{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Type checking and simplification for add nodes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit nadd; {$i fpcdefs.inc} { define addstringopt} interface uses node,symtype; type taddnode = class(tbinopnode) private resultrealdefderef: tderef; function pass_typecheck_internal:tnode; public resultrealdef : tdef; constructor create(tt : tnodetype;l,r : tnode);override; constructor create_internal(tt:tnodetype;l,r:tnode); constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure buildderefimpl;override; procedure derefimpl;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function simplify(forinline: boolean) : tnode;override; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override; {$ifdef state_tracking} function track_state_pass(exec_known:boolean):boolean;override; {$endif} protected { override the following if you want to implement } { parts explicitely in the code generator (JM) } function first_addstring: tnode; virtual; function first_addset: tnode; virtual; { only implements "muln" nodes, the rest always has to be done in } { the code generator for performance reasons (JM) } function first_add64bitint: tnode; virtual; function first_addpointer: tnode; virtual; function first_cmppointer: tnode; virtual; { override and return false if you can handle 32x32->64 } { bit multiplies directly in your code generator. If } { this function is overridden to return false, you can } { get multiplies with left/right both s32bit or u32bit, } { and resultdef of the muln s64bit or u64bit } function use_generic_mul32to64: boolean; virtual; { override and return false if code generator can handle } { full 64 bit multiplies. } function use_generic_mul64bit: boolean; virtual; { shall be overriden if the target cpu supports an fma instruction } function use_fma : boolean; virtual; { This routine calls internal runtime library helpers for all floating point arithmetic in the case where the emulation switches is on. Otherwise returns nil, and everything must be done in the code generation phase. } function first_addfloat : tnode; virtual; private { checks whether a muln can be calculated as a 32bit } { * 32bit -> 64 bit } function try_make_mul32to64: boolean; { Match against the ranges, i.e.: var a:1..10; begin if a>0 then ... always evaluates to true. (DM) } function cmp_of_disjunct_ranges(var res : boolean) : boolean; { tries to replace the current node by a fma node } function try_fma(ld,rd : tdef) : tnode; end; taddnodeclass = class of taddnode; var { caddnode is used to create nodes of the add type } { the virtual constructor allows to assign } { another class type to caddnode => processor } { specific node types can be created } caddnode : taddnodeclass = taddnode; implementation uses {$IFNDEF USE_FAKE_SYSUTILS} sysutils, {$ELSE} fksysutl, {$ENDIF} globtype,systems,constexp, cutils,verbose,globals,widestr, symconst,symdef,symsym,symcpu,symtable,defutil,defcmp, cgbase, htypechk,pass_1, nld,nbas,nmat,ncnv,ncon,nset,nopt,ncal,ninl,nmem,nutils, {$ifdef state_tracking} nstate, {$endif} cpuinfo,procinfo; {***************************************************************************** TADDNODE *****************************************************************************} {$maxfpuregisters 0} function getbestreal(t1,t2 : tdef) : tdef; const floatweight : array[tfloattype] of byte = (2,3,4,5,0,1,6); begin if t1.typ=floatdef then begin result:=t1; if t2.typ=floatdef then begin { when a comp or currency is used, use always the best float type to calculate the result } if (tfloatdef(t2).floattype in [s64comp,s64currency]) or (tfloatdef(t2).floattype in [s64comp,s64currency]) then result:=pbestrealtype^ else if floatweight[tfloatdef(t2).floattype]>floatweight[tfloatdef(t1).floattype] then result:=t2; end; end else if t2.typ=floatdef then result:=t2 else internalerror(200508061); end; constructor taddnode.create(tt : tnodetype;l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(tt,l,r); end; constructor taddnode.create_internal(tt:tnodetype;l,r:tnode); begin create(tt,l,r); include(flags,nf_internal); end; constructor taddnode.ppuload(t: tnodetype; ppufile: tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuload(t, ppufile); ppufile.getderef(resultrealdefderef); end; procedure taddnode.ppuwrite(ppufile: tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuwrite(ppufile); ppufile.putderef(resultrealdefderef); end; procedure taddnode.buildderefimpl; begin inherited buildderefimpl; resultrealdefderef.build(resultrealdef); end; procedure taddnode.derefimpl; begin inherited derefimpl; resultrealdef:=tdef(resultrealdefderef.resolve); end; function taddnode.cmp_of_disjunct_ranges(var res : boolean) : boolean; var hp : tnode; realdef : tdef; v : tconstexprint; begin result:=false; { check for comparision with known result because the ranges of the operands don't overlap } if (is_constintnode(right) and (left.resultdef.typ=orddef) and { don't ignore type checks } is_subequal(right.resultdef,left.resultdef)) or (is_constintnode(left) and (right.resultdef.typ=orddef) and { don't ignore type checks } is_subequal(left.resultdef,right.resultdef)) then begin if is_constintnode(right) then begin hp:=left; v:=Tordconstnode(right).value; end else begin hp:=right; v:=Tordconstnode(left).value; end; realdef:=hp.resultdef; { stop with finding the real def when we either encounter a) an explicit type conversion (then the value has to be re-interpreted) b) an "absolute" type conversion (also requires re-interpretation) } while (hp.nodetype=typeconvn) and ([nf_internal,nf_explicit,nf_absolute] * hp.flags = []) do begin hp:=ttypeconvnode(hp).left; realdef:=hp.resultdef; end; if is_constintnode(left) then with torddef(realdef) do case nodetype of ltn: if v=high then begin result:=true; res:=false; end; lten: if v<=low then begin result:=true; res:=true; end else if v>high then begin result:=true; res:=false; end; gtn: if v<=low then begin result:=true; res:=false; end else if v>high then begin result:=true; res:=true; end; gten : if v=high then begin result:=true; res:=true; end; equaln: if (vhigh) then begin result:=true; res:=false; end; unequaln: if (vhigh) then begin result:=true; res:=true; end; end else with torddef(realdef) do case nodetype of ltn: if high=v then begin result:=true; res:=false; end; lten: if high<=v then begin result:=true; res:=true; end else if low>v then begin result:=true; res:=false; end; gtn: if high<=v then begin result:=true; res:=false; end else if low>v then begin result:=true; res:=true; end; gten: if high=v then begin result:=true; res:=true; end; equaln: if (vhigh) then begin result:=true; res:=false; end; unequaln: if (vhigh) then begin result:=true; res:=true; end; end; end; end; function taddnode.simplify(forinline : boolean) : tnode; var t : tnode; lt,rt : tnodetype; rd,ld : tdef; rv,lv,v : tconstexprint; rvd,lvd : bestreal; ws1,ws2 : pcompilerwidestring; concatstrings : boolean; c1,c2 : array[0..1] of char; s1,s2 : pchar; l1,l2 : longint; resultset : Tconstset; res, b : boolean; begin result:=nil; l1:=0; l2:=0; s1:=nil; s2:=nil; { load easier access variables } rd:=right.resultdef; ld:=left.resultdef; rt:=right.nodetype; lt:=left.nodetype; if (nodetype = slashn) and (((rt = ordconstn) and (tordconstnode(right).value = 0)) or ((rt = realconstn) and (trealconstnode(right).value_real = 0.0))) then begin if floating_point_range_check_error then begin result:=crealconstnode.create(1,pbestrealtype^); Message(parser_e_division_by_zero); exit; end; end; { both are int constants } if ( is_constintnode(left) and is_constintnode(right) ) or ( is_constboolnode(left) and is_constboolnode(right) and (nodetype in [slashn,ltn,lten,gtn,gten,equaln,unequaln,andn,xorn,orn]) ) or ( is_constenumnode(left) and is_constenumnode(right) and (allowenumop(nodetype) or (nf_internal in flags)) ) or ( (lt = pointerconstn) and is_constintnode(right) and (nodetype in [addn,subn]) ) or ( (rt = pointerconstn) and is_constintnode(left) and (nodetype=addn) ) or ( (lt in [pointerconstn,niln]) and (rt in [pointerconstn,niln]) and (nodetype in [ltn,lten,gtn,gten,equaln,unequaln,subn]) ) then begin t:=nil; { load values } case lt of ordconstn: lv:=tordconstnode(left).value; pointerconstn: lv:=tpointerconstnode(left).value; niln: lv:=0; else internalerror(2002080202); end; case rt of ordconstn: rv:=tordconstnode(right).value; pointerconstn: rv:=tpointerconstnode(right).value; niln: rv:=0; else internalerror(2002080203); end; { type checking already took care of multiplying } { integer constants with pointeddef.size if necessary } case nodetype of addn : begin v:=lv+rv; if v.overflow then begin Message(parser_e_arithmetic_operation_overflow); { Recover } t:=genintconstnode(0) end else if (lt=pointerconstn) or (rt=pointerconstn) then t := cpointerconstnode.create(qword(v),resultdef) else if is_integer(ld) then t := create_simplified_ord_const(v,resultdef,forinline) else t := cordconstnode.create(v,resultdef,(ld.typ<>enumdef)); end; subn : begin v:=lv-rv; if v.overflow then begin Message(parser_e_arithmetic_operation_overflow); { Recover } t:=genintconstnode(0) end else if (lt=pointerconstn) then { pointer-pointer results in an integer } if (rt=pointerconstn) then begin if not(nf_has_pointerdiv in flags) then internalerror(2008030101); t := cpointerconstnode.create(qword(v),resultdef) end else t := cpointerconstnode.create(qword(v),resultdef) else if is_integer(ld) then t := create_simplified_ord_const(v,resultdef,forinline) else t:=cordconstnode.create(v,resultdef,(ld.typ<>enumdef)); end; muln : begin v:=lv*rv; if v.overflow then begin message(parser_e_arithmetic_operation_overflow); { Recover } t:=genintconstnode(0) end else t := create_simplified_ord_const(v,resultdef,forinline) end; xorn : if is_integer(ld) then t := create_simplified_ord_const(lv xor rv,resultdef,forinline) else t:=cordconstnode.create(lv xor rv,resultdef,true); orn : if is_integer(ld) then t:=create_simplified_ord_const(lv or rv,resultdef,forinline) else t:=cordconstnode.create(lv or rv,resultdef,true); andn : if is_integer(ld) then t:=create_simplified_ord_const(lv and rv,resultdef,forinline) else t:=cordconstnode.create(lv and rv,resultdef,true); ltn : t:=cordconstnode.create(ord(lvrv),pasbool8type,true); gten : t:=cordconstnode.create(ord(lv>=rv),pasbool8type,true); equaln : t:=cordconstnode.create(ord(lv=rv),pasbool8type,true); unequaln : t:=cordconstnode.create(ord(lv<>rv),pasbool8type,true); slashn : begin { int/int becomes a real } rvd:=rv; lvd:=lv; t:=crealconstnode.create(lvd/rvd,resultrealdef); end; else internalerror(2008022101); end; result:=t; exit; end else if cmp_of_disjunct_ranges(res) then begin if res then t:=Cordconstnode.create(1,pasbool8type,true) else t:=Cordconstnode.create(0,pasbool8type,true); { don't do this optimization, if the variable expression might have a side effect } if (is_constintnode(left) and might_have_sideeffects(right)) or (is_constintnode(right) and might_have_sideeffects(left)) then t.free else result:=t; exit; end; { Add,Sub,Mul,Or,Xor,Andn with constant 0, 1 or -1? } if is_constintnode(right) and is_integer(left.resultdef) then begin if tordconstnode(right).value = 0 then begin case nodetype of addn,subn,orn,xorn: result := left.getcopy; andn,muln: result:=cordconstnode.create(0,resultdef,true); end; end else if tordconstnode(right).value = 1 then begin case nodetype of muln: result := left.getcopy; end; end else if tordconstnode(right).value = -1 then begin case nodetype of muln: result := cunaryminusnode.create(left.getcopy); end; end; if assigned(result) then exit; end; if is_constintnode(left) and is_integer(right.resultdef) then begin if tordconstnode(left).value = 0 then begin case nodetype of addn,orn,xorn: result := right.getcopy; subn: result := cunaryminusnode.create(right.getcopy); andn,muln: result:=cordconstnode.create(0,right.resultdef,true); end; end else if tordconstnode(left).value = 1 then begin case nodetype of muln: result := right.getcopy; end; end {$ifdef VER2_2} else if (tordconstnode(left).value.svalue = -1) and (tordconstnode(left).value.signed) then {$else} else if tordconstnode(left).value = -1 then {$endif} begin case nodetype of muln: result := cunaryminusnode.create(right.getcopy); end; end; if assigned(result) then exit; end; { both real constants ? } if (lt=realconstn) and (rt=realconstn) then begin lvd:=trealconstnode(left).value_real; rvd:=trealconstnode(right).value_real; case nodetype of addn : t:=crealconstnode.create(lvd+rvd,resultrealdef); subn : t:=crealconstnode.create(lvd-rvd,resultrealdef); muln : t:=crealconstnode.create(lvd*rvd,resultrealdef); starstarn: begin if lvd<0 then begin Message(parser_e_invalid_float_operation); t:=crealconstnode.create(0,resultrealdef); end else if lvd=0 then t:=crealconstnode.create(1.0,resultrealdef) else t:=crealconstnode.create(exp(ln(lvd)*rvd),resultrealdef); end; slashn : t:=crealconstnode.create(lvd/rvd,resultrealdef); ltn : t:=cordconstnode.create(ord(lvdrvd),pasbool8type,true); gten : t:=cordconstnode.create(ord(lvd>=rvd),pasbool8type,true); equaln : t:=cordconstnode.create(ord(lvd=rvd),pasbool8type,true); unequaln : t:=cordconstnode.create(ord(lvd<>rvd),pasbool8type,true); else internalerror(2008022102); end; result:=t; exit; end; {$if FPC_FULLVERSION>20700} { bestrealrec is 2.7.1+ only } { replace .../const by a multiplication, but only if fastmath is enabled or the division is done by a power of 2, do not mess with special floating point values like Inf etc. do this after constant folding to avoid unnecessary precision loss if an slash expresion would be first converted into a multiplication and later folded } if (nodetype=slashn) and { do not mess with currency types } (not(is_currency(right.resultdef))) and (((cs_opt_fastmath in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and (rt=ordconstn)) or ((cs_opt_fastmath in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and (rt=realconstn) and (bestrealrec(trealconstnode(right).value_real).SpecialType in [fsPositive,fsNegative]) ) or ((rt=realconstn) and (bestrealrec(trealconstnode(right).value_real).SpecialType in [fsPositive,fsNegative]) and { mantissa returns the mantissa/fraction without the hidden 1, so power of two means only the hidden bit is set => mantissa must be 0 } (bestrealrec(trealconstnode(right).value_real).Mantissa=0) ) ) then case rt of ordconstn: begin { the normal code handles div/0 } if (tordconstnode(right).value<>0) then begin nodetype:=muln; t:=crealconstnode.create(1/tordconstnode(right).value,resultdef); right.free; right:=t; exit; end; end; realconstn: begin nodetype:=muln; trealconstnode(right).value_real:=1.0/trealconstnode(right).value_real; exit; end; end; {$endif FPC_FULLVERSION>20700} { first, we handle widestrings, so we can check later for } { stringconstn only } { widechars are converted above to widestrings too } { this isn't ver y efficient, but I don't think } { that it does matter that much (FK) } if (lt=stringconstn) and (rt=stringconstn) and (tstringconstnode(left).cst_type in [cst_widestring,cst_unicodestring]) and (tstringconstnode(right).cst_type in [cst_widestring,cst_unicodestring]) then begin initwidestring(ws1); initwidestring(ws2); copywidestring(pcompilerwidestring(tstringconstnode(left).value_str),ws1); copywidestring(pcompilerwidestring(tstringconstnode(right).value_str),ws2); case nodetype of addn : begin concatwidestrings(ws1,ws2); t:=cstringconstnode.createunistr(ws1); end; ltn : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(comparewidestrings(ws1,ws2)<0),pasbool8type,true); lten : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(comparewidestrings(ws1,ws2)<=0),pasbool8type,true); gtn : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(comparewidestrings(ws1,ws2)>0),pasbool8type,true); gten : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(comparewidestrings(ws1,ws2)>=0),pasbool8type,true); equaln : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(comparewidestrings(ws1,ws2)=0),pasbool8type,true); unequaln : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(comparewidestrings(ws1,ws2)<>0),pasbool8type,true); else internalerror(2008022103); end; donewidestring(ws1); donewidestring(ws2); result:=t; exit; end; { concating strings ? } concatstrings:=false; if (lt=ordconstn) and (rt=ordconstn) and is_char(ld) and is_char(rd) then begin c1[0]:=char(int64(tordconstnode(left).value)); c1[1]:=#0; l1:=1; c2[0]:=char(int64(tordconstnode(right).value)); c2[1]:=#0; l2:=1; s1:=@c1[0]; s2:=@c2[0]; concatstrings:=true; end else if (lt=stringconstn) and (rt=ordconstn) and is_char(rd) then begin s1:=tstringconstnode(left).value_str; l1:=tstringconstnode(left).len; c2[0]:=char(int64(tordconstnode(right).value)); c2[1]:=#0; s2:=@c2[0]; l2:=1; concatstrings:=true; end else if (lt=ordconstn) and (rt=stringconstn) and is_char(ld) then begin c1[0]:=char(int64(tordconstnode(left).value)); c1[1]:=#0; l1:=1; s1:=@c1[0]; s2:=tstringconstnode(right).value_str; l2:=tstringconstnode(right).len; concatstrings:=true; end else if (lt=stringconstn) and (rt=stringconstn) then begin s1:=tstringconstnode(left).value_str; l1:=tstringconstnode(left).len; s2:=tstringconstnode(right).value_str; l2:=tstringconstnode(right).len; concatstrings:=true; end; if concatstrings then begin case nodetype of addn : begin t:=cstringconstnode.createpchar(concatansistrings(s1,s2,l1,l2),l1+l2,nil); typecheckpass(t); tstringconstnode(t).changestringtype(resultdef); end; ltn : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(compareansistrings(s1,s2,l1,l2)<0),pasbool8type,true); lten : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(compareansistrings(s1,s2,l1,l2)<=0),pasbool8type,true); gtn : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(compareansistrings(s1,s2,l1,l2)>0),pasbool8type,true); gten : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(compareansistrings(s1,s2,l1,l2)>=0),pasbool8type,true); equaln : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(compareansistrings(s1,s2,l1,l2)=0),pasbool8type,true); unequaln : t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(compareansistrings(s1,s2,l1,l2)<>0),pasbool8type,true); else internalerror(2008022104); end; result:=t; exit; end; { set constant evaluation } if (right.nodetype=setconstn) and not assigned(tsetconstnode(right).left) and (left.nodetype=setconstn) and not assigned(tsetconstnode(left).left) then begin case nodetype of addn : begin resultset:=tsetconstnode(right).value_set^ + tsetconstnode(left).value_set^; t:=csetconstnode.create(@resultset,resultdef); end; muln : begin resultset:=tsetconstnode(right).value_set^ * tsetconstnode(left).value_set^; t:=csetconstnode.create(@resultset,resultdef); end; subn : begin resultset:=tsetconstnode(left).value_set^ - tsetconstnode(right).value_set^; t:=csetconstnode.create(@resultset,resultdef); end; symdifn : begin resultset:=tsetconstnode(right).value_set^ >< tsetconstnode(left).value_set^; t:=csetconstnode.create(@resultset,resultdef); end; unequaln : begin b:=tsetconstnode(right).value_set^ <> tsetconstnode(left).value_set^; t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(b),pasbool8type,true); end; equaln : begin b:=tsetconstnode(right).value_set^ = tsetconstnode(left).value_set^; t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(b),pasbool8type,true); end; lten : begin b:=tsetconstnode(left).value_set^ <= tsetconstnode(right).value_set^; t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(b),pasbool8type,true); end; gten : begin b:=tsetconstnode(left).value_set^ >= tsetconstnode(right).value_set^; t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(b),pasbool8type,true); end; else internalerror(2008022105); end; result:=t; exit; end; { slow simplifications } if (cs_opt_level2 in current_settings.optimizerswitches) then begin { the comparison is might be expensive and the nodes are usually only equal if some previous optimizations were done so don't check this simplification always } if is_boolean(left.resultdef) and is_boolean(right.resultdef) and { even when short circuit boolean evaluation is active, this optimization cannot be performed in case the node has side effects, because this can change the result (e.g., in an or-node that calls the same function twice and first returns false and then true because of a global state change } not might_have_sideeffects(left) then begin if left.isequal(right) then begin case nodetype of andn,orn: begin result:=left; left:=nil; exit; end; { xorn: begin result:=cordconstnode.create(0,resultdef,true); exit; end; } end; end; end; { using sqr(x) for reals instead of x*x might reduces register pressure and/or memory accesses while sqr() has no drawback } if {$ifdef cpufpemu} (current_settings.fputype<>fpu_soft) and not(cs_fp_emulation in current_settings.moduleswitches) and {$endif cpufpemu} (nodetype=muln) and is_real(left.resultdef) and is_real(right.resultdef) and left.isequal(right) and not(might_have_sideeffects(left)) then begin result:=cinlinenode.create(in_sqr_real,false,left); left:=nil; exit; end; {$ifdef cpurox} { optimize (i shl x) or (i shr (bitsizeof(i)-x)) into rol(x,i) (and different flavours with shl/shr swapped etc.) } if (nodetype=orn) {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} and (left.resultdef.typ=orddef) and not(torddef(left.resultdef).ordtype in [s64bit,u64bit,scurrency]) {$endif cpu64bitalu} then begin if (left.nodetype=shrn) and (right.nodetype=shln) and is_constintnode(tshlshrnode(left).right) and is_constintnode(tshlshrnode(right).right) and (tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(right).right).value>0) and (tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(left).right).value>0) and tshlshrnode(left).left.isequal(tshlshrnode(right).left) and