{ Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Type checking and register allocation for load/assignment nodes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit nld; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses node, {$ifdef state_tracking} nstate, {$endif} symconst,symbase,symtype,symsym,symdef; type Trttidatatype = (rdt_normal,rdt_ord2str,rdt_str2ord); tloadnodeflags = ( loadnf_is_self, loadnf_load_self_pointer, loadnf_inherited, { the loadnode is generated internally and a varspez=vs_const should be ignore, this requires that the parameter is actually passed by value Be really carefull when using this flag! } loadnf_isinternal_ignoreconst, loadnf_only_uninitialized_hint ); tloadnode = class(tunarynode) protected fprocdef : tprocdef; fprocdefderef : tderef; function handle_threadvar_access: tnode; virtual; public loadnodeflags : set of tloadnodeflags; symtableentry : tsym; symtableentryderef : tderef; symtable : TSymtable; constructor create(v : tsym;st : TSymtable);virtual; constructor create_procvar(v : tsym;d:tprocdef;st : TSymtable);virtual; constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure buildderefimpl;override; procedure derefimpl;override; procedure set_mp(p:tnode); function is_addr_param_load:boolean;virtual; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; procedure mark_write;override; function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override; procedure printnodedata(var t:text);override; procedure setprocdef(p : tprocdef); property procdef: tprocdef read fprocdef write setprocdef; end; tloadnodeclass = class of tloadnode; { different assignment types } tassigntype = (at_normal,at_plus,at_minus,at_star,at_slash); tassignmentnode = class(tbinarynode) protected function direct_shortstring_assignment: boolean; virtual; public assigntype : tassigntype; constructor create(l,r : tnode);virtual; { no checks for validity of assignment } constructor create_internal(l,r : tnode);virtual; constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function simplify(forinline : boolean) : tnode;override; {$ifdef state_tracking} function track_state_pass(exec_known:boolean):boolean;override; {$endif state_tracking} function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override; end; tassignmentnodeclass = class of tassignmentnode; tarrayconstructorrangenode = class(tbinarynode) constructor create(l,r : tnode);virtual; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; end; tarrayconstructorrangenodeclass = class of tarrayconstructorrangenode; tarrayconstructornode = class(tbinarynode) protected procedure wrapmanagedvarrec(var n: tnode);virtual;abstract; public constructor create(l,r : tnode);virtual; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override; procedure force_type(def:tdef); procedure insert_typeconvs; end; tarrayconstructornodeclass = class of tarrayconstructornode; ttypenode = class(tnode) allowed : boolean; helperallowed : boolean; typedef : tdef; typedefderef : tderef; typesym : tsym; typesymderef : tderef; constructor create(def:tdef);virtual; constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure buildderefimpl;override; procedure derefimpl;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override; end; ttypenodeclass = class of ttypenode; trttinode = class(tnode) l1,l2 : longint; rttitype : trttitype; rttidef : tstoreddef; rttidefderef : tderef; rttidatatype : Trttidatatype; constructor create(def:tstoreddef;rt:trttitype;dt:Trttidatatype);virtual; constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure buildderefimpl;override; procedure derefimpl;override; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override; end; trttinodeclass = class of trttinode; var cloadnode : tloadnodeclass = tloadnode; cassignmentnode : tassignmentnodeclass = tassignmentnode; carrayconstructorrangenode : tarrayconstructorrangenodeclass = tarrayconstructorrangenode; carrayconstructornode : tarrayconstructornodeclass = tarrayconstructornode; ctypenode : ttypenodeclass = ttypenode; crttinode : trttinodeclass = trttinode; { Current assignment node } aktassignmentnode : tassignmentnode; implementation uses verbose,globtype,globals,systems,constexp, symnot,symtable, defutil,defcmp, htypechk,pass_1,procinfo,paramgr, cpuinfo, ncon,ninl,ncnv,nmem,ncal,nutils, cgbase ; {***************************************************************************** TLOADNODE *****************************************************************************} function tloadnode.handle_threadvar_access: tnode; begin { nothing special by default } result:=nil; end; constructor tloadnode.create(v : tsym;st : TSymtable); begin inherited create(loadn,nil); if not assigned(v) then internalerror(200108121); symtableentry:=v; symtable:=st; fprocdef:=nil; end; constructor tloadnode.create_procvar(v : tsym;d:tprocdef;st : TSymtable); begin inherited create(loadn,nil); if not assigned(v) then internalerror(200108122); symtableentry:=v; symtable:=st; fprocdef:=d; end; constructor tloadnode.ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuload(t,ppufile); ppufile.getderef(symtableentryderef); symtable:=nil; ppufile.getderef(fprocdefderef); ppufile.getsmallset(loadnodeflags); end; procedure tloadnode.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuwrite(ppufile); ppufile.putderef(symtableentryderef); ppufile.putderef(fprocdefderef); ppufile.putsmallset(loadnodeflags); end; procedure tloadnode.buildderefimpl; begin inherited buildderefimpl; symtableentryderef.build(symtableentry); fprocdefderef.build(fprocdef); end; procedure tloadnode.derefimpl; begin inherited derefimpl; symtableentry:=tsym(symtableentryderef.resolve); symtable:=symtableentry.owner; fprocdef:=tprocdef(fprocdefderef.resolve); end; procedure tloadnode.set_mp(p:tnode); begin { typen nodes should not be set } if p.nodetype=typen then internalerror(200301042); left:=p; end; function tloadnode.dogetcopy : tnode; var n : tloadnode; begin n:=tloadnode(inherited dogetcopy); n.symtable:=symtable; n.symtableentry:=symtableentry; n.fprocdef:=fprocdef; result:=n; end; function tloadnode.is_addr_param_load:boolean; begin result:=(symtable.symtabletype=parasymtable) and (symtableentry.typ=paravarsym) and not(vo_has_local_copy in tparavarsym(symtableentry).varoptions) and not(loadnf_load_self_pointer in loadnodeflags) and paramanager.push_addr_param(tparavarsym(symtableentry).varspez,tparavarsym(symtableentry).vardef,tprocdef(symtable.defowner).proccalloption); end; function tloadnode.pass_typecheck:tnode; begin result:=nil; case symtableentry.typ of absolutevarsym : resultdef:=tabsolutevarsym(symtableentry).vardef; constsym: begin if tconstsym(symtableentry).consttyp=constresourcestring then resultdef:=getansistringdef else internalerror(22799); end; staticvarsym : begin tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).IncRefCountBy(1); { static variables referenced in procedures or from finalization, variable needs to be in memory. It is too hard and the benefit is too small to detect whether a variable is only used in the finalization to add support for it (PFV) } if assigned(current_procinfo) and (symtable.symtabletype=staticsymtable) and ( (symtable.symtablelevel<>current_procinfo.procdef.localst.symtablelevel) or (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_unitfinalize) ) then make_not_regable(self,[ra_addr_taken]); resultdef:=tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).vardef; if vo_is_thread_var in tstaticvarsym(symtableentry).varoptions then result:=handle_threadvar_access; end; paravarsym, localvarsym : begin tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).IncRefCountBy(1); { Nested variable? The we need to load the framepointer of the parent procedure } if assigned(current_procinfo) and (symtable.symtabletype in [localsymtable,parasymtable]) and (symtable.symtablelevel<>current_procinfo.procdef.parast.symtablelevel) then begin if assigned(left) then internalerror(200309289); left:=cloadparentfpnode.create(tprocdef(symtable.defowner)); { we can't inline the referenced parent procedure } exclude(tprocdef(symtable.defowner).procoptions,po_inline); { reference in nested procedures, variable needs to be in memory } { and behaves as if its address escapes its parent block } make_not_regable(self,[ra_addr_taken]); end; { fix self type which is declared as voidpointer in the definition } if vo_is_self in tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).varoptions then begin resultdef:=tprocdef(symtableentry.owner.defowner).struct; if is_objectpascal_helper(resultdef) then resultdef:=tobjectdef(resultdef).extendeddef; if (po_classmethod in tprocdef(symtableentry.owner.defowner).procoptions) or (po_staticmethod in tprocdef(symtableentry.owner.defowner).procoptions) then resultdef:=tclassrefdef.create(resultdef) else if (is_object(resultdef) or is_record(resultdef)) and (loadnf_load_self_pointer in loadnodeflags) then resultdef:=getpointerdef(resultdef); end else if vo_is_vmt in tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).varoptions then begin resultdef:=tprocdef(symtableentry.owner.defowner).struct; resultdef:=tclassrefdef.create(resultdef); end else resultdef:=tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).vardef; end; procsym : begin { Return the first procdef. In case of overloaded procdefs the matching procdef will be choosen when the expected procvardef is known, see get_information in htypechk.pas (PFV) } if not