# # This file is part of the Free Pascal Compiler # Copyright (c) 1999-2009 by the Free Pascal Development team # # Portuguese (UTF-8) language file for Free Pascal Compiler # Contributed by Marcelo B Paula, based on errore.msg SVN Rev.19883 # Former translator: Ari Ricardo Ody # # See the file COPYING.v2, included in this distribution, # for details about the copyright. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # # The constants are build in the following order: # __ # # is the part of the compiler the message is used # asmr_ assembler parsing # asmw_ assembler writing/binary writers # unit_ unit handling # scan_ scanner # parser_ parser # type_ type checking # general_ general info # exec_ calls to assembler, external linker, binder # link_ internal linker # # the type of the message it should normally used for # f_ fatal error # e_ error # w_ warning # n_ note # h_ hint # i_ info # l_ add linenumber # u_ used # t_ tried # c_ conditional # d_ debug message # x_ executable informations # o_ normal (e.g., "press enter to continue") # # can contain a minus sign at the beginning to mark that # the message is off by default. Look at type_w_explicit_string_cast # for example. # # General # # 01023 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % \section{General compiler messages} % This section gives the compiler messages which are not fatal, but which % display useful information. The number of such messages can be % controlled with the various verbosity level \var{-v} switches. % \begin{description} general_t_compilername=01000_T_Compilador: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you what compiler % is used. general_d_sourceos=01001_D_SO Compilador: $1 % When the \var{-vd} switch is used, this line tells you what the source % operating system is. general_i_targetos=01002_I_SO Alvo: $1 % When the \var{-vd} switch is used, this line tells you what the target % operating system is. general_t_exepath=01003_T_Usando caminho executável: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for its binaries. general_t_unitpath=01004_T_Usando caminho unidade: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for compiled units. You can set this path with the \var{-Fu} option. general_t_includepath=01005_T_Usando caminho inclusões: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for its include files (files used in \var{\{\$I xxx\}} statements). % You can set this path with the \var{-Fi} option. general_t_librarypath=01006_T_Usando caminho biblioteca: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for the libraries. You can set this path with the \var{-Fl} option. general_t_objectpath=01007_T_Usando caminho objeto: $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for object files you link in (files used in \var{\{\$L xxx\}} statements). % You can set this path with the \var{-Fo} option. general_i_abslines_compiled=01008_I_$1 linhas compiladas, $2 seg$3 % When the \var{-vi} switch is used, the compiler reports the number % of lines compiled, and the time it took to compile them (real time, % not program time). general_f_no_memory_left=01009_F_Memória insuficiente % The compiler doesn't have enough memory to compile your program. There are % several remedies for this: % \begin{itemize} % \item If you're using the build option of the compiler, try compiling the % different units manually. % \item If you're compiling a huge program, split it up into units, and compile % these separately. % \item If the previous two don't work, recompile the compiler with a bigger % heap. (You can use the \var{-Ch} option for this, \seeo{Ch}.) % \end{itemize} general_i_writingresourcefile=01010_I_Gravando arquivo Tabela Recursos 'String': $1 % This message is shown when the compiler writes the Resource String Table % file containing all the resource strings for a program. general_e_errorwritingresourcefile=01011_E_Gravando arquivo Tabela Recursos 'String': $1 % This message is shown when the compiler encounters an error when writing % the Resource String Table file. general_i_fatal=01012_I_Fatal: % Prefix for Fatal Errors. general_i_error=01013_I_Erro: % Prefix for Errors. general_i_warning=01014_I_Aviso: % Prefix for Warnings. general_i_note=01015_I_Nota: % Prefix for Notes. general_i_hint=01016_I_Dica: % Prefix for Hints. general_e_path_does_not_exist=01017_E_Caminho "$1" não existe % The specified path does not exist. general_f_compilation_aborted=01018_F_Compilação abortada % Compilation was aborted. general_text_bytes_code=01019_bytes (código gerado) % The size of the generated executable code, in bytes. general_text_bytes_data=01020_bytes (dados gerados) % The size of the generated program data, in bytes. general_i_number_of_warnings=01021_I_$1 aviso(s) emitido(s) % Total number of warnings issued during compilation. general_i_number_of_hints=01022_I_$1 dica(s) emitida(s) % Total number of hints issued during compilation. general_i_number_of_notes=01023_I_$1 nota(s) emitida(s) % Total number of notes issued during compilation. general_f_ioerror=01024_F_Erro E/S: $1 % During compilation an I/O error happened which allows no further compilation. general_f_oserror=01025_F_Erro do sistema operacional: $1 % During compilation an operanting system error happened which allows no further compilation. % \end{description} # # Scanner # # 02087 is the last used one # % \section{Scanner messages.} % This section lists the messages that the scanner emits. The scanner takes % care of the lexical structure of the pascal file, i.e. it tries to find % reserved words, strings, etc. It also takes care of directives and % conditional compilation handling. % \begin{description} scan_f_end_of_file=02000_F_Fim de arquivo inesperado % This typically happens in one of the following cases: % \begin{itemize} % \item The source file ends before the final \var{end.} statement. This % happens mostly when the \var{begin} and \var{end} statements aren't % balanced; % \item An include file ends in the middle of a statement. % \item A comment was not closed. % \end{itemize} scan_f_string_exceeds_line=02001_F_'String' excendo linha % There is a missing closing ' in a string, so it occupies % multiple lines. scan_f_illegal_char=02002_F_caractere ilegal "$1" ($2) % An illegal character was encountered in the input file. scan_f_syn_expected=02003_F_Erro sintaxe, "$1" esperado, mas "$2" encontrado % This indicates that the compiler expected a different token than % the one you typed. It can occur almost anywhere it is possible to make an error % against the Pascal language. scan_t_start_include_file=02004_TL_Iniciando leitura arquivo de inclusões $1 % When you provide the \var{-vt} switch, the compiler tells you % when it starts reading an included file. scan_w_comment_level=02005_W_Nível comentário $1 encontrado % When the \var{-vw} switch is used, then the compiler warns you if % it finds nested comments. Nested comments are not allowed in Turbo Pascal % and Delphi, and can be a possible source of errors. scan_n_ignored_switch=02008_N_Ignorar chave compilador "$1" % With \var{-vn} on, the compiler warns if it ignores a switch. scan_w_illegal_switch=02009_W_Chave ilegal compilador "$1" % You included a compiler switch (i.e. \var{\{\$... \}}) which the compiler % does not recognise. scan_w_switch_is_global=02010_W_Chave global compilador fora de lugar % The compiler switch is misplaced, and should be located at % the start of the unit or program. scan_e_illegal_char_const=02011_E_Constante caractere ilegal % This happens when you specify a character with its ASCII code, as in % \var{\#96}, but the number is either illegal, or out of range. scan_f_cannot_open_input=02012_F_Impossível abrir arquivo "$1" % \fpc cannot find the program or unit source file you specified on the % command line. scan_f_cannot_open_includefile=02013_F_Impossível abrir arquivo de inclusões "$1" % \fpc cannot find the source file you specified in a \var{\{\$include ..\}} % statement. scan_e_illegal_pack_records=02015_E_Especificador alinhamento registro ilegal "$1" % You are specifying \var{\{\$PACKRECORDS n\} } or \var{\{\$ALIGN n\} } % with an illegal value for \var{n}. For \$PACKRECORDS valid alignments are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, C, % NORMAL, DEFAULT, and for \$ALIGN valid alignments are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ON, % OFF. Under mode MacPas \$ALIGN also supports MAC68K, POWER and RESET. scan_e_illegal_pack_enum=02016_E_Especificador tamanho-mínimo enumeração ilegal "$1" % You are specifying the \var{\{\$PACKENUM n\}} with an illegal value for % \var{n}. Only 1,2,4, NORMAL or DEFAULT is valid here. scan_e_endif_expected=02017_E_$ENDIF esperado para $1 $2 definido em $3 linha $4 % Your conditional compilation statements are unbalanced. scan_e_preproc_syntax_error=02018_E_Erro sintaxe enquanto analisando uma expressão compilação condicional % There is an error in the expression following the \var{\{\$if ..\}}, \var{\{\$ifc \}} % or \var{\{\$setc \}} compiler directives. scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr=02019_E_Avaliando uma expressão compilação condicional % There is an error in the expression following the \var{\{\$if ..\}}, $ifc or $setc compiler % directives. scan_w_macro_cut_after_255_chars=02020_W_Conteúdo macro limitada ao tamanho de 255 caracteres % The contents of macros cannot be longer than 255 characters. scan_e_endif_without_if=02021_E_ENDIF sem IF(N)DEF % Your \var{\{\$IFDEF ..\}} and {\{\$ENDIF\}} statements aren't balanced. scan_f_user_defined=02022_F_Definido pelo usuário: $1 % A user defined fatal error occurred. See also the \progref. scan_e_user_defined=02023_E_Definido pelo usuário: $1 % A user defined error occurred. See also the \progref. scan_w_user_defined=02024_W_Definido pelo usuário: $1 % A user defined warning occurred. See also the \progref. scan_n_user_defined=02025_N_Definido pelo usuário: $1 % A user defined note was encountered. See also the \progref. scan_h_user_defined=02026_H_Definido pelo usuário: $1 % A user defined hint was encountered. See also the \progref. scan_i_user_defined=02027_I_Definido pelo usuário: $1 % User defined information was encountered. See also the \progref. scan_e_keyword_cant_be_a_macro=02028_E_Palavra-chave redefinida como macro não tem efeito % You cannot redefine keywords with macros. scan_f_macro_buffer_overflow=02029_F_Transbordamento "buffer" macro durante leitura ou expansão de uma macro % Your macro or its result was too long for the compiler. scan_w_macro_too_deep=02030_W_Expansão de macros excede profundidade de 16. % When expanding a macro, macros have been nested to a level of 16. % The compiler will expand no further, since this may be a sign that % recursion is used. scan_w_wrong_styled_switch=02031_W_chaves compilador não são suportadas no estilo de comentário // % Compiler switches should be in normal Pascal style comments. scan_d_handling_switch=02032_DL_Chave manipulação "$1" % When you set debugging info on (\var{-vd}) the compiler tells you when it % is evaluating conditional compile statements. scan_c_endif_found=02033_CL_ENDIF $1 encontrado % When you turn on conditional messages (\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_ifdef_found=02034_CL_IFDEF $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages (\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_ifopt_found=02035_CL_IFOPT $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages (\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_if_found=02036_CL_IF $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages (\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_ifndef_found=02037_CL_IFNDEF $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages (\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_else_found=02038_CL_ELSE $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages (\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_skipping_until=02039_CL_Pulando até... % When you turn on conditional messages (\var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements, and whether it is skipping or % compiling parts. scan_i_press_enter=02040_I_Tecle para continuar % When the \var{-vi} switch is used, the compiler stops compilation % and waits for the \var{Enter} key to be pressed when it encounters % a \var{\{\$STOP\}} directive. scan_w_unsupported_switch=02041_W_Chave não suportada "$1" % When warnings are turned on (\var{-vw}), the compiler warns you about % unsupported switches. This means that the switch is used in Delphi or % Turbo Pascal, but not in \fpc. scan_w_illegal_directive=02042_W_Diretiva compilador ilegal "$1" % When warnings are turned on (\var{-vw}), the compiler warns you about % unrecognised switches. For a list of recognised switches, see the \progref. scan_t_back_in=02043_TL_De volta $1 % When you use the \var{-vt} switch, the compiler tells you when it has finished % reading an include file. scan_w_unsupported_app_type=02044_W_Tipo aplicação não suportada: "$1" % You get this warning if you specify an unknown application type % with the directive \var{\{\$APPTYPE\}}. scan_w_app_type_not_support=02045_W_APPTYPE não é suportado pelo SO alvo % The \var{\{\$APPTYPE\}} directive is supported by certain operating systems only. scan_w_description_not_support=02046_W_DESCRIPTION não é suportado pelo SO alvo % The \var{\{\$DESCRIPTION\}} directive is not supported on this target OS. scan_n_version_not_support=02047_N_VERSION não é suportado pelo SO alvo % The \var{\{\$VERSION\}} directive is not supported on this target OS. scan_n_only_exe_version=02048_N_VERSION apenas para EXEs ou DLLs % The \var{\{\$VERSION\}} directive is only used for executable or DLL sources. scan_w_wrong_version_ignored=02049_W_Formato incorreto para a diretiva VERSION "$1" % The \var{\{\$VERSION\}} directive format is majorversion.minorversion % where majorversion and minorversion are words. scan_e_illegal_asmmode_specifier=02050_E_Estilo especificado assembler ilegal "$1" % When you specify an assembler mode with the \var{\{\$ASMMODE xxx\}} directive, % the compiler didn't recognize the mode you specified. scan_w_no_asm_reader_switch_inside_asm=02051_W_ASM reader switch is not possible inside asm statement, "$1" will be effective only for next % It is not possible to switch from one assembler reader to another % inside an assembler block. The new reader will be used for next % assembler statements only. scan_e_wrong_switch_toggle=02052_E_Chave alternância incorreta, usar ON/OFF ou +/- % You need to use ON or OFF or a + or - to toggle the switch. scan_e_resourcefiles_not_supported=02053_E_Arquivo recursos não suportado para este alvo % The target you are compiling for doesn't support resource files. scan_w_include_env_not_found=02054_W_Variável inclusão ambiente "$1" não encontrado no ambiente % The included environment variable can't be found in the environment; it will % be replaced by an empty string instead. scan_e_invalid_maxfpureg_value=02055_E_Valor ilegal para o registrador limite UPF % Valid values for this directive are 0..8 and NORMAL/DEFAULT. scan_w_only_one_resourcefile_supported=02056_W_Apenas um arquivo de recursos é suportado para este alvo % The target you are compiling for supports only one resource file. % The first resource file found is used, the others are discarded. scan_w_macro_support_turned_off=02057_W_Suporte Macro foi desativado % A macro declaration has been found, but macro support is currently off, % so the declaration will be ignored. To turn macro support on compile with % -Sm on the command line or add \{\$MACRO ON\} in the source. scan_e_invalid_interface_type=02058_E_Tipo ilegal de interface especificado. São válidos COM, CORBA ou DEFAULT. % The interface type that was specified is not supported. scan_w_appid_not_support=02059_W_APPID é suportado apenas para PalmOS % The \var{\{\$APPID\}} directive is only supported for the PalmOS target. scan_w_appname_not_support=02060_W_APPNAME é suportado apenas para PalmOS % The \var{\{\$APPNAME\}} directive is only supported for the PalmOS target. scan_e_string_exceeds_255_chars=02061_E_Constante 'String' não pode ser maior que 255 caracteres % A single string constant can contain at most 255 chars. Try splitting up the % string into multiple smaller parts and concatenate them with a + operator. scan_f_include_deep_ten=02062_F_Incluindo arquivos inclusão excede um nível de 16. % When including include files the files have been nested to a level of 16. % The compiler will expand no further, since this may be a sign that % recursion is used. scan_e_too_many_push=02063_F_Muitos níveis de PUSH. Max. 20 % A maximum of 20 levels is allowed. This error occurs only in mode MacPas. scan_e_too_many_pop=02064_E_Um POP sem um PUSH anterior % This error occurs only in mode MacPas. scan_e_error_macro_lacks_value=02065_E_Macro ou variável tempo compilação "$1" sem nenhum valor % Thus the conditional compile time expression cannot be evaluated. scan_e_wrong_switch_toggle_default=02066_E_Chave alternância incorreta, usar ON/OFF/DEFAULT ou +/-/* % You need to use ON or OFF or DEFAULT or a + or - or * to toggle the switch. scan_e_mode_switch_not_allowed=02067_E_Chave modo "$1" não permitida aqui % A mode switch has already been encountered, or, in the case of option -Mmacpas, % a mode switch occurs after UNIT. scan_e_error_macro_undefined=02068_E_Variável tempo compilação ou macro "$1" não definida. % Thus the conditional compile time expression cannot be evaluated. Only in mode MacPas. scan_e_utf8_bigger_than_65535=02069_E_Código UTF-8 maior que 65535 encontrado % \fpc handles UTF-8 strings internally as widestrings, i.e. the char codes are limited to 65535. scan_e_utf8_malformed=02070_E_'String' UTF-8 mal-formada % The given string isn't a valid UTF-8 string. scan_c_switching_to_utf8=02071_C_Assinatura UTF-8 encontrada, usando codificação UTF-8 % The compiler found a UTF-8 encoding signature (\$ef, \$bb, \$bf) at the beginning of a file, % so it interprets it as a UTF-8 file. scan_e_compile_time_typeerror=02072_E_Expressão tempo compilação: Procurado $1 mas obtido $2 na $3 % The type-check of a compile time expression failed. scan_n_app_type_not_support=02073_N_APPTYPE não é suportado pelo SO alvo % The \var{\{\$APPTYPE\}} directive is supported by certain operating systems only. scan_e_illegal_optimization_specifier=02074_E_Otimização especificada ilegal "$1" % You specified an optimization with the \var{\{\$OPTIMIZATION xxx\}} directive, % and the compiler didn't recognize the optimization you specified. scan_w_setpeflags_not_support=02075_W_SETPEFLAGS não é suportado pelo SO alvo % The \var{\{\$SETPEFLAGS\}} directive is not supported by the target OS. scan_w_imagebase_not_support=02076_W_IMAGEBASE não é suportado pelo SO alvo % The \var{\{\$IMAGEBASE\}} directive is not supported by the target OS. scan_w_minstacksize_not_support=02077_W_MINSTACKSIZE não é suportado pelo SO alvo % The \var{\{\$MINSTACKSIZE\}} directive is not supported by the target OS. scan_w_maxstacksize_not_support=02078_W_MAXSTACKSIZE não é suportado pelo SO alvo % The \var{\{\$MAXSTACKSIZE\}} directive is not supported by the target OS. scanner_e_illegal_warn_state=02079_E_Estado "$1" ilegal para a diretiva $WARN % Only ON and OFF can be used as state with a \var{\{\$WARN\}} compiler directive. scan_e_only_packset=02080_E_Valor ilegal para conjunto empacotamento % Only 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, DEFAULT and NORMAL are allowed as packset parameters. scan_w_pic_ignored=02081_W_Diretiva PIC ou chave ignorada % Several targets, such as \windows, do not support nor need PIC, % so the PIC directive and switch are ignored. scan_w_unsupported_switch_by_target=02082_W_A chave "$1" não é suportada pelo alvo selecionado atualmente % Some compiler switches like \$E are not supported by all targets. scan_w_frameworks_darwin_only=02084_W_Opções relacionadas a "Framework" são apenas suportadas para Darwin/Mac OS X % Frameworks are not a known concept, or at least not supported by FPC, % on operating systems other than Darwin/Mac OS X. scan_e_illegal_minfpconstprec=02085_E_Constante precisão mínima ponto flutuante ilegal "$1" % Valid minimal precisions for floating point constants are default, 32 and 64, % which mean respectively minimal (usually 32 bit), 32 bit and 64 bit precision. scan_w_multiple_main_name_overrides=02086_W_Sobrescrevendo nome do procedimento "main" múltiplas vezes, foi previamente ajustado para "$1" % The name for the main entry procedure is specified more than once. Only the last % name will be used. scanner_w_illegal_warn_identifier=02087_W_Identificador "$1" ilegal para a diretiva $WARN % Identifier is not known by a \var{\{\$WARN\}} compiler directive. scanner_e_illegal_alignment_directive=02088_E_Diretiva de alinhamento ilegal % The alignment directive is not valid. Either the alignment type is not known or the alignment % value is not a power of two. % \end{description} # # Parser # # 03314 is the last used one # % \section{Parser messages} % This section lists all parser messages. The parser takes care of the % semantics of you language, i.e. it determines if your Pascal constructs % are correct. % \begin{description} parser_e_syntax_error=03000_E_Analizador - Erro sintaxe % An error against the Turbo Pascal language was encountered. This typically % happens when an illegal character is found in the source file. parser_e_dont_nest_interrupt=03004_E_Procedimento INTERRUPT não pode ser aninhado % An \var{INTERRUPT} procedure must be global. parser_w_proc_directive_ignored=03005_W_Tipo procedimento "$1" ignorado % The specified procedure directive is ignored by FPC programs. parser_e_no_overload_for_all_procs=03006_E_Nem todas as declarações de "$1" estão declaradas com OVERLOAD % When you want to use overloading using the \var{OVERLOAD} directive, then % all declarations need to have \var{OVERLOAD} specified. parser_e_export_name_double=03008_E_Nome função exportada duplicada "$1" % Exported function names inside a specific DLL must all be different. parser_e_export_ordinal_double=03009_E_Índice função exportada duplicada $1 % Exported function indexes inside a specific DLL must all be different. parser_e_export_invalid_index=03010_E_índice inválido para função exportada % DLL function index must be in the range \var{1..\$FFFF}. parser_w_parser_reloc_no_debug=03011_W_Informação depuração DLL relocável ou executável $1 não funciona, desabilitado. % It is currently not possible to include debug information in a relocatable DLL. parser_w_parser_win32_debug_needs_WN=03012_W_Para permitir depuração para código win32 você necessita desabilitar relocação com opção -WN % Stabs debug info is wrong for relocatable DLL or EXES. Use -WN % if you want to debug win32 executables. parser_e_constructorname_must_be_init=03013_E_Nome Construtor deve ser INIT % You are declaring an object constructor with a name which is not \var{init}, and the % \var{-Ss} switch is in effect. See the switch \seeo{Ss}. parser_e_destructorname_must_be_done=03014_E_Nome Destruidor deve ser DONE % You are declaring an object destructor with a name which is not \var{done}, and the % \var{-Ss} switch is in effect. See the switch \seeo{Ss}. parser_e_proc_inline_not_supported=03016_E_Tipo procedimento INLINE não suportado % You tried to compile a program with C++ style inlining, and forgot to % specify the \var{-Si} option (\seeo{Si}). The compiler doesn't support C++ % styled inlining by default. parser_w_constructor_should_be_public=03018_W_Construtor deve ser público % Constructors must be in the 'public' part of an object (class) declaration. parser_w_destructor_should_be_public=03019_W_Destruidor deve ser público % Destructors must be in the 'public' part of an object (class) declaration. parser_n_only_one_destructor=03020_N_Classe deve ter apenas um destruidor % You can declare only one destructor for a class. parser_e_no_local_objects=03021_E_Definições classe local não permitidas % Classes must be defined globally. They cannot be defined inside a % procedure or function. parser_f_no_anonym_objects=03022_F_Definições classe anônima não permitidas % An invalid object (class) declaration was encountered, i.e. an % object or class without methods that isn't derived from another object or % class. For example: % \begin{verbatim} % Type o = object % a : longint; % end; % \end{verbatim} % will trigger this error. parser_n_object_has_no_vmt=03023_N_O objeto "$1" não tem VMT % This is a note indicating that the declared object has no % virtual method table. parser_e_illegal_parameter_list=03024_E_Lista parâmetros ilegal % You are calling a function with parameters that are of a different type than % the declared parameters of the function. parser_e_wrong_parameter_size=03026_E_Número incorreto de parâmetros especificado para chamada de "$1" % There is an error in the parameter list of the function or procedure -- % the number of parameters is not correct. parser_e_overloaded_no_procedure=03027_E_Identificador sobrecarregado "$1" não é uma função % The compiler encountered a symbol with the same name as an overloaded % function, but it is not a function it can overload. parser_e_overloaded_have_same_parameters=03028_E_Funções sobrecarregadas têm a mesma lista de parâmetros % You're declaring overloaded functions, but with the same parameter list. % Overloaded function must have at least 1 different parameter in their % declaration. parser_e_header_dont_match_forward=03029_E_Cabeçalho da função não coincide com a declaração anterior de "$1" % You declared a function with the same parameters but % different result type or function modifiers. parser_e_header_different_var_names=03030_E_Cabeçalho função "$1" não coincide com posterior : nome var modifica $2 => $3 % You declared the function in the \var{interface} part, or with the % \var{forward} directive, but defined it with a different parameter list. parser_n_duplicate_enum=03031_N_Valores tipo enumeração têm que ser ascendentes % \fpc allows enumeration constructions as in C. Examine the following % two declarations: % \begin{verbatim} % type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=200); % type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=4); % \end{verbatim} % The second declaration would produce an error. \var{A\_UAS} needs to have a % value higher than \var{A\_E}, i.e. at least 7. parser_e_no_with_for_variable_in_other_segments=03033_E_With não pode ser usado para variáveis em segmentos diferentes % With stores a variable locally on the stack, % but this is not possible if the variable belongs to another segment. parser_e_too_much_lexlevel=03034_E_Aninhamento função > 31 % You can nest function definitions only 31 levels deep. parser_e_range_check_error=03035_E_Erro verificação de faixa enquanto avaliando constantes % The constants are out of their allowed range. parser_w_range_check_error=03036_W_Erro verificação de faixa enquanto avaliando constantes % The constants are out of their allowed range. parser_e_double_caselabel=03037_E_Rótulo duplicado declaração "case" % You are specifying the same label 2 times in a \var{case} statement. parser_e_case_lower_less_than_upper_bound=03038_E_Limite superior da faixa declaração "case" é menor que o limite inferior % The upper bound of a \var{case} label is less than the lower bound and this % is useless. parser_e_type_const_not_possible=03039_E_Constantes tipadas de classes ou interfaces não são permitidas % You cannot declare a constant of type class or object. parser_e_no_overloaded_procvars=03040_E_Variáveis função de funções sobrecarregadas não são permitidas % You are trying to assign an overloaded function to a procedural variable. % This is not allowed. parser_e_invalid_string_size=03041_E_Comprimento 'String' deve ter valor entre 1 à 255 % The length of a shortstring in Pascal is limited to 255 characters. You are % trying to declare a string with length less than 1 or greater than 255. parser_w_use_extended_syntax_for_objects=03042_W_Use sintaxe extendida de NEW e DISPOSE para instanciar objetos % If you have a pointer \var{a} to an object type, then the statement % \var{new(a)} will not initialize the object (i.e. the constructor isn't % called), although space will be allocated. You should issue the % \var{new(a,init)} statement. This will allocate space, and call the % constructor of the object. parser_w_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers=03043_W_Uso de NEW ou DISPOSE para ponteiros não tipados não tem sentido parser_e_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers=03044_E_Uso de NEW ou DISPOSE não é possível para ponteiros não tipados % You cannot use \var{new(p)} or \var{dispose(p)} if \var{p} is an untyped pointer % because no size is associated to an untyped pointer. % It is accepted for compatibility in \var{TP} and \var{DELPHI} modes, but the % compiler will still warn you if it finds such a construct. parser_e_class_id_expected=03045_E_Identificador de classe esperado % This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains % a dot, i.e., an object or class method, but the type in front of the dot is not % a known type. parser_e_no_type_not_allowed_here=03046_E_Identificador tipo não permitido aqui % You cannot use a type inside an expression. parser_e_methode_id_expected=03047_E_Identificador de método esperado % This identifier is not a method. % This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains % a dot, i.e., an object or class method, but the procedure name is not a % procedure of this type. parser_e_header_dont_match_any_member=03048_E_Cabeçalho função não coincide com qualquer método desta classe "$1" % This identifier is not a method. % This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains % a dot, i.e., an object or class method, but the procedure name is not a % procedure of this type. parser_d_procedure_start=03049_DL_Procedimento/função $1 % When using the \var{-vd} switch, the compiler tells you when it starts % processing a procedure or function implementation. parser_e_error_in_real=03050_E_Constante ponto flutuante ilegal % The compiler expects a floating point expression, and gets something else. parser_e_fail_only_in_constructor=03051_E_FAIL só pode ser usado em contrutores % You are using the \var{fail} keyword outside a constructor method. parser_e_no_paras_for_destructor=03052_E_Destruidores não podem ter parâmetros % You are declaring a destructor with a parameter list. Destructor methods % cannot have parameters. parser_e_only_class_members_via_class_ref=03053_E_Apenas métodos, propriedades e variáveis de classe podem ser referenciadas por referências classe % This error occurs in a situation like the following: % \begin{verbatim} % Type : % Tclass = Class of Tobject; % % Var C : TClass; % % begin % ... % C.free % \end{verbatim} % \var{Free} is not a class method and hence cannot be called with a class % reference. parser_e_only_class_members=03054_E_Apenas métodos, propriedades e variáveis de classe podem ser acessadas em métodos de classe % This is related to the previous error. You cannot call a method of an object % from inside a class method. The following code would produce this error: % \begin{verbatim} % class procedure tobject.x; % % begin % free % \end{verbatim} % Because free is a normal method of a class it cannot be called from a class % method. parser_e_case_mismatch=03055_E_Constante e tipo CASE incompatíveis % One of the labels is not of the same type as the case variable. parser_e_illegal_symbol_exported=03056_E_Símbolos só podem ser exportados em uma biblioteca % You can only export procedures and functions when you write a library. You % cannot export variables or constants. parser_w_should_use_override=03057_W_Um método herdado é ocultado por "$1" % A method that is declared \var{virtual} in a parent class, should be % overridden in the descendant class with the \var{override} directive. If you % don't specify the \var{override} directive, you will hide the parent method; % you will not override it. parser_e_nothing_to_be_overridden=03058_E_Não há método na classe ancestral para ser sobreposto: "$1" % You are trying to \var{override} a virtual method of a parent class that does % not exist. parser_e_no_procedure_to_access_property=03059_E_Nenhum membro foi provido para acessar a propriedade % You specified no \var{read} directive for a property. parser_w_stored_not_implemented=03060_W_Diretiva propriedade armazenamento ainda não foi implementada % This message is no longer used, as the \var{stored} directive has been implemented. parser_e_ill_property_access_sym=03061_E_Símbolo ilegal para acesso propriedade % There is an error in the \var{read} or \var{write} directives for an array % property. When you declare an array property, you can only access it with % procedures and functions. The following code would cause such an error. % \begin{verbatim} % tmyobject = class % i : integer; % property x [i : integer]: integer read I write i; % \end{verbatim} % parser_e_cant_access_protected_member=03062_E_Não é possível acessar um campo protegido de um objeto aqui % Fields that are declared in a \var{protected} section of an object or class % declaration cannot be accessed outside the module where the object is % defined, or outside descendent object methods. parser_e_cant_access_private_member=03063_E_Não é possível acessar um campo privado de um objeto aqui % Fields that are declared in a \var{private} section of an object or class % declaration cannot be accessed outside the module where the class is % defined. parser_e_overridden_methods_not_same_ret=03066_E_Métodos sobrepostos devem ter o mesmo tipo de retorno: "$2" é sobreposto por "$1" que possui outro tipo retorno % If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must % have the same return type. parser_e_dont_nest_export=03067_E_Funções EXPORT declaradas não podem estar aninhadas % You cannot declare a function or procedure within a function or procedure % that was declared as an export procedure. parser_e_methods_dont_be_export=03068_E_Métodos não podem ser EXPORTados % You cannot declare a procedure that is a method for an object as % \var{export}ed. parser_e_call_by_ref_without_typeconv=03069_E_Chamada por var. para arg. no. $1 tem que coincidir exatamente: Obtido "$2" esperado "$3" % When calling a function declared with \var{var} parameters, the variables in % the function call must be of exactly the same type. There is no automatic % type conversion. parser_e_no_super_class=03070_E_Classe não é uma classe pai da classe atual % When calling inherited methods, you are trying to call a method of a non-related % class. You can only call an inherited method of a parent class. parser_e_self_not_in_method=03071_E_SELF é permitido apenas em métodos % You are trying to use the \var{self} parameter outside an object's method. % Only methods get passed the \var{self} parameters. parser_e_generic_methods_only_in_methods=03072_E_Métodos só podem estar em outros métodos se chamados diretamente com o identificador de tipo da classe % A construction like \var{sometype.somemethod} is only allowed in a method. parser_e_illegal_colon_qualifier=03073_E_Uso ilegal de ':' % You are using the format \var{:} (colon) 2 times on an expression that % is not a real expression. parser_e_illegal_set_expr=03074_E_Erro verificação de faixa em conjunto construtor ou elemento conjunto duplicado % The declaration of a set contains an error. Either one of the elements is % outside the range of the set type, or two of the elements are in fact % the same. parser_e_pointer_to_class_expected=03075_E_Ponteiro para objeto esperado % You specified an illegal type in a \var{new} statement. % The extended syntax of \var{new} needs an object as a parameter. parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call=03076_E_Expressão deve ser chamada ao construtor % When using the extended syntax of \var{new}, you must specify the constructor % method of the object you are trying to create. The procedure you specified % is not a constructor. parser_e_expr_have_to_be_destructor_call=03077_E_Expressão deve ser chamada ao destruidor % When using the extended syntax of \var{dispose}, you must specify the % destructor method of the object you are trying to dispose of. % The procedure you specified is not a destructor. parser_e_invalid_record_const=03078_E_Ordem ilegal dos elementos do registro % When declaring a constant record, you specified the fields in the wrong % order. parser_e_false_with_expr=03079_E_Tipo expressão deve ser classe ou tipo registro % A \var{with} statement needs an argument that is of the type \var{record} % or \var{class}. You are using \var{with} on an expression that is not of % this type. parser_e_void_function=03080_E_Procedimentos não podem retornar um valor % In \fpc, you can specify a return value for a function when using % the \var{exit} statement. This error occurs when you try to do this with a % procedure. Procedures cannot return a value. parser_e_constructors_always_objects=03081_E_Construtores, destruidores e operadores de classe devem ser métodos % You're declaring a procedure as destructor, constructor or class operator, when the % procedure isn't a class method. parser_e_operator_not_overloaded=03082_E_Operador não é sobrecarregado % You're trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for % this type. parser_e_no_such_assignment=03083_E_Impossível sobrecarregar atribuições para tipos iguais % You cannot overload assignment for types % that the compiler considers as equal. parser_e_overload_impossible=03084_E_Operador sobrecarga impossível % The combination of operator, arguments and return type are % incompatible. parser_e_no_reraise_possible=03085_E_Re-elevar não é possível lá % You are trying to re-raise an exception where it is not allowed. You can only % re-raise exceptions in an \var{except} block. parser_e_no_new_or_dispose_for_classes=03086_E_A sintaxe estendida para new ou dispose não é permitida para uma classe % You cannot generate an instance of a class with the extended syntax of % \var{new}. The constructor must be used for that. For the same reason, you % cannot call \var{dispose} to de-allocate an instance of a class, the % destructor must be used for that. parser_e_procedure_overloading_is_off=03088_E_Sobrecarga de procimento está desativada % When using the \var{-So} switch, procedure overloading is switched off. % Turbo Pascal does not support function overloading. parser_e_overload_operator_failed=03089_E_Não é possível sobrecarregar este operador. Operadores relacionados possíveis de sobrecarga (se algum) são: $1 % You are trying to overload an operator which cannot be overloaded. % The following operators can be overloaded : % \begin{verbatim} % +, -, *, /, =, >, <, <=, >=, is, as, in, **, := % \end{verbatim} parser_e_comparative_operator_return_boolean=03090_E_Operador de comparação deve retornar um valor booleano % When overloading the \var{=} operator, the function must return a boolean % value. parser_e_only_virtual_methods_abstract=03091_E_Apenas métodos virtuais podem ser abstratos % You are declaring a method as abstract, when it is not declared to be % virtual. parser_f_unsupported_feature=03092_F_Uso de característica não suportada! % You're trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet. parser_e_mix_of_classes_and_objects=03093_E_A mistura de diferentes espécies de objetos (class, object, interface, etc) não é permitida % You cannot derive \var{objects}, \var{classes}, \var{cppclasses} and \var{interfaces} intertwined. E.g. % a class cannot have an object as parent and vice versa. parser_w_unknown_proc_directive_ignored=03094_W_Diretiva desconhecida de procedimento teve que ser ignorada: "$1" % The procedure directive you specified is unknown. parser_e_absolute_only_one_var=03095_E_Absolute só pode estar associada a uma variável % You cannot specify more than one variable before the \var{absolute} directive. % Thus, the following construct will provide this error: % \begin{verbatim} % Var Z : Longint; % X,Y : Longint absolute Z; % \end{verbatim} parser_e_absolute_only_to_var_or_const=03096_E_Absolute só pode estar associada com uma variável ou constante % The address of an \var{absolute} directive can only point to a variable or % constant. Therefore, the following code will produce this error: % \begin{verbatim} % Procedure X; % % var p : longint absolute x; % \end{verbatim} parser_e_initialized_only_one_var=03097_E_Apenas uma variável pode ser inicializada % You cannot specify more than one variable with a initial value in Delphi mode. parser_e_abstract_no_definition=03098_E_Métodos abstratos não devem ter qualquer definição (com corpo função) % Abstract methods can only be declared, you cannot implement them. They % should be overridden by a descendant class. parser_e_overloaded_must_be_all_global=03099_E_Esta função sobrecarregada não pode ser local (deve ser exportada) % You are defining an overloaded function in the implementation part of a unit, % but there is no corresponding declaration in the interface part of the unit. parser_w_virtual_without_constructor=03100_W_Métodos virtuais são usados sem um construtor em "$1" % If you declare objects or classes that contain virtual methods, you need % to have a constructor and destructor to initialize them. The compiler % encountered an object or class with virtual methods that doesn't have % a constructor/destructor pair. parser_c_macro_defined=03101_CL_Macro definida: $1 % When \var{-vc} is used, the compiler tells you when it defines macros. parser_c_macro_undefined=03102_CL_Macro indefinida: $1 % When \var{-vc} is used, the compiler tells you when it undefines macros. parser_c_macro_set_to=03103_CL_Macro $1 ajustada para $2 % When \var{-vc} is used, the compiler tells you what values macros get. parser_i_compiling=03104_I_Compilando $1 % When you turn on information messages (\var{-vi}), the compiler tells you % what units it is recompiling. parser_u_parsing_interface=03105_UL_Analisando interface da unidade $1 % This tells you that the reading of the interface % of the current unit has started parser_u_parsing_implementation=03106_UL_Analisando implementação de $1 % This tells you that the code reading of the implementation % of the current unit, library or program starts parser_d_compiling_second_time=03107_DL_Compilando $1 uma segunda vez % When you request debug messages (\var{-vd}) the compiler tells you what % units it recompiles for the second time. parser_e_no_property_found_to_override=03109_E_Nenhuma propriedade encontrada para sobrepor % You want to override a property of a parent class, when there is, in fact, % no such property in the parent class. parser_e_only_one_default_property=03110_E_Apenas uma propriedade padrão é permitida % You specified a property as \var{Default}, but the class already has a % default property, and a class can have only one default property. parser_e_property_need_paras=03111_E_A propriedade padrão deve ser uma propriedade matriz % Only array properties of classes can be made \var{default} properties. parser_e_constructor_cannot_be_not_virtual=03112_E_Construtores virtuais são suportados apenas modelo objeto classe % You cannot have virtual constructors in objects. You can only have them % in classes. parser_e_no_default_property_available=03113_E_Nenhuma propriedade padrão disponível % You are trying to access a default property of a class, but this class (or one of % its ancestors) doesn't have a default property. parser_e_cant_have_published=03114_E_A classe não pode ter uma seção PUBLISHED, use a chave {$M+} % If you want a \var{published} section in a class definition, you must % use the \var{\{\$M+\}} switch, which turns on generation of type % information. parser_e_forward_declaration_must_be_resolved=03115_E_Declaração posterior da classe "$1" deve ser resolvida aqui para usar a classe como ancestral % To be able to use an object as an ancestor object, it must be defined % first. This error occurs in the following situation: % \begin{verbatim} % Type ParentClas = Class; % ChildClass = Class(ParentClass) % ... % end; % \end{verbatim} % where \var{ParentClass} is declared but not defined. parser_e_no_local_operator=03116_E_Operadores locais não suportados % You cannot overload locally, i.e. inside procedures or function % definitions. parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_interface=03117_E_Diretiva procedimento "$1" não permitida na seção interface % This procedure directive is not allowed in the \var{interface} section of % a unit. You can only use it in the \var{implementation} section. parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_implementation=03118_E_Diretiva procedimento "$1" não permitida na seção implementação % This procedure directive is not allowed in the \var{implementation} section of % a unit. You can only use it in the \var{interface} section. parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_procvar=03119_E_Diretiva procedimento "$1" não permitida na declaração procvar % This procedure directive cannot be part of a procedural or function % type declaration. parser_e_function_already_declared_public_forward=03120_E_Função já declarada como Pública/Posterior "$1" % You will get this error if a function is defined as \var{forward} twice. % Or if it occurs in the \var{interface} section, and again as a \var{forward} % declaration in the \var{implementation} section. parser_e_not_external_and_export=03121_E_Impossível usar ambos EXPORT e EXTERNAL % These two procedure directives are mutually exclusive. parser_h_not_supported_for_inline=03123_H_"$1" não suportado ainda dentro procedimento/função em linha % Inline procedures don't support this declaration. parser_h_inlining_disabled=03124_H_Procedimentos em linha desabilitados % Inlining of procedures is disabled. parser_i_writing_browser_log=03125_I_Gravando histório Navegador $1 % When information messages are on, the compiler warns you when it % writes the browser log (generated with the \var{\{\$Y+ \}} switch). parser_h_maybe_deref_caret_missing=03126_H_Talvez desreferência de ponteiro esteja faltando % The compiler thinks that a pointer may need a dereference. parser_f_assembler_reader_not_supported=03127_F_Leitor assembler selecionado não suportado % The selected assembler reader (with \var{\{\$ASMMODE xxx\}} is not % supported. The compiler can be compiled with or without support for a % particular assembler reader. parser_e_proc_dir_conflict=03128_E_Diretiva procedimento "$1" tem conflitos com outras diretivas % You specified a procedure directive that conflicts with other directives. % For instance \var{cdecl} and \var{pascal} are mutually exclusive. parser_e_call_convention_dont_match_forward=03129_E_Convenção de chamada não coincide com declaração posterior % This error happens when you declare a function or procedure with % e.g. \var{cdecl;} but omit this directive in the implementation, or vice % versa. The calling convention is part of the function declaration, and % must be repeated in the function definition. parser_e_property_cant_have_a_default_value=03131_E_Propriedade não pode ter um valor padrão % Set properties or indexed properties cannot have a default value. parser_e_property_default_value_must_const=03132_E_O valor padrão de um propriedade deve ser uma constante % The value of a \var{default} declared property must be known at compile % time. The value you specified is only known at run time. This happens % e.g. if you specify a variable name as a default value. parser_e_cant_publish_that=03133_E_Símbolo não pode ser PUBLISHED, pode ser apenas uma classe % Only class type variables can be in a \var{published} section of a class % if they are not declared as a property. parser_e_cant_publish_that_property=03134_E_Este tipo de propriedade não pode ser PUBLISHED % Properties in a \var{published} section cannot be array properties. % They must be moved to public sections. Properties in a \var{published} % section must be an ordinal type, a real type, strings or sets. parser_e_empty_import_name=03136_E_Um nome importação é requerido % Some targets need a name for the imported procedure or a \var{cdecl} specifier. parser_e_division_by_zero=03138_E_Divisão por zero % A division by zero was encounted. parser_e_invalid_float_operation=03139_E_Operação ponto flutuante inválida % An operation on two real type values produced an overflow or a division % by zero. parser_e_array_lower_less_than_upper_bound=03140_E_Limite superior da faixa é menor que o limite inferior % The upper bound of an array declaration is less than the lower bound and this % is not possible. parser_w_string_too_long=03141_W_'String' "$1" é maior que "$2" % The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in % string type definition. parser_e_string_larger_array=03142_E_Comprimento 'String' é maior que o comprimento da matriz de caractere % The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in % the \var{Array[x..y] of char} definition. parser_e_ill_msg_expr=03143_E_Expressão ilegal após diretiva mensagem % \fpc supports only integer or string values as message constants. parser_e_ill_msg_param=03144_E_Manipuladores mensagens podem ter apenas uma chamada por parâmetro referência % A method declared with the \var{message} directive as message handler % can take only one parameter which must be declared as call by reference. % Parameters are declared as call by reference using the \var{var}-directive. parser_e_duplicate_message_label=03145_E_Rótulo mensagem duplicado: "$1" % A label for a message is used twice in one object/class. parser_e_self_in_non_message_handler=03146_E_Self pode ser um parâmetro explícito apenas em métodos que são manipuladores de mensagens % The \var{Self} parameter can only be passed explicitly to a method which % is declared as message handler. parser_e_threadvars_only_sg=03147_E_Threadvars podem ser apenas estáticas ou globais % Threadvars must be static or global; you can't declare a thread % local to a procedure. Local variables are always local to a thread, % because every thread has its own stack and local variables % are stored on the stack. parser_f_direct_assembler_not_allowed=03148_F_Assembler direto não suportado para formato de saída binário % You can't use direct assembler when using a binary writer. Choose an % other output format or use another assembler reader. parser_w_no_objpas_use_mode=03149_W_Não carregue a unidade OBJPAS manualmente, use \{\$mode objfpc\} ou \{\$mode delphi\} % You are trying to load the \file{ObjPas} unit manually from a \var{uses} clause. % This is not a good idea. Use the \var{\{\$MODE OBJFPC\}} or % \var{\{\$mode delphi\}} directives which load the unit automatically. parser_e_no_object_override=03150_E_OVERRIDE não pode ser usado em objetos % \var{Override} is not supported for objects, use \var{virtual} instead to override % a method of a parent object. parser_e_cant_use_inittable_here=03151_E_Tipos de dados que requerem inicialização/finalização não podem ser usados em registros variant % Some data types (e.g. \var{ansistring}) need initialization/finalization % code which is implicitly generated by the compiler. Such data types % can't be used in the variant part of a record. parser_e_resourcestring_only_sg=03152_E_Recursos 'String' podem ser apenas estáticos ou globais % Resourcestring cannot be declared local, only global or using the static % directive. parser_e_exit_with_argument_not__possible=03153_E_EXIT com argumentos não pode ser usado aqui % An exit statement with an argument for the return value can't be used here. This % can happen for example in \var{try..except} or \var{try..finally} blocks. parser_e_stored_property_must_be_boolean=03154_E_O tipo do símbolo de armazenamento deve ser booleano % If you specify a storage symbol in a property declaration, it must be a % boolean type. parser_e_ill_property_storage_sym=03155_E_Este símbolo não é permitido como símbolo de armazenamento % You can't use this type of symbol as storage specifier in property % declaration. You can use only methods with the result type boolean, % boolean class fields or boolean constants. parser_e_only_publishable_classes_can_be_published=03156_E_Apenas classes que são compiladas no modo $M+ podem ser PUBLISHED % A class-typed field in the published section of a class can only be a class which was % compiled in \var{\{\$M+\}} or which is derived from such a class. Normally % such a class should be derived from \var{TPersistent}. parser_e_proc_directive_expected=03157_E_Diretiva procedimento esperada % This error is triggered when you have a \var{\{\$Calling\}} directive without % a calling convention specified. % It also happens when declaring a procedure in a const block and you % used a ; after a procedure declaration which must be followed by a % procedure directive. % Correct declarations are: % \begin{verbatim} % const % p : procedure;stdcall=nil; % p : procedure stdcall=nil; % \end{verbatim} parser_e_invalid_property_index_value=03158_E_O valor de um índice de propriedade deve ser do tipo ordinal % The value you use to index a property must be of an ordinal type, for % example an integer or enumerated type. parser_e_procname_to_short_for_export=03159_E_Nome procedimento muito curto para ser exportado % The length of the procedure/function name must be at least 2 characters % long. This is because of a bug in dlltool which doesn't parse the .def % file correctly with a name of length 1. parser_e_dlltool_unit_var_problem=03160_E_Nenhuma entrada DEFFILE pode ser gerada para vars. globais unidade parser_e_dlltool_unit_var_problem2=03161_E_Compile sem a opção -WD % You need to compile this file without the -WD switch on the % command line. parser_f_need_objfpc_or_delphi_mode=03162_F_Você precisa do modo ObjFpc (-S2) ou Delphi (-Sd) para compilar este módulo % You need to use \var{\{\$MODE OBJFPC\}} or \var{\{\$MODE DELPHI\}} to compile this file. % Or use the corresponding command line switch, either \var{-Mobjfpc} or \var{-MDelphi.