{ Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Type checking and register allocation for set/case nodes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit nset; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses,constexp, node,globtype,globals, aasmbase,ncon,nflw,symtype; type TLabelType = (ltOrdinal, ltConstString); pcaselabel = ^tcaselabel; tcaselabel = record { unique blockid } blockid : longint; { left and right tree node } less, greater : pcaselabel; labellabel : TAsmLabel; { range type } case label_type : TLabelType of ltOrdinal: ( _low, _high : TConstExprInt; ); ltConstString: ( _low_str, _high_str : tstringconstnode; ); end; pcaseblock = ^tcaseblock; tcaseblock = record { label (only used in pass_generate_code) } blocklabel : tasmlabel; { shortcut - set to true if blocklabel isn't actually unique to the case block due to one of the following conditions: - if the node contains a jump, then the label is set to that jump's destination, - if the node is empty, the label is set to the end label. } shortcut: Boolean; statementlabel : tlabelnode; { instructions } statement : tnode; end; tsetelementnode = class(tbinarynode) constructor create(l,r : tnode);virtual; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; end; tsetelementnodeclass = class of tsetelementnode; tinnode = class(tbinopnode) constructor create(l,r : tnode);virtual;reintroduce; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function simplify(forinline : boolean):tnode;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; end; tinnodeclass = class of tinnode; trangenode = class(tbinarynode) constructor create(l,r : tnode);virtual; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; end; trangenodeclass = class of trangenode; tcasenode = class(tunarynode) strict private { Number of labels } flabelcnt: cardinal; { Number of individual values checked, counting each value in a range individually (e.g. 0..2 counts as 3). } flabelcoverage: qword; fcountsuptodate: boolean; function getlabelcnt: cardinal; function getlabelcoverage: qword; procedure updatecoverage; procedure checkordinalcoverage; public blocks : TFPList; elseblock : tnode; constructor create(l:tnode);virtual; destructor destroy;override; constructor ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override; procedure buildderefimpl;override; procedure derefimpl;override; function dogetcopy : tnode;override; procedure printnodetree(var t:text);override; {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML} procedure XMLPrintNodeTree(var t:text); override; {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} procedure insertintolist(l : tnodelist);override; function pass_typecheck:tnode;override; function pass_1 : tnode;override; function simplify(forinline:boolean):tnode;override; function docompare(p: tnode): boolean; override; procedure addlabel(blockid:longint;const l,h : TConstExprInt); overload; procedure addlabel(blockid:longint;l,h : tstringconstnode); overload; procedure addblock(blockid:longint;instr:tnode); procedure addelseblock(instr:tnode); property labelcnt: cardinal read getlabelcnt; { returns one less than the covered case range, so that it does not overflow for a fully covered qword range } property labelcoverage: qword read getlabelcoverage; protected flabels : pcaselabel; public property labels: pcaselabel read flabels; end; tcasenodeclass = class of tcasenode; var csetelementnode : tsetelementnodeclass = tsetelementnode; cinnode : tinnodeclass = tinnode; crangenode : trangenodeclass = trangenode; ccasenode : tcasenodeclass = tcasenode; { searches the highest label } function case_get_max(root : pcaselabel) : tconstexprint; { searches the lowest label } function case_get_min(root : pcaselabel) : tconstexprint; implementation uses verbose,cutils, symconst,symdef,symsym,symtable,defutil,defcmp, htypechk,pass_1, nadd,nbas,ncal,ncnv,nld,nutils, cgbase; {***************************************************************************** TSETELEMENTNODE *****************************************************************************} constructor tsetelementnode.create(l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(setelementn,l,r); end; function tsetelementnode.pass_typecheck:tnode; begin result:=nil; typecheckpass(left); if assigned(right) then