{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl This unit implements some support functions and global variables This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit globals; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses {$ifdef windows} windows, {$endif} {$ifdef os2} dos, {$endif os2} {$ifdef hasunix} Baseunix,unix, {$endif} {$IFNDEF USE_FAKE_SYSUTILS} sysutils, {$ELSE} fksysutl, {$ENDIF} { comphook pulls in sysutils anyways } cutils,cclasses,cfileutl, cpuinfo, globtype,version,systems; const delphimodeswitches = [m_delphi,m_class,m_objpas,m_result,m_string_pchar, m_pointer_2_procedure,m_autoderef,m_tp_procvar,m_initfinal,m_default_ansistring, m_out,m_default_para,m_duplicate_names,m_hintdirective, m_property,m_default_inline,m_except,m_advanced_records,m_type_helpers]; delphiunicodemodeswitches = delphimodeswitches + [m_systemcodepage,m_default_unicodestring]; fpcmodeswitches = [m_fpc,m_string_pchar,m_nested_comment,m_repeat_forward, m_cvar_support,m_initfinal,m_hintdirective, m_property,m_default_inline]; objfpcmodeswitches = [m_objfpc,m_fpc,m_class,m_objpas,m_result,m_string_pchar,m_nested_comment, m_repeat_forward,m_cvar_support,m_initfinal,m_out,m_default_para,m_hintdirective, m_property,m_default_inline,m_except]; tpmodeswitches = [m_tp7,m_tp_procvar,m_duplicate_names]; {$ifdef gpc_mode} gpcmodeswitches = [m_gpc,m_tp_procvar]; {$endif} macmodeswitches = [m_mac,m_cvar_support,m_mac_procvar,m_nested_procvars,m_non_local_goto,m_isolike_unary_minus,m_default_inline]; isomodeswitches = [m_iso,m_tp_procvar,m_duplicate_names,m_nested_procvars,m_non_local_goto,m_isolike_unary_minus]; { maximum nesting of routines } maxnesting = 32; { Filenames and extensions } sourceext = '.pp'; pasext = '.pas'; pext = '.p'; treelogfilename = 'tree.log'; {$if defined(CPUARM) and defined(FPUFPA)} MathQNaN : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (0,0,252,255,0,0,0,0)); MathInf : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (0,0,240,127,0,0,0,0)); MathNegInf : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (0,0,240,255,0,0,0,0)); MathPi : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (251,33,9,64,24,45,68,84)); {$else} {$ifdef FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN} MathQNaN : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (0,0,0,0,0,0,252,255)); MathInf : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (0,0,0,0,0,0,240,127)); MathNegInf : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (0,0,0,0,0,0,240,255)); MathPi : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (24,45,68,84,251,33,9,64)); MathPiExtended : tcompextendedrec = (bytes : (53,194,104,33,162,218,15,201,0,64)); {$else FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN} MathQNaN : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (255,252,0,0,0,0,0,0)); MathInf : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (127,240,0,0,0,0,0,0)); MathNegInf : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (255,240,0,0,0,0,0,0)); MathPi : tcompdoublerec = (bytes : (64,9,33,251,84,68,45,24)); MathPiExtended : tcompextendedrec = (bytes : (64,0,201,15,218,162,33,104,194,53)); {$endif FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN} {$endif} CP_UTF8 = 65001; CP_UTF16LE = 1200; CP_UTF16BE = 1201; CP_NONE = 65535; { by default no local variable trashing } localvartrashing: longint = -1; nroftrashvalues = 4; trashintvalues: array[0..nroftrashvalues-1] of int64 = ($5555555555555555,$AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,$EFEFEFEFEFEFEFEF,0); type { this is written to ppus during token recording for generics, it used to required to be packed, but this requirement is now obsolete, as the fields are written one by one. PM 2012-06-13 } tsettings = record alignment : talignmentinfo; globalswitches : tglobalswitches; targetswitches : ttargetswitches; moduleswitches : tmoduleswitches; localswitches : tlocalswitches; modeswitches : tmodeswitches; optimizerswitches : toptimizerswitches; { generate information necessary to perform these wpo's during a subsequent compilation } genwpoptimizerswitches: twpoptimizerswitches; { perform