{ Copyright (c) 1998-2006 by Florian Klaempfl This unit provides some help routines for type handling This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit defutil; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses, globtype,globals,constexp,node, symconst,symbase,symtype,symdef, cgbase,cpubase; type tmmxtype = (mmxno,mmxu8bit,mmxs8bit,mmxu16bit,mmxs16bit, mmxu32bit,mmxs32bit,mmxfixed16,mmxsingle); {***************************************************************************** Basic type functions *****************************************************************************} {# Returns true, if definition defines an ordinal type } function is_ordinal(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if definition defines a string type } function is_string(def : tdef): boolean; {# Returns True, if definition defines a type that behaves like a string, namely that can be joined and compared with another string-like type } function is_stringlike(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns True, if definition defines an enumeration type } function is_enum(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns True, if definition defines a set type } function is_set(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns the minimal integer value of the type } function get_min_value(def : tdef) : TConstExprInt; {# Returns the maximal integer value of the type } function get_max_value(def : tdef) : TConstExprInt; {# Returns basetype of the specified integer range } function range_to_basetype(l,h:TConstExprInt):tordtype; procedure range_to_type(l,h:TConstExprInt;var def:tdef); procedure int_to_type(v:TConstExprInt;var def:tdef); {# Returns true, if definition defines an integer type } function is_integer(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if definition is a boolean } function is_boolean(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if definition is a Pascal-style boolean (1 = true, zero = false) } function is_pasbool(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if definition is a C-style boolean (non-zero value = true, zero = false) } function is_cbool(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if definition is a char This excludes the unicode char. } function is_char(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if definition is a widechar } function is_widechar(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if definition is either an AnsiChar or a WideChar } function is_anychar(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if definition is a void} function is_void(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if definition is a smallset} function is_smallset(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if def defines a signed data type (only for ordinal types) } function is_signed(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns whether def_from's range is comprised in def_to's if both are orddefs, false otherwise } function is_in_limit(def_from,def_to : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns whether def is reference counted } function is_managed_type(def: tdef) : boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} { function is_in_limit_value(val_from:TConstExprInt;def_from,def_to : tdef) : boolean;} {***************************************************************************** Array helper functions *****************************************************************************} {# Returns true, if p points to a zero based (non special like open or dynamic array def). This is mainly used to see if the array is convertable to a pointer } function is_zero_based_array(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p points to an open array definition } function is_open_array(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p points to a dynamic array definition } function is_dynamic_array(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if p points to an array of const definition } function is_array_constructor(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if p points to a variant array } function is_variant_array(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if p points to an array of const } function is_array_of_const(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if p points any kind of special array That is if the array is an open array, a variant array, an array constants constructor, or an array of const. Bitpacked arrays aren't special in this regard though. } function is_special_array(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a bitpacked array } function is_packed_array(p: tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a bitpacked record } function is_packed_record_or_object(p: tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a char array def } function is_chararray(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a