#$ # $Id: errorda.msg 621 2006-07-02 15:44:03Z chrivers # This file is part of the Free Pascal Compiler # Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the Free Pascal Development team # # Danish Language File for Free Pascal # # Translation by Christian Iversen # # This file is encoded in UTF-8, and based on r4084 of errore.eng # # See the file COPYING.v2, included in this distribution, # for details about the copyright. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # # The constants are build in the following order: # __ # # is the part of the compiler the message is used # asmr_ assembler parsing # asmw_ assembler writing/binary writers # unit_ unit handling # scan_ scanner # parser_ parser # type_ type checking # general_ general info # exec_ calls to assembler, linker, binder # # the type of the message it should normally used for # f_ fatal error # e_ error # w_ warning # n_ note # h_ hint # i_ info # l_ add linenumber # u_ used # t_ tried # c_ conditional # d_ debug message # x_ executable informations # # # General # # 01016 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % \section{General compiler messages} % This section gives the compiler messages which are not fatal, but which % display useful information. The number of such messages can be % controlled with the various verbosity level \var{-v} switches. % \begin{description} general_t_compilername=01000_T_Oversætter: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you what compiler % is used. general_d_sourceos=01001_D_Oversætter OS: $1 % When the \var{-vd} switch is used, this line tells you what the source % operating system is. general_i_targetos=01002_I_Compilerer til OS: $1 % When the \var{-vd} switch is used, this line tells you what the target % operating system is. general_t_exepath=01003_T_Sti til program: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for it's binaries. general_t_unitpath=01004_T_Sti til units: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for compiled units. You can set this path with the \var{-Fu} general_t_includepath=01005_T_Sti til include-filer: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for it's include files (files used in \var{\{\$I xxx\}} statements). % You can set this path with the \var{-I} option. general_t_librarypath=01006_T_Sti til biblioteker: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for the libraries. You can set this path with the \var{-Fl} option. general_t_objectpath=01007_T_Sti til objekter: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for object files you link in (files used in \var{\{\$L xxx\}} statements). % You can set this path with the \var{-Fo} option. general_i_abslines_compiled=01008_I_$1 linier kompileret, $2 sekunder % When the \var{-vi} switch is used, the compiler reports the number % of lines compiled, and the time it took to compile them (real time, % not program time). general_f_no_memory_left=01009_F_Ikke mere hukommelse! % The compiler doesn't have enough memory to compile your program. There are % several remedies for this: % \begin{itemize} % \item If you're using the build option of the compiler, try compiling the % different units manually. % \item If you're compiling a huge program, split it up in units, and compile % these separately. % \item If the previous two don't work, recompile the compiler with a bigger % heap (you can use the \var{-Ch} option for this, \seeo{Ch}) % \end{itemize} general_i_writingresourcefile=01010_I_Skriver resourcestrengstabel til fil: $1 % This message is shown when the compiler writes the Resource String Table % file containing all the resource strings for a program. general_e_errorwritingresourcefile=01011_E_Skriver resourcestrengtabel til fil: $1 % This message is shown when the compiler encountered an error when writing % the Resource String Table file general_i_fatal=01012_I_Fatal fejl: % Prefix for Fatal Errors general_i_error=01013_I_Fejl: % Prefix for Errors general_i_warning=01014_I_Advarsel: % Prefix for Warnings general_i_note=01015_I_Bemærkning: % Prefix for Notes general_i_hint=01016_I_Hint: % Prefix for Hints general_e_path_does_not_exist=01017_E_Stien "$1" blev ikke fundet % The specified path does not exist. general_f_compilation_aborted=01018_F_Compilering afbrudt % \end{description} # # Scanner # # 02063 is the last used one # % \section{Scanner messages.} % This section lists the messages that the scanner emits. The scanner takes % care of the lexical structure of the pascal file, i.e. it tries to find % reserved words, strings, etc. It also takes care of directives and % conditional compiling handling. % \begin{description} scan_f_end_of_file=02000_F_Slutning af fil fundet mod forventning % this typically happens in one of the following cases : % \begin{itemize} % \item The source file ends before the final \var{end.} statement. This % happens mostly when the \var{begin} and \var{end} statements aren't % balanced; % \item An include file ends in the middle of a statement. % \item A comment was not closed % \end{itemize} scan_f_string_exceeds_line=02001_F_Streng overskrider slutning af linie % There is a missing closing ' in a string, so it occupies % multiple lines. scan_f_illegal_char=02002_F_Ugyldig karakter "$1" ($2) % An illegal character was encountered in the input file. scan_f_syn_expected=02003_F_Syntaxfejl, "$1" forventet men "$2" fundet % This indicates that the compiler expected a different token than % the one you typed. It can occur almost everywhere where you make a % mistake against the pascal language. scan_t_start_include_file=02004_TL_Læser includefil $1 % When you provide the \var{-vt} switch, the compiler tells you % when it starts reading an included file. scan_w_comment_level=02005_W_Kommentarniveau $1 fundet % When the \var{-vw} switch is used, then the compiler warns you if % it finds nested comments. Nested comments are not allowed in Turbo Pascal % and can be a possible source of errors. scan_n_ignored_switch=02008_N_Ignorerer compilerindstilling "$1" % With \var{-vn} on, the compiler warns if it ignores a switch scan_w_illegal_switch=02009_W_Ugyldig compilerindstilling "$1" % You included a compiler switch (i.e. \var{\{\$... \}}) which the compiler % does not recognise scan_w_switch_is_global=02010_W_Fejlplaceret global compilerindstilling % The compiler switch is misplaced, and should be located at % the start of the unit or program. scan_e_illegal_char_const=02011_E_Ugyldig karakterkonstant % This happens when you specify a character with its ASCII code, as in % \var{\#96}, but the number is either illegal, or out of range. scan_f_cannot_open_input=02012_F_Kan ikke åbne filen "$1" % \fpc cannot find the program or unit source file you specified on the % command line. scan_f_cannot_open_includefile=02013_F_Kan ikke åbne includefilen "$1" % \fpc cannot find the source file you specified in a \var{\{\$include ..\}} % statement. scan_e_illegal_pack_records=02015_E_Ugyldig strukturopstillingsspecifikation "$1" % You are specifying the \var{\{\$PACKRECORDS n\} } or \var{\{\$ALIGN n\} } % with an illegal value for \var{n}. For \$PACKRECORDS valid alignments are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, C, % NORMAL, DEFAULT, and for \$ALIGN valid alignment are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ON, % OFF. Under mode MacPas \$ALIGN also supports MAC68K, POWER and RESET. scan_e_illegal_pack_enum=02016_E_Ugyldig enumerations-minimumsstørrelsespecifikation "$1" % You are specifying the \var{\{\$PACKENUM n\}} with an illegal value for % \var{n}. Only 1,2,4, NORMAL or DEFAULT are valid here. scan_e_endif_expected=02017_E_$ENDIF forventet til $1 $2 defineret i $3 linie $4 % Your conditional compilation statements are unbalanced. scan_e_preproc_syntax_error=02018_E_Syntaxfejl under læsning af betinget kompileret udtryk % There is an error in the expression following the \var{\{\$if ..\}}, $ifc or $setc compiler % directives. scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr=02019_E_Evaluerer betinget kompileret udtryk % There is an error in the expression following the \var{\{\$if ..\}}, $ifc or $setc compiler % directives. scan_w_macro_cut_after_255_chars=02020_W_Makroindhold er begrænset til 255 tegns længde % The contents of macros cannot be longer than 255 characters. scan_e_endif_without_if=02021_E_ENDIF uden IF(N)DEF % Your \var{\{\$IFDEF ..\}} and {\{\$ENDIF\}} statements aren't balanced. scan_f_user_defined=02022_F_Brugerdefineret: $1 % A user defined fatal error occurred. see also the \progref scan_e_user_defined=02023_E_Brugerdefineret: $1 % A user defined error occurred. see also the \progref scan_w_user_defined=02024_W_Brugerdefineret: $1 % A user defined warning occurred. see also the \progref scan_n_user_defined=02025_N_Brugerdefineret: $1 % A user defined note was encountered. see also the \progref scan_h_user_defined=02026_H_Brugerdefineret: $1 % A user defined hint was encountered. see also the \progref scan_i_user_defined=02027_I_Brugerdefineret: $1 % User defined information was encountered. see also the \progref scan_e_keyword_cant_be_a_macro=02028_E_Makroer kan ikke omdefinere nøgleord % You cannot redefine keywords with macros. scan_f_macro_buffer_overflow=02029_F_Overløb under læsning eller udvidelse af makro % Your macro or it's result was too long for the compiler. scan_w_macro_too_deep=02030_W_Makroudfoldning har oversteget 16 niveauer % When expanding a macro, macros have been nested to a level of 16. % The compiler will expand no further, since this may be a sign that % recursion is used. scan_w_wrong_styled_switch=02031_W_Compilerindstillinger understøttes ikke i // denne slags kommentarer % Compiler switches should be in normal pascal style comments. scan_d_handling_switch=02032_DL_Håndterer indstilling "$1" % When you set debugging info on (\var{-vd}) the compiler tells you when it % is evaluating conditional compile statements. scan_c_endif_found=02033_CL_ENDIF $1 fundet % When you turn on conditional messages(\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_ifdef_found=02034_CL_IFDEF $1 fundet, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_ifopt_found=02035_CL_IFOPT $1 fundet, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_if_found=02036_CL_IF $1 fundet, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_ifndef_found=02037_CL_IFNDEF $1 fundet, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_else_found=02038_CL_ELSE $1 fundet, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_skipping_until=02039_CL_Springer over indtil... % When you turn on conditional messages(\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements, and whether it is skipping or % compiling parts. scan_i_press_enter=02040_I_Tryk for at fortsætte % When the \var{-vi} switch is used, the compiler stops compilation % and waits for the \var{Enter} key to be pressed when it encounters % a \var{\{\$STOP\}} directive. scan_w_unsupported_switch=02041_W_Ugyldig compilerindstilling "$1" % When warnings are turned on (\var{-vw}) the compiler warns you about % unsupported switches. This means that the switch is used in Delphi or % Turbo Pascal, but not in \fpc scan_w_illegal_directive=02042_W_Ugyldig compilerindstilling "$1" % When warings are turned on (\var{-vw}) the compiler warns you about % unrecognised switches. For a list of recognised switches, \progref scan_t_back_in=02043_TL_Tilbage i $1 % When you use (\var{-vt}) the compiler tells you when it has finished % reading an include file. scan_w_unsupported_app_type=02044_W_Ugyldig programtype: "$1" % You get this warning, ff you specify an unknown application type % with the directive \var{\{\$APPTYPE\}} scan_w_app_type_not_support=02045_W_APPTYPE understøttes ikke af det OS der kompileres til % The \var{\{\$APPTYPE\}} directive is supported by certain operating systems only. scan_w_description_not_support=02046_W_DESCRIPTION understøttes ikke af det OS der kompileres til % The \var{\{\$DESCRIPTION\}} directive is not supported on this target OS scan_n_version_not_support=02047_N_VERSION understøttes ikke af det OS der kompileres til % The \var{\{\$VERSION\}} directive is not supported on this target OS scan_n_only_exe_version=02048_N_VERSION er kun til programmer og DLL-filer % The \var{\{\$VERSION\}} directive is only used for executable or DLL sources. scan_w_wrong_version_ignored=02049_W_Direktivet VERSION har forkert format "$1" % The \var{\{\$VERSION\}} directive format is majorversion.minorversion % where majorversion and minorversion are words. scan_e_illegal_asmmode_specifier=02050_E_Ugyldig assemblerstil angivet "$1" % When you specify an assembler mode with the \var{\{\$ASMMODE xxx\}} % the compiler didn't recognize the mode you specified. scan_w_no_asm_reader_switch_inside_asm=02051_W_Kan ikke skifte assemblerlæser midt i en assemblerblok. Skifter til "$1" i næste blok % It is not possible to switch from one assembler reader to another % inside an assmebler block. The new reader will be used for next % assembler statements only. scan_e_wrong_switch_toggle=02052_E_Forkert indstillingsparameter. Brug ON/OFF eller +/- % You need to use ON or OFF or a + or - to toggle the switch scan_e_resourcefiles_not_supported=02053_E_Resourcefiler understøttes ikke af mål-operativsystemet % The target you are compiling for doesn't support resource files. scan_w_include_env_not_found=02054_W_Environment-værdien "$1" er ikke defineret % The included environment variable cannot be found in the environment, it will % be replaced by an empty string instead. scan_e_invalid_maxfpureg_value=02055_E_Ugyldig værdi for FPU-registergrænse % Valid values for this directive are 0..8 and NORMAL/DEFAULT scan_w_only_one_resourcefile_supported=02056_W_Mål-systemet understøtter kun én resourcefil % The target you are compiling for supports only one resource file. % The first resource file found is used, the others are discarded. scan_w_macro_support_turned_off=02057_W_Makrosupport er slået fra % A macro declaration has been found, but macro support is currently off, % so the declaration will be ignored. To turn macro support on compile with % -Sm on the commandline or add {$MACRO ON} in the source scan_e_invalid_interface_type=02058_E_Ugyldig interface-type angivet. Gyldige værdier er COM, CORBA eller DEFAULT. % The interface type that was specified is not supported scan_w_appid_not_support=02059_W_APPID understøttes kun til PalmOS % The \var{\{\$APPID\}} directive is only supported for the PalmOS target. scan_w_appname_not_support=02060_W_APPNAME understøttes kun til PalmOS % The \var{\{\$APPNAME\}} directive is only supported for the PalmOS target. scan_e_string_exceeds_255_chars=02061_E_Strengkonstanter kan ikke være længere end 255 tegn % A single string constant can contain at most 255 chars. Try splitting up the % string in multiple smaller parts and concatenate them with a + operator. scan_f_include_deep_ten=02062_F_Include-filer overskrider dypdegrænsen på 16 niveauer % When including include files the files have been nested to a level of 16. % The compiler will expand no further, since this may be a sign that % recursion is used. scan_e_too_many_push=02063_F_For mange niveauer af PUSH % A maximum of 20 levels is allowed. This error occur only in mode MacPas. scan_e_too_many_pop=02064_E_POP uden forudgående PUSH % This error occur only in mode MacPas. scan_e_error_macro_lacks_value=02065_E_Makro "$1" har ingen værdi % Thus the conditional compiling expression cannot be evaluated. % \end{description} # # Parser # # 03192 is the last used one # % \section{Parser messages} % This section lists all parser messages. The parser takes care of the % semantics of you language, i.e. it determines if your pascal constructs % are correct. % \begin{description} scan_e_wrong_switch_toggle_default=02066_E_Forkert indstillingsværdi, brug ON/OFF/DEFAULT eller +/-/* % You need to use ON or OFF or DEFAULT or a + or - or * to toggle the switch scan_e_mode_switch_not_allowed=02067_E_Tilstandstypeindstilling "$1" ikke tilladt her % A mode switch has already been encountered, or, in case of option -Mmacpas, % a mode switch occur after UNIT. scan_e_error_macro_undefined=02068_E_Kompileringstidsvariablen eller makroen "$1" er ikke defineret % Thus the conditional compile time expression cannot be evaluated. Only in mode MacPas. scan_e_utf8_bigger_than_65535=02069_E_UTF-8 kode større end 65535 fundet % \fpc handles utf-8 strings internally as widestrings e.g. the char codes are limited to 65535 scan_e_utf8_malformed=02070_E_Ugyldig UTF-8-streng % The given string isn't a valid UTF-8 string scan_c_switching_to_utf8=02071_C_UTF-8-signatur fundet, benytter UTF-8-kodning % The compiler found an UTF-8 encoding signature (\$ef, \$bb, \$bf) at the beginning of a file, % so it interprets it as an UTF-8 file scan_e_compile_time_typeerror=02072_E_Kompileringstidsudtryk: Forventede $1, men fik $2 ved $3 % Type check of a compile time expression failed. scan_n_app_type_not_support=02073_N_APPTYPE understøttes ikke af mål-operativsystemet % The \var{\{\$APPTYPE\}} directive is supported by certain operating systems only. % \end{description} # # Parser # # 03192 is the last used one # % \section{Parser messages} % This section lists all parser messages. The parser takes care of the % semantics of you language, i.e. it determines if your pascal constructs % are correct. % \begin{description} parser_e_syntax_error=03000_E_Parser - syntaxfejl % An error against the Turbo Pascal language was encountered. This happens % typically when an illegal character is found in the sources file. parser_e_dont_nest_interrupt=03004_E_INTERRUPT-procedure kan ikke indlejres % An \var{INTERRUPT} procedure must be global. parser_w_proc_directive_ignored=03005_W_Proceduretype "$1" ignoreret % The specified is ignored by FPC programs. parser_e_no_overload_for_all_procs=03006_E_Ikke alle erklæringer af "$1" er angivet med OVERLOAD % When you want to use overloading using the \var{OVERLOAD} directive, then % all declarations need to have \var{OVERLOAD} specified. parser_e_export_name_double=03008_E_Funktionsnavnet "$1" er angivet flere gange i en EXPORT-erklæring % Exported function names inside a specific DLL must all be different parser_e_export_ordinal_double=03009_E_Funktionsindex $1 er angivet flere gange i en EXPORT-erklæring % Exported function names inside a specific DLL must all be different parser_e_export_invalid_index=03010_E_Ugyldigt index for eksporteret funktion % DLL function index must be in the range \var{1..