{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Jonas Maebe This unit implements optimized nodes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit nopt; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses node,nbas,nadd; type tsubnodetype = ( addsstringcharoptn, { shorstring + char } addsstringcsstringoptn { shortstring + constant shortstring } ); taddoptnode = class(taddnode) subnodetype: tsubnodetype; constructor create(ts: tsubnodetype; l,r : tnode); virtual; reintroduce; { pass_1 will be overridden by the separate subclasses } { By default, pass_generate_code is the same as for addnode } { Only if there's a processor specific implementation, it } { will be overridden. } function dogetcopy: tnode; override; function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override; end; taddsstringoptnode = class(taddoptnode) { maximum length of the string until now, allows us to skip a compare } { sometimes (it's initialized/updated by calling updatecurmaxlen) } curmaxlen: byte; { pass_1 must be overridden, otherwise we get an endless loop } function pass_typecheck: tnode; override; function pass_1: tnode; override; function dogetcopy: tnode; override; function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override; protected procedure updatecurmaxlen; end; { add a char to a shortstring } taddsstringcharoptnode = class(taddsstringoptnode) constructor create(l,r : tnode); virtual; reintroduce; end; taddsstringcharoptnodeclass = class of taddsstringcharoptnode; { add a constant string to a short string } taddsstringcsstringoptnode = class(taddsstringoptnode) constructor create(l,r : tnode); virtual; reintroduce; function pass_1: tnode; override; end; taddsstringcsstringoptnodeclass = class of taddsstringcsstringoptnode; function canbeaddsstringcharoptnode(p: taddnode): boolean; function genaddsstringcharoptnode(p: taddnode): tnode; function canbeaddsstringcsstringoptnode(p: taddnode): boolean; function genaddsstringcsstringoptnode(p: taddnode): tnode; function canbemultistringadd(p: taddnode): boolean; function genmultistringadd(p: taddnode): tnode; function is_addsstringoptnode(p: tnode): boolean; var caddsstringcharoptnode: taddsstringcharoptnodeclass; caddsstringcsstringoptnode: taddsstringcsstringoptnodeclass; implementation uses cutils, htypechk, defutil, defcmp, globtype, globals, cpubase, ncnv, ncon,ncal,nld,nmem, verbose, symconst,symdef, cgbase, procinfo; {***************************************************************************** TADDOPTNODE *****************************************************************************} constructor taddoptnode.create(ts: tsubnodetype; l,r : tnode); begin { we need to keep the addn nodetype, otherwise taddnode.pass_generate_code will be } { confused. Comparison for equal nodetypes therefore has to be } { implemented using the classtype() method (JM) } inherited create(addn,l,r); subnodetype := ts; end; function taddoptnode.dogetcopy: tnode; var hp: taddoptnode; begin hp := taddoptnode(inherited dogetcopy); hp.subnodetype := subnodetype; dogetcopy := hp; end; function taddoptnode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean; begin docompare := inherited docompare(p) and (subnodetype = taddoptnode(p).subnodetype); end; {***************************************************************************** TADDSSTRINGOPTNODE *****************************************************************************} function taddsstringoptnode.pass_typecheck: tnode; begin result := nil; updatecurmaxlen; { left and right are already firstpass'ed by taddnode.pass_1 } if not is_shortstring(left.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(left,cshortstringtype); if not is_shortstring(right.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(right,cshortstringtype); resultdef := left.resultdef; end; function taddsstringoptnode.pass_1: tnode; begin pass_1 := nil; expectloc:= LOC_REFERENCE; { here we call STRCONCAT or STRCMP or STRCOPY } include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_do_call); end; function taddsstringoptnode.dogetcopy: tnode; var hp: taddsstringoptnode; begin hp := taddsstringoptnode(inherited dogetcopy); hp.curmaxlen := curmaxlen; dogetcopy := hp; end; function taddsstringoptnode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean; begin docompare := inherited docompare(p) and (curmaxlen = taddsstringcharoptnode(p).curmaxlen); end; function is_addsstringoptnode(p: tnode): boolean; begin is_addsstringoptnode := p.inheritsfrom(taddsstringoptnode); end; procedure taddsstringoptnode.updatecurmaxlen; begin if is_addsstringoptnode(left) then begin { made it a separate block so no other if's are processed (would be a } { simple waste of time) (JM) } if (taddsstringoptnode(left).curmaxlen < 255) then case subnodetype of addsstringcharoptn: curmaxlen := succ(taddsstringoptnode(left).curmaxlen); addsstringcsstringoptn: curmaxlen := min(taddsstringoptnode(left).curmaxlen + tstringconstnode(right).len,255) else internalerror(291220001); end else curmaxlen := 255; end else if (left.nodetype = stringconstn) then curmaxlen := min(tstringconstnode(left).len,255) else if is_char(left.resultdef) then curmaxlen := 1 else if (left.nodetype = typeconvn) then begin case ttypeconvnode(left).convtype of tc_char_2_string: curmaxlen := 1; { doesn't work yet, don't know why (JM) tc_chararray_2_string: curmaxlen := min(ttypeconvnode(left).left.resultdef.size,255); } else curmaxlen := 255; end; end else curmaxlen := 255; end; {***************************************************************************** TADDSSTRINGCHAROPTNODE *****************************************************************************} constructor taddsstringcharoptnode.create(l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(addsstringcharoptn,l,r); end; {***************************************************************************** TADDSSTRINGCSSTRINGOPTNODE *****************************************************************************} constructor taddsstringcsstringoptnode.create(l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(addsstringcsstringoptn,l,r); end; function taddsstringcsstringoptnode.pass_1: tnode; begin { create the call to the concat routine both strings as arguments } result := ccallnode.createintern('fpc_shortstr_append_shortstr', ccallparanode.create(left,ccallparanode.create(right,nil))); left:=nil; right:=nil; end; {***************************************************************************** HELPERS *****************************************************************************} function canbeaddsstringcharoptnode(p: taddnode): boolean; begin canbeaddsstringcharoptnode := (cs_opt_level1 in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and { the shortstring will be gotten through conversion if necessary (JM) is_shortstring(p.left.resultdef) and } ((p.nodetype = addn) and is_char(p.right.resultdef)); end; function genaddsstringcharoptnode(p: taddnode): tnode; var hp: tnode; begin hp := caddsstringcharoptnode.create(p.left.getcopy,p.right.getcopy); hp.flags := p.flags; genaddsstringcharoptnode := hp; end; function canbeaddsstringcsstringoptnode(p: taddnode): boolean; begin canbeaddsstringcsstringoptnode := (cs_opt_level1 in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and { the shortstring will be gotten through conversion if necessary (JM) is_shortstring(p.left.resultdef) and } ((p.nodetype = addn) and (p.right.nodetype = stringconstn)); end; function genaddsstringcsstringoptnode(p: taddnode): tnode; var hp: tnode; begin hp := caddsstringcsstringoptnode.create(p.left.getcopy,p.right.getcopy); hp.flags := p.flags; genaddsstringcsstringoptnode := hp; end; function canbemultistringadd(p: taddnode): boolean; var hp : tnode; i : longint; begin result:=false; if p.resultdef.typ<>stringdef then exit; i:=0; hp:=p; while assigned(hp) and (hp.nodetype=addn) do begin inc(i); hp:=taddnode(hp).left; end; result:=(i>1); end; function genmultistringadd(p: taddnode): tnode; var hp,sn : tnode; arrp : tarrayconstructornode; newstatement : tstatementnode; tempnode : ttempcreatenode; is_shortstr : boolean; begin arrp:=nil; hp:=p; is_shortstr:=is_shortstring(p.resultdef); while assigned(hp) and (hp.nodetype=addn) do begin sn:=taddnode(hp).right.getcopy; inserttypeconv(sn,p.resultdef); if is_shortstr then begin sn:=caddrnode.create(sn); include(sn.flags,nf_internal); end; arrp:=carrayconstructornode.create(sn,arrp); hp:=taddnode(hp).left; end; sn:=hp.getcopy; inserttypeconv(sn,p.resultdef); if is_shortstr then begin sn:=caddrnode.create(sn); include(sn.flags,nf_internal); end; arrp:=carrayconstructornode.create(sn,arrp); if assigned(aktassignmentnode) and (aktassignmentnode.right=p) and (aktassignmentnode.left.resultdef=p.resultdef) and valid_for_var(aktassignmentnode.left,false) then begin result:=ccallnode.createintern('fpc_'+ tstringdef(p.resultdef).stringtypname+'_concat_multi', ccallparanode.create(arrp, ccallparanode.create(aktassignmentnode.left.getcopy,nil))); include(aktassignmentnode.flags,nf_assign_done_in_right); end else begin result:=internalstatements(newstatement); tempnode:=ctempcreatenode.create(p.resultdef,p.resultdef.size,tt_persistent ,true); addstatement(newstatement,tempnode); addstatement(newstatement,ccallnode.createintern('fpc_'+ tstringdef(p.resultdef).stringtypname+'_concat_multi', ccallparanode.create(arrp, ccallparanode.create(ctemprefnode.create(tempnode),nil)))); addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create_normal_temp(tempnode)); addstatement(newstatement,ctemprefnode.create(tempnode)); end; end; begin caddsstringcharoptnode := taddsstringcharoptnode; caddsstringcsstringoptnode := taddsstringcsstringoptnode; end.