be part of array constructor) to zero terminated string constant } if (((fromtreetype = arrayconstructorn) and { can't use is_chararray, because returns false for } { array constructors } is_char(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef)) or (fromtreetype = stringconstn)) and (is_pchar(def_to) or is_pwidechar(def_to)) then begin doconv:=tc_cstring_2_pchar; if ((m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches) xor is_pchar(def_to)) then eq:=te_convert_l2 else eq:=te_convert_l3; end else { chararray to pointer } if (is_zero_based_array(def_from) or is_open_array(def_from)) and equal_defs(tarraydef(def_from).elementdef,tpointerdef(def_to).pointeddef) then begin doconv:=tc_array_2_pointer; { don't prefer the pchar overload when a constant string was passed } if fromtreetype=stringconstn then eq:=te_convert_l2 else eq:=te_convert_l1; end else { dynamic array to pointer, delphi only } if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and is_dynamic_array(def_from) and is_voidpointer(def_to) then begin eq:=te_equal; end; end; pointerdef : begin { check for far pointers } if not tpointerdef(def_from).compatible_with_pointerdef_size(tpointerdef(def_to)) then begin if fromtreetype=niln then eq:=te_equal else eq:=te_incompatible; end { the types can be forward type, handle before normal type check !! } else if assigned(def_to.typesym) and ((tpointerdef(def_to).pointeddef.typ=forwarddef) or (tpointerdef(def_from).pointeddef.typ=forwarddef)) then begin if (def_from.typesym=def_to.typesym) or (fromtreetype=niln) then eq:=te_equal end else { same types } if equal_defs(tpointerdef(def_from).pointeddef,tpointerdef(def_to).pointeddef) then begin eq:=te_equal end else { child class pointer can be assigned to anchestor pointers } if ( (tpointerdef(def_from).pointeddef.typ=objectdef) and (tpointerdef(def_to).pointeddef.typ=objectdef) and def_is_related(tobjectdef(tpointerdef(def_from).pointeddef), tobjectdef(tpointerdef(def_to).pointeddef)) ) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end else { all pointers can be assigned to void-pointer } if is_void(tpointerdef(def_to).pointeddef) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; { give pwidechar,pchar a penalty so it prefers conversion to ansistring } if is_pchar(def_from) or is_pwidechar(def_from) then eq:=te_convert_l2 else eq:=te_convert_l1; end else { all pointers can be assigned from void-pointer } if is_void(tpointerdef(def_from).pointeddef) or { all pointers can be assigned from void-pointer or formaldef pointer, check tw3777.pp if you change this } (tpointerdef(def_from).pointeddef.typ=formaldef) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; { give pwidechar a penalty so it prefers conversion to pchar } if is_pwidechar(def_to) then eq:=te_convert_l2 else eq:=te_convert_l1; end { id = generic class instance. metaclasses are also class instances themselves. } else if ((def_from=objc_idtype) and (def_to=objc_metaclasstype)) or ((def_to=objc_idtype) and (def_from=objc_metaclasstype)) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l2; end; end; procvardef : begin { procedure variable can be assigned to an void pointer, this is not allowed for complex procvars } if (is_void(tpointerdef(def_to).pointeddef) or (m_mac_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches)) and tprocvardef(def_from).compatible_with_pointerdef_size(tpointerdef(def_to)) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; procdef : begin { procedure variable can be assigned to an void pointer, this not allowed for methodpointers } if (m_mac_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches) and tprocdef(def_from).compatible_with_pointerdef_size(tpointerdef(def_to)) then begin doconv:=tc_proc_2_procvar; eq:=te_convert_l2; end; end; classrefdef, objectdef : begin { implicit pointer object and class reference types can be assigned to void pointers, but it is less