\$FFFF} parser_w_parser_reloc_no_debug=03011_W_Relokérbar DLL eller program $1 har ikke-fungerende debug-info. Slået fra. parser_w_parser_win32_debug_needs_WN=03012_W_For at tillade debugging i win32-kode, skal relokérbarhed slås fra med -WN % Stabs info is wrong for relocatable DLL or EXES use -WN % if you want to debug win32 executables. parser_e_constructorname_must_be_init=03013_E_Constructor-navnet skal være INIT % You are declaring an object constructor with a name which is not \var{init}, and the % \var{-Ss} switch is in effect. See the \var{-Ss} switch (\seeo{Ss}). parser_e_destructorname_must_be_done=03014_E_Destructor-navnet skal være DONE % You are declaring an object destructor with a name which is not \var{done}, and the % \var{-Ss} switch is in effect. See the \var{-Ss} switch (\seeo{Ss}). parser_e_proc_inline_not_supported=03016_E_Proceduretypen INLINE er ikke understøttet % You tried to compile a program with C++ style inlining, and forgot to % specify the \var{-Si} option (\seeo{Si}). The compiler does not support C++ % styled inlining by default. parser_w_constructor_should_be_public=03018_W_Constructor bør være public % Constructors must be in the 'public' part of an object (class) declaration. parser_w_destructor_should_be_public=03019_W_Destructor bør være public % Destructors must be in the 'public' part of an object (class) declaration. parser_n_only_one_destructor=03020_N_En klasse skal kun have én destructor % You can declare only one destructor for a class. parser_e_no_local_objects=03021_E_Lokale klassedefinitioner er ikke tilladt % Classes must be defined globally. They cannot be defined inside a % procedure or function parser_f_no_anonym_objects=03022_F_Anonyme klassedefinitioner er ikke tilladt % An invalid object (class) declaration was encountered, i.e. an % object or class without methods that isn't derived from another object or % class. For example: % \begin{verbatim} % Type o = object % a : longint; % end; % \end{verbatim} % will trigger this error. parser_n_object_has_no_vmt=03023_N_Objektet "$1" har ingen VMT % This is a note indicating that the declared object has no % virtual method table. parser_e_illegal_parameter_list=03024_E_Ugyldig parameterliste % You are calling a function with parameters that are of a different type than % the declared parameters of the function. parser_e_wrong_parameter_size=03026_E_Forkert antal parametre angivet % There is an error in the parameter list of the function or procedure, % the number of parameters is not correct. parser_e_overloaded_no_procedure=03027_E_Overloaded navn "$1" er ikke en funktion % The compiler encountered a symbol with the same name as an overloaded % function, but it is not a function it can overload. parser_e_overloaded_have_same_parameters=03028_E_Overloadede funktioner har samme parametre % You're declaring overloaded functions, but with the same parameter list. % Overloaded function must have at least 1 different parameter in their % declaration. parser_e_header_dont_match_forward=03029_E_Functionserklæring passer ikke med forward-erklæringen $1 % You declared a function with same parameters but % different result type or function modifiers. parser_e_header_different_var_names=03030_E_Funktionserklæringen "$1" passer ikke med forward - var-navn ændrer $2 => $3 % You declared the function in the \var{interface} part, or with the % \var{forward} directive, but define it with a different parameter list. parser_n_duplicate_enum=03031_N_Værdier i enumerate-typer skal være stigende % \fpc allows enumeration constructions as in C. Given the following % declaration two declarations: % \begin{verbatim} % type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=200); % type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=4); % \end{verbatim} % The second declaration would produce an error. \var{A\_UAS} needs to have a % value higher than \var{A\_E}, i.e. at least 7. parser_e_no_with_for_variable_in_other_segments=03033_E_"With" kan ikke bruges til variabler i et andet segment % With stores a variable locally on the stack, % but this is not possible if the variable belongs to another segment. parser_e_too_much_lexlevel=03034_E_Funktionsindlejring over 31 niveauer % You can nest function definitions only 31 times. parser_e_range_check_error=03035_E_Værdiområdefejl under evaluering af konstanter % The constants are out of their allowed range. parser_w_range_check_error=03036_W_Værdiområdefejl under evaluering af konstanter % The constants are out of their allowed range. parser_e_double_caselabel=03037_E_Gentaget case-værdi % You are specifying the same label 2 times in a \var{case} statement. parser_e_case_lower_less_than_upper_bound=03038_E_Øvre grænse for case-værdiområde er mindre end den nedre grænse % The upper bound of a \var{case} label is less than the lower bound and this % is useless parser_e_type_const_not_possible=03039_E_Typegivne konstanter er ikke tilladt i klasser % You cannot declare a constant of type class or object. parser_e_no_overloaded_procvars=03040_E_Tildeling af overloaded funktion til procedurel variabel ikke tilladt % You are trying to assign an overloaded function to a procedural variable. % This is not allowed parser_e_invalid_string_size=03041_E_Strenglængdegrænse skal være mellem 1 og 255 % The length of a shortstring in Pascal is limited to 255 characters. You are % trying to declare a string with length lower than 1 or greater than 255 parser_w_use_extended_syntax_for_objects=03042_W_Brug udvidet syntax NEW og DISPOSE til instantiering af objekter % If you have a pointer \var{a} to a class type, then the statement % \var{new(a)} will not initialize the class (i.e. the constructor isn't % called), although space will be allocated. you should issue the % \var{new(a,init)} statement. This will allocate space, and call the % constructor of the object parser_w_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers=03043_W_Brug af NEW eller DISPOSE på typeløse pointere er meningsløst parser_e_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers=03044_E_Brug af NEW eller DISPOSE på typeløse pointere ikke muligt % You cannot use \var{new(p)} or \var{dispose(p)} if \var{p} is an untyped pointer % because no size is associated to an untyped pointer. % Accepted for compatibility in \var{tp} and \var{delphi} modes. parser_e_class_id_expected=03045_E_Klassenavn forventet % This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains % a dot, % i.e., a object or class method, but the type in front of the dot is not % a known type. parser_e_no_type_not_allowed_here=03046_E_Typenavn ikke tilladt her % You cannot use a type inside an expression. parser_e_methode_id_expected=03047_E_Metodenavn forventet % This identifier is not a method. % This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains % a dot, i.e., a object or class method, but the procedure name is not a % procedure of this type. parser_e_header_dont_match_any_member=03048_E_Funktionserklæring passer ikke med nogen metoder i klassen "$1" % This identifier is not a method. % This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains % a dot, i.e., a object or class method, but the procedure name is not a % procedure of this type. parser_d_procedure_start=03049_DL_procedure/funktion $1 % When using the \var{-vd} switch, the compiler tells you when it starts % processing a procedure or function implementation. parser_e_error_in_real=03050_E_Ugyldig kommetalskonstant % The compiler expects a floating point expression, and gets something else. parser_e_fail_only_in_constructor=03051_E_FAIL kan kun bruges i en constructor % You are using the \var{fail} keyword outside a constructor method. parser_e_no_paras_for_destructor=03052_E_En destructor kan ikke have parametre % You are declaring a destructor with a parameter list. Destructor methods % cannot have parameters. parser_e_only_class_methods_via_class_ref=03053_E_Kun klassemetoder kan refereres med en klassereference % This error occurs in a situation like the following: % \begin{verbatim} % Type : % Tclass = Class of Tobject; % % Var C : TClass; % % begin % ... % C.free % \end{verbatim} % \var{Free} is not a class method and hence cannot be called with a class % reference. parser_e_only_class_methods=03054_E_Kun klassemetoder kan tilgås i klassemetoder % This is related to the previous error. You cannot call a method of an object % from a inside a class method. The following code would produce this error: % \begin{verbatim} % class procedure tobject.x; % % begin % free % \end{verbatim} % Because free is a normal method of a class it cannot be called from a class % method. parser_e_case_mismatch=03055_E_Constant-type of CASE-type stemmer ikke overens % One of the labels is not of the same type as the case variable. parser_e_illegal_symbol_exported=03056_E_Symbolet kan ikke eksporteres fra et bibliotek % You can only export procedures and functions when you write a library. You % cannot export variables or constants. parser_w_should_use_override=03057_W_En nedarvet metode skjules af "$1" % A method that is declared \var{virtual} in a parent class, should be % overridden in the descendent class with the \var{override} directive. If you % don't specify the \var{override} directive, you will hide the parent method; % you will not override it. parser_e_nothing_to_be_overridden=03058_E_Der er ingen metode i super-klassen at override: "$1" % You are trying to \var{override} a virtual method of a parent class that does % not exist. parser_e_no_procedure_to_access_property=03059_E_Ingen læseadgang til egenskaben % You specified no \var{read} directive for a property. parser_w_stored_not_implemented=03060_W_Gemte egenskaber er endnu ikke implementeret % The \var{stored} directive is not yet implemented parser_e_ill_property_access_sym=03061_E_Ugyldig værdi for egenskabsadgang % There is an error in the \var{read} or \var{write} directives for an array % property. When you declare an array property, you can only access it with % procedures and functions. The following code woud cause such an error. % \begin{verbatim} % tmyobject = class % i : integer; % property x [i : integer]: integer read I write i; % \end{verbatim} % parser_e_cant_access_protected_member=03062_E_Kan ikke tilgå et protected felt i et objekt her % Fields that are declared in a \var{protected} section of an object or class % declaration cannot be accessed outside the module wher the object is % defined, or outside descendent object methods. parser_e_cant_access_private_member=03063_E_Kan ikke tilgå et private felt i et objekt her % Fields that are declared in a \var{private} section of an object or class % declaration cannot be accessed outside the module where the class is % defined. parser_e_overridden_methods_not_same_ret=03066_E_Metoder med "override" skal have samme retur-type: "$2" er overridet af "$1" der har en anden retur-type % If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must % have the same return type. parser_e_dont_nest_export=03067_E_EXPORT-erklærede funktioner kan ikke indlejres % You cannot declare a function or procedure within a function or procedure % that was declared as an export procedure. parser_e_methods_dont_be_export=03068_E_Metoder kan ikke EXPORT'es % You cannot declare a procedure that is a method for an object as % \var{export}ed. parser_e_call_by_ref_without_typeconv=03069_E_Kald med var-parametre skal passe præcist: Fandt "$1", "$2" forventet % When calling a function declared with \var{var} parameters, the variables in % the function call must be of exactly the same type. There is no automatic % type conversion. parser_e_no_super_class=03070_E_Klassen er ikke en super-klasse af den angivne klasse % When calling inherited methods, you are trying to call a method of a non-related % class. You can only call an inherited method of a parent class. parser_e_self_not_in_method=03071_E_SELF kan kun bruges i objekter % You are trying to use the \var{self} parameter outside an object's method. % Only methods get passed the \var{self} parameters. parser_e_generic_methods_only_in_methods=03072_E_methods can be only in other methods called direct with type identifier of the class % A construction like \var{sometype.somemethod} is only allowed in a method. parser_e_illegal_colon_qualifier=03073_E_Ugyldig brug af ':' % You are using the format \var{:} (colon) 2 times on an expression that % is not a real expression. parser_e_illegal_set_expr=03074_E_Værdigrænsefejl i set-constructor, eller genanvendt element-værdi % The declaration of a set contains an error. Either one of the elements is % outside the range of the set type, either two of the elements are in fact % the same. parser_e_pointer_to_class_expected=03075_E_Pointer til objekt forventet % You specified an illegal type in a \var{new} statement. % The extended syntax of \var{new} needs an object as a parameter. parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call=03076_E_Udtryk skal være constructor-kald % When using the extended syntax of \var{new}, you must specify the constructor % method of the object you are trying to create. The procedure you specified % is not a constructor. parser_e_expr_have_to_be_destructor_call=03077_E_Udtryk skal være destructor-kald % When using the extended syntax of \var{dispose}, you must specify the % destructor method of the object you are trying to dispose of. % The procedure you specified is not a destructor. parser_e_invalid_record_const=03078_E_Ugyldig rækkefølge af strukturelementer % When declaring a constant record, you specified the fields in the wrong % order. parser_e_false_with_expr=03079_E_Udtrykket skal være en klasse eller struktur % A \var{with} statement needs an argument that is of the type \var{record} % or \var{class}. You are using \var{with} on an expression that is not of % this type. parser_e_void_function=03080_E_Procedurer kan ikke returnere værdier % In \fpc, you can specify a return value for a function when using % the \var{exit} statement. This error occurs when you try to do this with a % procedure. Procedures cannot return a value. parser_e_only_methods_allowed=03081_E_constructors destructors og class operators skal være metoder % You're declaring a procedure as destructor, constructor or class operator, when the % procedure isn't a class method. parser_e_operator_not_overloaded=03082_E_Operatoren er ikke overloaded % You're trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for % this type. parser_e_no_such_assignment=03083_E_Umuligt at overloade tildeling for ensartede typer % You can not overload assignment for types % that the compiler considers as equal. parser_e_overload_impossible=03084_E_Umuligt at overloade operatoren % The combination of operator, arguments and return type are % incompatible. parser_e_no_reraise_possible=03085_E_Re-raise er ikke muligt her % You are trying to raise an exception where it is not allowed. You can only % raise exceptions in an \var{except} block. parser_e_no_new_or_dispose_for_classes=03086_E_Den udvidede syntax af new og dispose er ikke gyldig for klasser % You cannot generate an instance of a class with the extended syntax of % \var{new}. The constructor must be used for that. For the same reason, you % cannot call \var{dispose} to de-allocate an instance of a class, the % destructor must be used for that. parser_e_procedure_overloading_is_off=03088_E_Procedure overloading er slået fra % When using the \var{-So} switch, procedure overloading is switched off. % Turbo Pascal does not support function overloading. parser_e_overload_operator_failed=03089_E_Det er ikke muligt at overloade denne operator (overload "=" i stedet) % You are trying to overload an operator which cannot be overloaded. % The following operators can be overloaded : % \begin{verbatim} % +, -, *, /, =, >, <, <=, >=, is, as, in, **, := % \end{verbatim} parser_e_comparative_operator_return_boolean=03090_E_Sammenligningsoperationer