{ Copyright (c) 2002 by Florian Klaempfl Generic calling convention handling This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit parabase; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cclasses,globtype, cpubase,cgbase,cgutils, symtype, ppu; type TCGParaReference = record index : tregister; offset : aint; end; PCGParaLocation = ^TCGParaLocation; TCGParaLocation = record Next : PCGParaLocation; Size : TCGSize; { size of this location } Loc : TCGLoc; case TCGLoc of LOC_REFERENCE : (reference : TCGParaReference); LOC_FPUREGISTER, LOC_CFPUREGISTER, LOC_MMREGISTER, LOC_CMMREGISTER, LOC_REGISTER, LOC_CREGISTER : ( { * If shiftval > 0: The number of bits the value in the register must be shifted to the left before it can be stored to memory in the function prolog. This is used for passing OS_NO memory blocks less than register size and of "odd" (3, 5, 6, 7) size on big endian machines, so that small memory blocks passed via registers are properly aligned. E.g. the value $5544433 is passed in bits 40-63 of the register (others are zero), but they should actually be stored in the first bits of the stack location reserved for this value. So they have to be shifted left by this amount of bits before. * if shiftval < 0: Similar as above, but the shifting must always be done and 1) for all parameter sizes < regsize 2) on the caller side } shiftval : shortint; register : tregister); end; TCGPara = object Def : tdef; { Type of the parameter } Location : PCGParalocation; IntSize : tcgint; { size of the total location in bytes } DefDeref : tderef; Alignment : ShortInt; Size : TCGSize; { Size of the parameter included in all locations } Temporary : boolean; { created on the fly, no permanent references exist to this somewhere that will cause it to be disposed } constructor init; destructor done; procedure reset; procedure resetiftemp; { reset if Temporary } function getcopy:tcgpara; procedure check_simple_location; function add_location:pcgparalocation; procedure get_location(var newloc:tlocation); procedure buildderef; procedure deref; procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); procedure ppuload(ppufile:tcompilerppufile); end; tvarargsinfo = ( va_uses_float_reg ); tparalist = class(TFPObjectList) procedure SortParas; end; tvarargsparalist = class(tparalist) varargsinfo : set of tvarargsinfo; {$ifdef x86_64} { x86_64 requires %al to contain the no. SSE regs passed } mmregsused : longint; {$endif x86_64} end; implementation uses systems,verbose, symsym; {**************************************************************************** TCGPara ****************************************************************************} constructor tcgpara.init; begin alignment:=0; size:=OS_NO; intsize:=0; location:=nil; def:=nil; temporary:=false; end; destructor tcgpara.done; begin reset; end; procedure tcgpara.reset; var hlocation : pcgparalocation; begin while assigned(location) do begin hlocation:=location^.next; dispose(location); location:=hlocation; end; alignment:=0; size:=OS_NO; intsize:=0; end; procedure TCGPara.resetiftemp; begin if temporary then reset; end; function tcgpara.getcopy:tcgpara; var hlocation : pcgparalocation; begin result.init; while assigned(location) do begin hlocation:=result.add_location; hlocation^:=location^; hlocation^.next:=nil; location:=location^.next; end; result.alignment:=alignment; result.size:=size; result.intsize:=intsize; end; function tcgpara.add_location:pcgparalocation; var prevlocation, hlocation : pcgparalocation; begin prevlocation:=nil; hlocation:=location; while assigned(hlocation) do begin prevlocation:=hlocation; hlocation:=hlocation^.next; end; new(hlocation); Fillchar(hlocation^,sizeof(tcgparalocation),0); if assigned(prevlocation) then prevlocation^.next:=hlocation else location:=hlocation; result:=hlocation; end; procedure tcgpara.check_simple_location; begin if not assigned(location) then internalerror(200408161); if assigned(location^.next) then