{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Contains some helper routines for the parser This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit pbase; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses cutils,cclasses, tokens,globtype, symconst,symbase,symtype,symdef,symsym,symtable ; const { tokens that end a block or statement. And don't require a ; on the statement before } endtokens = [_SEMICOLON,_END,_ELSE,_UNTIL,_EXCEPT,_FINALLY]; { true, if we are after an assignement } afterassignment : boolean = false; { true, if we are parsing arguments } in_args : boolean = false; { true, if we are parsing arguments allowing named parameters } named_args_allowed : boolean = false; { true, if we got an @ to get the address } got_addrn : boolean = false; { special for handling procedure vars } getprocvardef : tprocvardef = nil; var { for operators } optoken : ttoken; { true, if only routine headers should be parsed } parse_only : boolean; { true, if we found a name for a named arg } found_arg_name : boolean; { true, if we are parsing generic declaration } parse_generic : boolean; procedure identifier_not_found(const s:string); procedure identifier_not_found(const s:string;const filepos:tfileposinfo); { function tokenstring(i : ttoken):string;} { consumes token i, if the current token is unequal i } { a syntax error is written } procedure consume(i : ttoken); {Tries to consume the token i, and returns true if it was consumed: if token=i.} function try_to_consume(i:Ttoken):boolean; { consumes all tokens til atoken (for error recovering } procedure consume_all_until(atoken : ttoken); { consumes tokens while they are semicolons } procedure consume_emptystats; { reads a list of identifiers into a string list } { consume a symbol, if not found give an error and and return an errorsym } function consume_sym(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean; function consume_sym_orgid(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable;var s : string):boolean; type tconsume_unitsym_flag = ( cuf_consume_id, cuf_allow_specialize, cuf_check_attr_suffix ); tconsume_unitsym_flags = set of tconsume_unitsym_flag; function try_consume_unitsym(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable;var tokentoconsume:ttoken;flags:tconsume_unitsym_flags;out is_specialize:boolean;sympattern:TSymStr):boolean; function try_consume_unitsym_no_specialize(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable;var tokentoconsume:ttoken;flags:tconsume_unitsym_flags;sympattern:TSymStr):boolean; function try_consume_hintdirective(var symopt:tsymoptions; var deprecatedmsg:pshortstring):boolean; { just for an accurate position of the end of a procedure (PM) } var last_endtoken_filepos: tfileposinfo; implementation uses globals,scanner,verbose,fmodule; {**************************************************************************** Token Parsing ****************************************************************************} procedure identifier_not_found(const s:string); begin Message1(sym_e_id_not_found,s); { show a fatal that you need -S2 or -Sd, but only if we just parsed the a token that has m_class } if not(m_class in current_settings.modeswitches) and (Upper(s)=pattern) and (m_class in tokeninfo^[idtoken].keyword) then Message(parser_f_need_objfpc_or_delphi_mode); end; procedure identifier_not_found(const s:string;const filepos:tfileposinfo); begin MessagePos1(filepos,sym_e_id_not_found,s); { show a fatal that you need -S2 or -Sd, but only if we just parsed the a token that has m_class } if not(m_class in current_settings.modeswitches) and (Upper(s)=pattern) and (m_class in tokeninfo^[idtoken].keyword) then MessagePos(filepos,parser_f_need_objfpc_or_delphi_mode); end; { consumes token i, write error if token is different } procedure consume(i : ttoken); begin if (token<>i) and (idtoken<>i) then if token=_id then Message2(scan_f_syn_expected,tokeninfo^[i].str,'identifier '+pattern) else Message2(scan_f_syn_expected,tokeninfo^[i].str,tokeninfo^[token].str) else begin if token=_END then last_endtoken_filepos:=current_tokenpos; current_scanner.readtoken(true); end; end; function try_to_consume(i:Ttoken):boolean; begin try_to_consume:=false; if (token=i) or (idtoken=i) then begin try_to_consume:=true; if token=_END then