these wpo's using information generated during a previous compilation } dowpoptimizerswitches: twpoptimizerswitches; debugswitches : tdebugswitches; { 0: old behaviour for sets <=256 elements >0: round to this size } setalloc, packenum : shortint; packrecords : shortint; maxfpuregisters : shortint; cputype, optimizecputype : tcputype; fputype : tfputype; asmmode : tasmmode; interfacetype : tinterfacetypes; defproccall : tproccalloption; sourcecodepage : tstringencoding; minfpconstprec : tfloattype; disabledircache : boolean; {$if defined(i8086)} x86memorymodel : tx86memorymodel; {$endif defined(i8086)} {$if defined(ARM)} instructionset : tinstructionset; {$endif defined(ARM)} { CPU targets with microcontroller support can add a controller specific unit } controllertype : tcontrollertype; { WARNING: this pointer cannot be written as such in record token } pmessage : pmessagestaterecord; end; const LinkMapWeightDefault = 1000; type TLinkRec = record Key : AnsiString; Value : AnsiString; // key expands to valuelist "value" Weight: longint; end; TLinkStrMap = class private itemcnt : longint; fmap : Array Of TLinkRec; function Lookup(key:Ansistring):longint; function getlinkrec(i:longint):TLinkRec; public procedure Add(key:ansistring;value:AnsiString='';weight:longint=LinkMapWeightDefault); procedure addseries(keys:AnsiString;weight:longint=LinkMapWeightDefault); function AddDep(keyvalue:String):boolean; function AddWeight(keyvalue:String):boolean; procedure SetValue(key:AnsiString;Weight:Integer); procedure SortonWeight; function Find(key:AnsiString):AnsiString; procedure Expand(src:TCmdStrList;dest: TLinkStrMap); procedure UpdateWeights(Weightmap:TLinkStrMap); constructor Create; property count : longint read itemcnt; property items[I:longint]:TLinkRec read getlinkrec; default; end; tpendingstate = record nextverbositystr : shortstring; nextlocalswitches : tlocalswitches; nextverbosityfullswitch: longint; nextcallingstr : shortstring; nextmessagerecord : pmessagestaterecord; verbosityfullswitched, localswitcheschanged : boolean; end; var { specified inputfile } inputfilepath : string; inputfilename : string; { specified outputfile with -o parameter } outputfilename : string; outputprefix : pshortstring; outputsuffix : pshortstring; { specified with -FE or -FU } outputexedir : TPathStr; outputunitdir : TPathStr; { specified with -FW and -Fw } wpofeedbackinput, wpofeedbackoutput : TPathStr; { external assembler extra option } asmextraopt : string; { things specified with parameters } paralinkoptions : TCmdStr; paradynamiclinker : string; paraprintnodetree : byte; {$ifdef PREPROCWRITE} parapreprocess : boolean; {$endif PREPROCWRITE} printnodefile : text; { typical cross compiling params} { directory where the utils can be found (options -FD) } utilsdirectory : TPathStr; { targetname specific prefix used by these utils (options -XP) } utilsprefix : TCmdStr; cshared : boolean; { pass --shared to ld to link C libs shared} Dontlinkstdlibpath: Boolean; { Don't add std paths to linkpath} rlinkpath : TCmdStr; { rpath-link linkdir override} sysrootpath : TCmdStr; { target system root to search dyn linker } { some flags for global compiler switches } do_build, do_release, do_make : boolean; { Path to ppc } exepath : TPathStr; { Path to unicode charmap/collation binaries } unicodepath : TPathStr; { path for searching units, different paths can be seperated by ; } librarysearchpath, unitsearchpath, objectsearchpath, includesearchpath, frameworksearchpath : TSearchPathList; autoloadunits : string; { linking } usegnubinutils : boolean; forceforwardslash : boolean; usewindowapi : boolean; description : string; SetPEFlagsSetExplicity, SetPEOptFlagsSetExplicity, ImageBaseSetExplicity, MinStackSizeSetExplicity, MaxStackSizeSetExplicity, DescriptionSetExplicity : boolean; dllversion : string; dllmajor, dllminor, dllrevision : word; { revision only for netware } { win pe } peoptflags, peflags : longint; minstacksize, maxstacksize, imagebase : puint; UseDeffileForExports : boolean; UseDeffileForExportsSetExplicitly : boolean; GenerateImportSection, GenerateImportSectionSetExplicitly, RelocSection : boolean; MacOSXVersionMin, iPhoneOSVersionMin: string[15]; RelocSectionSetExplicitly : boolean; current_tokenpos, { position of the last token } current_filepos : tfileposinfo; { current position } nwscreenname : string; nwthreadname : string; nwcopyright : string; codegenerror : boolean; { true if there is an error reported } block_type : tblock_type; { type of currently parsed block } compile_level : word; exceptblockcounter : integer; { each except block gets a unique number check gotos } current_exceptblock : integer; { the exceptblock number of the current block (0 if none) } LinkLibraryAliases : TLinkStrMap; LinkLibraryOrder : TLinkStrMap; init_settings, current_settings : tsettings; pendingstate : tpendingstate; { Memory sizes } heapsize, maxheapsize, stacksize : longint; {$Ifdef EXTDEBUG} { parameter switches } debugstop : boolean; {$EndIf EXTDEBUG} { Application type (platform specific) see globtype.pas for description } apptype : tapptype; features : tfeatures; { prefix added to automatically generated setters/getters. If empty, no getters/setters will be automatically generated except if required for visibility reasons (but in that case the names will be mangled so they are unique) } prop_auto_getter_prefix, prop_auto_setter_prefix : string; const DLLsource : boolean = false; Inside_asm_statement : boolean = false; global_unit_count : word = 0; { for error info in pp.pas } parser_current_file : string = ''; {$if defined(m68k) or defined(arm)} { PalmOS resources } palmos_applicationname : string = 'FPC Application'; palmos_applicationid : string[4] = 'FPCA'; {$endif defined(m68k) or defined(arm)} {$ifdef powerpc} { default calling convention used on MorphOS } syscall_convention : string = 'LEGACY'; {$endif powerpc} { default name of the C-style "main" procedure of the library/program } { (this will be prefixed with the target_info.cprefix) } defaultmainaliasname = 'main'; mainaliasname : string = defaultmainaliasname; const default_settings : TSettings = ( alignment : ( procalign : 0; loopalign : 0; jumpalign : 0; constalignmin : 0; constalignmax : 0; varalignmin : 0; varalignmax : 0; localalignmin : 0; localalignmax : 0; recordalignmin : 0; recordalignmax : 0; maxCrecordalign : 0; ); globalswitches : [cs_check_unit_name,cs_link_static]; targetswitches : []; moduleswitches : [cs_extsyntax,cs_implicit_exceptions]; localswitches : [cs_check_io,cs_typed_const_writable,cs_pointermath{$ifdef i8086},cs_force_far_calls{$endif}]; modeswitches : fpcmodeswitches; optimizerswitches : []; genwpoptimizerswitches : []; dowpoptimizerswitches : []; debugswitches : [ds_dwarf_sets]; setalloc : 0; packenum : 4; {$ifdef i8086} packrecords : 1; {$else i8086} packrecords : 0; {$endif i8086} maxfpuregisters : 0; { Note: GENERIC_CPU is used together with generic subdirectory to be able to compile some of the units without any real CPU. This is used to generate a CPU independant PPUDUMP utility. PM } {$ifdef GENERIC_CPU} cputype : cpu_none; optimizecputype : cpu_none; fputype : fpu_none; {$else not GENERIC_CPU} {$ifdef i386} cputype : cpu_Pentium; optimizecputype : cpu_Pentium3; fputype : fpu_x87; {$endif i386} {$ifdef m68k} cputype : cpu_MC68020; optimizecputype : cpu_MC68020; fputype : fpu_soft; {$endif m68k} {$ifdef powerpc} cputype : cpu_PPC604; optimizecputype : cpu_ppc7400; fputype : fpu_standard; {$endif powerpc} {$ifdef POWERPC64} cputype : cpu_PPC970; optimizecputype : cpu_ppc970; fputype : fpu_standard; {$endif POWERPC64} {$ifdef sparc} cputype : cpu_SPARC_V9; optimizecputype : cpu_SPARC_V9; fputype : fpu_hard; {$endif sparc} {$ifdef arm} cputype : cpu_armv4; optimizecputype : cpu_armv4; fputype : fpu_fpa; {$endif arm} {$ifdef x86_64} cputype : cpu_athlon64; optimizecputype : cpu_athlon64; fputype : fpu_sse64; {$endif x86_64} {$ifdef avr} cputype : cpuinfo.cpu_avr5; optimizecputype : cpuinfo.cpu_avr5; fputype : fpu_none; {$endif avr} {$ifdef mips} cputype : cpu_mips2; optimizecputype : cpu_mips2; fputype : fpu_mips2; {$endif mips} {$ifdef jvm} cputype : cpu_none; optimizecputype : cpu_none; fputype : fpu_standard; {$endif jvm} {$ifdef aarch64} cputype : cpu_armv8; optimizecputype : cpu_armv8; fputype : fpu_vfp; {$endif aarch64} {$ifdef i8086} cputype : cpu_8086; optimizecputype : cpu_8086; fputype : fpu_x87; {$endif i8086} {$endif not GENERIC_CPU} asmmode : asmmode_standard; {$ifndef jvm} interfacetype : it_interfacecom; {$else jvm} interfacetype : it_interfacejava; {$endif jvm} defproccall : pocall_default; sourcecodepage : 28591; minfpconstprec : s32real; disabledircache : false; {$if defined(i8086)} x86memorymodel : mm_small; {$endif defined(i8086)} {$if defined(ARM)} instructionset : is_arm; {$endif defined(ARM)} controllertype : ct_none; pmessage : nil; ); var starttime : real; function getdatestr:string; function gettimestr:string; function filetimestring( t : longint) : string; function getrealtime : real; procedure DefaultReplacements(var s:ansistring); function GetEnvPChar(const envname:ansistring):pchar; procedure FreeEnvPChar(p:pchar); function is_number_float(d : double) : boolean; { discern +0.0 and -0.0 } function get_real_sign(r: bestreal): longint; procedure InitGlobals; procedure DoneGlobals; function string2guid(const s: string; var GUID: TGUID): boolean; function guid2string(const GUID: TGUID): string; function SetAktProcCall(const s:string; var a:tproccalloption):boolean; function Setabitype(const s:string;var a:tabi):boolean; function Setoptimizecputype(const s:string;var a:tcputype):boolean; function Setcputype(const s:string;var a:tsettings):boolean; function SetFpuType(const s:string;var a:tfputype):boolean; function SetControllerType(const s:string;var a:tcontrollertype):boolean; function IncludeFeature(const s : string) : boolean; function SetMinFPConstPrec(const s: string; var a: tfloattype) : boolean; {# Routine to get the required alignment for size of data, which will be placed in bss segment, according to the current alignment requirements } function var_align(want_align: longint): shortint; function var_align_size(siz: longint): shortint; {# Routine to get the required alignment for size of data, which will be placed in data/const segment, according to the current alignment requirements } function const_align(want_align: longint): shortint; function const_align_size(siz: longint): shortint; {$ifdef ARM} function is_double_hilo_swapped: boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} {$endif ARM} function floating_point_range_check_error : boolean; function use_dotted_functions: boolean; { hide Sysutils.ExecuteProcess in units using this one after SysUtils} const ExecuteProcess = 'Do not use' deprecated 'Use cfileutil.RequotedExecuteProcess instead, ExecuteProcess cannot deal with single quotes as used by Unix command lines'; implementation uses {$ifdef macos} macutils, {$endif} {$ifdef mswindows} windirs, {$endif} comphook; {**************************************************************************** TLinkStrMap ****************************************************************************} Constructor TLinkStrMap.create; begin inherited; itemcnt:=0; end; procedure TLinkStrMap.Add(key:ansistring;value:AnsiString='';weight:longint=LinkMapWeightDefault); begin if lookup(key)<>-1 Then exit; if itemcnt<=length(fmap) Then setlength(fmap,itemcnt+10); fmap[itemcnt].key:=key; fmap[itemcnt].value:=value; fmap[itemcnt].weight:=weight; inc(itemcnt); end; function TLinkStrMap.AddDep(keyvalue:String):boolean; var i : Longint; begin AddDep:=false; i:=pos('=',keyvalue); if i=0 then exit; Add(Copy(KeyValue,1,i-1),Copy(KeyValue,i+1,length(KeyValue)-i)); AddDep:=True; end; function TLinkStrMap.AddWeight(keyvalue:String):boolean; var i,j : Longint; Code : Word; s : AnsiString; begin AddWeight:=false; i:=pos('=',keyvalue); if i=0 then exit; s:=Copy(KeyValue,i+1,length(KeyValue)-i); val(s,j,code); if code=0 Then begin Add(Copy(KeyValue,1,i-1),'',j); AddWeight:=True; end; end; procedure TLinkStrMap.addseries(keys:AnsiString;weight:longint); var i,j,k : longint; begin k:=length(keys); i:=1; while i<=k do begin j:=i; while (i<=k) and (keys[i]<>',') do inc(i); add(copy(keys,j,i-j),'',weight); inc(i); end; end; procedure TLinkStrMap.SetValue(Key:Ansistring;weight:Integer); var j : longint; begin