{$mode objfpc} {$asmmode default} {$H-} {$goto on} {$inline on} {$interfaces corba} { This reduces the memory requirements a lot } {$PACKENUM 1} {$ifndef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} { $define USE_PACKSET1} {$endif} {$ifdef USE_PACKSET1} {$PACKSET 1} {$endif USE_PACKSET1} { We don't use exceptions, so turn off the implicit exceptions in the constructors } {$IMPLICITEXCEPTIONS OFF} { This define enables codepage-aware compiler messages handling. Turning it on forces code page conversion from the codepage, specified in the .msg file to CP_ACP, before printing the message to the console. Enable this for host platforms, that have code page conversion support in their RTL. } {$if defined(win32) or defined(win64) or defined(unix)} {$define cpawaremessages} {$endif} { Inline small functions, but not when EXTDEBUG is used } {$ifndef EXTDEBUG} {$define USEINLINE} {$endif EXTDEBUG} {$define USEEXCEPT} { This fake CPU is used to allow incorporation of globtype unit into utils/ppudump without any CPU specific code PM } {$ifdef generic_cpu} {$define cpu32bit} {$define cpu32bitaddr} {$define cpu32bitalu} {$define cpuflags} {$define cpuextended} {$endif generic_cpu} {$ifdef cpuarm} {$packrecords c} {$endif cpuarm} {$ifdef i8086} {$define cpu16bit} {$define cpu16bitaddr} {$define cpu16bitalu} {$define x86} {$define cpuflags} {$define cpuextended} {//$define SUPPORT_MMX} {$define cpumm} {$define fewintregisters} {$define cpurox} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define SUPPORT_SAFECALL} {$define cpuneedsmulhelper} { TODO: add another define in order to disable the div helper for 16-bit divs? } {$define cpuneedsdivhelper} {$define VOLATILE_ES} {$define SUPPORT_GET_FRAME} {$define cpucg64shiftsupport} {$define OMFOBJSUPPORT} {$ifdef go32v2} { go32v2 uses cwsdpmi extender which is incompatible with watcom extender thus we use the internal smartlink sections by default in that case. } {$define I8086_SMARTLINK_SECTIONS} {$define i8086_link_intern_debuginfo} {$endif go32v2} {$endif i8086} {$ifdef i386} {$define cpu32bit} {$define cpu32bitaddr} {$define cpu32bitalu} {$define x86} {$define cpuflags} {$define cpuextended} {$define SUPPORT_MMX} {$define cpumm} {$define fewintregisters} {$define cpurox} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define SUPPORT_SAFECALL} {$define SUPPORT_GET_FRAME} {$define cpucapabilities} {$define cpucg64shiftsupport} {$endif i386} {$ifdef x86_64} {$define x86} {$define cpuflags} {$define cpu64bitalu} {$define cpu64bitaddr} {$define cpuextended} {$define cpufloat128} {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpumm} {$define cpurox} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define SUPPORT_SAFECALL} {$define SUPPORT_GET_FRAME} {$define cpucapabilities} {$endif x86_64} {$ifdef sparc} {$define cpu32bit} {$define cpu32bitaddr} {$define cpu32bitalu} {$define cpuflags} {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define cpudelayslot} {$define SUPPORT_SAFECALL} {$define sparcgen} { the official name of the 32 Bit SPARC port is still "sparc" but using the sparc32 define makes things more clear } {$define sparc32} {$endif sparc} {$ifdef sparc64} {$define cpu64bit} {$define cpu64bitaddr} {$define cpu64bitalu} {$define cpuflags} {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define cpudelayslot} {$define SUPPORT_SAFECALL} {$define sparcgen} {$endif sparc64} {$ifdef powerpc} {$define cpu32bit} {$define cpu32bitaddr} {$define cpu32bitalu} {$define cpuflags} {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpumm} {$define cpurox} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define SUPPORT_GET_FRAME} {$endif powerpc} {$ifdef powerpc64} {$define cpu64bitalu} {$define cpu64bitaddr} {$define cpuflags} {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpumm} {$define cpurox} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define cpuno32bitops} {$endif powerpc64} {$ifdef arm} {$define cpu32bit} {$define cpu32bitaddr} {$define cpu32bitalu} {$define