} parser_e_no_export_with_index_for_target=03163_E_Impossível exportar com índice sob $1 % Exporting of functions or procedures with a specified index is not % supported on this target. parser_e_no_export_of_variables_for_target=03164_E_Exportação de variáveis não é suportada sob $1 % Exporting of variables is not supported on this target. parser_e_improper_guid_syntax=03165_E_Sintaxe GUID imprópria % The GUID indication does not have the proper syntax. It should be of the form % \begin{verbatim} % {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} % \end{verbatim} % Where each \var{X} represents a hexadecimal digit. parser_w_interface_mapping_notfound=03168_W_Procedimento chamado "$1" que fosse adequado à implementação de $2.$3 não encontrado % The compiler cannot find a suitable procedure which implements the given method of an interface. % A procedure with the same name is found, but the arguments do not match. parser_e_interface_id_expected=03169_E_Identificador interface esperado % This happens when the compiler scans a \var{class} declaration that contains % \var{interface} function name mapping code like this: % \begin{verbatim} % type % TMyObject = class(TObject, IDispatch) % function IUnknown.QueryInterface=MyQueryInterface; % .... % \end{verbatim} % and the \var{interface} before the dot is not listed in the inheritance list. parser_e_type_cant_be_used_in_array_index=03170_E_Tipo "$1" não pode ser usado como tipo índice matriz % Types like \var{qword} or \var{int64} aren't allowed as array index type. parser_e_no_con_des_in_interfaces=03171_E_Construtor e destruidor não permitidos em interfaces % Constructor and destructor declarations aren't allowed in interfaces. % In the most cases method \var{QueryInterface} of \var{IUnknown} can % be used to create a new interface. parser_e_no_access_specifier_in_interfaces=03172_E_Especificadores de acesso não podem ser usados em INTERFACEs e OBJCPROTOCOLs % The access specifiers \var{public}, \var{private}, \var{protected} and % \var{published} can't be used in interfaces, Objective-C protocols and categories because all methods % of an interface/protocol/category must be public. parser_e_no_vars_in_interfaces=03173_E_Uma interface, auxiliar ou protocolo Objective-C ou categoria não pode conter campos % Declarations of fields are not allowed in interfaces, helpers and Objective-C protocols and categories. % An interface/protocol/category can contain only methods and properties with method read/write specifiers. parser_e_no_local_proc_external=03174_E_Impossíve declarar procedimento local como EXTERNAL % Declaring local procedures as external is not possible. Local procedures % get hidden parameters that will make the chance of errors very high. parser_w_skipped_fields_before=03175_W_Alguns campos que vêm antes de "$1" não foram inicializados % In Delphi mode, not all fields of a typed constant record have to be % initialized, but the compiler warns you when it detects such situations. parser_e_skipped_fields_before=03176_E_Alguns campos que vêm antes de "$1" não foram inicializados % In all syntax modes but Delphi mode, you can't leave some fields uninitialized % in the middle of a typed constant record. parser_w_skipped_fields_after=03177_W_Alguns campos que vêm depois de "$1" não foram inicializados % You can leave some fields at the end of a type constant record uninitialized % (The compiler will initialize them to zero automatically). This may be the cause % of subtle problems. parser_e_varargs_need_cdecl_and_external=03178_E_Diretiva VarArgs (ou '...' em MacPas) sem CDecl/CPPDecl/MWPascal e External % The varargs directive (or the ``...'' varargs parameter in MacPas mode) can only be % used with procedures or functions that are declared with \var{external} and one of % \var{cdecl}, \var{cppdecl} and \var{mwpascal}. This functionality % is only supported to provide a compatible interface to C functions like printf. parser_e_self_call_by_value=03179_E_Self deve ser um parâmetro normal (chamada-por-valor) % You can't declare \var{Self} as a const or var parameter, it must always be % a call-by-value parameter. parser_e_interface_has_no_guid=03180_E_Interface "$1" não tem identificação de interface % When you want to assign an interface to a constant, then the interface % must have a GUID value set. parser_e_illegal_field_or_method=03181_E_Campo classe ou identificador método "$1" desconhecido % Properties must refer to a field or method in the same class. parser_w_proc_overriding_calling=03182_W_Convenção chamada sobreposição "$1" com "$2" % There are two directives in the procedure declaration that specify a calling % convention. Only the last directive will be used. parser_e_no_procvarobj_const=03183_E_Constantes tipadas do tipo "procedimento de objeto" podem ser apenas inicializadas com NIL % You cannot assign the address of a method to a typed constant which has a % 'procedure of object' type, because such a constant requires two addresses: % that of the method (which is known at compile time) and that of the object or % class instance it operates on (which cannot be known at compile time). parser_e_default_value_only_one_para=03184_E_Valor padrão pode ser atribuído apenas à um parâmetro % It is not possible to specify a default value for several parameters at once. % The following is invalid: % \begin{verbatim} % Procedure MyProcedure (A,B : Integer = 0); % \end{verbatim} % Instead, this should be declared as % \begin{verbatim} % Procedure MyProcedure (A : Integer = 0; B : Integer = 0); % \end{verbatim} parser_e_default_value_expected_for_para=03185_E_Parâmetro padrão requerido para "$1" % The specified parameter requires a default value. parser_w_unsupported_feature=03186_W_Uso de característica não suportada! % You're trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet. parser_h_c_arrays_are_references=03187_H_Matrizes C são passadas por referência % Any array passed to a C function is passed % by a pointer (i.e. by reference). parser_e_C_array_of_const_must_be_last=03188_E_Matrizes de constantes C devem ser o último argumento % You cannot add any other argument after an \var{array of const} for % \var{cdecl} functions, as the size pushed on stack for this argument is % not known. parser_h_type_redef=03189_H_Redefinição do tipo "$1" % This is an indicator that a previously declared type is % being redefined as something else. This may, or may not % be, a potential source of errors. parser_w_cdecl_has_no_high=03190_W_Funções declaradas com cdecl não tem um parâmetro implícito extra % Functions declared with the \var{cdecl} modifier do not pass an extra implicit parameter. parser_w_cdecl_no_openstring=03191_W_Funções declaradas com cdecl não suportam 'String' aberta % Openstring is not supported for functions that have the \var{cdecl} modifier. parser_e_initialized_not_for_threadvar=03192_E_Impossível inicializar variáveis declaradas como threadvar % Variables declared as threadvar cannot be initialized with a default value. % The variables will always be filled with zero at the start of a new thread. parser_e_msg_only_for_classes=03193_E_Diretiva mensagem é permitida apenas em Classes % The message directive is only supported for Class types. parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected=03194_E_Procedimento ou Função esperados % A class method can only be specified for procedures and functions. parser_e_illegal_calling_convention=03195_W_Diretiva convenção de chamada ignorada: "$1" % Some calling conventions are supported only by certain CPUs. I.e. most non-i386 ports support % only the standard ABI calling convention of the CPU. parser_e_no_object_reintroduce=03196_E_REINTRODUCE não pode ser usado em objetos % \var{reintroduce} is not supported for objects, Objective-C classes and Objective-C protocols. parser_e_paraloc_only_one_para=03197_E_Cada argumento deve ter sua própria localização % If locations for arguments are specified explicitly as it is required by % some syscall conventions, each argument must have its own location. Things % like % \begin{verbatim} % procedure p(i,j : longint 'r1'); % \end{verbatim} % aren't allowed. parser_e_paraloc_all_paras=03198_E_Cada argumento deve ter uma localização explícita % If one argument has an explicit argument location, all arguments of a procedure % must have one. parser_e_illegal_explicit_paraloc=03199_E_Localização argumento desconhecida % The location specified for an argument isn't recognized by the compiler. parser_e_32bitint_or_pointer_variable_expected=03200_E_Inteiro 32-Bit ou variável ponteiro esperados % The libbase for MorphOS/AmigaOS can be given only as \var{longint}, \var{dword} or any pointer variable. parser_e_goto_outside_proc=03201_E_Declaração Goto não permitida entre procedimentos diferentes % It isn't allowed to use \var{goto} statements referencing labels outside the % current procedure. The following example shows the problem: % \begin{verbatim} % ... % procedure p1; % label % l1; % % procedure p2; % begin % goto l1; // This goto ISN'T allowed % end; % % begin % p2 % l1: % end; % ... % % \end{verbatim} parser_f_too_complex_proc=03202_F_Procedimento muito complexo, ele requer muitos registradores % Your procedure body is too long for the compiler. You should split the % procedure into multiple smaller procedures. parser_e_illegal_expression=03203_E_Expressão ilegal % This can occur under many circumstances. Usually when trying to evaluate % constant expressions. parser_e_invalid_integer=03204_E_Expressão inteira inválida % You made an expression which isn't an integer, and the compiler expects the % result to be an integer. parser_e_invalid_qualifier=03205_E_Qualifiador ilegal % One of the following is happening : % \begin{itemize} % \item You're trying to access a field of a variable that is not a record. % \item You're indexing a variable that is not an array. % \item You're dereferencing a variable that is not a pointer. % \end{itemize} parser_e_upper_lower_than_lower=03206_E_Limite de faixa alta < limite de faixa baixa % You are declaring a subrange, and the high limit is less than the low limit of % the range. parser_e_macpas_exit_wrong_param=03207_E_Parâmetro de saída deve ser o nome do procedimento em que ele é usado % Non local exit is not allowed. This error occurs only in mode MacPas. parser_e_illegal_assignment_to_count_var=03208_E_Atribuição ilegal para a variável for-loop "$1" % The type of a \var{for} loop variable must be an ordinal type. % Loop variables cannot be reals or strings. You also cannot assign values to % loop variables inside the loop (Except in Delphi and TP modes). Use a while or % repeat loop instead if you need to do something like that, since those % constructs were built for that. parser_e_no_local_var_external=03209_E_Impossível declarar variável local como EXTERNAL % Declaring local variables as external is not allowed. Only global variables can reference % external variables. parser_e_proc_already_external=03210_E_Procedimento já foi declarado como EXTERNAL % The procedure is already declared with the EXTERNAL directive in an interface or % forward declaration. parser_w_implicit_uses_of_variants_unit=03211_W_Uso implícito da unidade Variants % The Variant type is used in the unit without any used unit using the Variants unit. The % compiler has implicitly added the Variants unit to the uses list. To remove this warning % the Variants unit needs to be added to the uses statement. parser_e_no_static_method_in_interfaces=03212_E_Classe e métodos estáticos não podem ser usados em INTERFACES % The specifier \var{class} and directive \var{static} can't be used in interfaces % because all methods of an interface must be public. parser_e_arithmetic_operation_overflow=03213_E_Transbordamento em operação aritimética % An operation on two integer values produced an overflow. parser_e_protected_or_private_expected=03214_E_Protected ou private esperados % \var{strict} can be only used together with \var{protected} or \var{private}. parser_e_illegal_slice=03215_E_SLICE não pode ser usado fora da lista de parâmetros % \var{slice} can be used only for arguments accepting an open array parameter. parser_e_dispinterface_cant_have_parent=03216_E_Uma DISPINTERFACE não pode ter uma classe pai % A DISPINTERFACE is a special type of interface which can't have a parent class. Dispinterface always derive from IDispatch type. parser_e_dispinterface_needs_a_guid=03217_E_Uma DISPINTERFACE necessita de um GUID % A DISPINTERFACE always needs an interface identification (a GUID). parser_w_overridden_methods_not_same_ret=03218_W_Métodos susbtituídos devem ter um tipo de retorno relacionados. Este código pode travar, ele depende de uma falha do analizador Delphi ("$2" é sobreposto por "$1" que possue outro tipo de retorno) % If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must % have the same return type. Some versions of Delphi allow you to change the % return type of interface methods, and even to change procedures into % functions, but the resulting code may crash depending on the types used % and the way the methods are called. parser_e_dispid_must_be_ord_const=03219_E_IDs despacho devem ser constantes ordinais % The \var{dispid} keyword must be followed by an ordinal constant (the dispid index). parser_e_array_range_out_of_bounds=03220_E_A faixa da matriz é demasiada grande % Regardless of the size taken up by its elements, an array cannot have more % than high(ptrint) elements. Additionally, the range type must be a subrange % of ptrint. parser_e_packed_element_no_var_addr=03221_E_O endereço não pode ser obtido de elementos de matriz de bits compactados ou campos de registro % If you declare an array or record as \var{packed} in Mac Pascal mode % (or as \var{packed} in any mode with \var{\{\$bitpacking on\}}), it will % be packed at the bit level. This means it becomes impossible to take addresses % of individual array elements or record fields. The only exception to this rule % is in the case of packed arrays elements whose packed size is a multple of 8 bits. parser_e_packed_dynamic_open_array=03222_E_Matrizes dinâmicas não podem ser compactadas % Only regular (and possibly in the future also open) arrays can be packed. parser_e_packed_element_no_loop=03223_E_Elementos de matrizes de bits compactados ou campos de registro não podem ser usadas como variáveis de laços % If you declare an array or record as \var{packed} in Mac Pascal mode % (or as \var{packed} in any mode with \var{\{\$bitpacking on\}}), it will % be packed at the bit level. For performance reasons, they cannot be % used as loop variables. parser_e_type_var_const_only_in_records_and_classes=03224_E_VAR, TYPE e CONST são permitidos apenas em registros, objetos e classes % The usage of VAR, TYPE and CONST to declare new types inside an object is allowed only inside % records, objects and classes. parser_e_cant_create_generics_of_this_type=03225_E_Este tipo não pode ser um genérico % Only Classes, Objects, Interfaces and Records are allowed to be used as generic. parser_w_no_lineinfo_use_switch=03226_W_Não caregue a unidade LINEINFO manualmente, Em vez disso utilize a chave de compilador -gl % Do not use the \file{lineinfo} unit directly, Use the \var{-gl} switch which % automatically adds the correct unit for reading the selected type of debugging % information. The unit that needs to be used depends on the type of % debug information used when compiling the binary. parser_e_no_funcret_specified=03227_E_Nenhum tipo de retorno de função especificado para a função "$1" % The first time you declare a function you have to declare it completely, % including all parameters and the result type. parser_e_special_onlygenerics=03228_E_Especialização é suportado apenas por tipos genéricos % Types which are not generics can't be specialized. parser_e_no_generics_as_params=03229_E_Genéricos não podem ser usados como parâmetros quando especializando genéricos % When specializing a generic, only non-generic types can be used as parameters. parser_e_type_object_constants=03230_E_Constantes de objetos contendo uma VMT não são permitidas % If an object requires a VMT either because it contains a constructor or virtual methods, % it's not allowed to create constants of it. In TP and Delphi mode this is allowed % for compatibility reasons. parser_e_label_outside_proc=03231_E_Obter o endereço de rótulos definidos fora do escopo atual não é permitido % It isn't allowed to take the address of labels outside the % current procedure. parser_e_initialized_not_for_external=03233_E_Impossível inicializar variáveis declaradas como externas % Variables declared as external cannot be initialized with a default value. parser_e_illegal_function_result=03234_E_Tipo de retorno de função ilegal % Some types like file types cannot be used as function result. parser_e_no_common_type=03235_E_Nenhum tipo comum entre "$1" e "$2" % To perform an operation on integers, the compiler converts both operands % to their common type, which appears to be an invalid type. To determine the % common type of the operands, the compiler takes the minimum of the minimal values % of both types, and the maximum of the maximal values of both types. The common % type is then minimum..maximum. parser_e_no_generics_as_types=03236_E_Genéricos sem especialização não podem ser usadas como um tipo para uma variável % Generics must be always specialized before being used as variable type. parser_w_register_list_ignored=03237_W_Lista registros é ignorada para rotinas assembler puras % When using pure assembler routines, the list with modified registers is ignored. parser_e_implements_must_be_class_or_interface=03238_E_Propriedade 'Implements' deve ter tipo classe ou interface % A property which implements an interface must be of type class or interface. parser_e_implements_must_have_correct_type=03239_E_Propriedade 'Implements' deve implementar interface de tipo correto, encontrado "$1" esperado "$2" % A property which implements an interface actually implements a different interface. parser_e_implements_must_read_specifier=03240_E_Propriedade 'Implements' deve ter especificador de leitura % A property which implements an interface must have at least a read specifier. parser_e_implements_must_not_have_write_specifier=03241_E_Propriedade 'Implements' não deve ter especificador de escrita % A property which implements an interface may not have a write specifier. parser_e_implements_must_not_have_stored_specifier=03242_E_Propriedade 'Implements' não deve ter especificador de armazenagem % A property which implements an interface may not have a stored specifier. parser_e_implements_uses_non_implemented_interface=03243_E_Propriedade 'Implements' usada em interface não implementada: "$1" % The interface which is implemented by a property is not an interface implemented by the class. parser_e_unsupported_real=03244_E_Ponto flutuante não suportado para este alvo % The compiler parsed a floating point expression, but it is not supported. parser_e_class_doesnt_implement_interface=03245_E_Classe "$1" não implementa interface "$2" % The delegated interface is not implemented by the class given in the implements clause. parser_e_class_implements_must_be_interface=03246_E_Tipo usado por implementação deve ser uma interface % The \var{implements} keyword must be followed by an interface type. parser_e_cant_export_var_different_name=03247_E_Variáveis não podem ser exportadas com um nome diferente neste alvo, adicione o nome na declaração usando a diretiva "export" (nome variável: $1, nome exportação declarado: $2) % On most targets it is not possible to change the name under which a variable % is exported inside the \var{exports} statement of a library. % In that case, you have to specify the export name at the point where the % variable is declared, using the \var{export} and \var{alias} directives. parser_e_weak_external_not_supported=03248_E_Símbolos externos fracos não são suportados para o atual alvo % A "weak external" symbol is a symbol which may or may not exist at (either static % or dynamic) link time. This concept may not be available (or implemented yet) % on the current cpu/OS target. parser_e_forward_mismatch=03249_E_Definição posterior tipo incompatível % Classes and interfaces being defined forward must have the same type % when being implemented. A forward interface cannot be changed into a class. parser_n_ignore_lower_visibility=03250_N_Método virtual "$1" tem baixa visibilidade ($2) que a classe pai $3 ($4) % The virtual method overrides an method that is declared with a higher visibility. This might give % unexpected results. In case the new visibility is private than it might be that a call to inherited in a % new child class will call the higher visible method in a parent class and ignores the private method. parser_e_field_not_allowed_here=03251_E_Campos não podem aparecer depois dem um método ou definição propriedade, inicie uma nova seção de visibilidade primeiro % Once a method or property has been defined in a class or object, you cannot define any fields afterwards % without starting a new visibility section (such as \var{public}, \var{private}, etc.). The reason is % that otherwise the source code can appear ambiguous to the compiler, since it is possible to use modifiers % such as \var{default} and \var{register} also as field names. parser_e_no_local_para_def=03252_E_Parâmetros ou tipos resultado não podem conter definições locais de tipo. Use uma definição de tipo separada em um bloco de tipos % In Pascal, types are not considered to be identical simply because they are semantically equivalent. % Two variables or parameters are only considered to be of the same type if they refer to the % same type definition. % As a result, it is not allowed to define new types inside parameter lists, because then it is impossible to % refer to the same type definition in the procedure headers of the interface and implementation of a unit % (both procedure headers would define a separate type). Keep in mind that expressions such as % ``file of byte'' or ``string[50]'' also define a new type. parser_e_abstract_and_sealed_conflict=03253_E_Conflito ABSTRACT e SEALED % ABSTRACT and SEALED cannot be used together in one declaration parser_e_sealed_descendant=03254_E_Impossível criar um descendente da classe selada "$1" % Sealed means that class cannot be derived by another class. parser_e_sealed_class_cannot_have_abstract_methods=03255_E_Classe selada não pode ter um método abstrato % Sealed means that class cannot be derived. Therefore no one class is able to override an abstract method in a sealed class. parser_e_only_virtual_methods_final=03256_E_Apenas métodos virtuais podem ser finais % You are declaring a method as final, when it is not declared to be % virtual. parser_e_final_can_no_be_overridden=03257_E_Método final não pode ser sobreposto: "$1" % You are trying to \var{override} a virtual method of a parent class that does % not exist. parser_e_multiple_messages=03258_E_Apenas uma mensagem pode ser usada por método. % It is not possible to associate multiple messages with a single method. parser_e_invalid_enumerator_identifier=03259_E_Identificador enumerador inválido: "$1" % Only "MoveNext" and "Current" enumerator identifiers are supported. parser_e_enumerator_identifier_required=03260_E_Identificador enumerador requerido % "MoveNext" or "Current" identifier must follow the \var{enumerator} modifier. parser_e_enumerator_movenext_is_not_valid=03261_E_Método enumerador 'MoveNext' padrão inválido. Método deve ser uma função com tipo de retorno booleano e sem argumentos requeridos. % "MoveNext" enumerator pattern method must be a function with Boolean return type and no required arguments parser_e_enumerator_current_is_not_valid=03262_E_Propriedade enumerador 'Current' padrão inválido. Propriedade deve ter um 'getter'. % "Current" enumerator pattern property must have a getter parser_e_only_one_enumerator_movenext=03263_E_Apenas um método enumerador 'MoveNext' é permitido por classe/objeto % Class or Object can have only one enumerator MoveNext declaration. parser_e_only_one_enumerator_current=03264_E_Apenas uma propriedade enumerador 'Current' é permitida por classe/objeto % Class or Object can have only one enumerator Current declaration. parser_e_for_in_loop_cannot_be_used_for_the_type=03265_E_Laço 'for in' não pode ser usado para o tipo "$1" % For in loop can be used not for all types. For example it cannot be used for the enumerations with jumps. parser_e_objc_requires_msgstr=03266_E_Mensagens Objective-C requerem que seu nome seletor Objective-C seja especificado usando a diretiva "message". % Objective-C messages require their Objective-C name (selector name) to be specified using the \var{message `someName:'} procedure directive. % While bindings to other languages automatically generate such names based on the identifier you use (by replacing % all underscores with colons), this is unsafe since nothing prevents an Objective-C method name to contain actual % colons. parser_e_objc_no_constructor_destructor=03267_E_Objective-C não tem construtores nem destruidores formais. Use as mensagens 'alloc', 'initXXX' e 'dealloc'. % The Objective-C language does not have any constructors or destructors. While there are some messages with a similar % purpose (such as \var{init} and \var{dealloc}), these cannot be identified using automatic parsers and do not % guarantee anything like Pascal constructors/destructors (e.g., you have to take care of only calling ``designated'' % inherited ``constructors''). For these reasons, we have opted to follow the standard Objective-C patterns for % instance creation/destruction. parser_e_message_string_too_long=03268_E_Nome mensagem é muito longo (max. 255 caracteres) % Due to compiler implementation reasons, message names are currently limited to 255 characters. parser_e_objc_message_name_too_long=03269_E_Nome símbolo mensagem Objective-C para "$1" é muito longo % Due to compiler implementation reasons, mangled message names (i.e., the symbol names used in the assembler % code) are currently limited to 255 characters. parser_h_no_objc_parent=03270_H_Definindo uma nova classe raiz Objective-C. Para derivar de outra classe raiz (ex., NSObject), especifique-a como pai da classe % If no parent class is specified for an Object Pascal class, then it automatically derives from TObject. % Objective-C classes however do not automatically derive from NSObject, because one can have multiple % root classes in Objective-C. For example, in the Cocoa framework both NSObject and NSProxy are root classes. % Therefore, you have to explicitly define a parent class (such as NSObject) if you want to derive your % Objective-C class from it. parser_e_no_objc_published=03271_E_Classes Objective-C não podem ter seções PUBLISHED % In Object Pascal, ``published'' determines whether or not RTTI is generated. Since the Objective-C runtime always needs % RTTI for everything, this specified does not make sense for Objective-C classes. parser_f_need_objc=03272_F_Este módulo requer que seja especificado uma chave de modo Objective-C para ser compilado % This error indicates the use of Objective-C language features without an Objective-C mode switch % active. Enable one via the -M command line switch, or the {\$modeswitch x} directive. parser_e_must_use_override_objc=03273_E_Métodos