{ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 by Florian Klaempfl Type checking and register allocation for math nodes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit nmat; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses node; type tmoddivnode = class(tbinopnode) function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function simplify(forinline : boolean) : tnode;override; protected { override the following if you want to implement } { parts explicitely in the code generator (JM) } function use_moddiv64bitint_helper: boolean; virtual; function first_moddiv64bitint: tnode; virtual; function firstoptimize: tnode; virtual; function first_moddivint: tnode; virtual; end; tmoddivnodeclass = class of tmoddivnode; tshlshrnode = class(tbinopnode) function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function simplify(forinline : boolean) : tnode;override; {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} { override the following if you want to implement } { parts explicitely in the code generator (CEC) Should return nil, if everything will be handled in the code generator } function first_shlshr64bitint: tnode; virtual; {$endif not cpu64bitalu} end; tshlshrnodeclass = class of tshlshrnode; tunaryminusnode = class(tunarynode) constructor create(expr : tnode);virtual; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function simplify(forinline : boolean) : tnode;override; end; tunaryminusnodeclass = class of tunaryminusnode; tunaryplusnode = class(tunarynode) constructor create(expr : tnode);virtual; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; end; tunaryplusnodeclass = class of tunaryplusnode; tnotnode = class(tunarynode) constructor create(expr : tnode);virtual; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function simplify(forinline : boolean) : tnode;override; {$ifdef state_tracking} function track_state_pass(exec_known:boolean):boolean;override; {$endif} end; tnotnodeclass = class of tnotnode; var cmoddivnode : tmoddivnodeclass = tmoddivnode; cshlshrnode : tshlshrnodeclass = tshlshrnode; cunaryminusnode : tunaryminusnodeclass = tunaryminusnode; cunaryplusnode : tunaryplusnodeclass = tunaryplusnode; cnotnode : tnotnodeclass = tnotnode; implementation uses systems, verbose,globals,cutils, globtype,constexp, symconst,symtype,symdef,symtable, defutil, htypechk,pass_1, cgbase, ncon,ncnv,ncal,nadd,nld,nbas,nflw,ninl, nutils; {**************************************************************************** TMODDIVNODE ****************************************************************************} function tmoddivnode.simplify(forinline : boolean):tnode; var rv,lv : tconstexprint; begin result:=nil; if is_constintnode(right) then begin rv:=tordconstnode(right).value; if rv = 1 then begin case nodetype of modn: result := cordconstnode.create(0,left.resultdef,true); divn: result := left.getcopy; end; exit; end; if rv = 0 then begin Message(parser_e_division_by_zero); { recover } tordconstnode(right).value := 1; end; if (nf_isomod in flags) and (rv<=0) then begin Message(cg_e_mod_only_defined_for_pos_quotient); { recover } tordconstnode(right).value := 1; end; end; if is_constintnode(right) and is_constintnode(left) then begin rv:=tordconstnode(right).value; lv:=tordconstnode(left).value; case nodetype of modn: if nf_isomod in flags then begin if lv>=0 then result:=create_simplified_ord_const(lv mod rv,resultdef,forinline) else if ((-lv) mod rv)=0 then result:=create_simplified_ord_const((-lv) mod rv,resultdef,forinline) else result:=create_simplified_ord_const(rv-((-lv) mod rv),resultdef,forinline); end else result:=create_simplified_ord_const(lv mod rv,resultdef,forinline); divn: result:=create_simplified_ord_const(lv div rv,resultdef,forinline); end; end; end; function tmoddivnode.use_moddiv64bitint_helper: boolean; begin { not with an ifdef around the call to this routine, because e.g. the Java VM has a signed 64 bit division opcode, but not an unsigned one } {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} result:=false; {$else cpu64bitalu} result:= (left.resultdef.typ=orddef) and (right.resultdef.typ=orddef) and (is_64bitint(left.resultdef) or is_64bitint(right.resultdef)); {$endif cpu64bitaly} end; function tmoddivnode.pass_typecheck:tnode; var else_block, hp,t : tnode; rd,ld : torddef; else_statements, statements : tstatementnode; result_data : ttempcreatenode; begin result:=nil; typecheckpass(left); typecheckpass(right); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); set_varstate(right,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; { tp procvar support } maybe_call_procvar(left,true); maybe_call_procvar(right,true); { allow operator overloading } t:=self; if isbinaryoverloaded(t) then begin result:=t; exit; end; { we need 2 orddefs always } if (left.resultdef.typ<>orddef) then inserttypeconv(left,sinttype); if (right.resultdef.typ<>orddef) then inserttypeconv(right,sinttype); if codegenerror then exit; { Try only now to simply constant as otherwise you might create tconstnode with return type that are not compatible with tconst node as in bug report 21566 PM } result:=simplify(false); if assigned(result) then exit; rd:=torddef(right.resultdef); ld:=torddef(left.resultdef); { if one operand is a cardinal and the other is a positive constant, convert the } { constant to a cardinal as well so we don't have to do a 64bit division (JM) } { Do the same for qwords and positive constants as well, otherwise things like } { "qword mod 10" are evaluated with int64 as result, which is wrong if the } { "qword" was > high(int64) (JM) } { Additionally, do the same for cardinal/qwords and other positive types, but } { always in a way that a smaller type is converted to a bigger type } { (webtbs/tw8870) } if (rd.ordtype in [u32bit,u64bit]) and ((is_constintnode(left) and (tordconstnode(left).value >= 0)) or (not is_signed(ld) and (rd.size >= ld.size))) then begin inserttypeconv(left,right.resultdef); ld:=torddef(left.resultdef); end; if (ld.ordtype in [u32bit,u64bit]) and ((is_constintnode(right) and (tordconstnode(right).value >= 0)) or (not is_signed(rd) and (ld.size >= rd.size))) then begin inserttypeconv(right,left.resultdef); rd:=torddef(right.resultdef); end; { when there is one currency value, everything is done using currency } if (ld.ordtype=scurrency) or (rd.ordtype=scurrency) then begin if (ld.ordtype<>scurrency) then inserttypeconv(left,s64currencytype); if (rd.ordtype<>scurrency) then inserttypeconv(right,s64currencytype); resultdef:=left.resultdef; end else {$ifndef cpu64bitaddr} { when there is one 64bit value, everything is done in 64bit } if (is_64bitint(left.resultdef) or is_64bitint(right.resultdef)) then begin if is_signed(rd) or is_signed(ld) then begin if (ld.ordtype<>s64bit) then inserttypeconv(left,s64inttype); if (rd.ordtype<>s64bit) then inserttypeconv(right,s64inttype); end else begin if (ld.ordtype<>u64bit) then inserttypeconv(left,u64inttype); if (rd.ordtype<>u64bit) then inserttypeconv(right,u64inttype); end; resultdef:=left.resultdef; end else { when mixing cardinals and signed numbers, convert everythign to 64bit (JM) } if ((rd.ordtype = u32bit) and is_signed(ld)) or ((ld.ordtype = u32bit) and is_signed(rd)) then begin CGMessage(type_h_mixed_signed_unsigned); if (ld.ordtype<>s64bit) then inserttypeconv(left,s64inttype); if (rd.ordtype<>s64bit) then inserttypeconv(right,s64inttype); resultdef:=left.resultdef; end else {$endif not cpu64bitaddr} begin { Make everything always default singed int } if not(rd.ordtype in [torddef(sinttype).ordtype,torddef(uinttype).ordtype]) then inserttypeconv(right,sinttype); if not(ld.ordtype in [torddef(sinttype).ordtype,torddef(uinttype).ordtype]) then inserttypeconv(left,sinttype); resultdef:=right.resultdef; end; { when the result is currency we need some extra code for division. this should not be done when the divn node is created internally } if (nodetype=divn) and not(nf_is_currency in flags) and is_currency(resultdef) then begin hp:=caddnode.create(muln,getcopy,cordconstnode.create(10000,s64currencytype,false)); include(hp.flags,nf_is_currency); result:=hp; end; if (nodetype=modn) and (nf_isomod in flags) then begin result:=internalstatements(statements); else_block:=internalstatements(else_statements); result_data:=ctempcreatenode.create(resultdef,resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true); { right <=0? } addstatement(statements,cifnode.create(caddnode.create(lten,right.getcopy,cordconstnode.create(0,resultdef,false)), { then: result:=left mod right } ccallnode.createintern('fpc_divbyzero',nil), nil )); { prepare else block } { result:=(-left) mod right } addstatement(else_statements,cassignmentnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(result_data),cmoddivnode.create(modn,cunaryminusnode.create(left.getcopy),right.getcopy))); { result<>0? } addstatement(else_statements,cifnode.create(caddnode.create(unequaln,ctemprefnode.create(result_data),cordconstnode.create(0,resultdef,false)), { then: result:=right-result } cassignmentnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(result_data),caddnode.create(subn,right.getcopy,ctemprefnode.create(result_data))), nil )); addstatement(statements,result_data); { if left>=0 } addstatement(statements,cifnode.create(caddnode.create(gten,left.getcopy,cordconstnode.create(0,resultdef,false)), { then: result:=left mod right } cassignmentnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(result_data),cmoddivnode.create(modn,left.getcopy,right.getcopy)), { else block } else_block )); addstatement(statements,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(result_data)); addstatement(statements,ctemprefnode.create(result_data)); end; end; function tmoddivnode.first_moddivint: tnode; {$ifdef cpuneedsdiv32helper} var procname: string[31]; begin result := nil; { otherwise create a call to a helper } if nodetype = divn then procname := 'fpc_div_' else procname := 'fpc_mod_'; { only qword needs the unsigned code, the signed code is also used for currency } if is_signed(resultdef) then procname := procname + 'longint' else procname := procname + 'dword'; result := ccallnode.createintern(procname,ccallparanode.create(left, ccallparanode.create(right,nil))); left := nil; right := nil; firstpass(result); end; {$else cpuneedsdiv32helper} begin result:=nil; end; {$endif cpuneedsdiv32helper} function tmoddivnode.first_moddiv64bitint: tnode; var procname: string[31]; begin result := nil; { when currency is used set the result of the parameters to s64bit, so they are not converted } if is_currency(resultdef) then begin left.resultdef:=s64inttype; right.resultdef:=s64inttype; end; { otherwise create a call to a helper } if nodetype = divn then procname := 'fpc_div_' else procname := 'fpc_mod_'; { only qword needs the unsigned code, the signed code is also used for currency } if is_signed(resultdef) then procname := procname + 'int64' else procname := procname + 'qword'; result := ccallnode.createintern(procname,ccallparanode.create(left, ccallparanode.create(right,nil))); left := nil; right := nil; firstpass(result); end; function tmoddivnode.firstoptimize: tnode; var power,shiftval : longint; newtype: tnodetype; statements : tstatementnode; temp : ttempcreatenode; begin result := nil; { divide/mod a number by a constant which is a power of 2? } if (right.nodetype = ordconstn) and {$ifdef cpu64bitalu} { for 64 bit, we leave the optimization to the cg } (not is_signed(resultdef)) and {$else cpu64bitalu} ((nodetype=divn) and (is_64bit(resultdef)) or not is_signed(resultdef)) and {$endif cpu64bitalu} ispowerof2(tordconstnode(right).value,power) then begin if nodetype=divn then begin if is_signed(resultdef) then begin if is_64bitint(left.resultdef) then if not (cs_opt_size in current_settings.optimizerswitches) then shiftval:=63 else { the shift code is a lot bigger than the call to } { the divide helper } exit else shiftval:=31; result:=internalstatements(statements); temp:=ctempcreatenode.create(left.resultdef,left.resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true); addstatement(statements,temp); addstatement(statements,cassignmentnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp), left)); left:=nil; addstatement(statements,ccallnode.createintern('fpc_sarint64', ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create(power,u8inttype,false), ccallparanode.create(caddnode.create(addn,ctemprefnode.create(temp), caddnode.create(andn, ccallnode.createintern('fpc_sarint64', ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create(shiftval,u8inttype,false), ccallparanode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp),nil)) ), cordconstnode.create(tordconstnode(right).value-1, right.resultdef,false) )),nil ))) ); end else begin tordconstnode(right).value:=power; result:=cshlshrnode.create(shrn,left,right) end; end else begin dec(tordconstnode(right).value.uvalue); result := caddnode.create(andn,left,right); end; { left and right are reused } left := nil; right := nil; firstpass(result); exit; end; end; function tmoddivnode.pass_1 : tnode; begin result:=nil; firstpass(left); firstpass(right); if