{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl Does declaration (but not type) parsing for Free Pascal This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit pdecl; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses { common } cclasses, { global } globtype, { symtable } symsym,symdef, { pass_1 } node; function readconstant(const orgname:string;const filepos:tfileposinfo; out nodetype: tnodetype):tconstsym; procedure const_dec(out had_generic:boolean); procedure consts_dec(in_structure, allow_typed_const: boolean;out had_generic:boolean); procedure label_dec; procedure type_dec(out had_generic:boolean); procedure types_dec(in_structure: boolean;out had_generic:boolean;var rtti_attrs_def: trtti_attribute_list); procedure var_dec(out had_generic:boolean); procedure threadvar_dec(out had_generic:boolean); procedure property_dec; procedure resourcestring_dec(out had_generic:boolean); procedure parse_rttiattributes(var rtti_attrs_def:trtti_attribute_list); implementation uses SysUtils, { common } cutils, { global } globals,tokens,verbose,widestr,constexp, systems,aasmdata,fmodule,compinnr, { symtable } symconst,symbase,symtype,symcpu,symcreat,defutil,defcmp,symtable, { pass 1 } ninl,ncon,nobj,ngenutil,nld,nmem,ncal,pass_1, { parser } scanner, pbase,pexpr,ptype,ptconst,pdecsub,pdecvar,pdecobj,pgenutil,pparautl, {$ifdef jvm} pjvm, {$endif} { cpu-information } cpuinfo ; function is_system_custom_attribute_descendant(def:tdef):boolean; begin if not assigned(class_tcustomattribute) then class_tcustomattribute:=tobjectdef(search_system_type('TCUSTOMATTRIBUTE').typedef); Result:=def_is_related(def,class_tcustomattribute); end; function readconstant(const orgname:string;const filepos:tfileposinfo; out nodetype: tnodetype):tconstsym; var hp : tconstsym; p : tnode; ps : pconstset; pd : pbestreal; pg : pguid; sp : pchar; pw : pcompilerwidestring; storetokenpos : tfileposinfo; begin readconstant:=nil; if orgname='' then internalerror(9584582); hp:=nil; p:=comp_expr([ef_accept_equal]); nodetype:=p.nodetype; storetokenpos:=current_tokenpos; current_tokenpos:=filepos; case p.nodetype of ordconstn: begin if p.resultdef.typ=pointerdef then hp:=cconstsym.create_ordptr(orgname,constpointer,tordconstnode(p).value.uvalue,p.resultdef) else hp:=cconstsym.create_ord(orgname,constord,tordconstnode(p).value,p.resultdef); end; stringconstn: begin if is_wide_or_unicode_string(p.resultdef) then begin initwidestring(pw); copywidestring(pcompilerwidestring(tstringconstnode(p).value_str),pw); hp:=cconstsym.create_wstring(orgname,constwstring,pw); end else begin getmem(sp,tstringconstnode(p).len+1); move(tstringconstnode(p).value_str^,sp^,tstringconstnode(p).len+1); { if a non-default ansistring code page has been specified, keep it } if is_ansistring(p.resultdef) and (tstringdef(p.resultdef).encoding<>0) then hp:=cconstsym.create_string(orgname,conststring,sp,tstringconstnode(p).len,p.resultdef) else hp:=cconstsym.create_string(orgname,conststring,sp,tstringconstnode(p).len,nil); end; end; realconstn : begin new(pd); pd^:=trealconstnode(p).value_real; hp:=cconstsym.create_ptr(orgname,constreal,pd,p.resultdef); end; setconstn : begin new(ps); ps^:=tsetconstnode(p).value_set^; hp:=cconstsym.create_ptr(orgname,constset,ps,p.resultdef); end; pointerconstn : begin hp:=cconstsym.create_ordptr(orgname,constpointer,tpointerconstnode(p).value,p.resultdef); end; niln : begin hp:=cconstsym.create_ord(orgname,constnil,0,p.resultdef); end; typen : begin if is_interface(p.resultdef) then begin if assigned(tobjectdef(p.resultdef).iidguid) then begin new(pg); pg^:=tobjectdef(p.resultdef).iidguid^; hp:=cconstsym.create_ptr(orgname,constguid,pg,p.resultdef); end else Message1(parser_e_interface_has_no_guid,tobjectdef(p.resultdef).objrealname^); end else Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; inlinen: begin { this situation only happens if a intrinsic is parsed that has a generic type as its argument. As we don't know certain information about the final type yet, we need to use safe values (mostly 0, except for (Bit)SizeOf()) } if not parse_generic then Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); case tinlinenode(p).inlinenumber of in_sizeof_x: begin hp:=cconstsym.create_ord(orgname,constord,1,p.resultdef); end; in_bitsizeof_x: begin hp:=cconstsym.create_ord(orgname,constord,8,p.resultdef); end; { add other cases