{ Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Basic node handling This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit node; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses, globtype,globals,cgbase,cgutils, symtype, optbase; type tnodetype = ( emptynode, {No node (returns nil when loading from ppu)} addn, {Represents the + operator} muln, {Represents the * operator} subn, {Represents the - operator} divn, {Represents the div operator} symdifn, {Represents the >< operator} modn, {Represents the mod operator} assignn, {Represents an assignment} loadn, {Represents the use of a variabele} rangen, {Represents a range (i.e. 0..9)} ltn, {Represents the < operator} lten, {Represents the <= operator} gtn, {Represents the > operator} gten, {Represents the >= operator} equaln, {Represents the = operator} unequaln, {Represents the <> operator} inn, {Represents the in operator} orn, {Represents the or operator} xorn, {Represents the xor operator} shrn, {Represents the shr operator} shln, {Represents the shl operator} slashn, {Represents the / operator} andn, {Represents the and operator} subscriptn, {Field in a record/object} derefn, {Dereferences a pointer} addrn, {Represents the @ operator} ordconstn, {Represents an ordinal value} typeconvn, {Represents type-conversion/typecast} calln, {Represents a call node} callparan, {Represents a parameter} realconstn, {Represents a real value} unaryminusn, {Represents a sign change (i.e. -2)} unaryplusn, {Represents a check for +Value} asmn, {Represents an assembler node } vecn, {Represents array indexing} pointerconstn, {Represents a pointer constant} stringconstn, {Represents a string constant} notn, {Represents the not operator} inlinen, {Internal procedures (i.e. writeln)} niln, {Represents the nil pointer} errorn, {This part of the tree could not be parsed because of a compiler error} typen, {A type name. Used for i.e. typeof(obj)} setelementn, {A set element(s) (i.e. [a,b] and also [a..b])} setconstn, {A set constant (i.e. [1,2])} blockn, {A block of statements} statementn, {One statement in a block of nodes} ifn, {An if statement} breakn, {A break statement} continuen, {A continue statement} whilerepeatn, {A while or repeat statement} forn, {A for loop} exitn, {An exit statement} casen, {A case statement} labeln, {A label} goton, {A goto statement} tryexceptn, {A try except block} raisen, {A raise statement} tryfinallyn, {A try finally statement} onn, {For an on statement in exception code} isn, {Represents the is operator} asn, {Represents the as typecast} starstarn, {Represents the ** operator exponentiation } arrayconstructorn, {Construction node for [...] parsing} arrayconstructorrangen, {Range element to allow sets in array construction tree} tempcreaten, { for temps in the result/firstpass } temprefn, { references to temps } tempdeleten, { for temps in the result/firstpass } addoptn, { added for optimizations where we cannot suppress } nothingn, { NOP, Do nothing} loadvmtaddrn, { Load the address of the VMT of a class/object} guidconstn, { A GUID COM Interface constant } rttin, { Rtti information so they can be accessed in result/firstpass} loadparentfpn, { Load the framepointer of the parent for nested procedures } objcselectorn, { node for an Objective-C message selector } objcprotocoln, { node for an Objective-C @protocol() expression (returns metaclass associated with protocol) } specializen, { parser-only node to handle Delphi-mode inline specializations } finalizetempsn { Internal node used to clean up code generator temps (warning: must NOT create additional tepms that may need to be finalised!) } ); tnodetypeset = set of tnodetype; pnodetypeset = ^tnodetypeset; const nodetype2str : array[tnodetype] of string[24] = ( '', 'addn', 'muln', 'subn', 'divn', 'symdifn', 'modn', 'assignn', 'loadn', 'rangen', 'ltn', 'lten', 'gtn', 'gten', 'equaln', 'unequaln', 'inn', 'orn', 'xorn', 'shrn', 'shln', 'slashn', 'andn', 'subscriptn', 'derefn', 'addrn', 'ordconstn', 'typeconvn', 'calln', 'callparan', 'realconstn', 'unaryminusn', 'unaryplusn', 'asmn', 'vecn', 'pointerconstn', 'stringconstn', 'notn', 'inlinen', 