wide char array def } function is_widechararray(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a open char array def } function is_open_chararray(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a open wide char array def } function is_open_widechararray(p : tdef) : boolean; {***************************************************************************** String helper functions *****************************************************************************} {# Returns true if p points to an open string type } function is_open_string(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is an ansi string type } function is_ansistring(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is an ansi string type with codepage 0 } function is_rawbytestring(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a long string type } function is_longstring(p : tdef) : boolean; {# returns true if p is a wide string type } function is_widestring(p : tdef) : boolean; {# true if p is an unicode string def } function is_unicodestring(p : tdef) : boolean; {# returns true if p is a wide or unicode string type } function is_wide_or_unicode_string(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a short string type } function is_shortstring(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a pchar def } function is_pchar(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a pwidechar def } function is_pwidechar(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true if p is a voidpointer def } function is_voidpointer(p : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if definition is a float } function is_fpu(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if def is a currency type } function is_currency(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if def is a single type } function is_single(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if def is a double type } function is_double(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if def is an extended type } function is_extended(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if definition is a "real" real (i.e. single/double/extended) } function is_real(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if def is a 32 bit integer type } function is_32bitint(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if def is a 64 bit integer type } function is_64bitint(def : tdef) : boolean; {# Returns true, if def is a 64 bit type } function is_64bit(def : tdef) : boolean; {# If @var(l) isn't in the range of todef a range check error (if not explicit) is generated and the value is placed within the range } procedure testrange(todef : tdef;var l : tconstexprint;explicit,forcerangecheck:boolean); {# Returns the range of def, where @var(l) is the low-range and @var(h) is the high-range. } procedure getrange(def : tdef;out l, h : TConstExprInt); { type being a vector? } function is_vector(p : tdef) : boolean; { some type helper routines for MMX support } function is_mmx_able_array(p : tdef) : boolean; {# returns the mmx type } function mmx_type(p : tdef) : tmmxtype; { returns if the passed type (array) fits into an mm register } function fits_in_mm_register(p : tdef) : boolean; {# From a definition return the abstract code generator size enum. It is to note that the value returned can be @var(OS_NO) } function def_cgsize(def: tdef): tcgsize; {# returns true, if the type passed is can be used with windows automation } function is_automatable(p : tdef) : boolean; { # returns true if the procdef has no parameters and no specified return type } function is_bareprocdef(pd : tprocdef): boolean; { # returns the smallest base integer type whose range encompasses that of both ld and rd; if keep_sign_if_equal, then if ld and rd have the same signdness, the result will also get that signdness } function get_common_intdef(ld, rd: torddef; keep_sign_if_equal: boolean): torddef; { # returns whether the type is potentially a valid type of/for an "univ" parameter (basically: it must have a compile-time size) } function is_valid_univ_para_type(def: tdef): boolean; { # returns whether the procdef/procvardef represents a nested procedure or not } function is_nested_pd(def: tabstractprocdef): boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} { # returns whether def is a type parameter of a generic } function is_typeparam(def : tdef) : boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} implementation uses systems,verbose; { returns true, if def uses FPU } function is_fpu(def : tdef) : boolean; begin is_fpu:=(def.typ=floatdef); end; { returns true, if def is a currency type } function is_currency(def : tdef) : boolean; begin case s64currencytype.typ of orddef : result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(s64currencytype).ordtype=torddef(def).ordtype); floatdef : result:=(def.typ=floatdef) and (tfloatdef(s64currencytype).floattype=tfloatdef(def).floattype); else