assigned(fprocdef) then fprocdef:=tprocdef(tprocsym(symtableentry).ProcdefList[0]) else if po_kylixlocal in fprocdef.procoptions then CGMessage(type_e_cant_take_address_of_local_subroutine); { the result is a fprocdef, addrn and proc_to_procvar typeconvn need this as resultdef so they know that the address needs to be returned } resultdef:=fprocdef; { process methodpointer/framepointer } if assigned(left) then typecheckpass(left); end; labelsym: begin tlabelsym(symtableentry).used:=true; resultdef:=voidtype; end; else internalerror(200104141); end; end; procedure Tloadnode.mark_write; begin include(flags,nf_write); end; function tloadnode.pass_1 : tnode; begin result:=nil; expectloc:=LOC_REFERENCE; if (cs_create_pic in current_settings.moduleswitches) and not(symtableentry.typ in [paravarsym,localvarsym]) then include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_needs_got); case symtableentry.typ of absolutevarsym : ; constsym: begin if tconstsym(symtableentry).consttyp=constresourcestring then expectloc:=LOC_CREFERENCE; end; staticvarsym, localvarsym, paravarsym : begin if assigned(left) then firstpass(left); if not is_addr_param_load and tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).is_regvar(is_addr_param_load) then expectloc:=tvarregable2tcgloc[tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).varregable] else if (tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).varspez=vs_const) then expectloc:=LOC_CREFERENCE; if (target_info.system=system_powerpc_darwin) and ([vo_is_dll_var,vo_is_external] * tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).varoptions <> []) then include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_needs_got); { call to get address of threadvar } if (vo_is_thread_var in tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).varoptions) then include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_do_call); if nf_write in flags then Tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).trigger_notifications(vn_onwrite) else Tabstractvarsym(symtableentry).trigger_notifications(vn_onread); end; procsym : begin { initialise left for nested procs if necessary } if (m_nested_procvars in current_settings.modeswitches) then setprocdef(fprocdef); { method pointer or nested proc ? } if assigned(left) then begin expectloc:=LOC_CREGISTER; firstpass(left); end; end; labelsym : begin if not assigned(tlabelsym(symtableentry).asmblocklabel) and not assigned(tlabelsym(symtableentry).code) then Message(parser_e_label_outside_proc); end else internalerror(200104143); end; end; function tloadnode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean; begin docompare := inherited docompare(p) and (symtableentry = tloadnode(p).symtableentry) and (fprocdef = tloadnode(p).fprocdef) and (symtable = tloadnode(p).symtable); end; procedure tloadnode.printnodedata(var t:text); begin inherited printnodedata(t); write(t,printnodeindention,'symbol = ',symtableentry.name); if symtableentry.typ=procsym then write(t,printnodeindention,'procdef = ',fprocdef.mangledname); writeln(t,''); end; procedure tloadnode.setprocdef(p : tprocdef); begin fprocdef:=p; resultdef:=p; { nested procedure? } if assigned(p) and is_nested_pd(p) then begin if not(m_nested_procvars in current_settings.modeswitches) then CGMessage(type_e_cant_take_address_of_local_subroutine) else begin { parent frame pointer pointer as "self" } left.free; left:=cloadparentfpnode.create(tprocdef(p.owner.defowner)); end; end { we should never go from nested to non-nested } else if assigned(left) and (left.nodetype=loadparentfpn) then internalerror(2010072201); end; {***************************************************************************** TASSIGNMENTNODE *****************************************************************************} function tassignmentnode.direct_shortstring_assignment: boolean; begin result:= is_char(right.resultdef) or (right.resultdef.typ=stringdef); end; constructor tassignmentnode.create(l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(assignn,l,r); l.mark_write; assigntype:=at_normal; if r.nodetype = typeconvn then ttypeconvnode(r).warn_pointer_to_signed:=false; end; constructor tassignmentnode.create_internal(l, r: tnode); begin create(l,r); include(flags,nf_internal); end; constructor tassignmentnode.ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuload(t,ppufile); assigntype:=tassigntype(ppufile.getbyte); end; procedure tassignmentnode.