herdados podem apenas ser sobrepostos em Objective-C, adicione "OVERRIDE" (método herdado definido em $1) parser_h_should_use_override_objc=03274_H_Métodos herdados podem apenas ser sobrepostos em Objective-C, adicione "OVERRIDE" (método herdado definido em $1). % It is not possible to \var{reintroduce} methods in Objective-C like in Object Pascal. Methods with the same % name always map to the same virtual method entry. In order to make this clear in the source code, % the compiler always requires the \var{override} directive to be specified when implementing overriding % Objective-C methods in Pascal. If the implementation is external, this rule is relaxed because Objective-C % does not have any \var{override}-style keyword (since it's the default and only behaviour in that language), % which makes it hard for automated header conversion tools to include it everywhere. % The type in which the inherited method is defined is explicitly mentioned, because this may either % be an objcclass or an objccategory. parser_e_objc_message_name_changed=03275_E_Nome mensagem "$1" na classe herdada é diferente do nome mensagem "$2" na classe atual. % An overriding Objective-C method cannot have a different message name than an inherited method. The reason % is that these message names uniquely define the message to the Objective-C runtime, which means that % giving them a different message name breaks the ``override'' semantics. parser_e_no_objc_unique=03276_E_Ainda não é possível fazer cópias únicas de tipos Objective-C % Duplicating an Objective-C type using \var{type x = type y;} is not yet supported. You may be able to % obtain the desired effect using \var{type x = objcclass(y) end;} instead. parser_e_no_category_as_types=03277_E_Categorias Objective-C e classes auxiliares Object Pascal não podem ser usadas como tipos % It is not possible to declare a variable as an instance of an Objective-C % category or an Object Pascal class helper. A category/class helper adds % methods to the scope of an existing class, but does not define a type by % itself. An exception of this rule is when inheriting an Object Pascal class % helper from another class helper. parser_e_no_category_override=03278_E_Categorias não sobrepõem, mas substituem métodos. Use "REINTRODUCE". parser_e_must_use_reintroduce_objc=03279_E_Métodos substituídos podem apenas ser reintroduzidos em Objective-C, adicione "REINTRODUCE" (método substituído definido em $1). parser_h_should_use_reintroduce_objc=03280_H_Métodos substituídos podem apenas ser reintroduzidos em Objective-C, adicione "REINTRODUCE" (método substituído definido em $1). % A category replaces an existing method in an Objective-C class, rather than that it overrides it. % Calling an inherited method from an category method will call that method in % the extended class' parent, not in the extended class itself. The % replaced method in the original class is basically lost, and can no longer be % called or referred to. This behaviour corresponds somewhat more closely to % \var{reintroduce} than to \var{override} (although in case of \var{reintroduce} % in Object Pascal, hidden methods are still reachable via inherited). % The type in which the inherited method is defined is explicitly mentioned, because this may either % be an objcclass or an objccategory. parser_e_implements_getter_not_default_cc=03281_E_'Getter' para implementação interface deve usar a convenção de chamada padrão do alvo. % Interface getters are called via a helper in the run time library, and hence % have to use the default calling convention for the target (\var{register} on % i386 and x86\_64, \var{stdcall} on other architectures). parser_e_no_refcounted_typed_file=03282_E_Arquivos tipados não podem conter tipos referência-contados. % The data in a typed file cannot be of a reference counted type (such as % \var{ansistring} or a record containing a field that is reference counted). parser_e_operator_not_overloaded_2=03283_E_Operador não está sobrecarregado: $2 "$1" % You are trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for % this type. parser_e_operator_not_overloaded_3=03284_E_Operador não está sobrecarregado: "$1" $2 "$3" % You are trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for % this type. parser_e_more_array_elements_expected=03285_E_Esperados outros $1 elementos matriz % When declaring a typed constant array, you provided to few elements to initialize the array parser_e_string_const_too_long=03286_E_Constante 'String' muito longa, enquanto 'ansistrings' estão desabilitadas % Only when a piece of code is compiled with ansistrings enabled (\var{\{\$H+\}}), string constants % longer than 255 characters are allowed. parser_e_invalid_univ_para=03287_E_Tipo não pode ser usado como parâmetro 'univ' porque seu tamanho é desconhecido em tempo compilação: "$1" % \var{univ} parameters are compatible with all values of the same size, but this % cannot be checked in case a parameter's size is unknown at compile time. parser_e_only_one_class_constructor_allowed=03288_E_Apenas um construtor de classe pode ser definido na classe: "$1" % You are trying to declare more than one class constructor but only one class constructor can be declared. parser_e_only_one_class_destructor_allowed=03289_E_Apenas um destruidor de classe pode ser definido na classe: "$1" % You are trying to declare more than one class destructor but only one class destructor can be declared. parser_e_no_paras_for_class_constructor=03290_E_Construtores de classe não podem ter parâmetros % You are declaring a class constructor with a parameter list. Class constructor methods % cannot have parameters. parser_e_no_paras_for_class_destructor=03291_E_Destruidores de classe não podem ter parâmetros % You are declaring a class destructor with a parameter list. Class destructor methods % cannot have parameters. parser_f_modeswitch_objc_required=03292_F_Esta construção requer que chave de modo \{\$modeswitch objectivec1\} esteja ativa % Objective-Pascal constructs are not supported when \{\$modeswitch ObjectiveC1\} % is not active. parser_e_widestring_to_ansi_compile_time=03293_E_Constantes caracteres/unicode não podem ser convertidas em "ansi/shortstring" em tempo de compilação % It is not possible to use unicodechar and unicodestring constants in % constant expressions that have to be converted into an ansistring or shortstring % at compile time, for example inside typed constants. The reason is that the % compiler cannot know what the actual ansi encoding will be at run time. parser_e_objc_enumerator_2_0=03294_E_Laços "For-in Objective-Pascal" requerem que a chave \{\$modeswitch ObjectiveC2\} esteja ativa % Objective-C ``fast enumeration'' support was added in Objective-C 2.0, and % hence the appropriate modeswitch has to be activated to expose this feature. % Note that Objective-C 2.0 programs require Mac OS X 10.5 or later. parser_e_objc_missing_enumeration_defs=03295_E_O compilador não encontrou os tipos "NSFastEnumerationProtocol" ou "NSFastEnumerationState" na unidade "CocoaAll" % Objective-C for-in loops (fast enumeration) require that the compiler can % find a unit called CocoaAll that contains definitions for the % NSFastEnumerationProtocol and NSFastEnumerationState types. If you get this % error, most likely the compiler is finding and loading an alternate CocoaAll % unit. parser_e_no_procvarnested_const=03296_E_Constantes tipadas do tipo 'procedimento é aninhado' só podem ser inicializadas com NIL e procedimentos/funções globais % A nested procedural variable consists of two components: the address of the % procedure/function to call (which is always known at compile time), and also % a parent frame pointer (which is never known at compile time) in case the % procedural variable contains a reference to a nested procedure/function. % Therefore such typed constants can only be initialized with global % functions/procedures since these do not require a parent frame pointer. parser_f_no_generic_inside_generic=03297_F_Declaração de classe genérica dentro de outra classe genérica não é permitido % At the moment, scanner supports recording of only one token buffer at the time % (guarded by internal error 200511173 in tscannerfile.startrecordtokens). % Since generics are implemented by recording tokens, it is not possible to % have declaration of generic class inside another generic class. parser_e_forward_protocol_declaration_must_be_resolved=03298_E_Declaração posterior de objcprotocl "$1" deve ser resolvida antes de uma objcclass possa conformá-la % An objcprotocol must be fully defined before classes can conform to it. % This error occurs in the following situation: % \begin{verbatim} % Type MyProtocol = objcprotoocl; % ChildClass = Class(NSObject,MyProtocol) % ... % end; % \end{verbatim} % where \var{MyProtocol} is declared but not defined. parser_e_no_record_published=03299_E_Tipos registro não podem ter seções publicadas % Published sections can be used only inside classes. parser_e_no_destructor_in_records=03300_E_Destruidores não são permitidos em registros ou auxiliares % Destructor declarations aren't allowed in records or helpers. parser_e_class_methods_only_static_in_records=03301_E_Métodos de classe devem ser estáticos em registros % Class methods declarations aren't allowed in records without static modifier. % Records have no inheritance and therefore non static class methods have no sence for them. parser_e_no_constructor_in_records=03302_E_Construtores não são permitidos em registros ou auxiliares de registro % Constructor declarations aren't allowed in records or record helpers. parser_e_at_least_one_argument_must_be_of_type=03303_E_Tanto o resultado ou ao menos um parâmetro deve ser do tipo "$1" % It is required that either the result of the routine or at least one of its parameters be of the specified type. % For example class operators either take an instance of the structured type in which they are defined, or they return one. parser_e_cant_use_type_parameters_here=03304_E_Parâmetros de tipo podem requerer inicialização/finalização - não podem ser usados em registros variant % Type parameters may be specialized with types which (e.g. \var{ansistring}) need initialization/finalization % code which is implicitly generated by the compiler. parser_e_externals_no_section=03305_E_Variáveis sendo declaradas como externas não podem estar em uma seção customizada % A section directive is not valid for variables being declared as external. parser_e_section_no_locals=03306_E_Variáveis não-estáticas e não-globais não podem ter uma diretiva de seção % A variable placed in a custom section is always statically allocated so it must be either a static or global variable. parser_e_not_allowed_in_helper=03307_E_"$1" não é permitido em tipos auxiliares % Some directives and specifiers like "virtual", "dynamic", "override" aren't % allowed inside helper types in mode ObjFPC (they are ignored in mode Delphi), % because they have no meaning within helpers. Also "abstract" isn't allowed in % either mode. parser_e_no_class_constructor_in_helpers=03308_E_Construtores de classe não são permitidos em auxiliares % Class constructor declarations aren't allowed in helpers. parser_e_inherited_not_in_record=03309_E_O uso de "inherited" não é permitido em um registro % As records don't suppport inheritance the use of "inherited" is prohibited for % these as well as for record helpers (in mode "Delphi" only). parser_e_no_types_in_local_anonymous_records=03310_E_Declarações de tipo não são permitidas em registros locais ou anônimos % Records with types must be defined globally. Types cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a % procedure or function or in anonymous records. parser_e_duplicate_implements_clause=03311_E_Cláusula "implements" duplicada para a interface "$1" % A class may delegate an interface using the "implements" clause only to a single property. Delegating it multiple times % is a error. parser_e_mapping_no_implements=03312_E_Interface "$1" não pode ser delegada por "$2", já possui resolução de métodos % Method resolution clause maps a method of an interface to a method of the current class. Therefore the current class % has to implement the interface directly. Delegation is not possible. parser_e_implements_no_mapping=03313_E_Interface "$1" não pode ter resolução de método, "$2" já a delega % Method resoulution is only possible for interfaces that are implemented directly, not by delegation. parser_e_invalid_codepage=03314_E_Codepage inválido % When declaring a string with a given codepage, the range of valid codepages values is limited % to 0 to 65535. % \end{description} # Type Checking # # 04108 is the last used one # % \section{Type checking errors} % This section lists all errors that can occur when type checking is % performed. % \begin{description} type_e_mismatch=04000_E_Tipo incompatível % This can happen in many cases: % \begin{itemize} % \item The variable you're assigning to is of a different type than the % expression in the assignment. % \item You are calling a function or procedure with parameters that are % incompatible with the parameters in the function or procedure definition. % \end{itemize} type_e_incompatible_types=04001_E_Tipos incompatíveis: obtido "$1" esperado "$2" % There is no conversion possible between the two types. % Another possiblity is that they are declared in different % declarations: % \begin{verbatim} % Var % A1 : Array[1..10] Of Integer; % A2 : Array[1..10] Of Integer; % % Begin % A1:=A2; { This statement also gives this error. It % is due to the strict type checking of Pascal } % End. % \end{verbatim} type_e_not_equal_types=04002_E_Tipos incompatíveis entre "$1" e "$2" % The types are not equal. type_e_type_id_expected=04003_E_Identificador de tipo esperado % The identifier is not a type, or you forgot to supply a type identifier. type_e_variable_id_expected=04004_E_Identificador de variável esperado % This happens when you pass a constant to a routine (such as \var{Inc} var or \var{Dec}) % when it expects a variable. You can only pass variables as arguments to these functions. type_e_integer_expr_expected=04005_E_Expressão inteira esperada, mas obtido "$1" % The compiler expects an expression of type integer, but gets a different % type. type_e_boolean_expr_expected=04006_E_Expressão booleana esperada, mas obtido "$1" % The expression must be a boolean type. It should be return \var{True} or % \var{False}. type_e_ordinal_expr_expected=04007_E_Expressão ordinal esperada % The expression must be of ordinal type, i.e., maximum a \var{Longint}. % This happens, for instance, when you specify a second argument % to \var{Inc} or \var{Dec} that doesn't evaluate to an ordinal value. type_e_pointer_type_expected=04008_E_Tipo ponteiro esperado, mas obtido "$1" % The variable or expression isn't of the type \var{pointer}. This % happens when you pass a variable that isn't a pointer to \var{New} % or \var{Dispose}. type_e_class_type_expected=04009_E_Tipo classe esperado, mas obtido "$1" % The variable or expression isn't of the type \var{class}. This happens % typically when % \begin{enumerate} % \item The parent class in a class declaration isn't a class. % \item An exception handler (\var{On}) contains a type identifier that % isn't a class. % \end{enumerate} type_e_cant_eval_constant_expr=04011_E_Impossível avaliar expressão constante % This error can occur when the bounds of an array you declared do % not evaluate to ordinal constants. type_e_set_element_are_not_comp=04012_E_Elementos conjunto não são compatíveis % You are trying to perform an operation on two sets, when the set element types % are not the same. The base type of a set must be the same when taking the % union. type_e_set_operation_unknown=04013_E_Operação não implementada para conjuntos % several binary operations are not defined for sets. % These include: \var{div}, \var{mod}, \var{**}, \var{>=} and \var{<=}. % The last two may be defined for sets in the future. type_w_convert_real_2_comp=04014_W_Conversão automática de tipo de ponto flutuante para COMP que é um inteiro % An implicit type conversion from a real type to a \var{comp} is % encountered. Since \var{comp} is a 64 bit integer type, this may indicate % an error. type_h_use_div_for_int=04015_H_Use DIV como alternativa para obter um resultado inteiro % When hints are on, then an integer division with the '/' operator will % produce this message, because the result will then be of type real. type_e_strict_var_string_violation=04016_E_Tipos 'String' devem coincidir exatamente no modo $V+ % When compiling in \var{\{\$V+\}} mode, the string you pass as a parameter % should be of the exact same type as the declared parameter of the procedure. type_e_succ_and_pred_enums_with_assign_not_possible=04017_E_'SUCC' ou 'PRED' não é possível em enumerações com atribuições % If you declare an enumeration type which has C-like assignments % in it, such as in the following: % \begin{verbatim} % Tenum = (a,b,e:=5); % \end{verbatim} % then you cannot use the \var{Succ} or \var{Pred} functions with this enumeration. type_e_cant_read_write_type=04018_E_Impossível ler ou gravar variáveis deste tipo % You are trying to \var{read} or \var{write} a variable from or to a % file of type text, which doesn't support that variable's type. % Only integer types, reals, pchars and strings can be read from or % written to a text file. Booleans can only be written to text files. type_e_no_readln_writeln_for_typed_file=04019_E_Impossível usar 'readln' ou 'writeln' em arquivos tipados % \var{readln} and \var{writeln} are only allowed for text files. type_e_no_read_write_for_untyped_file=04020_E_Impossivel usar 'read' ou 'write' em arquivos não tipados. % \var{read} and \var{write} are only allowed for text or typed files. type_e_typeconflict_in_set=04021_E_Conflito de tipos entre elementos de conjunto % There is at least one set element which is of the wrong type, i.e. not of % the set type. type_w_maybe_wrong_hi_lo=04022_W_lo/hi(dword/qword) retorna 'upper/lower word/dword' % \fpc supports an overloaded version of \var{lo/hi} for \var{longint/dword/int64/qword} % which returns the lower/upper word/dword of the argument. \tp always uses % a 16 bit \var{lo/hi} which always returns bits 0..7 for \var{lo} and the % bits 8..15 for \var{hi}. If you want the \tp behavior you have % to type cast the argument to a \var{word} or \var{integer}. type_e_integer_or_real_expr_expected=04023_E_Expressão inteira ou real esperada % The first argument to \var{str} must be a real or integer type. type_e_wrong_type_in_array_constructor=04024_E_Tipo incorreto "$1" no construtor matriz % You are trying to use a type in an array constructor which is not % allowed. type_e_wrong_parameter_type=04025_E_Tipos incompatíveis para o arg. no. $1: Obtido "$2", esperado "$3" % You are trying to pass an invalid type for the specified parameter. type_e_no_method_and_procedure_not_compatible=04026_E_Método (variável) e Procedimento (variável) não são compatíveis % You can't assign a method to a procedure variable or a procedure to a % method pointer. type_e_wrong_math_argument=04027_E_Constante ilegal passada para função matemática interna % The constant argument passed to a \var{ln} or \var{sqrt} function is out of % the definition range of these functions. type_e_no_addr_of_constant=04028_E_Impossível obter o endereço de expressões constantes % It is not possible to get the address of a constant expression, because they % aren't stored in memory. You can try making it a typed constant. This error % can also be displayed if you try to pass a property to a var parameter. type_e_argument_cant_be_assigned=04029_E_Argumento não pode ser atribuído % Only expressions which can be on the left side of an % assignment can be passed as call by reference arguments. % % Remark: Properties can be used on the left side of an assignment, % nevertheless they cannot be used as arguments. type_e_cannot_local_proc_to_procvar=04030_E_Impossível atribuir procedimento/função local a variável procedimento % It's not allowed to assign a local procedure/function to a % procedure variable, because the calling convention of a local procedure/function is % different. You can only assign local procedure/function to a void pointer. type_e_no_assign_to_addr=04031_E_Impossível atribuir valores a um endereço % It is not allowed to assign a value to an address of a variable, constant, % procedure or function. You can try compiling with -So if the identifier % is a procedure variable. type_e_no_assign_to_const=04032_E_Impossível atribuir valors a uma variável constante % It's not allowed to assign a value to a variable which is declared % as a const. This is normally a parameter declared as const. To allow % changing the value, pass the parameter by value, or a parameter by reference % (using var). type_e_array_required=04033_E_Tipo matriz requerido % If you are accessing a variable using an index '[]' then % the type must be an array. In FPC mode a pointer is also allowed. type_e_interface_type_expected=04034_E_Tipo interface esperado, mas obtido "$1" % The compiler expected to encounter an interface type name, but got something else. % The following code would produce this error: % \begin{verbatim} % Type % TMyStream = Class(TStream,Integer) % \end{verbatim} type_h_mixed_signed_unsigned=04035_H_Misturando expressões assinadas e 'longwords' obtem-se um resultado de 64bits % If you divide (or calculate the modulus of) a signed expression by a longword (or vice versa), % or if you have overflow and/or range checking turned on and use an arithmetic % expression (+, -, *, div, mod) in which both signed numbers and longwords appear, % then everything has to be evaluated in 64-bit arithmetic which is slower than normal % 32-bit arithmetic. You can avoid this by typecasting one operand so it % matches the result type of the other one. type_w_mixed_signed_unsigned2=04036_W_Misturando expressões assinadas e cardinais pode causar um erro de verificação de faixa % If you use a binary operator (and, or, xor) and one of % the operands is a longword while the other one is a signed expression, then, % if range checking is turned on, you may get a range check error because in % such a case both operands are converted to longword before the operation is % carried out. You can avoid this by typecasting one operand so it % matches the result type of the other one. type_e_typecast_wrong_size_for_assignment=04037_E_Conversão de tipo tem tamanhos diferentes ($1 -> $2) na atribuição % Type casting to a type with a different size is not allowed when the variable is % used in an assignment. type_e_array_index_enums_with_assign_not_possible=04038_E_Enumerações com atribuições não podem ser usadas como índice de matrizes % When you declared an enumeration type which has C-like % assignments, such as in the following: % \begin{verbatim} % Tenum = (a,b,e:=5); % \end{verbatim} % you cannot use it as the index of an array. type_e_classes_not_related=04039_E_Tipos Classe ou Objeto "$1" e "$2" não estão relacionados % There is a typecast from one class or object to another while the class/object % are not related. This will probably lead to errors. type_w_classes_not_related=04040_W_Tipos Classe "$1" e "$2" não estão relacionados % There is a typecast from one class to another while the classes % are not related. This will probably lead to errors. type_e_class_or_interface_type_expected=04041_E_Tipo classe ou interface esperado, mas obtido "$1" % The compiler expected a class or interface name, but got another type or identifier. type_e_type_is_not_completly_defined=04042_E_Tipo "$1" não está completamente definido % This error occurs when a type is not complete: i.e. a pointer type which points to % an undefined type. type_w_string_too_long=04043_W_Literal 'String' tem mais caracteres que comprimento 'string' curta % The size of the constant string, which is assigned to a shortstring, % is longer than the maximum size of the shortstring (255 characters). type_w_signed_unsigned_always_false=04044_W_Comparação pode ser sempre falsa devido a faixa da constante e expressão % There is a comparison between a constant and an expression where the constant is out of the % valid range of values of the expression. Because of type promotion, the statement will always evaluate to % false. Explicitly typecast the constant or the expression to the correct range to avoid this warning % if you think the code is correct. type_w_signed_unsigned_always_true=04045_W_Comparação pode ser sempre verdadeira devido a faixa da constante e expressão % There is a comparison between a constant and an expression where the constant is out of the % valid range of values of the expression. Because of type promotion, the statement will always evaluate to % true. Explicitly typecast the constant or the expression to the correct range to avoid this warning % if you think the code is correct. type_w_instance_with_abstract=04046_W_Construindo uma classe "$1" com método abstrato "$2" % An instance of a class is created which contains non-implemented abstract % methods. This will probably lead to a runtime error 211 in the code if that % routine is ever called. All abstract methods should be overridden. type_h_in_range_check=04047_H_O operador esquerdo em um operador 'IN' deve ser tamanho byte % The left operand of the \var{in} operator is not an ordinal or enumeration which fits % within 8 bits. This may lead to range check errors. The \var{in} operator % currently only supports a left operand which fits within a byte. In the case of % enumerations, the size of an element of an enumeration can be controlled with % the \var{\{\$PACKENUM\}} or \var{\{\$Zn\}} switches. type_w_smaller_possible_range_check=04048_W_Tamanho tipo incompatível, possível perda de dados / erro verificação faixa % There is an assignment to a smaller type than the source type. This means that % this may cause a range-check error, or may lead to possible loss of data. type_h_smaller_possible_range_check=04049_H_Tamanho tipo incompatível, possível perda de dados / erro verificação faixa % There is an assignment to a smaller type than the source type. This means that % this may cause a range-check error, or may lead to possible loss of data. type_e_cant_take_address_of_abstract_method=04050_E_O endereço de um método abstrato não pode ser obtido % An abstract method has no body, so the address of an abstract method can't be taken. type_e_assignment_not_allowed=04051_E_Atribuições à parâmetros formais e matrizes abertas não são possíveis % You are trying to assign a value to a formal (untyped var, const or out) % parameter, or to an open array. type_e_constant_expr_expected=04052_E_Expressão constante esperada % The compiler expects an constant expression, but gets a variable expression. type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types=04053_E_Operação "$1" não é suportada para os tipos "$2" e "$3" % The operation is not allowed for the supplied types. type_e_illegal_type_conversion=04054_E_Conversão de tipo ilegal: "$1" para "$2" % When doing a type-cast, you must take care that the sizes of the