preferred than assigning to a related objectdef } if ( is_implicit_pointer_object_type(def_from) or (def_from.typ=classrefdef) ) and (tpointerdef(def_to).pointeddef.typ=orddef) and (torddef(tpointerdef(def_to).pointeddef).ordtype=uvoid) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l2; end else if (is_objc_class_or_protocol(def_from) and (def_to=objc_idtype)) or { classrefs are also instances in Objective-C, hence they're also assignment-cpmpatible with id } (is_objcclassref(def_from) and ((def_to=objc_metaclasstype) or (def_to=objc_idtype))) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l2; end; end; else ; end; end; setdef : begin case def_from.typ of setdef : begin if assigned(tsetdef(def_from).elementdef) and assigned(tsetdef(def_to).elementdef) then begin { sets with the same size (packset setting), element base type and the same range are equal } if equal_defs(tsetdef(def_from).elementdef,tsetdef(def_to).elementdef) and (tsetdef(def_from).setbase=tsetdef(def_to).setbase) and (tsetdef(def_from).setmax=tsetdef(def_to).setmax) and (def_from.size=def_to.size) then eq:=te_equal else if is_subequal(tsetdef(def_from).elementdef,tsetdef(def_to).elementdef) then begin eq:=te_convert_l1; doconv:=tc_set_to_set; end; end else begin { empty set is compatible with everything } eq:=te_convert_l1; doconv:=tc_set_to_set; end; end; arraydef : begin { automatic arrayconstructor -> set conversion } if is_array_constructor(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_arrayconstructor_2_set; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; else ; end; end; procvardef : begin case def_from.typ of procdef : begin { proc -> procvar } if (m_tp_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches) or (m_mac_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin subeq:=proc_to_procvar_equal(tprocdef(def_from),tprocvardef(def_to),cdo_warn_incompatible_univ in cdoptions); if subeq>te_incompatible then begin doconv:=tc_proc_2_procvar; if subeq>te_convert_l5 then eq:=pred(subeq) else eq:=subeq; end; end; end; procvardef : begin { procvar -> procvar } eq:=proc_to_procvar_equal(tprocvardef(def_from),tprocvardef(def_to),cdo_warn_incompatible_univ in cdoptions); if eq quadratic complexity explosion } if not(cdo_equal_check in cdoptions) and (def_from.typ=objectdef) and (def_is_related(tobjectdef(def_from),tobjectdef(def_to))) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; { also update in htypechk.pas/var_para_allowed if changed here } eq:=te_convert_l3; end { string -> java.lang.string } else if (def_to=java_jlstring) and ((def_from.typ=stringdef) or (fromtreetype=stringconstn)) then begin if is_wide_or_unicode_string(def_from) or ((fromtreetype=stringconstn) and (cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches) and (m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches)) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_equal end else begin doconv:=tc_string_2_string; eq:=te_convert_l2; end; end else if (def_to=java_jlstring) and is_anychar(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_char_2_string; eq:=te_convert_l2 end else { specific to implicit pointer object types } if is_implicit_pointer_object_type(def_to) then begin { void pointer also for delphi mode } if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and is_voidpointer(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; { prefer pointer-pointer assignments } eq:=te_convert_l2; end else { nil is compatible with class instances and interfaces } if (fromtreetype=niln) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end { All Objective-C classes are compatible with ID } else if is_objc_class_or_protocol(def_to) and (def_from=objc_idtype) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l2; end { classes can be assigned to interfaces (same with objcclass and objcprotocol) } else if ((is_interface(def_to) and is_class(def_from)) or (is_objcprotocol(def_to) and is_objcclass(def_from)) or (is_javainterface(def_to) and is_javaclass(def_from))) and assigned(tobjectdef(def_from).ImplementedInterfaces) then begin { we've to search in parent classes as well } hobjdef:=tobjectdef(def_from); while assigned(hobjdef) do begin if find_implemented_interface(hobjdef,tobjectdef(def_to))<>nil then begin if is_interface(def_to) then doconv:=tc_class_2_intf else { for Objective-C, we don't have to do anything special } doconv:=tc_equal; { don't prefer this over objectdef->objectdef } eq:=te_convert_l2; break; end; hobjdef:=hobjdef.childof; end; end { Interface 2 GUID handling } else if (def_to=tdef(rec_tguid)) and (fromtreetype=typen) and is_interface(def_from) and assigned(tobjectdef(def_from).iidguid) then begin eq:=te_convert_l1; doconv:=tc_equal; end else if (def_from.typ=variantdef) and is_interfacecom_or_dispinterface(def_to) then begin { corbainterfaces not accepted, until we have runtime support for them in Variants (sergei) } doconv:=tc_variant_2_interface; eq:=te_convert_l2; end { ugly, but delphi allows it (enables typecasting ordinals/ enums of any size to pointer-based object defs) } { in Java enums /are/ class instances, and hence such typecasts must not be treated as integer-like conversions; arbitrary constants cannot be converted into classes/ pointer-based values either on the JVM -> always return false and let it be handled by the regular explicit type casting code } else if (not(target_info.system in systems_jvm) and ((def_from.typ=enumdef) or (def_from.typ=orddef))) and (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and (cdo_explicit in cdoptions) then begin doconv:=tc_int_2_int; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; end; classrefdef : begin { similar to pointerdef wrt forwards } if assigned(def_to.typesym) and (tclassrefdef(def_to).pointeddef.typ=forwarddef) or ((def_from.typ=classrefdef) and (tclassrefdef(def_from).pointeddef.typ=forwarddef)) then begin if (def_from.typesym=def_to.typesym) or (fromtreetype=niln) then eq:=te_equal; end else { class reference types } if (def_from.typ=classrefdef) then begin if equal_defs(tclassrefdef(def_from).pointeddef,tclassrefdef(def_to).pointeddef) then begin eq:=te_equal; end else begin doconv:=tc_equal; if (cdo_explicit in cdoptions) or def_is_related(tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(def_from).pointeddef), tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(def_to).pointeddef)) then eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end else if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and is_voidpointer(def_from) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; { prefer pointer-pointer assignments } eq:=te_convert_l2; end else { nil is compatible with class references } if (fromtreetype=niln) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end else { id is compatible with all classref types } if (def_from=objc_idtype) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; filedef : begin { typed files are all equal to the abstract file type name TYPEDFILE in system.pp in is_equal in types.pas the problem is that it sholud be also compatible to FILE but this would leed to a problem for ASSIGN RESET and REWRITE when trying to find the good overloaded function !! so all file function are doubled in system.pp this is not very beautiful !!