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuwrite(ppufile); ppufile.putbyte(byte(assigntype)); end; function tassignmentnode.dogetcopy : tnode; var n : tassignmentnode; begin n:=tassignmentnode(inherited dogetcopy); n.assigntype:=assigntype; result:=n; end; function tassignmentnode.simplify(forinline : boolean) : tnode; begin result:=nil; { assignment nodes can perform several floating point } { type conversions directly, so no typeconversions } { are inserted in those cases. When inlining, a } { variable may be replaced by a constant which can be } { converted at compile time, so check for this case } if is_real(left.resultdef) and is_real(right.resultdef) and is_constrealnode(right) and not equal_defs(right.resultdef,left.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef); end; function tassignmentnode.pass_typecheck:tnode; var hp : tnode; useshelper : boolean; oldassignmentnode : tassignmentnode; begin result:=nil; resultdef:=voidtype; { must be made unique } set_unique(left); typecheckpass(left); { PI. This is needed to return correct resultdef of add nodes for ansistrings rawbytestring return needs to be replaced by left.resultdef } oldassignmentnode:=aktassignmentnode; aktassignmentnode:=self; typecheckpass(right); aktassignmentnode:=oldassignmentnode; set_varstate(right,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); set_varstate(left,vs_written,[]); if codegenerror then exit; { tp procvar support, when we don't expect a procvar then we need to call the procvar } if (left.resultdef.typ<>procvardef) then maybe_call_procvar(right,true); { assignments to formaldefs and open arrays aren't allowed } if is_open_array(left.resultdef) then CGMessage(type_e_assignment_not_allowed) else if (left.resultdef.typ=formaldef) then if not(target_info.system in systems_managed_vm) then CGMessage(type_e_assignment_not_allowed) else begin { on managed platforms, assigning to formaldefs is allowed (but typecasting them on the left hand side isn't), but primitive values need to be boxed first } if (right.resultdef.typ in [orddef,floatdef]) then begin right:=cinlinenode.create(in_box_x,false,ccallparanode.create(right,nil)); typecheckpass(right); end; end; { test if node can be assigned, properties are allowed } if not(nf_internal in flags) then if not valid_for_assignment(left,true) then { errors can in situations that cause the compiler to run out of memory, such as assigning to an implicit pointer-to-array converted node (that array is 2^31 or 2^63 bytes large) } exit; { assigning nil to a dynamic array clears the array } if is_dynamic_array(left.resultdef) and (right.nodetype=niln) then begin { remove property flag to avoid errors, see comments for } { tf_winlikewidestring assignments below } exclude(left.flags,nf_isproperty); { generate a setlength node so it can be intercepted by target-specific code } result:=cinlinenode.create(in_setlength_x,false, ccallparanode.create(genintconstnode(0), ccallparanode.create(left,nil))); left:=nil; exit; end; { shortstring helpers can do the conversion directly, so treat them separatly } if (is_shortstring(left.resultdef)) then begin { insert typeconv, except for chars that are handled in secondpass and except for ansi/wide string that can be converted immediatly } if not direct_shortstring_assignment then inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef); if right.resultdef.typ=stringdef then begin useshelper:=true; { convert constant strings to shortstrings. But skip empty constant strings, that will be handled in secondpass } if (right.nodetype=stringconstn) then begin { verify if range fits within shortstring } { just emit a warning, delphi gives an } { error, only if the type definition of } { of the string is less < 255 characters } if not is_open_string(left.resultdef) and (tstringconstnode(right).len > tstringdef(left.resultdef).len) then cgmessage(type_w_string_too_long); inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef); if (right.nodetype=stringconstn) and (tstringconstnode(right).len=0) then useshelper:=false; end else if (tstringdef(right.resultdef).stringtype in [st_unicodestring,st_widestring]) then Message2(type_w_implicit_string_cast_loss,right.resultdef.typename,left.resultdef.typename); { rest is done in pass 1 (JM) } if useshelper then exit; end end { floating point assignments can also perform the conversion directly } else if is_real(left.resultdef) and is_real(right.resultdef) and not is_constrealnode(right) {$ifdef cpufpemu} { the emulator can't do this obviously } and not(current_settings.fputype in [fpu_libgcc,fpu_soft]) {$endif cpufpemu} {$ifdef x86} { the assignment node code can't convert a double in an } { sse register to an extended value in memory more } { efficiently than a type conversion node, so don't } { bother implementing support for that } and (use_vectorfpu(left.resultdef) or not(use_vectorfpu(right.resultdef))) {$endif} {$ifdef arm} { the assignment node code can't convert a single in an interger register to a