{ Dead store elimination Copyright (c) 2005-2012 by Jeppe Johansen and Florian Klaempfl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit optdeadstore; {$i fpcdefs.inc} { $define DEBUG_DEADSTORE} interface uses node; function do_optdeadstoreelim(var rootnode : tnode) : tnode; implementation uses verbose,globtype,globals, procinfo,pass_1, nutils, nbas,nld, optbase, symsym,symconst; function deadstoreelim(var n: tnode; arg: pointer): foreachnoderesult; var a: tassignmentnode; redundant: boolean; begin result:=fen_true; if (n.nodetype=statementn) and assigned(tstatementnode(n).statement) then begin if tstatementnode(n).statement.nodetype=assignn then begin a:=tassignmentnode(tstatementnode(n).statement); { we need to have dfa for the node } if assigned(a.left.optinfo) and (a.left.optinfo^.index<>aword(-1)) and { node must be either a local or parameter load node } (a.left.nodetype=loadn) and { its address cannot have escaped the current routine } not(tabstractvarsym(tloadnode(a.left).symtableentry).addr_taken) and (( (tloadnode(a.left).symtableentry.typ=localvarsym) and (tloadnode(a.left).symtable=current_procinfo.procdef.localst)) or ((tloadnode(a.left).symtableentry.typ=paravarsym) and (tloadnode(a.left).symtable=current_procinfo.procdef.parast) and (tparavarsym(tloadnode(a.left).symtableentry).varspez in [vs_const,vs_value])) or ((tloadnode(a.left).symtableentry.typ=staticvarsym) and (tloadnode(a.left).symtable.symtabletype=staticsymtable) and (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption<>potype_unitinit) ) ) and ((a.right.nodetype in [niln,stringconstn,pointerconstn,setconstn,guidconstn]) or ((a.right.nodetype=ordconstn) and not(cs_check_range in current_settings.localswitches)) or ((a.right.nodetype=realconstn) and not(cs_ieee_errors in current_settings.localswitches)) or ((cs_opt_dead_values in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and not(might_have_sideeffects(a.right))) ) then begin redundant:=not(assigned(a.successor)) or not(DFASetIn(a.successor.optinfo^.life,a.left.optinfo^.index)); if redundant then begin {$ifdef DEBUG_DEADSTORE} writeln('************************** Redundant write *********************************'); printnode(a); writeln('****************************************************************************'); {$endif DEBUG_DEADSTORE} pboolean(arg)^:=true; tstatementnode(n).statement.free; tstatementnode(n).statement:=cnothingnode.create; { do not run firstpass on n here, as it will remove the statement node and this will make foreachnodestatic process the wrong nodes as the current statement node will disappear } end end; end; end; end; function do_optdeadstoreelim(var rootnode: tnode): tnode; var changed: boolean; begin if not(pi_dfaavailable in current_procinfo.flags) then internalerror(2013110201); if not current_procinfo.has_nestedprocs then begin changed:=false; foreachnodestatic(pm_postprocess, rootnode, @deadstoreelim, @changed); end; result:=rootnode; end; end.