{ Copyright (c) 1998-2010 by Florian Klaempfl and Jonas Maebe Member of the Free Pascal development team This unit implements the jvm high level code generator This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit hlcgcpu; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype, aasmbase,aasmdata, symbase,symconst,symtype,symdef,symsym, node, cpubase, hlcgobj, cgbase, cgutils, parabase; type { thlcgjvm } thlcgjvm = class(thlcgobj) private fevalstackheight, fmaxevalstackheight: longint; public constructor create; procedure incstack(list : TAsmList;slots: longint); procedure decstack(list : TAsmList;slots: longint); class function def2regtyp(def: tdef): tregistertype; override; procedure a_load_const_cgpara(list : TAsmList;tosize : tdef;a : tcgint;const cgpara : TCGPara);override; function a_call_name(list : TAsmList;pd : tprocdef;const s : TSymStr; const paras: array of pcgpara; forceresdef: tdef; weak: boolean): tcgpara;override; function a_call_name_inherited(list : TAsmList;pd : tprocdef;const s : TSymStr; const paras: array of pcgpara): tcgpara;override; function a_call_reg(list: TAsmList; pd: tabstractprocdef; reg: tregister; const paras: array of pcgpara): tcgpara; override; procedure a_load_const_reg(list : TAsmList;tosize : tdef;a : tcgint;register : tregister);override; procedure a_load_const_ref(list : TAsmList;tosize : tdef;a : tcgint;const ref : treference);override; procedure a_load_reg_ref(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;register : tregister;const ref : treference);override; procedure a_load_reg_reg(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;reg1,reg2 : tregister);override; procedure a_load_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;const ref : treference;register : tregister);override; procedure a_load_ref_ref(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;const sref : treference;const dref : treference);override; procedure a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;const ref : treference;r : tregister);override; procedure a_op_const_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; a: tcgint; reg: TRegister); override; procedure a_op_const_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; a: tcgint; src, dst: tregister); override; procedure a_op_const_ref(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; a: tcgint; const ref: TReference); override; procedure a_op_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; const ref: TReference; reg: TRegister); override; procedure a_op_reg_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; src1, src2, dst: tregister); override; procedure a_op_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; reg1, reg2: TRegister); override; procedure a_op_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; a: tcgint; src, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); override; procedure a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; src1, src2, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); override; procedure a_cmp_const_ref_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint; const ref: treference; l: tasmlabel); override; procedure a_cmp_const_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint; reg: tregister; l: tasmlabel); override; procedure a_cmp_ref_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; const ref: treference; reg: tregister; l: tasmlabel); override; procedure a_cmp_reg_ref_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; reg: tregister; const ref: treference; l: tasmlabel); override; procedure a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; reg1, reg2: tregister; l: tasmlabel); override; procedure a_jmp_always(list : TAsmList;l: tasmlabel); override; procedure g_concatcopy(list : TAsmList;size: tdef; const source,dest : treference);override; procedure g_copyshortstring(list : TAsmList;const source,dest : treference;strdef:tstringdef);override; procedure a_loadfpu_ref_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref1, ref2: treference); override; procedure a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; reg: tregister); override; procedure a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg: tregister; const ref: treference); override; procedure a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister); override; procedure g_proc_entry(list : TAsmList;localsize : longint;nostackframe:boolean); override; procedure g_proc_exit(list : TAsmList;parasize:longint;nostackframe:boolean); override; procedure gen_load_return_value(list:TAsmList);override; procedure record_generated_code_for_procdef(pd: tprocdef; code, data: TAsmList); override; procedure g_incrrefcount(list : TAsmList;t: tdef; const ref: treference);override; procedure g_array_rtti_helper(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference; const highloc: tlocation; const name: string); override; procedure g_initialize(list : TAsmList;t : tdef;const ref : treference);override; procedure g_finalize(list : TAsmList;t : tdef;const ref : treference);override; procedure g_overflowcheck(list: TAsmList; const Loc: tlocation; def: tdef); override; procedure g_overflowCheck_loc(List:TAsmList;const Loc:TLocation;def:TDef;var ovloc : tlocation); override; procedure location_get_data_ref(list:TAsmList;def: tdef; const l:tlocation;var ref:treference;loadref:boolean; alignment: longint);override; procedure maybe_change_load_node_reg(list: TAsmList; var n: tnode; reload: boolean); override; procedure g_copyvaluepara_openarray(list: TAsmList; const ref: treference; const lenloc: tlocation; arrdef: tarraydef; destreg: tregister); override; procedure g_releasevaluepara_openarray(list: TAsmList; arrdef: tarraydef; const l: tlocation); override; procedure gen_initialize_code(list: TAsmList); override; procedure gen_entry_code(list: TAsmList); override; procedure gen_exit_code(list: TAsmList); override; { unimplemented/unnecessary routines } procedure a_bit_scan_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; reverse: boolean; srcsize, dstsize: tdef; src, dst: tregister); override; procedure a_loadmm_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const loc: tlocation; const reg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override; procedure a_loadmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override; procedure a_loadmm_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; reg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override; procedure a_loadmm_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg: tregister; const ref: treference; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override; procedure a_opmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; src, dst: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override; procedure a_loadmm_intreg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; intreg, mmreg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override; procedure a_loadmm_reg_intreg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; mmreg, intreg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override; procedure g_stackpointer_alloc(list: TAsmList; size: longint); override; procedure g_intf_wrapper(list: TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; const labelname: string; ioffset: longint); override; procedure g_adjust_self_value(list: TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; ioffset: aint); override; procedure g_local_unwind(list: TAsmList; l: TAsmLabel); override; { JVM-specific routines } procedure a_load_stack_reg(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;reg: tregister); { extra_slots are the slots that are used by the reference, and that will be removed by the store operation } procedure a_load_stack_ref(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;const ref: treference;extra_slots: longint); procedure a_load_reg_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;reg: tregister); { extra_slots are the slots that are used by the reference, and that will be removed by the load operation } procedure a_load_ref_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;const ref: treference;extra_slots: longint); procedure a_load_const_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;a :tcgint; typ: TRegisterType); procedure a_load_stack_loc(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;const loc: tlocation); procedure a_load_loc_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;const loc: tlocation); procedure a_loadfpu_const_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;a :double); procedure a_op_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef; trunc32: boolean); procedure a_op_const_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef;a : tcgint); procedure a_op_reg_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef;reg: tregister); procedure a_op_ref_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef;const ref: treference); procedure a_op_loc_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef;const loc: tlocation); procedure g_reference_loc(list: TAsmList; def: tdef; const fromloc: tlocation; out toloc: tlocation); override; { assumes that initdim dimensions have already been pushed on the evaluation stack, and creates a new array of type arrdef with these dimensions } procedure g_newarray(list : TAsmList; arrdef: tdef; initdim: longint); { gets the length of the array whose reference is stored in arrloc, and puts it on the evaluation stack } procedure g_getarraylen(list : TAsmList; const arrloc: tlocation); { this routine expects that all values are already massaged into the required form (sign bits xor'ed for gt/lt comparisons for OS_32/OS_64, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4068973/c-performing-signed-comparison-in-unsigned-variables-without-casting ) } procedure a_cmp_stack_label(list : TAsmlist; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; lab: tasmlabel); { these 2 routines perform the massaging expected by the previous one } procedure maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list : TAsmlist; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp); function maybe_adjust_cmp_constval(size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint): tcgint; { truncate/sign extend after performing operations on values < 32 bit that may have overflowed outside the range } procedure maybe_adjust_op_result(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef); { performs sign/zero extension as required } procedure resize_stack_int_val(list: TAsmList;fromsize,tosize: tdef; formemstore: boolean); { 8/16 bit unsigned parameters and return values must be sign-extended on the producer side, because the JVM does not support unsigned variants; then they have to be zero-extended again on the consumer side } procedure maybe_resize_stack_para_val(list: TAsmList; retdef: tdef; callside: boolean); { adjust the stack height after