{ Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Florian Klaempfl and Pierre Muller m68k family assembler instructions This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit aasmcpu; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmsym, aasmbase,globals,verbose,symtype, cpubase,cpuinfo,cgbase,cgutils; const { "mov reg,reg" source operand number } O_MOV_SOURCE = 0; { "mov reg,reg" source operand number } O_MOV_DEST = 1; type taicpu = class(tai_cpu_abstract_sym) opsize : topsize; procedure loadregset(opidx:longint; const dataregs,addrregs:tcpuregisterset); constructor op_none(op : tasmop); constructor op_none(op : tasmop;_size : topsize); constructor op_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tregister); constructor op_const(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint); constructor op_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : treference); constructor op_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2 : tregister); constructor op_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tregister;_op2 : treference); constructor op_reg_const(op:tasmop; _size: topsize; _op1: tregister; _op2: longint); constructor op_const_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : tregister); constructor op_const_const(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2 : longint); constructor op_const_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : treference); constructor op_ref_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : treference;_op2 : tregister); { this is only allowed if _op1 is an int value (_op1^.isintvalue=true) } constructor op_ref_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2 : treference); constructor op_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2,_op3 : tregister); constructor op_const_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : tregister;_op3 : tregister); constructor op_const_ref_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : treference;_op3 : tregister); constructor op_reg_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2 : tregister; _op3 : treference); constructor op_const_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : tregister;_op3 : treference); constructor op_reg_regset(op: tasmop; _size : topsize; _op1: tregister;const _op2data,_op2addr: tcpuregisterset); constructor op_regset_reg(op: tasmop; _size : topsize;const _op1data,_op1addr: tcpuregisterset; _op2: tregister); constructor op_ref_regset(op: tasmop; _size : topsize; _op1: treference;const _op2data,_op2addr: tcpuregisterset); constructor op_regset_ref(op: tasmop; _size : topsize;const _op1data,_op1addr: tcpuregisterset; _op2: treference); { this is for Jmp instructions } constructor op_cond_sym(op : tasmop;cond:TAsmCond;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol); constructor op_sym(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol); { for DBxx opcodes } constructor op_reg_sym(op: tasmop; _size : topsize; _op1: tregister; _op2 :tasmsymbol); constructor op_sym_ofs_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint;_op2 : tregister); constructor op_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint); constructor op_sym_ofs_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint;const _op2 : treference); function is_same_reg_move(regtype: Tregistertype):boolean;override; function spilling_get_operation_type(opnr: longint): topertype;override; private procedure init(_size : topsize); { this need to be called by all constructor } end; tai_align = class(tai_align_abstract) { nothing to add } end; procedure InitAsm; procedure DoneAsm; function spilling_create_load(const ref:treference;r:tregister):Taicpu; function spilling_create_store(r:tregister; const ref:treference):Taicpu; implementation uses globtype; {***************************************************************************** Taicpu Constructors *****************************************************************************} procedure taicpu.loadregset(opidx:longint; const dataregs,addrregs:tcpuregisterset); var i : byte; begin allocate_oper(opidx+1); with oper[opidx]^ do begin if typ<>top_regset then clearop(opidx); new(dataregset); new(addrregset); dataregset^:=dataregs; addrregset^:=addrregs; typ:=top_regset; for i:=RS_D0 to RS_D7 do begin if