not(might_have_sideeffects(tshlshrnode(left).left)) then begin if tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(left).right).value= tshlshrnode(left).left.resultdef.size*8-tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(right).right).value then begin result:=cinlinenode.create(in_ror_x_y,false, ccallparanode.create(tshlshrnode(left).right, ccallparanode.create(tshlshrnode(left).left,nil))); tshlshrnode(left).left:=nil; tshlshrnode(left).right:=nil; exit; end else if tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(right).right).value= tshlshrnode(left).left.resultdef.size*8-tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(left).right).value then begin result:=cinlinenode.create(in_rol_x_y,false, ccallparanode.create(tshlshrnode(right).right, ccallparanode.create(tshlshrnode(left).left,nil))); tshlshrnode(left).left:=nil; tshlshrnode(right).right:=nil; exit; end; end; if (left.nodetype=shln) and (right.nodetype=shrn) and is_constintnode(tshlshrnode(left).right) and is_constintnode(tshlshrnode(right).right) and (tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(right).right).value>0) and (tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(left).right).value>0) and tshlshrnode(left).left.isequal(tshlshrnode(right).left) and not(might_have_sideeffects(tshlshrnode(left).left)) then begin if tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(left).right).value= tshlshrnode(left).left.resultdef.size*8-tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(right).right).value then begin result:=cinlinenode.create(in_rol_x_y,false, ccallparanode.create(tshlshrnode(left).right, ccallparanode.create(tshlshrnode(left).left,nil))); tshlshrnode(left).left:=nil; tshlshrnode(left).right:=nil; exit; end else if tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(right).right).value= tshlshrnode(left).left.resultdef.size*8-tordconstnode(tshlshrnode(left).right).value then begin result:=cinlinenode.create(in_ror_x_y,false, ccallparanode.create(tshlshrnode(right).right, ccallparanode.create(tshlshrnode(left).left,nil))); tshlshrnode(left).left:=nil; tshlshrnode(right).right:=nil; exit; end; end; end; {$endif cpurox} end; end; function taddnode.dogetcopy: tnode; var n: taddnode; begin n:=taddnode(inherited dogetcopy); n.resultrealdef:=resultrealdef; result:=n; end; function taddnode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean; begin result:= inherited docompare(p) and equal_defs(taddnode(p).resultrealdef,resultrealdef); end; function taddnode.pass_typecheck:tnode; begin { This function is small to keep the stack small for recursive of large + operations } typecheckpass(left); typecheckpass(right); result:=pass_typecheck_internal; end; function taddnode.pass_typecheck_internal:tnode; var hp : tnode; rd,ld,nd : tdef; hsym : tfieldvarsym; llow,lhigh, rlow,rhigh : tconstexprint; strtype : tstringtype; res, b : boolean; lt,rt : tnodetype; ot : tnodetype; {$ifdef state_tracking} factval : Tnode; change : boolean; {$endif} function maybe_cast_ordconst(var n: tnode; adef: tdef): boolean; begin result:=(tordconstnode(n).value>=torddef(adef).low) and (tordconstnode(n).value<=torddef(adef).high); if result then inserttypeconv(n,adef); end; begin result:=nil; rlow:=0; llow:=0; rhigh:=0; lhigh:=0; { avoid any problems with type parameters later on } if is_typeparam(left.resultdef) or is_typeparam(right.resultdef) then begin resultdef:=cundefinedtype; exit; end; { both left and right need to be valid } set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); set_varstate(right,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; { tp procvar support. Omit for converted assigned() nodes } if not (nf_load_procvar in flags) then begin maybe_call_procvar(left,true); maybe_call_procvar(right,true); end else if not (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then InternalError(2013091601); { convert array constructors to sets, because there is no other operator possible for array constructors } if is_array_constructor(left.resultdef) then begin arrayconstructor_to_set(left); typecheckpass(left); end; if is_array_constructor(right.resultdef) then begin arrayconstructor_to_set(right); typecheckpass(right); end; { allow operator overloading } hp:=self; if isbinaryoverloaded(hp) then begin result:=hp; exit; end; { Stop checking when an error was found in the operator checking } if codegenerror then begin result:=cerrornode.create; exit; end; { Kylix allows enum+ordconstn in an enum type declaration, we need to do the conversion here before the constant folding } if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and (blocktype in [bt_type,bt_const_type,bt_var_type]) then begin if (left.resultdef.typ=enumdef) and (right.resultdef.typ=orddef) then begin { insert explicit typecast to default signed int } left:=ctypeconvnode.create_internal(left,sinttype); typecheckpass(left); end else if (left.resultdef.typ=orddef) and (right.resultdef.typ=enumdef) then begin { insert explicit typecast to default signed int } right:=ctypeconvnode.create_internal(right,sinttype); typecheckpass(right); end; end; { is one a real float, then both need to be floats, this need to be done before the constant folding so constant operation on a float and int are also handled } {$ifdef x86} { use extended as default real type only when the x87 fpu is used } {$if defined(i386) or defined(i8086)} if not(current_settings.fputype=fpu_x87) then resultrealdef:=s64floattype else resultrealdef:=pbestrealtype^; {$endif i386 or i8086} {$ifdef x86_64} { x86-64 has no x87 only mode, so use always double as default } resultrealdef:=s64floattype; {$endif x86_6} {$else not x86} resultrealdef:=pbestrealtype^; {$endif not x86} if (right.resultdef.typ=floatdef) or (left.resultdef.typ=floatdef) then begin { when both floattypes are already equal then use that floattype for results } if (right.resultdef.typ=floatdef) and (left.resultdef.typ=floatdef) and (tfloatdef(left.resultdef).floattype=tfloatdef(right.resultdef).floattype) then resultrealdef:=left.resultdef { when there is a currency type then use currency, but only when currency is defined as float } else if (is_currency(right.resultdef) or is_currency(left.resultdef)) and ((s64currencytype.typ = floatdef) or (nodetype <> slashn)) then begin resultrealdef:=s64currencytype; inserttypeconv(right,resultrealdef); inserttypeconv(left,resultrealdef); end else begin resultrealdef:=getbestreal(left.resultdef,right.resultdef); inserttypeconv(right,resultrealdef); inserttypeconv(left,resultrealdef); end; end; { If both operands are constant and there is a unicodestring or unicodestring then convert everything to unicodestring } if is_constnode(right) and is_constnode(left) and (is_unicodestring(right.resultdef) or is_unicodestring(left.resultdef)) then begin inserttypeconv(right,cunicodestringtype); inserttypeconv(left,cunicodestringtype); end; { If both operands are constant and there is a widechar or widestring then convert everything to widestring. This allows constant folding like char+widechar } if is_constnode(right) and is_constnode(left) and (is_widestring(right.resultdef) or is_widestring(left.resultdef) or is_widechar(right.resultdef) or is_widechar(left.resultdef)) then begin inserttypeconv(right,cwidestringtype); inserttypeconv(left,cwidestringtype); end; { load easier access variables } rd:=right.resultdef; ld:=left.resultdef; rt:=right.nodetype; lt:=left.nodetype; { 4 character constant strings are compatible with orddef } { in macpas mode (become cardinals) } if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and { only allow for comparisons, additions etc are } { normally program errors } (nodetype in [ltn,lten,gtn,gten,unequaln,equaln]) and (((lt=stringconstn) and (tstringconstnode(left).len=4) and (rd.typ=orddef)) or ((rt=stringconstn) and (tstringconstnode(right).len=4) and (ld.typ=orddef))) then begin if (rt=stringconstn) then begin inserttypeconv(right,u32inttype); rt:=right.nodetype; rd:=right.resultdef; end else begin inserttypeconv(left,u32inttype); lt:=left.nodetype; ld:=left.resultdef; end; end; { but an int/int gives real/real! } if (nodetype=slashn) and not(is_vector(left.resultdef)) and not(is_vector(right.resultdef)) then begin if is_currency(left.resultdef) and is_currency(right.resultdef) then { In case of currency, converting to float means dividing by 10000 } { However, since this is already a division, both divisions by } { 10000 are eliminated when we divide the results -> we can skip } { them. } if s64currencytype.typ = floatdef then begin { there's no s64comptype or so, how do we avoid the type conversion? left.resultdef := s64comptype; right.resultdef := s64comptype; } end else begin left.resultdef := s64inttype; right.resultdef := s64inttype; end; inserttypeconv(right,resultrealdef); inserttypeconv(left,resultrealdef); end { if both are orddefs then check sub types } else if (ld.typ=orddef) and (rd.typ=orddef) then begin { set for & and | operations in macpas mode: they only work on } { booleans, and always short circuit evaluation } if (nf_short_bool in flags) then begin if not is_boolean(ld) then begin inserttypeconv(left,pasbool8type); ld := left.resultdef; end; if not is_boolean(rd) then begin inserttypeconv(right,pasbool8type); rd := right.resultdef; end; end; { 2 booleans? } if (is_boolean(ld) and is_boolean(rd)) then begin case nodetype of xorn, andn, orn: begin { Make sides equal to the largest boolean } if (torddef(left.resultdef).size>torddef(right.resultdef).size) or (is_cbool(left.resultdef) and not is_cbool(right.resultdef)) then begin right:=ctypeconvnode.create_internal(right,left.resultdef); ttypeconvnode(right).convtype:=tc_bool_2_bool; typecheckpass(right); end else if (torddef(left.resultdef).size0); ot:=nodetype; left.free; left:=nil; right:=nil; if (not(b) and (ot=equaln)) or (b and (ot=unequaln)) then begin hp:=cnotnode.create(hp); end; result:=hp; exit; end; if (right.nodetype=ordconstn) then begin hp:=left; b:=(tordconstnode(right).value<>0); ot:=nodetype; right.free; right:=nil; left:=nil; if (not(b) and (ot=equaln)) or (b and (ot=unequaln)) then begin hp:=cnotnode.create(hp); end; result:=hp; exit; end; end; { Delphi-compatibility: convert both to pasbool to perform the equality comparison } inserttypeconv(left,pasbool8type); inserttypeconv(right,pasbool8type); end; else begin CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); result:=cnothingnode.create; exit; end; end; end { Both are chars? } else if is_char(rd) and is_char(ld) then begin if nodetype=addn then begin resultdef:=cshortstringtype; if not(is_constcharnode(left) and is_constcharnode(right)) then begin inserttypeconv(left,cshortstringtype); {$ifdef addstringopt} hp := genaddsstringcharoptnode(self); result := hp; exit; {$endif addstringopt} end end else if not(nodetype in [ltn,lten,gtn,gten,unequaln,equaln]) then begin CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); result:=cnothingnode.create; exit; end; end { There is a widechar? } else if is_widechar(rd) or is_widechar(ld) then begin { widechar+widechar gives unicodestring } if nodetype=addn then begin inserttypeconv(left,cunicodestringtype); if (torddef(rd).ordtype<>uwidechar) then inserttypeconv(right,cwidechartype); resultdef:=cunicodestringtype; end else begin if (torddef(ld).ordtype<>uwidechar) then inserttypeconv(left,cwidechartype); if (torddef(rd).ordtype<>uwidechar) then inserttypeconv(right,cwidechartype); end; end { is there a currency type ? } else if ((torddef(rd).ordtype=scurrency) or (torddef(ld).ordtype=scurrency)) then begin if (torddef(ld).ordtype<>scurrency) then inserttypeconv(left,s64currencytype); if (torddef(rd).ordtype<>scurrency) then inserttypeconv(right,s64currencytype); end { leave some constant integer expressions alone in case the resultdef of the integer types doesn't influence the outcome, because the forced type conversions below can otherwise result in unexpected results (such as high(qword)=ld.size) and not is_signed(rd) and is_signed(ld) then inserttypeconv_internal(left,rd) else if (is_oversizedint(ld) or is_nativeint(ld) or is_32bitint(ld)) and (ld.size>=rd.size) and not is_signed(ld) and is_signed(rd) then inserttypeconv_internal(right,ld) else begin { not to left right.resultdef, because that may cause a range error if left and right's def don't completely overlap } nd:=get_common_intdef(torddef(ld),torddef(rd),true); inserttypeconv(left,nd); inserttypeconv(right,nd); end; end { don't extend (sign-mismatched) comparisons if either side is a constant whose value is within range of opposite side } else if is_integer(ld) and is_integer(rd) and (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln,gtn,gten,ltn,lten]) and (is_signed(ld)<>is_signed(rd)) and ( ((lt=ordconstn) and maybe_cast_ordconst(left,rd)) or ((rt=ordconstn) and maybe_cast_ordconst(right,ld)) ) then begin { done here } end { is there a signed 64 bit type ? } else if ((torddef(rd).ordtype=s64bit) or (torddef(ld).ordtype=s64bit)) then begin if (torddef(ld).ordtype<>s64bit) then inserttypeconv(left,s64inttype); if (torddef(rd).ordtype<>s64bit) then inserttypeconv(right,s64inttype); end { is there a unsigned 64 bit type ? } else if ((torddef(rd).ordtype=u64bit) or (torddef(ld).ordtype=u64bit)) then begin if (torddef(ld).ordtype<>u64bit) then inserttypeconv(left,u64inttype); if (torddef(rd).ordtype<>u64bit) then inserttypeconv(right,u64inttype); end { is there a larger int? } else if is_oversizedint(rd) or is_oversizedint(ld) then begin nd:=get_common_intdef(torddef(ld),torddef(rd),false); inserttypeconv(right,nd); inserttypeconv(left,nd); end { is there a native unsigned int? } else if is_nativeuint(rd) or is_nativeuint(ld) then begin { convert positive constants to uinttype } if (not is_nativeuint(ld)) and is_constintnode(left) and (tordconstnode(left).value >= 0) then inserttypeconv(left,uinttype); if (not is_nativeuint(rd)) and is_constintnode(right) and (tordconstnode(right).value >= 0) then inserttypeconv(right,uinttype); { when one of the operand is signed or the operation is subn then perform the operation in a larger signed type, can't use rd/ld here because there could be already typeconvs inserted. This is compatible with the code below for other unsigned types (PFV) } if is_signed(left.resultdef) or is_signed(right.resultdef) or (nodetype=subn) then begin if nodetype<>subn then CGMessage(type_h_mixed_signed_unsigned); { mark as internal in case added for a subn, so } { ttypeconvnode.simplify can remove the larger } { typecast again if semantically correct. Even } { if we could detect that here already, we } { mustn't do it here because that would change } { overload choosing behaviour etc. The code in } { ncnv.pas is run after that is already decided } if (not is_signed(left.resultdef) and not is_signed(right.resultdef)) or (nodetype in [orn,xorn]) then include(flags,nf_internal); { get next larger signed int type } nd:=get_common_intdef(torddef(sinttype),torddef(uinttype),false); inserttypeconv(left,nd); inserttypeconv(right,nd); end else begin if not is_nativeuint(left.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(left,uinttype); if not is_nativeuint(right.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(right,uinttype); end; end { generic ord conversion is sinttype } else begin { When there is a signed type or there is a minus operation we convert to signed int. Otherwise (both are unsigned) we keep the result also unsigned. This is compatible with Delphi (PFV) } if is_signed(ld) or is_signed(rd) or (nodetype=subn) then begin inserttypeconv(right,sinttype); inserttypeconv(left,sinttype); end else begin inserttypeconv(right,uinttype); inserttypeconv(left,uinttype); end; end; end { if both are floatdefs, conversion is already done before constant folding } else if (ld.typ=floatdef) then begin if not(nodetype in [addn,subn,muln,slashn,equaln,unequaln,ltn,lten,gtn,gten]) then CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end { left side a setdef, must be before string processing, else array constructor can be seen as array of char (PFV) } else if (ld.typ=setdef) then begin if not(nodetype in [addn,subn,symdifn,muln,equaln,unequaln,lten,gten]) then CGMessage(type_e_set_operation_unknown); { right must either be a set or a set element } if (rd.typ<>setdef) and (rt<>setelementn) then CGMessage(type_e_mismatch) { Make operands the same setdef. If one's elementtype fits } { entirely inside the other's, pick the one with the largest } { range. Otherwise create a new setdef with a range which } { can contain both. } else if not(equal_defs(ld,rd)) then begin { note: ld cannot be an empty set with elementdef=nil in } { case right is not a set, arrayconstructor_to_set takes } { care of that } { 1: rd is a set with an assigned elementdef, and ld is } { either an empty set without elementdef or a set whose } { elementdef fits in rd's elementdef -> convert to rd } if ((rd.typ=setdef) and assigned(tsetdef(rd).elementdef) and (not assigned(tsetdef(ld).elementdef) or is_in_limit(ld,rd))) then inserttypeconv(left,rd) { 2: rd is either an empty set without elementdef or a set } { whose elementdef fits in ld's elementdef, or a set } { element whose def fits in ld's elementdef -> convert } { to ld. ld's elementdef can't be nil here, is caught } { previous case and "note:" above } else if ((rd.typ=setdef) and (not assigned(tsetdef(rd).elementdef) or is_in_limit(rd,ld))) or ((rd.typ<>setdef) and is_in_limit(rd,tsetdef(ld).elementdef)) then if (rd.typ=setdef) then inserttypeconv(right,ld) else inserttypeconv(right,tsetdef(ld).elementdef) { 3: otherwise create setdef which encompasses both, taking } { into account empty sets without elementdef } else begin if assigned(tsetdef(ld).elementdef) then begin llow:=tsetdef(ld).setbase; lhigh:=tsetdef(ld).setmax; end; if (rd.typ=setdef) then if assigned(tsetdef(rd).elementdef) then begin rlow:=tsetdef(rd).setbase; rhigh:=tsetdef(rd).setmax; end else begin { ld's elementdef must have been valid } rlow:=llow; rhigh:=lhigh; end else getrange(rd,rlow,rhigh); if not assigned(tsetdef(ld).elementdef) then begin llow:=rlow; lhigh:=rhigh; end; nd:=csetdef.create(tsetdef(ld).elementdef,min(llow,rlow).svalue,max(lhigh,rhigh).svalue); inserttypeconv(left,nd); if (rd.typ=setdef) then inserttypeconv(right,nd) else inserttypeconv(right,tsetdef(nd).elementdef); end; end; end { pointer comparision and subtraction } else if ( (rd.typ=pointerdef) and (ld.typ=pointerdef) ) or { compare/add pchar to variable (not stringconst) char arrays by addresses like BP/Delphi } ( (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln,subn,addn]) and ( ((is_pchar(ld) or (lt=niln)) and is_chararray(rd) and (rt<>stringconstn)) or ((is_pchar(rd) or (rt=niln)) and is_chararray(ld) and (lt<>stringconstn)) ) ) then begin { convert char array to pointer } if is_chararray(rd) then begin inserttypeconv(right,charpointertype); rd:=right.resultdef; end else if is_chararray(ld) then begin inserttypeconv(left,charpointertype); ld:=left.resultdef; end; case nodetype of equaln,unequaln : begin if is_voidpointer(right.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef) else if is_voidpointer(left.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(left,right.resultdef) else if not(equal_defs(ld,rd)) then IncompatibleTypes(ld,rd); { now that the type checking is done, convert both to charpointer, } { because methodpointers are 8 bytes even though only the first 4 } { bytes must be compared. This can happen here if we are in } { TP/Delphi mode, because there @methodpointer = voidpointer (but } { a voidpointer of 8 bytes). A conversion to voidpointer would be } { optimized away, since the result already was a voidpointer, so } { use a charpointer instead (JM) } {$if defined(jvm)} inserttypeconv_internal(left,java_jlobject); inserttypeconv_internal(right,java_jlobject); {$elseif defined(i8086)} if is_hugepointer(left.resultdef) then inserttypeconv_internal(left,charhugepointertype) else if is_farpointer(left.resultdef) then inserttypeconv_internal(left,charfarpointertype) else inserttypeconv_internal(left,charnearpointertype); if is_hugepointer(right.resultdef) then inserttypeconv_internal(right,charhugepointertype) else if is_farpointer(right.resultdef) then inserttypeconv_internal(right,charfarpointertype) else inserttypeconv_internal(right,charnearpointertype); {$else} inserttypeconv_internal(left,charpointertype); inserttypeconv_internal(right,charpointertype); {$endif jvm} end; ltn,lten,gtn,gten: begin if (cs_extsyntax in current_settings.moduleswitches) or (nf_internal in flags) then begin if is_voidpointer(right.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef) else if is_voidpointer(left.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(left,right.resultdef) else if not(equal_defs(ld,rd)) then IncompatibleTypes(ld,rd); end else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end; subn: begin if (cs_extsyntax in current_settings.moduleswitches) then begin if is_voidpointer(right.resultdef) then begin if is_big_untyped_addrnode(right) then CGMessage1(type_w_untyped_arithmetic_unportable,node2opstr(nodetype)); inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef) end else if is_voidpointer(left.