cpuflags} {$define cpufpemu} {$define cpuneedsdivhelper} {$define cpurox} {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define cpucapabilities} {$define SUPPORT_SAFECALL} {$define SUPPORT_GET_FRAME} { default to armel } {$if not(defined(CPUARM)) and not(defined(CPUARMEB)) and not(defined(FPC_OARM)) and not(defined(FPC_ARMEB)) and not(defined(FPC_ARMHF))} {$define FPC_ARMEL} {$endif} { inherit FPC_ARMEL? } {$if defined(CPUARMEL) and not(defined(FPC_OARM)) and not(defined(FPC_ARMEB)) and not(defined(FPC_ARMHF))} {$define FPC_ARMEL} {$endif} { inherit FPC_ARMEB? } {$if defined(CPUARMEB) and not(defined(FPC_OARM)) and not(defined(FPC_ARMEL)) and not(defined(FPC_ARMHF))} {$define FPC_ARMEB} {$endif} { inherit FPC_ARMHF? } {$if defined(CPUARMHF) and not(defined(FPC_OARM)) and not(defined(FPC_ARMEL)) and not(defined(FPC_ARMEB))} {$define FPC_ARMHF} {$endif} {$endif arm} {$ifdef m68k} {$define cpu32bit} {$define cpu32bitaddr} {$define cpu32bitalu} {$define cpuflags} {$define cpurox} {$define cpufpemu} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define cpucapabilities} {$define cpuneedsmulhelper} {$define cpuneedsdivhelper} {$define cpu_uses_separate_address_registers} {$define SUPPORT_SAFECALL} {$define SUPPORT_GET_FRAME} {$endif m68k} {$ifdef avr} {$define cpu8bit} {$define cpu16bitaddr} {$define cpu8bitalu} {$define cpuflags} {$define cpunofpu} {$define cpunodefaultint} {$define cpuneedsdivhelper} {$define cpuneedsmulhelper} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define cpucapabilities} {$endif avr} {$ifdef mipsel} {$define mips} {$else not mipsel} { Define both mips and mipseb if mipsel is not defined but mips cpu is wanted. } {$ifdef mipseb} {$define mips} {$endif mipseb} {$ifdef mips} {$define mipseb} {$endif mips} {$endif mipsel} {$ifdef mips} {$ifndef mips64} {$define cpu32bit} {$define cpu32bitalu} {$define cpu32bitaddr} {$else} {$error mips64 not yet supported} {$endif} {$define cpuflags} { Flags are emulated } {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpurequiresproperalignment} { define cpumm} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define cpudelayslot} {$define SUPPORT_GET_FRAME} {$define SUPPORT_SAFECALL} {$endif mips} {$ifdef jvm} {$define cpu32bit} {$define cpu64bitalu} {$define cpu32bitaddr} {$define cpuhighleveltarget} {$define symansistr} {$define SUPPORT_GET_FRAME} {$endif} {$ifdef aarch64} {$define cpu64bit} {$define cpu64bitaddr} {$define cpu64bitalu} {$define cpuflags} {$define cpurox} {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpurefshaveindexreg} {$define SUPPORT_GET_FRAME} {$endif aarch64} {$ifdef riscv32} {$define cpu32bit} {$define cpu32bitaddr} {$define cpu32bitalu} {$define cpufpemu} {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpuneedsmulhelper} {$define cpuneedsdivhelper} {$define cpucapabilities} {$define cpurequiresproperalignment} {$endif riscv32} {$ifdef riscv64} {$define cpu64bit} {$define cpu64bitaddr} {$define cpu64bitalu} {$define cpufpemu} {$define cputargethasfixedstack} {$define cpuneedsmulhelper} {$define cpuneedsdivhelper} {$define cpucapabilities} {$define cpurequiresproperalignment} {$endif riscv64} {$IFDEF MACOS} {$DEFINE USE_FAKE_SYSUTILS} {$ENDIF MACOS} { Stabs is not officially supported on 64 bit targets by gdb, except on Mac OS X (but there we don't support it) } {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} {$ifndef USE_STABS_64} {$define NoDbgStabs} {$endif} {$endif} {$if not defined(FPC_HAS_TYPE_EXTENDED) and defined(i386)} {$ifndef FPC_SOFT_FPUX80} {$error Cross-compiling from systems without support for an 80 bit extended floating point type to i386 is not yet supported at this time } {$endif} {$endif} { llvm backends partially use other backends for parameter info calculation, alignment info, data sizes etc. They always support 64 bit alu though. } {$ifdef llvm} {$undef SUPPORT_MMX} {$undef cpu16bitalu} {$undef cpu32bitalu} {$define cpu64bitalu} {$define cpuhighleveltarget} {$define symansistr} {$endif}