internalerror(200304222); end; end; { returns true, if def is a single type } function is_single(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=floatdef) and (tfloatdef(def).floattype=s32real); end; { returns true, if def is a double type } function is_double(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=floatdef) and (tfloatdef(def).floattype=s64real); end; function is_extended(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=floatdef) and (tfloatdef(def).floattype in [s80real,sc80real]); end; { returns true, if definition is a "real" real (i.e. single/double/extended) } function is_real(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=floatdef) and (tfloatdef(def).floattype in [s32real,s64real,s80real]); end; function range_to_basetype(l,h:TConstExprInt):tordtype; begin { prefer signed over unsigned } if (l>=int64(-128)) and (h<=127) then range_to_basetype:=s8bit else if (l>=0) and (h<=255) then range_to_basetype:=u8bit else if (l>=int64(-32768)) and (h<=32767) then range_to_basetype:=s16bit else if (l>=0) and (h<=65535) then range_to_basetype:=u16bit else if (l>=int64(low(longint))) and (h<=high(longint)) then range_to_basetype:=s32bit else if (l>=low(cardinal)) and (h<=high(cardinal)) then range_to_basetype:=u32bit else range_to_basetype:=s64bit; end; procedure range_to_type(l,h:TConstExprInt;var def:tdef); begin { prefer signed over unsigned } if (l>=int64(-128)) and (h<=127) then def:=s8inttype else if (l>=0) and (h<=255) then def:=u8inttype else if (l>=int64(-32768)) and (h<=32767) then def:=s16inttype else if (l>=0) and (h<=65535) then def:=u16inttype else if (l>=int64(low(longint))) and (h<=high(longint)) then def:=s32inttype else if (l>=low(cardinal)) and (h<=high(cardinal)) then def:=u32inttype else if (l>=low(int64)) and (h<=high(int64)) then def:=s64inttype else def:=u64inttype; end; procedure int_to_type(v:TConstExprInt;var def:tdef); begin range_to_type(v,v,def); end; { true if p is an ordinal } function is_ordinal(def : tdef) : boolean; var dt : tordtype; begin case def.typ of orddef : begin dt:=torddef(def).ordtype; is_ordinal:=dt in [uchar,uwidechar, u8bit,u16bit,u32bit,u64bit, s8bit,s16bit,s32bit,s64bit, pasbool8,pasbool16,pasbool32,pasbool64, bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,bool64bit]; end; enumdef : is_ordinal:=true; else is_ordinal:=false; end; end; { true if p is a string } function is_string(def : tdef) : boolean; begin is_string := (assigned(def) and (def.typ = stringdef)); end; function is_stringlike(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result := is_string(def) or is_anychar(def) or is_pchar(def) or is_pwidechar(def) or is_chararray(def) or is_widechararray(def) or is_open_chararray(def) or is_open_widechararray(def) or (def=java_jlstring); end; function is_enum(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=def.typ=enumdef; end; function is_set(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=def.typ=setdef; end; { returns the min. value of the type } function get_min_value(def : tdef) : TConstExprInt; begin case def.typ of orddef: result:=torddef(def).low; enumdef: result:=int64(tenumdef(def).min); else result:=0; end; end; { returns the max. value of the type } function get_max_value(def : tdef) : TConstExprInt; begin case def.typ of orddef: result:=torddef(def).high; enumdef: result:=tenumdef(def).max; else result:=0; end; end; { true if p is an integer } function is_integer(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype in [u8bit,u16bit,u32bit,u64bit, s8bit,s16bit,s32bit,s64bit]); end; { true if p is a boolean } function is_boolean(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype in [pasbool8,pasbool16,pasbool32,pasbool64,bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,bool64bit]); end; function is_pasbool(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype in [pasbool8,pasbool16,pasbool32,pasbool64]); end; { true if def is a C-style boolean (non-zero value = true, zero = false) } function is_cbool(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype in [bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,bool64bit]); end; { true if p is a void } function is_void(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype=uvoid); end; { true if p is a char } function is_char(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype=uchar); end; { true if p is a wchar } function is_widechar(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype=uwidechar); end; { true if p is a char or wchar } function is_anychar(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype in [uchar,uwidechar]) end; { true if p is signed (integer) } function is_signed(def : tdef) : boolean; begin case def.typ of orddef : result:=torddef(def).low < 0; enumdef : result:=tenumdef(def).min < 0; arraydef : result:=is_signed(tarraydef(def).rangedef); else