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(left,right.resultdef) else if not(equal_defs(ld,rd)) then IncompatibleTypes(ld,rd); end else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); if not(nf_has_pointerdiv in flags) and (tpointerdef(rd).pointeddef.size>1) then begin hp:=getcopy; include(hp.flags,nf_has_pointerdiv); result:=cmoddivnode.create(divn,hp, cordconstnode.create(tpointerdef(rd).pointeddef.size,tpointerdef(rd).pointer_subtraction_result_type,false)); end; resultdef:=tpointerdef(rd).pointer_subtraction_result_type; exit; end; else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end; end { is one of the operands a string?, chararrays are also handled as strings (after conversion), also take care of chararray+chararray and chararray+char. Note: Must be done after pointerdef+pointerdef has been checked, else pchar is converted to string } else if (rd.typ=stringdef) or (ld.typ=stringdef) or { stringconstn's can be arraydefs } (lt=stringconstn) or (rt=stringconstn) or ((is_pchar(rd) or is_chararray(rd) or is_char(rd) or is_open_chararray(rd) or is_pwidechar(rd) or is_widechararray(rd) or is_widechar(rd) or is_open_widechararray(rd)) and (is_pchar(ld) or is_chararray(ld) or is_char(ld) or is_open_chararray(ld) or is_pwidechar(ld) or is_widechararray(ld) or is_widechar(ld) or is_open_widechararray(ld))) then begin if (nodetype in [addn,equaln,unequaln,lten,gten,ltn,gtn]) then begin { Is there a unicodestring? } if is_unicodestring(rd) or is_unicodestring(ld) or ((m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches) and (cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches) and ( is_pwidechar(rd) or is_widechararray(rd) or is_open_widechararray(rd) or (lt = stringconstn) or is_pwidechar(ld) or is_widechararray(ld) or is_open_widechararray(ld) or (rt = stringconstn) ) ) then strtype:=st_unicodestring else { Is there a widestring? } if is_widestring(rd) or is_widestring(ld) or is_pwidechar(rd) or is_widechararray(rd) or is_widechar(rd) or is_open_widechararray(rd) or is_pwidechar(ld) or is_widechararray(ld) or is_widechar(ld) or is_open_widechararray(ld) then strtype:=st_widestring else if is_ansistring(rd) or is_ansistring(ld) or ((cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches) and //todo: Move some of this to longstring's then they are implemented? ( is_pchar(rd) or (is_chararray(rd) and (rd.size > 255)) or is_open_chararray(rd) or (lt = stringconstn) or is_pchar(ld) or (is_chararray(ld) and (ld.size > 255)) or is_open_chararray(ld) or (rt = stringconstn) ) ) then strtype:=st_ansistring else if is_longstring(rd) or is_longstring(ld) then strtype:=st_longstring else begin { TODO: todo: add a warning/hint here if one converting a too large array} { nodes is PChar, array [with size > 255] or OpenArrayOfChar. Note: Delphi halts with error if "array [0..xx] of char" is assigned to ShortString and string length is less then array size } strtype:= st_shortstring; end; // Now convert nodes to common string type case strtype of st_widestring : begin if not(is_widestring(rd)) then inserttypeconv(right,cwidestringtype); if not(is_widestring(ld)) then inserttypeconv(left,cwidestringtype); end; st_unicodestring : begin if not(is_unicodestring(rd)) then inserttypeconv(right,cunicodestringtype); if not(is_unicodestring(ld)) then inserttypeconv(left,cunicodestringtype); end; st_ansistring : begin { use same code page if possible (don't force same code page in case both are ansistrings with code page <> CP_NONE, since then data loss can occur (the ansistring helpers will convert them at run time to an encoding that can represent both encodings) } if is_ansistring(ld) and (tstringdef(ld).encoding<>0) and (tstringdef(ld).encoding<>globals.CP_NONE) and (not is_ansistring(rd) or (tstringdef(rd).encoding=0) or (tstringdef(rd).encoding=globals.CP_NONE)) then inserttypeconv(right,ld) else if is_ansistring(rd) and (tstringdef(rd).encoding<>0) and (tstringdef(rd).encoding<>globals.CP_NONE) and (not is_ansistring(ld) or (tstringdef(ld).encoding=0) or (tstringdef(ld).encoding=globals.CP_NONE)) then inserttypeconv(left,rd) else begin if not is_ansistring(ld) then inserttypeconv(left,getansistringdef); if not is_ansistring(rd) then inserttypeconv(right,getansistringdef); end; end; st_longstring : begin if not(is_longstring(rd)) then inserttypeconv(right,clongstringtype); if not(is_longstring(ld)) then inserttypeconv(left,clongstringtype); end; st_shortstring : begin if not(is_shortstring(ld)) then inserttypeconv(left,cshortstringtype); { don't convert char, that can be handled by the optimized node } if not(is_shortstring(rd) or is_char(rd)) then inserttypeconv(right,cshortstringtype); end; else internalerror(2005101); end; end else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end { implicit pointer object type comparison } else if is_implicit_pointer_object_type(rd) or is_implicit_pointer_object_type(ld) then begin if (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then begin if is_implicit_pointer_object_type(rd) and is_implicit_pointer_object_type(ld) then begin if def_is_related(tobjectdef(rd),tobjectdef(ld)) then inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef) else inserttypeconv(left,right.resultdef); end else if is_implicit_pointer_object_type(rd) then inserttypeconv(left,right.resultdef) else inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef); end else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end else if (rd.typ=classrefdef) and (ld.typ=classrefdef) then begin if (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then begin if def_is_related(tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(rd).pointeddef), tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(ld).pointeddef)) then inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef) else inserttypeconv(left,right.resultdef); end else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end { allow comparison with nil pointer } else if is_implicit_pointer_object_type(rd) or (rd.typ=classrefdef) then begin if (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then inserttypeconv(left,right.resultdef) else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end else if is_implicit_pointer_object_type(ld) or (ld.typ=classrefdef) then begin if (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef) else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end { support procvar=nil,procvar<>nil } else if ((ld.typ=procvardef) and (rt=niln)) or ((rd.typ=procvardef) and (lt=niln)) then begin if not(nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); { find proc field in methodpointer record } hsym:=tfieldvarsym(trecorddef(methodpointertype).symtable.Find('proc')); if not assigned(hsym) then internalerror(200412043); { For methodpointers compare only tmethodpointer.proc } if (rd.typ=procvardef) and (not tprocvardef(rd).is_addressonly) then begin right:=csubscriptnode.create( hsym, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(right,methodpointertype)); typecheckpass(right); end; if (ld.typ=procvardef) and (not tprocvardef(ld).is_addressonly) then begin left:=csubscriptnode.create( hsym, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(left,methodpointertype)); typecheckpass(left); end; end { support dynamicarray=nil,dynamicarray<>nil } else if (is_dynamic_array(ld) and (rt=niln)) or (is_dynamic_array(rd) and (lt=niln)) or (is_dynamic_array(ld) and is_dynamic_array(rd)) then begin if not(nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX} { mmx support, this must be before the zero based array check } else if (cs_mmx in current_settings.localswitches) and is_mmx_able_array(ld) and is_mmx_able_array(rd) and equal_defs(ld,rd) then begin case nodetype of addn,subn,xorn,orn,andn: ; { mul is a little bit restricted } muln: if not(mmx_type(ld) in [mmxu16bit,mmxs16bit,mmxfixed16]) then CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end; end {$endif SUPPORT_MMX} { vector support, this must be before the zero based array check } else if (cs_support_vectors in current_settings.globalswitches) and is_vector(ld) and is_vector(rd) and equal_defs(ld,rd) then begin if not(nodetype in [addn,subn,xorn,orn,andn,muln,slashn]) then CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); { both defs must be equal, so taking left or right as resultdef doesn't matter } resultdef:=left.resultdef; end { this is a little bit dangerous, also the left type } { pointer to should be checked! This broke the mmx support } else if (rd.typ=pointerdef) or (is_zero_based_array(rd) and (rt<>stringconstn)) then begin if is_zero_based_array(rd) then begin resultdef:=getpointerdef(tarraydef(rd).elementdef); inserttypeconv(right,resultdef); end else resultdef:=right.resultdef; inserttypeconv(left,tpointerdef(right.resultdef).pointer_arithmetic_int_type); if nodetype=addn then begin if (rt=niln) then CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,'NIL'); if not(cs_extsyntax in current_settings.moduleswitches) or (not (is_pchar(ld) or is_chararray(ld) or is_open_chararray(ld) or is_widechar(ld) or is_widechararray(ld) or is_open_widechararray(ld)) and not(cs_pointermath in current_settings.localswitches) and not((ld.typ=pointerdef) and tpointerdef(ld).has_pointer_math)) then CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); if (rd.typ=pointerdef) and (tpointerdef(rd).pointeddef.size>1) then begin left:=caddnode.create(muln,left, cordconstnode.create(tpointerdef(rd).pointeddef.size,tpointerdef(right.resultdef).pointer_arithmetic_int_type,true)); typecheckpass(left); end; end else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end else if (ld.typ=pointerdef) or (is_zero_based_array(ld) and (lt<>stringconstn)) then begin if is_zero_based_array(ld) then begin resultdef:=getpointerdef(tarraydef(ld).elementdef); inserttypeconv(left,resultdef); end else resultdef:=left.resultdef; inserttypeconv(right,tpointerdef(left.resultdef).pointer_arithmetic_int_type); if nodetype in [addn,subn] then begin if (lt=niln) then CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),'NIL',rd.typename); if not(cs_extsyntax in current_settings.moduleswitches) or (not (is_pchar(ld) or is_chararray(ld) or is_open_chararray(ld) or is_widechar(ld) or is_widechararray(ld) or is_open_widechararray(ld)) and not(cs_pointermath in current_settings.localswitches) and not((ld.typ=pointerdef) and tpointerdef(ld).has_pointer_math)) then CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); if (ld.typ=pointerdef) then begin if is_big_untyped_addrnode(left) then CGMessage1(type_w_untyped_arithmetic_unportable,node2opstr(nodetype)); if (tpointerdef(ld).pointeddef.size>1) then begin right:=caddnode.create(muln,right, cordconstnode.create(tpointerdef(ld).pointeddef.size,tpointerdef(left.resultdef).pointer_arithmetic_int_type,true)); typecheckpass(right); end end else if is_zero_based_array(ld) and (tarraydef(ld).elementdef.size>1) then begin right:=caddnode.create(muln,right, cordconstnode.create(tarraydef(ld).elementdef.size,tpointerdef(left.resultdef).pointer_arithmetic_int_type,true)); typecheckpass(right); end; end else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end else if (rd.typ=procvardef) and (ld.typ=procvardef) and equal_defs(rd,ld) then begin if (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then begin if tprocvardef(rd).is_addressonly then begin