{ Constant propagation across statements Copyright (c) 2005-2012 by Jeppe Johansen and Florian Klaempfl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit optconstprop; {$i fpcdefs.inc} { $define DEBUG_CONSTPROP} interface uses node; { does constant propagation for rootnode The approach is simple: It search for constant assignment statements. As soon as such a statement is found, the following statements are search if they contain a usage of the assigned variable. If this is a the case, the variable is replaced by the constant. This does not work across points where the program flow joins so e.g. if ... then ... a:=1; ... else ... a:=1; ... writeln(a); will not result in any constant propagation. } function do_optconstpropagate(var rootnode : tnode) : tnode; implementation uses fmodule, pass_1,procinfo, symsym, symconst, nutils, nbas, ncnv, nld, nflw, ncal; function check_written(var n: tnode; arg: pointer): foreachnoderesult; begin result:=fen_false; if n.isequal(tnode(arg)) and ((n.flags*[nf_write,nf_modify])<>[]) then begin result:=fen_norecurse_true; end; end; { propagates the constant assignment passed in arg into n } function replaceBasicAssign(var n: tnode; arg: tnode; var tree_modified: boolean): boolean; var st2, oldnode: tnode; old: pnode; changed, tree_modified2,tree_modified3: boolean; written : Boolean; begin result:=true; if n = nil then exit; tree_modified:=false; tree_modified2:=false; tree_modified3:=false; { while it might be usefull, to use foreach to iterate all nodes, it is safer to iterate manually here so we have full controll how all nodes are processed } { We cannot analyze beyond those nodes, so we terminate to be on the safe side } if (n.nodetype in [addrn,derefn,dataconstn,asmn,withn,casen,whilerepeatn,labeln,continuen,breakn, tryexceptn,raisen,tryfinallyn,onn,loadparentfpn,loadvmtaddrn,guidconstn,rttin,addoptn,asn,goton, objcselectorn,objcprotocoln]) then exit(false) else if n.nodetype=assignn then begin tree_modified:=false; { we can propage the constant in both branches because the evaluation order is not defined } result:=replaceBasicAssign(tassignmentnode(n).right, arg, tree_modified); { do not use the intuitive way result:=result and replace... because this would prevent replaceBasicAssign being called if the result is already false } result:=replaceBasicAssign(tassignmentnode(n).left, arg, tree_modified2) and result; tree_modified:=tree_modified or tree_modified2; { but we have to check if left writes to the currently searched variable ... } written:=foreachnodestatic(pm_postprocess, tassignmentnode(n).left, @check_written, tassignmentnode(arg).left); { ... if this is the case, we have to stop searching } result:=result and not(written); end else if n.isequal(tassignmentnode(arg).left) and ((n.flags*[nf_write,nf_modify])=[]) then begin n.Free; n:=tassignmentnode(arg).right.getcopy; inserttypeconv_internal(n, tassignmentnode(arg).left.resultdef); tree_modified:=true; end else if n.nodetype=statementn then result:=replaceBasicAssign(tstatementnode(n).left, arg, tree_modified) else if n.nodetype=forn then begin result:=replaceBasicAssign(tfornode(n).right, arg, tree_modified); if result then replaceBasicAssign(tfornode(n).t1, arg, tree_modified2); tree_modified:=tree_modified or tree_modified2; { after a for node we cannot continue with our simple approach } result:=false; end else if n.nodetype=blockn then begin changed:=false; st2:=tstatementnode(tblocknode(n).statements); old:=@tblocknode(n).statements; while assigned(st2) do begin repeat oldnode:=st2; tree_modified2:=false; if not replaceBasicAssign(st2, arg, tree_modified2) then begin old^:=st2; oldnode:=nil; changed:=changed or tree_modified2; result:=false; break; end else old^:=st2; changed:=changed or tree_modified2; until oldnode=st2; if oldnode = nil then break; old:=@tstatementnode(st2).next; st2:=tstatementnode(st2).next; end; tree_modified:=changed; end else if n.nodetype=ifn then begin result:=replaceBasicAssign(tifnode(n).left, arg, tree_modified); if