skal returnere en sandhedsværdi % When overloading the \var{=} operator, the function must return a boolean % value. parser_e_only_virtual_methods_abstract=03091_E_Kun virtuelle metoder kan være abstrakte % You are declaring a method as abstract, when it is not declared to be % virtual. parser_f_unsupported_feature=03092_F_Ikke-understøttet konstruktion % You're trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet. parser_e_mix_of_classes_and_objects=03093_E_Det er ikke gyldigt at blande forskellige typer objekter (class, object, interface, etc) % You cannot derive \var{objects}, \var{classes}, \var{cppclasses} and \var{interfaces} interttwined . E.g. % a class cannot have an object as parent and vice versa. parser_w_unknown_proc_directive_ignored=03094_W_Ukendt procedure-direktev blev ignoreret: "$1" % The procedure directive you specified is unknown. parser_e_absolute_only_one_var=03095_E_Absolute kan kun associere én variabel % You cannot specify more than one variable before the \var{absolute} directive. % Thus, the following construct will provide this error: % \begin{verbatim} % Var Z : Longint; % X,Y : Longint absolute Z; % \end{verbatim} % \item [ absolute can only be associated a var or const ] % The address of a \var{absolute} directive can only point to a variable or a % typed constant. Therefore, the following code will produce this error: % \begin{verbatim} % Procedure X; % % var p : longint absolute x; % \end{verbatim} % parser_e_absolute_only_to_var_or_const=03096_E_Absolute kan kun associeres med én variabel eller konstant % The address of a \var{absolute} directive can only point to a variable or % constant. Therefore, the following code will produce this error: % \begin{verbatim} % Procedure X; % % var p : longint absolute x; % \end{verbatim} % parser_e_initialized_only_one_var=03097_E_Kun én variabel kan initialiseres % You cannot specify more than one variable with a initial value % in Delphi mode. parser_e_abstract_no_definition=03098_E_Abstrakte metoder må ikke implementeres % Abstract methods can only be declared, you cannot implement them. They % should be overridden by a descendant class. parser_e_overloaded_must_be_all_global=03099_E_Denne overloadede funktion kan ikke være lokal (skal eksporteres) % You are defining a overloaded function in the implementation part of a unit, % but there is no corresponding declaration in the interface part of the unit. parser_w_virtual_without_constructor=03100_W_Virtuelle metoder er brugt uden at have en constructor: "$1" % If you declare objects or classes that contain virtual methods, you need % to have a constructor and destructor to initialize them. The compiler % encountered an object or class with virtual methods that doesn't have % a constructor/destructor pair. parser_c_macro_defined=03101_CL_Makro defineret: $1 % When \var{-vc} is used, the compiler tells you when it defines macros. parser_c_macro_undefined=03102_CL_Makro fjernet: $1 % When \var{-vc} is used, the compiler tells you when it undefines macros. parser_c_macro_set_to=03103_CL_Makro $1 sat til $2 % When \var{-vc} is used, the compiler tells you what values macros get. parser_i_compiling=03104_I_Compilerer $1 % When you turn on information messages (\var{-vi}), the compiler tells you % what units it is recompiling. parser_u_parsing_interface=03105_UL_Parser interface-delen af unit $1 % This tells you that the reading of the interface % of the current unit starts parser_u_parsing_implementation=03106_UL_Parser implementation-delen af unit $1 % This tells you that the code reading of the implementation % of the current unit, library or program starts parser_d_compiling_second_time=03107_DL_Compilerer $1 for anden gang % When you request debug messages (\var{-vd}) the compiler tells you what % units it recompiles for the second time. parser_e_no_property_found_to_override=03109_E_Ingen egenskab at override % You want to overrride a property of a parent class, when there is, in fact, % no such property in the parent class. parser_e_only_one_default_property=03110_E_Kun én default-egenskab tilladt % You specified a property as \var{Default}, but the class already has a % default property, and a class can have only one default property. parser_e_property_need_paras=03111_E_Default-egenskaben skal være et array % Only array properties of classes can be made \var{default} properties. parser_e_constructor_cannot_be_not_virtual=03112_E_Virtuelle constructors er kun tilladt i klassemodellen % You cannot have virtual constructors in objects. You can only have them % in classes. parser_e_no_default_property_available=03113_E_Ingen default-egenskab tilgængelig % You are trying to access a default property of a class, but this class (or one of % it's ancestors) doesn't have a default property. parser_e_cant_have_published=03114_E_Klassen kan ikke have en published-sektion, brug {$M+}-indstillingen % If you want a \var{published} section in a class definition, you must % use the \var{\{\$M+\}} switch, whch turns on generation of type % information. parser_e_forward_declaration_must_be_resolved=03115_E_Forward-erklæring af klasse "$1" skal løses her, for at bruge klassen som super-klasse % To be able to use an object as an ancestor object, it must be defined % first. This error occurs in the following situation: % \begin{verbatim} % Type ParentClas = Class; % ChildClass = Class(ParentClass) % ... % end; % \end{verbatim} % Where \var{ParentClass} is declared but not defined. parser_e_no_local_operator=03116_E_Lokale operatorer ikke understøttet % You cannot overload locally, i.e. inside procedures or function % definitions. parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_interface=03117_E_Procedure-direktivet "$1" er ikke tilladt i interface-sektionen % This procedure directive is not allowed in the \var{interface} section of % a unit. You can only use it in the \var{implementation} section. parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_implementation=03118_E_Procedure-direktivet "$1" er ikke tilladt i implementation-sektionen % This procedure directive is not defined in the \var{implementation} section of % a unit. You can only use it in the \var{interface} section. parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_procvar=03119_E_Procedure-direktivet "$1" er ikke tilladt i procvar-erklæring % This procedure directive cannot be part of a procedural or function % type declaration. parser_e_function_already_declared_public_forward=03120_E_Funktionen "$1" er allerede erklæret Public/Forward % You will get this error if a function is defined as \var{forward} twice. % Or it is once in the \var{interface} section, and once as a \var{forward} % declaration in the \var{implmentation} section. parser_e_not_external_and_export=03121_E_Kan ikke bruge både EXPORT og EXTERNAL % These two procedure directives are mutually exclusive parser_H_not_supported_for_inline=03123_H_Deklarationen "$1" er endnu ikke understøttet i inline procedurer/funktioner % Inline procedures don't support this declaration. parser_h_inlining_disabled=03124_H_Inlining slået fra % Inlining of procedures is disabled. parser_i_writing_browser_log=03125_I_Skriver browser-log $1 % When information messages are on, the compiler warns you when it % writes the browser log (generated with the \var{\{\$Y+ \}} switch). parser_h_maybe_deref_caret_missing=03126_H_Måske mangler en pointer-dereference % The compiler thinks that a pointer may need a dereference. parser_f_assembler_reader_not_supported=03127_F_Valgt assembler-læser er ikke understøttet % The selected assembler reader (with \var{\{\$ASMMODE xxx\}} is not % supported. The compiler can be compiled with or without support for a % particular assembler reader. parser_e_proc_dir_conflict=03128_E_Procedure-direktivet "$1" er i konflikt med andre direktiver % You specified a procedure directive that conflicts with other directives. % for instance \var{cdecl} and \var{pascal} are mutually exclusive. parser_e_call_convention_dont_match_forward=03129_E_Kaldkonvention passer ikke med forward-erklæring % This error happens when you declare a function or procedure with % e.g. \var{cdecl;} but omit this directive in the implementation, or vice % versa. The calling convention is part of the function declaration, and % must be repeated in the function definition. parser_e_property_cant_have_a_default_value=03131_E_Egenskaben kan ikke have default-værdi % Set properties or indexed properties cannot have a default value. parser_e_property_default_value_must_const=03132_E_Default-værdien for en egenskab skal være konstant % The value of a \var{default} declared property must be known at compile % time. The value you specified is only known at run time. This happens % .e.g. if you specify a variable name as a default value. parser_e_cant_publish_that=03133_E_Variabler kan ikke være published, med mindre de er klasser % Only class type variables can be in a \var{published} section of a class % if they are not declared as a property. parser_e_cant_publish_that_property=03134_E_Egenskabs-typen er ikke understøttet i published % Properties in a \var{published} section cannot be array properties. % they must be moved to public sections. Properties in a \var{published} % section must be an ordinal type, a real type, strings or sets. parser_e_empty_import_name=03136_E_Et import-navn er krævet % Some targets need a name for the imported procedure or a \var{cdecl} specifier parser_e_division_by_zero=03138_E_Division med nul % There is a divsion by zero encounted parser_e_invalid_float_operation=03139_E_Ugyldig floating-point operation % An operation on two real type values produced an overflow or a division % by zero. parser_e_array_lower_less_than_upper_bound=03140_E_Øvre grænse er mindre end nedre grænse % The upper bound of a an array declaration is less than the lower bound and this % is not possible parser_w_string_too_long=03141_W_Strengen "$1" er længere end "$2" % The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in % string type definition parser_e_string_larger_array=03142_E_Strenglængde er større end længden af karakter-arrayet % The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in % the array[x..y] of char definition parser_e_ill_msg_expr=03143_E_Ugyldigt udtryk efter beskedddirektiv % \fpc supports only integer or string values as message constants parser_e_ill_msg_param=03144_E_Procedurerer til beskedhåndtering kan kun tage én parameter, der skal være en reference (var) % A method declared with the \var{message}-directive as message handler % can take only one parameter which must be declared as call by reference % Parameters are declared as call by reference using the \var{var}-directive parser_e_duplicate_message_label=03145_E_Gentaget besked-værdi: "$1" % A label for a message is used twice in one object/class parser_e_self_in_non_message_handler=03146_E_"Self" kan kun være en eksplicit parameter i metoder der er beskedhandlere % The self parameter can only be passed explicitly to a method which % is declared as message handler. parser_e_threadvars_only_sg=03147_E_Trådvariabler kan kun erklæres static eller globalt % Threadvars must be static or global, you can't declare a thread % local to a procedure. Local variables are always local to a thread, % because every thread has it's own stack and local variables % are stored on the stack parser_f_direct_assembler_not_allowed=03148_F_Direkte assembler er ikke understøttet i det binære udformat % You can't use direct assembler when using a binary writer, choose an % other outputformat or use another assembler reader parser_w_no_objpas_use_mode=03149_W_Inkludér ikke unit'en OBJPAS manuelt, brug i stedet {$mode objfpc} eller {$mode delphi} % You are trying to load the ObjPas unit manually from a uses clause. This is % not a good idea. Use the \var{\{\$mode objfpc\}} or % \var{\{\$mode delphi\}} % directives which load the unit automatically parser_e_no_object_override=03150_E_OVERRIDE kan ikke bruges i objekter % Override is not supported for objects, use \var{virtual} instead to override % a method of a parent object parser_e_cant_use_inittable_here=03151_E_Datatyper der kræver initialisering/afslutning kan ikke bruges i en variantstruktur % Some data type (e.g. \var{ansistring}) needs initialization/finalization % code which is implicitly generated by the compiler. Such data types % can't be used in the variant part of a record. parser_e_resourcestring_only_sg=03152_E_Strengresourcer kan kun være statiske eller globale % Resourcestring can not be declared local, only global or using the static % directive. parser_e_exit_with_argument_not__possible=03153_E_Exit med parametre kan ikke bruges her % an exit statement with an argument for the return value can't be used here, this % can happen e.g. in \var{try..except} or \var{try..finally} blocks parser_e_stored_property_must_be_boolean=03154_E_Storage-symbolet skal være en sandhedsværdi % If you specify a storage symbol in a property declaration, it must be of % the type boolean parser_e_ill_property_storage_sym=03155_E_Dette symbol er ikke tilladt som storage-symbol % You can't use this type of symbol as storage specifier in property % declaration. You can use only methods with the result type boolean, % boolean class fields or boolean constants parser_e_only_publishable_classes_can__be_published=03156_E_Kun klasser der er kompileret i med {$M+}-indstillingen kan bruge published % In the published section of a class can be only class as fields used which % are compiled in \var{\{\$M+\}} or which are derived from such a class. Normally % such a class should be derived from TPersitent parser_e_proc_directive_expected=03157_E_Procedure-direktiv forventet % When declaring a procedure in a const block you used a ; after the % procedure declaration after which a procedure directive must follow. % Correct declarations are: % \begin{verbatim} % const % p : procedure;stdcall=nil; % p : procedure stdcall=nil; % \end{verbatim} parser_e_invalid_property_index_value=03158_E_Værdien for egenskabs-indexet skal være en ordinal-type % The value you use to index a property must be of an ordinal type, for % example an integer or enumerated type. parser_e_procname_to_short_for_export=03159_E_Procedurenavn for kort til at eksportere % The length of the procedure/function name must be at least 2 characters % long. This is because of a bug in dlltool which doesn't parse the .def % file correct with a name of length 1. parser_e_dlltool_unit_var_problem=03160_E_Intet DEFFILE-opslag kan genereres for variabler der er globale i en unit parser_e_dlltool_unit_var_problem2=03161_E_Kompilér uden -WD indstillingen % You need to compile this file without the -WD switch on the % commandline parser_f_need_objfpc_or_delphi_mode=03162_F_Du skal bruge ObjFpc (-S2) eller Delphi (-Sd)-mode for at kompilere denne fil % You need to use {$mode objfpc} or {$mode delphi} to compile this file. % Or use the equivalent commandline switches -S2 or -Sd. parser_e_no_export_with_index_for_target=03163_E_Kan ikke eksportere med index under $1 % Exporting of functions or procedures with a specified index is not % supported on this target. parser_e_no_export_of_variables_for_target=03164_E_Eksport af variabler ikke understøttet af målsystemet $1 % Exporting of variables is not supported on this target. parser_e_improper_guid_syntax=03165_E_Ugyldig GUID-syntax parser_w_interface_mapping_notfound=03168_W_En procedure kaldet $1 der kan implementere $2 blev ikke fundet. $3 parser_e_interface_id_expected=03169_E_Interface-navn krævet % This happens when the compiler scans a \var{class} declaration that contains % \var{interface} function name mapping code like this: % \begin{verbatim} % type % TMyObject = class(TObject, IDispatch) % function IUnknown.QueryInterface=MyQueryInterface; % .... % \end{verbatim} % and the \var{interface} before the dot not listed in the inheritance list. parser_e_type_cant_be_used_in_array_index=03170_E_Typen "$1" kan ikke bruges som index-type i et array % Types like \var{qword} or \var{int64} aren't allowed as array index type parser_e_no_con_des_in_interfaces=03171_E_Con- og destructors er ikke tilladt i interfaces % Constructor and destructor declarations aren't allowed in interface % In the most cases the method \var{QueryInterface} of \var{IUnknown} can % be used to create a new interface. parser_e_no_access_specifier_in_interfaces=03172_E_Adgangskrav kan ikke sættes i et interface % The access specifiers \var{public}, \var{private}, \var{protected} and % \var{pusblished} can't be used in interfaces because all methods % of an interfaces must be public. parser_e_no_vars_in_interfaces=03173_E_Et interface kan ikke indeholde felter % Declarations of fields aren't allowed in interfaces. An interface % can contain only methods parser_e_no_local_proc_external=03174_E_Kan ikke erklære en lokal procedure som ekstern % Declaring local procedures as external is not possible. Local procedures % get hidden parameters that will make the chance of errors very high parser_w_skipped_fields_before=03175_W_Visse felter i "$1" blev ikke initialiseret % In Delphi mode, not all