inserttypeconv_internal(right,voidpointertype); inserttypeconv_internal(left,voidpointertype); end else begin { find proc field in methodpointer record } hsym:=tfieldvarsym(trecorddef(methodpointertype).symtable.Find('proc')); if not assigned(hsym) then internalerror(200412043); { Compare tmehodpointer(left).proc } right:=csubscriptnode.create( hsym, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(right,methodpointertype)); typecheckpass(right); left:=csubscriptnode.create( hsym, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(left,methodpointertype)); typecheckpass(left); end; end else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end { enums } else if (ld.typ=enumdef) and (rd.typ=enumdef) then begin if allowenumop(nodetype) or (nf_internal in flags) then inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef) else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),ld.typename,rd.typename); end { generic conversion, this is for error recovery } else begin inserttypeconv(left,sinttype); inserttypeconv(right,sinttype); end; if cmp_of_disjunct_ranges(res) then begin if res then CGMessage(type_w_comparison_always_true) else CGMessage(type_w_comparison_always_false); end; { set resultdef if not already done } if not assigned(resultdef) then begin case nodetype of ltn,lten,gtn,gten,equaln,unequaln : resultdef:=pasbool8type; slashn : resultdef:=resultrealdef; addn: begin { for strings, return is always a 255 char string } if is_shortstring(left.resultdef) then resultdef:=cshortstringtype else { for ansistrings set resultdef to assignment left node if it is an assignment and left node expects ansistring } if is_ansistring(left.resultdef) and assigned(aktassignmentnode) and (aktassignmentnode.right=self) and is_ansistring(aktassignmentnode.left.resultdef) then resultdef:=aktassignmentnode.left.resultdef else resultdef:=left.resultdef; end; else resultdef:=left.resultdef; end; end; { when the result is currency we need some extra code for multiplication and division. this should not be done when the muln or slashn node is created internally } if not(nf_is_currency in flags) and is_currency(resultdef) then begin case nodetype of slashn : begin { slashn will only work with floats } hp:=caddnode.create(muln,getcopy,crealconstnode.create(10000.0,s64currencytype)); include(hp.flags,nf_is_currency); result:=hp; end; muln : begin if s64currencytype.typ=floatdef then hp:=caddnode.create(slashn,getcopy,crealconstnode.create(10000.0,s64currencytype)) else hp:=cmoddivnode.create(divn,getcopy,cordconstnode.create(10000,s64currencytype,false)); include(hp.flags,nf_is_currency); result:=hp end; end; end; if not codegenerror and not assigned(result) then result:=simplify(false); end; function taddnode.first_addstring: tnode; const swap_relation: array [ltn..unequaln] of Tnodetype=(gtn, gten, ltn, lten, equaln, unequaln); var p: tnode; newstatement : tstatementnode; tempnode (*,tempnode2*) : ttempcreatenode; cmpfuncname: string; para: tcallparanode; begin result:=nil; { when we get here, we are sure that both the left and the right } { node are both strings of the same stringtype (JM) } case nodetype of addn: begin if (left.nodetype=stringconstn) and (tstringconstnode(left).len=0) then begin result:=right; left.free; left:=nil; right:=nil; exit; end; if (right.nodetype=stringconstn) and (tstringconstnode(right).len=0) then begin result:=left; left:=nil; right.free; right:=nil; exit; end; { create the call to the concat routine both strings as arguments } if assigned(aktassignmentnode) and (aktassignmentnode.right=self) and (aktassignmentnode.left.resultdef=resultdef) and valid_for_var(aktassignmentnode.left,false) then begin para:=ccallparanode.create( right, ccallparanode.create( left, ccallparanode.create(aktassignmentnode.left.getcopy,nil) ) ); if is_ansistring(resultdef) then para:=ccallparanode.create( cordconstnode.create( { don't use getparaencoding(), we have to know when the result is rawbytestring } tstringdef(resultdef).encoding, u16inttype, true ), para ); result:=ccallnode.createintern( 'fpc_'+tstringdef(resultdef).stringtypname+'_concat', para ); include(aktassignmentnode.flags,nf_assign_done_in_right); firstpass(result); end else begin result:=internalstatements(newstatement); tempnode:=ctempcreatenode.create(resultdef,resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true); addstatement(newstatement,tempnode); { initialize the temp, since it will be passed to a var-parameter (and finalization, which is performed by the ttempcreate node and which takes care of the initialization on native targets, is a noop on managed VM targets) } if (target_info.system in systems_managed_vm) and is_managed_type(resultdef) then addstatement(newstatement,cinlinenode.create(in_setlength_x, false, ccallparanode.create(genintconstnode(0), ccallparanode.create(ctemprefnode.create(tempnode),nil)))); para:=ccallparanode.create( right, ccallparanode.create( left, ccallparanode.create(ctemprefnode.create(tempnode),nil) ) ); if is_ansistring(resultdef) then para:=ccallparanode.create( cordconstnode.create( { don't use getparaencoding(), we have to know when the result is rawbytestring } tstringdef(resultdef).encoding, u16inttype, true ), para ); addstatement( newstatement, ccallnode.createintern( 'fpc_'+tstringdef(resultdef).stringtypname+'_concat', para ) ); addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(tempnode)); addstatement(newstatement,ctemprefnode.create(tempnode)); end; { we reused the arguments } left := nil; right := nil; end; ltn,lten,gtn,gten,equaln,unequaln : begin { generate better code for comparison with empty string, we only need to compare the length with 0 } if (nodetype in [equaln,unequaln,gtn,gten,ltn,lten]) and { windows widestrings are too complicated to be handled optimized } not(is_widestring(left.resultdef) and (target_info.system in systems_windows)) and (((left.nodetype=stringconstn) and (tstringconstnode(left).len=0)) or ((right.nodetype=stringconstn) and (tstringconstnode(right).len=0))) then begin { switch so that the constant is always on the right } if left.nodetype = stringconstn then begin p := left; left := right; right := p; nodetype:=swap_relation[nodetype]; end; if is_shortstring(left.resultdef) or (nodetype in [gtn,gten,ltn,lten]) or (target_info.system in systems_managed_vm) then { compare the length with 0 } result := caddnode.create(nodetype, cinlinenode.create(in_length_x,false,left), cordconstnode.create(0,s32inttype,false)) else begin (* if is_widestring(left.resultdef) and (target_info.system in system_windows) then begin { windows like widestrings requires that we also check the length } result:=internalstatements(newstatement); tempnode:=ctempcreatenode.create(voidpointertype,voidpointertype.size,tt_persistent,true); tempnode2:=ctempcreatenode.create(resultdef,resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true); addstatement(newstatement,tempnode); addstatement(newstatement,tempnode2); { poor man's cse } addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(tempnode), ctypeconvnode.create_internal(left,voidpointertype)) ); addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(tempnode2), caddnode.create(orn, caddnode.create(nodetype, ctemprefnode.create(tempnode), cpointerconstnode.create(0,voidpointertype) ), caddnode.create(nodetype, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(cderefnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(tempnode)),s32inttype), cordconstnode.create(0,s32inttype,false) ) ) )); addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(tempnode)); addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(tempnode2)); addstatement(newstatement,ctemprefnode.create(tempnode2)); end else *) begin { compare the pointer with nil (for ansistrings etc), } { faster than getting the length (JM) } result:= caddnode.create(nodetype, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(left,voidpointertype), cpointerconstnode.create(0,voidpointertype)); end; end; { left is reused } left := nil; { right isn't } right.free; right := nil; exit; end; { no string constant -> call compare routine } cmpfuncname := 'fpc_'+tstringdef(left.resultdef).stringtypname+'_compare'; { for equality checks use optimized version } if nodetype in [equaln,unequaln] then cmpfuncname := cmpfuncname + '_equal'; result := ccallnode.createintern(cmpfuncname, ccallparanode.create(right,ccallparanode.create(left,nil))); { and compare its result with 0 according to the original operator } result := caddnode.create(nodetype,result, cordconstnode.create(0,s32inttype,false)); left := nil; right := nil; end; end; end; function taddnode.first_addset : tnode; procedure call_varset_helper(const n : string); var newstatement : tstatementnode; temp : ttempcreatenode; begin { add two var sets } result:=internalstatements(newstatement); { create temp for result } temp:=ctempcreatenode.create(resultdef,resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true); addstatement(newstatement,temp); addstatement(newstatement,ccallnode.createintern(n, ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create(resultdef.size,sinttype,false), ccallparanode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp), ccallparanode.create(right, ccallparanode.create(left,nil))))) ); { remove reused parts from original node } left:=nil; right:=nil; { the last statement should return the value as location and type, this is done be referencing the temp and converting it first from a persistent temp to normal temp } addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(temp)); addstatement(newstatement,ctemprefnode.create(temp)); end; var procname: string[31]; tempn: tnode; newstatement : tstatementnode; temp : ttempcreatenode; begin result:=nil; case nodetype of equaln,unequaln,lten,gten: begin case nodetype of equaln,unequaln: procname := 'fpc_varset_comp_sets'; lten,gten: begin procname := 'fpc_varset_contains_sets'; { (left >= right) = (right <= left) } if nodetype = gten then begin tempn := left; left := right; right := tempn; end; end; else internalerror(2013112911); end; result := ccallnode.createinternres(procname, ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create(left.resultdef.size,sinttype,false), ccallparanode.create(right, ccallparanode.create(left,nil))),resultdef); { left and right are reused as parameters } left := nil; right := nil; { for an unequaln, we have to negate the result of comp_sets } if nodetype = unequaln then result := cnotnode.create(result); end; addn: begin { optimize first loading of a set } if (right.nodetype=setelementn) and not(assigned(tsetelementnode(right).right)) and is_emptyset(left) then begin result:=internalstatements(newstatement); { create temp for result } temp:=ctempcreatenode.create(resultdef,resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true); addstatement(newstatement,temp); { adjust for set base } tsetelementnode(right).left:=caddnode.create(subn, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(tsetelementnode(right).left,sinttype), cordconstnode.create(tsetdef(resultdef).setbase,sinttype,false)); addstatement(newstatement,ccallnode.createintern('fpc_varset_create_element', ccallparanode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp), ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create(resultdef.size,sinttype,false), ccallparanode.create(tsetelementnode(right).left,nil)))) ); { the last statement should return the value as location and type, this is done be referencing the temp and converting it first from a persistent temp to normal temp } addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(temp)); addstatement(newstatement,ctemprefnode.create(temp)); tsetelementnode(right).left := nil; end else begin if right.nodetype=setelementn then begin result:=internalstatements(newstatement); { create temp for result } temp:=ctempcreatenode.create(resultdef,resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true); addstatement(newstatement,temp); { adjust for set base } tsetelementnode(right).left:=caddnode.create(subn, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(tsetelementnode(right).left,sinttype), cordconstnode.create(tsetdef(resultdef).setbase,sinttype,false)); { add a range or a single element? } if assigned(tsetelementnode(right).right) then begin { adjust for set base } tsetelementnode(right).right:=caddnode.create(subn, ctypeconvnode.create_internal(tsetelementnode(right).right,sinttype), cordconstnode.create(tsetdef(resultdef).setbase,sinttype,false)); addstatement(newstatement,ccallnode.createintern('fpc_varset_set_range', ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create(resultdef.size,sinttype,false), ccallparanode.create(tsetelementnode(right).right, ccallparanode.create(tsetelementnode(right).left, ccallparanode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp), ccallparanode.create(left,nil)))))) ); end else addstatement(newstatement,ccallnode.createintern('fpc_varset_set', ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create(resultdef.size,sinttype,false), ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal(tsetelementnode(right).left,sinttype), ccallparanode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp), ccallparanode.create(left,nil))))) ); { remove reused parts from original node } tsetelementnode(right).right:=nil; tsetelementnode(right).left:=nil; left:=nil; { the last statement should return the value as location and type, this is done be referencing the temp and converting it first from a persistent temp to normal temp } addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(temp)); addstatement(newstatement,ctemprefnode.create(temp)); end else call_varset_helper('fpc_varset_add_sets'); end end; subn: call_varset_helper('fpc_varset_sub_sets'); symdifn: call_varset_helper('fpc_varset_symdif_sets'); muln: call_varset_helper('fpc_varset_mul_sets'); else internalerror(200609241); end; end; function taddnode.use_generic_mul32to64: boolean; begin result := true; end; function taddnode.use_generic_mul64bit: boolean; begin result := true; end; function taddnode.try_make_mul32to64: boolean; function canbe32bitint(v: tconstexprint): boolean; begin result := ((v >= int64(low(longint))) and (v <= int64(high(longint)))) or ((v >= qword(low(cardinal))) and (v <= qword(high(cardinal)))) end; function is_32bitordconst(n: tnode): boolean; begin result := (n.nodetype = ordconstn) and canbe32bitint(tordconstnode(n).value); end; function is_32to64typeconv(n: tnode): boolean; begin result := (n.nodetype = typeconvn) and is_integer(ttypeconvnode(n).left.resultdef) and not is_64bit(ttypeconvnode(n).left.resultdef); end; var temp: tnode; begin result := false; if is_32to64typeconv(left) and (is_32bitordconst(right) or is_32to64typeconv(right) and ((is_signed(ttypeconvnode(left).left.resultdef) = is_signed(ttypeconvnode(right).left.resultdef)) or (is_signed(ttypeconvnode(left).left.resultdef) and (torddef(ttypeconvnode(right).left.resultdef).ordtype in [u8bit,u16bit])))) then begin temp := ttypeconvnode(left).left; ttypeconvnode(left).left := nil; left.free; left := temp; if (right.nodetype = typeconvn) then begin temp := ttypeconvnode(right).left; ttypeconvnode(right).left := nil; right.free; right := temp; end; if (is_signed(left.resultdef)) then begin inserttypeconv_internal(left,s32inttype); inserttypeconv_internal(right,s32inttype); end else begin inserttypeconv_internal(left,u32inttype); inserttypeconv_internal(right,u32inttype); end; firstpass(left); firstpass(right); result := true; end; end; function taddnode.use_fma : boolean; begin result:=false; end; function taddnode.try_fma(ld,rd : tdef) : tnode; var inlinennr : Integer; begin result:=nil; if (cs_opt_fastmath in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and use_fma and (nodetype in [addn,subn]) and (rd.typ=floatdef) and (ld.typ=floatdef) and (is_single(rd) or is_double(rd)) and equal_defs(rd,ld) and { transforming a*b+c into fma(a,b,c) makes only sense if c can be calculated easily. Consider a*b+c*d which results in fmul fmul fadd and in fmul fma when using the fma optimization. On a super scalar architecture, the first instruction sequence requires clock_cycles(fmul)+clock_cycles(fadd) clock cycles because the fmuls can be executed in parallel. The second sequence requires clock_cycles(fmul)+clock_cycles(fma) because the fma has to wait for the result of the fmul. Since typically clock_cycles(fma)>clock_cycles(fadd) applies, the first sequence is better. } (((left.nodetype=muln) and (node_complexity(right)<3)) or ((right.nodetype=muln) and (node_complexity(left)<3)) or ((left.nodetype=inlinen) and (tinlinenode(left).inlinenumber=in_sqr_real) and (node_complexity(right)<3)) or ((right.nodetype=inlinen) and (tinlinenode(right).inlinenumber=in_sqr_real) and (node_complexity(left)<3)) ) then begin case tfloatdef(ld).floattype of s32real: inlinennr:=in_fma_single; s64real: inlinennr:=in_fma_double; s80real: inlinennr:=in_fma_extended; s128real: inlinennr:=in_fma_float128; else internalerror(2014042601); end; if left.nodetype=muln then begin if nodetype=subn then result:=cinlinenode.create(inlinennr,false,ccallparanode.create(cunaryminusnode.create(right), ccallparanode.create(taddnode(left).right, ccallparanode.create(taddnode(left).left,nil )))) else result:=cinlinenode.create(inlinennr,false,ccallparanode.create(right, ccallparanode.create(taddnode(left).right, ccallparanode.create(taddnode(left).left,nil )))); right:=nil; taddnode(left).right:=nil; taddnode(left).left:=nil; end else if right.nodetype=muln then begin if nodetype=subn then result:=cinlinenode.create(inlinennr,false,ccallparanode.create(left, ccallparanode.create(cunaryminusnode.create(taddnode(right).right), ccallparanode.create(taddnode(right).left,nil )))) else result:=cinlinenode.create(inlinennr,false,ccallparanode.create(left, ccallparanode.create(taddnode(right).right, ccallparanode.create(taddnode(right).left,nil )))); left:=nil; taddnode(right).right:=nil; taddnode(right).left:=nil; end else if (left.nodetype=inlinen) and (tinlinenode(left).inlinenumber=in_sqr_real) then begin if nodetype=subn then result:=cinlinenode.create(inlinennr,false,ccallparanode.create(cunaryminusnode.create(right), ccallparanode.create(tinlinenode(left).left.getcopy, ccallparanode.create(tinlinenode(left).left.getcopy,nil )))) else result:=cinlinenode.create(inlinennr,false,ccallparanode.create(right, ccallparanode.create(tinlinenode(left).left.getcopy, ccallparanode.create(tinlinenode(left).left.getcopy,nil )))); right:=nil; end { we get here only if right is a sqr node } else if (right.nodetype=inlinen) and (tinlinenode(right).inlinenumber=in_sqr_real) then begin if nodetype=subn then result:=cinlinenode.create(inlinennr,false,ccallparanode.create(left, ccallparanode.create(cunaryminusnode.create(tinlinenode(right).left.getcopy), ccallparanode.create(tinlinenode(right).left.getcopy,nil )))) else result:=cinlinenode.create(inlinennr,false,ccallparanode.create(left, ccallparanode.create(tinlinenode(right).left.getcopy, ccallparanode.create(tinlinenode(right).left.getcopy,nil )))); left:=nil; end; end; end; function taddnode.first_add64bitint: tnode; var procname: string[31]; temp: tnode; power: longint; begin result := nil; { create helper calls mul } if nodetype <> muln then exit; { make sure that if there is a constant, that it's on the right } if left.nodetype = ordconstn then begin temp := right; right := left; left := temp; end; { can we use a shift instead of a mul? } if not (cs_check_overflow in current_settings.localswitches) and (right.nodetype = ordconstn) and ispowerof2(tordconstnode(right).value,power) then begin tordconstnode(right).value := power; result := cshlshrnode.create(shln,left,right); { left and right are reused } left := nil; right := nil; { return firstpassed new node } exit; end; if try_make_mul32to64 then begin { if the code generator can handle 32 to 64-bit muls, we're done here } if not use_generic_mul32to64 then exit; { this uses the same criteria for signedness as the 32 to 64-bit mul handling in the i386 code generator } if is_signed(left.resultdef) and is_signed(right.resultdef) then procname := 'fpc_mul_longint_to_int64' else procname := 'fpc_mul_dword_to_qword'; right := ccallparanode.create(right,ccallparanode.create(left,nil)); result := ccallnode.createintern(procname,right); left := nil; right := nil; end else begin { can full 64-bit multiplication be handled inline? } if not use_generic_mul64bit then begin { generic handling replaces this node with call to fpc_mul_int64, whose result is int64 } if is_currency(resultdef) then resultdef:=s64inttype; exit; end; { when currency is used set the result of the parameters to s64bit, so they are not converted } if is_currency(resultdef) then begin left.resultdef:=s64inttype; right.resultdef:=s64inttype; end; { otherwise, create the parameters for the helper } right := ccallparanode.create( cordconstnode.create(ord(cs_check_overflow in current_settings.localswitches),pasbool8type,true), ccallparanode.create(right,ccallparanode.create(left,nil))); left := nil; { only qword needs the unsigned code, the signed code is also used for currency } if is_signed(resultdef) then procname := 'fpc_mul_int64' else procname := 'fpc_mul_qword'; result := ccallnode.createintern(procname,right); right := nil; end; end; function taddnode.first_addpointer: tnode; begin result:=nil; expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end; function taddnode.first_cmppointer: tnode; begin result:=nil; expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; end; function taddnode.first_addfloat : tnode; var procname: string[31]; { do we need to reverse the result ? } notnode : boolean; fdef : tdef; begin result := nil; notnode := false; fdef := nil; { In non-emulation