typecheckpass(right); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; resultdef:=left.resultdef; end; function tsetelementnode.pass_1 : tnode; begin result:=nil; firstpass(left); if assigned(right) then firstpass(right); if codegenerror then exit; expectloc:=left.expectloc; end; {***************************************************************************** TINNODE *****************************************************************************} constructor tinnode.create(l,r : tnode); begin inherited create(inn,l,r); end; function tinnode.pass_typecheck:tnode; var t : tnode; function createsetconst(psd : tsetdef) : pconstset; var pcs : pconstset; i : longint; begin new(pcs); case psd.elementdef.typ of enumdef : begin for i := 0 to tenumdef(psd.elementdef).symtable.SymList.Count - 1 do begin include(pcs^,tenumsym(tenumdef(psd.elementdef).symtable.SymList[i]).value); end; end; orddef : begin for i:=int64(torddef(psd.elementdef).low) to int64(torddef(psd.elementdef).high) do include(pcs^,i); end; else internalerror(2019050516); end; createsetconst:=pcs; end; begin result:=nil; resultdef:=pasbool1type; typecheckpass(right); set_varstate(right,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; { Convert array constructor first to set } if is_array_constructor(right.resultdef) then begin arrayconstructor_to_set(right); firstpass(right); if codegenerror then exit; end; typecheckpass(left); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; if not assigned(left.resultdef) then internalerror(20021126); t:=self; if isbinaryoverloaded(t,[]) then begin result:=t; exit; end; if right.resultdef.typ<>setdef then CGMessage(sym_e_set_expected); if codegenerror then exit; if (m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin { insert a hint that a range check error might occur on non-byte elements with the in operator. } if ( (left.resultdef.typ = orddef) and not (torddef(left.resultdef).ordtype in [s8bit,u8bit,uchar,pasbool1,pasbool8,bool8bit]) ) or ( (left.resultdef.typ = enumdef) and (tenumdef(left.resultdef).maxval > 255) ) then CGMessage(type_h_in_range_check); { type conversion/check } if assigned(tsetdef(right.resultdef).elementdef) then inserttypeconv(left,tsetdef(right.resultdef).elementdef); end else if not is_ordinal(left.resultdef) or (left.resultdef.size > u32inttype.size) then begin CGMessage(type_h_in_range_check); if is_signed(left.resultdef) then inserttypeconv(left,s32inttype) else inserttypeconv(left,u32inttype); end else if assigned(tsetdef(right.resultdef).elementdef) and not(is_integer(tsetdef(right.resultdef).elementdef) and is_integer(left.resultdef)) then { Type conversion to check things like 'char in set_of_byte'. } { Can't use is_subequal because that will fail for } { 'widechar in set_of_char' } { Can't use the type conversion for integers because then } { "longint in set_of_byte" will give a range check error } { instead of false } inserttypeconv(left,tsetdef(right.resultdef).elementdef); { empty set then return false } if not assigned(tsetdef(right.resultdef).elementdef) or ((right.nodetype = setconstn) and (tnormalset(tsetconstnode(right).value_set^) = [])) then begin t:=cordconstnode.create(0,pasbool1type,false); typecheckpass(t); result:=t; exit; end; result:=simplify(false); end; function tinnode.simplify(forinline : boolean):tnode; var t : tnode; begin result:=nil; { constant evaluation } if (left.nodetype=ordconstn) then begin if (right.nodetype=setconstn) then begin { tordconstnode.value is int64 -> signed -> the expression } { below will be converted to longint on 32 bit systems due } { to the rule above -> will give range check error if } { value > high(longint) if we don't take the signedness } { into account } if Tordconstnode(left).value.signed then t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(tordconstnode(left).value.svalue in Tsetconstnode(right).value_set^), pasbool1type,true) else t:=cordconstnode.create(byte(tordconstnode(left).value.uvalue in Tsetconstnode(right).value_set^), pasbool1type,true); typecheckpass(t); result:=t; exit; end else begin if (Tordconstnode(left).valueint64(Tsetdef(right.resultdef).setmax)) then begin t:=cordconstnode.create(0, pasbool1type, true); typecheckpass(t); result:=t; exit; end; end; end; end; function tinnode.pass_1 : tnode; begin