{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl This unit implements an extended file management This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit finput; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cutils,cclasses; const InputFileBufSize=32*1024; linebufincrease=512; type tlongintarr = array[0..1000000] of longint; plongintarr = ^tlongintarr; tinputfile = class path,name : pstring; { path and filename } next : tinputfile; { next file for reading } is_macro, endoffile, { still bytes left to read } closed : boolean; { is the file closed } buf : pchar; { buffer } bufstart, { buffer start position in the file } bufsize, { amount of bytes in the buffer } maxbufsize : longint; { size in memory for the buffer } saveinputpointer : pchar; { save fields for scanner variables } savelastlinepos, saveline_no : longint; linebuf : plongintarr; { line buffer to retrieve lines } maxlinebuf : longint; ref_index : longint; { to handle the browser refs } ref_next : tinputfile; constructor create(const fn:string); destructor destroy;override; procedure setpos(l:longint); procedure seekbuf(fpos:longint); procedure readbuf; function open:boolean; procedure close; procedure tempclose; function tempopen:boolean; procedure setmacro(p:pchar;len:longint); procedure setline(line,linepos:longint); function getlinestr(l:longint):string; function getfiletime:longint; protected filetime : longint; function fileopen(const filename: string): boolean; virtual; abstract; function fileseek(pos: longint): boolean; virtual; abstract; function fileread(var databuf; maxsize: longint): longint; virtual; abstract; function fileeof: boolean; virtual; abstract; function fileclose: boolean; virtual; abstract; procedure filegettime; virtual; abstract; end; tdosinputfile = class(tinputfile) protected function fileopen(const filename: string): boolean; override; function fileseek(pos: longint): boolean; override; function fileread(var databuf; maxsize: longint): longint; override; function fileeof: boolean; override; function fileclose: boolean; override; procedure filegettime; override; private f : file; { current file handle } end; tinputfilemanager = class files : tinputfile; last_ref_index : longint; cacheindex : longint; cacheinputfile : tinputfile; constructor create; destructor destroy;override; procedure register_file(f : tinputfile); procedure inverse_register_indexes; function get_file(l:longint) : tinputfile; function get_file_name(l :longint):string; function get_file_path(l :longint):string; end; {**************************************************************************** TModuleBase ****************************************************************************} type tmodulestate = (ms_unknown, ms_registered, ms_load,ms_compile, ms_second_load,ms_second_compile, ms_compiled ); const ModuleStateStr : array[TModuleState] of string[20] = ( 'Unknown', 'Registered', 'Load','Compile', 'Second_Load','Second_Compile', 'Compiled' ); type tmodulebase = class(TLinkedListItem) { index } unit_index : longint; { global counter for browser } { status } state : tmodulestate; { sources } sourcefiles : tinputfilemanager; { paths and filenames } paramallowoutput : boolean; { original allowoutput parameter } paramfn, { original filename } path, { path where the module is find/created } outputpath, { path where the .s / .o / exe are created } modulename, { name of the module in uppercase } realmodulename, { name of the module in the orignal case } objfilename, { fullname of the objectfile } newfilename, { fullname of the assemblerfile } ppufilename, { fullname of the ppufile } importlibfilename, { fullname of the import libraryfile } staticlibfilename, { fullname of the static libraryfile } sharedlibfilename, { fullname of the shared libraryfile } mapfilename, { fullname of the mapfile } exefilename, { fullname of the exefile } mainsource : pstring; { name of the main sourcefile } constructor create(const s:string); destructor destroy;override; procedure setfilename(const fn:string;allowoutput:boolean); function get_asmfilename : string; end; implementation uses {$IFDEF USE_SYSUTILS} SysUtils, GlobType, {$ELSE USE_SYSUTILS} dos, {$ENDIF USE_SYSUTILS} {$ifdef heaptrc} fmodule, ppheap, {$endif heaptrc} globals,systems ; {**************************************************************************** TINPUTFILE ****************************************************************************} constructor tinputfile.create(const fn:string); {$IFDEF USE_SYSUTILS} {$ELSE USE_SYSUTILS} var p:dirstr; n:namestr; e:extstr; {$ENDIF USE_SYSUTILS} begin {$IFDEF USE_SYSUTILS} name:=stringdup(SplitFileName(fn)); path:=stringdup(SplitPath(fn)); {$ELSE USE_SYSUTILS} FSplit(fn,p,n,e); name:=stringdup(n+e); path:=stringdup(p); {$ENDIF USE_SYSUTILS} next:=nil; filetime:=-1; { file