j:=lookup(key); if j<>-1 then fmap[j].weight:=weight; end; function TLinkStrMap.find(key:Ansistring):Ansistring; var j : longint; begin find:=''; j:=lookup(key); if j<>-1 then find:=fmap[j].value; end; function TLinkStrMap.lookup(key:Ansistring):longint; var i : longint; begin lookup:=-1; i:=0; while (ikey) do inc(i); if i<>itemcnt then lookup:=i; end; procedure TLinkStrMap.SortOnWeight; var i, j : longint; m : TLinkRec; begin if itemcnt <2 then exit; for i:=0 to itemcnt-1 do for j:=i+1 to itemcnt-1 do begin if fmap[i].weight>fmap[j].weight Then begin m:=fmap[i]; fmap[i]:=fmap[j]; fmap[j]:=m; end; end; end; function TLinkStrMap.getlinkrec(i:longint):TLinkRec; begin result:=fmap[i]; end; procedure TLinkStrMap.Expand(Src:TCmdStrList;Dest:TLinkStrMap); // expands every thing in Src to Dest for linkorder purposes. var r : longint; LibN : TCmdStr; begin while not src.empty do begin LibN:=src.getfirst; r:=lookup (LibN); if r=-1 then dest.add(LibN) else dest.addseries(fmap[r].value); end; end; procedure TLinkStrMap.UpdateWeights(Weightmap:TLinkStrMap); var l,r : longint; begin for l := 0 to itemcnt-1 do begin r:=weightmap.lookup (fmap[l].key); if r<>-1 then fmap[l].weight:=weightmap[r].weight; end; end; {**************************************************************************** Time Handling ****************************************************************************} Function L0(l:longint):string; { return the string of value l, if l<10 then insert a zero, so the string is always at least 2 chars '01','02',etc } var s : string; begin Str(l,s); if l<10 then s:='0'+s; L0:=s; end; function gettimestr:string; { get the current time in a string HH:MM:SS } var hour,min,sec,hsec : word; begin DecodeTime(Time,hour,min,sec,hsec); gettimestr:=L0(Hour)+':'+L0(min)+':'+L0(sec); end; function getdatestr:string; { get the current date in a string YY/MM/DD } var Year,Month,Day: Word; begin DecodeDate(Date,year,month,day); getdatestr:=L0(Year)+'/'+L0(Month)+'/'+L0(Day); end; function filetimestring( t : longint) : string; { convert dos datetime t to a string YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS } var DT : TDateTime; hsec : word; Year,Month,Day: Word; hour,min,sec : word; begin if t=-1 then begin Result := 'Not Found'; exit; end; DT := FileDateToDateTime(t); DecodeTime(DT,hour,min,sec,hsec); DecodeDate(DT,year,month,day); Result := L0(Year)+'/'+L0(Month)+'/'+L0(Day)+' '+L0(Hour)+':'+L0(min)+':'+L0(sec); end; function getrealtime : real; var h,m,s,s1000 : word; begin DecodeTime(Time,h,m,s,s1000); result:=h*3600.0+m*60.0+s+s1000/1000.0; end; {**************************************************************************** Default Macro Handling ****************************************************************************} procedure DefaultReplacements(var s:ansistring); {$ifdef mswindows} procedure ReplaceSpecialFolder(const MacroName: string; const ID: integer); begin // Only try to receive the special folders (and thus dynamically // load shfolder.dll) when that's needed. if pos(MacroName,s)>0 then Replace(s,MacroName,GetWindowsSpecialDir(ID)); end; {$endif mswindows} var envstr: string; envvalue: pchar; i: integer; begin { Replace some macros } Replace(s,'$FPCVERSION',version_string); Replace(s,'$FPCFULLVERSION',full_version_string); Replace(s,'$FPCDATE',date_string); Replace(s,'$FPCCPU',target_cpu_string); Replace(s,'$FPCOS',target_os_string); if (tf_use_8_3 in Source_Info.Flags) or (tf_use_8_3 in Target_Info.Flags) then Replace(s,'$FPCTARGET',target_os_string) else Replace(s,'$FPCTARGET',target_full_string); Replace(s,'$FPCSUBARCH',lower(cputypestr[init_settings.cputype])); Replace(s,'$FPCABI',lower(abiinfo[target_info.abi].name)); {$ifdef i8086} Replace(s,'$FPCMEMORYMODEL',lower(x86memorymodelstr[init_settings.x86memorymodel])); {$else i8086} Replace(s,'$FPCMEMORYMODEL','flat'); {$endif i8086} {$ifdef