{ Copyright (c) 1998-2004 by Florian Klaempfl Basic Processor information This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } Unit cpuinfo; {$i fpcdefs.inc} Interface uses globtype; Type bestreal = extended; {$if FPC_FULLVERSION>20700} bestrealrec = TExtended80Rec; {$endif FPC_FULLVERSION>20700} ts32real = single; ts64real = double; ts80real = extended; ts128real = type extended; ts64comp = type extended; pbestreal=^bestreal; { possible supported processors for this target } tcputype = (cpu_none, cpu_8086, cpu_186, cpu_286, cpu_386, cpu_486, cpu_Pentium, cpu_Pentium2, cpu_Pentium3, cpu_Pentium4, cpu_PentiumM ); tfputype = (fpu_none, // fpu_soft, fpu_x87, fpu_sse, fpu_sse2, fpu_sse3, fpu_ssse3, fpu_sse41, fpu_sse42, fpu_avx, fpu_avx2 ); tcontrollertype = (ct_none ); tcontrollerdatatype = record controllertypestr, controllerunitstr: string[20]; cputype: tcputype; fputype: tfputype; flashbase, flashsize, srambase, sramsize, eeprombase, eepromsize, bootbase, bootsize: dword; end; Const { Is there support for dealing with multiple microcontrollers available } { for this platform? } ControllerSupport = false; { We know that there are fields after sramsize but we don't care about this warning } {$PUSH} {$WARN 3177 OFF} embedded_controllers : array [tcontrollertype] of tcontrollerdatatype = ( (controllertypestr:''; controllerunitstr:''; cputype:cpu_none; fputype:fpu_none; flashbase:0; flashsize:0; srambase:0; sramsize:0)); {$POP} { calling conventions supported by the code generator } supported_calling_conventions : tproccalloptions = [ pocall_internproc, pocall_register, pocall_safecall, pocall_stdcall, pocall_cdecl, pocall_cppdecl, pocall_pascal ]; cputypestr : array[tcputype] of string[10] = ('', '8086', '80186', '80286', '80386', '80486', 'PENTIUM', 'PENTIUM2', 'PENTIUM3', 'PENTIUM4', 'PENTIUMM' ); fputypestr : array[tfputype] of string[6] = ( 'NONE', // 'SOFT', 'X87', 'SSE', 'SSE2', 'SSE3', 'SSSE3', 'SSE41', 'SSE42', 'AVX', 'AVX2' ); sse_singlescalar : set of tfputype = [fpu_sse..fpu_avx2]; sse_doublescalar : set of tfputype = [fpu_sse2..fpu_avx2]; fpu_avx_instructionsets = [fpu_avx,fpu_avx2]; { Supported optimizations, only used for information } supported_optimizerswitches = genericlevel1optimizerswitches+ genericlevel2optimizerswitches+ genericlevel3optimizerswitches- { no need to write info about those } [cs_opt_level1,cs_opt_level2,cs_opt_level3]+ [cs_opt_peephole,{$ifndef llvm}cs_opt_regvar,{$endif}cs_opt_stackframe, cs_opt_loopunroll,cs_opt_uncertain, cs_opt_tailrecursion,cs_opt_nodecse,cs_useebp, cs_opt_reorder_fields,cs_opt_fastmath]; level1optimizerswitches = genericlevel1optimizerswitches; level2optimizerswitches = genericlevel2optimizerswitches + level1optimizerswitches + [cs_opt_regvar,cs_opt_stackframe,cs_opt_tailrecursion{,cs_opt_nodecse}]; level3optimizerswitches = genericlevel3optimizerswitches + level2optimizerswitches + [{,cs_opt_loopunroll}]; level4optimizerswitches = genericlevel4optimizerswitches + level3optimizerswitches + [cs_useebp]; type tcpuflags = (CPUX86_HAS_CMOV, CPUX86_HAS_SSEUNIT, CPUX86_HAS_SSE2 ); const cpu_capabilities : array[tcputype] of set of tcpuflags = ( { cpu_none } [], { cpu_8086 } [], { cpu_186 } [], { cpu_286 } [], { cpu_386 } [], { cpu_486 } [], { cpu_Pentium } [], { cpu_Pentium2 } [CPUX86_HAS_CMOV], { cpu_Pentium3 } [CPUX86_HAS_CMOV,CPUX86_HAS_SSEUNIT], { cpu_Pentium4 } [CPUX86_HAS_CMOV,CPUX86_HAS_SSEUNIT,CPUX86_HAS_SSE2], { cpu_PentiumM } [CPUX86_HAS_CMOV,CPUX86_HAS_SSEUNIT,CPUX86_HAS_SSE2] ); x86_near_code_models = [mm_tiny,mm_small,mm_compact]; x86_far_code_models = [mm_medium,mm_large,mm_huge]; x86_near_data_models = [mm_tiny,mm_small,mm_medium]; x86_far_data_models = [mm_compact,mm_large,mm_huge]; Implementation end.