codegenerror then exit; { Try to optimize mod/div } result := firstoptimize; if assigned(result) then exit; { 64bit } if use_moddiv64bitint_helper then begin result := first_moddiv64bitint; if assigned(result) then exit; expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end else begin result := first_moddivint; if assigned(result) then exit; end; expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end; {**************************************************************************** TSHLSHRNODE ****************************************************************************} function tshlshrnode.simplify(forinline : boolean):tnode; begin result:=nil; { constant folding } if is_constintnode(left) and is_constintnode(right) then begin case nodetype of shrn: result:=create_simplified_ord_const(tordconstnode(left).value shr tordconstnode(right).value,resultdef,forinline); shln: result:=create_simplified_ord_const(tordconstnode(left).value shl tordconstnode(right).value,resultdef,forinline); end; end; end; function tshlshrnode.pass_typecheck:tnode; var t : tnode; {$ifdef cpunodefaultint} nd : tdef; {$endif cpunodefaultint} begin result:=nil; typecheckpass(left); typecheckpass(right); set_varstate(right,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; { tp procvar support } maybe_call_procvar(left,true); maybe_call_procvar(right,true); { allow operator overloading } t:=self; if isbinaryoverloaded(t) then begin result:=t; exit; end; {$ifdef cpunodefaultint} { for small cpus we use the smallest common type } if (left.resultdef.typ=orddef) and (right.resultdef.typ=orddef) then nd:=get_common_intdef(torddef(left.resultdef),torddef(right.resultdef),false) else nd:=s32inttype; {$endif cpunodefaultint} { calculations for ordinals < 32 bit have to be done in 32 bit for backwards compatibility. That way 'shl 33' is the same as 'shl 1'. It's ugly but compatible with delphi/tp/gcc } if (not is_64bit(left.resultdef)) and (torddef(left.resultdef).ordtype<>u32bit) then begin { keep singness of orignal type } if is_signed(left.resultdef) then {$ifdef cpunodefaultint} inserttypeconv(left,nd) {$else cpunodefaultint} inserttypeconv(left,s32inttype) {$endif cpunodefaultint} else begin {$ifdef cpunodefaultint} inserttypeconv(left,nd) {$else cpunodefaultint} inserttypeconv(left,u32inttype); {$endif cpunodefaultint} end end; {$ifdef cpunodefaultint} inserttypeconv(right,nd); {$else cpunodefaultint} inserttypeconv(right,sinttype); {$endif cpunodefaultint} resultdef:=left.resultdef; result:=simplify(false); if assigned(result) then exit; end; {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} function tshlshrnode.first_shlshr64bitint: tnode; var procname: string[31]; begin result := nil; { Normally already done below, but called again, just in case it is called directly } firstpass(left); { otherwise create a call to a helper } if is_signed(left.resultdef) then procname:='int64' else procname:='qword'; if nodetype = shln then procname := 'fpc_shl_'+procname else procname := 'fpc_shr_'+procname; { this order of parameters works at least for the arm, however it should work for any calling conventions (FK) } result := ccallnode.createintern(procname,ccallparanode.create(right, ccallparanode.create(left,nil))); left := nil; right := nil; firstpass(result); end; {$endif not cpu64bitalu} function tshlshrnode.pass_1 : tnode; var regs : longint; begin result:=nil; firstpass(left); firstpass(right); if codegenerror then exit; {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} { 64 bit ints have their own shift handling } if is_64bit(left.resultdef) then begin result := first_shlshr64bitint; if assigned(result) then exit; regs:=2; end else {$endif not cpu64bitalu} begin regs:=1 end; if (right.nodetype<>ordconstn) then inc(regs); expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end; {**************************************************************************** TUNARYMINUSNODE ****************************************************************************} constructor tunaryminusnode.create(expr : tnode); begin inherited create(unaryminusn,expr); end; function tunaryminusnode.simplify(forinline : boolean):tnode; begin result:=nil; { constant folding } if is_constintnode(left) then begin result:=create_simplified_ord_const(-tordconstnode(left).value,resultdef,forinline); exit; end; if is_constrealnode(left) then begin