'niln', 'errorn', 'typen', 'setelementn', 'setconstn', 'blockn', 'statementn', 'ifn', 'breakn', 'continuen', 'whilerepeatn', 'forn', 'exitn', 'casen', 'labeln', 'goton', 'tryexceptn', 'raisen', 'tryfinallyn', 'onn', 'isn', 'asn', 'starstarn', 'arrayconstructn', 'arrayconstructrangen', 'tempcreaten', 'temprefn', 'tempdeleten', 'addoptn', 'nothingn', 'loadvmtaddrn', 'guidconstn', 'rttin', 'loadparentfpn', 'objcselectorn', 'objcprotocoln', 'specializen', 'finalizetempsn'); { a set containing all const nodes } nodetype_const = [niln, ordconstn, pointerconstn, stringconstn, guidconstn, realconstn, setconstn]; type { all boolean field of ttree are now collected in flags } tnodeflag = ( { tbinop operands can be swaped } nf_swapable, { tbinop operands are swaped } nf_swapped, nf_error, { general } nf_pass1_done, { Node is written to } nf_write, { Node is modified } nf_modify, { address of node is taken } nf_address_taken, nf_is_funcret, nf_isproperty, nf_processing, { Node cannot be assigned to } nf_no_lvalue, { this node is the user code entry, if a node with this flag is removed during simplify, the flag must be moved to another node } nf_usercode_entry, { tderefnode } nf_no_checkpointer, { tvecnode } nf_memindex, nf_memseg, nf_callunique, { tloadnode/ttypeconvnode } nf_absolute, { taddnode } nf_is_currency, nf_has_pointerdiv, nf_short_bool, { tmoddivnode } nf_isomod, { tassignmentnode } nf_assign_done_in_right, { tarrayconstructnode } nf_forcevaria, nf_novariaallowed, { ttypeconvnode, and the first one also treal/ord/pointerconstn } { second one also for subtractions of u32-u32 implicitly upcasted to s64 } { last one also used on addnode to inhibit procvar calling } nf_explicit, nf_internal, { no warnings/hints generated } nf_load_procvar, { tinlinenode } nf_inlineconst, { tasmnode } nf_get_asm_position, { tblocknode } nf_block_with_exit, { tloadvmtaddrnode } nf_ignore_for_wpo { we know that this loadvmtaddrnode cannot be used to construct a class instance } { WARNING: there are now 31 elements in this type, and a set of this type is written to the PPU. So before adding more than 32 elements, either move some flags to specific nodes, or stream a normalset to the ppu } ); tnodeflags = set of tnodeflag; const { contains the flags which must be equal for the equality } { of nodes } flagsequal : tnodeflags = [nf_error]; type tnodelist = class end; pnode = ^tnode; { basic class for the intermediated representation fpc uses } tnode = class private fppuidx : longint; function getppuidx:longint; public { type of this node } nodetype : tnodetype; { type of the current code block, general/const/type } blocktype : tblock_type; { expected location of the result of this node (pass1) } expectloc : tcgloc; { the location of the result of this node (pass2) } location : tlocation; { the parent node of this is node } { this field is set by concattolist } parent : tnode; { next node in control flow on the same block level, i.e. for loop nodes, this is the next node after the end of the loop, same for if and case, if this field is nil, the next node is the procedure exit, for the last node in a loop this is set to the loop header this field is set only for control flow nodes } successor : tnode; { there are some properties about the node stored } flags : tnodeflags; resultdef : tdef; resultdefderef : tderef; fileinfo : tfileposinfo; localswitches : tlocalswitches; verbosity : longint; optinfo : poptinfo; constructor create(t:tnodetype); { this constructor is only for creating copies of class } { the fields are copied by getcopy } constructor createforcopy; constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);virtual; destructor destroy;override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);virtual; procedure buildderefimpl;virtual; procedure derefimpl;virtual; procedure resolveppuidx;virtual; { toggles the flag } procedure toggleflag(f : tnodeflag); { the 1.1 code generator may override pass_1 } { and it need not to implement det_* then } { 1.1: pass_1 returns a value<>0 if the node has been transformed } { 2.0: runs pass_typecheck and det_temp } function pass_1 : tnode;virtual;abstract; { dermines the resultdef of the node } function pass_typecheck : tnode;virtual;abstract; { tries to simplify the node, returns a value <>nil if a simplified node has been created } function simplify(forinline : boolean) : tnode;virtual; {$ifdef state_tracking} { Does optimizations by keeping track of the variable states in a procedure } function track_state_pass(exec_known:boolean):boolean;virtual; {$endif} { For a t1:=t2 tree, mark the part of the tree t1 that gets written to (normally the loadnode) as write access. } procedure mark_write;virtual; { dermines the number of necessary temp. locations to evaluate the node } procedure det_temp;virtual;abstract; procedure pass_generate_code;virtual;abstract; { comparing of nodes } function isequal(p : tnode) : boolean; { to implement comparisation, override this method } function docompare(p : tnode) : boolean;virtual; { wrapper for getcopy } function getcopy : tnode; { does the real copying of a node } function dogetcopy : tnode;virtual; procedure insertintolist(l : tnodelist);virtual; { writes a node for debugging purpose, shouldn't be called } { direct, because there is no test for nil, use printnode } { to write a complete tree } procedure printnodeinfo(var t:text);virtual; procedure printnodedata(var t:text);virtual; procedure printnodetree(var t:text);virtual; procedure concattolist(l : tlinkedlist);virtual; function ischild(p : tnode) : boolean;virtual; { ensures that the optimizer info record is allocated } function allocoptinfo : poptinfo;inline; property ppuidx:longint read getppuidx; end; tnodeclass = class of tnode; tnodeclassarray = array[tnodetype] of tnodeclass; { this node is the anchestor for all nodes with at least } { one child, you have to use it if you want to use } { true- and current_procinfo.CurrFalseLabel } //punarynode = ^tunarynode; tunarynode = class(tnode) left : tnode; constructor create(t:tnodetype;l : tnode); constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; destructor destroy;override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure buildderefimpl;override; procedure derefimpl;override; procedure concattolist(l : tlinkedlist);override; function ischild(p : tnode) : boolean;override; function docompare(p : tnode) : boolean;override; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; procedure insertintolist(l : tnodelist);override; procedure printnodedata(var t:text);override; end; //pbinarynode = ^tbinarynode; tbinarynode = class(tunarynode) right : tnode; constructor create(t:tnodetype;l,r : tnode); constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; destructor destroy;override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure buildderefimpl;override; procedure derefimpl;override; procedure concattolist(l : tlinkedlist);override; function ischild(p : tnode) : boolean;override; function docompare(p : tnode) : boolean;override; procedure swapleftright; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; procedure insertintolist(l : tnodelist);override; procedure printnodedata(var t:text);override; procedure printnodelist(var t:text); end; //ptertiarynode = ^ttertiarynode; ttertiarynode = class(tbinarynode) third : tnode; constructor create(_t:tnodetype;l,r,t : tnode); constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; destructor destroy;override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure buildderefimpl;override; procedure derefimpl;override; procedure concattolist(l : tlinkedlist);override; function ischild(p : tnode) : boolean;override; function docompare(p : tnode) : boolean;override; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; procedure insertintolist(l : tnodelist);override; procedure printnodedata(var t:text);override; end; tbinopnode = class(tbinarynode) constructor create(t:tnodetype;l,r : tnode);virtual; function docompare(p : tnode) : boolean;override; end; var { array with all class types for tnodes } nodeclass : tnodeclassarray; function nodeppuidxget(i:longint):tnode; function ppuloadnode(ppufile:tcompilerppufile):tnode; procedure ppuwritenode(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;n:tnode); function