mswindows} ReplaceSpecialFolder('$LOCAL_APPDATA',CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA); ReplaceSpecialFolder('$APPDATA',CSIDL_APPDATA); ReplaceSpecialFolder('$COMMON_APPDATA',CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA); ReplaceSpecialFolder('$PERSONAL',CSIDL_PERSONAL); ReplaceSpecialFolder('$PROGRAM_FILES',CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES); ReplaceSpecialFolder('$PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON',CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON); ReplaceSpecialFolder('$PROFILE',CSIDL_PROFILE); {$endif mswindows} { Replace environment variables between dollar signs } i := pos('$',s); while i>0 do begin envstr:=copy(s,i+1,length(s)-i); i:=pos('$',envstr); if i>0 then begin envstr := copy(envstr,1,i-1); envvalue := GetEnvPChar(envstr); if assigned(envvalue) then begin Replace(s,'$'+envstr+'$',envvalue); // Look if there is another env.var in the string i:=pos('$',s); end else // if the env.var is not set, do not replace the env.variable // and stop looking for more env.var within the string i := 0; FreeEnvPChar(envvalue); end; end; end; {**************************************************************************** OS Dependent things ****************************************************************************} function GetEnvPChar(const envname:ansistring):pchar; {$ifdef mswindows} var s : string; i,len : longint; hp,p,p2 : pchar; {$endif} begin {$ifdef hasunix} GetEnvPchar:=BaseUnix.fpGetEnv(pansichar(envname)); {$define GETENVOK} {$endif} {$ifdef mswindows} GetEnvPchar:=nil; p:=GetEnvironmentStringsA; hp:=p; while hp^<>#0 do begin s:=strpas(hp); i:=pos('=',s); len:=strlen(hp); if upper(copy(s,1,i-1))=upper(envname) then begin GetMem(p2,len-length(envname)); Move(hp[i],p2^,len-length(envname)); GetEnvPchar:=p2; break; end; { next string entry} hp:=hp+len+1; end; FreeEnvironmentStrings(p); {$define GETENVOK} {$endif} {$ifdef os2} GetEnvPChar := Dos.GetEnvPChar (EnvName); {$define GETENVOK} {$endif} {$ifdef GETENVOK} {$undef GETENVOK} {$else} GetEnvPchar:=StrPNew(GetEnvironmentVariable(envname)); if (length(GetEnvPChar)=0) then begin FreeEnvPChar(GetEnvPChar); GetEnvPChar:=nil; end; {$endif} end; procedure FreeEnvPChar(p:pchar); begin {$ifndef hasunix} {$ifndef os2} freemem(p); {$endif} {$endif} end; function is_number_float(d : double) : boolean; var bytearray : array[0..7] of byte; begin move(d,bytearray,8); { only 1.1 save, 1.0.x will use always little endian } {$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} result:=((bytearray[0] and $7f)<>$7f) or ((bytearray[1] and $f0)<>$f0); {$else FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} result:=((bytearray[7] and $7f)<>$7f) or ((bytearray[6] and $f0)<>$f0); {$endif FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} end; function get_real_sign(r: bestreal): longint; var p: pbyte; begin p := pbyte(@r); {$ifdef CPU_ARM} inc(p,4); {$else} {$ifdef FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN} inc(p,sizeof(r)-1); {$endif} {$endif} if (p^ and $80) = 0 then result := 1 else result := -1; end; function convertdoublerec(d : tcompdoublerec) : tcompdoublerec;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} {$ifdef CPUARM} var i : longint; begin for i:=0 to 3 do begin result.bytes[i+4]:=d.bytes[i]; result.bytes[i]:=d.bytes[i+4]; end; {$else CPUARM} begin result:=d; {$endif CPUARM} end; { '('D1:'00000000-'D2:'0000-'D3:'0000-'D4:'0000-000000000000)' } function string2guid(const s: string; var GUID: TGUID): boolean; function ishexstr(const hs: string): boolean; var i: integer; begin ishexstr:=false; for i:=1 to Length(hs) do begin if not (hs[i] in ['0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f']) then exit; end; ishexstr:=true; end; function hexstr2longint(const hexs: string): longint; var i: integer; rl: longint; begin rl:=0; for i:=1 to length(hexs) do begin rl:=rl shl 4; case hexs[i] of '0'..'9' : inc(rl,ord(hexs[i])-ord('0')); 'A'..'F' : inc(rl,ord(hexs[i])-ord('A')+10); 'a'..'f' : inc(rl,ord(hexs[i])-ord('a')+10); end end; hexstr2longint:=rl; end; var i: integer; begin if (Length(s)=38) and (s[1]='{') and (s[38]='}') and (s[10]='-') and (s[15]='-') and (s[20]='-') and (s[25]='-') and ishexstr(copy(s,2,8)) and ishexstr(copy(s,11,4)) and ishexstr(copy(s,16,4)) and ishexstr(copy(s,21,4)) and ishexstr(copy(s,26,12)) then begin GUID.D1:=dword(hexstr2longint(copy(s,2,8))); { these