result:=nil; expectloc:=LOC_REGISTER; firstpass(right); firstpass(left); if codegenerror then exit; end; {***************************************************************************** TRANGENODE *****************************************************************************} constructor trangenode.create(l,r : tnode); var value: string; begin { if right is char and left is string then } { right should be treated as one-symbol string } if is_conststringnode(l) and is_constcharnode(r) then begin value := char(tordconstnode(r).value.uvalue) + ''#0; r.free; r := cstringconstnode.createstr(value); do_typecheckpass(r); end; inherited create(rangen,l,r); end; function trangenode.pass_typecheck : tnode; begin result:=nil; typecheckpass(left); typecheckpass(right); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); set_varstate(right,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; { both types must be compatible } if compare_defs(left.resultdef,right.resultdef,left.nodetype)=te_incompatible then IncompatibleTypes(left.resultdef,right.resultdef); { Check if only when its a constant set } if (left.nodetype=ordconstn) and (right.nodetype=ordconstn) then begin { upper limit must be greater or equal than lower limit } if (tordconstnode(left).value>tordconstnode(right).value) and ((tordconstnode(left).value<0) or (tordconstnode(right).value>=0)) then CGMessage(parser_e_upper_lower_than_lower); end; resultdef:=left.resultdef; end; function trangenode.pass_1 : tnode; begin result:=nil; firstpass(left); firstpass(right); if codegenerror then exit; expectloc:=left.expectloc; end; {***************************************************************************** Case Helpers *****************************************************************************} { labels is the number of case-labels, while cases includes each individual value in a range (e.g. "0..2" counts as 3) } procedure case_count_labels(root : pcaselabel; out labels, cases: longint); procedure count(p : pcaselabel); begin inc(labels); inc(cases, (p^._high.svalue - p^._low.svalue) + 1); if assigned(p^.less) then count(p^.less); if assigned(p^.greater) then count(p^.greater); end; begin labels:=0; cases:=0; count(root); end; function case_get_max(root : pcaselabel) : tconstexprint; var hp : pcaselabel; begin hp:=root; while assigned(hp^.greater) do hp:=hp^.greater; case_get_max:=hp^._high; end; function case_get_min(root : pcaselabel) : tconstexprint; var hp : pcaselabel; begin hp:=root; while assigned(hp^.less) do hp:=hp^.less; case_get_min:=hp^._low; end; procedure deletecaselabels(p : pcaselabel); begin if assigned(p^.greater) then deletecaselabels(p^.greater); if assigned(p^.less) then deletecaselabels(p^.less); if (p^.label_type = ltConstString) then begin p^._low_str.Free; p^._high_str.Free; end; dispose(p); end; function copycaselabel(p : pcaselabel) : pcaselabel; var n : pcaselabel; begin new(n); n^:=p^; if (p^.label_type = ltConstString) then begin n^._low_str := tstringconstnode(p^._low_str.getcopy); n^._high_str := tstringconstnode(p^._high_str.getcopy); end; if assigned(p^.greater) then n^.greater:=copycaselabel(p^.greater); if assigned(p^.less) then n^.less:=copycaselabel(p^.less); copycaselabel:=n; end; procedure ppuwritecaselabel(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;p : pcaselabel); var b : byte; begin ppufile.putboolean(p^.label_type = ltConstString); if (p^.label_type = ltConstString) then begin p^._low_str.ppuwrite(ppufile); p^._high_str.ppuwrite(ppufile); end else begin ppufile.putexprint(p^._low); ppufile.putexprint(p^._high); end; ppufile.putlongint(p^.blockid); b:=ord(assigned(p^.greater)) or (ord(assigned(p^.less)) shl 1); ppufile.putbyte(b); if assigned(p^.greater) then ppuwritecaselabel(ppufile,p^.greater); if assigned(p^.less) then ppuwritecaselabel(ppufile,p^.less); end; function ppuloadcaselabel(ppufile:tcompilerppufile):pcaselabel; var b : byte; p : pcaselabel; begin new(p); if ppufile.getboolean then begin p^.label_type := ltConstString; p^._low_str := cstringconstnode.ppuload(stringconstn,ppufile); p^._high_str := cstringconstnode.ppuload(stringconstn,ppufile); end else begin p^.label_type := ltOrdinal; p^._low:=ppufile.getexprint; p^._high:=ppufile.getexprint; end; p^.blockid:=ppufile.getlongint; b:=ppufile.getbyte; if (b and 1)=1 then