mode, real opcodes are emitted for floating point values. } if not ((cs_fp_emulation in current_settings.moduleswitches) {$ifdef cpufpemu} or (current_settings.fputype=fpu_soft) {$endif cpufpemu} ) then exit; if not(target_info.system in systems_wince) then begin case tfloatdef(left.resultdef).floattype of s32real: begin fdef:=search_system_type('FLOAT32REC').typedef; procname:='float32'; end; s64real: begin fdef:=search_system_type('FLOAT64').typedef; procname:='float64'; end; {!!! not yet implemented s128real: } else internalerror(2005082601); end; case nodetype of addn: procname:=procname+'_add'; muln: procname:=procname+'_mul'; subn: procname:=procname+'_sub'; slashn: procname:=procname+'_div'; ltn: procname:=procname+'_lt'; lten: procname:=procname+'_le'; gtn: begin procname:=procname+'_lt'; swapleftright; end; gten: begin procname:=procname+'_le'; swapleftright; end; equaln: procname:=procname+'_eq'; unequaln: begin procname:=procname+'_eq'; notnode:=true; end; else CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),left.resultdef.typename,right.resultdef.typename); end; end else begin case nodetype of addn: procname:='ADD'; muln: procname:='MUL'; subn: procname:='SUB'; slashn: procname:='DIV'; ltn: procname:='LT'; lten: procname:='LE'; gtn: procname:='GT'; gten: procname:='GE'; equaln: procname:='EQ'; unequaln: procname:='NE'; else begin CGMessage3(type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types,node2opstr(nodetype),left.resultdef.typename,right.resultdef.typename); exit; end; end; case tfloatdef(left.resultdef).floattype of s32real: begin procname:=procname+'S'; if nodetype in [addn,muln,subn,slashn] then procname:=lower(procname); end; s64real: procname:=procname+'D'; {!!! not yet implemented s128real: } else internalerror(2005082602); end; end; { cast softfpu result? } if not(target_info.system in systems_wince) then begin if nodetype in [ltn,lten,gtn,gten,equaln,unequaln] then resultdef:=pasbool8type; result:=ctypeconvnode.create_internal(ccallnode.createintern(procname,ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal(right,fdef), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal(left,fdef),nil))),resultdef); end else result:=ccallnode.createintern(procname,ccallparanode.create(right, ccallparanode.create(left,nil))); left:=nil; right:=nil; { do we need to reverse the result } if notnode then result:=cnotnode.create(result); end; function taddnode.pass_1 : tnode; var {$ifdef addstringopt} hp : tnode; {$endif addstringopt} rd,ld : tdef; i,i2 : longint; lt,rt : tnodetype; {$ifdef cpuneedsmulhelper} procname : string[32]; {$endif cpuneedsmulhelper} begin result:=nil; { Can we optimize multiple string additions into a single call? This need to be done on a complete tree to detect the multiple add nodes and is therefor done before the subtrees are processed } if canbemultistringadd(self) then begin result:=genmultistringadd(self); exit; end; { first do the two subtrees } firstpass(left); firstpass(right); if codegenerror then exit; { load easier access variables } rd:=right.resultdef; ld:=left.resultdef; rt:=right.nodetype; lt:=left.nodetype; { int/int gives real/real! } if nodetype=slashn then begin {$ifdef cpufpemu} result:=first_addfloat; if assigned(result) then exit; {$endif cpufpemu} expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER; end { if both are orddefs then check sub types } else if (ld.typ=orddef) and (rd.typ=orddef) then begin { optimize multiplacation by a power of 2 } if not(cs_check_overflow in current_settings.localswitches) and (nodetype = muln) and (((left.nodetype = ordconstn) and ispowerof2(tordconstnode(left).value,i)) or ((right.nodetype = ordconstn) and ispowerof2(tordconstnode(right).value,i2))) then begin if ((left.nodetype = ordconstn) and ispowerof2(tordconstnode(left).value,i)) then begin tordconstnode(left).value := i; result := cshlshrnode.create(shln,right,left); end else begin tordconstnode(right).value := i2; result := cshlshrnode.create(shln,left,right); end; result.resultdef := resultdef; left := nil; right := nil; exit; end; { 2 booleans ? } if is_boolean(ld) and is_boolean(rd) then begin if (not(cs_full_boolean_eval in current_settings.localswitches) or (nf_short_bool in flags)) and (nodetype in [andn,orn]) then expectloc:=LOC_JUMP else begin if nodetype in [ltn,lten,gtn,gten,equaln,unequaln] then expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS else expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end; end else { Both are chars? only convert to shortstrings for addn } if is_char(ld) then begin if nodetype=addn then internalerror(200103291); expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; end {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} { is there a 64 bit type ? } else if (torddef(ld).ordtype in [s64bit,u64bit,scurrency]) then begin result := first_add64bitint; if assigned(result) then exit; if nodetype in [addn,subn,muln,andn,orn,xorn] then expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER else expectloc:=LOC_JUMP; end {$endif cpu64bitalu} { generic 32bit conversion } else begin {$ifdef cpuneedsmulhelper} if (nodetype=muln) and not(torddef(resultdef).ordtype in [u8bit,s8bit{$ifdef cpu16bitalu},u16bit,s16bit{$endif}]) then begin result := nil; case torddef(resultdef).ordtype of s16bit: procname := 'fpc_mul_integer'; u16bit: procname := 'fpc_mul_word'; s32bit: procname := 'fpc_mul_longint'; u32bit: procname := 'fpc_mul_dword'; else internalerror(2011022301); end; result := ccallnode.createintern(procname, ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create(ord(cs_check_overflow in current_settings.localswitches),pasbool8type,false), ccallparanode.create(right, ccallparanode.create(left,nil)))); left := nil; right := nil; firstpass(result); exit; end; {$endif cpuneedsmulhelper} if nodetype in [addn,subn,muln,andn,orn,xorn] then expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER else if torddef(ld).size>sizeof(aint) then expectloc:=LOC_JUMP else expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; end; end { left side a setdef, must be before string processing, else array constructor can be seen as array of char (PFV) } else if (ld.typ=setdef) then begin { small sets are handled inline by the compiler. small set doesn't have support for adding ranges } if is_smallset(ld) and not( (right.nodetype=setelementn) and assigned(tsetelementnode(right).right) ) then begin if nodetype in [ltn,lten,gtn,gten,equaln,unequaln] then expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS else expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end else begin result := first_addset; if assigned(result) then exit; expectloc:=LOC_CREFERENCE; end; end { compare pchar by addresses like BP/Delphi } else if is_pchar(ld) then begin if nodetype in [addn,subn,muln,andn,orn,xorn] then result:=first_addpointer else result:=first_cmppointer; end { is one of the operands a string } else if (ld.typ=stringdef) then begin if is_widestring(ld) then begin { this is only for add, the comparisaion is handled later } expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end else if is_unicodestring(ld) then begin { this is only for add, the comparisaion is handled later } expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end else if is_ansistring(ld) then begin { this is only for add, the comparisaion is handled later } expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end else if is_longstring(ld) then begin { this is only for add, the comparisaion is handled later } expectloc:=LOC_REFERENCE; end else begin {$ifdef addstringopt} { can create a call which isn't handled by callparatemp } if canbeaddsstringcharoptnode(self) then begin hp := genaddsstringcharoptnode(self); pass_1 := hp; exit; end else {$endif addstringopt} begin { Fix right to be shortstring } if is_char(right.resultdef) then begin inserttypeconv(right,cshortstringtype); firstpass(right); end; end; {$ifdef addstringopt} { can create a call which isn't handled by callparatemp } if canbeaddsstringcsstringoptnode(self) then begin hp := genaddsstringcsstringoptnode(self); pass_1 := hp; exit; end; {$endif addstringopt} end; { otherwise, let addstring convert everything } result := first_addstring; exit; end { is one a real float ? } else if (rd.typ=floatdef) or (ld.typ=floatdef) then begin {$ifdef cpufpemu} result:=first_addfloat; if assigned(result) then exit; {$endif cpufpemu} if nodetype in [addn,subn,muln,andn,orn,xorn] then expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER else expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; result:=try_fma(ld,rd); if assigned(result) then exit; end { pointer comperation and subtraction } else if (ld.typ=pointerdef) then begin if nodetype in [addn,subn,muln,andn,orn,xorn] then result:=first_addpointer else result:=first_cmppointer; end else if is_implicit_pointer_object_type(ld) then begin expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; end else if (ld.typ=classrefdef) then begin expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; end { support procvar=nil,procvar<>nil } else if ((ld.typ=procvardef) and (rt=niln)) or ((rd.typ=procvardef) and (lt=niln)) then begin expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; end {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX} { mmx support, this must be before the zero based array check } else if (cs_mmx in current_settings.localswitches) and is_mmx_able_array(ld) and is_mmx_able_array(rd) then begin expectloc:=LOC_MMXREGISTER; end {$endif SUPPORT_MMX} else if (rd.typ=pointerdef) or (ld.typ=pointerdef) then begin result:=first_addpointer; end else if (rd.typ=procvardef) and (ld.typ=procvardef) and equal_defs(rd,ld) then begin expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; end else if (ld.typ=enumdef) then begin expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; end {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX} else if (cs_mmx in current_settings.localswitches) and is_mmx_able_array(ld) and is_mmx_able_array(rd) then begin expectloc:=LOC_MMXREGISTER; end {$endif SUPPORT_MMX} { the general solution is to convert to 32 bit int } else begin expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end; end; {$ifdef state_tracking} function Taddnode.track_state_pass(exec_known:boolean):boolean; var factval:Tnode; begin track_state_pass:=false; if left.track_state_pass(exec_known) then begin track_state_pass:=true; left.resultdef:=nil; do_typecheckpass(left); end; factval:=aktstate.find_fact(left); if factval<>nil then begin track_state_pass:=true; left.destroy; left:=factval.getcopy; end; if right.track_state_pass(exec_known) then begin track_state_pass:=true; right.resultdef:=nil; do_typecheckpass(right); end; factval:=aktstate.find_fact(right); if factval<>nil then begin track_state_pass:=true; right.destroy; right:=factval.getcopy; end; end; {$endif} end.