result then begin if assigned(tifnode(n).t1) then begin { we can propagate the constant in both branches of an if statement because even if the the branch writes to it, the else branch gets the unmodified value } result:=replaceBasicAssign(tifnode(n).right, arg, tree_modified2); { do not use the intuitive way result:=result and replace... because this would prevent replaceBasicAssign being called if the result is already false } result:=replaceBasicAssign(tifnode(n).t1, arg, tree_modified3) and result; tree_modified:=tree_modified or tree_modified2 or tree_modified3; end else begin result:=replaceBasicAssign(tifnode(n).right, arg, tree_modified2); tree_modified:=tree_modified or tree_modified2; end; end; end else if n.nodetype in [calln,inlinen] then begin if might_have_sideeffects(n) and (n.nodetype=inlinen) then exit(false); if n.nodetype=calln then exit(false); replaceBasicAssign(tunarynode(n).left, arg, tree_modified); result:=false; end else if n.InheritsFrom(tbinarynode) then begin result:=replaceBasicAssign(tbinarynode(n).left, arg, tree_modified); if result then result:=replaceBasicAssign(tbinarynode(n).right, arg, tree_modified2); tree_modified:=tree_modified or tree_modified2; end else if n.InheritsFrom(tunarynode) then begin result:=replaceBasicAssign(tunarynode(n).left, arg, tree_modified); end; if n.nodetype<>callparan then begin if tree_modified then exclude(n.flags,nf_pass1_done); do_firstpass(n); end; end; function propagate(var n: tnode; arg: pointer): foreachnoderesult; var l, st, st2, oldnode: tnode; old: pnode; a: tassignmentnode; tree_mod, changed: boolean; begin result:=fen_true; changed:=false; PBoolean(arg)^:=false; if not assigned(n) then exit; if n.nodetype in [calln] then exit(fen_norecurse_true); if n.nodetype=blockn then begin st:=tblocknode(n).statements; while assigned(st) and (st.nodetype=statementn) and assigned(tstatementnode(st).statement) do begin if tstatementnode(st).statement.nodetype=assignn then begin a:=tassignmentnode(tstatementnode(st).statement); l:=a.left; if ((((l.nodetype=loadn) and { its address cannot have escaped the current routine } not(tabstractvarsym(tloadnode(l).symtableentry).addr_taken)) and (( (tloadnode(l).symtableentry.typ=localvarsym) and (tloadnode(l).symtable=current_procinfo.procdef.localst) ) or ((tloadnode(l).symtableentry.typ=paravarsym) and (tloadnode(l).symtable=current_procinfo.procdef.parast) ) or ((tloadnode(l).symtableentry.typ=staticvarsym) and (tloadnode(l).symtable.symtabletype=staticsymtable) ) )) or (l.nodetype = temprefn)) and (is_constintnode(a.right) or is_constboolnode(a.right) or is_constcharnode(a.right) or is_constenumnode(a.right) or is_conststringnode(a.right)) then begin st2:=tstatementnode(tstatementnode(st).right); old:=@tstatementnode(st).right; while assigned(st2) do begin repeat oldnode:=st2; { Simple assignment of constant found } tree_mod:=false; if not replaceBasicAssign(st2, a, tree_mod) then begin old^:=st2; oldnode:=nil; changed:=changed or tree_mod; break; end else old^:=st2; changed:=changed or tree_mod; until oldnode=st2; if oldnode = nil then break; old:=@tstatementnode(st2).next; st2:=tstatementnode(st2).next; end; end; end; st:=tstatementnode(st).next; end; end; PBoolean(arg)^:=changed; end; function do_optconstpropagate(var rootnode: tnode): tnode; var changed: boolean; runsimplify : Boolean; begin {$ifdef DEBUG_CONSTPROP} writeln('************************ before constant propagation ***************************'); printnode(rootnode); {$endif DEBUG_CONSTPROP} runsimplify:=false; repeat changed:=false; foreachnodestatic(pm_postandagain, rootnode, @propagate, @changed); runsimplify:=runsimplify or changed; until changed=false; if runsimplify then doinlinesimplify(rootnode); {$ifdef DEBUG_CONSTPROP} writeln('************************ after constant propagation ***************************'); printnode(rootnode); writeln('*******************************************************************************'); {$endif DEBUG_CONSTPROP} result:=rootnode; end; end.