} if (def_from.typ=filedef) then begin if (tfiledef(def_from).filetyp=tfiledef(def_to).filetyp) then begin if ( (tfiledef(def_from).typedfiledef=nil) and (tfiledef(def_to).typedfiledef=nil) ) or ( (tfiledef(def_from).typedfiledef<>nil) and (tfiledef(def_to).typedfiledef<>nil) and equal_defs(tfiledef(def_from).typedfiledef,tfiledef(def_to).typedfiledef) ) or ( (tfiledef(def_from).filetyp = ft_typed) and (tfiledef(def_to).filetyp = ft_typed) and ( (tfiledef(def_from).typedfiledef = tdef(voidtype)) or (tfiledef(def_to).typedfiledef = tdef(voidtype)) ) ) then begin eq:=te_equal; end; end else if ((tfiledef(def_from).filetyp = ft_untyped) and (tfiledef(def_to).filetyp = ft_typed)) or ((tfiledef(def_from).filetyp = ft_typed) and (tfiledef(def_to).filetyp = ft_untyped)) then begin doconv:=tc_equal; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; end; recorddef : begin { interface -> guid } if (def_to=rec_tguid) and (is_interfacecom_or_dispinterface(def_from)) then begin doconv:=tc_intf_2_guid; eq:=te_convert_l1; end; end; formaldef : begin doconv:=tc_equal; if (def_from.typ=formaldef) then eq:=te_equal else { Just about everything can be converted to a formaldef...} if not (def_from.typ in [abstractdef,errordef]) then eq:=te_convert_l6; end; else ; end; { if we didn't find an appropriate type conversion yet then we search also the := operator } if (eq=te_incompatible) and { make sure there is not a single variant if variants } { are not allowed (otherwise if only cdo_check_operator } { and e.g. fromdef=stringdef and todef=variantdef, then } { the test will still succeed } ((cdo_allow_variant in cdoptions) or ((def_from.typ<>variantdef) and (def_to.typ<>variantdef) and { internal typeconversions always have to be bitcasts (except for variants) } not(cdo_internal in cdoptions) ) ) and ( { Check for variants? } ( (cdo_allow_variant in cdoptions) and ((def_from.typ=variantdef) or (def_to.typ=variantdef)) ) or { Check for operators? } ( (cdo_check_operator in cdoptions) and ((def_from.typ<>variantdef) or (def_to.typ<>variantdef)) ) ) then begin operatorpd:=search_assignment_operator(def_from,def_to,cdo_explicit in cdoptions); if assigned(operatorpd) then eq:=te_convert_operator; end; { update convtype for te_equal when it is not yet set } if (eq=te_equal) and (doconv=tc_not_possible) then doconv:=tc_equal; compare_defs_ext:=eq; end; function equal_defs(def_from,def_to:tdef):boolean; var convtyp : tconverttype; pd : tprocdef; begin { Compare defs with nothingn and no explicit typecasts and searching for overloaded operators is not needed } equal_defs:=(compare_defs_ext(def_from,def_to,nothingn,convtyp,pd,[cdo_equal_check])>=te_equal); end; function compare_defs(def_from,def_to:tdef;fromtreetype:tnodetype):tequaltype; var doconv : tconverttype; pd : tprocdef; begin compare_defs:=compare_defs_ext(def_from,def_to,fromtreetype,doconv,pd,[cdo_check_operator,cdo_allow_variant]); end; function is_subequal(def1, def2: tdef): boolean; var basedef1,basedef2 : tenumdef; Begin is_subequal := false; if assigned(def1) and assigned(def2) then Begin if (def1.typ = orddef) and (def2.typ = orddef) then Begin { see p.47 of Turbo Pascal 7.01 manual for the separation of types } { range checking for case statements is done with adaptrange } case torddef(def1).ordtype of u8bit,u16bit,u32bit,u64bit, s8bit,s16bit,s32bit,s64bit : is_subequal:=(torddef(def2).ordtype in [s64bit,u64bit,s32bit,u32bit,u8bit,s8bit,s16bit,u16bit]); pasbool1,pasbool8,pasbool16,pasbool32,pasbool64, bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,bool64bit : is_subequal:=(torddef(def2).ordtype in [pasbool1,pasbool8,pasbool16,pasbool32,pasbool64,bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,bool64bit]); uchar : is_subequal:=(torddef(def2).ordtype=uchar); uwidechar : is_subequal:=(torddef(def2).ordtype=uwidechar); customint: is_subequal:=(torddef(def2).low=torddef(def1).low) and (torddef(def2).high=torddef(def1).high); u128bit, s128bit, scurrency, uvoid: ; end; end else Begin { Check if both basedefs are equal } if (def1.typ=enumdef) and (def2.typ=enumdef) then Begin { get both basedefs } basedef1:=tenumdef(def1); while assigned(basedef1.basedef) do basedef1:=basedef1.basedef; basedef2:=tenumdef(def2); while assigned(basedef2.basedef) do basedef2:=basedef2.basedef; is_subequal:=(basedef1=basedef2); end; end; end; end; function potentially_incompatible_univ_paras(def1, def2: tdef): boolean; begin result := { not entirely safe: different records can be passed differently depending on the types of their fields, but they're hard to compare (variant records, bitpacked vs non-bitpacked) } ((def1.typ in [floatdef,recorddef,arraydef,filedef,variantdef]) and (def1.typ<>def2.typ)) or { pointers, ordinals and small sets are all passed the same} (((def1.typ in [orddef,enumdef,pointerdef,procvardef,classrefdef]) or (is_class_or_interface_or_objc(def1)) or is_dynamic_array(def1) or is_smallset(def1) or is_ansistring(def1) or is_unicodestring(def1)) <> (def2.typ in [orddef,enumdef,pointerdef,procvardef,classrefdef]) or (is_class_or_interface_or_objc(def2)) or is_dynamic_array(def2) or is_smallset(def2) or is_ansistring(def2) or is_unicodestring(def2)) or { shortstrings } (is_shortstring(def1)<> is_shortstring(def2)) or { winlike widestrings } (is_widestring(def1)<> is_widestring(def2)) or { TP-style objects } (is_object(def1) <> is_object(def2)); end; function compare_paras(para1,para2 : TFPObjectList; acp : tcompare_paras_type; cpoptions: tcompare_paras_options):tequaltype; var currpara1, currpara2 : tparavarsym; eq,lowesteq : tequaltype; hpd : tprocdef; convtype : tconverttype; cdoptions : tcompare_defs_options; i1,i2 : byte; begin compare_paras:=te_incompatible; cdoptions:=[cdo_parameter,cdo_check_operator,cdo_allow_variant,cdo_strict_undefined_check]; { we need to parse the list from left-right so the not-default parameters are checked first } lowesteq:=high(tequaltype); i1:=0; i2:=0; if cpo_ignorehidden in cpoptions then begin while (i1currpara2.vardef) then exit; { Handle hidden parameters separately, because self is defined as voidpointer for methodpointers } if (vo_is_hidden_para in currpara1.varoptions) or (vo_is_hidden_para in currpara2.varoptions) then begin { both must be hidden } if (vo_is_hidden_para in currpara1.varoptions)<>(vo_is_hidden_para in currpara2.varoptions) then exit; eq:=te_exact; if (([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt]*currpara1.varoptions)=[]) and (([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt]*currpara2.varoptions)=[]) then begin if not(cpo_ignorevarspez in cpoptions) and (currpara1.varspez<>currpara2.varspez) then exit; eq:=compare_defs_ext(currpara1.vardef,currpara2.vardef,nothingn, convtype,hpd,cdoptions); end else if ([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt]*currpara1.varoptions)<> ([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt]*currpara2.varoptions) then eq:=te_incompatible; end else begin case acp of cp_value_equal_const : begin { this one is used for matching parameters from a call statement to a procdef -> univ state can't be equal in any case since the call statement does not contain any information about that } if ( not(cpo_ignorevarspez in cpoptions) and (currpara1.varspez<>currpara2.varspez) and ((currpara1.varspez in [vs_var,vs_out,vs_constref]) or (currpara2.varspez in [vs_var,vs_out,vs_constref])) ) then exit; eq:=compare_defs_ext(currpara1.vardef,currpara2.vardef,nothingn, convtype,hpd,cdoptions); end; cp_all : begin { used to resolve forward definitions -> headers must match exactly, including the "univ" specifier } if (not(cpo_ignorevarspez in cpoptions) and (currpara1.varspez<>currpara2.varspez)) or (currpara1.univpara<>currpara2.univpara) then exit; eq:=compare_defs_ext(currpara1.vardef,currpara2.vardef,nothingn, convtype,hpd,cdoptions); end; cp_procvar : begin if not(cpo_ignorevarspez in cpoptions) and (currpara1.varspez<>currpara2.varspez) then exit; { "univ" state doesn't matter here: from univ to non-univ matches if the types are compatible (i.e., as usual), from from non-univ to univ also matches if the types have the same size (checked below) } eq:=compare_defs_ext(currpara1.vardef,currpara2.vardef,nothingn, convtype,hpd,cdoptions); { Parameters must be at least equal otherwise the are incompatible } if (eq we have to be able to } { consider