a call based on the specified number of slots used for parameters and the provided resultdef } procedure g_adjust_stack_after_call(list: TAsmList; pd: tabstractprocdef; paraheight: longint; forceresdef: tdef); property maxevalstackheight: longint read fmaxevalstackheight; procedure gen_initialize_fields_code(list:TAsmList); procedure gen_typecheck(list: TAsmList; checkop: tasmop; checkdef: tdef); procedure g_copyvalueparas(p: TObject; arg: pointer); override; protected procedure a_load_const_stack_intern(list : TAsmList;size : tdef;a : tcgint; typ: TRegisterType; legalize_const: boolean); function get_enum_init_val_ref(def: tdef; out ref: treference): boolean; procedure allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; st: tsymtable; const ref: treference; allocvartyp: tsymtyp); procedure allocate_enum_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; vs: tabstractvarsym; const initref: treference; destbaseref: treference); procedure allocate_implicit_struct_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; vs: tabstractvarsym; ref: treference); procedure gen_load_uninitialized_function_result(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; resdef: tdef; const resloc: tcgpara); override; procedure inittempvariables(list:TAsmList);override; function g_call_system_proc_intern(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const paras: array of pcgpara; forceresdef: tdef): tcgpara; override; { in case of an array, the array base address and index have to be put on the evaluation stack before the stored value; similarly, for fields the self pointer has to be loaded first. Also checks whether the reference is valid. If dup is true, the necessary values are stored twice. Returns how many stack slots have been consumed, disregarding the "dup". } function prepare_stack_for_ref(list: TAsmList; const ref: treference; dup: boolean): longint; { return the load/store opcode to load/store from/to ref; if the result has to be and'ed after a load to get the final value, that constant is returned in finishandval (otherwise that value is set to -1) } function loadstoreopcref(def: tdef; isload: boolean; const ref: treference; out finishandval: tcgint): tasmop; { return the load/store opcode to load/store from/to reg; if the result has to be and'ed after a load to get the final value, that constant is returned in finishandval (otherwise that value is set to -1) } function loadstoreopc(def: tdef; isload, isarray: boolean; out finishandval: tcgint): tasmop; procedure resizestackfpuval(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize); { in case of an OS_32 OP_DIV, we have to use an OS_S64 OP_IDIV because the JVM does not support unsigned divisions } procedure maybepreparedivu32(list: TAsmList; var op: topcg; size: tdef; out isdivu32: boolean); { common implementation of a_call_* } function a_call_name_intern(list : TAsmList;pd : tprocdef;const s : TSymStr; forceresdef: tdef; inheritedcall: boolean): tcgpara; { concatcopy helpers } procedure concatcopy_normal_array(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference); procedure concatcopy_record(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference); procedure concatcopy_set(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference); procedure concatcopy_shortstring(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference); end; const opcmp2if: array[topcmp] of tasmop = (A_None, a_ifeq,a_ifgt,a_iflt,a_ifge,a_ifle, a_ifne,a_ifle,a_iflt,a_ifge,a_ifgt); implementation uses verbose,cutils,globals,fmodule,constexp, defutil, aasmtai,aasmcpu, symtable,symcpu,jvmdef, procinfo,cpuinfo,cgcpu,tgobj; const TOpCG2IAsmOp : array[topcg] of TAsmOp=( { not = xor -1 } A_None,A_None,a_iadd,a_iand,A_none,a_idiv,a_imul,a_imul,a_ineg,A_None,a_ior,a_ishr,a_ishl,a_iushr,a_isub,a_ixor,A_None,A_None ); TOpCG2LAsmOp : array[topcg] of TAsmOp=( { not = xor -1 } A_None,A_None,a_ladd,a_land,A_none,a_ldiv,a_lmul,a_lmul,a_lneg,A_None,a_lor,a_lshr,a_lshl,a_lushr,a_lsub,a_lxor,A_None,A_None ); constructor thlcgjvm.create; begin fevalstackheight:=0; fmaxevalstackheight:=0; end; procedure thlcgjvm.incstack(list: TasmList;slots: longint); begin if slots=0 then exit; inc(fevalstackheight,slots); if (fevalstackheight>fmaxevalstackheight) then fmaxevalstackheight:=fevalstackheight; if cs_asm_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches then list.concat(tai_comment.Create(strpnew(' allocated '+tostr(slots)+', stack height = '+tostr(fevalstackheight)))); end; procedure thlcgjvm.decstack(list: TAsmList;slots: longint); begin if slots=0 then exit; dec(fevalstackheight,slots); if (fevalstackheight<0) and not(cs_no_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then internalerror(2010120501); if cs_asm_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches then list.concat(tai_comment.Create(strpnew(' freed '+tostr(slots)+', stack height = '+tostr(fevalstackheight)))); end; class function thlcgjvm.def2regtyp(def: tdef): tregistertype; begin case def.typ of { records (including files) and enums are implemented via classes } recorddef, filedef, enumdef, setdef: result:=R_ADDRESSREGISTER; { shortstrings are implemented via classes } else if is_shortstring(def) or { voiddef can only be typecasted into (implicit) pointers } is_void(def) then result:=R_ADDRESSREGISTER else result:=inherited; end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_cgpara(list: TAsmList; tosize: tdef; a: tcgint; const cgpara: TCGPara); begin tosize:=get_para_push_size(tosize); if tosize=s8inttype then a:=shortint(a) else if tosize=s16inttype then a:=smallint(a); inherited a_load_const_cgpara(list, tosize, a, cgpara); end; function thlcgjvm.a_call_name(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const s: TSymStr; const paras: array of pcgpara; forceresdef: tdef; weak: boolean): tcgpara; begin result:=a_call_name_intern(list,pd,s,forceresdef,false); end; function thlcgjvm.a_call_name_inherited(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const s: TSymStr; const paras: array of pcgpara): tcgpara; begin result:=a_call_name_intern(list,pd,s,nil,true); end; function thlcgjvm.a_call_reg(list: TAsmList; pd: tabstractprocdef; reg: tregister; const paras: array of pcgpara): tcgpara; begin internalerror(2012042824); result.init; end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_stack_intern(list : TAsmList;size : tdef;a : tcgint; typ: TRegisterType; legalize_const: boolean); begin if legalize_const and (typ=R_INTREGISTER) and (size.typ=orddef) then begin { uses specific byte/short array store instructions, and the Dalvik VM does not like it if we store values outside the range } case torddef(size).ordtype of u8bit: a:=shortint(a); u16bit: a:=smallint(a); else ; end; end; a_load_const_stack(list,size,a,typ); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_stack(list : TAsmList;size : tdef;a : tcgint; typ: TRegisterType); const int2opc: array[-1..5] of tasmop = (a_iconst_m1,a_iconst_0,a_iconst_1, a_iconst_2,a_iconst_3,a_iconst_4,a_iconst_5); begin case typ of R_INTREGISTER: begin case def_cgsize(size) of OS_8,OS_16,OS_32, OS_S8,OS_S16,OS_S32: begin { convert cardinals to longints } a:=longint(a); if (a>=-1) and (a<=5) then list.concat(taicpu.op_none(int2opc[a])) else if (a>=low(shortint)) and (a<=high(shortint)) then list.concat(taicpu.op_const(a_bipush,a)) else if (a>=low(smallint)) and (a<=high(smallint)) then list.concat(taicpu.op_const(a_sipush,a)) else list.concat(taicpu.op_const(a_ldc,a)); { for android verifier } if (size.typ=orddef) and (torddef(size).ordtype=uwidechar) then list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2c)); end; OS_64,OS_S64: begin case a of 0: list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_lconst_0)); 1: list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_lconst_1)); else list.concat(taicpu.op_const(a_ldc2_w,a)); end; incstack(list,1); end; else internalerror(2010110702); end; end; R_ADDRESSREGISTER: begin if a<>0 then internalerror(2010110701); list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_aconst_null)); end; else internalerror(2010110703); end; incstack(list,1); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_stack_loc(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER, LOC_FPUREGISTER,LOC_CFPUREGISTER: a_load_stack_reg(list,size,loc.register); LOC_REFERENCE: a_load_stack_ref(list,size,loc.reference,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,loc.reference,false)); else internalerror(2011020501); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_loc_stack(list: TAsmList;size: tdef;const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER, LOC_FPUREGISTER,LOC_CFPUREGISTER: a_load_reg_stack(list,size,loc.register); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_load_ref_stack(list,size,loc.reference,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,loc.reference,false)); LOC_CONSTANT: a_load_const_stack(list,size,loc.value,def2regtyp(size)); else internalerror(2011010401); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_const_stack(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; a: double); begin case tfloatdef(size).floattype of s32real: begin if a=0.0 then list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_fconst_0)) else if a=1.0 then list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_fconst_1)) else if a=2.0 then list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_fconst_2)) else list.concat(taicpu.op_single(a_ldc,a)); incstack(list,1); end; s64real: begin if a=0.0 then list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dconst_0)) else if a=1.0 then list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dconst_1)) else list.concat(taicpu.op_double(a_ldc2_w,a)); incstack(list,2); end else internalerror(2011010501); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_stack(list: TAsmList; op: topcg; size: tdef; trunc32: boolean); var cgsize: tcgsize; begin if not trunc32 then cgsize:=def_cgsize(size) else begin resize_stack_int_val(list,u32inttype,s64inttype,false); cgsize:=OS_S64; end; case cgsize of OS_8,OS_S8, OS_16,OS_S16, OS_32,OS_S32: begin { not = xor 1 for boolean, xor -1 for the rest} if op=OP_NOT then begin if not is_pasbool(size) then a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,high(cardinal),R_INTREGISTER) else a_load_const_stack(list,size,1,R_INTREGISTER); op:=OP_XOR; end; if TOpCG2IAsmOp[op]=A_None then internalerror(2010120532); list.concat(taicpu.op_none(TOpCG2IAsmOp[op])); maybe_adjust_op_result(list,op,size); if op<>OP_NEG then decstack(list,1); end; OS_64,OS_S64: begin { unsigned 64 bit division must be done via a helper } if op=OP_DIV then internalerror(2010120530); { not = xor 1 for boolean, xor -1 for the rest} if op=OP_NOT then begin if not is_pasbool(size) then a_load_const_stack(list,s64inttype,-1,R_INTREGISTER) else a_load_const_stack(list,s64inttype,1,R_INTREGISTER); op:=OP_XOR; end; if