fields of a typed constant record have to be % initialized, but the compiler warns you when it detects such situations. parser_e_skipped_fields_before=03176_E_Visse felter i "$1" blev ikke initialiseret % In all syntax modes but Delphi mode, you can't leave some fields uninitialized % in the middle of a typed constant record parser_w_skipped_fields_after=03177_W_Visse felter efter "$1" er ikke initialiseret % You can leave some fields at the end of a type constant record uninitialized % (the compiler will initialize them to zero automatically). This may be the cause % of subtle problems. parser_e_varargs_need_cdecl_and_external=03178_E_VarArgs-direktiv uden CDecl og External % The varargs directive can only be used with procedures or functions % that are declared with \var{cdecl} and \var{external} directives. The varargs directive % is only meant to provide a compatible interface to C functions like printf. parser_e_self_call_by_value=03179_E_Self skal være en almindelig (værdioverført) parameter % You can't declare self as a const or var parameter, it must always be % a call-by-value parameter parser_e_interface_has_no_guid=03180_E_Interfacet "$1" har intet GUID % When you want to assign an interface to a constant, then the interface % must have a GUID value set. parser_e_illegal_field_or_method=03181_E_Ukendt klassefelt eller metodenavn "$1" % Properties must refer to a field or method in the same class. parser_w_proc_overriding_calling=03182_W_Overrider kaldkonvention mellem "$1" og "$2" % There are two directives in the procedure declaration that specify a calling % convention. Only the last directive will be used parser_e_no_procvarobj_const=03183_E_Konstanter af typen "procedure of object" kan kun initialiseres med NIL % You can't assign the address of a method to a typed constant which has a % 'procedure of object' type, because such a constant requires two addresses: % that of the method (which is known at compile time) and that of the object or % class instance it operates on (which can not be known at compile time). parser_e_default_value_only_one_para=03184_E_Default-værdi kan kun tildeles én parameter parser_e_default_value_expected_for_para=03185_E_Default-værdi krævet for parameter "$1" parser_w_unsupported_feature=03186_W_Feature ikke understøttet % You're trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet. parser_h_c_arrays_are_references=03187_H_C-arrays videregives som reference % Any array passed to a C functions is passed % by a pointer (i.e. by reference). parser_e_C_array_of_const_must_be_last=03188_E_C-arrays af konstanter skal være det sidste element % You can not add any other argument after an \var{array of const} for % \var{cdecl} functions, as the size pushed on stack for this argument is % not known. parser_h_type_redef=03189_H_Type "$1" redefineret % This is an indicator that a previously declared type is % being redefined as something else. This may, or may not % be, a cause for errors. parser_w_cdecl_has_no_high=03190_W_cdecl'arerede funktioner har ingen "high"-parameter % Functions declared with cdecl modifier do not pass an extra implicit parameter. parser_w_cdecl_no_openstring=03191_W_cdecl'arerede funktioner understøtter ikke åbne strenge % Openstring is not supported for cdecl'ared functions. parser_e_initialized_not_for_threadvar=03192_E_Kan ikke initialisere variabler der er erklæret som threadvar % Variables declared as threadvar can not be initialized with a default value. % The variables will always be filled with zero at the start of a new thread. parser_e_msg_only_for_classes=03193_E_Message-direktivet kun gyldigt i klasser % The message directive is only supported for Class types. parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected=03194_E_Procedure eller Function forventet % A class method can only be specified for procedures and functions. parser_e_illegal_calling_convention=03195_W_Kaldkonventions-direktiv ignoreret: "$1" % Some calling conventions are supported only by certain CPUs. I.e. most non-i386 ports support % only the standard ABI calling convention of the CPU. parser_e_no_object_reintroduce=03196_E_REINTRODUCE kan ikke bruges i objekter % \var{reintroduce} is not supported for objects. parser_e_paraloc_only_one_para=03197_E_Hvert argument skal have sin egen pladsspecifikation % If locations for arguments are specified explicitly as it is required by % some syscall conventions, each argument must have it's only location, things % like \var{procedure p(i,j : longint 'r1');} aren't allowed parser_e_paraloc_all_paras=03198_E_Hvert argument skal have en specifik pladsspecifikatino % If one argument has an explicit argument location, all arguments of a procedure % must have one. parser_e_illegal_explicit_paraloc=03199_E_Ukendt pladsspecifikation parameter % The location specified for an argument isn't recognized by the compiler parser_e_32bitint_or_pointer_variable_expected=03200_E_32-bit heltal eller pointer forventet % The libbase for MorphOS/AmigaOS can be give only as \var{longint}, \var{dword} or any pointer variable. parser_e_goto_outside_proc=03201_E_Goto-erklæring ikke tilladt mellem forskellige procedurer % It isn't allowed to use the \var{goto} statements referencing labels outside the % current procedure. The following example shows the problem: % \begin{verbatim} % ... % procedure p1; % label % l1; % % procedure p2; % begin % goto l1; // This goto ISN'T allowed % end; % % begin % p2 % l1: % end; % ... % % \end{verbatim} parser_f_too_complex_proc=03202_F_Procedure for kompleks, den kræver for mange registre % Your procedure body is too long for the compiler. You should split the % procedure into multiple smaller procedures. parser_e_illegal_expression=03203_E_Ugyldigt udtryk % This can occur under many circumstances. Mostly when trying to evaluate % constant expressions. parser_e_invalid_integer=03204_E_Ugyldigt heltalsudtryk % You made an expression which isn't an integer, and the compiler expects the % result to be an integer. parser_e_invalid_qualifier=03205_E_Ugyldigt udtryk % One of the following is happening : % \begin{itemize} % \item You're trying to access a field of a variable that is not a record. % \item You're indexing a variable that is not an array. % \item You're dereferencing a variable that is not a pointer. % \end{itemize} parser_e_upper_lower_than_lower=03206_E_Øvre grænse er mindre end nedre grænse % You are declaring a subrange, and the lower limit is higher than the high % limit of the range. parser_e_macpas_exit_wrong_param=03207_E_Parametren til Exit skal være navnet på den kaldende procedure % Non local exit is not allowed. This error occur only in mode MacPas. % \end{description} # # Type Checking # # 04049 is the last used one # % \section{Type checking errors} % This section lists all errors that can occur when type checking is % performed. % \begin{description} parser_e_illegal_assignment_to_count_var=03208_E_Ugyldig tildeling til for-løkkevariablen "$1" % The type of a \var{for} loop variable must be an ordinal type. % Loop variables cannot be reals or strings. You can also not assign values to % loop variables inside the loop (except in Delphi and TP modes). Use a while or % repeat loop instead if you need to do something like that, since those % constructs were built for that. parser_e_no_local_var_external=03209_E_Kan ikke erklære en lokal variabel som ekstern % Declaring local variables as external is not allowed. Only global variables can reference % to external variables. parser_e_proc_already_external=03210_E_Proceduren er allerede erklæret ekstern % The procedure is already declared with the EXTERNAL directive in an interface or % forward declaration. parser_w_implicit_uses_of_variants_unit=03211_W_Implicit brug af Variants-modulet. % The Variant type is used in the unit without any used unit using the Variants unit. The % compiler has implicitly added the Variants unit to the uses list. To remove this warning % the Variants unit needs to be added to the uses statement. parser_e_no_static_method_in_interfaces=03212_E_Klasse- og statiske metoder kan ikke benyttes i interfaces % The specifier \var{class} and directive \var{static} can't be used in interfaces % because all methods of an interfaces must be public. parser_e_arithmetic_operation_overflow=03213_E_Overløb i aritmetisk operation % An operation on two integers values produced an overflow parser_e_protected_or_private_expected=03214_E_"Protected" eller "private" forventet % \var{strict} can be only used together with \var{protected} or \var{private}. parser_e_illegal_slice=03215_E_"Slice" kan kun bruges med parameterlister % \var{slice} can be used only for arguments accepting an open array parameter parser_e_dispinterface_cant_have_parent=03216_E_Et DispInterface kan ikke nedarve fra en anden klasse % A DISPINMTERFACE is a special type of interface which can't have a parent class parser_e_dispinterface_needs_a_guid=03217_E_Et DispInterface kræver et GUID % A DISPINMTERFACE always needs an interface identification parser_w_overridden_methods_not_same_ret=03218_W_Metoder med "override" skal have relaterede returtyper. Denne kode kan fejle, da den afhænger af en fejl i Delphis parser ("$2" overrides af "$1", der har en anden returtype) % If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must % have the same return type. Some versions of Delphi allow you to change the % return type of interface methods, and even to change procedures into % functions, but the resulting code may crash depending on the types used % and the way the methods are called. % \end{description} # # Type Checking # # 04049 is the last used one # % \section{Type checking errors} % This section lists all errors that can occur when type checking is % performed. % \begin{description} type_e_mismatch=04000_E_Typefejl % This can happen in many cases: % \begin{itemize} % \item The variable you're assigning to is of a different type than the % expression in the assignment. % \item You are calling a function or procedure with parameters that are % incompatible with the parameters in the function or procedure definition. % \end{itemize} type_e_incompatible_types=04001_E_Inkompatible typer: fandt "$1" forventede "$2" % There is no conversion possible between the two types % Another possiblity is that they are declared in different % declarations: % \begin{verbatim} % Var % A1 : Array[1..10] Of Integer; % A2 : Array[1..10] Of Integer; % % Begin % A1:=A2; { This statement gives also this error, it % is due the strict type checking of pascal } % End. % \end{verbatim} type_e_not_equal_types=04002_E_Typeinkompatabilitet mellem "$1" og "$2" % The types are not equal type_e_type_id_expected=04003_E_Typenavn forventet % The identifier is not a type, or you forgot to supply a type identifier. type_e_variable_id_expected=04004_E_Variabelnavn forventet % This happens when you pass a constant to a routine (such as \var{Inc} var or \var{Dec}) % when it expects a variable. You can only pass variables as arguments to these functions. type_e_integer_expr_expected=04005_E_Heltalsudtryk forventet, men "$1" fundet % The compiler expects an expression of type integer, but gets a different % type. type_e_boolean_expr_expected=04006_E_Sandhedsudtryk forventet, men "$1" fundet % The expression must be a boolean type, it should be return true or % false. type_e_ordinal_expr_expected=04007_E_Ordinaludtryk forventet % The expression must be of ordinal type, i.e., maximum a \var{Longint}. % This happens, for instance, when you specify a second argument % to \var{Inc} or \var{Dec} that doesn't evaluate to an ordinal value. type_e_pointer_type_expected=04008_E_Pointertype forventet, men "$1" fundet % The variable or expression isn't of the type \var{pointer}. This % happens when you pass a variable that isn't a pointer to \var{New} % or \var{Dispose}. type_e_class_type_expected=04009_E_Klasse forventet, men "$1" fundet % The variable of expression isn't of the type \var{class}. This happens % typically when % \begin{enumerate} % \item The parent class in a class declaration isn't a class. % \item An exception handler (\var{On}) contains a type identifier that % isn't a class. % \end{enumerate} type_e_cant_eval_constant_expr=04011_E_Kan ikke evaluere konstantudtryk % This error can occur when the bounds of an array you declared does % not evaluate to ordinal constants type_e_set_element_are_not_comp=04012_E_Setelementer er ikke kompatible % You are trying to make an operation on two sets, when the set element types % are not the same. The base type of a set must be the same when taking the % union type_e_set_operation_unknown=04013_E_Operationen er ikke implementeret for set % several binary operations are not defined for sets % like div mod ** (also >= <= for now) type_w_convert_real_2_comp=04014_W_Automatisk typekonversion fra kommatal til COMP, der er en heltalstype % An implicit type conversion from a real type to a \var{comp} is % encountered. Since \var{comp} is a 64 bit integer type, this may indicate % an error. type_h_use_div_for_int=04015_H_Brug DIV i stedet, for at få et heltalsresultat % When hints are on, then an integer division with the '/' operator will % procuce this message, because the result will then be of type real type_e_strict_var_string_violation=04016_E_Strengtyper passer ikke sammen, på grund af {$V+}-indstilling % When compiling in \var{\{\$V+\}} mode, the string you pass as a parameter % should be of the exact same type as the declared parameter of the procedure. type_e_succ_and_pred_enums_with_assign_not_possible=04017_E_succ() eller pred() på enumerate-typer med tildelte værdier er ikke gyldigt % When you declared an enumeration type which has assignments in it, as in C, % like in the following: % \begin{verbatim} % Tenum = (a,b,e:=5); % \end{verbatim} % you cannot use the \var{Succ} or \var{Pred} functions on them. type_e_cant_read_write_type=04018_E_Kan ikke læse eller skrive variabler af denne type % You are trying to \var{read} or \var{write} a variable from or to a % file of type text, which doesn't support that. Only integer types, % reals, pchars and strings can be read from/written to a text file. % Booleans can only be written to text files. type_e_no_readln_writeln_for_typed_file=04019_E_Kan ikke bruge readln og writeln på typede filer % \var{readln} and \var{writeln} are only allowed for text files. type_e_no_read_write_for_untyped_file=04020_E_Kan ikke bruge read eller write på utypede filer % \var{read} and \var{write} are only allowed for text or typed files. type_e_typeconflict_in_set=04021_E_Typekonflikt mellem setelementer % There is at least one set element which is of the wrong type, i.e. not of % the set type. type_w_maybe_wrong_hi_lo=04022_W_lo/hi(dword/qword) returnerer det øvre word/dword % \fpc supports an overloaded version of \var{lo/hi} for \var{longint/dword/int64/qword} % which returns the lower/upper word/dword of the argument. TP always uses % a 16 bit \var{lo/hi} which returns always bits 0..7 for \var{lo} and the % bits 8..15 for \var{hi}. If you want the TP behavior you have % to type cast the argument to \var{word/integer} type_e_integer_or_real_expr_expected=04023_E_Heltal eller kommatal forventet % The first argument to \var{str} must a real or integer type. type_e_wrong_type_in_array_constructor=04024_E_Forkert type "$1" i array-constructor % You are trying to use a type in an array constructor which is not % allowed. type_e_wrong_parameter_type=04025_E_Inkompatible typer for $1. parameter: "$2" fundet men "$3" forventet % You are trying to pass an invalid type for the specified parameter. type_e_no_method_and_procedure_not_compatible=04026_E_Metode (variabel) og Procedure (variabel) er ikke kompatible % You can't assign a method to a procedure variable or a procedure to a % method pointer. type_e_wrong_math_argument=04027_E_Ugyldig konstant givet til intern matematik-funktion % The constant argument passed to a ln or sqrt function is out of % the definition range of these functions. type_e_no_addr_of_constant=04028_E_Kan ikke beregne adressen af konstanter % It is not possible to get the address of a constant, because they % aren't stored in memory, you can try making it a typed constant. type_e_argument_cant_be_assigned=04029_E_Ugyldig tildeling % Only expressions which can be on the left side of an % assignment can be passed as call by reference argument % Remark: Properties can be only % used on the left side of an assignment, but they cannot be used as arguments type_e_cannot_local_proc_to_procvar=04030_E_Kan ikke tildele lokal procedure/funktion til procedure-variabel % It's not allowed to assign a local procedure/function to a % procedure variable, because the calling of local procedure/function is % different. You can only assign local procedure/function to a void pointer. type_e_no_assign_to_addr=04031_E_Kan ikke tildele værdi til en adresse % It is not allowed to assign a value to an address of a variable,constant, % procedure or function. You can try compiling with -So if the identifier % is a procedure variable. type_e_no_assign_to_const=04032_E_Kan ikke tildele til konstant-erklæret variabel % It's not allowed to assign a value to a