variable and % the destination type are the same. type_h_pointer_to_longint_conv_not_portable=04055_H_Conversão entre ordinais e ponteiros não é portável % If you typecast a pointer to a longint (or vice-versa), this code will not compile % on a machine using 64 bits addressing. type_w_pointer_to_longint_conv_not_portable=04056_W_Conversão entre ordinais e ponteiros não é portável % If you typecast a pointer to an ordinal type of a different size (or vice-versa), this can % cause problems. This is a warning to help in finding the 32-bit specific code where cardinal/longint is used % to typecast pointers to ordinals. A solution is to use the ptrint/ptruint types instead. type_e_cant_choose_overload_function=04057_E_Impossível determinar qual função sobrecarregada chamar % You're calling overloaded functions with a parameter that doesn't correspond % to any of the declared function parameter lists. e.g. when you have declared % a function with parameters \var{word} and \var{longint}, and then you call % it with a parameter which is of type \var{integer}. type_e_illegal_count_var=04058_E_Variável contador ilegal % The type of a \var{for} loop variable must be an ordinal type. % Loop variables cannot be reals or strings. type_w_double_c_varargs=04059_W_Convertendo constante valor real para 'double' para variável argumento C, adicione conversão de tipo explícita para evitar isso. % In C, constant real values are double by default. For this reason, if you % pass a constant real value to a variable argument part of a C function, FPC % by default converts this constant to double as well. If you want to prevent % this from happening, add an explicit typecast around the constant. type_e_class_or_cominterface_type_expected=04060_E_Tipo Classe ou interface COM esperado, mas obtido "$1" % Some operators, such as the AS operator, are only applicable to classes or COM interfaces. type_e_no_const_packed_array=04061_E_Matrizes constantes compactadas não são suportadas ainda % You cannot declare a (bit)packed array as a typed constant. type_e_got_expected_packed_array=04062_E_Tipos incompatíveis para arg. no. $1: Obtido "$2" esperado "Matriz compactada (Bits)" % The compiler expects a (bit)packed array as the specified parameter. type_e_got_expected_unpacked_array=04063_E_Tipos incompatíveis para arg. no. $1: Obtido "$2" esperado "Matriz (não compactada)" % The compiler expects a regular (i.e., not packed) array as the specified parameter. type_e_no_packed_inittable=04064_E_Elementos de matrizes compactadas não podem ser de um tipo que necessita ser inicializado % Support for packed arrays of types that need initialization % (such as ansistrings, or records which contain ansistrings) is not yet implemented. type_e_no_const_packed_record=04065_E_Registros constantes compactadas e objetos não são suportados ainda % You cannot declare a (bit)packed array as a typed constant at this time. type_w_untyped_arithmetic_unportable=04066_W_Aritmética "$1" em ponteiros não tipados não é portável {$T+}, sugere-se conversão de tipo % Addition/subtraction from an untyped pointer may work differently in \var{\{\$T+\}}. % Use a typecast to a typed pointer. type_e_cant_take_address_of_local_subroutine=04076_E_Impossível obter endereço de uma subrotina marcada como local % The address of a subroutine marked as local can't be taken. type_e_cant_export_local=04077_E_Impossível exportar subrotina marcada como local de uma unidade % A subroutine marked as local can't be exported from a unit. type_e_not_automatable=04078_E_Tipo não é automatizável: "$1" % Only byte, integer, longint, smallint, currency, single, double, ansistring, % widestring, tdatetime, variant, olevariant, wordbool and all interfaces are automatable. type_h_convert_add_operands_to_prevent_overflow=04079_H_Convertendo os operandos para "$1" antes de realizar a soma pode prevenir erros de transbordamento. % Adding two types can cause overflow errors. Since you are converting the result to a larger type, you % could prevent such errors by converting the operands to this type before doing the addition. type_h_convert_sub_operands_to_prevent_overflow=04080_H_Convertendo os operandos para "$1" antes de realizar a subtração pode prevenir erros de transbordamento. % Subtracting two types can cause overflow errors. Since you are converting the result to a larger type, you % could prevent such errors by converting the operands to this type before doing the subtraction. type_h_convert_mul_operands_to_prevent_overflow=04081_H_Convertendo os operados para "$1" antes de realizar a multiplicação pode prevenir erros de transbordamento. % Multiplying two types can cause overflow errors. Since you are converting the result to a larger type, you % could prevent such errors by converting the operands to this type before doing the multiplication. type_w_pointer_to_signed=04082_W_Convertendo ponteiros para inteiros assinados pode resultar em comparações de resultados incorretas e erros de faixa. Ao invés disso, use tipos não assinados. % The virtual address space on 32-bit machines runs from \$00000000 to \$ffffffff. % Many operating systems allow you to allocate memory above \$80000000. % For example both \windows and \linux allow pointers in the range \$0000000 to \$bfffffff. % If you convert pointers to signed types, this can cause overflow and range check errors, % but also \$80000000 < \$7fffffff. This can cause random errors in code like "if p>q". type_e_interface_has_no_guid=04083_E_Tipo interface $1 não tem um GUID válido % When applying the as-operator to an interface or class, the desired interface (i.e. the right operand of the % as-operator) must have a valid GUID. type_e_invalid_objc_selector_name=04084_E_Nome seletor inválido "$1" % An Objective-C selector cannot be empty, must be a valid identifier or a single colon, % and if it contains at least one colon it must also end in one. type_e_expected_objc_method_but_got=04085_E_Método Objective-C esperado, mas obtido $1 % A selector can only be created for Objective-C methods, not for any other kind % of procedure/function/method. type_e_expected_objc_method=04086_E_Método Objective-C ou nome método constante esperados % A selector can only be created for Objective-C methods, either by specifying % the name using a string constant, or by using an Objective-C method identifier % that is visible in the current scope. type_e_no_type_info=04087_E_Nenhuma informação de tipo disponível para este tipo % Type information is not generated for some types, such as enumerations with gaps % in their value range (this includes enumerations whose lower bound is different % from zero). type_e_ordinal_or_string_expr_expected=04088_E_Ordinal ou expressão 'string' esperados % The expression must be an ordinal or string type. type_e_string_expr_expected=04089_E_Expressão 'string' esperada % The expression must be a string type. type_w_zero_to_nil=04090_W_Convertendo 0 para NIL % Use NIL rather than 0 when initialising a pointer. type_e_protocol_type_expected=04091_E_Tipo protocolo Objective-C esperado, mas obtido "$1" % The compiler expected a protocol type name, but found something else. type_e_objc_type_unsupported=04092_E_O tipo "$1" não é suportado para interação com código Objective-C de tempo execução. % Objective-C makes extensive use of run time type information (RTTI). This format % is defined by the maintainers of the run time and can therefore not be adapted % to all possible Object Pascal types. In particular, types that depend on % reference counting by the compiler (such as ansistrings and certain kinds of % interfaces) cannot be used as fields of Objective-C classes, cannot be % directly passed to Objective-C methods, and cannot be encoded using \var{objc\_encode}. type_e_class_or_objcclass_type_expected=04093_E_Tipo classe ou 'objcclass' esperados, mas obtido "$1" % It is only possible to create class reference types of \var{class} and \var{objcclass} type_e_objcclass_type_expected=04094_E_Tipo 'Objcclass' esperado % The compiler expected an \var{objcclass} type type_w_procvar_univ_conflicting_para=04095_W_Tipo parâmetro 'univ' forçado em variável procedimental pode causar travamento ou corrupção de memória: $1 para $2 % \var{univ} parameters are implicitly compatible with all types of the same size, % also in procedural variable definitions. That means that the following code is % legal, because \var{single} and \var{longint} have the same size: % \begin{verbatim} % {$mode macpas} % Type % TIntProc = procedure (l: univ longint); % % procedure test(s: single); % begin % writeln(s); % end; % % var % p: TIntProc; % begin % p:=test; % p(4); % end. % \end{verbatim} % This code may however crash on platforms that pass integers in registers and % floating point values on the stack, because then the stack will be unbalanced. % Note that this warning will not flagg all potentially dangerous situations. % when \var{test} returns. type_e_generics_cannot_reference_itself=04096_E_Parâmetros de tipo de especializações de genéricos não podem referenciar o tipo especializado atual % Recursive specializations of generics like \var{Type MyType = specialize MyGeneric;} are not possible. type_e_type_parameters_are_not_allowed_here=04097_E_Parâmetros de tipo não são permitidos em procedimentos ou funções de classe/registro/objeto não-genérico % Type parameters are only allowed for methods of generic classes, records or objects type_e_generic_declaration_does_not_match=04098_E_Declaração genérica de "$1" difere da declaração anterior % Generic declaration does not match the previous declaration type_e_helper_type_expected=04099_E_Tipo auxiliar esperado % The compiler expected a \var{class helper} type. type_e_record_type_expected=04100_E_Tipo registro esperado % The compiler expected a \var{record} type. type_e_class_helper_must_extend_subclass=04101_E_Classe auxiliar derivada deve extender a subclasse de "$1" ou a própria classe % If a class helper inherits from another class helper the extended class must % extend either the same class as the parent class helper or a subclass of it type_e_record_helper_must_extend_same_record=04102_E_Registro auxiliar derivado deve extender "$1" % If a record helper inherits from another record helper it must extend the same % record that the parent record helper extended. type_e_procedures_return_no_value=04103_E_Atribuição inválida, procedimento não retorna valor % This error occurs when one tries to assign the result of a procedure or destructor call. % A procedure or destructor returns no value so this is not % possible. type_w_implicit_string_cast=04104_W_Conversão de tipo 'string' implícita de "$1" para "$2" % An implicit type conversion from an ansi string type to an unicode string type is % encountered. To avoid this warning perform an explicit type conversion. type_w_implicit_string_cast_loss=04105_W_Conversão de tipo 'string' implícita com potencial de perda de dados de "$1" para "$2" % An implicit type conversion from an unicode string type to an ansi string type is % encountered. This conversion can lose data since not all unicode characters may be represented in the codepage of % destination string type. type_w_explicit_string_cast=04106_-W_Conversão de tipo 'string' explícita de "$1" para "$2" % An explicit typecast from an ansi string type to an unicode string type is % encountered. This warning is off by default. You can turn it on to see all suspicious string conversions. type_w_explicit_string_cast_loss=04107_-W_Conversão de tipo 'string' explícita com potencial de perda de dados de "$1" para "$2" % An explicit typecast from an unicode string type to an ansi string type is % encountered. This conversion can lose data since not all unicode characters may be represented in the codepage of % destination string type. This warning is off by default. You can turn it on to see all the places with lossy string % conversions. type_w_unicode_data_loss=04108_W_Conversão de constante Unicode com potencial de perda de dados % Conversion from a WideChar to AnsiChar can lose data since now all unicode characters may be represented in the current % system codepage % \end{description} # # Symtable # # 05084 is the last used one # % \section{Symbol handling} % This section lists all the messages that concern the handling of symbols. % This means all things that have to do with procedure and variable names. % \begin{description} sym_e_id_not_found=05000_E_Identificador não encontrado "$1" % The compiler doesn't know this symbol. Usually happens when you misspell % the name of a variable or procedure, or when you forget to declare a % variable. sym_f_internal_error_in_symtablestack=05001_F_Erro interno em SymTableStack() % An internal error occurred in the compiler; If you encounter such an error, % please contact the developers and try to provide an exact description of % the circumstances in which the error occurs. sym_e_duplicate_id=05002_E_Identificador duplicado "$1" % The identifier was already declared in the current scope. sym_h_duplicate_id_where=05003_H_Identificador já definido em $1 na linha $2 % The identifier was already declared in a previous scope. sym_e_unknown_id=05004_E_Identificador desconhecido "$1" % The identifier encountered has not been declared, or is used outside the % scope where it is defined. sym_e_forward_not_resolved=05005_E_Declaração posterior não resolvida "$1" % This can happen in two cases: % \begin{itemize} % \item You declare a function in the \var{interface} part, or % with a \var{forward} directive, but do not implement it. % \item You reference a type which isn't declared in the current \var{type} % block. % \end{itemize} sym_e_error_in_type_def=05007_E_Erro na definição de tipo % There is an error in your definition of a new array type. % One of the range delimiters in an array declaration is erroneous. % For example, \var{Array [1..1.25]} will trigger this error. sym_e_forward_type_not_resolved=05009_E_Tipo posterior não resolvido "$1" % A symbol was forward defined, but no declaration was encountered. sym_e_only_static_in_static=05010_E_Apenas variáveis estáticas podem ser usadas em métodos estáticos ou métodos externos % A static method of an object can only access static variables. sym_f_type_must_be_rec_or_class=05012_F_Tipo registro ou classe esperados % The variable or expression isn't of the type \var{record} or \var{class}. sym_e_no_instance_of_abstract_object=05013_E_Instâncias de classes ou objetos com métodos abstratos não são permitidas % You are trying to generate an instance of a class which has an abstract % method that wasn't overridden. sym_w_label_not_defined=05014_W_Rótulo não definido "$1" % A label was declared, but not defined. sym_e_label_used_and_not_defined=05015_E_Rótulo usado mas não definido "$1" % A label was declared and used, but not defined. sym_e_ill_label_decl=05016_E_Declaração rótulo ilegal % This error should never happen; it occurs if a label is defined outside a % procedure or function. sym_e_goto_and_label_not_supported=05017_E_GOTO e LABEL não são suportados (use a chave -Sg) % You must use the -Sg switch to compile a program which has \var{label}s % and \var{goto} statements. By default, \var{label} and \var{goto} aren't % supported. sym_e_label_not_found=05018_E_Rótulo não encontrado % A \var{goto label} was encountered, but the label wasn't declared. sym_e_id_is_no_label_id=05019_E_Identificador não é um rótulo % The identifier specified after the \var{goto} isn't of type label. sym_e_label_already_defined=05020_E_Rótulo já definido % You are defining a label twice. You can define a label only once. sym_e_ill_type_decl_set=05021_E_Declaração de tipo de conjunto de elementos ilegal % The declaration of a set contains an invalid type definition. sym_e_class_forward_not_resolved=05022_E_Declaração posterior de classe não resolvida "$1" % You declared a class, but you did not implement it. sym_n_unit_not_used=05023_H_Unidade "$1" não usada em $2 % The unit referenced in the \var{uses} clause is not used. sym_h_para_identifier_not_used=05024_H_Parâmetro "$1" não usado % The identifier was declared (locally or globally) but % was not used (locally or globally). sym_n_local_identifier_not_used=05025_N_Variável local "$1" não usada % You have declared, but not used, a variable in a procedure or function % implementation. sym_h_para_identifier_only_set=05026_H_Valor parâmetro "$1" é atribuído mas nunca usado % The identifier was declared (locally or globally) and % assigned to, but is not used (locally or globally) after the assignment. sym_n_local_identifier_only_set=05027_N_Variável local "$1" é atribuída mas nunca usada % The variable in a procedure or function implementation is declared and % assigned to, but is not used after the assignment. sym_h_local_symbol_not_used=05028_H_Local $1 "$2" não é usado % A local symbol is never used. sym_n_private_identifier_not_used=05029_N_Campo privado "$1.$2" nunca usado % The indicated private field is defined, but is never used in the code. sym_n_private_identifier_only_set=05030_N_Campo privado "$1.$2" é atribuído mas nunca usado % The indicated private field is declared and assigned to, but never read. sym_n_private_method_not_used=05031_N_Método privado "$1.$2" nunca usado % The indicated private method is declared but is never used in the code. sym_e_set_expected=05032_E_Tipo conjunto esperado % The variable or expression is not of type \var{set}. This happens in an % \var{in} statement. sym_w_function_result_not_set=05033_W_Retorno da função parece não ter sido ajustado % You can get this warning if the compiler thinks that a function return % value is not set. This will not be displayed for assembler procedures, % or procedures that contain assembler blocks. sym_w_wrong_C_pack=05034_W_Tipo "$1" não está alinhado corretamente no atual registro para C % Arrays with sizes not multiples of 4 will be wrongly aligned % for C structures. sym_e_illegal_field=05035_E_Identificador de campo de registro desconhecido "$1" % The field doesn't exist in the record/object definition. sym_w_uninitialized_local_variable=05036_W_Variável local "$1" não parece ter sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assignment). sym_w_uninitialized_variable=05037_W_Variável "$1" parece não ter sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assignment). sym_e_id_no_member=05038_E_Identificador não identifica nenhum membro "$1" % This error is generated when an identifier of a record, % field or method is accessed while it is not defined. sym_h_param_list=05039_H_Declaração encontrada: $1 % You get this when you use the \var{-vh} switch.In the case of an overloaded procedure % not being found. Then all candidate overloaded procedures are % listed, with their parameter lists. sym_e_segment_too_large=05040_E_Elemento de dados muito grande % You get this when you declare a data element whose size exceeds the % prescribed limit (2 Gb on 80386+/68020+ processors). sym_e_no_matching_implementation_found=05042_E_Nenhuma implementação coincidente para método interface "$1" encontrada % There was no matching method found which could implement the interface % method. Check argument types and result type of the methods. sym_w_deprecated_symbol=05043_W_Símbolo "$1" está depreciado % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...) which is % declared as \var{deprecated} is used. Deprecated symbols may no longer % be available in newer versions of the unit / library. Use of this symbol % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_w_non_portable_symbol=05044_W_Símbolo "$1" não é portável % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...) which is % declared as \var{platform} is used. This symbol's value, use % and availability is platform specific and should not be used % if the source code must be portable. sym_w_non_implemented_symbol=05055_W_Símbolo "$1" não está implementado % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...) which is % declared as \var{unimplemented} is used. This symbol is defined, % but is not yet implemented on this specific platform. sym_e_cant_create_unique_type=05056_E_Impossível criar tipo único para este tipo % Only simple types like ordinal, float and string types are supported when % redefining a type with \var{type newtype = type oldtype;}. sym_h_uninitialized_local_variable=05057_H_Variável local "$1" parece não ter sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. it did not appear in the left-hand side of an % assignment). sym_h_uninitialized_variable=05058_H_Variável "$1" parece não ter sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. t did not appear in the left-hand side of an % assignment). sym_w_function_result_uninitialized=05059_W_Variável de retorno da função parece não ter sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that the function result % variable will be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) % before it is initialized (i.e. before it appeared in the left-hand side of an % assignment). sym_h_function_result_uninitialized=05060_H_Variável de retorno da função parece não ter sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that the function result % variable will be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) % before it is initialized (i.e. it appears in the left-hand side of an % assignment) sym_w_identifier_only_read=05061_W_Variável "$1" lida mas não atribuída em lugar algum % You have read the value of a variable, but nowhere assigned a value to % it. sym_h_abstract_method_list=05062_H_Método abstrato encontrado: $1 % When getting a warning about constructing a class/object with abstract methods % you get this hint to assist you in finding the affected method. sym_w_experimental_symbol=05063_W_Símbolo "$1" é experimental % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...) which is % declared as \var{experimental} is used. Experimental symbols % might disappear or change semantics in future versions. Usage of this symbol % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_w_forward_not_resolved=05064_W_Declaração posterior "$1" não resolvida, assumida como externa % This happens if you declare a function in the \var{interface} of a unit in macpas mode, % but do not implement it. sym_w_library_symbol=05065_W_Símbolo "$1" pertence a uma biblioteca % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...) which is % declared as \var{library} is used. Library symbols may not be % available in other libraries. sym_w_deprecated_symbol_with_msg=05066_W_Símbolo "$1" está depreciado: "$2" % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc...) which is % declared as \var{deprecated} is used. Deprecated symbols may no longer % be available in newer versions of the unit / library. Use of this symbol % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_e_no_enumerator=05067_E_Impossível encontrar um enumerador para o tipo "$1" % This means that compiler cannot find an apropriate enumerator to use in the for-in loop. % To create an enumerator you need to defind an operator enumerator or add a public or published % GetEnumerator method to the class or object definition. sym_e_no_enumerator_move=05068_E_Impossível encontrar um método "MoveNext" no enumerador "$1" % This means that compiler cannot find a public MoveNext method with the Boolean return type in % the enumerator class or object definition. sym_e_no_enumerator_current=05069_E_Impossível encontrar uma propriedade "Current" no enumerador "$1" % This means that compiler cannot find a public Current property in the enumerator class or object % definition. sym_e_objc_para_mismatch=05070_E_Incompatibilidade entre número de parâmetros declarados e número de dois pontos (:) na 'string' mensagem. % In Objective-C, a message name automatically contains as many colons as parameters. % In order to prevent mistakes when specifying the message name in FPC, the compiler % checks whether this is also the case here. Note that in case of messages taking a % variable number of arguments translated to FPC via an \var{array of const} parameter, % this final \var{array of const} parameter is not counted. Neither are the hidden % \var{self} and \var{\_cmd} parameters. sym_n_private_type_not_used=05071_N_Tipo privado "$1.$2" nunca usado % The indicated private type is declared but is never used in the code. sym_n_private_const_not_used=05072_N_Constante privada "$1.$2" nunca usada % The indicated private const is declared but is never used in the code. sym_n_private_property_not_used=05073_N_Propriedade privada "$1.$2" nunca usada % The indicated private property is declared but is never used in the code. sym_w_deprecated_unit=05074_W_Unidade "$1" está depreciada % This means that a unit which is % declared as \var{deprecated} is used. Deprecated units may no longer % be available in newer versions of the library. Use of this unit % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_w_deprecated_unit_with_msg=05075_W_Unidade "$1" está depreciada: "$2" % This means that a unit which is % declared as \var{deprecated} is used. Deprecated units may no longer % be available in newer versions of the library. Use of this unit % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_w_non_portable_unit=05076_W_Unidade "$1" não é portável % This means that a unit which is % declared as \var{platform} is used. This unit use % and availability is platform specific and should not be used % if the source code must be portable. sym_w_library_unit=05077_W_Unidade "$1" pertence a uma biblioteca % This means that a unit which is % declared as \var{library} is used. Library units may not be % available in other libraries. sym_w_non_implemented_unit=05078_W_Unidade "$1" não está implementada % This means that a unit which is % declared as \var{unimplemented} is used. This unit is defined, % but is not yet implemented on this specific platform. sym_w_experimental_unit=05079_W_Unidade "$1" é experimental % This means that a unit which is % declared as \var{experimental} is used. Experimental units % might disappear or change semantics in future versions. Usage of this unit % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_e_objc_formal_class_not_resolved=05080_E_Nenhuma definição completa da classe objeto formalmente declarada "$1" está no escopo % Objecive-C classes can be imported formally, without using the the unit in which it is fully declared. % This enables making forward references to such classes and breaking circular dependencies amongst units. % However, as soon as you wish to actually do something with an entity of this class type (such as % access one of its fields, send a message to it, or use it to inherit from), the compiler requires the full definition % of the class to be in scope. sym_e_interprocgoto_into_init_final_code_not_allowed=05081_E_Gotos dentro de blocos de inicialização ou finalização de unidades não são permitidos % Gotos into initialization or finalization blockse of units are not allowed. sym_e_external_class_name_mismatch1=05082_E_Nome externo inválido "$1" para classe formal "$2" sym_e_external_class_name_mismatch2=05083_E_Complete a definição de classe com nome externo "$1" aqui % When a class is declared using a formal external definition, the actual external % definition (if any) must specify the same external name as the formal definition % (since both definitions refer to the same actual class type). sym_w_library_overload=05084_W_Possível conflito em biblioteca: símbolo "$1" da biblioteca "$2" também encontrado na biblioteca "$3" % Some OS do not have library specific namespaces, for those % OS, the function declared as "external 'libname' name 'funcname'", % the 'libname' part is only a hint, funcname might also be loaded % by another library. This warning appears if 'funcname' is used twice % with two different library names. % % \end{description} # # Codegenerator # # 06049 is the last used one # % \section{Code generator messages} % This section lists all messages that can be displayed if the code % generator encounters an error condition. % \begin{description} cg_e_parasize_too_big=06009_E_Tamanho da lista de parâmetros excede 65535 bytes % The I386 processor limits the parameter list to 65535 bytes. (The \var{RET} % instruction causes this.) cg_e_file_must_call_by_reference=06012_E_Tipos Arquivos devem ser parâmetros var. % You cannot specify files as value parameters, i.e., they must always be % declared \var{var} parameters. cg_e_cant_use_far_pointer_there=06013_E_O uso de ponteiro distante não é permitido lá % Free Pascal doesn't support far pointers, so you cannot take the address of % an expression which has a far reference as a result. The \var{mem} construct % has a far reference as a result, so the following code will produce this % error: % \begin{verbatim} % var p : pointer; % ... % p:=@mem[a000:000]; % \end{verbatim} cg_e_dont_call_exported_direct=06015_E_Funções 'EXPORT' declaradas não podem ser chamadas % No longer in use. cg_w_member_cd_call_from_method=06016_W_Possível chamada ilegal de construtor ou destruidor % The compiler detected that a constructor or destructor is called within a % a method. This will probably lead to problems, since constructors / destructors % require parameters on entry. cg_n_inefficient_code=06017_N_Códio ineficiente % Your statement seems dubious to the compiler. cg_w_unreachable_code=06018_W_Código inacessível % You specified a construct which will never be executed. Example: % \begin{verbatim} % while false do % begin % {.. code ...