TOpCG2LAsmOp[op]=A_None then internalerror(2010120533); list.concat(taicpu.op_none(TOpCG2LAsmOp[op])); case op of OP_NOT, OP_NEG: ; { the second argument here is an int rather than a long } OP_SHL,OP_SHR,OP_SAR: decstack(list,1); else decstack(list,2); end; end; else internalerror(2010120531); end; if trunc32 then begin list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_l2i)); decstack(list,1); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_stack(list: TAsmList;op: topcg;size: tdef;a: tcgint); var trunc32: boolean; begin maybepreparedivu32(list,op,size,trunc32); case op of OP_NEG,OP_NOT: internalerror(2011010801); OP_SHL,OP_SHR,OP_SAR: { the second argument here is an int rather than a long } a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,a,R_INTREGISTER); else a_load_const_stack(list,size,a,R_INTREGISTER); end; a_op_stack(list,op,size,trunc32); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_reg_stack(list: TAsmList; op: topcg; size: tdef; reg: tregister); var trunc32: boolean; begin maybepreparedivu32(list,op,size,trunc32); case op of OP_SHL,OP_SHR,OP_SAR: if not is_64bitint(size) then a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg) else begin { the second argument here is an int rather than a long } if getsubreg(reg)=R_SUBQ then internalerror(2011010802); a_load_reg_stack(list,s32inttype,reg) end else a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg); end; a_op_stack(list,op,size,trunc32); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_ref_stack(list: TAsmList; op: topcg; size: tdef; const ref: treference); var trunc32: boolean; begin { ref must not be the stack top, because that may indicate an error (it means that we will perform an operation of the stack top onto itself, so that means the two values have been loaded manually prior to calling this routine, instead of letting this routine load one of them; if something like that is needed, call a_op_stack() directly) } if ref.base=NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then internalerror(2010121102); maybepreparedivu32(list,op,size,trunc32); case op of OP_SHL,OP_SHR,OP_SAR: begin if not is_64bitint(size) then a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false)) else a_load_ref_stack(list,s32inttype,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false)); end; else a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false)); end; a_op_stack(list,op,size,trunc32); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_loc_stack(list: TAsmList; op: topcg; size: tdef; const loc: tlocation); begin case loc.loc of LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER: a_op_reg_stack(list,op,size,loc.register); LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE: a_op_ref_stack(list,op,size,loc.reference); LOC_CONSTANT: a_op_const_stack(list,op,size,loc.value); else internalerror(2011011415) end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_reference_loc(list: TAsmList; def: tdef; const fromloc: tlocation; out toloc: tlocation); begin case fromloc.loc of LOC_CREFERENCE, LOC_REFERENCE: begin toloc:=fromloc; if (fromloc.reference.base<>NR_NO) and (fromloc.reference.base<>current_procinfo.framepointer) and (fromloc.reference.base<>NR_STACK_POINTER_REG) then g_allocload_reg_reg(list,voidpointertype,fromloc.reference.base,toloc.reference.base,R_ADDRESSREGISTER); case fromloc.reference.arrayreftype of art_indexreg: begin { all array indices in Java are 32 bit ints } g_allocload_reg_reg(list,s32inttype,fromloc.reference.index,toloc.reference.index,R_INTREGISTER); end; art_indexref: begin { base register of the address of the index -> pointer } if (fromloc.reference.indexbase<>NR_NO) and (fromloc.reference.indexbase<>NR_STACK_POINTER_REG) then g_allocload_reg_reg(list,voidpointertype,fromloc.reference.indexbase,toloc.reference.indexbase,R_ADDRESSREGISTER); end; else ; end; end; else inherited; end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_newarray(list: TAsmList; arrdef: tdef; initdim: longint); var recref, enuminitref: treference; elemdef: tdef; i: longint; mangledname: string; opc: tasmop; primitivetype: boolean; begin elemdef:=arrdef; if initdim>1 then begin { multianewarray typedesc ndim } list.concat(taicpu.op_sym_const(a_multianewarray, current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(jvmarrtype(elemdef,primitivetype),AT_METADATA),initdim)); { has to be a multi-dimensional array type } if primitivetype then internalerror(2011012207); end else begin { for primitive types: newarray typedesc for reference types: anewarray typedesc } { get the type of the elements of the array we are creating } elemdef:=tarraydef(arrdef).elementdef; mangledname:=jvmarrtype(elemdef,primitivetype); if primitivetype then opc:=a_newarray else opc:=a_anewarray; list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(opc,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(mangledname,AT_METADATA))); end; { all dimensions are removed from the stack, an array reference is added } decstack(list,initdim-1); { in case of an array of records, sets or shortstrings, initialise } elemdef:=tarraydef(arrdef).elementdef; for i:=1 to pred(initdim) do elemdef:=tarraydef(elemdef).elementdef; if (elemdef.typ in [recorddef,setdef]) or ((elemdef.typ=enumdef) and get_enum_init_val_ref(elemdef,enuminitref)) or is_shortstring(elemdef) or ((elemdef.typ=procvardef) and not tprocvardef(elemdef).is_addressonly) or is_ansistring(elemdef) or is_wide_or_unicode_string(elemdef) or is_dynamic_array(elemdef) then begin { duplicate array instance } list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dup)); incstack(list,1); a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,initdim-1,R_INTREGISTER); case elemdef.typ of arraydef: g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_dynarr',[],nil); recorddef,setdef,procvardef: begin tg.gethltemp(list,elemdef,elemdef.size,tt_persistent,recref); a_load_ref_stack(list,elemdef,recref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,recref,false)); case elemdef.typ of recorddef: g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_record',[],nil); setdef: begin if tsetdef(elemdef).elementdef.typ=enumdef then g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_enumset',[],nil) else g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_bitset',[],nil) end; procvardef: g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_procvar',[],nil); else internalerror(2019051025); end; tg.ungettemp(list,recref); end; enumdef: begin a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,enuminitref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,enuminitref,false)); g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_object',[],nil); end; stringdef: begin case tstringdef(elemdef).stringtype of st_shortstring: begin a_load_const_stack_intern(list,u8inttype,tstringdef(elemdef).len,R_INTREGISTER,true); g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_shortstring',[],nil); end; st_ansistring: g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_ansistring',[],nil); st_unicodestring, st_widestring: g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_unicodestring',[],nil); else internalerror(2011081801); end; end; else internalerror(2011081802); end; end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_getarraylen(list: TAsmList; const arrloc: tlocation); var nillab,endlab: tasmlabel; begin { inline because we have to use the arraylength opcode, which cannot be represented directly in Pascal. Even though the JVM supports allocated arrays with length=0, we still also have to check for nil pointers because even if FPC always generates allocated empty arrays under all circumstances, external Java code could pass in nil pointers. Note that this means that assigned(arr) can be different from length(arr)<>0 for dynamic arrays when targeting the JVM. } current_asmdata.getjumplabel(nillab); current_asmdata.getjumplabel(endlab); { if assigned(arr) ... } a_load_loc_stack(list,java_jlobject,arrloc); list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dup)); incstack(list,1); list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(a_ifnull,nillab)); decstack(list,1); { ... then result:=arraylength(arr) ... } list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_arraylength)); a_jmp_always(list,endlab); { ... else result:=0 } a_label(list,nillab); list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_pop)); decstack(list,1); list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_iconst_0)); incstack(list,1); a_label(list,endlab); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_stack_label(list: TAsmlist; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; lab: tasmlabel); const opcmp2icmp: array[topcmp] of tasmop = (A_None, a_if_icmpeq,a_if_icmpgt,a_if_icmplt,a_if_icmpge,a_if_icmple, a_if_icmpne,a_if_icmple,a_if_icmplt,a_if_icmpge,a_if_icmpgt); var cgsize: tcgsize; begin case def2regtyp(size) of R_INTREGISTER: begin cgsize:=def_cgsize(size); case cgsize of OS_S8,OS_8, OS_16,OS_S16, OS_S32,OS_32: begin list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(opcmp2icmp[cmp_op],lab)); decstack(list,2); end; OS_64,OS_S64: begin list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_lcmp)); decstack(list,3); list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(opcmp2if[cmp_op],lab)); decstack(list,1); end; else internalerror(2010120538); end; end; R_ADDRESSREGISTER: begin case cmp_op of OC_EQ: list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(a_if_acmpeq,lab)); OC_NE: list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(a_if_acmpne,lab)); else internalerror(2010120537); end; decstack(list,2); end; else internalerror(2010120505); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list: TAsmlist; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp); begin { use cmp_op because eventually that's what indicates the signed/unsigned character of the operation, not the size... } if (cmp_op in [OC_EQ,OC_NE,OC_LT,OC_LTE,OC_GT,OC_GTE]) or (def2regtyp(size)<>R_INTREGISTER) then exit; { http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4068973/c-performing-signed-comparison-in-unsigned-variables-without-casting } case def_cgsize(size) of OS_32,OS_S32: a_op_const_stack(list,OP_XOR,size,cardinal($80000000)); OS_64,OS_S64: a_op_const_stack(list,OP_XOR,size,tcgint($8000000000000000)); else ; end; end; function thlcgjvm.maybe_adjust_cmp_constval(size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint): tcgint; begin result:=a; { use cmp_op because eventually that's what indicates the signed/unsigned character of the operation, not the size... } if (cmp_op in [OC_EQ,OC_NE,OC_LT,OC_LTE,OC_GT,OC_GTE]) or (def2regtyp(size)<>R_INTREGISTER) then exit; case def_cgsize(size) of OS_32,OS_S32: result:=a xor cardinal($80000000); OS_64,OS_S64: {$push}{$r-} result:=a xor tcgint($8000000000000000); {$pop} else ; end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.maybe_adjust_op_result(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef); const overflowops = [OP_MUL,OP_SHL,OP_ADD,OP_SUB,OP_NOT,OP_NEG]; begin if ((op in overflowops) or (current_settings.cputype=cpu_dalvik)) and (def_cgsize(size) in [OS_8,OS_S8,OS_16,OS_S16]) then resize_stack_int_val(list,s32inttype,size,false); end; procedure thlcgjvm.gen_load_uninitialized_function_result(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; resdef: tdef; const resloc: tcgpara); begin { constructors don't return anything in Java } if pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor then exit; { must return a value of the correct type on the evaluation stack } case def2regtyp(resdef) of R_INTREGISTER, R_ADDRESSREGISTER: a_load_const_cgpara(list,resdef,0,resloc); R_FPUREGISTER: case tfloatdef(resdef).floattype of s32real: begin list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_fconst_0)); incstack(list,1); end; s64real: begin list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dconst_0)); incstack(list,2); end; else internalerror(2011010302); end else internalerror(2011010301); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_copyvalueparas(p: TObject; arg: pointer); var list: tasmlist; tmpref: treference; begin { zero-extend < 32 bit primitive types (FPC can zero-extend when calling, but that doesn't help when we're called from Java code or indirectly as a procvar -- exceptions: widechar (Java-specific type) and ordinal types whose upper bound does not set the sign bit } if (tsym(p).typ=paravarsym) and (tparavarsym(p).varspez in [vs_value,vs_const]) and (tparavarsym(p).vardef.typ=orddef) and not is_pasbool(tparavarsym(p).vardef) and not is_widechar(tparavarsym(p).vardef) and (tparavarsym(p).vardef.size<4) and not is_signed(tparavarsym(p).vardef) and (torddef(tparavarsym(p).vardef).high>=(1 shl (tparavarsym(p).vardef.size*8-1))) then begin list:=TAsmList(arg); { store value in new location to keep Android verifier happy } tg.gethltemp(list,tparavarsym(p).vardef,tparavarsym(p).vardef.size,tt_persistent,tmpref); a_load_loc_stack(list,tparavarsym(p).vardef,tparavarsym(p).initialloc); a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,tparavarsym(p).vardef,(1 shl (tparavarsym(p).vardef.size*8))-1); a_load_stack_ref(list,tparavarsym(p).vardef,tmpref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,tmpref,false)); location_reset_ref(tparavarsym(p).localloc,LOC_REFERENCE,def_cgsize(tparavarsym(p).vardef),4,tmpref.volatility); tparavarsym(p).localloc.reference:=tmpref; end; inherited g_copyvalueparas(p, arg); end; procedure thlcgjvm.inittempvariables(list: TAsmList); begin { these are automatically initialised when allocated if necessary } end; function thlcgjvm.g_call_system_proc_intern(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const paras: array of pcgpara; forceresdef: tdef): tcgpara; begin result:=inherited; pd.init_paraloc_info(callerside); g_adjust_stack_after_call(list,pd,pd.callerargareasize,forceresdef); end; function thlcgjvm.prepare_stack_for_ref(list: TAsmList; const ref: treference; dup: boolean): longint; var href: treference; begin result:=0; { fake location that indicates the value is already on the stack? } if (ref.base=NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE) then exit; if ref.arrayreftype=art_none then begin { non-array accesses cannot have an index reg } if ref.index<>NR_NO then internalerror(2010120509); if (ref.base<>NR_NO) then begin if (ref.base<>NR_STACK_POINTER_REG) then begin { regular field -> load self on the stack } a_load_reg_stack(list,voidpointertype,ref.base); if dup then begin list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dup)); incstack(list,1); end; { field name/type encoded in symbol, no index/offset } if not assigned(ref.symbol) or (ref.offset<>0) then internalerror(2010120524); result:=1; end else begin { local variable -> offset encoded in opcode and nothing to do here, except for checking that it's a valid reference } if assigned(ref.symbol) then internalerror(2010120523); end; end else begin { static field -> nothing to do here, except for validity check } if not assigned(ref.symbol) or (ref.offset<>0) then internalerror(2010120525); end; end else begin { arrays have implicit dereference -> pointer to array must have been loaded into base reg } if (ref.base=NR_NO) or (ref.base=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG) then internalerror(2010120511); if assigned(ref.symbol) then internalerror(2010120512); { stack: ... -> ..., arrayref, index } { load array base address } a_load_reg_stack(list,voidpointertype,ref.base); { index can either be in a register, or located in a simple memory location (since we have to load it anyway) } case ref.arrayreftype of art_indexreg: begin if ref.index=NR_NO then internalerror(2010120513); { all array indices in Java are 32 bit ints } a_load_reg_stack(list,s32inttype,ref.index); end; art_indexref: begin cgutils.reference_reset_base(href,ref.indexbase,ref.indexoffset,ref.temppos,4,ref.volatility); href.symbol:=ref.indexsymbol; a_load_ref_stack(list,s32inttype,href,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,href,false)); end; art_indexconst: begin a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,ref.indexoffset,R_INTREGISTER); end; else internalerror(2011012001); end; { adjustment of the index } if ref.offset<>0 then a_op_const_stack(list,OP_ADD,s32inttype,ref.offset); if dup then begin list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dup2)); incstack(list,2); end; result:=2; end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_reg(list: TAsmList; tosize: tdef; a: tcgint; register: tregister); begin a_load_const_stack(list,tosize,a,def2regtyp(tosize)); a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,register); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_ref(list: TAsmList; tosize: tdef; a: tcgint; const ref: treference); var extra_slots: longint; begin extra_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false); a_load_const_stack_intern(list,tosize,a,def2regtyp(tosize),(ref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or assigned(ref.symbol)); a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,ref,extra_slots); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; register: tregister; const ref: treference); var extra_slots: longint; begin extra_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false); a_load_reg_stack(list,fromsize,register); if def2regtyp(fromsize)=R_INTREGISTER then resize_stack_int_val(list,fromsize,tosize,(ref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or assigned(ref.symbol)); a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,ref,extra_slots); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister); begin a_load_reg_stack(list,fromsize,reg1); if def2regtyp(fromsize)=R_INTREGISTER then resize_stack_int_val(list,fromsize,tosize,false); a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,reg2); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; register: tregister); var extra_slots: longint; begin extra_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false); a_load_ref_stack(list,fromsize,ref,extra_slots); if def2regtyp(fromsize)=R_INTREGISTER then resize_stack_int_val(list,fromsize,tosize,false); a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,register); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_ref_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const sref: treference; const dref: treference); var extra_sslots, extra_dslots: longint; begin { make sure the destination reference is on top, since in the end the order has to be "destref, value" -> first create "destref, sourceref" } extra_dslots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dref,false); extra_sslots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,sref,false); a_load_ref_stack(list,fromsize,sref,extra_sslots); if def2regtyp(fromsize)=R_INTREGISTER then resize_stack_int_val(list,fromsize,tosize,(dref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or assigned(dref.symbol)); a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,dref,extra_dslots); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; r: tregister); begin { only allowed for types that are not implicit pointers in Pascal (in that case, ref contains a pointer to the actual data and we simply return that pointer) } if not jvmimplicitpointertype(fromsize) then internalerror(2010120534); a_load_ref_reg(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,ref,r); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; a: tcgint; reg: TRegister); begin a_op_const_reg_reg(list,op,size,a,reg,reg); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; a: tcgint; src, dst: tregister); begin a_load_reg_stack(list,size,src); a_op_const_stack(list,op,size,a); a_load_stack_reg(list,size,dst); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_ref(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; a: tcgint; const ref: TReference); var extra_slots: longint; begin extra_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,true); { TODO, here or in peepholeopt: use iinc when possible } a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,extra_slots); a_op_const_stack(list,op,size,a); { for android verifier } if (def2regtyp(size)=R_INTREGISTER) and ((ref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or assigned(ref.symbol)) then resize_stack_int_val(list,size,size,true); a_load_stack_ref(list,size,ref,extra_slots); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; const ref: TReference; reg: TRegister); begin if not(op in [OP_NOT,OP_NEG]) then a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg); a_op_ref_stack(list,op,size,ref); a_load_stack_reg(list,size,reg); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_reg_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; src1, src2, dst: tregister); begin if not(op in [OP_NOT,OP_NEG]) then a_load_reg_stack(list,size,src2); a_op_reg_stack(list,op,size,src1); a_load_stack_reg(list,size,dst); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; reg1, reg2: TRegister); begin a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,op,size,reg1,reg2,reg2); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; a: tcgint; src, dst: tregister; setflags: boolean; var ovloc: tlocation); var tmpreg: tregister; begin if not setflags then begin inherited; exit; end; tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_const_reg(list,size,a,tmpreg); a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list,op,size,tmpreg,src,dst,true,ovloc); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; src1, src2, dst: tregister; setflags: boolean; var ovloc: tlocation); var orgsrc1, orgsrc2: tregister; docheck: boolean; lab: tasmlabel; begin if not setflags then begin inherited; exit; end; { anything else cannot overflow } docheck:=size.size in [4,8]; if docheck then begin orgsrc1:=src1; orgsrc2:=src2; if src1=dst then begin orgsrc1:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src1,orgsrc1); end; if src2=dst then begin orgsrc2:=getintregister(list,size); a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src2,orgsrc2); end; end; a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,op,size,src1,src2,dst); if docheck then begin { * signed overflow for addition iff - src1 and src2 are negative and result is positive (excep in case of subtraction, then sign of src1 has to be inverted) - src1 and src2 are positive and result is negative -> Simplified boolean equivalent (in terms of sign bits): not(src1 xor src2) and (src1 xor dst) for subtraction, multiplication: invert src1 sign bit for division: handle separately (div by zero, low(inttype) div -1), not supported by this code * unsigned overflow iff carry out, aka dst < src1 or dst < src2 } location_reset(ovloc,LOC_REGISTER,OS_S32); { not pasbool8, because then we'd still have to convert the integer to a boolean via branches for Dalvik} ovloc.register:=getintregister(list,s32inttype); if not ((size.typ=pointerdef) or ((size.typ=orddef) and (torddef(size).ordtype in [u64bit,u16bit,u32bit,u8bit,uchar, pasbool1,pasbool8,pasbool16,pasbool32,pasbool64]))) then begin a_load_reg_stack(list,size,src1); if op in [OP_SUB,OP_IMUL] then a_op_stack(list,OP_NOT,size,false); a_op_reg_stack(list,OP_XOR,size,src2); a_op_stack(list,OP_NOT,size,false); a_load_reg_stack(list,size,src1); a_op_reg_stack(list,OP_XOR,size,dst); a_op_stack(list,OP_AND,size,false); a_op_const_stack(list,OP_SHR,size,(size.size*8)-1); if size.size=8 then begin list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_l2i)); decstack(list,1); end; end else begin a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,0,R_INTREGISTER); current_asmdata.getjumplabel(lab); { can be optimized by removing duplicate xor'ing to convert dst from signed to unsigned quadrant } a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list,size,OC_B,dst,src1,lab); a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list,size,OC_B,dst,src2,lab); a_op_const_stack(list,OP_XOR,s32inttype,1); a_label(list,lab); end; a_load_stack_reg(list,s32inttype,ovloc.register); end else ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID; end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_const_ref_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint; const ref: treference; l: tasmlabel); begin if ref.base<>NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false)); maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op); a_load_const_stack(list,size,maybe_adjust_cmp_constval(size,cmp_op,a),def2regtyp(size)); a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_const_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint; reg: tregister; l: tasmlabel); begin a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg); maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op); a_load_const_stack(list,size,maybe_adjust_cmp_constval(size,cmp_op,a),def2regtyp(size)); a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_ref_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; const ref: treference; reg: tregister; l: tasmlabel); begin a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg); maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op); if ref.base<>NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false)) else list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_swap)); maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op); a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_reg_ref_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; reg: tregister; const ref: treference; l: tasmlabel); begin if ref.base<>NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false)); maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op); a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg); maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op); a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; reg1, reg2: tregister; l: tasmlabel); begin a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg2); maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op); a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg1); maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op); a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_jmp_always(list: TAsmList; l: tasmlabel); begin list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(a_goto,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(l.name,AT_METADATA))); end; procedure thlcgjvm.concatcopy_normal_array(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference); var procname: string; eledef: tdef; ndim: longint; adddefaultlenparas: boolean; begin { load copy helper parameters on the stack } a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,source,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,source,false)); a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,dest,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dest,false)); { call copy helper } eledef:=tarraydef(size).elementdef; ndim:=1; adddefaultlenparas:=true; case eledef.typ of orddef: begin case torddef(eledef).ordtype of pasbool1,pasbool8,s8bit,u8bit,bool8bit,uchar, s16bit,u16bit,bool16bit,pasbool16, uwidechar, s32bit,u32bit,bool32bit,pasbool32, s64bit,u64bit,bool64bit,pasbool64,scurrency: procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY' else internalerror(2011020504); end; end; arraydef: begin { call fpc_setlength_dynarr_multidim with deepcopy=true, and extra parameters } while (eledef.typ=arraydef) and not is_dynamic_array(eledef) do begin eledef:=tarraydef(eledef).elementdef; inc(ndim) end; if (ndim=1) then procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY' else begin { deepcopy=true } a_load_const_stack(list,pasbool1type,1,R_INTREGISTER); { ndim } a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,ndim,R_INTREGISTER); { eletype } a_load_const_stack(list,cwidechartype,ord(jvmarrtype_setlength(eledef)),R_INTREGISTER); adddefaultlenparas:=false; procname:='FPC_SETLENGTH_DYNARR_MULTIDIM'; end; end; recorddef: procname:='FPC_COPY_JRECORD_ARRAY'; procvardef: if tprocvardef(eledef).is_addressonly then procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY' else procname:='FPC_COPY_JPROCVAR_ARRAY'; setdef: if tsetdef(eledef).elementdef.typ=enumdef then procname:='FPC_COPY_JENUMSET_ARRAY' else procname:='FPC_COPY_JBITSET_ARRAY'; floatdef: procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY'; stringdef: if is_shortstring(eledef) then procname:='FPC_COPY_JSHORTSTRING_ARRAY' else procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY'; variantdef: begin {$ifndef nounsupported} procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY'; {$else} { todo: make a deep copy via clone... } internalerror(2011020505); {$endif} end; else procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY'; end; if adddefaultlenparas then begin { -1, -1 means "copy entire array" } a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,-1,R_INTREGISTER); a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,-1,R_INTREGISTER); end; g_call_system_proc(list,procname,[],nil); if ndim<>1 then begin { pop return value, must be the same as dest } list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_pop)); decstack(list,1); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.concatcopy_record(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference); var srsym: tsym; pd: tprocdef; begin { self } a_load_ref_stack(list,size,source,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,source,false)); { result } a_load_ref_stack(list,size,dest,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dest,false)); { call fpcDeepCopy helper } srsym:=search_struct_member(tabstractrecorddef(size),'FPCDEEPCOPY'); if not assigned(srsym) or (srsym.typ<>procsym) then Message1(cg_f_unknown_compilerproc,size.typename+'.fpcDeepCopy'); pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[0]); a_call_name(list,pd,pd.mangledname,[],nil,false); { both parameters are removed, no function result } decstack(list,2); end; procedure thlcgjvm.concatcopy_set(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference); begin a_load_ref_stack(list,size,source,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,source,false)); a_load_ref_stack(list,size,dest,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dest,false)); { call set copy helper } if tsetdef(size).elementdef.typ=enumdef then g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_enumset_copy',[],nil) else g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_bitset_copy',[],nil); end; procedure thlcgjvm.concatcopy_shortstring(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference); var srsym: tsym; pd: tprocdef; begin { self } a_load_ref_stack(list,size,source,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,source,false)); { result } a_load_ref_stack(list,size,dest,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dest,false)); { call fpcDeepCopy helper } srsym:=search_struct_member(java_shortstring,'FPCDEEPCOPY'); if not assigned(srsym) or (srsym.typ<>procsym) then Message1(cg_f_unknown_compilerproc,'ShortstringClass.FpcDeepCopy'); pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[0]); a_call_name(list,pd,pd.mangledname,[],nil,false); { both parameters are removed, no function result } decstack(list,2); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_concatcopy(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference); var handled: boolean; begin handled:=false; case size.typ of arraydef: begin if not is_dynamic_array(size) then begin concatcopy_normal_array(list,size,source,dest); handled:=true; end; end; recorddef: begin concatcopy_record(list,size,source,dest); handled:=true; end; setdef: begin concatcopy_set(list,size,source,dest); handled:=true; end; stringdef: begin if is_shortstring(size) then begin concatcopy_shortstring(list,size,source,dest); handled:=true; end; end; procvardef: begin if not tprocvardef(size).is_addressonly then begin concatcopy_record(list,tcpuprocvardef(size).classdef,source,dest); handled:=true; end; end; else ; end; if not handled then inherited; end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_copyshortstring(list: TAsmList; const source, dest: treference; strdef: tstringdef); begin concatcopy_shortstring(list,strdef,source,dest); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_ref_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref1, ref2: treference); var dstack_slots: longint; begin dstack_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref2,false); a_load_ref_stack(list,fromsize,ref1,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref1,false)); resizestackfpuval(list,def_cgsize(fromsize),def_cgsize(tosize)); a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,ref2,dstack_slots); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; reg: tregister); begin a_load_ref_stack(list,fromsize,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false)); resizestackfpuval(list,def_cgsize(fromsize),def_cgsize(tosize)); a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,reg); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg: tregister; const ref: treference); var dstack_slots: longint; begin dstack_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false); a_load_reg_stack(list,fromsize,reg); resizestackfpuval(list,def_cgsize(fromsize),def_cgsize(tosize)); a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,ref,dstack_slots); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister); begin a_load_reg_stack(list,fromsize,reg1); resizestackfpuval(list,def_cgsize(fromsize),def_cgsize(tosize)); a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,reg2); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_proc_entry(list: TAsmList; localsize: longint; nostackframe: boolean); begin { the localsize is based on tg.lasttemp -> already in terms of stack slots rather than bytes } list.concat(tai_directive.Create(asd_jlimit,'locals '+tostr(localsize))); { we insert the unit initialisation code afterwards in the proginit code, and it uses one stack slot } if (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_proginit) then fmaxevalstackheight:=max(1,fmaxevalstackheight); list.concat(tai_directive.Create(asd_jlimit,'stack '+tostr(fmaxevalstackheight))); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_proc_exit(list: TAsmList; parasize: longint; nostackframe: boolean); var retdef: tdef; opc: tasmop; begin if current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_class_constructor] then retdef:=voidtype else retdef:=current_procinfo.procdef.returndef; case retdef.typ of orddef: case torddef(retdef).ordtype of uvoid: opc:=a_return; s64bit, u64bit, scurrency: opc:=a_lreturn; else opc:=a_ireturn; end; setdef: opc:=a_areturn; floatdef: case tfloatdef(retdef).floattype of s32real: opc:=a_freturn; s64real: opc:=a_dreturn; else internalerror(2011010202); end; else opc:=a_areturn; end; list.concat(taicpu.op_none(opc)); end; procedure thlcgjvm.gen_load_return_value(list: TAsmList); begin { constructors don't return anything in the jvm } if current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_class_constructor] then exit; inherited gen_load_return_value(list); end; procedure thlcgjvm.record_generated_code_for_procdef(pd: tprocdef; code, data: TAsmList); begin { add something to the al_procedures list as well, because if all al_* lists are empty, the assembler writer isn't called } if not code.empty and current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].empty then current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(tai_align.Create(4)); tcpuprocdef(pd).exprasmlist:=TAsmList.create; tcpuprocdef(pd).exprasmlist.concatlist(code); if assigned(data) and not data.empty then internalerror(2010122801); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_incrrefcount(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference); begin // do nothing end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_array_rtti_helper(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference; const highloc: tlocation; const name: string); var normaldim: longint; eleref: treference; begin { only in case of initialisation, we have to set all elements to "empty" } if name<>'fpc_initialize_array' then exit; { put array on the stack } a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false)); { in case it's an open array whose elements are regular arrays, put the dimension of the regular arrays on the stack (otherwise pass 0) } normaldim:=0; while (t.typ=arraydef) and not is_dynamic_array(t) do begin inc(normaldim); t:=tarraydef(t).elementdef; end; a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,normaldim,R_INTREGISTER); { highloc is invalid, the length is part of the array in Java } if is_wide_or_unicode_string(t) then g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_unicodestring',[],nil) else if is_ansistring(t) then g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_ansistring',[],nil) else if is_dynamic_array(t) then g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_dynarr',[],nil) else if is_record(t) or (t.typ=setdef) then begin tg.gethltemp(list,t,t.size,tt_persistent,eleref); a_load_ref_stack(list,t,eleref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,eleref,false)); if is_record(t) then g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_record',[],nil) else if tsetdef(t).elementdef.typ=enumdef then g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_enumset',[],nil) else g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_bitset',[],nil); tg.ungettemp(list,eleref); end else if (t.typ=enumdef) then begin if get_enum_init_val_ref(t,eleref) then begin a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,eleref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,eleref,false)); g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_object',[],nil); end; end else internalerror(2011031901); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_initialize(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference); var dummyloc: tlocation; sym: tsym; pd: tprocdef; begin if (t.typ=arraydef) and not is_dynamic_array(t) then begin dummyloc.loc:=LOC_INVALID; g_array_rtti_helper(list,tarraydef(t).elementdef,ref,dummyloc,'fpc_initialize_array') end else if is_record(t) then begin { call the fpcInitializeRec method } sym:=tsym(trecorddef(t).symtable.find('FPCINITIALIZEREC')); if assigned(sym) and (sym.typ=procsym) then begin if tprocsym(sym).procdeflist.Count<>1 then internalerror(2011071713); pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).procdeflist[0]); end else internalerror(2013113008); a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false)); a_call_name(list,pd,pd.mangledname,[],nil,false); { parameter removed, no result } decstack(list,1); end else a_load_const_ref(list,t,0,ref); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_finalize(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference); begin // do nothing end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_overflowcheck(list: TAsmList; const Loc: tlocation; def: tdef); begin { not possible, need the original operands } internalerror(2012102101); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_overflowCheck_loc(List: TAsmList; const Loc: TLocation; def: TDef; var ovloc: tlocation); var hl : tasmlabel; begin if not(cs_check_overflow in current_settings.localswitches) then exit; current_asmdata.getjumplabel(hl); a_cmp_const_loc_label(list,s32inttype,OC_EQ,0,ovloc,hl); g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_overflow',[],nil); a_label(list,hl); end; procedure thlcgjvm.location_get_data_ref(list: TAsmList; def: tdef; const l: tlocation; var ref: treference; loadref: boolean; alignment: longint); var tmploc: tlocation; begin { This routine is a combination of a generalised a_loadaddr_ref_reg() that also works for addresses in registers (in case loadref is false) and of a_load_ref_reg (in case loadref is true). It is used for a) getting the address of managed var/out parameters b) getting to the actual data of value types that are passed by reference by the compiler (and then get a local copy at the caller side). Normally, depending on whether this reference is passed in a register or reference, we either need a reference with that register as base or load the address in that reference and use that as a new base. Since the JVM cannot take the address of anything, all "pass-by-reference" value parameters (which are always aggregate types) are already simply the implicit pointer to the data (since arrays, records, etc are already internally implicit pointers). This means that if "loadref" is true, we must simply return this implicit pointer. If it is false, we are supposed the take the address of this implicit pointer, which is not possible. However, managed types are also implicit pointers in Pascal, so in that case "taking the address" again consists of simply returning the implicit pointer/current value (in case of a var/out parameter, this value is stored inside an array). } if not loadref then begin if not is_managed_type(def) then internalerror(2011020601); tmploc:=l; end else begin if not jvmimplicitpointertype(def) then begin { passed by reference in array of single element; l contains the base address of the array } location_reset_ref(tmploc,LOC_REFERENCE,OS_ADDR,4,ref.volatility); cgutils.reference_reset_base(tmploc.reference,getaddressregister(list,java_jlobject),0,tmploc.reference.temppos,4,ref.volatility); tmploc.reference.arrayreftype:=art_indexconst; tmploc.reference.indexoffset:=0; a_load_loc_reg(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,l,tmploc.reference.base); end else tmploc:=l; end; case tmploc.loc of LOC_REGISTER, LOC_CREGISTER : begin { the implicit pointer is in a register and has to be in a reference -> create a reference and put it there } location_force_mem(list,tmploc,java_jlobject); ref:=tmploc.reference; end; LOC_REFERENCE, LOC_CREFERENCE : begin ref:=tmploc.reference; end; else internalerror(2011020603); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.maybe_change_load_node_reg(list: TAsmList; var n: tnode; reload: boolean); begin { don't do anything, all registers become stack locations anyway } end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_copyvaluepara_openarray(list: TAsmList; const ref: treference; const lenloc: tlocation; arrdef: tarraydef; destreg: tregister); var localref: treference; arrloc: tlocation; stackslots: longint; begin { temporary reference for passing to concatcopy } tg.gethltemp(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject.size,tt_persistent,localref); stackslots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,localref,false); { create the local copy of the array (lenloc is invalid, get length directly from the array) } location_reset_ref(arrloc,LOC_REFERENCE,OS_ADDR,sizeof(pint),ref.volatility); arrloc.reference:=ref; g_getarraylen(list,arrloc); g_newarray(list,arrdef,1); a_load_stack_ref(list,java_jlobject,localref,stackslots); { copy the source array to the destination } g_concatcopy(list,arrdef,ref,localref); { and put the array pointer in the register as expected by the caller } a_load_ref_reg(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,localref,destreg); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_releasevaluepara_openarray(list: TAsmList; arrdef: tarraydef; const l: tlocation); begin // do nothing, long live garbage collection! end; procedure thlcgjvm.gen_initialize_code(list: TAsmList); var ref: treference; begin { create globals with wrapped types such as