{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl This unit implements some support functions for the parsing of directives and option strings This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit dirparse; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype, systems; function UpdateAlignmentStr(s:string;var a:talignmentinfo):boolean; function UpdateOptimizerStr(s:string;var a:toptimizerswitches):boolean; function UpdateWpoStr(s: string; var a: twpoptimizerswitches): boolean; function UpdateDebugStr(s:string;var a:tdebugswitches):boolean; function UpdateTargetSwitchStr(s: string; var a: ttargetswitches; global: boolean): boolean; implementation uses globals, cutils, symtable; function UpdateAlignmentStr(s:string;var a:talignmentinfo):boolean; var tok : string; vstr : string; l : longint; code : integer; b : talignmentinfo; begin UpdateAlignmentStr:=true; uppervar(s); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); repeat tok:=GetToken(s,'='); if tok='' then break; vstr:=GetToken(s,','); val(vstr,l,code); if tok='PROC' then b.procalign:=l else if tok='JUMP' then b.jumpalign:=l else if tok='LOOP' then b.loopalign:=l else if tok='CONSTMIN' then begin b.constalignmin:=l; if l>b.constalignmax then b.constalignmax:=l; end else if tok='CONSTMAX' then b.constalignmax:=l else if tok='VARMIN' then begin b.varalignmin:=l; if l>b.varalignmax then b.varalignmax:=l; end else if tok='VARMAX' then b.varalignmax:=l else if tok='LOCALMIN' then begin b.localalignmin:=l; if l>b.localalignmax then b.localalignmax:=l; end else if tok='LOCALMAX' then b.localalignmax:=l else if tok='RECORDMIN' then begin b.recordalignmin:=l; if l>b.recordalignmax then b.recordalignmax:=l; end else if tok='RECORDMAX' then b.recordalignmax:=l else { Error } UpdateAlignmentStr:=false; until false; Result:=Result and UpdateAlignment(a,b); end; function UpdateOptimizerStr(s:string;var a:toptimizerswitches):boolean; var tok : string; doset, found : boolean; opt : toptimizerswitch; begin result:=true; uppervar(s); repeat tok:=GetToken(s,','); if tok='' then break; if Copy(tok,1,2)='NO' then begin delete(tok,1,2); doset:=false; end else doset:=true; found:=false; for opt:=low(toptimizerswitch) to high(toptimizerswitch) do begin if OptimizerSwitchStr[opt]=tok then begin found:=true; break; end; end; if found then begin if doset then include(a,opt) else exclude(a,opt); end else result:=false; until false; end; function UpdateWpoStr(s: string; var a: twpoptimizerswitches): boolean; var tok : string; doset, found : boolean; opt : twpoptimizerswitch; begin result:=true; uppervar(s); repeat tok:=GetToken(s,','); if tok='' then break; if Copy(tok,1,2)='NO' then begin delete(tok,1,2); doset:=false; end else doset:=true; found:=false; if (tok = 'ALL') then begin for opt:=low(twpoptimizerswitch) to high(twpoptimizerswitch) do if doset then include(a,opt) else exclude(a,opt); end else begin for opt:=low(twpoptimizerswitch) to high(twpoptimizerswitch) do begin if WPOptimizerSwitchStr[opt]=tok then begin found:=true; break; end; end; if found then begin if doset then include(a,opt) else exclude(a,opt); end else result:=false; end; until false; end; function UpdateDebugStr(s:string;var a:tdebugswitches):boolean; var tok : string; doset, found : boolean; opt : tdebugswitch; begin result:=true; uppervar(s); repeat tok:=GetToken(s,','); if tok='' then break; if Copy(tok,1,2)='NO' then begin delete(tok,1,2); doset:=false; end else doset:=true; found:=false; for opt:=low(tdebugswitch) to high(tdebugswitch) do begin if DebugSwitchStr[opt]=tok then begin found:=true; break; end; end; if found then begin if doset then include(a,opt) else exclude(a,opt); end else result:=false; until false; end; function UpdateTargetSwitchStr(s: string; var a: ttargetswitches; global: boolean): boolean; var tok, value : string; setstr: string[2]; equalspos: longint; doset, gotvalue, found : boolean; opt : ttargetswitch; begin result:=true; value:=''; repeat tok:=GetToken(s,','); if tok='' then break; setstr:=upper(copy(tok,length(tok),1)); if setstr='-' then begin setlength(tok,length(tok)-1); doset:=false; end else doset:=true; { value specified? } gotvalue:=false; equalspos:=pos('=',tok); if equalspos<>0 then begin value:=copy(tok,equalspos+1,length(tok)); delete(tok,equalspos,length(tok)); gotvalue:=true; end; found:=false; uppervar(tok); for opt:=low(ttargetswitch) to high(ttargetswitch) do begin if TargetSwitchStr[opt].name=tok then begin found:=true; break; end; end; if found then begin if not global and TargetSwitchStr[opt].isglobal then result:=false else if not TargetSwitchStr[opt].hasvalue then begin if gotvalue then result:=false; if (TargetSwitchStr[opt].define<>'') and (doset xor (opt in a)) then if doset then def_system_macro(TargetSwitchStr[opt].define) else undef_system_macro(TargetSwitchStr[opt].define); if doset then include(a,opt) else exclude(a,opt) end else begin if not gotvalue or not doset then result:=false else begin case opt of ts_auto_getter_prefix: prop_auto_getter_prefix:=value; ts_auto_setter_predix: prop_auto_setter_prefix:=value; else begin writeln('Internalerror 2012053001'); halt(1); end; end; end; end; end else result:=false; until false; end; end.