result:=false; end; end; function is_in_limit(def_from,def_to : tdef) : boolean; begin if (def_from.typ<>def_to.typ) or not(def_from.typ in [orddef,enumdef,setdef]) then begin is_in_limit := false; exit; end; case def_from.typ of orddef: is_in_limit:=(torddef(def_from).low>=torddef(def_to).low) and (torddef(def_from).high<=torddef(def_to).high); enumdef: is_in_limit:=(tenumdef(def_from).min>=tenumdef(def_to).min) and (tenumdef(def_from).max<=tenumdef(def_to).max); setdef: is_in_limit:=(tsetdef(def_from).setbase>=tsetdef(def_to).setbase) and (tsetdef(def_from).setmax<=tsetdef(def_to).setmax); else is_in_limit:=false; end; end; function is_managed_type(def: tdef): boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin result:=def.needs_inittable; end; { true, if p points to an open array def } function is_open_string(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_open_string:=(p.typ=stringdef) and (tstringdef(p).stringtype=st_shortstring) and (tstringdef(p).len=0); end; { true, if p points to a zero based array def } function is_zero_based_array(p : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(p.typ=arraydef) and (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and not(is_special_array(p)); end; { true if p points to a dynamic array def } function is_dynamic_array(p : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(p.typ=arraydef) and (ado_IsDynamicArray in tarraydef(p).arrayoptions); end; { true, if p points to an open array def } function is_open_array(p : tdef) : boolean; begin { check for s32inttype is needed, because for u32bit the high range is also -1 ! (PFV) } result:=(p.typ=arraydef) and (tarraydef(p).rangedef=s32inttype) and (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=-1) and ((tarraydef(p).arrayoptions * [ado_IsVariant,ado_IsArrayOfConst,ado_IsConstructor,ado_IsDynamicArray])=[]); end; { true, if p points to an array of const def } function is_array_constructor(p : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(p.typ=arraydef) and (ado_IsConstructor in tarraydef(p).arrayoptions); end; { true, if p points to a variant array } function is_variant_array(p : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(p.typ=arraydef) and (ado_IsVariant in tarraydef(p).arrayoptions); end; { true, if p points to an array of const } function is_array_of_const(p : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(p.typ=arraydef) and (ado_IsArrayOfConst in tarraydef(p).arrayoptions); end; { true, if p points to a special array, bitpacked arrays aren't special in this regard though } function is_special_array(p : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(p.typ=arraydef) and ( ((tarraydef(p).arrayoptions * [ado_IsVariant,ado_IsArrayOfConst,ado_IsConstructor,ado_IsDynamicArray])<>[]) or is_open_array(p) ); end; { true if p is an ansi string def } function is_ansistring(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_ansistring:=(p.typ=stringdef) and (tstringdef(p).stringtype=st_ansistring); end; { true if p is an ansi string def with codepage CP_NONE } function is_rawbytestring(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_rawbytestring:=(p.typ=stringdef) and (tstringdef(p).stringtype=st_ansistring) and (tstringdef(p).encoding=globals.CP_NONE); end; { true if p is an long string def } function is_longstring(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_longstring:=(p.typ=stringdef) and (tstringdef(p).stringtype=st_longstring); end; { true if p is an wide string def } function is_widestring(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_widestring:=(p.typ=stringdef) and (tstringdef(p).stringtype=st_widestring); end; { true if p is an wide string def } function is_wide_or_unicode_string(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_wide_or_unicode_string:=(p.typ=stringdef) and (tstringdef(p).stringtype in [st_widestring,st_unicodestring]); end; { true if p is an unicode string def } function is_unicodestring(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_unicodestring:=(p.typ=stringdef) and (tstringdef(p).stringtype=st_unicodestring); end; { true if p is an short string def } function is_shortstring(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_shortstring:=(p.typ=stringdef) and (tstringdef(p).stringtype=st_shortstring); end; { true if p is bit packed array def } function is_packed_array(p: tdef) : boolean; begin is_packed_array := (p.typ = arraydef) and (ado_IsBitPacked in tarraydef(p).arrayoptions); end; { true if p is bit packed record def } function is_packed_record_or_object(p: tdef) : boolean; begin is_packed_record_or_object := (p.