variable which is declared % as a const. This is normally a parameter declared as const, to allow % changing the value make the parameter as a value parameter or a var. type_e_array_required=04033_E_Array-type krævet % If you are accessing a variable using an index '[]' then % the type must be an array. In FPC mode also a pointer is allowed. type_e_interface_type_expected=04034_E_interface-type forventet, men "$1" fundet type_w_mixed_signed_unsigned=04035_W_Blanding af fortegnsudtryk og fortegnsfri udtryk giver 64-bit resultat % If you divide (or calculate the modulus of) a signed expression by a longword (or vice versa), % or if you have overflow and/or range checking turned on and use an arithmetic % expression (+, -, *, div, mod) in which both signed numbers and longwords appear, % then everything has to be evaluated in 64bit which is slower than normal % 32bit arithmetic. You can avoid this by typecasting one operand so it % matches the resulttype of the other one. type_w_mixed_signed_unsigned2=04036_W_Blanding af fortegnsudtryk og fortegnsfri udtryk her kan give værdiområdefejl % If you use a binary operator (and, or, xor) and one of % the operands is a longword while the other one is a signed expression, then, % if range checking is turned on, you may get a range check error because in % such a case both operands are converted to longword before the operation is % carried out. You can avoid this by typecasting one operand so it % matches the resulttype of the other one. type_e_typecast_wrong_size_for_assignment=04037_E_Typecast har forskellig størrelse ($1 -> $2) i tildeling % Type casting to a type with a different size is not allowed when the variable is % used for assigning. type_e_array_index_enums_with_assign_not_possible=04038_E_Enumerate-typer med tildelinger kan ikke bruges som index i arrays % When you declared an enumeration type which has assignments in it, as in C, % like in the following: % \begin{verbatim} % Tenum = (a,b,e:=5); % \end{verbatim} % you cannot use it as index of an array. type_e_classes_not_related=04039_E_Klasse- eller objekt-typerne "$1" og "$2" er ikke relaterede % There is a typecast from one class or object to another while the class/object % are not related. This will probably lead to errors type_w_classes_not_related=04040_W_Klasse- eller objekt-typerne "$1" og "$2" er ikke relaterede % There is a typecast from one class or object to another while the class/object % are not related. This will probably lead to errors type_e_class_or_interface_type_expected=04041_E_Klasse eller interface-type forventet, men "$1" fundet type_e_type_is_not_completly_defined=04042_E_Typen "$1" er ikke fuldt ud defineret type_w_string_too_long=04043_W_Strengkonstant har flere karakterer end længden af en kort streng % The size of the constant string, which is assigned to a shortstring, % is longer than the maximum size of the shortstring type_w_signed_unsigned_always_false=04044_W_Sammenligning er altid falsk, grundet værdiernes rækkevidde % There is a comparison between an unsigned value and a signed constant which is % less than zero. Because of type promotion, the statement will always evaluate to % false. Exlicitly typecast the constant to the correct range to avoid this problem. type_w_signed_unsigned_always_true=04045_W_Sammenligning er altid sand, grundet værdiernes rækkevidde % There is a comparison between an unsigned value and a signed constant which is % less than zero. Because of type promotion, the statement will always evaluate to % true. Exlicitly typecast the constant to the correct range to avoid this problem. type_w_instance_with_abstract=04046_W_Konstruerer klassen "$1" med abstrakte metoder % An instance of a class is created which contains non-implemented abstract % methods. This will probably lead to a runtime error 211 in the code if that % routine is ever called. All abstract methods should be overridden. type_h_in_range_check=04047_H_Den venstre operand til IN-operatoren skal være én byte stor % The left operand of the \var{in} operator is not an ordinal or enumeration which fits % within 8-bits, this may lead to range check errors. The \var{in} operator % currently only supports a left operand which fits within a byte. In the case of % enumerations, the size of an element of an enumeration can be controlled with % the \var{\{\$PACKENUM\}} or \var{\{\$Zn\}} switches. type_w_smaller_possible_range_check=04048_W_Forskel i typestørrelser. Muligt datatab eller værdigrænsefejl % There is an assignment to a smaller type than the source type. This means that % this may cause a range-check error, or may lead to possible loss of data. type_h_smaller_possible_range_check=04049_H_Forskel i typestørrelser. Muligt datatab eller værdigrænsefejl % There is an assignment to a smaller type than the source type. This means that % this may cause a range-check error, or may lead to possible loss of data. type_e_cant_take_address_of_abstract_method=04050_E_Kan ikke beregne adressen af en abstrakt metode % An abstract method has no body, so the address of an abstract method can't be taken. type_e_operator_not_allowed=04051_E_Operatoren kan ikke bruges på denne operand-type % You are trying an operator that is not available for the type of the % operands type_e_constant_expr_expected=04052_E_Konstant udtryk forventet % The compiler expects an constant expression, but gets a variable expression. type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types=04053_E_Operationen "$1" ikke understøttet for typerne "$2" og "$3" % The operation is not allowed for the supplied types type_e_illegal_type_conversion=04054_E_Ugyldig typekonvertering: "$1" til "$2" % When doing a type-cast, you must take care that the sizes of the variable and % the destination type are the same. type_h_pointer_to_longint_conv_not_portable=04055_H_Konvertering mellem ordinaltyper og pointere virker ikke på alle platforme % If you typecast a pointer to a longint (or vice-versa), this code will not compile % on a machine using 64-bit for pointer storage. type_w_pointer_to_longint_conv_not_portable=04056_W_Konvertering mellem ordinaltyper og pointere virker ikke på alle platforme % If you typecast a pointer to a ordinal type of a different size (or vice-versa), this can % cause problems. This is a warning to help finding the 32bit specific code where cardinal/longint is used % to typecast pointers to ordinals. A solution is to use the ptrint/ptruint types instead. type_e_cant_choose_overload_function=04057_E_Kan ikke bestemme hvilken overloaded funktion der skal kaldes % You're calling overloaded functions with a parameter that doesn't correspond % to any of the declared function parameter lists. e.g. when you have declared % a function with parameters \var{word} and \var{longint}, and then you call % it with a parameter which is of type \var{integer}. type_e_illegal_count_var=04058_E_Ugyldig tællevariabel % The type of a \var{for} loop variable must be an ordinal type. % Loop variables cannot be reals or strings. % \end{description} # # Symtable # # 05055 is the last used one # % \section{Symbol handling} % This section lists all the messages that concern the handling of symbols. % This means all things that have to do with procedurek and variable names. % \begin{description} sym_e_id_not_found=05000_E_Ukendt navn: "$1" % The compiler doesn't know this symbol. Usually happens when you misspel % the name of a variable or procedure, or when you forgot to declare a % variable. sym_f_internal_error_in_symtablestack=05001_F_Intern fejl i SymTableStack() % An internal error occurred in the compiler; If you encounter such an error, % please contact the developers and try to provide an exact description of % the circumstances in which the error occurs. sym_e_duplicate_id=05002_E_Generklæret navn "$1" % The identifier was already declared in the current scope. sym_h_duplicate_id_where=05003_H_Navnet er allerede brugt in $1, linie $2 % The identifier was already declared in a previous scope. sym_e_unknown_id=05004_E_Ukendt navn: "$1" % The identifier encountered has not been declared, or is used outside the % scope where it is defined. sym_e_forward_not_resolved=05005_E_Forward-erklæring ikke løst: "$1" % This can happen in two cases: % \begin{itemize} % \item This happens when you declare a function (in the \var{interface} part, or % with a \var{forward} directive, but do not implement it. % \item You reference a type which isn't declared in the current \var{type} % block. % \end{itemize} sym_e_error_in_type_def=05007_E_Fejl i typeerklæring % There is an error in your definition of a new array type: % \item One of the range delimiters in an array declaration is erroneous. % For example, \var{Array [1..1.25]} will trigger this error. sym_e_forward_type_not_resolved=05009_E_Forward-type ikke erklæret: "$1" % A symbol was forward defined, but no declaration was encountered. sym_e_only_static_in_static=05010_E_Kun statiske variabler kan bruges i statiske metoder, eller uden for metoder % A static method of an object can only access static variables. sym_e_type_must_be_rec_or_object_or_class=05012_E_Record or object or class type expected % The variable or expression isn't of the type \var{record} or \var{object} or \var{class}. sym_e_no_instance_of_abstract_object=05013_E_Instancer af klasser eller objekter med abstrakte metoder er ikke tilladt % You are trying to generate an instance of a class which has an abstract % method that wasn't overridden. sym_w_label_not_defined=05014_W_Label er ikke defineret "$1" % A label was declared, but not defined. sym_e_label_used_and_not_defined=05015_E_Label brugt men ikke defineret "$1" % A label was declared and used, but not defined. sym_e_ill_label_decl=05016_E_Ugyldig label-erklæring % This error should never happen; it occurs if a label is defined outside a % procedure or function. sym_e_goto_and_label_not_supported=05017_E_GOTO og LABEL er ikke understøttet (brug -Sg) % You must compile a program which has \var{label}s and \var{goto} statements % with the \var{-Sg} switch. By default, \var{label} and \var{goto} aren't % supported. sym_e_label_not_found=05018_E_Label ikke fundet % A \var{goto label} was encountered, but the label isn't declared. sym_e_id_is_no_label_id=05019_E_Navnet er ikke en label % The identifier specified after the \var{goto} isn't of type label. sym_e_label_already_defined=05020_E_Label er allerede defineret % You are defining a label twice. You can define a label only once. sym_e_ill_type_decl_set=05021_E_Ugyldig typeerklæring af setelementer % The declaration of a set contains an invalid type definition. sym_e_class_forward_not_resolved=05022_E_Forward-erklæring af klassen "$1" ikke løst % You declared a class, but you did not implement it. sym_n_unit_not_used=05023_H_Unit "$1" ikke brugt i "$2" % The unit referenced in the \var{uses} clause is not used. sym_h_para_identifier_not_used=05024_H_Parameter "$1" ikke brugt % The identifier was declared (locally or globally) but % was not used (locally or globally). sym_n_local_identifier_not_used=05025_N_Lokal variabel "$1" ikke brugt % You have declared, but not used a variable in a procedure or function % implementation. sym_h_para_identifier_only_set=05026_H_Værdiparameter "$1" er tildelt, men aldrig brugt % The identifier was declared (locally or globally) % set but not used (locally or globally). sym_n_local_identifier_only_set=05027_N_Lokal variabel "$1" er tildelt, men aldrig brugt % The variable in a procedure or function % implementation is declared, set but never used. sym_h_local_symbol_not_used=05028_H_Lokal $1 "$2" aldrig brugt % A local symbol is never used. sym_n_private_identifier_not_used=05029_N_Private-feltet "$1.$2" aldrig brugt sym_n_private_identifier_only_set=05030_N_Private-feltet "$1.$2" tildelt men aldrig brugt sym_n_private_method_not_used=05031_N_Private-metoden "$1.$2" aldrig brugt sym_e_set_expected=05032_E_Set-type forventet % The variable or expression is not of type \var{set}. This happens in an % \var{in} statement. sym_w_function_result_not_set=05033_W_Funktionsresultat ser ikke ud til at være sat % You can get this warning if the compiler thinks that a function return % value is not set. This will not be displayed for assembler procedures, % or procedures that contain assembler blocks. sym_w_wrong_C_pack=05034_W_Typen "$1" er ikke korrekt opstillet i C-struktur % Arrays with sizes not multiples of 4 will be wrongly aligned % for C structures. sym_e_illegal_field=05035_E_Ukendt feltnavn i struktur, "$1" % The field doesn't exist in the record/object definition. sym_w_uninitialized_local_variable=05036_W_Den lokale variabel "$1" er ikke initialiseret % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) sym_w_uninitialized_variable=05037_W_Variablen "$1" er ikke initialiseret % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) sym_e_id_no_member=05038_E_Strukturen har intet felt ved navn "$1" % This error is generated when an identifier of a record, % field, or method is accessed while it is not defined. sym_h_param_list=05039_H_Fandt erklæring: $1 % You get this when you use the \var{-vh} switch. In case an overloaded % procedure is not found, then all candidate overloaded procedures are % listed, with their parameter lists. sym_e_segment_too_large=05040_E_Dataelement for stort % You get this when you declare a data element whose size exceeds the % prescribed limit (2 Gb on 80386+/68020+ processors) sym_e_no_matching_implementation_found=05042_E_Ingen passende implementation for interface-metoden "$1" fundet % There was no matching method found which could implement the interface % method. Check argument types and result type of the methods. sym_w_deprecated_symbol=05043_W_Symbolet "$1" er markeret forældet, og bør ikke anvendes % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...) which is % declared as \var{deprecated} is used. Deprecated symbols may no longer % be available in newer versions of the unit / library. Usage of this symbol % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_w_non_portable_symbol=05044_W_Symbolet "$1" er ikke portabelt % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...) which is % declared as \var{platform} is used. This symbol's value, usage % and availability is platform specific and should not be used % if the source code must be portable. sym_w_non_implemented_symbol=05055_W_Symbolet "$1" er ikke implementeret % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...) which is % declared as \var{unimplemented} is used. This symbol is defined, % but is not yet implemented on this specific platform. sym_e_cant_create_unique_type=05056_E_Kan ikke lave unik type fra denne type % Only simple types like ordinal, float and string types are supported when % redefining a type with \var{type newtype = type oldtype;}. % \end{description} # # Codegenerator # # 06040 is the last used one # % \section{Code generator messages} % This section lists all messages that can be displayed if the code % generator encounters an error condition. % \begin{description} sym_h_uninitialized_local_variable=05057_H_Den lokale variabel "$1" er ikke initialiseret % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) sym_h_uninitialized_variable=05058_H_Variablen "$1" er ikke initialiseret % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) sym_w_function_result_uninitialized=05059_W_Funktionsresultatet er ikke initialiseret % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that the function result % variable will be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) % before it is initialized (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) sym_h_function_result_uninitialized=05060_H_Funktionsresultatet er ikke initialiseret % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that the function result % variable will be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) % before it is initialized (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) sym_w_identifier_only_read=05061_W_Variablen "$1" bliver læst men aldrig tildelt % You have read the value of a variable, but nowhere assigned a value to % it. % \end{description} # # Codegenerator # # 06040 is the last used one # % \section{Code generator messages} % This section lists all messages that can be displayed if the code % generator encounters an error condition. % \begin{description} cg_e_parasize_too_big=06009_E_Den samlede parameterstørrelse overstiger 64KB % The I386 processor limits the parameter list to 65535 bytes (the \var{RET} % instruction causes this) cg_e_file_must_call_by_reference=06012_E_File-typer skal være var-parametre % You cannot specify files as value parameters, i.e. they must always be % declared \var{var} parameters. cg_e_cant_use_far_pointer_there=06013_E_Brugen af FAR-pointere er ikke tilladt her % Free Pascal doesn't support far pointers, so you cannot take the address of % an expression which has a far reference as a result. The \var{mem} construct % has a far reference as a result, so the following code will produce this % error: % \begin{verbatim} % var p : pointer; % ... % p:=@mem[a000:000]; % \end{verbatim} cg_e_dont_call_exported_direct=06015_E_EXPORT-erklæringer kan ikke kaldes % No longer in use. cg_w_member_cd_call_from_method=06016_W_Mulig ugyldigt kald af constructor eller destructor % The compiler detected that a constructor or destructor is called within a % a method. This will probably lead to problems, since constructors / destructors % require parameters on entry. cg_n_inefficient_code=06017_N_Utilstrækkelig kode % Your statement seems dubious to the compiler. cg_w_unreachable_code=06018_W_Koden vil aldrig blive kørt % You specified a construct which will never be executed. Example: % \begin{verbatim} % while false do % begin % {.. code ...