last_endtoken_filepos:=current_tokenpos; current_scanner.readtoken(true); end; end; procedure consume_all_until(atoken : ttoken); begin while (token<>atoken) and (idtoken<>atoken) do begin Consume(token); if token=_EOF then begin Consume(atoken); Message(scan_f_end_of_file); exit; end; end; end; procedure consume_emptystats; begin repeat until not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON); end; { check if a symbol contains the hint directive, and if so gives out a hint if required. If this code is changed, it's likly that consume_sym_orgid and factor_read_id must be changed as well (FK) } function consume_sym(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean; var t : ttoken; begin { first check for identifier } if token<>_ID then begin consume(_ID); srsym:=generrorsym; srsymtable:=nil; result:=false; exit; end; searchsym(pattern,srsym,srsymtable); { handle unit specification like System.Writeln } try_consume_unitsym_no_specialize(srsym,srsymtable,t,[cuf_consume_id],pattern); { if nothing found give error and return errorsym } if assigned(srsym) then check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg) else begin identifier_not_found(orgpattern); srsym:=generrorsym; srsymtable:=nil; end; consume(t); result:=assigned(srsym); end; { check if a symbol contains the hint directive, and if so gives out a hint if required and returns the id with it's original casing } function consume_sym_orgid(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable;var s : string):boolean; var t : ttoken; begin { first check for identifier } if token<>_ID then begin consume(_ID); srsym:=generrorsym; srsymtable:=nil; result:=false; exit; end; searchsym(pattern,srsym,srsymtable); { handle unit specification like System.Writeln } try_consume_unitsym_no_specialize(srsym,srsymtable,t,[cuf_consume_id],pattern); { if nothing found give error and return errorsym } if assigned(srsym) then check_hints(srsym,srsym.symoptions,srsym.deprecatedmsg) else begin identifier_not_found(orgpattern); srsym:=generrorsym; srsymtable:=nil; end; s:=orgpattern; consume(t); result:=assigned(srsym); end; function try_consume_unitsym(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable;var tokentoconsume:ttoken;flags:tconsume_unitsym_flags;out is_specialize:boolean;sympattern:TSymStr):boolean; var hmodule: tmodule; ns:ansistring; nssym:tsym; nsitem : TCmdStrListItem; procedure consume_namespace; begin while assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ=namespacesym) do begin { we have a namespace. the next identifier should be either a namespace or a unit } searchsym_in_module(hmodule,ns+'.'+pattern,srsym,srsymtable); if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ in [namespacesym,unitsym]) then begin ns:=ns+'.'+pattern; nssym:=srsym; consume(_ID); consume(_POINT); end; end; { check if there is a hidden unit with this pattern in the namespace } if not assigned(srsym) and assigned(nssym) and (nssym.typ=namespacesym) and assigned(tnamespacesym(nssym).unitsym) then srsym:=tnamespacesym(nssym).unitsym; end; begin result:=false; tokentoconsume:=_ID; is_specialize:=false; if not assigned(srsym) and (pattern<>'') and (namespacelist.count>0) then begin hmodule:=get_module(current_filepos.moduleindex); if not assigned(hmodule) then internalerror(2018050301); nsitem:=TCmdStrListItem(namespacelist.first); while assigned(nsitem) do begin ns:=upper(nsitem.str)+'.'+sympattern; if searchsym_in_module(hmodule,ns,srsym,srsymtable) and (srsym.typ in [unitsym,namespacesym]) then break; nsitem:=TCmdStrListItem(nsitem.next); end; end; if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ in [unitsym,namespacesym]) then begin if not(srsym.owner.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) then internalerror(2005011503); { only allow unit.symbol access if the name was found in the current module we can use iscurrentunit because generic specializations does not change current_unit variable } hmodule:=find_module_from_symtable(srsym.Owner); if not Assigned(hmodule) then internalerror(2010011201); if hmodule.unit_index=current_filepos.moduleindex then begin if cuf_consume_id in flags then consume(_ID); consume(_POINT); if srsym.typ=namespacesym then begin ns:=srsym.name; nssym:=srsym; consume_namespace; if not assigned(srsym) and (namespacelist.count>0) then begin nsitem:=TCmdStrListItem(namespacelist.first); while assigned(nsitem) do begin ns:=upper(nsitem.str)+'.'