p^.greater:=ppuloadcaselabel(ppufile) else p^.greater:=nil; if (b and 2)=2 then p^.less:=ppuloadcaselabel(ppufile) else p^.less:=nil; ppuloadcaselabel:=p; end; {***************************************************************************** TCASENODE *****************************************************************************} constructor tcasenode.create(l:tnode); begin inherited create(casen,l); flabels:=nil; blocks:=TFPList.create; elseblock:=nil; end; destructor tcasenode.destroy; var i : longint; hp : pcaseblock; begin elseblock.free; deletecaselabels(flabels); for i:=0 to blocks.count-1 do begin pcaseblock(blocks[i])^.statement.free; hp:=pcaseblock(blocks[i]); dispose(hp); end; blocks.free; inherited destroy; end; constructor tcasenode.ppuload(t:tnodetype;ppufile:tcompilerppufile); var cnt,i : longint; begin inherited ppuload(t,ppufile); elseblock:=ppuloadnode(ppufile); cnt:=ppufile.getlongint(); blocks:=TFPList.create; for i:=0 to cnt-1 do addblock(i,ppuloadnode(ppufile)); flabels:=ppuloadcaselabel(ppufile); { we don't save/restore the label counts, but recalculate them if needed } fcountsuptodate:=false; end; procedure tcasenode.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); var i : longint; begin inherited ppuwrite(ppufile); ppuwritenode(ppufile,elseblock); ppufile.putlongint(blocks.count); for i:=0 to blocks.count-1 do ppuwritenode(ppufile,pcaseblock(blocks[i])^.statement); ppuwritecaselabel(ppufile,flabels); { we don't save/restore the label counts, but recalculate them if needed } end; procedure tcasenode.buildderefimpl; var i : integer; begin inherited buildderefimpl; if assigned(elseblock) then elseblock.buildderefimpl; for i:=0 to blocks.count-1 do pcaseblock(blocks[i])^.statement.buildderefimpl; end; procedure tcasenode.derefimpl; var i : integer; begin inherited derefimpl; if assigned(elseblock) then elseblock.derefimpl; for i:=0 to blocks.count-1 do pcaseblock(blocks[i])^.statement.derefimpl; end; function tcasenode.pass_typecheck : tnode; var i : integer; begin result:=nil; do_typecheckpass(left); for i:=0 to blocks.count-1 do typecheckpass(pcaseblock(blocks[i])^.statement); if assigned(elseblock) then typecheckpass(elseblock); if not codegenerror and is_ordinal(left.resultdef) then checkordinalcoverage; resultdef:=voidtype; end; type TLinkedListCaseLabelItem = class(TLinkedListItem) casenode: pcaselabel; constructor create(c: pcaselabel); end; constructor TLinkedListCaseLabelItem.create(c: pcaselabel); begin inherited create; casenode:=c; end; function tcasenode.pass_1 : tnode; var i: integer; node_thenblock, node_elseblock, if_node,temp_cleanup : tnode; tempcaseexpr : ttempcreatenode; if_block, init_block: tblocknode; stmt: tstatementnode; procedure add_label_to_blockid_list(list: tfpobjectlist; lab: pcaselabel); begin if not assigned(lab) then exit; if not assigned(list[lab^.blockid]) then list[lab^.blockid]:=tfpobjectlist.create(true); tfpobjectlist(list[lab^.blockid]).add(TLinkedListCaseLabelItem.create(lab)); add_label_to_blockid_list(list,lab^.less); add_label_to_blockid_list(list,lab^.greater); end; function order_labels_by_blockid: tfpobjectlist; begin result:=tfpobjectlist.create(true); result.count:=blocks.count; add_label_to_blockid_list(result,flabels); end; function makeifblock(elseblock : tnode): tnode; var i, j: longint; check: taddnode; newcheck: ^taddnode; blocklist, lablist: tfpobjectlist; labitem: pcaselabel; begin result:=elseblock; blocklist:=order_labels_by_blockid; { in reverse order so that the case options at the start of the case statement are evaluated first, as they presumably are the most common } for i:=blocklist.count-1 downto 0 do begin lablist:=tfpobjectlist(blocklist[i]); check:=nil; for j:=0 to lablist.count-1 do begin if assigned(check) then begin check:=caddnode.create(orn,check,nil); newcheck:=@check.right end else newcheck:=@check; labitem:=TLinkedListCaseLabelItem(lablist[j]).casenode; newcheck^:=caddnode.create(equaln,left.getcopy,labitem^._low_str.getcopy); if (labitem^._low_str.fullcompare(labitem^._high_str)<>0) then begin newcheck^.nodetype:=gten; newcheck^:=caddnode.create( andn,newcheck^,caddnode.create( lten,left.getcopy,labitem^._high_str.getcopy)); end; end; result:=cifnode.create(check, pcaseblock(blocks[i])^.statement,result); pcaseblock(blocks[i])^.statement:=nil; end; { will