double in an mmregister or vice versa } and (use_vectorfpu(left.resultdef) and use_vectorfpu(right.resultdef) and (tfloatdef(left.resultdef).floattype=tfloatdef(right.resultdef).floattype)) {$endif} then begin check_ranges(fileinfo,right,left.resultdef); end else begin { check if the assignment may cause a range check error } check_ranges(fileinfo,right,left.resultdef); { beginners might be confused about an error message like Incompatible types: got "untyped" expected "LongInt" when trying to assign the result of a procedure, so give a better error message, see also #19122 } if (left.resultdef.typ<>procvardef) and (right.nodetype=calln) and is_void(right.resultdef) then CGMessage(type_e_procedures_return_no_value) else inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef); end; { call helpers for interface } if is_interfacecom_or_dispinterface(left.resultdef) then begin { Normal interface assignments are handled by the generic refcount incr/decr } if not right.resultdef.is_related(left.resultdef) then begin { remove property flag to avoid errors, see comments for } { tf_winlikewidestring assignments below } exclude(left.flags,nf_isproperty); hp:= ccallparanode.create( cguidconstnode.create(tobjectdef(left.resultdef).iidguid^), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal(right,voidpointertype), ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal(left,voidpointertype), nil))); result:=ccallnode.createintern('fpc_intf_assign_by_iid',hp); left:=nil; right:=nil; exit; end; end; { check if local proc/func is assigned to procvar } if right.resultdef.typ=procvardef then test_local_to_procvar(tprocvardef(right.resultdef),left.resultdef); end; function tassignmentnode.pass_1 : tnode; var hp: tnode; oldassignmentnode : tassignmentnode; hdef: tdef; hs: string; needrtti: boolean; begin result:=nil; expectloc:=LOC_VOID; firstpass(left); { Optimize the reuse of the destination of the assingment in left. Allow the use of the left inside the tree generated on the right. This is especially useful for string routines where the destination is pushed as a parameter. Using the final destination of left directly save a temp allocation and copy of data (PFV) } oldassignmentnode:=aktassignmentnode; aktassignmentnode:=self; firstpass(right); aktassignmentnode:=oldassignmentnode; if nf_assign_done_in_right in flags then begin result:=right; right:=nil; exit; end; if codegenerror then exit; { assignment to refcounted variable -> inc/decref } if is_managed_type(left.resultdef) then include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_do_call); needrtti:=false; if (is_shortstring(left.resultdef)) then begin if right.resultdef.typ=stringdef then begin if (right.nodetype<>stringconstn) or (tstringconstnode(right).len<>0) then begin { remove property flag to avoid errors, see comments for } { tf_winlikewidestring assignments below } exclude(left.flags, nf_isproperty); hp:=ccallparanode.create (right, ccallparanode.create(left,nil)); result:=ccallnode.createintern('fpc_'+tstringdef(right.resultdef).stringtypname+'_to_shortstr',hp); firstpass(result); left:=nil; right:=nil; end; end; exit; end { call helpers for composite types containing automated types } else if is_managed_type(left.resultdef) and (left.resultdef.typ in [arraydef,objectdef,recorddef]) and not is_interfacecom_or_dispinterface(left.resultdef) and not is_dynamic_array(left.resultdef) and not(target_info.system in systems_garbage_collected_managed_types) then begin hp:=ccallparanode.create(caddrnode.create_internal( crttinode.create(tstoreddef(left.resultdef),initrtti,rdt_normal)), ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal( caddrnode.create_internal(left),voidpointertype), ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal( caddrnode.create_internal(right),voidpointertype), nil))); result:=ccallnode.createintern('fpc_copy_proc',hp); firstpass(result); left:=nil; right:=nil; exit; end { call helpers for variant, they can contain non ref. counted types like vararrays which must be really copied } else if (left.resultdef.typ=variantdef) and not(target_info.system in systems_garbage_collected_managed_types) then begin { remove property flag to avoid errors, see comments for } { tf_winlikewidestring assignments below } exclude(left.flags,nf_isproperty); hdef:=search_system_type('TVARDATA').typedef; hp:=ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal( right,hdef), ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal( left,hdef), nil)); result:=ccallnode.createintern('fpc_variant_copy',hp); firstpass(result); left:=nil; right:=nil; exit; end else if not(target_info.system in systems_garbage_collected_managed_types) then begin { call helpers for pointer-sized managed