{ Basic node optimizer stuff Copyright (c) 2007 by Florian Klaempfl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit optbase; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype; type { this should maybe replaced by a spare set, using a dyn. array makes assignments cheap } tdfaset = array of byte; PDFASet = ^TDFASet; toptinfo = record { index of the current node inside the dfa sets, aword(-1) if no entry } index : aword; { dfa } def : tdfaset; use : tdfaset; life : tdfaset; defsum : tdfaset; avail : tdfaset; end; poptinfo = ^toptinfo; { basic set operations for dfa sets } { add e to s } procedure DFASetInclude(var s : tdfaset;e : integer); { add s to d } procedure DFASetIncludeSet(var d : tdfaset;const s : tdfaset); { remove s to d } procedure DFASetExcludeSet(var d : tdfaset;const s : tdfaset); { remove e from s } procedure DFASetExclude(var s : tdfaset;e : integer); { test if s contains e } function DFASetIn(const s : tdfaset;e : integer) : boolean; { d:=s1+s2; } procedure DFASetUnion(var d : tdfaset;const s1,s2 : tdfaset); { d:=s1*s2; } procedure DFASetIntersect(var d : tdfaset;const s1,s2 : tdfaset); { d:=s1-s2; } procedure DFASetDiff(var d : tdfaset;const s1,s2 : tdfaset); { s1<>s2; } function DFASetNotEqual(const s1,s2 : tdfaset) : boolean; { output DFA set } procedure PrintDFASet(var f : text;s : TDFASet); implementation uses cutils; procedure DFASetInclude(var s : tdfaset;e : integer); var e8 : Integer; begin e8:=e div 8; if e8>high(s) then SetLength(s,e8+1); s[e8]:=s[e8] or (1 shl (e mod 8)); end; procedure DFASetIncludeSet(var d : tdfaset;const s : tdfaset); var i : integer; begin if length(s)>length(d) then SetLength(d,length(s)); for i:=0 to high(s) do d[i]:=d[i] or s[i]; end; procedure DFASetExcludeSet(var d : tdfaset;const s : tdfaset); var i : integer; begin if length(s)>length(d) then SetLength(d,length(s)); for i:=0 to high(s) do d[i]:=d[i] and not(s[i]); end; procedure DFASetExclude(var s : tdfaset;e : integer); var e8 : Integer; begin e8:=e div 8; if e8<=high(s) then s[e8]:=s[e8] and not(1 shl (e mod 8)); end; function DFASetIn(const s : tdfaset;e : integer) : boolean; var e8 : Integer; begin e8:=e div 8; if e8<=high(s) then result:=(s[e8] and (1 shl (e mod 8)))<>0 else result:=false; end; procedure DFASetUnion(var d : tdfaset;const s1,s2 : tdfaset); var i : integer; begin SetLength(d,max(Length(s1),Length(s2))); for i:=0 to min(high(s1),high(s2)) do d[i]:=s1[i] or s2[i]; if high(s1)high(s2) then d[i]:=s1[i] else d[i]:=s1[i] and not(s2[i]); end; function DFASetNotEqual(const s1,s2 : tdfaset) : boolean; var i : integer; begin result:=true; { one set could be larger than the other } if length(s1)>length(s2) then begin for i:=0 to high(s2) do if s1[i]<>s2[i] then exit; { check remaining part being zero } for i:=length(s2) to high(s1) do if s1[i]<>0 then exit; end else begin for i:=0 to high(s1) do if s1[i]<>s2[i] then exit; { check remaining part being zero } for i:=length(s1) to high(s2) do if s2[i]<>0 then exit; end; result:=false; end; procedure PrintDFASet(var f : text;s : TDFASet); var i : integer; first : boolean; begin first:=true; for i:=0 to Length(s)*8 do begin if DFASetIn(s,i) then begin if not(first) then write(f,','); write(f,i); first:=false; end; end; end; end.