ppuloadnodetree(ppufile:tcompilerppufile):tnode; procedure ppuwritenodetree(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;n:tnode); const printnodespacing = ' '; var { indention used when writing the tree to the screen } printnodeindention : string; procedure printnodeindent; procedure printnodeunindent; procedure printnode(var t:text;n:tnode); procedure printnode(n:tnode); function is_constnode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_constintnode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_constcharnode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_constrealnode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_constboolnode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_constenumnode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_constwidecharnode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_constpointernode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_conststringnode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_constwidestringnode(p : tnode) : boolean; function is_conststring_or_constcharnode(p : tnode) : boolean; implementation uses verbose,entfile,comphook, symconst, nutils,nflw, defutil; const ppunodemarker = 255; {**************************************************************************** Helpers ****************************************************************************} var nodeppulist : TFPObjectList; nodeppuidx : longint; procedure nodeppuidxcreate; begin nodeppulist:=TFPObjectList.Create(false); nodeppuidx:=0; end; procedure nodeppuidxresolve; var i : longint; n : tnode; begin for i:=0 to nodeppulist.count-1 do begin n:=tnode(nodeppulist[i]); if assigned(n) then n.resolveppuidx; end; end; procedure nodeppuidxfree; begin nodeppulist.free; nodeppulist:=nil; nodeppuidx:=0; end; procedure nodeppuidxadd(n:tnode); var i : longint; begin i:=n.ppuidx; if i<=0 then internalerror(200311072); if i>=nodeppulist.capacity then nodeppulist.capacity:=((i div 1024)+1)*1024; if i>=nodeppulist.count then nodeppulist.count:=i+1; nodeppulist[i]:=n; end; function nodeppuidxget(i:longint):tnode; begin if i<=0 then internalerror(200311073); result:=tnode(nodeppulist[i]); end; function ppuloadnode(ppufile:tcompilerppufile):tnode; var b : byte; t : tnodetype; hppuidx : longint; begin { marker } b:=ppufile.getbyte; if b<>ppunodemarker then internalerror(200208151); { load nodetype } t:=tnodetype(ppufile.getbyte); if t>high(tnodetype) then internalerror(200208152); if t<>emptynode then begin if not assigned(nodeclass[t]) then internalerror(200208153); hppuidx:=ppufile.getlongint; //writeln('load: ',nodetype2str[t]); { generate node of the correct class } result:=nodeclass[t].ppuload(t,ppufile); result.fppuidx:=hppuidx; nodeppuidxadd(result); end else result:=nil; end; procedure ppuwritenode(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;n:tnode); begin { marker, read by ppuloadnode } ppufile.putbyte(ppunodemarker); { type, read by ppuloadnode } if assigned(n) then begin ppufile.putbyte(byte(n.nodetype)); ppufile.putlongint(n.ppuidx); //writeln('write: ',nodetype2str[n.nodetype]); n.ppuwrite(ppufile); end else ppufile.putbyte(byte(emptynode)); end; function ppuloadnodetree(ppufile:tcompilerppufile):tnode; begin if ppufile.readentry<>ibnodetree then Message(unit_f_ppu_read_error); nodeppuidxcreate; result:=ppuloadnode(ppufile); nodeppuidxresolve; nodeppuidxfree; end; procedure ppuwritenodetree(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;n:tnode); begin nodeppuidxcreate; ppuwritenode(ppufile,n); ppufile.writeentry(ibnodetree); nodeppuidxfree; end; procedure printnodeindent; begin printnodeindention:=printnodeindention+printnodespacing; end; procedure printnodeunindent; begin delete(printnodeindention,1,length(printnodespacing)); end; procedure printnode(var t:text;n:tnode); begin if assigned(n) then n.printnodetree(t) else writeln(t,printnodeindention,'nil'); end; procedure printnode(n:tnode); begin printnode(output,n); end; function is_constnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_constnode:=(p.nodetype in nodetype_const); end; function