arrays/records } case current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption of potype_unitinit: begin cgutils.reference_reset_base(ref,NR_NO,0,ctempposinvalid,1,[]); if assigned(current_module.globalsymtable) then allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,current_module.globalsymtable,ref,staticvarsym); allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,current_module.localsymtable,ref,staticvarsym); end; potype_class_constructor: begin { also initialise local variables, if any } inherited; { initialise class fields } cgutils.reference_reset_base(ref,NR_NO,0,ctempposinvalid,1,[]); allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,tabstractrecorddef(current_procinfo.procdef.owner.defowner).symtable,ref,staticvarsym); end else inherited end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.gen_entry_code(list: TAsmList); begin list.concat(Tai_force_line.Create); end; procedure thlcgjvm.gen_exit_code(list: TAsmList); begin { nothing } end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_bit_scan_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; reverse: boolean; srcsize, dstsize: tdef; src, dst: tregister); begin internalerror(2012090201); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const loc: tlocation; const reg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); begin internalerror(2012090202); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); begin internalerror(2012060130); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; reg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); begin internalerror(2012060131); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg: tregister; const ref: treference; shuffle: pmmshuffle); begin internalerror(2012060132); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_opmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; src, dst: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); begin internalerror(2012060133); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_intreg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; intreg, mmreg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); begin internalerror(2012060134); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_reg_intreg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; mmreg, intreg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); begin internalerror(2012060135); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_stackpointer_alloc(list: TAsmList; size: longint); begin internalerror(2012090203); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_intf_wrapper(list: TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; const labelname: string; ioffset: longint); begin internalerror(2012090204); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_adjust_self_value(list: TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; ioffset: aint); begin internalerror(2012090205); end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_local_unwind(list: TAsmList; l: TAsmLabel); begin internalerror(2012090206); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_stack_reg(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; reg: tregister); var opc: tasmop; finishandval: tcgint; begin opc:=loadstoreopc(size,false,false,finishandval); list.concat(taicpu.op_reg(opc,reg)); { avoid problems with getting the size of an open array etc } if jvmimplicitpointertype(size) then size:=java_jlobject; decstack(list,1+ord(size.size>4)); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_stack_ref(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const ref: treference; extra_slots: longint); var opc: tasmop; finishandval: tcgint; begin { fake location that indicates the value has to remain on the stack } if ref.base=NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then exit; opc:=loadstoreopcref(size,false,ref,finishandval); if ref.arrayreftype=art_none then list.concat(taicpu.op_ref(opc,ref)) else list.concat(taicpu.op_none(opc)); { avoid problems with getting the size of an open array etc } if jvmimplicitpointertype(size) then size:=java_jlobject; decstack(list,1+ord(size.size>4)+extra_slots); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_reg_stack(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; reg: tregister); var opc: tasmop; finishandval: tcgint; begin opc:=loadstoreopc(size,true,false,finishandval); list.concat(taicpu.op_reg(opc,reg)); { avoid problems with getting the size of an open array etc } if jvmimplicitpointertype(size) then size:=java_jlobject; incstack(list,1+ord(size.size>4)); if finishandval<>-1 then a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,size,finishandval); end; procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_ref_stack(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const ref: treference; extra_slots: longint); var opc: tasmop; finishandval: tcgint; begin { fake location that indicates the value is already on the stack? } if (ref.base=NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE) then exit; opc:=loadstoreopcref(size,true,ref,finishandval); if ref.arrayreftype=art_none then list.concat(taicpu.op_ref(opc,ref)) else list.concat(taicpu.op_none(opc)); { avoid problems with getting the size of an open array etc } if jvmimplicitpointertype(size) then size:=java_jlobject; incstack(list,1+ord(size.size>4)-extra_slots); if finishandval<>-1 then a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,size,finishandval); if ref.checkcast then gen_typecheck(list,a_checkcast,size); end; function thlcgjvm.loadstoreopcref(def: tdef; isload: boolean; const ref: treference; out finishandval: tcgint): tasmop; const { isload static } getputopc: array[boolean,boolean] of tasmop = ((a_putfield,a_putstatic), (a_getfield,a_getstatic)); begin if assigned(ref.symbol) then begin { -> either a global (static) field, or a regular field. If a regular field, then ref.base contains the self pointer, otherwise ref.base=NR_NO. In both cases, the symbol contains all other information (combined field name and type descriptor) } result:=getputopc[isload,ref.base=NR_NO]; finishandval:=-1; { erase sign extension for byte/smallint loads } if (def2regtyp(def)=R_INTREGISTER) and not is_signed(def) and (def.typ=orddef) and not is_widechar(def) then case def.size of 1: if (torddef(def).high>127) then finishandval:=255; 2: if (torddef(def).high>32767) then finishandval:=65535; end; end else result:=loadstoreopc(def,isload,ref.arrayreftype<>art_none,finishandval); end; function thlcgjvm.loadstoreopc(def: tdef; isload, isarray: boolean; out finishandval: tcgint): tasmop; var size: longint; begin finishandval:=-1; case def2regtyp(def) of R_INTREGISTER: begin size:=def.size; if not isarray then begin case size of 1,2,3,4: if isload then result:=a_iload else result:=a_istore; 8: if isload then result:=a_lload else result:=a_lstore; else internalerror(2011032814); end; end { array } else if isload then begin case size of 1: begin result:=a_baload; if not is_signed(def) and (def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).high>127) then finishandval:=255; end; 2: begin if is_widechar(def) then result:=a_caload else begin result:=a_saload; { if we'd treat arrays of word as "array of widechar" we could use a_caload, but that would make for even more awkward interfacing with external Java code } if not is_signed(def) and (def.typ=orddef) and (torddef(def).high>32767) then finishandval:=65535; end; end; 4: result:=a_iaload; 8: result:=a_laload; else internalerror(2010120503); end end else begin case size of 1: result:=a_bastore; 2: if not is_widechar(def) then result:=a_sastore else result:=a_castore; 4: result:=a_iastore; 8: result:=a_lastore; else internalerror(2010120508); end end end; R_ADDRESSREGISTER: if not isarray then if isload then result:=a_aload else result:=a_astore else if isload then result:=a_aaload else result:=a_aastore; R_FPUREGISTER: begin case tfloatdef(def).floattype of s32real: if not isarray then if isload then result:=a_fload else result:=a_fstore else if isload then result:=a_faload else result:=a_fastore; s64real: if not isarray then if isload then result:=a_dload else result:=a_dstore else if isload then result:=a_daload else result:=a_dastore; else internalerror(2010120504); end end else internalerror(2010120502); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.resize_stack_int_val(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; formemstore: boolean); var fromcgsize, tocgsize: tcgsize; begin { When storing to an array, field or global variable, make sure the static type verification can determine that the stored value fits within the boundaries of the declared type (to appease the Dalvik VM). Local variables either get their type upgraded in the debug info, or have no type information at all } if formemstore and (tosize.typ=orddef) then if (torddef(tosize).ordtype in [u8bit,uchar]) then tosize:=s8inttype else if torddef(tosize).ordtype=u16bit then tosize:=s16inttype; fromcgsize:=def_cgsize(fromsize); tocgsize:=def_cgsize(tosize); if fromcgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64] then begin if not(tocgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64]) then begin { truncate } list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_l2i)); decstack(list,1); end; end else if tocgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64] then begin { extend } list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2l)); incstack(list,1); { if it was an unsigned 32 bit value, remove sign extension } if fromcgsize=OS_32 then a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,s64inttype,cardinal($ffffffff)); end; { Conversions between 32 and 64 bit types have been completely handled above. We still may have to truncate or sign extend in case the destination type is smaller that the source type, or has a different sign. In case the destination is a widechar and the source is not, we also have to insert a conversion to widechar. In case of Dalvik, we also have to insert conversions for e.g. byte -> smallint, because truncating a byte happens via "and 255", and the result is a longint in Dalvik's type verification model (so we have to "truncate" it back to smallint) } if (not(fromcgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64,OS_32,OS_S32]) or not(tocgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64,OS_32,OS_S32])) and (((current_settings.cputype=cpu_dalvik) and not(tocgsize in [OS_32,OS_S32]) and not is_signed(fromsize) and is_signed(tosize)) or (tcgsize2size[fromcgsize]>tcgsize2size[tocgsize]) or ((tcgsize2size[fromcgsize]=tcgsize2size[tocgsize]) and (fromcgsize<>tocgsize)) or { needs to mask out the sign in the top 16 bits } ((fromcgsize=OS_S8) and (tocgsize=OS_16)) or ((tosize=cwidechartype) and (fromsize<>cwidechartype))) then case tocgsize of OS_8: a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,s32inttype,255); OS_S8: list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2b)); OS_16: if (tosize.typ=orddef) and (torddef(tosize).ordtype=uwidechar) then list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2c)) else a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,s32inttype,65535); OS_S16: list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2s)); else ; end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.maybe_resize_stack_para_val(list: TAsmList; retdef: tdef; callside: boolean); var convsize: tdef; begin if (retdef.typ=orddef) then begin if (torddef(retdef).ordtype in [u8bit,u16bit,uchar]) and (torddef(retdef).high>=(1 shl (retdef.size*8-1))) then begin convsize:=nil; if callside then if torddef(retdef).ordtype in [u8bit,uchar] then convsize:=s8inttype else convsize:=s16inttype else if torddef(retdef).ordtype in [u8bit,uchar] then convsize:=u8inttype else convsize:=u16inttype; if assigned(convsize) then resize_stack_int_val(list,s32inttype,convsize,false); end; end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.g_adjust_stack_after_call(list: TAsmList; pd: tabstractprocdef; paraheight: longint; forceresdef: tdef); var totalremovesize: longint; realresdef: tdef; begin if not assigned(forceresdef) then realresdef:=pd.returndef else realresdef:=forceresdef; { a constructor doesn't actually return a value in the jvm } if (tabstractprocdef(pd).proctypeoption=potype_constructor) then totalremovesize:=paraheight else { even a byte takes up a full stackslot -> align size to multiple of 4 } totalremovesize:=paraheight-(align(realresdef.size,4) shr 2); { remove parameters from internal evaluation stack counter (in case of e.g. no parameters and a result, it can also increase) } if totalremovesize>0 then decstack(list,totalremovesize) else if totalremovesize<0 then incstack(list,-totalremovesize); end; procedure thlcgjvm.allocate_implicit_struct_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; vs: tabstractvarsym; ref: treference); var tmpref: treference; begin ref.symbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(vs.mangledname,AT_DATA); tg.gethltemp(list,vs.vardef,vs.vardef.size,tt_persistent,tmpref); { only copy the reference, not the actual data } a_load_ref_ref(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,tmpref,ref); { remains live since there's still a reference to the created entity } tg.ungettemp(list,tmpref); end; procedure thlcgjvm.allocate_enum_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; vs: tabstractvarsym; const initref: treference; destbaseref: treference); begin destbaseref.symbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(vs.mangledname,AT_DATA); { only copy the reference, not the actual data } a_load_ref_ref(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,initref,destbaseref); end; function thlcgjvm.get_enum_init_val_ref(def: tdef; out ref: treference): boolean; var sym: tstaticvarsym; begin result:=false; sym:=tstaticvarsym(tcpuenumdef(tenumdef(def).getbasedef).classdef.symtable.Find('__FPC_ZERO_INITIALIZER')); { no enum with ordinal value 0 -> exit } if not assigned(sym) then exit; reference_reset_symbol(ref,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(sym.mangledname,AT_DATA),0,4,[]); result:=true; end; procedure thlcgjvm.allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; st: tsymtable; const ref: treference; allocvartyp: tsymtyp); var vs: tabstractvarsym; def: tdef; i: longint; initref: treference; begin for i:=0 to st.symlist.count-1 do begin if (tsym(st.symlist[i]).typ<>allocvartyp) then continue; vs:=tabstractvarsym(st.symlist[i]); if sp_static in vs.symoptions then continue; { vo_is_external and vo_has_local_copy means a staticvarsym that is alias for a constsym, whose sole purpose is for allocating and intialising the constant } if [vo_is_external,vo_has_local_copy]*vs.varoptions=[vo_is_external] then continue; { threadvar innitializations are handled at the node tree level } if vo_is_thread_var in vs.varoptions then begin { nothing } end else if jvmimplicitpointertype(vs.vardef) then allocate_implicit_struct_with_base_ref(list,vs,ref) { enums are class instances in Java, while they are ordinals in Pascal. When they are initialized with enum(0), such as in constructors or global variables, initialize them with the enum instance for 0 if it exists (if not, it remains nil since there is no valid enum value in it) } else if (vs.vardef.typ=enumdef) and ((vs.typ<>fieldvarsym) or (tdef(vs.owner.defowner).typ<>objectdef) or (ts_jvm_enum_field_init in current_settings.targetswitches)) and get_enum_init_val_ref(vs.vardef,initref) then allocate_enum_with_base_ref(list,vs,initref,ref); end; { process symtables of routines part of this symtable (for local typed constants) } if allocvartyp=staticvarsym then begin for i:=0 to st.deflist.count-1 do begin def:=tdef(st.deflist[i]); { the unit symtable also contains the methods of classes defined in that unit -> skip them when processing the unit itself. Localst is not assigned for the main program code. Localst can be the same as st in case of unit init code. } if (def.typ<>procdef) or (def.owner<>st) or not assigned(tprocdef(def).localst) or (tprocdef(def).localst=st) then continue; allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,tprocdef(def).localst,ref,allocvartyp); end; end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.gen_initialize_fields_code(list: TAsmList); var sym: tsym; selfpara: tparavarsym; selfreg: tregister; ref: treference; obj: tabstractrecorddef; i: longint; needinit: boolean; begin obj:=tabstractrecorddef(current_procinfo.procdef.owner.defowner); { check whether there are any fields that need initialisation } needinit:=false; for i:=0 to obj.symtable.symlist.count-1 do begin sym:=tsym(obj.symtable.symlist[i]); if (sym.typ=fieldvarsym) and not(sp_static in sym.symoptions) and (jvmimplicitpointertype(tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef) or ((tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef.typ=enumdef) and get_enum_init_val_ref(tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef,ref))) then begin needinit:=true; break; end; end; if not needinit then exit; selfpara:=tparavarsym(current_procinfo.procdef.parast.find('self')); if not assigned(selfpara) then internalerror(2011033002); selfreg:=getaddressregister(list,selfpara.vardef); a_load_loc_reg(list,obj,obj,selfpara.localloc,selfreg); cgutils.reference_reset_base(ref,selfreg,0,ctempposinvalid,1,[]); allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,obj.symtable,ref,fieldvarsym); end; procedure thlcgjvm.gen_typecheck(list: TAsmList; checkop: tasmop; checkdef: tdef); begin { replace special types with their equivalent class type } if (checkdef.typ=pointerdef) and jvmimplicitpointertype(tpointerdef(checkdef).pointeddef) then checkdef:=tpointerdef(checkdef).pointeddef; if (checkdef=voidpointertype) or (checkdef.typ=formaldef) then checkdef:=java_jlobject else if checkdef.typ=enumdef then checkdef:=tcpuenumdef(checkdef).classdef else if checkdef.typ=setdef then begin if tsetdef(checkdef).elementdef.typ=enumdef then checkdef:=java_juenumset else checkdef:=java_jubitset; end else if checkdef.typ=procvardef then checkdef:=tcpuprocvardef(checkdef).classdef else if is_wide_or_unicode_string(checkdef) then checkdef:=java_jlstring else if is_ansistring(checkdef) then checkdef:=java_ansistring else if is_shortstring(checkdef) then checkdef:=java_shortstring; if checkdef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef] then list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(checkop,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(tabstractrecorddef(checkdef).jvm_full_typename(true),AT_METADATA))) else if checkdef.typ=classrefdef then list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(checkop,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol('java/lang/Class',AT_METADATA))) else list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(checkop,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(jvmencodetype(checkdef,false),AT_METADATA))); end; procedure thlcgjvm.resizestackfpuval(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize); begin if (fromsize=OS_F32) and (tosize=OS_F64) then begin list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_f2d)); incstack(list,1); end else if (fromsize=OS_F64) and (tosize=OS_F32) then begin list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_d2f)); decstack(list,1); end; end; procedure thlcgjvm.maybepreparedivu32(list: TAsmList; var op: topcg; size: tdef; out isdivu32: boolean); begin if (op=OP_DIV) and (def_cgsize(size)=OS_32) then begin { needs zero-extension to 64 bit, because the JVM only supports signed divisions } resize_stack_int_val(list,u32inttype,s64inttype,false); op:=OP_IDIV; isdivu32:=true; end else isdivu32:=false; end; function thlcgjvm.a_call_name_intern(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const s: TSymStr; forceresdef: tdef; inheritedcall: boolean): tcgpara; var opc: tasmop; begin { invoke types: * invokeinterface: call method from an interface (must also specify number of parameters in terms of stack slot count!) * invokespecial: invoke a constructor, method in a superclass, or private instance method * invokestatic: invoke a class method (private or not) * invokevirtual: invoke a regular method } case pd.owner.symtabletype of globalsymtable, staticsymtable, localsymtable: { regular and nested procedures are turned into static methods } opc:=a_invokestatic; objectsymtable: begin case tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner).objecttype of odt_javaclass: begin if (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) or (pd.proctypeoption=potype_operator) then opc:=a_invokestatic else if (pd.visibility=vis_strictprivate) or (pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) or inheritedcall then opc:=a_invokespecial else opc:=a_invokevirtual; end; odt_interfacejava: { static interface methods are not allowed } opc:=a_invokeinterface; else internalerror(2010122601); end; end; recordsymtable: begin if (po_staticmethod in pd.procoptions) or (pd.proctypeoption=potype_operator) then opc:=a_invokestatic else if (pd.visibility=vis_strictprivate) or (pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) or inheritedcall then opc:=a_invokespecial else opc:=a_invokevirtual; end else internalerror(2010122602); end; if (opc<>a_invokeinterface) then list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(opc,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(s,AT_FUNCTION))) else begin pd.init_paraloc_info(calleeside); list.concat(taicpu.op_sym_const(opc,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(s,AT_FUNCTION),pd.calleeargareasize)); end; result:=get_call_result_cgpara(pd,forceresdef); end; procedure create_hlcodegen_cpu; begin hlcg:=thlcgjvm.create; create_codegen; end; begin chlcgobj:=thlcgjvm; create_hlcodegen:=@create_hlcodegen_cpu; end.