} % end; % \end{verbatim} cg_e_cant_call_abstract_method=06020_E_Métodos abstratos não podem ser chamados diretamente % You cannot call an abstract method directly. Instead, you must call an % overriding child method, because an abstract method isn't implemented. cg_d_register_weight=06027_DL_Registro $1 peso $2 $3 % Debugging message. Shown when the compiler considers a variable for % keeping in the registers. cg_d_stackframe_omited=06029_DL_Quadro da pilha é omitido % Some procedure/functions do not need a complete stack-frame, so it is omitted. % This message will be displayed when the {-vd} switch is used. cg_e_unable_inline_object_methods=06031_E_Objeto ou métodos classe não podem ser 'em linha'. % You cannot have inlined object methods. cg_e_unable_inline_procvar=06032_E_Chamadas 'Procvar' não podem ser 'em linha'. % A procedure with a procedural variable call cannot be inlined. cg_e_no_code_for_inline_stored=06033_E_Nenhum código para procedimento 'em linha' armazenado % The compiler couldn't store code for the inline procedure. cg_e_can_access_element_zero=06035_E_Elemento zero de uma 'ansi/wide-' ou stringlonga pode ser acessado, usar '(set)length' % You should use \var{setlength} to set the length of an ansi/wide/longstring % and \var{length} to get the length of such string type. cg_e_cannot_call_cons_dest_inside_with=06037_E_Construtores ou destruidores não podem ser chamados de dentro de uma cláusula 'with' % Inside a \var{with} clause you cannot call a constructor or destructor for the % object you have in the \var{with} clause. cg_e_cannot_call_message_direct=06038_E_Impossível chamar métodos manipuladores de mensagem diretamente % A message method handler method cannot be called directly if it contains an % explicit \var{Self} argument. cg_e_goto_inout_of_exception_block=06039_E_Salto interno ou externo a um bloco de exceção % It is not allowed to jump in or outside of an exception block like \var{try..finally..end;}. % For example, the following code will produce this error: % \begin{verbatim} % label 1; % % ... % % try % if not(final) then % goto 1; // this line will cause an error % finally % ... % end; % 1: % ... % \end{verbatim} cg_e_control_flow_outside_finally=06040_E_Instruções de controle de fluxo não são permitidos em um bloco 'finally' % It isn't allowed to use the control flow statements \var{break}, % \var{continue} and \var{exit} % inside a finally statement. The following example shows the problem: % \begin{verbatim} % ... % try % p; % finally % ... % exit; // This exit ISN'T allowed % end; % ... % % \end{verbatim} % If the procedure \var{p} raises an exception the finally block is % executed. If the execution reaches the exit, it's unclear what to do: % exit the procedure or search for another exception handler. cg_w_parasize_too_big=06041_W_Tamanho parâmetros excede limite para certas CPU's % This indicates that you are declaring more than 64K of parameters, which % might not be supported on other processor targets. cg_w_localsize_too_big=06042_W_Tamanho variável local excede limite para certas CPU's % This indicates that you are declaring more than 32K of local variables, which % might not be supported on other processor targets. cg_e_localsize_too_big=06043_E_Tamanho variáveis locais excedem limites suportados % This indicates that you are declaring more than 32K of local variables, which % is not supported by this processor. cg_e_break_not_allowed=06044_E_BREAK não permitido % You're trying to use \var{break} outside a loop construction. cg_e_continue_not_allowed=06045_E_CONTINUE não permitido % You're trying to use \var{continue} outside a loop construction. cg_f_unknown_compilerproc=06046_F_'Compilerproc' desconhecido "$1". Verifique se você usa a biblioteca de tempo de execução correta % The compiler expects that the runtime library contains certain subroutines. If you see this error % and you didn't change the runtime library code, it's very likely that the runtime library % you're using doesn't match the compiler in use. If you changed the runtime library this error means % that you removed a subroutine which the compiler needs for internal use. cg_f_unknown_system_type=06047_F_Impossível encontrar tipo sistema "$1". Verifique se você usa a biblioteca de tempo de execução correta % The compiler expects that the runtime library contains certain type definitions. If you see this error % and you didn't change the runtime library code, it's very likely that the runtime library % you're using doesn't match the compiler in use. If you changed the runtime library this error means % that you removed a type which the compiler needs for internal use. cg_h_inherited_ignored=06048_H_Chamada herdada para método abstrato ignorada % This message appears only in Delphi mode when you call an abstract method % of a parent class via \var{inherited;}. The call is then ignored. cg_e_goto_label_not_found=06049_E_Rótulo 'Goto' "$1" não definido ou eliminado pela otimização % The label used in the goto definition is not defined or optimized away by the % unreachable code elemination. cg_f_unknown_type_in_unit=06050_F_Impossível encontrar o tipo "$1" na unidade "$2". Verifique se você usa a biblioteca de tempo de execução correta. % The compiler expects that the runtime library contains certain type definitions. If you see this error % and you didn't change the runtime library code, it's very likely that the runtime library % you're using doesn't match the compiler in use. If you changed the runtime library this error means % that you removed a type which the compiler needs for internal use. cg_e_interprocedural_goto_only_to_outer_scope_allowed=06051_E_Gotos interprocedimentos são permitidos apenas para subrotinas externas % Gotos between subroutines are only allowed if the goto jumps from an inner to an outer subroutine or % from a subroutine to the main program cg_e_labels_cannot_defined_outside_declaration_scope=06052_E_Rótulo deve ser definido no mesmo escopo em que é declarado % In ISO mode, labels must be defined in the same scope as they are declared. cg_e_goto_across_procedures_with_exceptions_not_allowed=06053_E_Deixar procedimentos contendo quadros de exceções explícitas ou implícitas usando 'goto' não é permitido % Non-local gotos might not be used to leave procedures using exceptions either implicitly or explicitly. Procedures % which use automated types like ansistrings or class constructurs are affected by this too. cg_e_mod_only_defined_for_pos_quotient=06054_E_No modo ISO, o operador 'mod' é definido apenas para quociente positivo % In ISO pascal, only positive values are allowed for the quotient: \var{n mod m} is only valid if \var{m>0}. % \end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Assembler reader # # 07110 is the last used one # asmr_d_start_reading=07000_DL_Iniciando $1 análise estilo assembler % This informs you that an assembler block is being parsed asmr_d_finish_reading=07001_DL_Finalizada $1 análise estilo assembler % This informs you that an assembler block has finished. asmr_e_none_label_contain_at=07002_E_Padrão não-rótulo contêm @ % A identifier which isn't a label can't contain a @. asmr_e_building_record_offset=07004_E_Erro construindo deslocamento registro % There has an error occured while building the offset of a record/object % structure, this can happend when there is no field specified at all or % an unknown field identifier is used. asmr_e_offset_without_identifier=07005_E_'OFFSET' usado sem identificador % You can only use OFFSET with an identifier. Other syntaxes aren't % supported asmr_e_type_without_identifier=07006_E_'TYPE' usado sem identificador % You can only use TYPE with an identifier. Other syntaxes aren't % supported asmr_e_no_local_or_para_allowed=07007_E_Impossível usar variável local ou parâmetro aqui % You can't use a local variable or parameter here, mostly because the % addressing of locals and parameters is done using the frame pointer register so the % address can't be obtained directly. asmr_e_need_offset=07008_E_Necessário usar 'OFFSET' aqui % You need to use OFFSET here to get the address of the identifier. asmr_e_need_dollar=07009_E_Necessário usar $ aqui % You need to use $ here to get the address of the identifier. asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols=07010_E_Impossível usar múltiplos símbolos relocáveis % You can't have more than one relocatable symbol (variable/typed constant) % in one argument. asmr_e_only_add_relocatable_symbol=07011_E_Símbolo relocável pode apenas ser adicionado % Relocatable symbols (variable/typed constant) can't be used with other % operators. Only addition is allowed. asmr_e_invalid_constant_expression=07012_E_Expressão constante inválida % There is an error in the constant expression. asmr_e_relocatable_symbol_not_allowed=07013_E_Símbolo relocável não é permitido % You can't use a relocatable symbol (variable/typed constant) here. asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax=07014_E_Sintaxe referência inválida % There is an error in the reference. asmr_e_local_para_unreachable=07015_E_Você não pode atingir $1 a partir desse código % You cannot read directly the value of a local variable or parameter % of a higher level procedure in assembler code (except for % local assembler code without parameter nor locals). asmr_e_local_label_not_allowed_as_ref=07016_E_Símbolos locais/rótulos não são permitidos como referências % You can't use local symbols/labels as references asmr_e_wrong_base_index=07017_E_Uso registro base e índice inválido % There is an error with the base and index register, they are % probably incorrect asmr_w_possible_object_field_bug=07018_W_Possível erro na manipulação de campo de objeto % Fields of objects or classes can be reached directly in normal or objfpc % modes but TP and Delphi modes treat the field name as a simple offset. asmr_e_wrong_scale_factor=07019_E_Fator incorreto de escala especificado % The scale factor given is wrong, only 1,2,4 and 8 are allowed asmr_e_multiple_index=07020_E_Uso múltiplo registro índice % You are trying to use more than one index register asmr_e_invalid_operand_type=07021_E_Tipo operando inválido % The operand type doesn't match with the opcode used asmr_e_invalid_string_as_opcode_operand=07022_E_'String' inválido como operando 'opcode': $1 % The string specified as operand is not correct with this opcode asmr_w_CODE_and_DATA_not_supported=07023_W_@CODE e @DATA não suportados % @CODE and @DATA are unsupported and are ignored. asmr_e_null_label_ref_not_allowed=07024_E_Referências nulas de rótulos não são permitidas asmr_e_expr_zero_divide=07025_E_Divisão por zero em avaliador asm % There is a division by zero in a constant expression asmr_e_expr_illegal=07026_E_Expressao ilegal % There is an illegal expression in a constant expression asmr_e_escape_seq_ignored=07027_E_Sequência de escape ignorada: $1 % There is a C-styled string, but the escape sequence in the string % is unknown, and is therefore ignored asmr_e_invalid_symbol_ref=07028_E_Referência símbolo inválida asmr_w_fwait_emu_prob=07029_W_Fwait pode causar problemas de emulação com emu387 asmr_w_fadd_to_faddp=07030_W_$1 sem operando traduzido em $1P asmr_w_enter_not_supported_by_linux=07031_W_Instrução 'ENTER' não suportada pelo kernel Linux % ENTER instruction can generate a stack page fault that is not % caught correctly by the i386 Linux page handler. asmr_w_calling_overload_func=07032_W_Chamando uma função sobrecarregada em assembler % There is a call to an overloaded method in the assembler block, % this might be the sign there is a problem asmr_e_unsupported_symbol_type=07033_E_Tipo símbolo não suportado para operando asmr_e_constant_out_of_bounds=07034_E_Valor constante fora de faixa asmr_e_error_converting_decimal=07035_E_Erro convertendo decimal $1 % A constant decimal value does not have the correct syntax asmr_e_error_converting_octal=07036_E_Erro convertendo octal $1 % A constant octal value does not have the correct syntax asmr_e_error_converting_binary=07037_E_Erro convertendo binário $1 % A constant binary value does not have the correct syntax asmr_e_error_converting_hexadecimal=07038_E_Erro convertendo hexadecimal $1 % A constant hexadecimal value does not have the correct syntax asmr_h_direct_global_to_mangled=07039_H_$1 traduzido para $2 asmr_w_direct_global_is_overloaded_func=07040_W_$1 está associado a uma função sobrecarregada asmr_e_cannot_use_SELF_outside_a_method=07041_E_Impossível usar 'SELF' fora de um método % There is a reference to the \var{self} symbol while it is not % allowed. \var{self} can only be referenced inside methods asmr_e_cannot_use_OLDEBP_outside_nested_procedure=07042_E_Impossível usar 'OLDEBP' fora de um procedimento aninhado % There is a reference to the \var{oldebp} symbol while it is not % allowed. \var{oldebp} can only be referenced inside nested routines asmr_e_void_function=07043_W_Procedimentos não podem retornar qualquer valor em código asm % Trying to return a value while in a procedure. A procedure % does not have any return value asmr_e_SEG_not_supported=07044_E_SEG não suportado asmr_e_size_suffix_and_dest_dont_match=07045_E_Tamanho sufixo e tamanho destino ou fonte não coincidem % The register size and the opcode size suffix don't match. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_w_size_suffix_and_dest_dont_match=07046_W_Tamanho sufixo e tamanho destino ou fonte não coincidem % The register size and the opcode size suffix don't match. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_e_syntax_error=07047_E_Erro de sintaxe assembler % There is an assembler syntax error asmr_e_invalid_opcode_and_operand=07048_E_Combinação inválida de 'opcode' e operandos % The opcode cannot be used with this type of operand asmr_e_syn_operand=07049_E_Erro de sintaxe assembler em operando asmr_e_syn_constant=07050_E_Erro de sintaxe assembler em constante asmr_e_invalid_string_expression=07051_E_Expressão 'String' inválida asmr_w_const32bit_for_address=07052_W_Constante com símbolo $1 para endereço que não está em um ponteiro % A constant expression represents an address which does not fit % into a pointer. The address is probably incorrect asmr_e_unknown_opcode=07053_E_'Opcode' desconhecido $1 % This opcode is not known asmr_e_invalid_or_missing_opcode=07054_E_'Opcode' inválido ou faltando asmr_e_invalid_prefix_and_opcode=07055_E_Combinação inválida de prefixo e 'opcode': $1 asmr_e_invalid_override_and_opcode=07056_E_Combinação inválida de 'override' e 'opcode': $1 asmr_e_too_many_operands=07057_E_Muitos operandos na linha % There are too many operands for this opcode. Check your % assembler syntax asmr_w_near_ignored=07058_W_NEAR ignorado asmr_w_far_ignored=07059_W_FAR ignorado asmr_e_dup_local_sym=07060_E_Símbolo local duplicado $1 asmr_e_unknown_local_sym=07061_E_Símbolo local indefinido $1 asmr_e_unknown_label_identifier=07062_E_Identificador rótulo desconhecido $1 asmr_e_invalid_register=07063_E_Nome registro inválido % There is an unknown register name used as operand. asmr_e_invalid_fpu_register=07064_E_Nome registro ponto flutuante inválido % There is an unknown register name used as operand. asmr_w_modulo_not_supported=07066_W_Módulo não suportado asmr_e_invalid_float_const=07067_E_Constante ponto flutuante inválida $1 % The floating point constant declared in an assembler block is % invalid. asmr_e_invalid_float_expr=07068_E_Expressão ponto flutuante inválida % The floating point expression declared in an assembler block is % invalid. asmr_e_wrong_sym_type=07069_E_Tipo símbolo incorreto asmr_e_cannot_index_relative_var=07070_E_Impossível indexar uma var. local ou parâmetro com um registro % Trying to index using a base register a symbol which is already relative % to a register. This is not possible, and will probably lead to crashes. asmr_e_invalid_seg_override=07071_E_Expressão sobreposição segmento inválida asmr_w_id_supposed_external=07072_W_Identificador $1 supostamente externo % There is a reference to an undefined symbol. This will not result % in an error, since the symbol might be external, but may cause % problems at link time if the symbol is not defined anywhere. asmr_e_string_not_allowed_as_const=07073_E_'Strings' não permitidas como constantes % Character strings are not allowed as constants. asmr_e_no_var_type_specified=07074_E_Nenhum tipo de variável especificado % The syntax expects a type idenfitifer after the dot, but % none was found. asmr_w_assembler_code_not_returned_to_text=07075_E_Código assembler não retornou a seção texto % There was a directive in the assembler block to change sections, % but there is a missing return to the text section at the end % of the assembler block. This might cause errors during link time. asmr_e_not_directive_or_local_symbol=07076_E_Não é uma diretiva ou símbolo local $1 % This symbol is unknown. asmr_w_using_defined_as_local=07077_E_Usando um nome definido como um rótulo local asmr_e_dollar_without_identifier=07078_E_Caracter Dólar é usado sem um identificador % A constant expression has an identifier which does not start with % the $ symbol. asmr_w_32bit_const_for_address=07079_W_Constante 32bit criada para endereço % A constant was used as an address. This is probably an error, % since using absolute addresses will probably not work. asmr_n_align_is_target_specific=07080_N_'.align' é específico de alvo, use '.balign' ou '.p2align' % Using the .align directive is platform specific, and its meaning will vary % from one platform to another. asmr_e_cannot_access_field_directly_for_parameters=07081_E_Impossível acessar campos diretamente para parâmetros % You should load the parameter first into a register and then access the % fields using that register. asmr_e_cannot_access_object_field_directly=07082_E_Impossível acessar campos de objetos/classes diretamente % You should load the self pointer first into a register and then access the % fields using the register as base. By default the self pointer is available % in the esi register on i386. asmr_e_unable_to_determine_reference_size=07083_E_Tamanho não especificado e incapaz de determinar o tamanho dos operandos % You should specify explicitly a size for the reference, because % the compiler is unable to determine what size (byte,word,dword,etc.) it % should use for the reference. asmr_e_cannot_use_RESULT_here=07084_E_Impossível usar 'RESULT' nesta função % Some functions which return complex types cannot use the \var{result} % keyword. asmr_w_adding_explicit_args_fXX=07086_W_"$1" sem operando traduzido em "$1 %st,%st(1)" asmr_w_adding_explicit_first_arg_fXX=07087_W_"$1 %st(n)" traduzido em "$1 %st,%st(n)" asmr_w_adding_explicit_second_arg_fXX=07088_W_"$1 %st(n)" translated em "$1 %st(n),%st" asmr_e_invalid_char_smaller=07089_E_Caracter < não permitido aqui % The shift operator requires the << characters. Only one % of those characters was found. asmr_e_invalid_char_greater=07090_E_Caracter > não permitido aqui % The shift operator requires the >> characters. Only one % of those characters was found. asmr_w_align_not_supported=07093_W_ALIGN não suportado asmr_e_no_inc_and_dec_together=07094_E_'Inc' e 'Dec' não podem estar juntos % Trying to use an increment and a decrement within the same % opcode on the 680x0. This is impossible. asmr_e_invalid_reg_list_in_movem=07095_E_'Reglist' para 'movem' inválido % Trying to use the \var{movem} opcode with invalid registers % to save or restore. asmr_e_invalid_reg_list_for_opcode=07096_E_'Reglist' inválido para 'opcode' asmr_e_higher_cpu_mode_required=07097_E_Modo CPU maior requerido ($1) % Trying to use an instruction which is not supported in the current % cpu mode. Use a higher cpu generation to be able to use this % opcode in your assembler block asmr_w_unable_to_determine_reference_size_using_dword=07098_W_Nenhum tamanho especificado e incapaz de determinar o tamanho dos operandos, usando DWORD como padrão % You should specify explicitly a size for the reference, because % the compiler is unable to determine what size (byte,word,dword,etc.) it % should use for the reference. This warning is only used in Delphi mode where % it falls back to use DWORD as default. asmr_e_illegal_shifterop_syntax=07099_E_Erro de sintaxe tentando analisar um operando deslocamento % ARM only; ARM assembler supports a so called shifter operand. The used syntax isn't % a valid shifter operand. Example for an operation with shifter operand: % \begin{verbatim} % asm % orr r2,r2,r2,lsl #8 % end; % \end{verbatim} asmr_e_packed_element=07100_E_Endereço de componente compactado não está no limite byte % Packed components (record fields and array elements) may start at an arbitrary % bit inside a byte. On CPU which do not support bit-addressable memory (which % includes all currently supported CPUs by FPC) you will therefore get an error % message when trying to index arrays with elements whose size is not a multiple % of 8 bits. The same goes for accessing record fields with such an address. % multiple of 8 bits. asmr_w_unable_to_determine_reference_size_using_byte=07101_W_Nenhum tamanho especificado e incapaz de determinar o tamanho dos operandos, usando BYTE como padrão % You should specify explicitly a size for the reference, because % the compiler is unable to determine what size (byte,word,dword,etc.) it % should use for the reference. This warning is only used in Delphi mode where % it falls back to use BYTE as default. asmr_w_no_direct_ebp_for_parameter=07102_W_Uso de '+offset(%ebp)' para parâmetros inválido aqui % Using direct 8(%ebp) reference for function/procedure parameters is invalid % if parameters are in registers. asmr_w_direct_ebp_for_parameter_regcall=07103_W_Uso de '+offset(%ebp)' não é compatível com a convenção 'regcall' % Using direct 8(%ebp) reference for function/procedure parameters is invalid % if parameters are in registers. asmr_w_direct_ebp_neg_offset=07104_W_Uso de '-offset(%ebp)' não é recomendada para acesso a variável local % Using -8(%ebp) to access a local variable is not recommended asmr_w_direct_esp_neg_offset=07105_W_Uso de '-offset(%esp)', acesso pode causar travamento ou valor pode ser perdido % Using -8(%esp) to access a local stack is not recommended, as % this stack portion can be overwritten by any function calls or interrupts. asmr_e_no_vmtoffset_possible=07106_E_'VMTOffset' deve ser usado em combinação com um método virtual, e "$1" não é virtual % Only virtual methods have VMT offsets asmr_e_need_pic_ref=07107_E_Gerando PIC, mas referência não é segura (PIC-safe) % The compiler has been configured to generate position-independent code % (PIC), but there are position-dependent references in the current % handwritten assembler instruction. asmr_e_mixing_regtypes=07108_E_Todos os registros em um conjunto de registros devem ser do mesmo tipo e largura % Instructions on the ARM architecture that take a register set as argument require that all registers % in this set are of the same kind (e.g., integer, vfp) and width (e.g., single precision, double precision). asmr_e_empty_regset=07109_E_Um conjunto de registros não pode estar vazio % Instructions on the ARM architecture that take a register set as argument require that such a set % contains at least one register. asmr_w_useless_got_for_local=07110_W_@GOTPCREL é inútil e potencialmente perigoso para símbolos locais % The use of @GOTPCREL supposes an extra indirection that is % not present if the symbol is local, which might lead to wrong asembler code asmr_w_general_segment_with_constant=07111_W_Constante com registro de segmento de propósito geral % General purpose register should not have constant offsets % as OS memory allocation might not be compatible with that. asmr_e_bad_seh_directive_offset=07112_E_Valor de deslocamento inválido para $1 % Win64 SEH directives have certain restrictions on possible offset values, e.g. they should % be positive and have 3 or 4 low bits clear. asmr_e_bad_seh_directive_register=07113_E_Registro inválido para $1 % Win64 SEH directives accept only 64-bit integer registers or XMM registers. asmr_e_seh_in_pure_asm_only=07114_E_Diretivas SEH são permitidas apenas em procedimentos assembler puros % Win64 SEH directives are allowed only in pure assembler procedures, not in assembler % blocks of regular procedures. asmr_e_unsupported_directive=07115_E_Diretiva "$1" não é suportada pelo alvo atual # # Assembler/binary writers # # 08022 is the last used one # asmw_f_too_many_asm_files=08000_F_Muitos arquivos assembler % With smartlinking enabled, there are too many assembler % files generated. Disable smartlinking. asmw_f_assembler_output_not_supported=08001_F_Saída assembler selecionada não suportada asmw_f_comp_not_supported=08002_F_'Comp' não suportado asmw_f_direct_not_supported=08003_F_Modo direto não suportado por gravadores binários % Direct assembler mode is not supported for binary writers. asmw_e_alloc_data_only_in_bss=08004_E_Alocamento de dados somente permitida na seção 'bss' asmw_f_no_binary_writer_selected=08005_F_Nenhum gravador binário selecionado asmw_e_opcode_not_in_table=08006_E_Asm: Opcode $1 não está na tabela asmw_e_invalid_opcode_and_operands=08007_E_Asm: $1 combinação inválida de 'opcode' e operandos asmw_e_16bit_not_supported=08008_E_Asm: referências 16 Bits não suportadas asmw_e_invalid_effective_address=08009_E_Asm: Endereço efetivo inválido asmw_e_immediate_or_reference_expected=08010_E_Asm: Esperados 'Immediate' ou referência asmw_e_value_exceeds_bounds=08011_E_Asm: $1 valor excede limites $2 asmw_e_short_jmp_out_of_range=08012_E_Asm: Salto curto fora de faixa $1 asmw_e_undefined_label=08013_E_Asm: Rótulo indefinido $1 asmw_e_comp_not_supported=08014_E_Asm: Tipo 'Comp' não suportado por este alvo asmw_e_extended_not_supported=08015_E_Asm: Tipo extendido não suportado por este alvo asmw_e_duplicate_label=08016_E_Asm: Rótulo duplicado $1 asmw_e_redefined_label=08017_E_Asm: Rótulo redefinido $1 asmw_e_first_defined_label=08018_E_Asm: Primeiramente definido aqui asmw_e_invalid_register=08019_E_Asm: Registro inválido $1 asmw_e_16bit_32bit_not_supported=08020_E_Asm: Referências 16 ou 32 Bits não suportadas asmw_e_64bit_not_supported=08021_E_Asm: Operandos 64 Bits não suportados asmw_e_bad_reg_with_rex=08022_E_Asm: AH,BH,CH ou DH não podem ser usados em uma instrução que requer o prefixo REX % x86_64 only: instruction encoding of this platform does not allow using % 8086 high byte registers (AH,BH,CH or DH) together with REX prefix in a single instruction. % The REX prefix is required whenever the instruction operand size is 64 bits, or % when it uses one of extended x86_64 registers (R8-R15 or XMM8-XMM15). asmw_e_missing_endprologue=08023_E_Diretiva .seh_endprologue faltando % x86_64-win64 only: Normally, SEH directives are handled internally by compiler. % However, in pure assembler procedures .seh_endprologue directive is required % if other SEH directives are present. asmw_e_prologue_too_large=08024_E_Prólogo da função excede 255 bytes % x86_64-win64: .seh_prologue directive must be placed within 255 bytes from function start. asmw_e_handlerdata_no_handler=08025_E_Diretiva .seh_handlerdata sem .seh_handler precedente % x86_64-win64: If .seh_handlerdata directive is used, then a .seh_handler directive must be % present earlier in the same function. # # Executing linker/assembler # # 09033 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % % \section{Errors of assembling/linking stage} % This section lists errors that occur when the compiler is processing the % command line or handling the configuration files. % \begin{description} exec_w_source_os_redefined=09000_W_Sistema operacional fonte redefinido % The source operating system is redefined. exec_i_assembling_pipe=09001_I_Montando (pipe) $1 % Assembling using a pipe to an external assembler. exec_d_cant_create_asmfile=09002_E_Impossível criar arquivo assembler: $1 % The mentioned file can't be created. Check if you have % access permissions to create this file. exec_e_cant_create_objectfile=09003_E_Impossível criar arquivo objeto: $1 % The mentioned file can't be created. Check if you have % got access permissions to create this file. exec_e_cant_create_archivefile=09004_E_Impossível criar arquivo: $1 % The mentioned file can't be created. Check if you have % access permissions to create this file. exec_e_assembler_not_found=09005_E_Montador $1 não encontrado, mudando para montador externo % The assembler program was not found. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble and link the program. exec_t_using_assembler=09006_T_Usando montador: $1 % An informational message saying which assembler is being used. exec_e_error_while_assembling=09007_E_Erro ao montar código saída $1 % There was an error while assembling the file using an external assembler. % Consult the documentation of the assembler tool to find out more information % on this error. exec_e_cant_call_assembler=09008_E_Impossível chamar montador, erro $1 mudando para montador externo % An error occurred when calling an external assembler. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble and link the program. exec_i_assembling=09009_I_Montando $1 % An informational message stating which file is being assembled. exec_i_assembling_smart=09010_I_Montando com vinculação inteligente $1 % An informational message stating which file is being assembled using smartlinking. exec_w_objfile_not_found=09011_W_Objeto $1 não encontrado, Vinculação pode falhar ! % One of the object files is missing, and linking will probably fail. % Check your paths. exec_w_libfile_not_found=09012_W_Biblioteca $1 não encontrada, Vinculação pode falhar ! % One of the library files is missing, and linking will probably fail. % Check your paths. exec_e_error_while_linking=09013_E_Erro durante vinculação % Generic error while linking. exec_e_cant_call_linker=09014_E_Impossível chamar vinculador, mudando para vinculação externa % An error occurred when calling an external linker. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble and link the program. exec_i_linking=09015_I_Vinculando $1 % An informational message, showing which program or library is being linked. exec_e_util_not_found=09016_E_Utilitário $1 não encontrado, mudando para vinculação externa % An external tool was not found. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble and link or postprocess the program. exec_t_using_util=09017_T_Usando utilitário $1 % An informational message, showing which external program (usually a postprocessor) is being used. exec_e_exe_not_supported=09018_E_Criação de Executáveis não suportada % Creating executable programs is not supported for this platform, because it was % not yet implemented in the compiler. exec_e_dll_not_supported=09019_E_Criação de bibliotecas Dinâmicas/Compartilhadas não suportada % Creating dynamically loadable libraries is not supported for this platform, because it was % not yet implemented in the compiler. exec_i_closing_script=09020_I_Fechando roteiro $1 % Informational message showing when writing of the external assembling and linking script is finished. exec_e_res_not_found=09021_E_Compilador recursos "$1" não encontrado, mudando para modo externo % An external resource compiler was not found. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble, compile resources and link or postprocess the program. exec_i_compilingresource=09022_I_Compilando recursos $1 % An informational message, showing which resource is being compiled. exec_t_unit_not_static_linkable_switch_to_smart=09023_T_Unidade $1 não pode ser vinculada estaticamente, mudando para vinculação inteligente % Static linking was requested, but a unit which is not statically linkable was used. exec_t_unit_not_smart_linkable_switch_to_static=09024_T_Unidade $1 não pode ser vinculada inteligentemente, mudando para vinculação estática % Smart linking was requested, but a unit which is not smart-linkable was used. exec_t_unit_not_shared_linkable_switch_to_static=09025_T_Unidade $1 não pode ser vinculada compartilhadamente, mudando para vinculação estática % Shared linking was requested, but a unit which is not shared-linkable was used. exec_e_unit_not_smart_or_static_linkable=09026_E_Unidade $1 não pode ser vinculada inteligentemente ou estaticamente % Smart or static linking was requested, but a unit which cannot be used for either was used. exec_e_unit_not_shared_or_static_linkable=09027_E_Unidade $1 não pode ser vinculada compartilhadamente ou estaticamente % Shared or static linking was requested, but a unit which cannot be used for either was used. exec_d_resbin_params=09028_D_Chamando compilador recursos "$1" com "$2" como linha comando % An informational message showing which command line is used for the resource compiler. exec_e_error_while_compiling_resources=09029_E_Erro ao compilar recursos % The resource compiler or converter returned an error. exec_e_cant_call_resource_compiler=09030_E_Impossível chamar o compilador recursos "$1", mudando para modo externo % An error occurred when calling a resource compiler. The compiler will produce % a script that can be used to assemble, compile resources and link or % postprocess the program. exec_e_cant_open_resource_file=09031_E_Impossível abrir arquivo recursos "$1" % An error occurred resource file cannot be opened. exec_e_cant_write_resource_file=09032_E_Impossível gravar arquivo recursos "$1" % An error occurred resource file cannot be written. exec_n_backquote_cat_file_not_found=09033_N_Arquivo "$1" não encontrado para comando 'cat' entre aspas % The compiler did not find the file that should be expanded into linker parameters %\end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Executable information # # 09134 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % \section{Executable information messages.} % This section lists all messages that the compiler emits when an executable program is produced, % and only when the internal linker is used. % \begin{description} execinfo_f_cant_process_executable=09128_F_Impossível pós-processar executável $1 % Fatal error when the compiler is unable to post-process an executable. execinfo_f_cant_open_executable=09129_F_Impossível abrir executável $1 % Fatal error when the compiler cannot open the file for the executable. execinfo_x_codesize=09130_X_Tamanho do Código: $1 bytes % Informational message showing the size of the produced code section. execinfo_x_initdatasize=09131_X_Tamanho dos dados inicializados: $1 bytes % Informational message showing the size of the initialized data section. execinfo_x_uninitdatasize=09132_X_Tamanho dos dados não inicializados: $1 bytes % Informational message showing the size of the uninitialized data section. execinfo_x_stackreserve=09133_X_Espaço da Pilha reservado: $1 bytes % Informational message showing the stack size that the compiler reserved for the executable. execinfo_x_stackcommit=09134_X_Espaço da Pilha confirmado: $1 bytes % Informational message showing the stack size that the compiler committed for the executable. %\end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Internal linker messages # # 09200 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % \section{Linker messages} % This section lists messages produced by internal linker. % \begin{description} link_f_executable_too_big=09200_F_Tamanho imagem executável é muito grande para alvo $1. % Fatal error when resulting executable is too big. link_w_32bit_absolute_reloc=09201_W_Arquivo objeto "$1" contêm relocação absoluta de 32-bits para símbolo "$2". % Warning when 64-bit object file contains 32-bit absolute relocations. % In such case an executable image can be loaded into lower 4Gb of % address space only. %\end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Unit loading # # 10062 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % \section{Unit loading messages.} % This section lists all messages that can occur when the compiler is % loading a unit from disk into memory. Many of these messages are % informational messages. % \begin{description} unit_t_unitsearch=10000_T_Busca Unidade: $1 % When you use the \var{-vt} option, the compiler tells you where it tries to find % unit files. unit_t_ppu_loading=10001_T_Carregando PPU $1 % When the \var{-vt} switch is used, the compiler tells you % what units it loads. unit_u_ppu_name=10002_U_Nome PPU: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the unit name is shown. unit_u_ppu_flags=10003_U_PPU 'Flags': $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the unit flags are shown. unit_u_ppu_crc=10004_U_PPU 'Crc': $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the unit CRC check is shown. unit_u_ppu_time=10005_U_Hora PPU: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the time the unit was compiled is shown. unit_u_ppu_file_too_short=10006_U_Arquivo PPU muito pequeno % The ppufile is too short, not all declarations are present. unit_u_ppu_invalid_header=10007_U_Cabeçalho PPU inválido (sem PPU no começo) % A unit file contains as the first three bytes the ASCII codes of the characters \var{PPU}. unit_u_ppu_invalid_version=10008_U_Versão PPU inválida $1 % This unit file was compiled with a different version of the compiler, and % cannot be read. unit_u_ppu_invalid_processor=10009_U_PPU foi compilado para outro processador % This unit file was compiled for a different processor type, and % cannot be read. unit_u_ppu_invalid_target=10010_U_PPU foi compilado para outro alvo % This unit file was compiled for a different target, and % cannot be read. unit_u_ppu_source=10011_U_Fonte PPU: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the unit source file name is shown. unit_u_ppu_write=10012_U_Gravando $1 % When you specify the \var{-vu} switch, the compiler will tell you where it % writes the unit file. unit_f_ppu_cannot_write=10013_F_Impossível gravar arquivo PPU % An error occurred when writing the unit file. unit_f_ppu_read_error=10014_F_Erro ao ler arquivo PPU % This means that the unit file was corrupted, and contains invalid % information. Recompilation will be necessary. unit_f_ppu_read_unexpected_end=10015_F_Fim de arquivo PPU inesperado % Unexpected end of file. This may mean that the PPU file is % corrupted. unit_f_ppu_invalid_entry=10016_F_Entrada inválida arquivo PPU: $1 % The unit the compiler is trying to read is corrupted, or generated with a % newer version of the compiler. unit_f_ppu_dbx_count_problem=10017_F_Problema contagem Dbx PPU % There is an inconsistency in the debugging information of the unit. unit_e_illegal_unit_name=10018_E_Nome unidade ilegal: $1 % The name of the unit does not match the file name. unit_f_too_much_units=10019_F_Muitas unidades % \fpc has a limit of 1024 units in a program. You can change this behavior % by changing the \var{maxunits} constant in the \file{fmodule.pas} file of the % compiler, and recompiling the compiler. unit_f_circular_unit_reference=10020_F_Referência circular em unidade entre $1 e $2 % Two units are using each other in the interface part. This is only allowed % in the \var{implementation} part. At least one unit must contain the other one % in the \var{implementation} section. unit_f_cant_compile_unit=10021_F_Impossível compilar unidade $1, nenhum fonte disponível % A unit was found that needs to be recompiled, but no sources are % available. unit_f_cant_find_ppu=10022_F_Impossível localizar unidade $1 usada por $2 % You tried to use a unit of which the PPU file isn't found by the % compiler. Check your configuration file for the unit paths. unit_w_unit_name_error=10023_W_Unidade $1 não foi encontrada mas $2 existe % This error message is no longer used. unit_f_unit_name_error=10024_F_Unidade $1 foi procurada mas $2 encontrada % \dos truncation of 8 letters for unit PPU files % may lead to problems when unit name is longer than 8 letters. unit_w_switch_us_missed=10025_W_Compilar a unidade 'system' requer a chave -Us % When recompiling the system unit (it needs special treatment), the % \var{-Us} switch must be specified. unit_f_errors_in_unit=10026_F_Houveram $1 erros ao compilar módulo, parando % When the compiler encounters a fatal error or too many errors in a module % then it stops with this message. unit_u_load_unit=10027_U_Carregar de $1 ($2) unidade $3 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, which unit is loaded from which unit is % shown. unit_u_recompile_crc_change=10028_U_Recompilando $1, 'checksum' alterado para $2 % The unit is recompiled because the checksum of a unit it depends on has % changed. unit_u_recompile_source_found_alone=10029_U_Recompilando $1, apenas fonte encontrado % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, these messages tell you why the current % unit is recompiled. unit_u_recompile_staticlib_is_older=10030_U_Recompilando unidade, bib estática é mais antiga que o arquivo ppu % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the static library % of the unit is older than the unit file itself. unit_u_recompile_sharedlib_is_older=10031_U_Recompilando unidade, bib compartilhada é mais antiga que o arquivo ppu % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the shared library % of the unit is older than the unit file itself. unit_u_recompile_obj_and_asm_older=10032_U_Recompilando unidade, 'obj' e 'asm' são mais antigos que o arquivo ppu % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the assembler or % object file of the unit is older than the unit file itself. unit_u_recompile_obj_older_than_asm=10033_U_Recompilando unidade, 'obj' é mais antigo que 'asm' % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the assembler % file of the unit is older than the object file of the unit. unit_u_parsing_interface=10034_U_Analisando 'interface' de $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % parsing the interface part of the unit. unit_u_parsing_implementation=10035_U_Analisando 'implementation' de $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % parsing the implementation part of the unit. unit_u_second_load_unit=10036_U_Segundo carregamento para a unidade $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % recompiling a unit for the second time. This can happen with % interdependent units. unit_u_check_time=10037_U_PPU Verifique arquivo $1 hora $2 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler shows the filename and % date and time of the file on which a recompile depends. ### The following two error msgs is currently disabled. #unit_h_cond_not_set_in_last_compile=10038_H_Conditional $1 was not set at startup in last compilation of $2 #% when recompilation of an unit is required the compiler will check that #% the same conditionals are set for the recompiliation. The compiler has #% found a conditional that currently is defined, but was not used the last #% time the unit was compiled. #unit_h_cond_set_in_last_compile=10039_H_Conditional $1 was set at startup in last compilation of $2 #% when recompilation of an unit is required the compiler will check that #% the same conditionals are set for the recompiliation. The compiler has #% found a conditional that was used the last time the unit was compiled, but #% the conditional is currently not defined. unit_w_cant_compile_unit_with_changed_incfile=10040_W_Impossível recompilar unidade $1, mas encontrados arquivos de inclusão modificados % A unit was found to have modified include files, but % some source files were not found, so recompilation is impossible. unit_u_source_modified=10041_U_Arquivo $1 é mais novo que o usado para criar o arquivo PPU $2 % A modified source file for a compiler unit was found. unit_u_ppu_invalid_fpumode=10042_U_Tentando usar uma unidade que foi compilada com um modo diferente de FPU % Trying to compile code while using units which were not compiled with % the same floating point format mode. Either all code should be compiled % with FPU emulation on, or with FPU emulation off. unit_u_loading_interface_units=10043_U_Carregando unidades 'interface' de $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it is starting % to load the units defined in the interface part of the unit. unit_u_loading_implementation_units=10044_U_Carregando unidades 'implementation' de $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it is starting % to load the units defined in the implementation part of the unit. unit_u_interface_crc_changed=10045_U_Interface CRC alterado para a unidade $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that the % CRC calculated for the interface has been changed after the implementation % has been parsed. unit_u_implementation_crc_changed=10046_U_Implementation CRC alterado para a unidade $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that the % CRC calculated has been changed after the implementation % has been parsed. unit_u_finished_compiling=10047_U_Terminada a compilação da unidade $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has finished compiling the unit. unit_u_add_depend_to=10048_U_Adição dependência: $1 depende de $2 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has added a dependency between the two units. unit_u_no_reload_is_caller=10049_U_Nenhum recarregamento, é o chamador: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % will not reload the unit because it is the unit that wants % to load this unit. unit_u_no_reload_in_second_compile=10050_U_Nenhum recarregamento, já em segunda compilação: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % will not reload the unit because it is already in a second recompile. unit_u_flag_for_reload=10051_U_'Flag' para recarregamento: $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has to reload the unit. unit_u_forced_reload=10052_U_Recarregamento forçado % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % is reloading the unit because it was required. unit_u_previous_state=10053_U_Estado anterior de $1: $2 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler shows the % previous state of the unit. unit_u_second_compile_unit=10054_U_Já compilando $1, ajustando segunda compilação % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it is starting % to recompile a unit for the second time. This can happen with interdependent % units. unit_u_loading_unit=10055_U_Carregando unidade $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % loading the unit. unit_u_finished_loading_unit=10056_U_Terminado carregamento unidade $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it finished % loading the unit. unit_u_registering_new_unit=10057_U_Registrando nova unidade $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it has % found a new unit and is registering it in the internal lists. unit_u_reresolving_unit=10058_U_Re-solucionando unidade $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has to recalculate the internal data of the unit. unit_u_skipping_reresolving_unit=10059_U_Pulando re-solução unidade $1, ainda carregando unidades usadas % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it is % skipping the recalculation of the internal data of the unit % because there is no data to recalculate. unit_u_unload_resunit=10060_U_Descarregando unidade recursos $1 (não necessária) % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it is unloading the % resource handling unit, since no resources are used. unit_e_different_wpo_file=10061_E_Unidade $1 foi compilada usando uma entrada de retorno inteiramente diferente de otimização de programa ($2, $3); recompile-a sem 'wpo' ou use o mesmo arquivo de retorno de entrada 'wpo' para esta compilação % When a unit has been compiled using a particular whole program optimization (wpo) feedback file (\var{-FW} \var{-OW}), % this compiled version of the unit is specialised for that particular compilation scenario and cannot be used in % any other context. It has to be recompiled before you can use it in another program or with another wpo feedback input file. unit_u_indirect_crc_changed=10062_U_CRC interface indireta (objetos/classes) alterado para a unidade $1 % When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that the % indirect CRC calculated for the unit (this is the CRC of all classes/objects/interfaces/$\ldots$ % in the interfaces of units directly or indirectly used by this unit in the interface) has been changed after the % implementation has been parsed. % \end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Options # # 11049 is the last used one # option_usage=11000_O_$1 [options] [options] # BeginOfTeX % % \section{Command line handling errors} % This section lists errors that occur when the compiler is processing the % command line or handling the configuration files. % \begin{description} option_only_one_source_support=11001_W_Apenas uma arquivo fonte suportado, alterando arquivo fonte à compilar de "$1" para "$2" % You can specify only one source file on the command line. The last % one will be compiled, others will be ignored. This may indicate that % you forgot a \var{'-'} sign. option_def_only_for_os2=11002_W_Arquivo DEF pode ser criado apenas para OS/2 % This option can only be specified when you're compiling for OS/2. option_no_nested_response_file=11003_E_Arquivos respostas aninhados não são suportados % You cannot nest response files with the \var{@file} command line option. option_no_source_found=11004_F_Nenhm nome arquivo fonte na linha de comando % The compiler expects a source file name on the command line. option_no_option_found=11005_N_Nenhuma opção dentro do arquivo de configurações $1 % The compiler didn't find any option in that config file. option_illegal_para=11006_E_Parâmetro ilegal: $1 % You specified an unknown option. option_help_pages_para=11007_H_-? lista páginas ajuda % When an unknown option is given, this message is diplayed. option_too_many_cfg_files=11008_F_Muitos arquivos de configurações aninhados % You can only nest up to 16 config files. option_unable_open_file=11009_F_Incapaz de abrir arquivo $1 % The option file cannot be found. option_reading_further_from=11010_D_Lendo demais opções de $1 % Displayed when you have notes turned on, and the compiler switches % to another options file. option_target_is_already_set=11011_W_Alvo já está ajustado para: $1 % Displayed if more than one \var{-T} option is specified. option_no_shared_lib_under_dos=11012_W_Bibs compartilhadas não são suportadas pela plataforma DOS, revertendo para estática % If you specify \var{-CD} for the \dos platform, this message is displayed. % The compiler supports only static libraries under \dos. option_too_many_ifdef=11013_F_No arquivo opções $1 na linha $2 muitos \var{\#IF(N)DEFs} encontrados % The \var{\#IF(N)DEF} statements in the options file are not balanced with % the \var{\#ENDIF} statements. option_too_many_endif=11014_F_No arquivo opções $1 na linha $2 encontrados \var{\#ENDIFs} inesperados % The \var{\#IF(N)DEF} statements in the options file are not balanced with % the \var{\#ENDIF} statements. option_too_less_endif=11015_F_Condicional aberta no final do arquivo de opções % The \var{\#IF(N)DEF} statements in the options file are not balanced with % the \var{\#ENDIF} statements. option_no_debug_support=11016_W_Geração de informações depuração não é suportada por este executável % It is possible to have a compiler executable that doesn't support % the generation of debugging info. If you use such an executable with the % \var{-g} switch, this warning will be displayed. option_no_debug_support_recompile_fpc=11017_H_Tente recompilar com -dGDB % It is possible to have a compiler executable that doesn't support % the generation of debugging info. If you use such an executable with the % \var{-g} switch, this warning will be displayed. option_obsolete_switch=11018_W_Você esta usando uma chave obsoleta $1 % This warns you when you use a switch that is not needed/supported anymore. % It is recommended that you remove the switch to overcome problems in the % future, when the meaning of the switch may change. option_obsolete_switch_use_new=11019_W_Você esta usando uma chave