} % end; % \end{verbatim} cg_e_cant_call_abstract_method=06020_E_Abstrakte metoder kan ikke kaldes direkte % You cannot call an abstract method directy, instead you must call a % overriding child method, because an abstract method isn't implemented. cg_d_register_weight=06027_DL_Register $1 vægt $2 $3 % Debugging message. Shown when the compiler considers a variable for % keeping in the registers. cg_d_stackframe_omited=06029_DL_Stakramme er udeladt % Some procedure/functions do not need a complete stack-frame, so it is omitted. % This message will be displayed when the {-vd} switch is used. cg_e_unable_inline_object_methods=06031_E_Objekt eller klassemetode kan ikke være inline % You cannot have inlined object methods. cg_e_unable_inline_procvar=06032_E_Procvar kald kan ikke være inline % A procedure with a procedural variable call cannot be inlined. cg_e_no_code_for_inline_stored=06033_E_Koden til inline-procedure ikke gemt % The compiler couldn't store code for the inline procedure. cg_e_can_access_element_zero=06035_E_Element nul af en ansi/wide/lang-strengtype kan ikke tilgås. Brug i stedet (set)length % You should use \var{setlength} to set the length of an ansi/wide/longstring % and \var{length} to get the length of such a string types cg_e_cannot_call_cons_dest_inside_with=06037_E_En constructor eller destructor kan ikke kaldes i en "with"-erklæring % Inside a \var{with} clause you cannot call a constructor or destructor for the % object you have in the \var{with} clause. cg_e_cannot_call_message_direct=06038_E_Kan ikke kalde beskedhåndteringsprocedure direkte % A message method handler method cannot be called directly if it contains an % explicit self argument cg_e_goto_inout_of_exception_block=06039_E_Jump ind eller ud af en untagelsesblok % It is not allowed to jump in or outside of an exception block like \var{try..finally..end;}: % \begin{verbatim} % label 1; % % ... % % try % if not(final) then % goto 1; // this line will cause an error % finally % ... % end; % 1: % ... % \end{verbatim} cg_e_control_flow_outside_finally=06040_E_Forløbs-ændrende erklæringer er ikke tilladt i en finally-blok % It isn't allowed to use the control flow statements \var{break}, % \var{continue} and \var{exit} % inside a finally statement. The following example shows the problem: % \begin{verbatim} % ... % try % p; % finally % ... % exit; // This exit ISN'T allowed % end; % ... % % \end{verbatim} % If the procedure \var{p} raises an exception the finally block is % executed. If the execution reaches the exit, it's unclear what to do: % exiting the procedure or searching for another exception handler % \end{description} cg_w_parasize_too_big=06041_W_Parameterstørrelsen overstiger grænsen for visse CPUer % This indicates that you are declaring more than 64K of parameters, which % might not be supported on other processor targets. cg_w_localsize_too_big=06042_W_Størrelsen af lokale variabler overstiger grænsen for visse CPUer % This indicates that you are declaring more than 32K of lcoal variables, which % might not be supported on other processor targets. cg_e_localsize_too_big=06043_E_Størrelsen af lokale variabler overstiger understøttet størrelse % This indicates that you are declaring more than 32K of lcoal variables, which % is not supported by this processor. cg_e_break_not_allowed=06044_E_BREAK ikke tilladt uden for løkke-erklæringer % You're trying to use \var{break} outside a loop construction. cg_e_continue_not_allowed=06045_E_CONTINUE ikke tilladt uden for løkke-erklæringer % You're trying to use \var{continue} outside a loop construction. # EndOfTeX # # Assembler reader # # 07097 is the last used one # cg_f_unknown_compilerproc=06046_F_Ukendt compilerfunktion "$1". Undersøg om du bruger det korrekt køretidsbibliotek. % The compiler expects that the runtime library contains some subrountines. If you see this error % and you didn't mess with the runtime library, it's very likely that the runtime library % you're using doesn't match the used compiler. If you changed the runtime library this error means % that you removed a subroutine which the compiler needs for internal use. % \end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Assembler reader # # 07097 is the last used one # asmr_d_start_reading=07000_DL_Begynder assembler-parsing ($1) % This informs you that an assembler block is being parsed asmr_d_finish_reading=07001_DL_Afslutter assembler-parsing ($1) % This informs you that an assembler block has finished. asmr_e_none_label_contain_at=07002_E_Ikke-label navn indeholder @ % A identifier which isn't a label can't contain a @. asmr_e_building_record_offset=07004_E_Fejl under opbygning af struktur-offset % There has an error occured while building the offset of a record/object % structure, this can happend when there is no field specified at all or % an unknown field identifier is used. asmr_e_offset_without_identifier=07005_E_OFFSET brugt uden navn % You can only use OFFSET with an identifier. Other syntaxes aren't % supported asmr_e_type_without_identifier=07006_E_TYPE brugt uden navn % You can only use TYPE with an identifier. Other syntaxes aren't % supported asmr_e_no_local_or_para_allowed=07007_E_Kan ikke bruge lokale variabler eller parametre her % You can't use a local variable or parameter here, mostly because the % addressing of locals and parameters is done using the frame pointer register so the % address can't be obtained directly. asmr_e_need_offset=07008_E_Nødvendigt at bruge OFFSET her % You need to use OFFSET here to get the address of the identifier. asmr_e_need_dollar=07009_E_Nødvendigt at bruge $ her % You need to use $ here to get the address of the identifier. asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols=07010_E_Kan ikke bruge flere samtidige relokérbare symboler % You can't have more than one relocatable symbol (variable/typed constant) % in one argument. asmr_e_only_add_relocatable_symbol=07011_E_Relokérbare symboler kan kun adderes % Relocatable symbols (variable/typed constant) can't be used with other % operators. Only addition is allowed. asmr_e_invalid_constant_expression=07012_E_Ugyldigt konstantudtryk % There is an error in the constant expression. asmr_e_relocatable_symbol_not_allowed=07013_E_Relokérbart symbol ikke tilladt her % You can't use a relocatable symbol (variable/typed constant) here. asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax=07014_E_Ugyldig referencesyntax % There is an error in the reference. asmr_e_local_para_unreachable=07015_E_Kan ikke tilgå $1 fra denne position % You can not read directly the value of local or para % of a higher level in assembler code (except for % local assembler code without parameter nor locals). asmr_e_local_label_not_allowed_as_ref=07016_E_Lokale symboler/labels er ikke gyldige referencer % You can't use local symbols/labels as references asmr_e_wrong_base_index=07017_E_Ugyldigt base- eller indexregister % There is an error with the base and index register, they are % probably incorrect asmr_w_possible_object_field_bug=07018_W_Mulig fejl i objektfelthåndtering % Fields of objects or classes can be reached directly in normal or objfpc % modes but TP and Delphi modes treat the field name as a simple offset. asmr_e_wrong_scale_factor=07019_E_Forkert skaleringsfaktor angivet % The scale factor given is wrong, only 1,2,4 and 8 are allowed asmr_e_multiple_index=07020_E_Mere end ét indexregister angivet % You are trying to use more than one index register asmr_e_invalid_operand_type=07021_E_Ugyldig operandtype % The operand type doesn't match with the opcode used asmr_e_invalid_string_as_opcode_operand=07022_E_Ugyldig streng som operand: $1 % The string specified as operand is not correct with this opcode asmr_w_CODE_and_DATA_not_supported=07023_W_@CODE og @DATA ikke understøttet % @CODE and @DATA are unsupported and are ignored. asmr_e_null_label_ref_not_allowed=07024_E_Tomme labelreferencer er ikke tilladt asmr_e_expr_zero_divide=07025_E_Division med nul i assembler-evaluatoren % There is a division by zero in a constant expression asmr_e_expr_illegal=07026_E_Ugyldigt konstantudtryk % There is an illegal expression in a constant expression asmr_e_escape_seq_ignored=07027_E_Escape-sekvens ignoreret: $1 % There is a C-styled string, but the escape sequence in the string % is unknown, and is therefore ignored asmr_e_invalid_symbol_ref=07028_E_Ugyldig symbolreference asmr_w_fwait_emu_prob=07029_W_FWAIT kan føre til emulationsproblemer med emu387 asmr_w_fadd_to_faddp=07030_W_$1 uden operand oversat til $1P asmr_w_enter_not_supported_by_linux=07031_W_ENTER-instruktionen er ikke understøttet af Linux-kernen % ENTER instruction can generate a stack page fault that is not % caught correctly by the i386 Linux page handler. asmr_w_calling_overload_func=07032_W_Kald til overloaded funktion i assembler % There is a call to an overloaded method in the assembler block, % this might be the sign there is a problem asmr_e_unsupported_symbol_type=07033_E_Operandens symboltype er ikke understøttet asmr_e_constant_out_of_bounds=07034_E_Konstantværdi overskrider værdigrænse asmr_e_error_converting_decimal=07035_E_Fejl under konvertering af decimal $1 % A constant decimal value does not have the correct syntax asmr_e_error_converting_octal=07036_E_Fejl under konvertering af octal $1 % A constant octal value does not have the correct syntax asmr_e_error_converting_binary=07037_E_Fejl under konvertering af binær $1 % A constant binary value does not have the correct syntax asmr_e_error_converting_hexadecimal=07038_E_Fejl under konvertering af hexadecimal $1 % A constant hexadecimal value does not have the correct syntax asmr_h_direct_global_to_mangled=07039_H_$1 oversat til $2 asmr_w_direct_global_is_overloaded_func=07040_W_$1 er associeret med en overloadet funktion asmr_e_cannot_use_SELF_outside_a_method=07041_E_Kan ikke tilgå SELF uden for en metode % There is a reference to the \var{self} symbol while it is not % allowed. \var{self} can only be referenced inside methods asmr_e_cannot_use_OLDEBP_outside_nested_procedure=07042_E_Kan ikke tilgå OLDEBP uden for en indlejret procedure % There is a reference to the \var{oldebp} symbol while it is not % allowed. \var{oldebp} can only be referenced inside nested routines asmr_e_void_function=07043_W_En procedure kan ikke returnere en værdi i assembler-kode % Trying to return a value while in a procedure. A procedure % does not have any return value asmr_e_SEG_not_supported=07044_E_SEG er ikke understøttet asmr_e_size_suffix_and_dest_dont_match=07045_E_Størrelses-suffix og destination- eller kildestørrelse stemmer ikke overens % The register size and the opcode size suffix don't match. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_w_size_suffix_and_dest_dont_match=07046_W_Størrelses-suffix og destination- eller kildestørrelse stemmer ikke overens % The register size and the opcode size suffix don't match. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_e_syntax_error=07047_E_Syntaxfejl i assemblerkode % There is an assembler syntax error asmr_e_invalid_opcode_and_operand=07048_E_Ugyldig kombination af operationskode og operand % The opcode cannot be used with this type of operand asmr_e_syn_operand=07049_E_Syntaxfejl i assembleroperand asmr_e_syn_constant=07050_E_Syntaxfejl i assemblerkonstant asmr_e_invalid_string_expression=07051_E_Ugyldigt strengudtryk asmr_w_const32bit_for_address=07052_W_adressekonstanten $1 er ikke en gyldig pointer % A constant expression represents an address which does not fit % into a pointer. The address is probably incorrect asmr_e_unknown_opcode=07053_E_Ukendt operationskode $1 % This opcode is not known asmr_e_invalid_or_missing_opcode=07054_E_Ugyldig eller manglende operationskode asmr_e_invalid_prefix_and_opcode=07055_E_Ugyldig kombination af prefix og operationskode: $1 asmr_e_invalid_override_and_opcode=07056_E_Ugyldig kombination af override og operationskode: $1 asmr_e_too_many_operands=07057_E_For mange operander på linien % There are too many operands for this opcode. Check your % assembler syntax asmr_w_near_ignored=07058_W_NEAR ignoreret asmr_w_far_ignored=07059_W_FAR ignoreret asmr_e_dup_local_sym=07060_E_Gentaget lokalt symbol $1 asmr_e_unknown_local_sym=07061_E_Ukendt lokalt symbol $1 asmr_e_unknown_label_identifier=07062_E_Unknown labelnavn $1 asmr_e_invalid_register=07063_E_Ugyldigt registernavn % There is an unknown register name used as operand. asmr_e_invalid_fpu_register=07064_E_Ugyldigt kommatalsregister-navn % There is an unknown register name used as operand. asmr_w_modulo_not_supported=07066_W_Modulo ikke understøttet asmr_e_invalid_float_const=07067_E_Ugyldig kommatalskonstant $1 % The floating point constant declared in an assembler block is % invalid. asmr_e_invalid_float_expr=07068_E_Ugyldig kommatalsudtryk % The floating point expression declared in an assembler block is % invalid. asmr_e_wrong_sym_type=07069_E_Forkert symboltype asmr_e_cannot_index_relative_var=07070_E_Kan ikke indexere en lokal variabel eller parameter med et register % Trying to index using a base register a symbol which is already relative % to a register. This is not possible, and will probably lead to crashes. asmr_e_invalid_seg_override=07071_E_Ugyldigt segment-override-udtryk asmr_w_id_supposed_external=07072_W_Navnet $1 antages at være eksternt % There is a reference to an undefined symbol. This will not result % in an error, since the symbol might be external, but may cause % problems at link time if the symbol is not defined anywhere. asmr_e_string_not_allowed_as_const=07073_E_Strenge er ikke tilladte som konstanter % Character strings are not allowed as constants. asmr_e_no_var_type_specified=07074_Ingen variabeltype specificeret % The syntax expects a type idenfitifer after the dot, but % none was found. asmr_w_assembler_code_not_returned_to_text=07075_E_Assemblerkode returnerer ikke til tekst-sektionen % There was a directive in the assembler block to change sections, % but there is a missing return to the text section at the end % of the assembler block. This might cause errors during link time. asmr_e_not_directive_or_local_symbol=07076_E_Ikke et direktiv eller lokalt symbol $1 % This symbol is unknown. asmr_w_using_defined_as_local=07077_E_Brug af defineret navn som lokal label asmr_e_dollar_without_identifier=07078_E_Dollar-token brugt uden navn % A constant expression has an identifier which does not start with % the $ symbol. asmr_w_32bit_const_for_address=07079_W_32-bit konstant brugt som adresse % A constant was used as an address. This is probably an error, % since using absolute addresses will probably not work. asmr_n_align_is_target_specific=07080_N_.align er mål-specifikt. Brug .balign eller .p2align % Using the .align directive is platform specific, and its meaning will vary % from one platform to another. asmr_e_cannot_access_field_directly_for_parameters=07081_E_Kan ikke tilgå felter fra parametre direkte % You should load the parameter first into a register and then access the % fields using that register. asmr_e_cannot_access_object_field_directly=07082_E_Kan ikke tilgå felter fra objekter/klasser direkte % You should load the self pointer first into a register and then access the % fields using the register as base. By default the self pointer is available % in the esi register on i386. asmr_e_unable_to_determine_reference_size=07083_E_Ingen størrelse angivet, og det var ikke muligt at fastslå størrelsen af operanderne % You should specify explicitly a size for the reference, because % the compiler is unable to determine what size (byte,word,dword,etc.) it % should use for the reference. asmr_e_cannot_use_RESULT_here=07084_E_Kan ikke bruge RESULT i denne funktion % Some functions which return complex types cannot use the \var{result} % keyword. asmr_w_adding_explicit_args_fXX=07086_W_"$1" uden operand oversat til "$1 %st,%st(1)" asmr_w_adding_explicit_first_arg_fXX=07087_W_"$1 %st(n)" oversat til "$1 %st,%st(n)" asmr_w_adding_explicit_second_arg_fXX=07088_W_"$1 %st(n)" oversat til "$1 %st(n),%st" asmr_e_invalid_char_smaller=07089_E_Karakter "<" ikke tilladt her (brug "<<" for logisk skift) % The shift operator requires the << characters. Only one % of those characters was found. asmr_e_invalid_char_greater=07090_E_Karakter ">" ikke tilladt her (brug ">>" for logisk skift) % The shift operator requires the >> characters. Only one % of those characters was found. asmr_w_align_not_supported=07093_W_ALIGN ikke understøttet asmr_e_no_inc_and_dec_together=07094_E_Inc og Dec kan ikke bruges sammen % Trying to use an increment and a decrement within the same % opcode on the 680x0. This is impossible. asmr_e_invalid_reg_list_in_movem=07095_E_Ugyldig registerliste til movem % Trying to use the \var{movem} opcode with invalid registers % to save or restore. asmr_e_invalid_reg_list_for_opcode=07096_E_Registerliste ikke gyldig for denne operationskode asmr_e_higher_cpu_mode_required=07097_E_Højere cpu-mode krævet ($1) % Trying to use an instruction which is not supported in the current % cpu mode. Use a higher cpu generation to be able to use this % opcode in your assembler block asmr_w_unable_to_determine_reference_size_using_dword=07098_W_Ingen størrelse angivet, og det var ikke muligt at fastslå størrelsen af operanderne. Bruger DWORD. % You should specify explicitly a size for the reference, because % the compiler is unable to determine what size (byte,word,dword,etc.) it % should use for the reference. This warning is only used in Delphi mode where % it falls back to use DWORD as default. # # Assembler/binary writers # # 08018 is the last used one # asmr_e_illegal_shifterop_syntax=07099_E_Syntaxfejl under parsning af skifteroperand % ARM only; ARM assembler supports a so called shifter operand. The used syntax isn't % a valid shifter operand. Example for an operation with shifter operand: % \begin{verbatim} % asm % orr r2,r2,r2,lsl #8 % end; % \end{verbatim} # # Assembler/binary writers # # 08018 is the last used one # asmw_f_too_many_asm_files=08000_F_For mange assemblerfiler (forsøg uden smartlinking) % With smartlinking enabled, there are too many assembler % files generated. Disable smartlinking. asmw_f_assembler_output_not_supported=08001_F_Den valgte assemblerform understøttes ikke asmw_f_comp_not_supported=08002_F_Typen "Comp" er ikke understøttet asmw_f_direct_not_supported=08003_F_Direkte assembler-tilstand ikke understøttet for indbyggede filskrivere % Direct assembler mode is not supported for binary writers. asmw_e_alloc_data_only_in_bss=08004_E_Allokering af data kun tilladt i bss-sektionen asmw_f_no_binary_writer_selected=08005_F_Ingen binær filskriver valgt asmw_e_opcode_not_in_table=08006_E_Asm: Operationskode $1 ikke fundet i tabellen asmw_e_invalid_opcode_and_operands=08007_E_Asm: $1 ugyldig kombination af register og operationskode asmw_e_16bit_not_supported=08008_E_Asm: 16-bit referencer ikke understøttet asmw_e_invalid_effective_address=08009_E_Asm: Ugyldig effektiv adressering asmw_e_immediate_or_reference_expected=08010_E_Asm: Konstant eller reference forventet asmw_e_value_exceeds_bounds=08011_E_Asm: $1 værdi overstiger grænse $2 asmw_e_short_jmp_out_of_range=08012_E_Asm: Kort hop er uden for rækkevidde $1 asmw_e_undefined_label=08013_E_Asm: Ukendt labelnavn $1 asmw_e_comp_not_supported=08014_E_Asm: Typen "Comp" er ikke understøttet på dette målsystem asmw_e_extended_not_supported=08015_E_Asm: Typen "Extended" er ikke understøttet på dette målsystem asmw_e_duplicate_label=08016_E_Asm: Genbrugt labelnavn $1 asmw_e_redefined_label=08017_E_Asm: Redefineret labelnavn $1 asmw_e_first_defined_label=08018_E_Asm: Først defineret her asmw_e_invalid_register=08019_E_Asm: Ugyldigt register $1 # # Executing linker/assembler # # 09034 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % % \section{Errors of assembling/linking stage} % This section lists errors that occur when the compiler is processing the % command line or handling the configuration files. % \begin{description} exec_w_source_os_redefined=09000_W_Kilde-operativsystem redefineret exec_i_assembling_pipe=09001_I_Assembler (pipe) $1 exec_d_cant_create_asmfile=09002_E_Kan ikke oprette assemblerfil: $1 % The mentioned file can't be created. Check if you have got % access permissions to create this file exec_e_cant_create_objectfile=09003_E_Kan ikke oprette objektfil: $1 % The mentioned file can't be created. Check if you've % got access permissions to create this file exec_e_cant_create_archivefile=09004_E_Kan ikke oprette arkivfil: $1 % The mentioned file can't be created. Check if you've % access permissions to create this file exec_e_assembler_not_found=09005_E_Assembler $1 ikke fundet, skifter til ekstern assembler exec_t_using_assembler=09006_T_Bruger assembler: $1 exec_e_error_while_assembling=09007_E_Fejl under assembling (returkode $1) % There was an error while assembling the file using an external assembler. % Consult the documentation of the assembler tool to find out more information % on this error. exec_e_cant_call_assembler=09008_E_Kan ikke kalde assembleren, fejl $1 under skift til ekstern assembler exec_i_assembling=09009_I_Assembler $1 exec_i_assembling_smart=09010_I_Assembler med smartlinking $1 exec_w_objfile_not_found=09011_W_Objektet $1 ikke fundet - linkningen kan fejle! % One of the object file is missing, and linking will probably fail. % Check your paths. exec_w_libfile_not_found=09012_W_Biblioteket $1 blev ikke fundet - linkningen kan fejle! % One of the library file is missing, and linking will probably fail. % Check your paths. exec_e_error_while_linking=09013_E_Fejl under linkning % Generic error while linking. exec_e_cant_call_linker=09014_E_Kan ikke starte linkeren, skifter til ekstern linker exec_i_linking=09015_I_Linker $1 exec_e_util_not_found=09016_E_Hjælpeprogram $1 ikke fundet, skifter til ekstern linker exec_t_using_util=09017_T_Bruger hjælpeprogram $1 exec_e_exe_not_supported=09018_E_Programbygning ikke understøttet exec_e_dll_not_supported=09019_E_Dynamisk/Delt bibliotek-bygning ikke understøttet exec_i_closing_script=09020_I_Lukker script $1 exec_e_res_not_found=09021_E_resourcecompiler ikke fundet, skifter til ekstern exec_i_compilingresource=09022_I_Compilerer resourcen $1 exec_t_unit_not_static_linkable_switch_to_smart=09023_T_unit $1 kan ikke linkes statisk. Skifter til smartlinking exec_t_unit_not_smart_linkable_switch_to_static=09024_T_unit $1 kan ikke smartlinkes. Skifter til statisk linking exec_t_unit_not_shared_linkable_switch_to_static=09025_T_unit $1 kan ikke linkes delt, skifter til statisk linking exec_e_unit_not_smart_or_static_linkable=09026_E_unit $1 kan ikke linkes smart eller statisk exec_e_unit_not_shared_or_static_linkable=09027_E_unit $1 kan ikke linkes delt eller statisk %\end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Executable information # exec_d_resbin_params=09028_D_Kalder resourcecompiler "$1" med "$2" som kommandolinie %\end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Executable information # execinfo_f_cant_process_executable=09128_F_Can't post process executable $1 execinfo_f_cant_open_executable=09129_F_Kan ikke åbne programmet $1 execinfo_x_codesize=09130_X_Størrelsen af koden: $1 bytes execinfo_x_initdatasize=09131_X_Størrelse af initialiseret data: $1 bytes execinfo_x_uninitdatasize=09132_X_Størrelse af uinitialiseret data: $1 bytes execinfo_x_stackreserve=09133_X_Reserveret stakstørrelse: $1 bytes execinfo_x_stackcommit=09134_X_Brugt stakstørrelse: $1 bytes # # Unit loading # # 10041 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % \section{Unit loading messages.} % This section lists all messages that can occur when the compiler is % loading a unit from disk into memory. Many of these messages are % informational messages. % \begin{description} unit_t_unitsearch=10000_T_Leder efter unit: $1 % When you use the \var{-vt}, the compiler tells you where it tries to find % unit files. unit_t_ppu_loading=10001_T_Indlæser PPU $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, the compiler tells you % what units it loads. unit_u_ppu_name=10002_U_PPU Navn: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the unit name is shown. unit_u_ppu_flags=10003_U_PPU Flag: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the unit flags are shown. unit_u_ppu_crc=10004_U_PPU CRC: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the unit CRC check is shown. unit_u_ppu_time=10005_U_PPU Tid: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the time the unit was compiled is shown. unit_u_ppu_file_too_short=10006_U_PPU-filen er for kort % The ppufile is too short, not all declarations are present. unit_u_ppu_invalid_header=10007_U_PPU-filen har ugyldigt startinformation (ingen PPU i begyndelsen af filen) % A unit file contains as the first three bytes the ascii codes of \var{PPU} unit_u_ppu_invalid_version=10008_U_PPU ugyldig version $1 % This unit file was compiled with a different version of the compiler, and % cannot be read. unit_u_ppu_invalid_processor=10009_U_PPU er kompileret til en anden processor % This unit file was compiled for a different processor type, and % cannot be read unit_u_ppu_invalid_target=10010_U_PPU er kompileret til et andet mål % This unit file was compiled for a different target, and % cannot be read unit_u_ppu_source=10011_U_PPU Kilde: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the unit CRC check is shown. unit_u_ppu_write=10012_U_Skriver $1 % When you specify the \var{-vu} switch, the compiler will tell you where it % writes the unit file. unit_f_ppu_cannot_write=10013_F_Kan ikke skrive PPU-fil % An error occurred when writing the unit file. unit_f_ppu_read_error=10014_F_Fejl under læsning af PPU-fil % This means that the unit file was corrupted, and contains invalid % information. Recompilation will be necessary. unit_f_ppu_read_unexpected_end=10015_F_PPU-filen sluttede uventet % Unexpected end of file. This may mean that the PPU file is % corrupted. unit_f_ppu_invalid_entry=10016_F_Ugyldigt element $1 i PPU-fil % The unit the compiler is trying to read is corrupted, or generated with a % newer version of the compiler. unit_f_ppu_dbx_count_problem=10017_F_Problem med størrelsen af Dbx i PPU-filen % There is an inconsistency in the debugging information of the unit. unit_e_illegal_unit_name=10018_E_Ugyldigt unitnavn: $1 % The name of the unit does not match the file name. unit_f_too_much_units=10019_F_For mange units % \fpc has a limit of 1024 units in a program. You can change this behavior % by changing the \var{maxunits} constant in the \file{fmodule.pas} file of the % compiler, and recompiling the compiler. unit_f_circular_unit_reference=10020_F_Cirkulær unit-reference mellem $1 og $2 % Two units are using each other in the interface part. This is only allowed % in the \var{implementation} part. At least one unit must contain the other one % in the \var{implementation} section. unit_f_cant_compile_unit=10021_F_Kan ikke gencompilere $1, ingen kildekode tilgængelig % A unit was found that needs to be recompiled, but no sources are % available. unit_f_cant_find_ppu=10022_F_Kan ikke finde unit'en $1 % You tried to use a unit of which the PPU file isn't found by the % compiler. Check your configuration file for the unit paths unit_w_unit_name_error=10023_W_Unit $1 blev ikke fundet, men $2 findes unit_f_unit_name_error=10024_F_Unit $1 blev eftersøgt, men $2 fundet % Dos truncation of 8 letters for unit PPU files % may lead to problems when unit name is longer than 8 letters. unit_w_switch_us_missed=10025_W_Compilering af systemunit'en kræver -Us indstillingen % When recompiling the system unit (it needs special treatment), the % \var{-Us} must be specified. unit_f_errors_in_unit=10026_F_Der var $1 fejl under compileringen af modulet, stopper % When the compiler encounters a fatal error or too many errors in a module % then it stops with this message. unit_u_load_unit=10027_U_Indlæser fra $1 ($2) unit $3 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, which unit is loaded from which unit is % shown. unit_u_recompile_crc_change=10028_U_Gencompilerer $1, checksum ændret for $2 unit_u_recompile_source_found_alone=10029_U_Gencompilerer $1, kun kilden fundet % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, these messages tell you why the current % unit is recompiled. unit_u_recompile_staticlib_is_older=10030_U_Gencompilerer unit, statisk bibliotek er ældre end PPU-fil % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the static library % of the unit are older than the unit file itself. unit_u_recompile_sharedlib_is_older=10031_U_Gencompilerer unit, delt bibliotek er ældre end PPU-fil % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the shared library % of the unit are older than the unit file itself. unit_u_recompile_obj_and_asm_older=10032_U_Gencompilerer unit, objekt- og assemblerfil er ældre end PPU-fil % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the assembler or % object file of the unit are older than the unit file itself. unit_u_recompile_obj_older_than_asm=10033_U_Gencompilerer unit, objekt-filen er ældre end assemblerfilen % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the assembler % file of the unit is older than the object file of the unit. unit_u_parsing_interface=10034_U_Parser interfacet af $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % parsing the interface part of the unit unit_u_parsing_implementation=10035_U_Parser implementationen af $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % parsing the implementation part of the unit unit_u_second_load_unit=10036_U_Anden indlæsning for unit $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % recompiling a unit for the second time. This can happend with interdepend % units. unit_u_check_time=10037_U_PPU Check filen $1 tid $2 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler show the filename and % date and time of the file which a recompile depends on unit_w_cant_compile_unit_with_changed_incfile=10040_W_Kan ikke gencompilere unit $1, men der blev fundet ændrede includefiler % A unit was found to have modified include files, but % some source files were not found, so recompilation is impossible. unit_h_source_modified=10041_H_Filen $1 er nyere end PPU-filen $2 (Release-udgave) % A modified source file for a unit was found that was compiled with the % release flag (-Ur). The unit will not implicitly be recompiled because % this release flag is set. unit_u_ppu_invalid_fpumode=10042_U_Bruger en unit der der ikke er compileret i den korrekte FPU-mode % Trying to compile code while using units which were not compiled with % the same floating point format mode. Either all code should be compiled % with FPU emulation on, or with FPU emulation off. unit_u_loading_interface_units=10043_U_Indlæser interface-units fra $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % loading the units defined in the interface part of the unit. unit_u_loading_implementation_units=10044_U_Indlæser implementation-units fra $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % loading the units defined in the implementation part of the unit. unit_u_interface_crc_changed=10045_U_Interface-CRC ændret for unit $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it the % CRC calculated for the interface has been changed after the implementation % has been parsed. unit_u_implementation_crc_changed=10046_U_Implementation-CRC ændret for unit $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it the % CRC calculated has been changed after the implementation % has been parsed. unit_u_finished_compiling=10047_U_Færdiggjorde compileringen af unit $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has finished compiling the unit. unit_u_add_depend_to=10048_U_Tilføjede afhængighed af $1 til $2 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has added a dependency between the two units. unit_u_no_reload_is_caller=10049_U_Ingen genindlæsning, $1 er kalder % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has will not reload the unit because it is the unit that wants % to load this unit unit_u_no_reload_in_second_compile=10050_U_Ingen genindlæsning, allerede anden kompilering: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has will not reload the unit because it is already in a second recompile unit_u_flag_for_reload=10051_U_Indstillinger for genindlæsning: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has to reload the unit unit_u_forced_reload=10052_U_Tvungen genindlæsning % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has is reloading the unit because it was required unit_u_previous_state=10053_U_Tidligere tilstand af $1: $2 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler shows the % previous state of the unit unit_u_second_compile_unit=10054_U_Compilerer allerede $1, starter anden compilering % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % recompiling a unit for the second time. This can happend with interdepend % units. unit_u_loading_unit=10055_U_Indlæser unit $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % loading the unit. unit_u_finished_loading_unit=10056_U_Indlæsning af unit $1 færdig % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it finished % loading the unit. unit_u_registering_new_unit=10057_U_Registrering af unit $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it has % found a new unit and registers it in the internal lists. unit_u_reresolving_unit=10058_U_Genberegner unit $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has to recalculate the internal data of the unit unit_u_skipping_reresolving_unit=10059_U_Springer genberegning over for unit $1, indlæser stadig brugte units % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % skips to recalculate the internal data of the unit because there % is no data