is_constintnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_constintnode:=(p.nodetype=ordconstn) and is_integer(p.resultdef); end; function is_constcharnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_constcharnode:=(p.nodetype=ordconstn) and is_char(p.resultdef); end; function is_constwidecharnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_constwidecharnode:=(p.nodetype=ordconstn) and is_widechar(p.resultdef); end; function is_constrealnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_constrealnode:=(p.nodetype=realconstn); end; function is_constboolnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_constboolnode:=(p.nodetype=ordconstn) and is_boolean(p.resultdef); end; function is_constenumnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_constenumnode:=(p.nodetype=ordconstn) and (p.resultdef.typ=enumdef); end; function is_constpointernode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_constpointernode:=(p.nodetype=pointerconstn); end; function is_conststringnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_conststringnode := (p.nodetype = stringconstn) and (is_chararray(p.resultdef) or is_shortstring(p.resultdef) or is_ansistring(p.resultdef)); end; function is_constwidestringnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_constwidestringnode := (p.nodetype = stringconstn) and (is_widechararray(p.resultdef) or is_wide_or_unicode_string(p.resultdef)); end; function is_conststring_or_constcharnode(p : tnode) : boolean; begin is_conststring_or_constcharnode := is_conststringnode(p) or is_constcharnode(p) or is_constwidestringnode(p) or is_constwidecharnode(p); end; {**************************************************************************** TNODE ****************************************************************************} constructor tnode.create(t:tnodetype); begin inherited create; nodetype:=t; blocktype:=block_type; { updated by firstpass } expectloc:=LOC_INVALID; { updated by secondpass } location.loc:=LOC_INVALID; { save local info } fileinfo:=current_filepos; localswitches:=current_settings.localswitches; verbosity:=status.verbosity; resultdef:=nil; flags:=[]; end; constructor tnode.createforcopy; begin end; constructor tnode.ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin nodetype:=t; { tnode fields } blocktype:=tblock_type(ppufile.getbyte); ppufile.getposinfo(fileinfo); ppufile.getsmallset(localswitches); verbosity:=ppufile.getlongint; ppufile.getderef(resultdefderef); ppufile.getsmallset(flags); { updated by firstpass } expectloc:=LOC_INVALID; { updated by secondpass } location.loc:=LOC_INVALID; end; procedure tnode.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin ppufile.putbyte(byte(block_type)); ppufile.putposinfo(fileinfo); ppufile.putsmallset(localswitches); ppufile.putlongint(verbosity); ppufile.putderef(resultdefderef); ppufile.putsmallset(flags); end; function tnode.getppuidx:longint; begin if fppuidx=0 then begin inc(nodeppuidx); fppuidx:=nodeppuidx; end; result:=fppuidx; end; procedure tnode.resolveppuidx; begin end; procedure tnode.buildderefimpl; begin resultdefderef.build(resultdef); end; procedure tnode.derefimpl; begin resultdef:=tdef(resultdefderef.resolve); end; procedure tnode.toggleflag(f : tnodeflag); begin if f in flags then exclude(flags,f) else include(flags,f); end; function tnode.simplify(forinline : boolean) : tnode; begin result:=nil; end; destructor tnode.destroy; begin if assigned(optinfo) then dispose(optinfo); end; procedure tnode.concattolist(l : tlinkedlist); begin end; function tnode.ischild(p : tnode) : boolean; begin ischild:=false; end; procedure tnode.mark_write; begin {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} Comment(V_Warning,'mark_write not implemented for '+nodetype2str[nodetype]); {$endif EXTDEBUG} end; procedure tnode.printnodeinfo(var t:text); var i : tnodeflag; first : boolean; begin write(t,nodetype2str[nodetype]); if assigned(resultdef) then write(t,', resultdef = ',resultdef.typesymbolprettyname,' = "',resultdef.GetTypeName,'"') else write(t,', resultdef = '); write(t,', pos = (',fileinfo.line,',',fileinfo.column,')', ', loc = ',tcgloc2str[location.loc], ', expectloc = ',tcgloc2str[expectloc], ', flags = ['); first:=true; for i:=low(tnodeflag) to high(tnodeflag) do if i in flags then begin if not(first) then write(t,',') else first:=false; write(t, i); end; write(t,'], cmplx = ',node_complexity(self)); end; procedure tnode.printnodedata(var t:text); begin end; procedure tnode.printnodetree(var t:text); begin write(t,printnodeindention,'('); printnodeinfo(t); writeln(t); printnodeindent; printnodedata(t); printnodeunindent; writeln(t,printnodeindention,')'); end; function tnode.isequal(p : tnode) : boolean; begin isequal:= (not assigned(self) and not assigned(p)) or (assigned(self) and assigned(p) and { optimized subclasses have the same nodetype as their } { superclass (for compatibility), so also check the classtype (JM) } (p.classtype=classtype) and (p.nodetype=nodetype) and (flags*flagsequal=p.flags*flagsequal) and docompare(p)); end; {$ifdef state_tracking} function Tnode.track_state_pass(exec_known:boolean):boolean; begin track_state_pass:=false; end; {$endif state_tracking} function tnode.docompare(p : tnode) : boolean; begin docompare:=true; end; function cleanupcopiedto(var n : tnode;arg : pointer) : foreachnoderesult; begin result:=fen_true; if n.nodetype=labeln then tlabelnode(n).copiedto:=nil; end; function tnode.getcopy : tnode; begin result:=dogetcopy; foreachnodestatic(pm_postprocess,self,@cleanupcopiedto,nil); end; function tnode.dogetcopy : tnode; var p : tnode; begin { this is quite tricky because we need a node of the current } { node type and not one of tnode! } p:=tnodeclass(classtype).createforcopy; p.nodetype:=nodetype; p.expectloc:=expectloc; p.location:=location; p.parent:=parent; p.flags:=flags; p.resultdef:=resultdef; p.fileinfo:=fileinfo; p.localswitches:=localswitches; p.verbosity:=verbosity; { p.list:=list; } result:=p; end; procedure tnode.insertintolist(l : tnodelist); begin end; { ensures that the optimizer info record is allocated } function tnode.allocoptinfo : poptinfo;inline; begin if not(assigned(optinfo)) then begin new(optinfo); fillchar(optinfo^,sizeof(optinfo^),0); end; result:=optinfo; end; {**************************************************************************** TUNARYNODE ****************************************************************************} constructor tunarynode.create(t:tnodetype;l : tnode); begin inherited create(t); left:=l; end; constructor tunarynode.ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuload(t,ppufile); left:=ppuloadnode(ppufile); end; destructor tunarynode.destroy; begin left.free; inherited destroy; end; procedure tunarynode.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuwrite(ppufile); ppuwritenode(ppufile,left); end; procedure tunarynode.buildderefimpl; begin inherited buildderefimpl; if assigned(left) then left.buildderefimpl; end; procedure tunarynode.derefimpl; begin inherited derefimpl; if assigned(left) then left.derefimpl; end; function tunarynode.docompare(p : tnode) : boolean; begin docompare:=(inherited docompare(p) and ((left=nil) or left.isequal(tunarynode(p).left)) ); end; function tunarynode.dogetcopy : tnode; var p : tunarynode; begin p:=tunarynode(inherited dogetcopy); if assigned(left) then p.left:=left.dogetcopy else p.left:=nil; result:=p; end; procedure tunarynode.insertintolist(l : tnodelist); begin end; procedure tunarynode.printnodedata(var t:text); begin inherited printnodedata(t); printnode(t,left); end; procedure tunarynode.concattolist(l : tlinkedlist); begin left.parent:=self; left.concattolist(l); inherited concattolist(l); end; function tunarynode.ischild(p : tnode) : boolean; begin ischild:=p=left; end; {**************************************************************************** TBINARYNODE ****************************************************************************} constructor tbinarynode.create(t:tnodetype;l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(t,l); right:=r end; constructor tbinarynode.ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuload(t,ppufile); right:=ppuloadnode(ppufile); end; destructor tbinarynode.destroy; begin right.free; inherited destroy; end; procedure tbinarynode.