info } is_macro:=false; endoffile:=false; closed:=true; buf:=nil; bufstart:=0; bufsize:=0; maxbufsize:=InputFileBufSize; { save fields } saveinputpointer:=nil; saveline_no:=0; savelastlinepos:=0; { indexing refs } ref_next:=nil; ref_index:=0; { line buffer } linebuf:=nil; maxlinebuf:=0; end; destructor tinputfile.destroy; begin if not closed then close; stringdispose(path); stringdispose(name); { free memory } if assigned(linebuf) then freemem(linebuf,maxlinebuf shl 2); end; procedure tinputfile.setpos(l:longint); begin bufstart:=l; end; procedure tinputfile.seekbuf(fpos:longint); begin if closed then exit; fileseek(fpos); bufstart:=fpos; bufsize:=0; end; procedure tinputfile.readbuf; begin if is_macro then endoffile:=true; if closed then exit; inc(bufstart,bufsize); bufsize:=fileread(buf^,maxbufsize-1); buf[bufsize]:=#0; endoffile:=fileeof; end; function tinputfile.open:boolean; begin open:=false; if not closed then Close; if not fileopen(path^+name^) then exit; { file } endoffile:=false; closed:=false; Getmem(buf,MaxBufsize); bufstart:=0; bufsize:=0; open:=true; end; procedure tinputfile.close; begin if is_macro then begin if assigned(buf) then begin Freemem(buf,maxbufsize); buf:=nil; end; closed:=true; exit; end; if not closed then begin fileclose; closed:=true; end; if assigned(buf) then begin Freemem(buf,maxbufsize); buf:=nil; end; bufstart:=0; end; procedure tinputfile.tempclose; begin if is_macro then exit; if not closed then begin fileclose; if assigned(buf) then begin Freemem(buf,maxbufsize); buf:=nil; end; closed:=true; end; end; function tinputfile.tempopen:boolean; begin tempopen:=false; if is_macro then begin { seek buffer postion to bufstart } if bufstart>0 then begin move(buf[bufstart],buf[0],bufsize-bufstart+1); bufstart:=0; end; tempopen:=true; exit; end; if not closed then exit; if not fileopen(path^+name^) then exit; closed:=false; { get new mem } Getmem(buf,maxbufsize); { restore state } fileseek(BufStart); bufsize:=0; readbuf; tempopen:=true; end; procedure tinputfile.setmacro(p:pchar;len:longint); begin { create new buffer } getmem(buf,len+1); move(p^,buf^,len); buf[len]:=#0; { reset } bufstart:=0; bufsize:=len; maxbufsize:=len+1; is_macro:=true; endoffile:=true; closed:=true; end; procedure tinputfile.setline(line,linepos:longint); var oldlinebuf : plongintarr; begin if line<1 then exit; while (line>=maxlinebuf) do begin oldlinebuf:=linebuf; { create new linebuf and move old info } getmem(linebuf,(maxlinebuf+linebufincrease) shl 2); if assigned(oldlinebuf) then begin move(oldlinebuf^,linebuf^,maxlinebuf shl 2); freemem(oldlinebuf,maxlinebuf shl 2); end; fillchar(linebuf^[maxlinebuf],linebufincrease shl 2,0); inc(maxlinebuf,linebufincrease); end; linebuf^[line]:=linepos; end; function tinputfile.getlinestr(l:longint):string; var c : char; i, fpos : longint; p : pchar; begin getlinestr:=''; if lbufstart+bufsize) then begin seekbuf(fpos); readbuf; end; { the begin is in the buf now simply read until #13,#10 } i:=0; p:=@buf[fpos-bufstart]; repeat c:=p^; if c=#0 then begin if endoffile then break; readbuf; p:=buf; c:=p^; end; if c in [#10,#13] then break; inc(i); getlinestr[i]:=c; inc(p); until (i=255); getlinestr[0]:=chr(i); end; end; function tinputfile.getfiletime:longint; begin if filetime=-1 then filegettime; getfiletime:=filetime; end; {**************************************************************************** TDOSINPUTFILE ****************************************************************************} function tdosinputfile.fileopen(const filename: string): boolean; var ofm : byte; begin { Check if file exists, this will also check if it is a real file and not a directory } if not fileexists(filename) then begin result:=false; exit; end; { Open file } ofm:=filemode; filemode:=0; Assign(f,filename); {$I-} reset(f,1); {$I+} filemode:=ofm; fileopen:=(ioresult=0); end; function tdosinputfile.fileseek(pos: longint): boolean; begin {$I-} seek(f,Pos); {$I+} fileseek:=(ioresult=0); end; function tdosinputfile.fileread(var databuf; maxsize: longint): longint; var w : longint; begin blockread(f,databuf,maxsize,w); fileread:=w; end; function tdosinputfile.fileeof: boolean; begin fileeof:=eof(f); end; function tdosinputfile.fileclose: boolean; begin {$I-} system.close(f); {$I+} fileclose:=(ioresult=0); end; procedure tdosinputfile.filegettime; begin filetime:=getnamedfiletime(path^+name^); end; {**************************************************************************** Tinputfilemanager ****************************************************************************} constructor tinputfilemanager.create; begin files:=nil; last_ref_index:=0; cacheindex:=0; cacheinputfile:=nil; end; destructor tinputfilemanager.destroy; var hp : tinputfile; begin hp:=files; while assigned(hp) do begin