{ Copyright (c) 2012 by the FPC development team Contains functionality to save/restore the global compiler state when switching between the compilation of different units. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit globstat; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype,tokens,globals, aasmdata, dbgbase, symbase,symsym, fmodule, scanner,scandir, procinfo; type pglobalstate=^tglobalstate; tglobalstate=record { scanner } oldidtoken, oldtoken : ttoken; oldtokenpos : tfileposinfo; oldc : char; oldpattern, oldorgpattern : string; old_block_type : tblock_type; { symtable } oldsymtablestack, oldmacrosymtablestack : TSymtablestack; oldaktprocsym : tprocsym; { cg } oldparse_only : boolean; { akt.. things } oldcurrent_filepos : tfileposinfo; old_current_module : tmodule; oldcurrent_procinfo : tprocinfo; old_settings : tsettings; old_switchesstatestack : tswitchesstatestack; old_switchesstatestackpos : Integer; { only saved/restored if "full" is true } old_asmdata : tasmdata; old_debuginfo : tdebuginfo; old_scanner : tscannerfile; old_parser_file : string; end; procedure save_global_state(out state:tglobalstate;full:boolean); procedure restore_global_state(const state:tglobalstate;full:boolean); implementation uses pbase; procedure save_global_state(out state:tglobalstate;full:boolean); begin with state do begin old_current_module:=current_module; { save symtable state } oldsymtablestack:=symtablestack; oldmacrosymtablestack:=macrosymtablestack; oldcurrent_procinfo:=current_procinfo; { save scanner state } oldc:=c; oldpattern:=pattern; oldorgpattern:=orgpattern; oldtoken:=token; oldidtoken:=idtoken; old_block_type:=block_type; oldtokenpos:=current_tokenpos; old_switchesstatestack:=switchesstatestack; old_switchesstatestackpos:=switchesstatestackpos; { save cg } oldparse_only:=parse_only; { save akt... state } { handle the postponed case first } //flushpendingswitchesstate; oldcurrent_filepos:=current_filepos; old_settings:=current_settings; if full then begin old_asmdata:=current_asmdata; old_debuginfo:=current_debuginfo; old_parser_file:=parser_current_file; old_scanner:=current_scanner; end; end; end; procedure restore_global_state(const state:tglobalstate;full:boolean); begin with state do begin { restore scanner } c:=oldc; pattern:=oldpattern; orgpattern:=oldorgpattern; token:=oldtoken; idtoken:=oldidtoken; current_tokenpos:=oldtokenpos; block_type:=old_block_type; switchesstatestack:=old_switchesstatestack; switchesstatestackpos:=old_switchesstatestackpos; { restore cg } parse_only:=oldparse_only; { restore symtable state } symtablestack:=oldsymtablestack; macrosymtablestack:=oldmacrosymtablestack; current_procinfo:=oldcurrent_procinfo; current_filepos:=oldcurrent_filepos; current_settings:=old_settings; if full then begin current_module:=old_current_module; {!} current_asmdata:=old_asmdata; current_debuginfo:=old_debuginfo; current_scanner:=old_scanner; parser_current_file:=old_parser_file; end; end; end; end.