obsoleta $1, favor usar $2 % This warns you when you use a switch that is not supported anymore. You % must now use the second switch instead. % It is recommended that you change the switch to overcome problems in the % future, when the meaning of the switch may change. option_switch_bin_to_src_assembler=11020_N_Mudando montador assembler para o padrão escrita de fontes % This notifies you that the assembler has been changed because you used the % -a switch, which can't be used with a binary assembler writer. option_incompatible_asm=11021_W_Saída Assembler selecionado "$1" incompatível com "$2" option_asm_forced=11022_W_"$1" uso forçado montador assembler % The assembler output selected cannot generate % object files with the correct format. Therefore, the % default assembler for this target is used instead. option_using_file=11026_T_Lendo opções do arquivo $1 % Options are also read from this file. option_using_env=11027_T_Lendo opções do ambiente $1 % Options are also read from this environment string. option_handling_option=11028_D_Manipulando opção "$1" % Debug info that an option is found and will be handled. option_help_press_enter=11029_O_*** pressione *** % Message shown when help is shown page per page. When pressing the ENTER % Key, the next page of help is shown. If you press q and then ENTER, the % compiler exits. option_start_reading_configfile=11030_H_Início leitura do arquivo configuração $1 % Start of configuration file parsing. option_end_reading_configfile=11031_H_Final leitura do arquivo configuração $1 % End of configuration file parsing. option_interpreting_option=11032_D_Interpretando opção "$1" % The compiler is interpreting an option option_interpreting_firstpass_option=11036_D_Interpretando primeiro passo opção "$1" % The compiler is interpreting an option for the first time. option_interpreting_file_option=11033_D_Interpretando opção arquivo "$1" % The compiler is interpreting an option which it read from the configuration file. option_read_config_file=11034_D_Lendo arquivo configuração "$1" % The compiler is starting to read the configuration file. option_found_file=11035_D_Nome arquivo fonte encontrado "$1" % Additional information about options. % Displayed when you have the debug option turned on. option_code_page_not_available=11039_E_Codepage desconhecido % An unknown codepage for the source files was requested. % The compiler is compiled with support for several codepages built-in. % The requested codepage is not in that list. You will need to recompile % the compiler with support for the codepage you need. option_config_is_dir=11040_F_Arquivo configuração $1 é um diretório % Directories cannot be used as configuration files. option_confict_asm_debug=11041_W_Saída montador Assembler selecionado "$1" não pode gerar informações depuração, depuração desabilitada % The selected assembler output cannot generate % debugging information, debugging option is therefore disabled. option_ppc386_deprecated=11042_W_Uso de 'ppc386.cfg' está depreciado, favor usar 'fpc.cfg' % Using ppc386.cfg is still supported for historical reasons, however, for a multiplatform % system the naming makes no sense anymore. Please continue to use fpc.cfg instead. option_else_without_if=11043_F_No arquivo opções $1 na linha $2 diretiva \var{\#ELSE} sem \var{\#IF(N)DEF} encontrada % An \var{\#ELSE} statement was found in the options file without a matching \var{\#IF(N)DEF} statement. option_unsupported_target=11044_F_Opção "$1" não é, ou ainda não é, suportada pela plataforma alvo atual % Not all options are supported or implemented for all target platforms. This message informs you that a chosen % option is incompatible with the currently selected target platform. option_unsupported_target_for_feature=11045_F_A característica "$1" não é, ou ainda não é, suportada pela plataforma alvo selecionada % Not all features are supported or implemented for all target platforms. This message informs you that a chosen % feature is incompatible with the currently selected target platform. option_dwarf_smart_linking=11046_N_Informação de depuração DWARF não pode ser usada com vinculação inteligente neste alvo, mudando para vinculação estática % Smart linking is currently incompatble with DWARF debug information on most % platforms, so smart linking is disabled in such cases. option_ignored_target=11047_W_Opção "$1" ignorada pela plataforma alvo atual % Not all options are supported or implemented for all target platforms. This message informs you that a chosen % option is ignored for the currently selected target platform. option_debug_external_unsupported=11048_W_Desabilitando informação externa depuração porque não é suportada pela combinação formato alvo/depuração selecionado. % Not all debug formats can be stored in an external file on all platforms. In particular, on % Mac OS X only DWARF debug information can be stored externally. option_dwarf_smartlink_creation=11049_N_Informação de depuração DWARF não pode ser usada com vinculação inteligente com assembler externo, desabilitando criação de biblioteca estática. % Smart linking is currently incompatble with DWARF debug information on most % platforms, so smart linking is disabled in such cases. %\end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Whole program optimization # # 12019 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % % \section{Whole program optimization messages} % This section lists errors that occur when the compiler is performing % whole program optimization. % \begin{description} wpo_cant_find_file=12000_F_Impossível abrir arquivo de retorno de otimização completa de programa "$1" % The compiler cannot open the specified feedback file with whole program optimization information. wpo_begin_processing=12001_D_Processando informações de otimização completa de programa no arquivo retorno 'wpo' "$1" % The compiler starts processing whole program optimization information found in the named file. wpo_end_processing=12002_D_Terminado processamento de otimização completea de programa no arquivo retorno 'wpo' "$1" % The compiler has finished processing the whole program optimization information found in the named file. wpo_expected_section=12003_E_Seção cabeçalho esperada, mas obtido "$2" na linhae $1 do arquivo retorno 'wpo' % The compiler expected a section header in the whole program optimization file (starting with \%), % but did not find it. wpo_no_section_handler=12004_W_Nenhum manipulador registrado para seção otimização completa de programa "$2" na linha $1 do arquivo de retorno 'wpo', ignorando % The compiler has no handler to deal with the mentioned whole program optimization information % section, and will therefore ignore it and skip to the next section. wpo_found_section=12005_D_Encontrada seção otimização completa de programa "$1" com informações sobre "$2" % The compiler encountered a section with whole program optimization information, and according % to its handler this section contains information usable for the mentioned purpose. wpo_no_input_specified=12006_F_As otimizações completas de programa selecionadas requerem um arquivo de retorno previamente gerado (use -Fw para especificar) % The compiler needs information gathered during a previous compilation run to perform the selected % whole program optimizations. You can specify the location of the feedback file containing this % information using the -Fw switch. wpo_not_enough_info=12007_E_Nenhuma informação coletada necessária para realizar "$1" otimização completa programa foi encontrada % While you pointed the compiler to a file containing whole program optimization feedback, it % did not contain the information necessary to perform the selected optimizations. You most likely % have to recompile the program using the appropate -OWxxx switch. wpo_no_output_specified=12008_F_Especifique um arquivo de retorno de otimização completa programa para armazenar as informações geradas (usando -FW) % You have to specify the feedback file in which the compiler has to store the whole program optimization % feedback that is generated during the compilation run. This can be done using the -FW switch. wpo_output_without_info_gen=12009_E_Não gerando qualquer informação otimização completa programa, assim mesmo um arquivo de retorno foi especificado (usando -FW) % The compiler was instructed to store whole program optimization feedback into a file specified using -FW, % but not to actually generated any whole program optimization feedback. The classes of to be % generated information can be speciied using -OWxxx. wpo_input_without_info_use=12010_E_Não realizando qualquer otimização completa programa, assim mesmo um arquivo de retorno foi especificado (usando -Fw) % The compiler was not instructed to perform any whole program optimizations (no -Owxxx parameters), % but nevertheless an input file with such feedback was specified (using -Fwyyy). Since this can % indicate that you forgot to specify an -Owxxx parameter, the compiler generates an error in this case. wpo_skipping_unnecessary_section=12011_D_Pulando seção otimização completa programa "$1", porque não é necessária pelas otimizações solicitadas % The whole program optimization feedback file contains a section with information that is not % required by the selected whole program optimizations. wpo_duplicate_wpotype=12012_W_Sobrepondo informações previamente lidas para "$1" do arquivo entrada retorno usando informações na seção "$2" % The feedback file contains multiple sections that provide the same class of information (e.g., % information about which virtual methods can be devirtualized). In this case, the information in last encountered % section is used. Turn on debugging output (-vd) to see which class of information is provided by each section. wpo_cannot_extract_live_symbol_info_strip=12013_E_Impossível extrair informações de vida de símbolos do programa durante eliminação símbolos, use -Xs- % Certain symbol liveness collectors extract the symbol information from the linked program. If the symbol information % is stripped (option -Xs), this is not possible. wpo_cannot_extract_live_symbol_info_no_link=12014_E_Impossível extrair informações de vida de símbolos do programa quando não vinculando % Certain symbol liveness collectors extract the symbol information from the linked program. If the program is not % linked by the compiler, this is not possible. wpo_cannot_find_symbol_progs=12015_F_Impossível encontrar "$1" ou "$2" para extrair informações de vida de símbolos do programa vinculado % Certain symbol liveness collectors need a helper program to extract the symbol information from the linked program. % This helper program is normally 'nm', which is part of the GNU binutils. wpo_error_reading_symbol_file=12016_E_Erro durante leitura das informações de vída de símbolos produzidas por "$1" % An error occurred during the reading of the symbol liveness file that was generated using the 'nm' or 'objdump' program. The reason % can be that it was shorter than expected, or that its format was not understood. wpo_error_executing_symbol_prog=12017_F_Erro executando "$1" (código saída: $2) para extrair informações de símbolos do programa vinculado % Certain symbol liveness collectors need a helper program to extract the symbol information from the linked program. % The helper program produced the reported error code when it was run on the linked program. wpo_symbol_live_info_needs_smart_linking=12018_E_Coleção de informações de vida de símbolos pode ajudar apenas quando usando vinculação inteligente, use -CX -XX % Whether or not a symbol is live is determined by looking whether it exists in the final linked program. % Without smart linking/dead code stripping, all symbols are always included, regardless of whether they are % actually used or not. So in that case all symbols will be seen as live, which makes this optimization ineffective. wpo_cant_create_feedback_file=12019_E_Impossível criar arquivo retorno otimizações completas de programa especificado "$1" % The compiler is unable to create the file specified using the -FW parameter to store the whole program optimisation information. %\end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Logo (option -l) # option_logo=11023_[ Compilador Free Pascal versão $FPCFULLVERSION [$FPCDATE] para $FPCCPU Copyright (c) 1993-2013 by Florian Klaempfl ] # # Info (option -i) # option_info=11024_[ Compilador Free Pascal versão $FPCVERSION Data Compilador : $FPCDATE CPU Alvo Copilador : $FPCCPU Alvos suportados: $OSTARGETS Conjunto de instruções CPU suportados: $INSTRUCTIONSETS Conjunto de instruções FPU suportados: $FPUINSTRUCTIONSETS Alvos ABI suportados: $ABITARGETS Otimizações suportadas: $OPTIMIZATIONS Otimizaçõs Completas Programa suportadas: Todas $WPOPTIMIZATIONS Tipos Microcontroladores suportados: $CONTROLLERTYPES Este programa é oferecido sob a Licença Geral Pública GNU Para maiores informações leia COPYING.v2 Reportar falhas, sugestões, etc. para: http://bugs.freepascal.org ] # # Help pages (option -? and -h) # # The first character on the line indicates who will display this # line, the current possibilities are : # * = every target # 3 = 80x86 targets # 4 = x86_64 # 6 = 680x0 targets # A = ARM # e = in extended debug mode only # P = PowerPC targets # S = Sparc targets # V = Virtual machine targets # The second character also indicates who will display this line, # (if the above character was TRUE) the current possibilities are : # * = everyone # g = with GDB info supported by the compiler # O = OS/2 # L = UNIX systems # The third character represents the indentation level. # option_help_pages=11025_[ **0*_Ponha + após uma chave de opção booleana para habilitá-la, - para desabilitá-la **1a_O compilador não elimina o arquivo gerado do montador assembler **2al_Lista linhas do código fonte no arquivo assembler **2an_Lista informações nó no arquivo assembler *L2ap_Usa encadeadores (pipes) em vez de criar arquivos temporários assembler **2ar_Lista informações alocação/liberação registros no arquivo assembler **2at_Lista informações temporárias alocação/liberação no arquivo assembler **1A_Formato saída: **2Adefault_Usa montador assembler padrão 3*2Aas_Monta usando o GNU AS 3*2Amacho_Mach-O (Darwin, Intel 32 bit) usando gravador interno 3*2Anasmcoff_Arquivo COFF (Go32v2) usando Nasm 3*2Anasmelf_Arquivo ELF32 (Linux) usando Nasm 3*2Anasmwin32_Arquivo objeto Win32 usando Nasm 3*2Anasmwdosx_Arquivo objeto Win32/WDOSX usando Nasm 3*2Awasm_Arquivo Obj usando Wasm (Watcom) 3*2Anasmobj_Arquivo Obj usando Nasm 3*2Amasm_Arquivo Obj usando Masm (Microsoft) 3*2Atasm_Arquivo Obj usando Tasm (Borland) 3*2Aelf_ELF (Linux) usando gravador interno 3*2Acoff_COFF (Go32v2) usando gravador interno 3*2Apecoff_PE-COFF (Win32) usando gravador interno 4*2Aas_Monta usando o GNU AS 4*2Agas_Monta usando o GNU GAS 4*2Agas-darwin_Monta darwin Mach-O64 usando GNU GAS 4*2Amasm_Win64 arquivo objeto usando ml64 (Microsoft) 4*2Apecoff_PE-COFF (Win64) usando escritor interno 4*2Aelf_ELF (Linux-64bit) usando escritor interno 6*2Aas_Arquivo Unix .o usando o GNU AS 6*2Agas_Montador assembler GNU Motorola 6*2Amit_Sintaxe MIT (antigo GAS) 6*2Amot_Montador assembler Motorola padrão A*2Aas_Monta usando o GNU AS P*2Aas_Monta usando o GNU AS S*2Aas_Monta usando o GNU AS **1b_Gera informações navegador **2bl_Gera informações símbolos locais **1B_Constrói todos os módulos **1C_Opções geração de código: **2C3_Ligar verificação de erro ieee para constantes **2Ca_Seleciona ABI, veja fpc -i para possíveis valores **2Cb_Gera código 'big-endian' **2Cc_Ajusta convenção de chamada para **2CD_Cria também biblioteca dinâmica (não suportado) **2Ce_Compilação com opcodes de ponto flutuante emulados **2Cf_Seleciona conjunto de instruções fpu a usar, veja fpc -i para possíveis valores **2CF_Precisão mínima constante ponto flutuante (padrão, 32, 64) **2Cg_Gera código PIC **2Ch_ bytes heap (entre 1023 e 67107840) **2Ci_Verificação E/S **2Cn_Omite estágio vinculação **2Co_Verifica transbordamento de operações inteiras **2CO_Verifica possível transbordamento de operações inteiras **2Cp_Seleciona conjunto de instruções, veja fpc -i para possíves valores **2CP=_ Ajustes compactação **3CPPACKSET=_ conjunto alocação: 0, 1 ou DEFAULT ou NORMAL, 2, 4 e 8 **2Cr_Verificação de faixa **2CR_Verifica validade de chamada de método de objeto **2Cs_Ajusta verificação tamanho da Pilha para **2Ct_Verificação Pilha (apenas para testes, veja manual) **2CX_Cria também biblioteca inteligentemente vinculada **1d_Define o símbolo **1D_Gera um arquivo DEF **2Dd_Ajusta descrição para **2Dv_Ajusta versão DLL para *O2Dw_Aplicação PM **1e_Ajusta caminho para executável **1E_Mesmo que -Cn **1fPIC_Mesmo que -Cg **1F_Ajusta nomes de arquivo e caminhos: **2Fa[,y]_(para um programa) carregar unidades e [y] antes de analisar cláusula 'uses' **2Fc_Ajusta entrada página de código para **2FC_Ajusta nome do compilador RC binário para **2Fd_Disabilita o cache de diretórios interno do compilador **2FD_Ajusta o diretório onde procurar por utilitários para o compilador **2Fe_Redireciona saída erros para **2Ff_Adiciona ao caminho framework (apenas Darwin) **2FE_Ajusta caminho saída exe/unidade para **2Fi_Adiciona ao caminho inclusões **2Fl_Adiciona ao caminho bibliotecas **2FL_Use como vinculador dinâmico **2Fm_Carrega tabela conversão unicode de .txt no dir. do compilador **2Fo_Adiciona ao caminho objetos **2Fr_Carrega o arquivo mensagens erro **2FR_Ajusta vinculador recursos (.res) para **2Fu_Adiciona ao caminho unidades **2FU_Ajusta caminho saída unidade para , sobrepõe -FE **2FW_Armazena retorno otimização completa programa gerada em **2Fw_Carrega retorno otimização completa programa previamente armazenada de *g1g_Gerar informações depuração (formato padrão para o alvo) *g2gc_Gerar verificações para ponteiros *g2gh_Usa unidade heaptrace (para depuração vazamentos/corrupção memória) *g2gl_Usa unidade informações linha (mostra mais info. com backtraces) *g2go_Ajusta opções informações depuração *g3godwarfsets_ Habilita 'conjunto' info. depuração DWARF (falhas gdb < 6.5) *g3gostabsabsincludes_ Armazena caminhos absolutos/completos arquivos inclusões em 'Stabs' *g3godwarfmethodclassprefix_ Prefixa nomes métodos com nome classe em DWARF *g2gp_Preserva caixa nomes símbolos em 'stabs' *g2gs_Gera informações depuração 'Stabs' *g2gt_Inutiliza variáveis locais (para detetar utilização de não-inicilizadas) *g2gv_Gera programas rastreáveis com 'Valgrind' *g2gw_Gera informações depuração DWARFv2 (mesmo que -gw2) *g2gw2_Gera informações depuração DWARFv2 *g2gw3_Gera informações depuração DWARFv3 *g2gw4_Gera informações depuração DWARFv4 (experimental) **1i_Informações **2iD_Retorna data compilador **2iV_Retorna versão compilador curta **2iW_Retorna versão compilador completa **2iSO_Retorna SO compilador **2iSP_Retorna processador servidor compilador **2iTO_Retorna SO alvo **2iTP_Retorna processador alvo **1I_Adiciona ao caminho inclusões **1k_Passa ao vinculador **1l_Grava logo **1M_Ajusta modo linguagem para **2Mfpc_Dialeto Free Pascal (padrão) **2Mobjfpc_Modo FPC com suporte ao Object Pascal **2Mdelphi_Modo compatibilidade Delphi 7 **2Mtp_Modo compatibilidade TP/BP 7.0 **2Mmacpas_Modo compatibilidade dialetos Macintosh Pascal **1n_Não ler os arquivos de configurações padrão **1o_Altera o nome do executável produzido para **1O_Otimizações: **2O-_Disabilita otimizações **2O1_Nível 1 otimizações (rápida e amigável depurador) **2O2_Nível 2 otimizações (-O1 + otimizações rápidas) **2O3_Nível 3 otimizações (-O2 + otimizações lentas) **2Oa=_Ajusta alinhamento **2Oo[NO]_Habilita ou desabilita otimizações, veja fpc -i para possíveis valores **2Op_Ajusta cpu alvo para otimizações, veja fpc -i para possíveis valores **2OW_Gera retorno otimização completa programa para otimizações , veja fpc -i para possíveis valores **2Ow_Realiza otimização completa programa , veja fpc -i para possíveis valores **2Os_Otimiza tamanho ao invés de velocidade **1pg_Gera perfil código para 'gprof' (define FPC_PROFILE) **1R_Estilo leitura Assembler: **2Rdefault_Use assembler padrão para alvo 3*2Ratt_Leia assembler estilo AT&T 3*2Rintel_Leia assembler estilo Intel 6*2RMOT_Leia assembler estilo motorola **1S_Opções sintaxe: **2S2_Mesmo que -Mobjfpc **2Sc_Suporte operadores similares C (*=,+=,/= and -=) **2Sa_Liga asserções **2Sd_Mesmo que -Mdelphi **2Se_Opções erros. é uma combinação do seguinte: **3*_ : Compilador para depois de erros (padrão é 1) **3*_w : Compilador também para após avisos **3*_n : Compilador também para após notas **3*_h : Compilador também para após dicas **2Sg_Habilita LABEL e GOTO (padrão em -Mtp e -Mdelphi) **2Sh_Use 'ansistrings' por padrão ao invés de 'shortstrings' **2Si_Liga 'inlining' de procedimentos/funções declaradas como "em-linha" (inline) **2Sk_Carrega unidade 'fpcylix' **2SI_Ajusta estilo interface para **3SIcom_COM interface compatível (padrão) **3SIcorba_CORBA interface compatível **2Sm_Suporta macros semelhantes C (global) **2So_Mesmo que -Mtp **2Ss_Nome construtor deve ser 'init' (destruidor deve ser 'done') **2Sx_Habilita palavras-chave exceções (padrão nos modos Delphi/ObjFPC) **2Sy_@ retorna um ponteiro tipado, mesmo que $T+ **1s_Não chama o montador assembler e o vinculador **2sh_Gera roteiro para vincular no servidor **2st_Gera roteiro para vincular no alvo **2sr_Pula fase alocação registro (use com -alr) **1T_Sistema operacional alvo: 3*2Tdarwin_Darwin/Mac OS X 3*2Temx_OS/2 via EMX (incluidos extensor EMX/RSX) 3*2Tfreebsd_FreeBSD 3*2Tgo32v2_Versão 2 do extensor DOS DJ Delorie 3*2Tiphonesim_ iPhoneSimulator do iOS SDK 3.2+ (versões antigas: -Tdarwin) 3*2Tlinux_Linux 3*2Tnetbsd_NetBSD 3*2Tnetware_Módulo Novell Netware (clib) 3*2Tnetwlibc_Módulo Novell Netware (libc) 3*2Topenbsd_OpenBSD 3*2Tos2_OS/2 / eComStation 3*2Tsunos_SunOS/Solaris 3*2Tsymbian_Symbian OS 3*2Tsolaris_Solaris 3*2Twatcom_Watcom compatible DOS extender 3*2Twdosx_WDOSX DOS extender 3*2Twin32_Windows 32 Bit 3*2Twince_Windows CE 4*2Tdarwin_Darwin/Mac OS X 4*2Tlinux_Linux 4*2Twin64_Win64 (sistemas Windows 64 bit) 6*2Tamiga_Commodore Amiga 6*2Tatari_Atari ST/STe/TT 6*2Tlinux_Linux 6*2Tpalmos_PalmOS A*2Tdarwin_Darwin/iPhoneOS/iOS A*2Tlinux_Linux A*2Twince_Windows CE P*2Tamiga_AmigaOS P*2Tdarwin_Darwin/Mac OS X P*2Tlinux_Linux P*2Tmacos_Mac OS (clássico) P*2Tmorphos_MorphOS S*2Tsolaris_Solaris S*2Tlinux_Linux **1u_Indefine o símbolo **1U_Opções unidades: **2Un_Não verifica onde o nome unidade coincide com o nome arquivo **2Ur_Gera arquivos lançamento unidades (nunca automaticamente recompilado) **2Us_Compilar uma unidade sistema **1v_Ser detalhado. é uma combinação das seguintes letras: **2*_e : Mostra erros (padrão) 0 : Nada mostra (exceto erros) **2*_w : Mostra avisos u : Mostra info. unidade **2*_n : Mostra notas t : Mostra arquivos tentados/usados **2*_h : Mostra dicas c : Mostra condicionais **2*_i : Mostra info. geral d : Mostra info. depuração **2*_l : Mostra números linhas r : Modo compatibilidade Rhide/GCC **2*_s : Mostra Data/Hora q : Mostra números mensagens **2*_a : Mostra tudo x : Info. executável (apenas Win32) **2*_b : Grava mensagens nome arqs. p : Grava tree.log com árvore análise **2*_ com caminho completo v : Grava fpcdebug.txt com muitas **2*_ informações de depuração **2*_m, : Não mostra mensagens numeradas e **1W_Opções específicas do alvo (alvos) 3*2WA_Especifica aplicação do tipo nativo (Windows) 4*2WA_Especifica aplicação do tipo nativo (Windows) A*2WA_Especifica aplicação do tipo nativo (Windows) 3*2Wb_Cria um encarte ao invés de uma biblioteca (Darwin) P*2Wb_Cria um encarte ao invés de uma biblioteca (Darwin) p*2Wb_Cria um encarte ao invés de uma biblioteca (Darwin) A*2Wb_Cria um encarte ao invés de uma biblioteca (Darwin) 4*2Wb_Cria um encarte ao invés de uma biblioteca (Darwin) 3*2WB_Cria uma imagem relocável (Windows, Symbian) 3*2WBxxxx_Define base da imagem para xxxx (Windows, Symbian) 4*2WB_Cria uma imagem relocável (Windows) 4*2WBxxxx_Define base da imagem para xxxx (Windows) A*2WB_Cria uma imagem relocável (Windows, Symbian) A*2WBxxxx_Define base da imagem para xxxx (Windows, Symbian) 3*2WC_Especifica aplicação do tipo console (EMX, OS/2, Windows) 4*2WC_Especifica aplicação do tipo console (EMX, OS/2, Windows) A*2WC_Especifica aplicação do tipo console (Windows) P*2WC_Especifica aplicação do tipo console (Classic Mac OS) 3*2WD_Usa DEFFILE para exportar funções de DLL ou EXE (Windows) 4*2WD_Usa DEFFILE para exportar funções de DLL ou EXE (Windows) A*2WD_Usa DEFFILE para exportar funções de DLL ou EXE (Windows) 3*2We_Usa recursos externos (Darwin) 4*2We_Usa recursos externos (Darwin) A*2We_Usa recursos externos (Darwin) P*2We_Usa recursos externos (Darwin) p*2We_Usa recursos externos (Darwin) 3*2WF_Especifica aplicação do tipo tela-cheia (EMX, OS/2) 3*2WG_Especifica aplicação do tipo gráfica (EMX, OS/2, Windows) 4*2WG_Especifica aplicação do tipo gráfica (EMX, OS/2, Windows) A*2WG_Especifica aplicação do tipo gráfica (Windows) P*2WG_Especifica aplicação do tipo gráfica (Classic Mac OS) 3*2Wi_Usa recursos internos (Darwin) 4*2Wi_Usa recursos internos (Darwin) A*2Wi_Usa recursos internos (Darwin) P*2Wi_Usa recursos internos (Darwin) p*2Wi_Usa recursos internos (Darwin) 3*2WI_Liga/desliga o uso de seções de importação (Windows) 4*2WI_Liga/desliga o uso de seções de importação (Windows) A*2WI_Liga/desliga o uso de seções de importação (Windows) 3*2WN_Não gera código de relocação, necessário para depuração (Windows) 4*2WN_Não gera código de relocação, necessário para depuração (Windows) A*2WN_Não gera código de relocação, necessário para depuração (Windows) A*2Wpxxxx_Especifica o tipo de controlador, veja fpc -i para valores possíveis V*2Wpxxxx_Especifica o tipo de controlador, veja fpc -i para valores possíveis 3*2WR_Gera código de relocação (Windows) 4*2WR_Gera código de relocação (Windows) A*2WR_Gera código de relocação (Windows) P*2WT_Especifica aplicação do tipo ferramenta MPW (Classic Mac OS) **2WX_Habilita pilha executável (Linux) **1X_Opções do executável: **2Xc_Passar --shared/-dynamic para o vinculador (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD, Linux) **2Xd_Não usar caminho padrão de busca de biblioteca (necessário para compilação cross) **2Xe_Usar vinculador externo **2Xg_Cria informação de depuração em um arquivo separado e adiciona uma seção de vínculo de depuração ao executável **2XD_Tenta vincular unidades dinamicamente (define FPC_LINK_DYNAMIC) **2Xi_Usa vinculador interno **2Xm_Gera mapa de vinculação **2XM_Define o nome da rotina 'main' do programa (padrão é 'main') **2XP_Apensa os nomes 'binutils' com o prefixo **2Xr_Define o caminho-rlink do vinculador para (necessário para compilação 'cross', veja o manual do 'ld' para maiores informações) (BeOS, Linux) **2XR_Apensa todos os caminhos de busca do vinculador com (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris) **2Xs_Remove todos os símbolos do executável **2XS_Tenta vincular unidades estaticamente (padrão, define FPC_LINK_STATIC) **2Xt_Vincula com bibliotecas estáticas (-static é passado ao vinculador) **2XX_Tenta a vinculação inteligente de unidades (define FPC_LINK_SMART) **1*_ **1?_Exibe esta ajuda **1h_Exibe esta ajuda sem espera ] # # The End...