values are arealdy in the correct range (4 chars = word) } GUID.D2:=word(hexstr2longint(copy(s,11,4))); GUID.D3:=word(hexstr2longint(copy(s,16,4))); for i:=0 to 1 do GUID.D4[i]:=byte(hexstr2longint(copy(s,21+i*2,2))); for i:=2 to 7 do GUID.D4[i]:=byte(hexstr2longint(copy(s,22+i*2,2))); string2guid:=true; end else if (length(s)=0) then begin FillChar(GUID,SizeOf(GUID),0); string2guid:=true; end else string2guid:=false; end; function guid2string(const GUID: TGUID): string; begin guid2string:= '{'+hexstr(GUID.D1,8)+ '-'+hexstr(GUID.D2,4)+ '-'+hexstr(GUID.D3,4)+ '-'+hexstr(GUID.D4[0],2)+hexstr(GUID.D4[1],2)+ '-'+hexstr(GUID.D4[2],2)+hexstr(GUID.D4[3],2)+ hexstr(GUID.D4[4],2)+hexstr(GUID.D4[5],2)+ hexstr(GUID.D4[6],2)+hexstr(GUID.D4[7],2)+ '}'; end; function SetAktProcCall(const s:string; var a:tproccalloption):boolean; const DefProcCallName : array[tproccalloption] of string[12] = ('', 'CDECL', 'CPPDECL', 'FAR16', 'OLDFPCCALL', '', { internproc } '', { syscall } 'PASCAL', 'REGISTER', 'SAFECALL', 'STDCALL', 'SOFTFLOAT', 'MWPASCAL', 'INTERRUPT' ); var t : tproccalloption; hs : string; begin result:=false; if (s = '') then exit; hs:=upper(s); if (hs = 'DEFAULT') then begin a := pocall_default; result := true; exit; end; for t:=low(tproccalloption) to high(tproccalloption) do if DefProcCallName[t]=hs then begin a:=t; result:=true; break; end; end; function Setabitype(const s:string;var a:tabi):boolean; var t : tabi; hs : string; begin result:=false; hs:=Upper(s); for t:=low(t) to high(t) do if abiinfo[t].supported and (abiinfo[t].name=hs) then begin a:=t; { abi_old_win32_gnu is a win32 i386 specific "feature" } if (t<>abi_old_win32_gnu) or (target_info.system=system_i386_win32) then result:=true; break; end; end; function Setoptimizecputype(const s:string;var a:tcputype):boolean; var t : tcputype; hs : string; begin result:=false; hs:=Upper(s); for t:=low(tcputype) to high(tcputype) do if cputypestr[t]=hs then begin a:=t; result:=true; break; end; end; function Setcputype(const s:string;var a:tsettings):boolean; var t : tcputype; hs : string; begin result:=false; hs:=Upper(s); for t:=low(tcputype) to high(tcputype) do if cputypestr[t]=hs then begin a.cputype:=t; result:=true; break; end; {$ifdef arm} { set default instruction set for arm } if result then begin if a.cputype in [cpu_armv6m,cpu_armv6t2,cpu_armv7m,cpu_armv7em] then a.instructionset:=is_thumb else a.instructionset:=is_arm; end; {$endif arm} end; function SetFpuType(const s:string;var a:tfputype):boolean; var t : tfputype; begin result:=false; for t:=low(tfputype) to high(tfputype) do if fputypestr[t]=s then begin a:=t; result:=true; break; end; end; function SetControllerType(const s:string;var a:tcontrollertype):boolean; var t : tcontrollertype; hs : string; begin { The following check allows to reduce amount of code for platforms } { not supporting microcontrollers due to evaluation at compile time. } {$PUSH} {$WARN 6018 OFF} (* Unreachable code due to compile time evaluation *) if ControllerSupport then begin result:=false; hs:=Upper(s); for t:=low(tcontrollertype) to high(tcontrollertype) do if embedded_controllers[t].controllertypestr=hs then begin a:=t; result:=true; break; end; end else begin a := ct_none; Result := true; end; {$POP} end; function IncludeFeature(const s : string) : boolean; var i : tfeature; begin result:=true; for i:=low(tfeature) to high(tfeature) do if s=featurestr[i] then begin include(features,i); exit; end; result:=false; end; function SetMinFPConstPrec(const s: string; var a: tfloattype) : boolean; var value, error: longint; begin if (upper(s)='DEFAULT') then begin a:=s32real; result:=true; exit; end; result:=false; val(s,value,error); if (error<>0) then exit; case value of 32: a:=s32real; 64: a:=s64real; { adding support for 80 bit here is tricky, since we can't really } { check whether the target cpu+OS actually supports it } else exit; end; result:=true; end; function var_align(want_align: longint): shortint; begin var_align := used_align(want_align,current_settings.alignment.varalignmin,current_settings.alignment.varalignmax); end; function var_align_size(siz: longint): shortint; begin siz := size_2_align(siz); var_align_size := var_align(siz); end; function const_align(want_align: longint): shortint; begin const_align := used_align(want_align,current_settings.alignment.constalignmin,current_settings.alignment.constalignmax); end; function const_align_size(siz: longint): shortint; begin siz := size_2_align(siz); const_align_size := const_align(siz); end; {$ifdef ARM} function is_double_hilo_swapped: boolean;{$ifdef USEINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin result := (current_settings.fputype in [fpu_fpa,fpu_fpa10,fpu_fpa11]) and not(cs_fp_emulation in current_settings.moduleswitches); {$ifdef FPC_DOUBLE_HILO_SWAPPED} { inverse result if compiler was compiled with swapped hilo already } result := not result; {$endif FPC_DOUBLE_HILO_SWAPPED} end; {$endif ARM} function floating_point_range_check_error : boolean; begin result:=cs_ieee_errors in current_settings.localswitches; end; function use_dotted_functions: boolean; begin result:= (target_info.system in systems_dotted_function_names) and (target_info.abi<>abi_powerpc_elfv2); end; {**************************************************************************** Init ****************************************************************************} {$ifdef unix} {$define need_path_search} {$endif unix} {$ifdef os2} {$define need_path_search} {$endif os2} {$ifdef macos} {$define need_path_search} {$endif macos} procedure get_exepath; var localExepath : TCmdStr; exeName:TCmdStr; {$ifdef need_path_search} hs1 : TPathStr; {$endif need_path_search} begin localexepath:=GetEnvironmentVariable('PPC_EXEC_PATH'); exeName := ''; if localexepath='' then begin exeName := FixFileName(system.paramstr(0)); localexepath := ExtractFilePath(exeName); end; {$ifdef need_path_search} if localexepath='' then begin hs1 := ExtractFileName(exeName); ChangeFileExt(hs1,source_info.exeext); {$ifdef macos} FindFile(hs1,GetEnvironmentVariable('Commands'),false,localExepath); {$else macos} FindFile(hs1,GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH'),false,localExepath); {$endif macos} localExepath:=ExtractFilePath(localExepath); end; {$endif need_path_search} exepath:=FixPath(localExepath,false); end; procedure DoneGlobals; begin librarysearchpath.Free; unitsearchpath.Free; objectsearchpath.Free; includesearchpath.Free; frameworksearchpath.Free; LinkLibraryAliases.Free; LinkLibraryOrder.Free; end; procedure InitGlobals; begin get_exepath; { reset globals } do_build:=false; do_release:=false; do_make:=true; compile_level:=0; codegenerror:=false; DLLsource:=false; { Output } OutputFileName:=''; OutputPrefix:=Nil; OutputSuffix:=Nil; OutputExeDir:=''; OutputUnitDir:=''; { Utils directory } utilsdirectory:=''; utilsprefix:=''; cshared:=false; rlinkpath:=''; sysrootpath:=''; { Search Paths } unicodepath:=''; librarysearchpath:=TSearchPathList.Create; unitsearchpath:=TSearchPathList.Create; includesearchpath:=TSearchPathList.Create; objectsearchpath:=TSearchPathList.Create; frameworksearchpath:=TSearchPathList.Create; { Def file } usewindowapi:=false; description:='Compiled by FPC '+version_string+' - '+target_cpu_string; DescriptionSetExplicity:=false; SetPEFlagsSetExplicity:=false; SetPEOptFlagsSetExplicity:=false; ImageBaseSetExplicity:=false; MinStackSizeSetExplicity:=false; MaxStackSizeSetExplicity:=false; dllversion:=''; dllmajor:=1; dllminor:=0; dllrevision:=0; nwscreenname := ''; nwthreadname := ''; nwcopyright := ''; UseDeffileForExports:=false; UseDeffileForExportsSetExplicitly:=false; GenerateImportSection:=false; RelocSection:=false; RelocSectionSetExplicitly:=false; MacOSXVersionMin:=''; iPhoneOSVersionMin:=''; { memory sizes, will be overridden by parameter or default for target in options or init_parser } stacksize:=0; { not initialized yet } apptype:=app_cui; { Init values } init_settings:=default_settings; if init_settings.optimizecputype=cpu_none then init_settings.optimizecputype:=init_settings.cputype; LinkLibraryAliases :=TLinkStrMap.Create; LinkLibraryOrder :=TLinkStrMap.Create; { enable all features by default } features:=[low(Tfeature)..high(Tfeature)]; end; end.