assigned(add_reg_instruction_hook) and (i in dataregset^) then add_reg_instruction_hook(self,newreg(R_INTREGISTER,i,R_SUBWHOLE)); end; for i:=RS_A0 to RS_SP do begin if assigned(add_reg_instruction_hook) and (i in addrregset^) then add_reg_instruction_hook(self,newreg(R_ADDRESSREGISTER,i,R_SUBWHOLE)); end; end; end; procedure taicpu.init(_size : topsize); begin typ:=ait_instruction; is_jmp:=false; opsize:=_size; ops:=0; end; constructor taicpu.op_none(op : tasmop); begin inherited create(op); init(S_NO); end; constructor taicpu.op_none(op : tasmop;_size : topsize); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); end; constructor taicpu.op_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tregister); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=1; loadreg(0,_op1); end; constructor taicpu.op_const(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=1; loadconst(0,aword(_op1)); end; constructor taicpu.op_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : treference); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=1; loadref(0,_op1); end; constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2 : tregister); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadreg(0,_op1); loadreg(1,_op2); end; constructor taicpu.op_reg_const(op:tasmop; _size: topsize; _op1: tregister; _op2: longint); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadreg(0,_op1); loadconst(1,aword(_op2)); end; constructor taicpu.op_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tregister;_op2 : treference); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadreg(0,_op1); loadref(1,_op2); end; constructor taicpu.op_const_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : tregister); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadconst(0,aword(_op1)); loadreg(1,_op2); end; constructor taicpu.op_const_const(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2 : longint); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadconst(0,aword(_op1)); loadconst(1,aword(_op2)); end; constructor taicpu.op_const_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : treference); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadconst(0,aword(_op1)); loadref(1,_op2); end; constructor taicpu.op_ref_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : treference;_op2 : tregister); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadref(0,_op1); loadreg(1,_op2); end; constructor taicpu.op_ref_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2 : treference); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadref(0,_op1); loadref(1,_op2); end; constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2,_op3 : tregister); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=3; loadreg(0,_op1); loadreg(1,_op2); loadreg(2,_op3); end; constructor taicpu.op_const_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : tregister;_op3 : tregister); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=3; loadconst(0,aword(_op1)); loadreg(1,_op2); loadreg(2,_op3); end; constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1,_op2 : tregister;_op3 : treference); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=3; loadreg(0,_op1); loadreg(1,_op2); loadref(2,_op3); end; constructor taicpu.op_const_ref_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : treference;_op3 : tregister); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=3; loadconst(0,aword(_op1)); loadref(1,_op2); loadreg(2,_op3); end; constructor taicpu.op_const_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : longint;_op2 : tregister;_op3 : treference); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=3; loadconst(0,aword(_op1)); loadreg(1,_op2); loadref(2,_op3); end; constructor taicpu.op_ref_regset(op: tasmop; _size : topsize; _op1: treference;const _op2data,_op2addr: tcpuregisterset); Begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadref(0,_op1); loadregset(1,_op2data,_op2addr); end; constructor taicpu.op_regset_ref(op: tasmop; _size : topsize;const _op1data,_op1addr: tcpuregisterset; _op2: treference); Begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadregset(0,_op1data,_op1addr); loadref(1,_op2); End; constructor taicpu.op_reg_regset(op: tasmop; _size : topsize; _op1: tregister;const _op2data,_op2addr: tcpuregisterset); Begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadreg(0,_op1); loadregset(1,_op2data,_op2addr); end; constructor taicpu.op_regset_reg(op: tasmop; _size : topsize;const _op1data,_op1addr: tcpuregisterset; _op2: tregister); Begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadregset(0,_op1data,_op1addr); loadreg(1,_op2); End; constructor taicpu.op_sym(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=1; loadsymbol(0,_op1,0); end; constructor taicpu.op_reg_sym(op: tasmop; _size : topsize; _op1: tregister; _op2 :tasmsymbol); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadreg(0,_op1); loadsymbol(1,_op2,0); end; constructor taicpu.op_sym_ofs_ref(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint;const _op2 : treference); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; loadsymbol(0,_op1,_op1ofs); loadref(1,_op2); end; constructor taicpu.op_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=1; loadsymbol(0,_op1,_op1ofs); end; constructor taicpu.op_sym_ofs_reg(op : tasmop;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint;_op2 : tregister); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); ops:=2; if ((op >= A_DBCC) and (op <= A_DBF)) or ((op >= A_FDBEQ) and (op <= A_FDBNGLE)) then begin loadreg(0,_op2); loadsymbol(1,_op1,_op1ofs); end else begin loadsymbol(0,_op1,_op1ofs); loadreg(1,_op2); end; end; constructor taicpu.op_cond_sym(op : tasmop;cond:TAsmCond;_size : topsize;_op1 : tasmsymbol); begin inherited create(op); init(_size); condition:=cond; ops:=1; loadsymbol(0,_op1,0); end; function taicpu.is_same_reg_move(regtype: Tregistertype):boolean; begin result:=(((opcode=A_MOVE) or (opcode=A_EXG)) and (regtype = R_INTREGISTER) and (ops=2) and (oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) and (oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and (oper[0]^.reg=oper[1]^.reg) ) or (((opcode=A_MOVE) or (opcode=A_EXG) or (opcode=A_MOVEA)) and (regtype = R_ADDRESSREGISTER) and (ops=2) and (oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) and (oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and (oper[0]^.reg=oper[1]^.reg) ) or ((opcode=A_FMOVE) and (regtype = R_FPUREGISTER) and (ops=2) and (oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) and (oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and (oper[0]^.reg=oper[1]^.reg) ); end; function taicpu.spilling_get_operation_type(opnr: longint): topertype; begin result:=operand_read; case opcode of // CPU opcodes A_MOVE, A_MOVEQ, A_MOVEA, A_MVZ, A_MVS, A_MOV3Q, A_LEA: if opnr=1 then result:=operand_write; A_ADD, A_ADDQ, A_ADDX, A_SUB, A_SUBQ, A_SUBX, A_AND, A_LSR, A_LSL, A_ASR, A_ASL, A_EOR, A_EORI, A_OR, A_ROL, A_ROR, A_ROXL, A_ROXR, A_MULS, A_MULU, A_DIVS, A_DIVU, A_DIVSL, A_DIVUL: if opnr=1 then result:=operand_readwrite; A_DBRA: if opnr=0 then result:=operand_readwrite; A_CLR, A_SXX, A_SEQ, A_SNE, A_SLT, A_SLE, A_SGT, A_SGE, A_SCS, A_SCC, A_SMI, A_SPL, A_SF, A_ST, A_SVS, A_SVC, A_SHI, A_SLS: result:=operand_write; A_NEG, A_NEGX, A_EXT, A_EXTB, A_NOT, A_SWAP: result:=operand_readwrite; A_TST,A_CMP,A_CMPI: begin end; { Do nothing, default operand_read is fine here. } // FPU opcodes A_FMOVE: if opnr=1 then result:=operand_write; A_FADD, A_FSUB, A_FMUL, A_FDIV: if opnr=1 then result:=operand_readwrite; A_FCMP: begin end; { operand_read } else begin internalerror(2004040903); end; end; end; function spilling_create_load(const ref:treference;r:tregister):Taicpu; begin case getregtype(r) of R_INTREGISTER : result:=taicpu.op_ref_reg(A_MOVE,S_L,ref,r); R_ADDRESSREGISTER : result:=taicpu.op_ref_reg(A_MOVE,S_L,ref,r); R_FPUREGISTER : // no need to handle sizes here result:=taicpu.op_ref_reg(A_FMOVE,S_FS,ref,r); else internalerror(200602011); end; end; function spilling_create_store(r:tregister; const ref:treference):Taicpu; begin case getregtype(r) of R_INTREGISTER : result:=taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_MOVE,S_L,r,ref); R_ADDRESSREGISTER : result:=taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_MOVE,S_L,r,ref); R_FPUREGISTER : // no need to handle sizes here result:=taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_FMOVE,S_FS,r,ref); else internalerror(200602012); end; end; procedure InitAsm; begin end; procedure DoneAsm; begin end; begin cai_align:=tai_align; cai_cpu:=taicpu; end.