those as exact when resolving forward definitions. } { The same goes for array of const. Open arrays are handled } { already (if their element types match exactly, they are } { considered to be an exact match) } { And also for "inline defined" function parameter definitions } { (i.e., function types directly declared in a parameter list) } if (is_array_of_const(currpara1.vardef) or is_open_string(currpara1.vardef) or ((currpara1.vardef.typ = procvardef) and not(assigned(currpara1.vardef.typesym)))) and (eq=te_equal) and (cpo_openequalisexact in cpoptions) then eq:=te_exact; if eqtstringdef(currpara2.vardef).encoding) and ((tstringdef(currpara1.vardef).encoding=globals.CP_NONE) or (tstringdef(currpara2.vardef).encoding=globals.CP_NONE) ) then eq:=te_convert_l1; if eq=para1.count) and (i2>=para2.count)) or ((cpo_allowdefaults in cpoptions) and (((i1 ok } else if ((def1.is_methodpointer and not (po_staticmethod in def1.procoptions))<> { b) } (def2.is_methodpointer and not (po_staticmethod in def2.procoptions))) or ((def1.is_addressonly<>def2.is_addressonly) and { c) } (is_nested_pd(def1) or not is_nested_pd(def2))) or ((def1.typ=procdef) and { d) } is_nested_pd(def1) and (not(po_delphi_nested_cc in def1.procoptions) or not is_nested_pd(def2))) or ((def1.typ=procvardef) and { e) } (is_nested_pd(def1)<>is_nested_pd(def2))) then exit; pa_comp:=[cpo_ignoreframepointer]; if is_block(def2) then include(pa_comp,cpo_ignorehidden); if checkincompatibleuniv then include(pa_comp,cpo_warn_incompatible_univ); { check return value and options, methodpointer is already checked } po_comp:=[po_interrupt,po_iocheck,po_varargs,po_far]; { check static only if we compare method pointers } if def1.is_methodpointer and def2.is_methodpointer then include(po_comp,po_staticmethod); if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then exclude(po_comp,po_varargs); { for blocks, the calling convention doesn't matter because we have to generate a wrapper anyway } if ((po_is_block in def2.procoptions) or (def1.proccalloption=def2.proccalloption)) and ((po_comp * def1.procoptions)= (po_comp * def2.procoptions)) and equal_defs(def1.returndef,def2.returndef) then begin { return equal type based on the parameters, but a proc->procvar is never exact, so map an exact match of the parameters to te_equal } eq:=compare_paras(def1.paras,def2.paras,cp_procvar,pa_comp); if eq=te_exact then eq:=te_equal; if (eq=te_equal) then begin { prefer non-nested to non-nested over non-nested to nested } if (is_nested_pd(def1)<>is_nested_pd(def2)) then eq:=te_convert_l1; { in case of non-block to block, we need a type conversion } if (po_is_block in def1.procoptions) <> (po_is_block in def2.procoptions) then eq:=te_convert_l1; end; proc_to_procvar_equal:=eq; end; end; function compatible_childmethod_resultdef(parentretdef, childretdef: tdef): boolean; begin compatible_childmethod_resultdef := (equal_defs(parentretdef,childretdef)) or ((parentretdef.typ=objectdef) and (childretdef.typ=objectdef) and is_class_or_interface_or_objc_or_java(parentretdef) and is_class_or_interface_or_objc_or_java(childretdef) and (def_is_related(tobjectdef(childretdef),tobjectdef(parentretdef)))) end; function find_implemented_interface(impldef,intfdef:tobjectdef):timplementedinterface; var implintf : timplementedinterface; i : longint; begin if not assigned(impldef) then internalerror(2013102301); if not assigned(intfdef) then internalerror(2013102302); result:=nil; if not assigned(impldef.implementedinterfaces) then exit; for i:=0 to impldef.implementedinterfaces.count-1 do begin implintf:=timplementedinterface(impldef.implementedinterfaces[i]); if equal_defs(implintf.intfdef,intfdef) then begin result:=implintf; exit; end; end; end; function stringdef_is_related(curdef:tstringdef;otherdef:tdef):boolean; begin result:= (target_info.system in systems_jvm) and (((curdef.stringtype in [st_unicodestring,st_widestring]) and ((otherdef=java_jlobject) or (otherdef=java_jlstring))) or ((curdef.stringtype=st_ansistring) and ((otherdef=java_jlobject) or (otherdef=java_ansistring)))); end; function recorddef_is_related(curdef:trecorddef;otherdef:tdef):boolean; begin { records are implemented via classes in the JVM target, and are all descendents of the java_fpcbaserecordtype class } result:=false; if (target_info.system in systems_jvm) then begin if otherdef.typ=objectdef then begin otherdef:=find_real_class_definition(tobjectdef(otherdef),false); if (otherdef=java_jlobject) or (otherdef=java_fpcbaserecordtype) then result:=true end; end; end; { true if prot implements d (or if they are equal) } function is_related_interface_multiple(prot:tobjectdef;d:tdef):boolean; var i : longint; begin { objcprotocols have multiple inheritance, all protocols from which the current protocol inherits are stored in implementedinterfaces } result:=prot=d; if result then exit; for i:=0 to prot.implementedinterfaces.count-1 do begin result:=is_related_interface_multiple(timplementedinterface(prot.implementedinterfaces[i]).intfdef,d); if result then exit; end; end; function objectdef_is_related(curdef:tobjectdef;otherdef:tdef):boolean; var realself, hp : tobjectdef; begin if (otherdef.typ=objectdef) then otherdef:=find_real_class_definition(tobjectdef(otherdef),false); realself:=find_real_class_definition(curdef,false); if realself=otherdef then begin result:=true; exit; end; if (realself.objecttype in [odt_objcclass,odt_objcprotocol]) and (otherdef=objc_idtype) then begin result:=true; exit; end; if (otherdef.typ<>objectdef) then begin result:=false; exit; end; { Objective-C protocols and Java interfaces can use multiple inheritance } if (realself.objecttype in [odt_objcprotocol,odt_interfacejava]) then begin result:=is_related_interface_multiple(realself,otherdef); exit; end; { formally declared Objective-C and Java classes match Objective-C/Java classes with the same name. In case of Java, the package must also match (still required even though we looked up the real definitions above, because these may be two different formal declarations that cannot be resolved yet) } if (realself.objecttype in [odt_objcclass,odt_javaclass]) and (tobjectdef(otherdef).objecttype=curdef.objecttype) and ((oo_is_formal in curdef.objectoptions) or (oo_is_formal in tobjectdef(otherdef).objectoptions)) and (curdef.objrealname^=tobjectdef(otherdef).objrealname^) then begin { check package name for Java } if curdef.objecttype=odt_objcclass then result:=true else begin result:= assigned(curdef.import_lib)=assigned(tobjectdef(otherdef).import_lib); if result and assigned(curdef.import_lib) then result:=curdef.import_lib^=tobjectdef(otherdef).import_lib^; end; exit; end; hp:=realself.childof; while assigned(hp) do begin if equal_defs(hp,otherdef) then begin result:=true; exit; end; hp:=hp.childof; end; result:=false; end; function def_is_related(curdef,otherdef:tdef):boolean; begin if not assigned(curdef) then internalerror(2013102303); case curdef.typ of stringdef: result:=stringdef_is_related(tstringdef(curdef),otherdef); recorddef: result:=recorddef_is_related(trecorddef(curdef),otherdef); objectdef: result:=objectdef_is_related(tobjectdef(curdef),otherdef); else result:=false; end; end; function equal_genfunc_paradefs(fwdef,currdef:tdef;fwpdst,currpdst:tsymtable): boolean; begin result:=false; { for open array parameters, typesym might not be assigned } if assigned(fwdef.typesym) and (sp_generic_para in fwdef.typesym.symoptions) and assigned(currdef.typesym) and (sp_generic_para in currdef.typesym.symoptions) and (fwdef.owner=fwpdst) and (currdef.owner=currpdst) then begin { the forward declaration may have constraints } if not (df_genconstraint in currdef.defoptions) and (currdef.typ=undefineddef) and ((fwdef.typ=undefineddef) or (df_genconstraint in fwdef.defoptions)) then result:=true; end end; end.