free its elements too because of create(true) } blocklist.free; typecheckpass(result); end; begin result:=nil; init_block:=nil; temp_cleanup:=nil; expectloc:=LOC_VOID; { evalutes the case expression } firstpass(left); set_varstate(left,vs_read,[vsf_must_be_valid]); if codegenerror then exit; { Load caseexpr into temp var if complex. } { No need to do this for ordinal, because } { in that case caseexpr is generated once } if (flabels^.label_type = ltConstString) and (not valid_for_addr(left, false)) and (blocks.count > 0) then begin init_block := internalstatements(stmt); tempcaseexpr := ctempcreatenode.create( left.resultdef, left.resultdef.size, tt_persistent, true); temp_cleanup := ctempdeletenode.create(tempcaseexpr); typecheckpass(tnode(tempcaseexpr)); addstatement(stmt, tempcaseexpr); addstatement( stmt, cassignmentnode.create( ctemprefnode.create(tempcaseexpr), left)); left := ctemprefnode.create(tempcaseexpr); typecheckpass(left); end; { first case } for i:=0 to blocks.count-1 do firstpass(pcaseblock(blocks[i])^.statement); { may be handle else tree } if assigned(elseblock) then begin firstpass(elseblock); { kill case? } if blocks.count=0 then begin result:=elseblock; elseblock:=nil; exit; end; end else if blocks.count=0 then begin result:=cnothingnode.create; exit; end; if (flabels^.label_type = ltConstString) then begin if_node:=makeifblock(elseblock); if assigned(init_block) then firstpass(tnode(init_block)); if_block:=internalstatements(stmt); if assigned(init_block) then addstatement(stmt, init_block); addstatement(stmt,if_node); if assigned(temp_cleanup) then addstatement(stmt,temp_cleanup); result:=if_block; elseblock:= nil; exit; end; if is_boolean(left.resultdef) then begin case blocks.count of 2: begin if boolean(qword(flabels^._low))=false then begin node_thenblock:=pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.greater^.blockid])^.statement; node_elseblock:=pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.blockid])^.statement; pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.greater^.blockid])^.statement:=nil; end else begin node_thenblock:=pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.blockid])^.statement; node_elseblock:=pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.less^.blockid])^.statement; pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.less^.blockid])^.statement:=nil; end; pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.blockid])^.statement:=nil; end; 1: begin if flabels^._low=flabels^._high then begin if boolean(qword(flabels^._low))=false then begin node_thenblock:=elseblock; node_elseblock:=pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.blockid])^.statement; end else begin node_thenblock:=pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.blockid])^.statement; node_elseblock:=elseblock; end; pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.blockid])^.statement:=nil; elseblock:=nil; end else begin result:=pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.blockid])^.statement; pcaseblock(blocks[flabels^.blockid])^.statement:=nil; elseblock:=nil; exit; end; end; else internalerror(200805031); end; result:=cifnode.create(left,node_thenblock,node_elseblock); left:=nil; end; end; function tcasenode.simplify(forinline:boolean):tnode; var tmp: pcaselabel; begin result:=nil; if left.nodetype=ordconstn then begin tmp:=flabels; { check all case labels until we find one that fits } while assigned(tmp) do begin if (tmp^._low<=tordconstnode(left).value) and (tmp^._high>=tordconstnode(left).value) then begin if tmp^.blockid>=blocks.count then internalerror(2014022101); result:=pcaseblock(blocks[tmp^.blockid])^.statement; if not assigned(result) then internalerror(2014022102); result:=result.getcopy; exit; end; if tmp^._high'); PrintNodeIndent; WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); PrintNodeIndent; XMLPrintNode(T, Left); PrintNodeUnindent; WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); i:=0; for i:=0 to blocks.count-1 do begin WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); PrintNodeIndent; XMLPrintNode(T, PCaseBlock(blocks[i])^.statement); PrintNodeUnindent; WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); end; if assigned(elseblock) then begin WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, '');; PrintNodeIndent; XMLPrintNode(T, ElseBlock); PrintNodeUnindent; WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); end; PrintNodeUnindent; WriteLn(T, PrintNodeIndention, ''); end; {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML} procedure tcasenode.insertintolist(l : tnodelist); begin end; function caselabelsequal(n1,n2: pcaselabel): boolean; begin result := (not assigned(n1) and not assigned(n2)) or (assigned(n1) and assigned(n2) and (n1^._low = n2^._low) and (n1^._high = n2^._high) and { the rest of the fields don't matter for equality (JM) } caselabelsequal(n1^.less,n2^.less) and caselabelsequal(n1^.greater,n2^.greater)) end; function caseblocksequal(b1,b2:TFPList): boolean; var i : longint; begin result:=false; if b1.count<>b2.count then exit; for i:=0 to b1.count-1 do begin if not pcaseblock(b1[i])^.statement.isequal(pcaseblock(b2[i])^.statement) then exit; end; result:=true; end; function tcasenode.docompare(p: tnode): boolean; begin result := inherited docompare(p) and caselabelsequal(flabels,tcasenode(p).flabels) and caseblocksequal(blocks,tcasenode(p).blocks) and elseblock.isequal(tcasenode(p).elseblock); end; procedure tcasenode.addblock(blockid:longint;instr:tnode); var hcaseblock : pcaseblock; begin new(hcaseblock); fillchar(hcaseblock^,sizeof(hcaseblock^),0); hcaseblock^.statement:=instr; if blockid>=blocks.count then blocks.count:=blockid+1; blocks[blockid]:=hcaseblock; end; procedure tcasenode.addelseblock(instr:tnode); begin elseblock:=instr; end; function tcasenode.getlabelcnt: cardinal; begin if not fcountsuptodate then updatecoverage; result:=flabelcnt; end; function tcasenode.getlabelcoverage: qword; begin if not fcountsuptodate then updatecoverage; result:=flabelcoverage; end; procedure tcasenode.updatecoverage; var isord, first: boolean; procedure count(p : pcaselabel); begin inc(flabelcnt); if isord then begin flabelcoverage:=flabelcoverage + (p^._high - p^._low); { ensure we don't overflow in case it covers the full range of qword } if not first then inc(flabelcoverage); first:=false; end; if assigned(p^.less) then count(p^.less); if assigned(p^.greater) then count(p^.greater); end; begin isord:=is_ordinal(left.resultdef); flabelcnt:=0; flabelcoverage:=0; first:=true; count(flabels); fcountsuptodate:=true; end; procedure tcasenode.checkordinalcoverage; function orddefspansfullrange(def: torddef): boolean; var packedbitsize: cardinal; dummy: longint; val: qword; begin result:=false; packedbitsize:=def.packedbitsize; if ((packedbitsize mod 8) <> 0) or not ispowerof2(packedbitsize div 8,dummy) then exit; dec(packedbitsize); if is_signed(def) then begin {$push}{$q-} if def.low<>(-(int64(1) shl packedbitsize)) then exit; if def.high<>((int64(1) shl packedbitsize)-1) then exit; {$pop} end else begin if def.low<>0 then exit; val:=qword(1) shl packedbitsize; val:=(val-1)+val; if def.high<>val then exit; end; result:=true; end; var lv, hv, typcount: tconstexprint; begin { Check label type coverage for enumerations and small types } getrange(left.resultdef,lv,hv); typcount:=hv-lv; if not assigned(elseblock) then begin { unless cs_check_all_case_coverage is set, only check for enums, booleans and subrange types different from the default ones } if (cs_check_all_case_coverage in current_settings.localswitches) or (is_enum(left.resultdef) or is_boolean(left.resultdef) or not orddefspansfullrange(torddef(left.resultdef))) and (labelcoveragehcaselabel^._low) and (p^._low>hcaselabel^._high) then begin if (hcaselabel^.blockid = p^.blockid) and (p^._low = hcaselabel^._high + 1) then begin p^._low := hcaselabel^._low; dispose(hcaselabel); result:=p; end else result:=insertlabel(p^.less) end else if (p^._high 0) then result := insertlabel(p^.less) else if (p^._high_str.fullcompare(hcaselabel^._low_str) < 0) then result := insertlabel(p^.greater) else begin hcaselabel^._low_str.free; hcaselabel^._high_str.free; dispose(hcaselabel); Message(parser_e_double_caselabel); result:=nil; end; end; begin new(hcaselabel); fillchar(hcaselabel^, sizeof(tcaselabel), 0); hcaselabel^.blockid := blockid; hcaselabel^.label_type := ltConstString; hcaselabel^._low_str := tstringconstnode(l.getcopy); hcaselabel^._high_str := tstringconstnode(h.getcopy); insertlabel(flabels); end; end.