files:=files.ref_next; hp.free; hp:=files; end; last_ref_index:=0; end; procedure tinputfilemanager.register_file(f : tinputfile); begin { don't register macro's } if f.is_macro then exit; inc(last_ref_index); f.ref_next:=files; f.ref_index:=last_ref_index; files:=f; { update cache } cacheindex:=last_ref_index; cacheinputfile:=f; {$ifdef heaptrc} ppheap_register_file(f.name^,current_module.unit_index*100000+f.ref_index); {$endif heaptrc} end; { this procedure is necessary after loading the sources files from a PPU file PM } procedure tinputfilemanager.inverse_register_indexes; var f : tinputfile; begin f:=files; while assigned(f) do begin f.ref_index:=last_ref_index-f.ref_index+1; f:=f.ref_next; end; { reset cache } cacheindex:=0; cacheinputfile:=nil; end; function tinputfilemanager.get_file(l :longint) : tinputfile; var ff : tinputfile; begin { check cache } if (l=cacheindex) and assigned(cacheinputfile) then begin get_file:=cacheinputfile; exit; end; ff:=files; while assigned(ff) and (ff.ref_index<>l) do ff:=ff.ref_next; get_file:=ff; end; function tinputfilemanager.get_file_name(l :longint):string; var hp : tinputfile; begin hp:=get_file(l); if assigned(hp) then get_file_name:=hp.name^ else get_file_name:=''; end; function tinputfilemanager.get_file_path(l :longint):string; var hp : tinputfile; begin hp:=get_file(l); if assigned(hp) then get_file_path:=hp.path^ else get_file_path:=''; end; {**************************************************************************** TModuleBase ****************************************************************************} procedure tmodulebase.setfilename(const fn:string;allowoutput:boolean); var p : dirstr; n : NameStr; e : ExtStr; prefix, suffix, extension : NameStr; begin stringdispose(objfilename); stringdispose(newfilename); stringdispose(ppufilename); stringdispose(importlibfilename); stringdispose(staticlibfilename); stringdispose(sharedlibfilename); stringdispose(mapfilename); stringdispose(exefilename); stringdispose(outputpath); stringdispose(path); stringdispose(paramfn); { Create names } paramfn := stringdup(fn); paramallowoutput := allowoutput; {$IFDEF USE_SYSUTILS} p := SplitPath(fn); n := SplitName(fn); e := SplitExtension(fn); {$ELSE USE_SYSUTILS} fsplit(fn,p,n,e); {$ENDIF USE_SYSUTILS} n:=FixFileName(n); { set path } path:=stringdup(FixPath(p,false)); { obj,asm,ppu names } p:=path^; if AllowOutput then begin if (OutputUnitDir<>'') then p:=OutputUnitDir else if (OutputExeDir<>'') then p:=OutputExeDir; end; outputpath:=stringdup(p); newfilename := stringdup(n); objfilename:=stringdup(p+n+target_info.objext); ppufilename:=stringdup(p+n+target_info.unitext); { lib and exe could be loaded with a file specified with -o } prefix := target_info.sharedlibprefix; suffix := ''; extension := target_info.sharedlibext; if AllowOutput and (compile_level=1) then begin if OutputFile <> '' then n:=OutputFile; if Assigned(OutputPrefix) then prefix := OutputPrefix^; if Assigned(OutputSuffix) then suffix := OutputSuffix^; if OutputExtension <> '' then extension := OutputExtension; end; importlibfilename:=stringdup(p+target_info.staticClibprefix+'imp'+n+target_info.staticlibext); staticlibfilename:=stringdup(p+target_info.staticlibprefix+n+target_info.staticlibext); { output dir of exe can be specified separatly } if AllowOutput and (OutputExeDir<>'') then p:=OutputExeDir else p:=path^; sharedlibfilename:=stringdup(p+prefix+n+suffix+extension); { don't use extension alone to check, it can be empty !! } if (OutputFile<>'') or (OutputExtension<>'') then exefilename:=stringdup(p+n+OutputExtension) else exefilename:=stringdup(p+n+target_info.exeext); mapfilename:=stringdup(p+n+'.map'); end; constructor tmodulebase.create(const s:string); begin modulename:=stringdup(Upper(s)); realmodulename:=stringdup(s); mainsource:=nil; ppufilename:=nil; objfilename:=nil; newfilename:=nil; importlibfilename:=nil; staticlibfilename:=nil; sharedlibfilename:=nil; exefilename:=nil; mapfilename:=nil; outputpath:=nil; paramfn:=nil; path:=nil; { status } state:=ms_registered; { unit index } inc(global_unit_count); unit_index:=global_unit_count; { sources } sourcefiles:=TInputFileManager.Create; end; function tmodulebase.get_asmfilename : string; begin get_asmfilename:=outputpath^+newfilename^+target_info.asmext; end; destructor tmodulebase.destroy; begin if assigned(sourcefiles) then sourcefiles.free; sourcefiles:=nil; stringdispose(objfilename); stringdispose(newfilename); stringdispose(ppufilename); stringdispose(importlibfilename); stringdispose(staticlibfilename); stringdispose(sharedlibfilename); stringdispose(exefilename); stringdispose(mapfilename); stringdispose(outputpath); stringdispose(path); stringdispose(modulename); stringdispose(realmodulename); stringdispose(mainsource); stringdispose(paramfn); inherited destroy; end; end.