trealconstnode(left).value_real:=-trealconstnode(left).value_real; trealconstnode(left).value_currency:=-trealconstnode(left).value_currency; result:=left; left:=nil; exit; end; end; function tunaryminusnode.pass_typecheck : tnode; var t : tnode; begin result:=nil; typecheckpass(left); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; result:=simplify(false); if assigned(result) then exit; resultdef:=left.resultdef; if (left.resultdef.typ=floatdef) or is_currency(left.resultdef) then begin end {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX} else if (cs_mmx in current_settings.localswitches) and is_mmx_able_array(left.resultdef) then begin { if saturation is on, left.resultdef isn't "mmx able" (FK) if (cs_mmx_saturation in current_settings.localswitches^) and (torddef(tarraydef(resultdef).definition).typ in [s32bit,u32bit]) then CGMessage(type_e_mismatch); } end {$endif SUPPORT_MMX} {$ifndef cpu64bitaddr} else if is_64bit(left.resultdef) then begin inserttypeconv(left,s64inttype); resultdef:=left.resultdef end {$endif not cpu64bitaddr} else if (left.resultdef.typ=orddef) then begin inserttypeconv(left,sinttype); resultdef:=left.resultdef end else begin { allow operator overloading } t:=self; if isunaryoverloaded(t) then begin result:=t; exit; end; CGMessage(type_e_mismatch); end; end; { generic code } { overridden by: } { i386 } function tunaryminusnode.pass_1 : tnode; var procname: string[31]; fdef : tdef; begin result:=nil; firstpass(left); if codegenerror then exit; if (cs_fp_emulation in current_settings.moduleswitches) and (left.resultdef.typ=floatdef) then begin if not(target_info.system in systems_wince) then begin case tfloatdef(resultdef).floattype of s32real: begin procname:='float32_sub'; fdef:=search_system_type('FLOAT32REC').typedef; end; s64real: begin procname:='float64_sub'; fdef:=search_system_type('FLOAT64').typedef; end; {!!! not yet implemented s128real: } else internalerror(2005082801); end; result:=ctypeconvnode.create_internal(ccallnode.createintern(procname,ccallparanode.create( ctypeconvnode.create_internal(left,fDef), ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create_internal(crealconstnode.create(0,resultdef),fdef),nil))),resultdef); end else begin case tfloatdef(resultdef).floattype of s32real: procname:='NEGS'; s64real: procname:='NEGD'; {!!! not yet implemented s128real: } else internalerror(2005082802); end; result:=ccallnode.createintern(procname,ccallparanode.create(left,nil)); end; left:=nil; end else begin if (left.resultdef.typ=floatdef) then expectloc:=LOC_FPUREGISTER {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX} else if (cs_mmx in current_settings.localswitches) and is_mmx_able_array(left.resultdef) then expectloc:=LOC_MMXREGISTER {$endif SUPPORT_MMX} else if (left.resultdef.typ=orddef) then expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end; end; {**************************************************************************** TUNARYPLUSNODE ****************************************************************************} constructor tunaryplusnode.create(expr: tnode); begin inherited create(unaryplusn,expr); end; function tunaryplusnode.pass_1: tnode; begin result:=nil; { can never happen because all the conversions happen in pass_typecheck } internalerror(201012250); end; function tunaryplusnode.pass_typecheck: tnode; var t:tnode; begin result:=nil; typecheckpass(left); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; if is_constintnode(left) or is_constrealnode(left) or (left.resultdef.typ=floatdef) or is_currency(left.resultdef) {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX} or ((cs_mmx in current_settings.localswitches) and is_mmx_able_array(left.resultdef)) {$endif SUPPORT_MMX} then begin result:=left; left:=nil; end {$ifndef cpu64bitaddr} else if is_64bit(left.resultdef) then begin inserttypeconv(left,s64inttype); result:=left; left:=nil; end {$endif not cpu64bitaddr} else if (left.resultdef.typ=orddef) then begin inserttypeconv(left,sinttype); result:=left; left:=nil; end else begin { allow operator overloading } t:=self; if isunaryoverloaded(t) then begin result:=t; exit; end; CGMessage(type_e_mismatch); end; end; {**************************************************************************** TNOTNODE ****************************************************************************} const boolean_reverse:array[ltn..unequaln] of