+nssym.name; if searchsym_in_module(hmodule,ns,srsym,srsymtable) and (srsym.typ in [unitsym,namespacesym]) then begin consume_namespace; break; end; nsitem:=TCmdStrListItem(nsitem.next); end; end; if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ<>unitsym) then internalerror(2011082601); if not assigned(srsym) then begin result:=true; srsymtable:=nil; exit; end; end; case token of _ID: begin if cuf_check_attr_suffix in flags then begin if searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,pattern+custom_attribute_suffix,srsym,srsymtable) then exit(true); end; { system.char? (char=widechar comes from the implicit uuchar unit -> override) } if (pattern='CHAR') and (tmodule(tunitsym(srsym).module).globalsymtable=systemunit) then begin if m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches then searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'WIDECHAR',srsym,srsymtable) else searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'ANSICHAR',srsym,srsymtable) end else if (cuf_allow_specialize in flags) and (idtoken=_SPECIALIZE) then begin consume(_ID); is_specialize:=true; if token=_ID then begin if (cuf_check_attr_suffix in flags) and searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,pattern+custom_attribute_suffix,srsym,srsymtable) then exit(true); searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,pattern,srsym,srsymtable); end; end else searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,pattern,srsym,srsymtable); end; _STRING: begin { system.string? } if tmodule(tunitsym(srsym).module).globalsymtable=systemunit then begin if cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches then begin if m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches then searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'UNICODESTRING',srsym,srsymtable) else searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'ANSISTRING',srsym,srsymtable) end else searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'SHORTSTRING',srsym,srsymtable); tokentoconsume:=_STRING; end; end else ; end; end else begin srsym:=nil; srsymtable:=nil; end; result:=true; end; end; function try_consume_unitsym_no_specialize(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable;var tokentoconsume:ttoken;flags:tconsume_unitsym_flags;sympattern:TSymStr):boolean; var dummy: Boolean; begin exclude(flags,cuf_allow_specialize); result:=try_consume_unitsym(srsym,srsymtable,tokentoconsume,flags,dummy,sympattern); end; function try_consume_hintdirective(var symopt:tsymoptions; var deprecatedmsg:pshortstring):boolean; var last_is_deprecated:boolean; begin try_consume_hintdirective:=false; if not(m_hintdirective in current_settings.modeswitches) then exit; repeat last_is_deprecated:=false; case idtoken of _LIBRARY: begin if sp_hint_library in symopt then Message1(parser_e_dir_not_allowed,arraytokeninfo[idtoken].str) else include(symopt,sp_hint_library); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; end; _DEPRECATED: begin if sp_hint_deprecated in symopt then Message1(parser_e_dir_not_allowed,arraytokeninfo[idtoken].str) else include(symopt,sp_hint_deprecated); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; last_is_deprecated:=true; end; _EXPERIMENTAL: begin if sp_hint_experimental in symopt then Message1(parser_e_dir_not_allowed,arraytokeninfo[idtoken].str) else include(symopt,sp_hint_experimental); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; end; _PLATFORM: begin if sp_hint_platform in symopt then Message1(parser_e_dir_not_allowed,arraytokeninfo[idtoken].str) else include(symopt,sp_hint_platform); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; end; _UNIMPLEMENTED: begin if sp_hint_unimplemented in symopt then Message1(parser_e_dir_not_allowed,arraytokeninfo[idtoken].str) else include(symopt,sp_hint_unimplemented); try_consume_hintdirective:=true; end; else break; end; consume(Token); { handle deprecated message } if ((token=_CSTRING) or (token=_CCHAR)) and last_is_deprecated then begin if not assigned(deprecatedmsg) then begin if token=_CSTRING then deprecatedmsg:=stringdup(cstringpattern) else deprecatedmsg:=stringdup(pattern); end; consume(token); include(symopt,sp_has_deprecated_msg); end; until false; end; end.