{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl This unit does the parsing process This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit parser; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface {$ifdef PREPROCWRITE} procedure preprocess(const filename:string); {$endif PREPROCWRITE} procedure compile(const filename:string); procedure initparser; procedure doneparser; implementation uses {$IFNDEF USE_FAKE_SYSUTILS} sysutils, {$ELSE} fksysutl, {$ENDIF} cutils,cclasses, globtype,version,tokens,systems,globals,verbose,switches,globstat, symbase,symtable,symdef,symsym, finput,fmodule,fppu, aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata, cgbase, script,gendef, comphook, scanner,scandir, pbase,ptype,psystem,pmodules,psub,ncgrtti,htypechk, cresstr,cpuinfo,procinfo; procedure initparser; begin { Current compiled module/proc } set_current_module(nil); current_module:=nil; current_asmdata:=nil; current_procinfo:=nil; current_structdef:=nil; current_genericdef:=nil; current_specializedef:=nil; loaded_units:=TLinkedList.Create; usedunits:=TLinkedList.Create; unloaded_units:=TLinkedList.Create; { global switches } current_settings.globalswitches:=init_settings.globalswitches; current_settings.sourcecodepage:=init_settings.sourcecodepage; { initialize scanner } InitScanner; InitScannerDirectives; { scanner } c:=#0; pattern:=''; orgpattern:=''; cstringpattern:=''; current_scanner:=nil; switchesstatestackpos:=0; { register all nodes and tais } registernodes; registertais; { memory sizes } if stacksize=0 then stacksize:=target_info.stacksize; { RTTI writer } RTTIWriter:=TRTTIWriter.Create; { open assembler response } if cs_link_on_target in current_settings.globalswitches then GenerateAsmRes(outputexedir+ChangeFileExt(inputfilename,'_ppas')) else GenerateAsmRes(outputexedir+'ppas'); { open deffile } DefFile:=TDefFile.Create(outputexedir+ChangeFileExt(inputfilename,target_info.defext)); { list of generated .o files, so the linker can remove them } SmartLinkOFiles:=TCmdStrList.Create; { codegen } if paraprintnodetree<>0 then printnode_reset; { target specific stuff } case target_info.system of system_powerpc_amiga: include(supported_calling_conventions,pocall_syscall); system_powerpc_morphos: include(supported_calling_conventions,pocall_syscall); system_m68k_amiga: include(supported_calling_conventions,pocall_syscall); system_i386_aros: include(supported_calling_conventions,pocall_syscall); {$ifdef i8086} system_i8086_msdos: begin if stacksize=0 then begin if init_settings.x86memorymodel in x86_far_data_models then stacksize:=16384 else stacksize:=4096; end; if maxheapsize=0 then begin if init_settings.x86memorymodel in x86_far_data_models then maxheapsize:=655360 else maxheapsize:=65520; end; end; {$endif i8086} end; end; procedure doneparser; begin { Reset current compiling info, so destroy routines can't reference the data that might already be destroyed } set_current_module(nil); current_module:=nil; current_procinfo:=nil; current_asmdata:=nil; current_structdef:=nil; current_genericdef:=nil; current_specializedef:=nil; { unload units } if assigned(loaded_units) then begin loaded_units.free; loaded_units:=nil; end; if assigned(usedunits) then begin usedunits.free; usedunits:=nil; end; if assigned(unloaded_units) then begin unloaded_units.free; unloaded_units:=nil; end; { if there was an error in the scanner, the scanner is still assinged } if assigned(current_scanner) then begin current_scanner.free; current_scanner:=nil; end; { close scanner } DoneScanner; RTTIWriter.free; { close ppas,deffile } asmres.free; deffile.free; { free list of .o files } SmartLinkOFiles.Free; end; {$ifdef PREPROCWRITE} procedure preprocess(const filename:string); var i : longint; begin new(preprocfile,init('pre')); { initialize a module } set_current_module(new(pmodule,init(filename,false))); macrosymtablestack:= initialmacrosymtable; current_module.localmacrosymtable:= tmacrosymtable.create(false); current_module.localmacrosymtable.next:= initialmacrosymtable; macrosymtablestack:= current_module.localmacrosymtable; main_module:=current_module; { startup scanner, and save in current_module } current_scanner:=new(pscannerfile,Init(filename)); current_module.scanner:=current_scanner; { loop until EOF is found } repeat current_scanner^.readtoken(true); preprocfile^.AddSpace; case token of _ID : begin preprocfile^.Add(orgpattern); end; _REALNUMBER, _INTCONST : preprocfile^.Add(pattern); _CSTRING : begin i:=0; while (i 1 we get a nice "unit expected" error message if we are trying to use a program as unit.} try try if (token=_UNIT) or (compile_level>1) then begin current_module.is_unit:=true; finished:=proc_unit; end else if (token=_ID) and (idtoken=_PACKAGE) then begin current_module.IsPackage:=true; proc_package; end else proc_program(token=_LIBRARY); except on ECompilerAbort do raise; on Exception do begin { Increase errorcounter to prevent some checks during cleanup, but use GenerateError procedure for this. } GenerateError; raise; end; end; { the program or the unit at the command line should not need to wait for other units } if (compile_level=1) and not finished then internalerror(2012091901); finally if assigned(current_module) then begin if finished then current_module.end_of_parsing else begin { these are saved in the unit's state and thus can be set to Nil again as would be done by tmodule.end_of_parsing } macrosymtablestack:=nil; symtablestack:=nil; if current_scanner=current_module.scanner then current_scanner:=nil; end; end; if (compile_level=1) and (status.errorcount=0) then { Write Browser Collections } do_extractsymbolinfo; restore_global_state(olddata^,false); { Restore all locally modified warning messages } RestoreLocalVerbosity(current_settings.pmessage); current_exceptblock:=0; exceptblockcounter:=0; { Shut down things when the last file is compiled succesfull } if (compile_level=1) and (status.errorcount=0) then begin parser_current_file:=''; { Close script } if (not AsmRes.Empty) then begin Message1(exec_i_closing_script,AsmRes.Fn); AsmRes.WriteToDisk; end; end; { free now what we did not free earlier in proc_program PM } if (compile_level=1) and needsymbolinfo then begin hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first); while assigned(hp) do begin hp2:=tmodule(hp.next); if (hp<>current_module) then begin loaded_units.remove(hp); hp.free; end; hp:=hp2; end; { free also unneeded units we didn't free before } unloaded_units.Clear; end; dec(compile_level); { If used units are compiled current_module is already the same as the stored module. Now if the unit is not finished its scanner is not yet freed and thus set_current_module would reopen the scanned file which will result in pointing to the wrong position in the file. In the normal case current_scanner and current_module.scanner would be Nil, thus nothing bad would happen } if olddata^.old_current_module<>current_module then set_current_module(olddata^.old_current_module); FreeLocalVerbosity(current_settings.pmessage); dispose(olddata); end; end; end.