internalerror(200408162); end; procedure tcgpara.get_location(var newloc:tlocation); begin if not assigned(location) then internalerror(200408205); fillchar(newloc,sizeof(newloc),0); newloc.loc:=location^.loc; newloc.size:=size; case location^.loc of LOC_REGISTER : begin {$ifndef cpu64bitalu} if size in [OS_64,OS_S64] then begin if not assigned(location^.next) then internalerror(200408206); if (location^.next^.loc<>LOC_REGISTER) then internalerror(200408207); if (target_info.endian = ENDIAN_BIG) then begin newloc.register64.reghi:=location^.register; newloc.register64.reglo:=location^.next^.register; end else begin newloc.register64.reglo:=location^.register; newloc.register64.reghi:=location^.next^.register; end; end else {$endif} newloc.register:=location^.register; end; LOC_FPUREGISTER, LOC_MMREGISTER : newloc.register:=location^.register; LOC_REFERENCE : begin newloc.reference.base:=location^.reference.index; newloc.reference.offset:=location^.reference.offset; newloc.reference.alignment:=alignment; end; end; end; procedure TCGPara.buildderef; begin defderef.build(def); end; procedure TCGPara.deref; begin def:=tdef(defderef.resolve); end; procedure TCGPara.ppuwrite(ppufile: tcompilerppufile); var hparaloc: PCGParaLocation; nparaloc: byte; begin ppufile.putbyte(byte(Alignment)); ppufile.putbyte(ord(Size)); ppufile.putaint(IntSize); ppufile.putderef(defderef); nparaloc:=0; hparaloc:=location; while assigned(hparaloc) do begin inc(nparaloc); hparaloc:=hparaloc^.Next; end; ppufile.putbyte(nparaloc); hparaloc:=location; while assigned(hparaloc) do begin ppufile.putbyte(byte(hparaloc^.Size)); ppufile.putbyte(byte(hparaloc^.loc)); case hparaloc^.loc of LOC_REFERENCE: begin ppufile.putlongint(longint(hparaloc^.reference.index)); ppufile.putaint(hparaloc^.reference.offset); end; LOC_FPUREGISTER, LOC_CFPUREGISTER, LOC_MMREGISTER, LOC_CMMREGISTER, LOC_REGISTER, LOC_CREGISTER : begin ppufile.putbyte(hparaloc^.shiftval); ppufile.putlongint(longint(hparaloc^.register)); end; { This seems to be required for systems using explicitparaloc (eg. MorphOS) or otherwise it hits the internalerror below. I don't know if this is the proper way to fix this, someone else with clue might want to take a look. The compiler cycles on the affected systems with this enabled. (KB) } LOC_VOID: begin end else internalerror(2010053115); end; hparaloc:=hparaloc^.next; end; end; procedure TCGPara.ppuload(ppufile: tcompilerppufile); var hparaloc: PCGParaLocation; nparaloc: byte; begin reset; Alignment:=shortint(ppufile.getbyte); Size:=TCgSize(ppufile.getbyte); IntSize:=ppufile.getaint; ppufile.getderef(defderef); nparaloc:=ppufile.getbyte; while nparaloc>0 do begin hparaloc:=add_location; hparaloc^.size:=TCGSize(ppufile.getbyte); hparaloc^.loc:=TCGLoc(ppufile.getbyte); case hparaloc^.loc of LOC_REFERENCE: begin hparaloc^.reference.index:=tregister(ppufile.getlongint); hparaloc^.reference.offset:=ppufile.getaint; end; LOC_FPUREGISTER, LOC_CFPUREGISTER, LOC_MMREGISTER, LOC_CMMREGISTER, LOC_REGISTER, LOC_CREGISTER : begin hparaloc^.shiftval:=ppufile.getbyte; hparaloc^.register:=tregister(ppufile.getlongint); end; { This seems to be required for systems using explicitparaloc (eg. MorphOS) or otherwise it hits the internalerror below. I don't know if this is the proper way to fix this, someone else with clue might want to take a look. The compiler cycles on the affected systems with this enabled. (KB) } LOC_VOID: begin end else internalerror(2010051301); end; dec(nparaloc); end; end; {**************************************************************************** TParaList ****************************************************************************} function ParaNrCompare(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer; var I1 : tparavarsym absolute Item1; I2 : tparavarsym absolute Item2; begin Result:=longint(I1.paranr)-longint(I2.paranr); end; procedure TParaList.SortParas; begin Sort(@ParaNrCompare); end; end.