types } if is_widestring(left.resultdef) then hs:='fpc_widestr_assign' else if is_ansistring(left.resultdef) then hs:='fpc_ansistr_assign' else if is_unicodestring(left.resultdef) then hs:='fpc_unicodestr_assign' else if is_interfacecom_or_dispinterface(left.resultdef) then hs:='fpc_intf_assign' else if is_dynamic_array(left.resultdef) then begin hs:='fpc_dynarray_assign'; needrtti:=true; end else exit; end else exit; { The first argument of these procedures is a var parameter. Properties cannot } { be passed to var or out parameters, because in that case setters/getters are not } { used. Further, if we would allow it in case there are no getters or setters, you } { would need source changes in case these are introduced later on, thus defeating } { part of the transparency advantages of properties. In this particular case, } { however: } { a) if there is a setter, this code will not be used since then the assignment } { will be converted to a procedure call } { b) the getter is irrelevant, because fpc_widestr_assign must always decrease } { the refcount of the field to which we are writing } { c) source code changes are not required if a setter is added/removed, because } { this transformation is handled at compile time } { -> we can remove the nf_isproperty flag (if any) from left, so that in case it } { is a property which refers to a field without a setter call, we will not get } { an error about trying to pass a property as a var parameter } exclude(left.flags,nf_isproperty); hp:=ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal(right,voidpointertype), ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal(left,voidpointertype), nil)); if needrtti then hp:=ccallparanode.create( caddrnode.create_internal( crttinode.create(tstoreddef(left.resultdef),initrtti,rdt_normal)), hp); result:=ccallnode.createintern(hs,hp); firstpass(result); left:=nil; right:=nil; end; function tassignmentnode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean; begin docompare := inherited docompare(p) and (assigntype = tassignmentnode(p).assigntype); end; {$ifdef state_tracking} function Tassignmentnode.track_state_pass(exec_known:boolean):boolean; var se:Tstate_entry; begin track_state_pass:=false; if exec_known then begin track_state_pass:=right.track_state_pass(exec_known); {Force a new resultdef pass.} right.resultdef:=nil; do_typecheckpass(right); typecheckpass(right); aktstate.store_fact(left.getcopy,right.getcopy); end else aktstate.delete_fact(left); end; {$endif} {***************************************************************************** TARRAYCONSTRUCTORRANGENODE *****************************************************************************} constructor tarrayconstructorrangenode.create(l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(arrayconstructorrangen,l,r); end; function tarrayconstructorrangenode.pass_typecheck:tnode; begin result:=nil; typecheckpass(left); typecheckpass(right); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); set_varstate(right,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; resultdef:=left.resultdef; end; function tarrayconstructorrangenode.pass_1 : tnode; begin result:=nil; CGMessage(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; {**************************************************************************** TARRAYCONSTRUCTORNODE *****************************************************************************} constructor tarrayconstructornode.create(l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(arrayconstructorn,l,r); end; function tarrayconstructornode.dogetcopy : tnode; var n : tarrayconstructornode; begin n:=tarrayconstructornode(inherited dogetcopy); result:=n; end; function tarrayconstructornode.pass_typecheck:tnode; var hdef : tdef; hp : tarrayconstructornode; len : longint; varia : boolean; eq : tequaltype; hnodetype : tnodetype; begin result:=nil; { are we allowing array constructor? Then convert it to a set. Do this only if we didn't convert the arrayconstructor yet. This is needed for the cases where the resultdef is forced for a second run } if not(allow_array_constructor) then begin hp:=tarrayconstructornode(getcopy); arrayconstructor_to_set(tnode(hp)); result:=hp; exit; end; { only pass left tree, right tree contains next construct if any } hdef:=nil; hnodetype:=errorn; len:=0; varia:=false; if assigned(left) then begin hp:=self; while assigned(hp) do begin typecheckpass(hp.left); set_varstate(hp.left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if (hdef=nil) then begin hdef:=hp.left.resultdef; hnodetype:=hp.left.nodetype; end else begin { If we got a niln we don't know the type yet and need to take the type of the next array element. This is to handle things like [nil,tclass,tclass], see also tw8371 (PFV) } if hnodetype=niln then begin eq:=compare_defs(hp.left.resultdef,hdef,hnodetype); if eq>te_incompatible then begin hdef:=hp.left.resultdef; hnodetype:=hp.left.nodetype; end; end else eq:=compare_defs(hdef,hp.left.resultdef,hp.left.nodetype); if (not varia) and (eqnil then begin {This check is pessimistic; a call will happen depending on the location in which the elements will be found in pass 2.