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) and (tabstractrecorddef(p).is_packed); end; { true if p is a char array def } function is_chararray(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_chararray:=(p.typ=arraydef) and is_char(tarraydef(p).elementdef) and not(is_special_array(p)); end; { true if p is a widechar array def } function is_widechararray(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_widechararray:=(p.typ=arraydef) and is_widechar(tarraydef(p).elementdef) and not(is_special_array(p)); end; { true if p is a open char array def } function is_open_chararray(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_open_chararray:= is_open_array(p) and is_char(tarraydef(p).elementdef); end; { true if p is a open wide char array def } function is_open_widechararray(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_open_widechararray:= is_open_array(p) and is_widechar(tarraydef(p).elementdef); end; { true if p is a pchar def } function is_pchar(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_pchar:=(p.typ=pointerdef) and (is_char(tpointerdef(p).pointeddef) or (is_zero_based_array(tpointerdef(p).pointeddef) and is_chararray(tpointerdef(p).pointeddef))); end; { true if p is a pchar def } function is_pwidechar(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_pwidechar:=(p.typ=pointerdef) and (is_widechar(tpointerdef(p).pointeddef) or (is_zero_based_array(tpointerdef(p).pointeddef) and is_widechararray(tpointerdef(p).pointeddef))); end; { true if p is a voidpointer def } function is_voidpointer(p : tdef) : boolean; begin is_voidpointer:=(p.typ=pointerdef) and (tpointerdef(p).pointeddef.typ=orddef) and (torddef(tpointerdef(p).pointeddef).ordtype=uvoid); end; { true, if def is a 32 bit int type } function is_32bitint(def : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype in [u32bit,s32bit]) end; { true, if def is a 64 bit int type } function is_64bitint(def : tdef) : boolean; begin is_64bitint:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype in [u64bit,s64bit]) end; { true, if def is a 64 bit type } function is_64bit(def : tdef) : boolean; begin is_64bit:=(def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).ordtype in [u64bit,s64bit,scurrency,pasbool64,bool64bit]) end; { if l isn't in the range of todef a range check error (if not explicit) is generated and the value is placed within the range } procedure testrange(todef : tdef;var l : tconstexprint;explicit,forcerangecheck:boolean); var lv,hv: TConstExprInt; begin { for 64 bit types we need only to check if it is less than } { zero, if def is a qword node } getrange(todef,lv,hv); if (lhv) then begin if not explicit then begin if ((todef.typ=enumdef) and { delphi allows range check errors in enumeration type casts FK } not(m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches)) or (cs_check_range in current_settings.localswitches) or forcerangecheck then Message3(type_e_range_check_error_bounds,tostr(l),tostr(lv),tostr(hv)) else Message3(type_w_range_check_error_bounds,tostr(l),tostr(lv),tostr(hv)); end; { Fix the value to fit in the allocated space for this type of variable } case longint(todef.size) of 1: l := l and $ff; 2: l := l and $ffff; 4: l := l and $ffffffff; end; {reset sign, i.e. converting -1 to qword changes the value to high(qword)} l.signed:=false; { do sign extension if necessary (JM) } if is_signed(todef) then begin case longint(todef.size) of 1: l.svalue := shortint(l.svalue); 2: l.svalue := smallint(l.svalue); 4: l.svalue := longint(l.svalue); end; l.signed:=true; end; end; end; { return the range from def in l and h } procedure getrange(def : tdef;out l, h : TConstExprInt); begin case def.typ of orddef : begin l:=torddef(def).low; h:=torddef(def).high; end; enumdef : begin l:=int64(tenumdef(def).min); h:=int64(tenumdef(def).max); end; arraydef : begin l:=int64(tarraydef(def).lowrange); h:=int64(tarraydef(def).highrange); end; else internalerror(200611054); end; end; function mmx_type(p : tdef) : tmmxtype; begin mmx_type:=mmxno; if is_mmx_able_array(p) then begin if tarraydef(p).elementdef.typ=floatdef then case tfloatdef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).floattype of s32real: mmx_type:=mmxsingle; end else case torddef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).ordtype of u8bit: mmx_type:=mmxu8bit; s8bit: mmx_type:=mmxs8bit; u16bit: mmx_type:=mmxu16bit; s16bit: mmx_type:=mmxs16bit; u32bit: mmx_type:=mmxu32bit; s32bit: mmx_type:=mmxs32bit; end; end; end; function is_vector(p : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(p.typ=arraydef) and not(is_special_array(p)) and (tarraydef(p).elementdef.typ=floatdef) and (tfloatdef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).floattype in [s32real,s64real]); end; { returns if the passed type (array) fits into an mm register } function fits_in_mm_register(p : tdef) : boolean; begin {$ifdef x86} result:= is_vector(p) and ( (tarraydef(p).elementdef.typ=floatdef) and ( (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=3) and (tfloatdef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).floattype=s32real) ) ) or ( (tarraydef(p).elementdef.typ=floatdef) and ( (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=1) and (tfloatdef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).floattype=s64real) ) ); {$else x86} result:=false; {$endif x86} end; function is_mmx_able_array(p : tdef) : boolean; begin {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX} if (cs_mmx_saturation in current_settings.localswitches) then begin is_mmx_able_array:=(p.typ=arraydef) and not(is_special_array(p)) and ( ( (tarraydef(p).elementdef.typ=orddef) and ( ( (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=1) and (torddef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).ordtype in [u32bit,s32bit]) ) or ( (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=3) and (torddef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).ordtype in [u16bit,s16bit]) ) ) ) or ( ( (tarraydef(p).elementdef.typ=floatdef) and ( (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=1) and (tfloatdef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).floattype=s32real) ) ) ) ); end else begin is_mmx_able_array:=(p.typ=arraydef) and ( ( (tarraydef(p).elementdef.typ=orddef) and ( ( (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=1) and (torddef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).ordtype in [u32bit,s32bit]) ) or ( (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=3) and (torddef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).ordtype in [u16bit,s16bit]) ) or ( (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=7) and (torddef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).ordtype in [u8bit,s8bit]) ) ) ) or ( (tarraydef(p).elementdef.typ=floatdef) and ( (tarraydef(p).lowrange=0) and (tarraydef(p).highrange=1) and (tfloatdef(tarraydef(p).elementdef).floattype=s32real) ) ) ); end; {$else SUPPORT_MMX} is_mmx_able_array:=false; {$endif SUPPORT_MMX} end; function def_cgsize(def: tdef): tcgsize; begin case def.typ of orddef, enumdef, setdef: begin result:=int_cgsize(def.size); if is_signed(def) then result:=tcgsize(ord(result)+(ord(OS_S8)-ord(OS_8))); end; classrefdef, pointerdef: result := OS_ADDR; procvardef: begin if not tprocvardef(def).is_addressonly then {$if sizeof(pint) = 4} result:=OS_64 {$else} {$if sizeof(pint) = 8} result:=OS_128 {$else} internalerror(200707141) {$endif} {$endif} else result:=OS_ADDR; end; stringdef : begin if is_ansistring(def) or is_wide_or_unicode_string(def) then result := OS_ADDR else result:=int_cgsize(def.size); end; objectdef : begin if is_implicit_pointer_object_type(def) then result := OS_ADDR else result:=int_cgsize(def.size); end; floatdef: if cs_fp_emulation in current_settings.moduleswitches then result:=int_cgsize(def.size) else result:=tfloat2tcgsize[tfloatdef(def).floattype]; recorddef : result:=int_cgsize(def.size); arraydef : begin if not is_special_array(def) then result := int_cgsize(def.size) else begin if is_dynamic_array(def) then result := OS_ADDR else result := OS_NO; end; end; else begin { undefined size } result:=OS_NO; end; end; end; { In Windows 95 era, ordinals were restricted to [u8bit,s32bit,s16bit,bool16bit] As of today, both signed and unsigned types from 8 to 64 bits are supported. } function is_automatable(p : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=false; case p.typ of orddef: result:=torddef(p).ordtype in [u8bit,s8bit,u16bit,s16bit,u32bit,s32bit, u64bit,s64bit,bool16bit,scurrency]; floatdef: result:=tfloatdef(p).floattype in [s64currency,s64real,s32real]; stringdef: result:=tstringdef(p).stringtype in [st_ansistring,st_widestring,st_unicodestring]; variantdef: result:=true; objectdef: result:=tobjectdef(p).objecttype in [odt_interfacecom,odt_dispinterface,odt_interfacecorba]; end; end; {# returns true, if the type passed is a varset } function is_smallset(p : tdef) : boolean; begin result:=(p.typ=setdef) and (p.size in [1,2,4]) end; function is_bareprocdef(pd : tprocdef): boolean; begin result:=(pd.maxparacount=0) and (is_void(pd.returndef) or (pd.proctypeoption = potype_constructor)); end; function get_common_intdef(ld, rd: torddef; keep_sign_if_equal: boolean): torddef; var llow, lhigh: tconstexprint; begin llow:=rd.low; if llowis_signed(ld)) then case result.ordtype of s8bit: result:=torddef(u8inttype); u8bit: result:=torddef(s16inttype); s16bit: result:=torddef(u16inttype); u16bit: result:=torddef(s32inttype); s32bit: result:=torddef(u32inttype); u32bit: result:=torddef(s64inttype); s64bit: result:=torddef(u64inttype); end; end; function is_valid_univ_para_type(def: tdef): boolean; begin result:= not is_open_array(def) and not is_void(def) and (def.typ<>formaldef); end; function is_nested_pd(def: tabstractprocdef): boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin result:=def.parast.symtablelevel>normal_function_level; end; function is_typeparam(def : tdef) : boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin result:=(def.typ=undefineddef); end; end.