{ Copyright (c) 2008 by Jonas Maebe Optimization information related to dead code removal This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit optdead; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses globtype, classes,cclasses, symtype, wpobase; type { twpodeadcodeinfo } twpodeadcodeinfo = class(twpodeadcodehandler) private { hashtable of symbols which are live } fsymbols : tfphashlist; procedure documentformat(writer: twposectionwriterintf); public constructor create; override; destructor destroy; override; class function getwpotype: twpotype; override; class function generatesinfoforwposwitches: twpoptimizerswitches; override; class function performswpoforswitches: twpoptimizerswitches; override; class function sectionname: shortstring; override; class procedure checkoptions; override; { information collection } procedure storewpofilesection(writer: twposectionwriterintf); override; { information providing } procedure loadfromwpofilesection(reader: twposectionreaderintf); override; function symbolinfinalbinary(const s: shortstring): boolean;override; end; { tdeadcodeinfofromexternallinker } twpodeadcodeinfofromexternallinker = class(twpodeadcodeinfo) private fsymtypepos, fsymnamepos : longint; fsymfile : text; fsymfilename : tcmdstr; aixstrings : tstringlist; fuseaixextractstrings : boolean; function parselinenm(const line: ansistring): boolean; function parselineobjdump(const line: ansistring): boolean; public class procedure checkoptions; override; { information collection } procedure constructfromcompilerstate; override; destructor destroy; override; end; implementation uses cutils,cfileutl, sysutils, globals,systems,fmodule, verbose; const SYMBOL_SECTION_NAME = 'live_symbols'; { twpodeadcodeinfo } constructor twpodeadcodeinfo.create; begin inherited create; fsymbols:=tfphashlist.create; end; destructor twpodeadcodeinfo.destroy; begin fsymbols.free; fsymbols:=nil; inherited destroy; end; class function twpodeadcodeinfo.getwpotype: twpotype; begin result:=wpo_live_symbol_information; end; class function twpodeadcodeinfo.generatesinfoforwposwitches: twpoptimizerswitches; begin result:=[cs_wpo_symbol_liveness]; end; class function twpodeadcodeinfo.performswpoforswitches: twpoptimizerswitches; begin result:=[cs_wpo_symbol_liveness]; end; class function twpodeadcodeinfo.sectionname: shortstring; begin result:=SYMBOL_SECTION_NAME; end; class procedure twpodeadcodeinfo.checkoptions; begin { we don't have access to the symbol info if the linking hasn't happend } if (([cs_link_on_target,cs_link_nolink] * init_settings.globalswitches) <> []) then begin cgmessage(wpo_cannot_extract_live_symbol_info_no_link); exit; end; { without dead code stripping/smart linking, this doesn't make sense } if not(cs_link_smart in init_settings.globalswitches) then begin cgmessage(wpo_symbol_live_info_needs_smart_linking); exit; end; end; procedure twpodeadcodeinfo.documentformat(writer: twposectionwriterintf); begin writer.sectionputline('# section format:'); writer.sectionputline('# symbol1_that_is_live'); writer.sectionputline('# symbol2_that_is_live'); writer.sectionputline('# ...'); writer.sectionputline('#'); end; procedure twpodeadcodeinfo.storewpofilesection(writer: twposectionwriterintf); var i: longint; begin writer.startsection(SYMBOL_SECTION_NAME); documentformat(writer); for i:=0 to fsymbols.count-1 do writer.sectionputline(fsymbols.nameofindex(i)); end; procedure twpodeadcodeinfo.loadfromwpofilesection(reader: twposectionreaderintf); var symname: shortstring; begin while reader.sectiongetnextline(symname) do fsymbols.add(symname,pointer(1)); end; function twpodeadcodeinfo.symbolinfinalbinary(const s: shortstring): boolean; begin result:=fsymbols.find(s)<>nil; end; { twpodeadcodeinfofromexternallinker } {$ifdef relaxed_objdump_parsing} const objdumpcheckstr='.text'; {$else} const objdumpcheckstr='F .text'; {$endif} objdumpsearchstr=' '+objdumpcheckstr; class procedure twpodeadcodeinfofromexternallinker.checkoptions; begin inherited checkoptions; { we need symbol information } if (cs_link_strip in init_settings.globalswitches) then begin cgmessage(wpo_cannot_extract_live_symbol_info_strip); exit; end; end; function twpodeadcodeinfofromexternallinker.parselinenm(const line: ansistring): boolean; begin if fuseaixextractstrings then begin result:=true; if ExtractStrings([' ',#9],[],pchar(line),aixstrings)>=2 then begin if (length(aixstrings[1])=1) and (aixstrings[1][1] in ['t','T']) and (aixstrings[0][1]='.') then fsymbols.add(copy(aixstrings[0],2,length(aixstrings[0])),pointer(1)); end; aixstrings.clear; end else begin if (length(line) < fsymnamepos) then begin cgmessage1(wpo_error_reading_symbol_file,'nm'); close(fsymfile); deletefile(fsymfilename); result:=false; exit; end; if (line[fsymtypepos] in ['T','t']) and (not(target_info.system in systems_dotted_function_names) or (line[fsymnamepos-1]='.')) then fsymbols.add(copy(line,fsymnamepos,length(line)),pointer(1)); end; result:=true; end; function twpodeadcodeinfofromexternallinker.parselineobjdump(const