Tnodetype=( gten,gtn,lten,ltn,unequaln,equaln ); constructor tnotnode.create(expr : tnode); begin inherited create(notn,expr); end; function tnotnode.simplify(forinline : boolean):tnode; var v : tconstexprint; t : tnode; def : tdef; begin result:=nil; { Try optmimizing ourself away } if left.nodetype=notn then begin { Double not. Remove both } result:=Tnotnode(left).left; tnotnode(left).left:=nil; exit; end; if (left.nodetype in [ltn,lten,equaln,unequaln,gtn,gten]) then begin { Not of boolean expression. Turn around the operator and remove the not. This is not allowed for sets with the gten/lten, because there is no ltn/gtn support } if (taddnode(left).left.resultdef.typ<>setdef) or (left.nodetype in [equaln,unequaln]) then begin result:=left; left.nodetype:=boolean_reverse[left.nodetype]; left:=nil; exit; end; end; { constant folding } if (left.nodetype=ordconstn) then begin v:=tordconstnode(left).value; def:=left.resultdef; case torddef(left.resultdef).ordtype of pasbool8, pasbool16, pasbool32, pasbool64, bool8bit, bool16bit, bool32bit, bool64bit: begin v:=byte(not(boolean(int64(v)))); if is_cbool(left.resultdef) then v:=-v; end; uchar, uwidechar, u8bit, s8bit, u16bit, s16bit, s32bit, {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} u32bit, {$endif cpu64bitaddr} s64bit: begin v:=int64(not int64(v)); if (torddef(left.resultdef).ordtype<>s64bit) then def:=sinttype else def:=s64inttype; end; {$ifndef cpu64bitaddr} u32bit, {$endif not cpu64bitaddr} u64bit : begin { Delphi-compatible: not dword = dword (not word = longint) } { Extension: not qword = qword } v:=qword(not qword(v)); { will be truncated by the ordconstnode for u32bit } end; else CGMessage(type_e_mismatch); end; { not-nodes are not range checked by the code generator -> also don't range check while inlining; the resultdef is a bit tricky though: the node's resultdef gets changed in most cases compared to left, but the not-operation itself is caried out in the code generator using the size of left } if not(forinline) then t:=cordconstnode.create(v,def,false) else begin { cut off the value if necessary } t:=cordconstnode.create(v,left.resultdef,false); { now convert to node's resultdef } inserttypeconv_explicit(t,def); end; result:=t; exit; end; end; function tnotnode.pass_typecheck : tnode; var t : tnode; begin result:=nil; typecheckpass(left); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; { tp procvar support } maybe_call_procvar(left,true); resultdef:=left.resultdef; result:=simplify(false); if assigned(result) then exit; if is_boolean(resultdef) then begin end else {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX} if (cs_mmx in current_settings.localswitches) and is_mmx_able_array(left.resultdef) then begin end else {$endif SUPPORT_MMX} {$ifndef cpu64bitaddr} if is_64bitint(left.resultdef) then begin end else {$endif not cpu64bitaddr} if is_integer(left.resultdef) then begin end else begin { allow operator overloading } t:=self; if isunaryoverloaded(t) then begin result:=t; exit; end; CGMessage(type_e_mismatch); end; end; function tnotnode.pass_1 : tnode; begin result:=nil; firstpass(left); if codegenerror then exit; expectloc:=left.expectloc; if is_boolean(resultdef) then begin if (expectloc in [LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE,LOC_CREGISTER]) then expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; { before loading it into flags we need to load it into a register thus 1 register is need PM } {$ifdef cpuflags} if left.expectloc<>LOC_JUMP then expectloc:=LOC_FLAGS; {$endif def cpuflags} end else {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX} if (cs_mmx in current_settings.localswitches) and is_mmx_able_array(left.resultdef) then expectloc:=LOC_MMXREGISTER else {$endif SUPPORT_MMX} {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} if is_64bit(left.resultdef) then begin if (expectloc in [LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE,LOC_CREGISTER]) then expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end else {$endif not cpu64bitalu} if is_integer(left.resultdef) then expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; end; {$ifdef state_tracking} function Tnotnode.track_state_pass(exec_known:boolean):boolean; begin track_state_pass:=true; if left.track_state_pass(exec_known) then begin left.resultdef:=nil; do_typecheckpass(left); end; end; {$endif} end.