to recalculate % \end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Options # # 11039 is the last used one # option_usage=11000_O_$1 [indstillinger] [indstillinger] # BeginOfTeX % % \section{Command-line handling errors} % This section lists errors that occur when the compiler is processing the % command line or handling the configuration files. % \begin{description} option_only_one_source_support=11001_W_Kun én kildefil understøttet % You can specify only one source file on the command line. The first % one will be compiled, others will be ignored. This may indicate that % you forgot a \var{'-'} sign. option_def_only_for_os2=11002_W_DEF-fil kan kun laves på OS/2 % This option can only be specified when you're compiling for OS/2 option_no_nested_response_file=11003_E_indlejrede svarfiler ikke understøttet % you cannot nest response files with the \var{@file} command-line option. option_no_source_found=11004_F_Ingen kildefil angivet på kommandolinien % The compiler expects a source file name on the command line. option_no_option_found=11005_N_Ingen indstillinger i konfigurationsfilen $1 % The compiler didn't find any option in that config file. option_illegal_para=11006_E_Ugyldig parameter: $1 % You specified an unknown option. option_help_pages_para=11007_H_-? udskriver hjælpe-beskeder % When an unknown option is given, this message is diplayed. option_too_many_cfg_files=11008_F_for mange indlejrede niveauer af konfigurationsfiler % You can only nest up to 16 config files. option_unable_open_file=11009_F_Kan ikke åbne filen $1 % The option file cannot be found. option_reading_further_from=11010_D_Læser yderligere indstillinger fra $1 % Displayed when you have notes turned on, and the compiler switches % to another options file. option_target_is_already_set=11011_W_Mål er allerede sat til: $1 % Displayed if more than one \var{-T} option is specified. option_no_shared_lib_under_dos=11012_W_Delte biblioteker er ikke understøttet på DOS-platformen, går tilbage til statisk % If you specify \var{-CD} for the \dos platform, this message is displayed. % The compiler supports only static libraries under \dos option_too_many_ifdef=11013_F_for mange IF(N)DEF % the \var{\#IF(N)DEF} statements in the options file are not balanced with % the \var{\#ENDIF} statements. option_too_many_endif=11014_F_for mange ENDIFs % the \var{\#IF(N)DEF} statements in the options file are not balanced with % the \var{\#ENDIF} statements. option_too_less_endif=11015_F_åbne betingelser i slutningen af filen % the \var{\#IF(N)DEF} statements in the options file are not balanced with % the \var{\#ENDIF} statements. option_no_debug_support=11016_W_generering af debug-information understøttes ikke at dette programformat % It is possible to have a compiler executable that doesn't support % the generation of debugging info. If you use such an executable with the % \var{-g} switch, this warning will be displayed. option_no_debug_support_recompile_fpc=11017_H_Prøv at gencompilere med -dGDB % It is possible to have a compiler executable that doesn't support % the generation of debugging info. If you use such an executable with the % \var{-g} switch, this warning will be displayed. option_obsolete_switch=11018_E_Du bruger $1 der er en forældet indstilling % this warns you when you use a switch that is not needed/supported anymore. % It is recommended that you remove the switch to overcome problems in the % future, when the switch meaning may change. option_obsolete_switch_use_new=11019_E_Du bruger $1 der er en forældet indstilling. Vær venlig at bruge $2 % this warns you when you use a switch that is not supported anymore. You % must now use the second switch instead. % It is recommended that you change the switch to overcome problems in the % future, when the switch meaning may change. option_switch_bin_to_src_assembler=11020_N_Skifter til den standard-assembler der skriver direkte til assemblerfilerne % this notifies you that the assembler has been changed because you used the % -a switch which can't be used with a binary assembler writer. option_incompatible_asm=11021_W_Det valgte udformat for assemblerfiler "$1" er ikke kompatibelt med "$2" option_asm_forced=11022_W_brug af "$1" assembler gennemtvunget % The assembler output selected can not generate % object files with the correct format. Therefore, the % default assembler for this target is used instead. option_using_file=11026_T_Læser indstillinger fra filen $1 % Options are also read from this file option_using_env=11027_T_Læser indstillinger fra environment $1 % Options are also read from this environment string option_handling_option=11028_D_Håndterer indstilling "$1" % Debug info that an option is found and will be handled option_help_press_enter=11029__*** tryk enter *** option_start_reading_configfile=11030_H_Begynder at læse konfigurationsfil $1 % Starting of config file parsing. option_end_reading_configfile=11031_H_Er færdig med at læse konfigurationsfil $1 % End of config file parsing. option_interpreting_option=11032_D_fortolker indstilling "$1" option_interpreting_firstpass_option=11036_D_fortolker indstilling til første gennemløb "$1" option_interpreting_file_option=11033_D_fortolker filindstilling "$1" option_read_config_file=11034_D_Læser konfigurationsfil "$1" option_found_file=11035_D_fandt kildefilen "$1" % Additional infos about options, displayed % when you have debug option turned on. option_code_page_not_available=11039_E_Ukendt tegnsæt %\end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Logo (option -l) # option_config_is_dir=11040_F_Konfigurationsfilen $1 er et directory % Directories can not be used as configuration files. %\end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Logo (option -l) # option_logo=11023_[ Free Pascal Compiler version $FPCFULLVERSION [$FPCDATE] til $FPCTARGET Copyright (c) 1993-2014 Florian Klaempfl ] # # Info (option -i) # option_info=11024_[ Free Pascal Compiler version $FPCVERSION Compilerdato : $FPCDATE Compilerplatform : $FPCTARGET Understøttede platforme: $OSTARGETS Dette program dækkes af reglerne for GNU General Public License Læs COPYING.v2 for mere information Indsend fejlbeskrivelser, forslag, etc til http://bugs.freepascal.org For kommentarer vedrørende den danske oversættelse, skriv til chrivers@iversen-net.dk ] # # Help pages (option -? and -h) # # The first character on the line indicates who will display this # line, the current possibilities are : # * = every target # 3 = 80x86 targets # 6 = 680x0 targets # e = in extended debug mode only # P = PowerPC targets # S = Sparc targets # V = Virtual machine targets # The second character also indicates who will display this line, # (if the above character was TRUE) the current possibilities are : # * = everyone # g = with GDB info supported by the compiler # O = OS/2 # L = UNIX systems # The third character represents the indentation level. # option_help_pages=11025_[ **0*_sæt + efter en indstilling for at slå den til, - for at slå den fra **1a_compileren sletter ikke den genererede assemblerfil **2al_lav en liste over linienummer fra kildekoden i assemblerfilen **2ar_indsæt information om register(de)allokering i assemblerfilen **2at_indsæt information om midlertidige allokeringer i assemblerfilen **1b_generér browser-information **2bl_generér information om lokale symboler **1B_byg alle moduler **1C_Indstillinger for kodegenerering **2CD_Byg også et dynamisk bibliotek (ikke understøttet) **2Ce_Compilér med emulerede kommatalsoperationer **2Cf_Vælg hvilket fpu-instruktionssæt der skal bruges **2Cg_Generér PIC-kode **2Ch_Sæt heapstørrelsen til bytes (mellem 1023 og 67107840) **2Ci_IO-checking **2Cn_spring link-stadiet over **2Co_check overflow af heltalsoperationer **2Cr_værdiområdecheck **2CR_verificér gyldigheden af objekters metodekald **2Cs_set stakstørrelsen til **2Ct_stakchecking **2CX_byg også et smartlinket bibliotek **1d_definerer symbolet *O1D_genererer en DEF-fil *O2Dd_sætter beskrivelsen til *O2Dw_PM-applikation **1e_sæt stien til programmet **1E_samme som -Cn **1F_sæt filnavne og stier: **2FD_sætter mappen hvor der søges efter hjælpeprogrammer til compileren **2Fe_videresend fejlbeskeder til **2FE_sæt exe/unit sti til **2Fi_tilføjer til include-stien **2Fl_tilføjer til library-stien *L2FL_bruger som dynamisk linker **2Fo_tilføjer til object-stien **2Fr_indlæser beskedfilen **2Fu_tilføjer til unit-stien **2FU_sæt unit-output-stien til , overskriver -FE *g1g_Generér debug-information: *g2gg_brug gsym *g2gd_brug dbx *g2gh_brug heap-sporingsunit (til at finde memory leaks) *g2gl_brug line-infounit for at vise backtraces *g2gc_generér checks for pointere *g2gv_generér programmer der kan spores med valgrind *g2gw_generér dwarf debug-information **1i_information: **2iD_returnerer compilerdato **2iV_returnerer compilerversion **2iSO_returnerer compiler-OS **2iSP_returnerer compiler-processor **2iTO_returnerer mål-system **2iTP_returnerer mål-processor **1I_tilføjer til include-stien **1k_videregiv til linkeren **1l_skriv logo under kørsel **1M_sæt sprogtilstand til **2Mfpc_free pascal dialekt (standard) **2Mobjfpc_slå visse udvidelser fra Delphi 2 til **2Mdelphi_forsøg at være Delphi-kompatibel **2Mtp_forsøg at være Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0-kompatibel **2Mgpc_forsøg at være GNU-Pascal-kompatibel **2Mmacpas_forsøg at være kompatibel med pascal-dialekter fra macintosh **1n_spring læsning af standardkonfigurationsfil over **1o_ændr navnet af det producerede program til **1pg_generér profileringskode til gprof (definerer FPC_PROFILE) *L1P_brug pipes i stedet for midlertidige assembler-filer **1S_Syntaxindstillinger: **2S2_samme som -Mobjfpc **2Sc_understøttet operatorer som i C (*=,+=,/= and -=) **2Sa_bruger assertion-kode **2Sd_samme som -Mdelphi **2Se_compileren stopper efter den te fejl (standard er efter første fejl) **2Sg_tillad LABEL og GOTO **2Sh_brug ansistrenge **2Si_brug C++-lignende INLINE **2Sm_understøt makroer som I C (globalt) **2So_samme som -Mtp **2Sp_samme som -Mgpc **2Ss_constructor-navn skal være "init" (destructor-navn skal være "done") **1s_kør hverken assembler eller linker **2sh_generér script til linkning på værtscomputeren **2st_generér script til linkning på mål-computeren **2sr_spring registerallokerings-fasen over (optimeringer vil være slået fra) **1u_fjerner definitionen af symbolet **1U_Unit-indstillinger: **2Un_undersøg ikke om unit-navnet er korrekt **2Ur_generér release-unit-filer **2Us_compilér en system-enhed **1v_Ekstra information. er en kombination af følgende bogstaver: **2*_e : Vis fejl (standard) d : Vis debug-information **2*_w : Vis advarsler u : Vis unit-information **2*_n : Vis bemærkninger t : Vis forsøgte/benyttede filer **2*_h : Vis hints m : Vis definerede makroer **2*_i : Vis generel information p : Vis kompilerede procedurer **2*_l : Vis linienumre c : Vis betingelser **2*_a : Vis alt 0 : Vis intet (bortset fra fejl) **2*_b : Vis alle procedure- r : Rhide/GCC kompatabilitetstilstand **2*_ erklæringer hvis der x : Programinformation (kun på windows) **2*_ opstår en fejl **1V_skriv filen fpcdebug.txt med store mængder debug-information *L2Xc_link med c-biblioteket **2Xs_fjern alle symboler fra programfilen **2XP_sæt foran binutils-filnavnene **2XD_forsøg at linke dynamisk (definerer FPC_LINK_DYNAMIC) **2XS_forsøg at linke statisk (standard) (definerer FPC_LINK_STATIC) **2XX_forsøg at linke intelligent (definerer FPC_LINK_SMART) **0*_Processor-specifikke indstillinger: 3*1A_Udfilformat: 3*2Aas_brug GNU AS som assembler 3*2Anasmcoff_brug Nasm til at lave en coff-fil (Go32v2) 3*2Anasmelf_brug Nasm til at lave en elf32-fil (Linux) 3*2Awasm_brug Wasm til at lave en obj-fil (Watcom) 3*2Anasmobj_brug Nasm til at lave en obj-fil 3*2Amasm_brug Masm til at lave en obj-fil (Microsoft) 3*2Atasm_brug Tasm til at lave en obj-fil (Borland) 3*2Acoff_brug intern filgenerator til at lave coff-fil (Go32v2) 3*2Apecoff_brug intern filgenerator til at lave pecoff-fil (Win32) 3*1R_Læsestil for assembler: 3*2Ratt_Læs assemblerkode i AT&T-stil 3*2Rintel_Læs assemblerkode i Intel-stil 3*2Rdirect_Kopier assemblerkoden direkte ind i assemblerkildefilen 3*1O_Optimeringer: 3*2Og_generér lille kode 3*2OG_generér hurtig kode (standard) 3*2Or_gem visse variabler i registre 3*2Ou_slå usikre optimeringer til (se dokumentation) 3*2O1_niveau-1 optimeringer (hurtige optimeringer) 3*2O2_niveau-2 optimeringer (-O1 + langsommere optimeringer) 3*2O3_niveau-3 optimeringer (-O2 gentaget, højst 5 gange) 3*2Op_Målprocessor: 3*3Op1_sæt målprocessor til 386/486 3*3Op2_sæt målprocessor til Pentium/PentiumMMX (tm) 3*3Op3_sæt målprocessor til PPro/PII/c6x86/K6 (tm) 3*1T_Mål-operativsystem: 3*2Temx_OS/2 via EMX (bruger EMX/RSX extender) 3*2Tgo32v2_Version 2 af DJ Delorie DOS extender 3*2Tlinux_Linux 3*2Tnetware_Novell Netware Module (clib) 3*2Tnetwlibc_Novell Netware Module (libc) 3*2Tos2_OS/2 / eComStation 3*2Tsunos_SunOS/Solaris 3*2Twatcom_Watcom kompatibel DOS extender 3*2Twdosx_WDOSX DOS extender 3*2Twin32_Windows 32 Bit 3*1W_Indstillinger for Win32-lignende mål: 3*2WB_sæt image base til (hexadecimal) 3*2WC_specificér konsolprogram 3*2WD_brug DEFFILE til at eksportere funktioner fra DLL eller EXE 3*2WF_specificér grafisk fuldskærmsprogram (kun OS/2) 3*2WG_specificér grafisk programtype 3*2WN_lav ikke-relokérbar kode (nødvendig til debugging) 3*2WR_lav relokérbar kode 6*1A_Udfilformat 6*2Aas_Brug GNU AS til at lave Unix o-filer 6*2Agas_GNU Motorola assembler 6*2Amit_MIT Syntax (old GAS) 6*2Amot_Standard Motorola assembler 6*1O_Optimeringer: 6*2Oa_slå optimeringer til 6*2Og_generér lille kode 6*2OG_generér hurtig kode (standard) 6*2Ox_optimer maksimalt (stadig ikke fejlfri!!) 6*2O0_sæt målprocessor til MC68000 6*2O2_sæt målprocessor til MC68020+ (standard) 6*1R_Læsestil for assembleren: 6*2RMOT_Læs assemblerkode i motorola-stil 6*1T_Mål-operativsystem: 6*2Tamiga_Commodore Amiga 6*2Tatari_Atari ST/STe/TT 6*2Tlinux_Linux-68k 6*2Tmacos_Macintosh m68k (ikke understøttet) 6*2Tpalmos_PalmOS P*1T_Mål-operativsystem: P*2Tdarwin_Darwin og MacOS X på PowerPC P*2Tlinux_Linux på PowerPC P*2Tmacos_MacOS (klassisk) på PowerPC P*2Tmorphos_MorphOS P*2WC_Vælg konsoleapplikation (MacOS only) P*2WG_Vælg grafisk applikation (MacOS only) P*2WT_Vælg værktøjsapplikation (MPW tool, MacOS only) **1*_ **1?_vis denne hjælp **1h_vis denne hjælp uden at vente på tastetryk ] # # Slut :) # %%% general_e_path_does_not_exists=01017_E_Sti "$1" ikke fundet % The specified path does not exists. % \end{description} # # Scanner # # 02061 is the last used one # % \section{Scanner messages.} % This section lists the messages that the scanner emits. The scanner takes % care of the lexical structure of the pascal file, i.e. it tries to find % reserved words, strings, etc. It also takes care of directives and % conditional compiling handling. % \begin{description} %%% scan_w_only_pack_records=02015_W_Strukturfelter kan kun opstilles på 1,2,4,8,16 eller 32 bytes % You are specifying the \var{\{\$PACKRECORDS n\} } with an illegal value for % \var{n}. Only 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 are valid in this case. %%% scan_w_only_pack_enum=02016_W_Enumerate-typer kan kun gemmes i 1,2 eller 4 bytes % You are specifying the \var{\{\$PACKENUM n\}} with an illegal value for % \var{n}. Only 1,2 or 4 are valid in this case. %%% scan_w_macro_deep_ten=02030_W_Makroudvidelse har en dybdegrænse på 16 niveauer % When expanding a macro, macros have been nested to a level of 16. % The compiler will expand no further, since this may be a sign that % recursion is used. %%% parser_e_no_local_external=03174_E_Kan ikke erklære lokal procedure som EXTERNAL % Declaring local procedures as external is not possible. Local procedures % get hidden parameters that will make the chance of errors very high %%% parser_e_too_complex_expr=03202_E_Udtryk for komplekst - stakoverløb på FPU % Your expression is too long for the compiler. You should try dividing the % construct over multiple assignments. %%% sym_n_uninitialized_local_variable=05036_W_Lokal variabel "$1" ser ikke ud til at være initialiseret % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) %%% sym_n_uninitialized_variable=05037_W_Variablen "$1" ser ikke ud til at være initialiseret % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) %%% unit_h_cond_not_set_in_last_compile=10038_H_Betingelsen $1 var slået fra ved sidste compilering af $2 % when recompilation of an unit is required the compiler will check that % the same conditionals are set for the recompiliation. The compiler has % found a conditional that currently is defined, but was not used the last % time the unit was compiled. %%% unit_h_cond_set_in_last_compile=10039_H_Betingelsen $1 var slået til ved sidste compilering af $2 % when recompilation of an unit is required the compiler will check that % the same conditionals are set for the recompiliation. The compiler has % found a conditional that was used the last time the unit was compiled, but % the conditional is currently not defined. %%% option_defining_symbol=11037_D_Definerer symbolet $1 %%% option_undefining_symbol=11038_D_Fjerner symbolet $1 % Additional infos about options, displayed % when you have debug option turned on.