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuwrite(ppufile); ppuwritenode(ppufile,right); end; procedure tbinarynode.buildderefimpl; begin inherited buildderefimpl; if assigned(right) then right.buildderefimpl; end; procedure tbinarynode.derefimpl; begin inherited derefimpl; if assigned(right) then right.derefimpl; end; procedure tbinarynode.concattolist(l : tlinkedlist); begin { we could change that depending on the number of } { required registers } left.parent:=self; left.concattolist(l); left.parent:=self; left.concattolist(l); inherited concattolist(l); end; function tbinarynode.ischild(p : tnode) : boolean; begin ischild:=(p=right); end; function tbinarynode.docompare(p : tnode) : boolean; begin docompare:=(inherited docompare(p) and ((right=nil) or right.isequal(tbinarynode(p).right)) ); end; function tbinarynode.dogetcopy : tnode; var p : tbinarynode; begin p:=tbinarynode(inherited dogetcopy); if assigned(right) then p.right:=right.dogetcopy else p.right:=nil; result:=p; end; procedure tbinarynode.insertintolist(l : tnodelist); begin end; procedure tbinarynode.swapleftright; var swapp : tnode; begin swapp:=right; right:=left; left:=swapp; if nf_swapped in flags then exclude(flags,nf_swapped) else include(flags,nf_swapped); end; procedure tbinarynode.printnodedata(var t:text); begin inherited printnodedata(t); printnode(t,right); end; procedure tbinarynode.printnodelist(var t:text); var hp : tbinarynode; begin hp:=self; while assigned(hp) do begin write(t,printnodeindention,'('); printnodeindent; hp.printnodeinfo(t); writeln(t); printnode(t,hp.left); writeln(t); printnodeunindent; writeln(t,printnodeindention,')'); hp:=tbinarynode(hp.right); end; end; {**************************************************************************** TTERTIARYNODE ****************************************************************************} constructor ttertiarynode.create(_t:tnodetype;l,r,t : tnode); begin inherited create(_t,l,r); third:=t; end; constructor ttertiarynode.ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuload(t,ppufile); third:=ppuloadnode(ppufile); end; destructor ttertiarynode.destroy; begin third.free; inherited destroy; end; procedure ttertiarynode.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); begin inherited ppuwrite(ppufile); ppuwritenode(ppufile,third); end; procedure ttertiarynode.buildderefimpl; begin inherited buildderefimpl; if assigned(third) then third.buildderefimpl; end; procedure ttertiarynode.derefimpl; begin inherited derefimpl; if assigned(third) then third.derefimpl; end; function ttertiarynode.docompare(p : tnode) : boolean; begin docompare:=(inherited docompare(p) and ((third=nil) or third.isequal(ttertiarynode(p).third)) ); end; function ttertiarynode.dogetcopy : tnode; var p : ttertiarynode; begin p:=ttertiarynode(inherited dogetcopy); if assigned(third) then p.third:=third.dogetcopy else p.third:=nil; result:=p; end; procedure ttertiarynode.insertintolist(l : tnodelist); begin end; procedure ttertiarynode.printnodedata(var t:text); begin inherited printnodedata(t); printnode(t,third); end; procedure ttertiarynode.concattolist(l : tlinkedlist); begin third.parent:=self; third.concattolist(l); inherited concattolist(l); end; function ttertiarynode.ischild(p : tnode) : boolean; begin ischild:=p=third; end; {**************************************************************************** TBINOPNODE ****************************************************************************} constructor tbinopnode.create(t:tnodetype;l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(t,l,r); end; function tbinopnode.docompare(p : tnode) : boolean; begin docompare:=(inherited docompare(p)) or { if that's in the flags, is p then always a tbinopnode (?) (JM) } ((nf_swapable in flags) and left.isequal(tbinopnode(p).right) and right.isequal(tbinopnode(p).left)); end; begin {$push}{$warnings off} { tvaroption must fit into a 4 byte set for speed reasons } if ord(high(tvaroption))>31 then internalerror(201110301); { tnodeflags must fit into a 4 byte set for speed reasons } if ord(high(tnodeflags))>31 then internalerror(2014020701); {$pop} end.