} if not do_variant then include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_do_call); firstpass(hp.left); if do_managed_variant then wrapmanagedvarrec(hp.left); end; hp:=tarrayconstructornode(hp.right); end; end; { set the elementdef to the correct type in case of a managed variant array } if do_managed_variant then tarraydef(resultdef).elementdef:=search_system_type('TVARREC').typedef; expectloc:=LOC_CREFERENCE; end; function tarrayconstructornode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean; begin docompare:=inherited docompare(p); end; {***************************************************************************** TTYPENODE *****************************************************************************} constructor ttypenode.create(def:tdef); begin inherited create(typen); typedef:=def; typesym:=def.typesym; allowed:=false; helperallowed:=false; end; constructor ttypenode.ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuload(t,ppufile); ppufile.getderef(typedefderef); ppufile.getderef(typesymderef); allowed:=boolean(ppufile.getbyte); helperallowed:=boolean(ppufile.getbyte); end; procedure ttypenode.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuwrite(ppufile); ppufile.putderef(typedefderef); ppufile.putderef(typesymderef); ppufile.putbyte(byte(allowed)); ppufile.putbyte(byte(helperallowed)); end; procedure ttypenode.buildderefimpl; begin inherited buildderefimpl; typedefderef.build(typedef); typesymderef.build(typesym); end; procedure ttypenode.derefimpl; begin inherited derefimpl; typedef:=tdef(typedefderef.resolve); typesym:=tsym(typesymderef.resolve); end; function ttypenode.pass_typecheck:tnode; begin result:=nil; resultdef:=typedef; { check if it's valid } if typedef.typ = errordef then CGMessage(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; function ttypenode.pass_1 : tnode; begin result:=nil; expectloc:=LOC_VOID; { a typenode can't generate code, so we give here an error. Else it'll be an abstract error in pass_generate_code. Only when the allowed flag is set we don't generate an error } if not allowed then CGMessage(parser_e_no_type_not_allowed_here); if not helperallowed and is_objectpascal_helper(typedef) then CGMessage(parser_e_no_category_as_types); end; function ttypenode.dogetcopy : tnode; var n : ttypenode; begin n:=ttypenode(inherited dogetcopy); n.allowed:=allowed; n.typedef:=typedef; n.helperallowed:=helperallowed; result:=n; end; function ttypenode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean; begin docompare := inherited docompare(p) and (typedef=ttypenode(p).typedef) and (allowed=ttypenode(p).allowed) and (helperallowed=ttypenode(p).helperallowed); end; {***************************************************************************** TRTTINODE *****************************************************************************} constructor trttinode.create(def:tstoreddef;rt:trttitype;dt:Trttidatatype); begin inherited create(rttin); rttidef:=def; rttitype:=rt; rttidatatype:=dt; end; constructor trttinode.ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuload(t,ppufile); ppufile.getderef(rttidefderef); rttitype:=trttitype(ppufile.getbyte); rttidatatype:=trttidatatype(ppufile.getbyte); end; procedure trttinode.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuwrite(ppufile); ppufile.putderef(rttidefderef); ppufile.putbyte(byte(rttitype)); ppufile.putbyte(byte(rttidatatype)); end; procedure trttinode.buildderefimpl; begin inherited buildderefimpl; rttidefderef.build(rttidef); end; procedure trttinode.derefimpl; begin inherited derefimpl; rttidef:=tstoreddef(rttidefderef.resolve); end; function trttinode.dogetcopy : tnode; var n : trttinode; begin n:=trttinode(inherited dogetcopy); n.rttidef:=rttidef; n.rttitype:=rttitype; n.rttidatatype:=rttidatatype; result:=n; end; function trttinode.pass_typecheck:tnode; begin { rtti information will be returned as a void pointer } result:=nil; resultdef:=voidpointertype; end; function trttinode.pass_1 : tnode; begin result:=nil; expectloc:=LOC_CREFERENCE; end; function trttinode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean; begin docompare := inherited docompare(p) and (rttidef = trttinode(p).rttidef) and (rttitype = trttinode(p).rttitype) and (rttidatatype = trttinode(p).rttidatatype); end; end.