line: ansistring): boolean; begin { there are a couple of empty lines at the end } if (line='') then begin result:=true; exit; end; if (length(line) < fsymtypepos) then begin cgmessage1(wpo_error_reading_symbol_file,'objdump'); close(fsymfile); deletefile(fsymfilename); result:=false; exit; end; if (copy(line,fsymtypepos,length(objdumpcheckstr))=objdumpcheckstr) then fsymbols.add(copy(line,fsymnamepos,length(line)),pointer(1)); result:=true; end; procedure twpodeadcodeinfofromexternallinker.constructfromcompilerstate; type tparselineproc = function(const line: ansistring): boolean of object; var nmfullname, objdumpfullname, symbolprogfullpath : tcmdstr; line : ansistring; parseline : tparselineproc; exitcode : longint; symbolprogfound : boolean; symbolprogisnm : boolean; function findutil(const utilname: string; out fullutilname, fullutilpath: tcmdstr): boolean; begin result:=false; fullutilname:=utilsprefix+changefileext(utilname,source_info.exeext); if utilsdirectory<>'' then result:=findfile(fullutilname,utilsdirectory,false,fullutilpath); if not result then result:=findexe(fullutilname,false,fullutilpath); end; function failiferror(error: boolean): boolean; begin result:=error; if not result then exit; cgmessage1(wpo_error_reading_symbol_file,symbolprogfullpath); {$push}{$i-} close(fsymfile); {$pop} if fileexists(fsymfilename) then deletefile(fsymfilename); end; function setnminfo: boolean; begin { expected format: 0000bce0 T FPC_ABSTRACTERROR ... } result:=false; if (source_info.system in systems_aix) and (target_info.system in systems_aix) then begin { check for native aix nm: .__start t 268435792 213 .__start T 268435792 } if not(line[1] in ['0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F']) then begin fuseaixextractstrings:=true; aixstrings:=tstringlist.create; result:=true; exit; end; end; fsymtypepos:=pos(' ',line)+1; fsymnamepos:=fsymtypepos+2; { on Linux/ppc64, there is an extra '.' at the start of public function names } if (target_info.system=system_powerpc64_linux) then inc(fsymnamepos); if failiferror(fsymtypepos<=0) then exit; { make sure there's room for the name } if failiferror(fsymnamepos>length(line)) then exit; result:=true; end; function setobjdumpinfo: boolean; begin { expected format: prog: file format elf32-i386 SYMBOL TABLE: 08048080 l d .text 00000000 .text 00000000 l d .stabstr 00000000 .stabstr 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 nest.pp 08048160 l F .text 00000068 SYSTEM_INITSYSCALLINTF ... } result:=false; while (pos(objdumpsearchstr,line)<=0) do begin if failiferror(eof(fsymfile)) then exit; readln(fsymfile,line) end; fsymtypepos:=pos(objdumpsearchstr,line)+1; { find begin of symbol name } fsymnamepos:=(pointer(strrscan(pchar(line),' '))-pointer(@line[1]))+2; { sanity check } if (fsymnamepos <= fsymtypepos+length(objdumpcheckstr)) then exit; result:=true; end; begin { twpodeadcodeinfofromexternallinker } fuseaixextractstrings:=false; { gnu-nm (e.g., on solaris) } symbolprogfound:=findutil('gnm',nmfullname,symbolprogfullpath); { regular nm } if not symbolprogfound then symbolprogfound:=findutil('nm',nmfullname,symbolprogfullpath); if not symbolprogfound and (target_info.system in systems_linux) then begin { try objdump } symbolprogfound:=findutil('objdump',objdumpfullname,symbolprogfullpath); symbolprogfullpath:=symbolprogfullpath+' -t '; symbolprogisnm:=false; end else begin symbolprogfullpath:=symbolprogfullpath+' -p '; { GNU nm shows 64 bit addresses when processing 32 bit binaries on a 64 bit platform, but only skips 8 spaces for the address in case of undefined symbols -> skip undefined symbols } if target_info.system in (systems_linux+systems_windows) then symbolprogfullpath:=symbolprogfullpath+'--defined-only '; symbolprogisnm:=true; end; if not symbolprogfound then begin cgmessage2(wpo_cannot_find_symbol_progs,nmfullname,objdumpfullname); exit; end; { upper case to have the least chance of tripping some long file name conversion stuff } fsymfilename:=outputexedir+'FPCWPO.SYM'; { -p gives the same kind of output with Solaris nm as with GNU nm, and for GNU nm it simply means "unsorted" } exitcode:=shell(symbolprogfullpath+maybequoted(current_module.exefilename)+' > '+fsymfilename); if (exitcode<>0) then begin cgmessage2(wpo_error_executing_symbol_prog,symbolprogfullpath,tostr(exitcode)); if fileexists(fsymfilename) then deletefile(fsymfilename); exit; end; assign(fsymfile,fsymfilename); {$push}{$i-} reset(fsymfile); {$pop} if failiferror((ioresult<>0) or eof(fsymfile)) then exit; readln(fsymfile, line); if (symbolprogisnm) then begin if not setnminfo then exit; parseline:=@parselinenm end else begin if not setobjdumpinfo then exit; parseline:=@parselineobjdump; end; if not parseline(line) then exit; while not eof(fsymfile) do begin readln(fsymfile,line); if not parseline(line) then exit; end; close(fsymfile); deletefile(fsymfilename); end; destructor twpodeadcodeinfofromexternallinker.destroy; begin aixstrings.free; inherited destroy; end; end.