here if necessary } else Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; end; else Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; current_tokenpos:=storetokenpos; p.free; readconstant:=hp; end; procedure const_dec(out had_generic:boolean); begin consume(_CONST); consts_dec(false,true,had_generic); end; procedure consts_dec(in_structure, allow_typed_const: boolean;out had_generic:boolean); var orgname : TIDString; hdef : tdef; sym : tsym; dummysymoptions : tsymoptions; deprecatedmsg : pshortstring; storetokenpos,filepos : tfileposinfo; nodetype : tnodetype; old_block_type : tblock_type; first, isgeneric, skipequal : boolean; tclist : tasmlist; varspez : tvarspez; begin old_block_type:=block_type; block_type:=bt_const; had_generic:=false; first:=true; repeat orgname:=orgpattern; filepos:=current_tokenpos; isgeneric:=not (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and (token=_ID) and (idtoken=_GENERIC); consume(_ID); case token of _EQ: begin consume(_EQ); sym:=readconstant(orgname,filepos,nodetype); { Support hint directives } dummysymoptions:=[]; deprecatedmsg:=nil; try_consume_hintdirective(dummysymoptions,deprecatedmsg); if assigned(sym) then begin sym.symoptions:=sym.symoptions+dummysymoptions; sym.deprecatedmsg:=deprecatedmsg; sym.visibility:=symtablestack.top.currentvisibility; symtablestack.top.insert(sym); sym.register_sym; {$ifdef jvm} { for the JVM target, some constants need to be initialized at run time (enums, sets) -> create fake typed const to do so (at least if they are visible outside this routine, since we won't directly access these symbols in the generated code) } if (symtablestack.top.symtablelevel_ID) or (in_structure and ((idtoken in [_PRIVATE,_PROTECTED,_PUBLIC,_PUBLISHED,_STRICT]) or ((m_final_fields in current_settings.modeswitches) and (idtoken=_FINAL)))); block_type:=old_block_type; end; procedure label_dec; var labelsym : tlabelsym; begin consume(_LABEL); if not(cs_support_goto in current_settings.moduleswitches) then Message(sym_e_goto_and_label_not_supported); repeat if not(token in [_ID,_INTCONST]) then consume(_ID) else begin if token=_ID then labelsym:=clabelsym.create(orgpattern) else labelsym:=clabelsym.create(pattern); symtablestack.top.insert(labelsym); if m_non_local_goto in current_settings.modeswitches then begin if symtablestack.top.symtabletype=localsymtable then begin labelsym.jumpbuf:=clocalvarsym.create('LABEL$_'+labelsym.name,vs_value,rec_jmp_buf,[]); symtablestack.top.insert(labelsym.jumpbuf); end else begin labelsym.jumpbuf:=cstaticvarsym.create('LABEL$_'+labelsym.name,vs_value,rec_jmp_buf,[]); symtablestack.top.insert(labelsym.jumpbuf); cnodeutils.insertbssdata(tstaticvarsym(labelsym.jumpbuf)); end; include(labelsym.jumpbuf.symoptions,sp_internal); { the buffer will be setup later, but avoid a hint } tabstractvarsym(labelsym.jumpbuf).varstate:=vs_written; end; consume(token); end; if token<>_SEMICOLON then consume(_COMMA); until not(token in [_ID,_INTCONST]); consume(_SEMICOLON); end; function find_create_constructor(objdef:tobjectdef):tsymentry; begin while assigned(objdef) do begin result:=objdef.symtable.Find('CREATE'); if assigned(result) then exit; objdef:=objdef.childof; end; // A class without a constructor called 'create'?!? internalerror(2012111101); end; procedure parse_rttiattributes(var rtti_attrs_def:trtti_attribute_list); function read_attr_paras:tnode; var old_block_type : tblock_type; begin if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin { we only want constants here } old_block_type:=block_type; block_type:=bt_const; result:=parse_paras(false,false,_RKLAMMER); block_type:=old_block_type; consume(_RKLAMMER); end else result:=nil; end; var p,paran,pcalln,ptmp : tnode; i,pcount : sizeint; paras : array of tnode; od : tobjectdef; constrsym : tsymentry; typesym : ttypesym; parasok : boolean; begin consume(_LECKKLAMMER); repeat { Parse attribute type } p:=factor(false,[ef_type_only,ef_check_attr_suffix]); if p.nodetype=typen then begin typesym:=ttypesym(ttypenode(p).typesym); od:=tobjectdef(ttypenode(p).typedef); { Check if the attribute class is related to TCustomAttribute } if not is_system_custom_attribute_descendant(od) then begin incompatibletypes(od,class_tcustomattribute); read_attr_paras.free; continue; end; paran:=read_attr_paras; { Search the tprocdef of the constructor which has to be called. } constrsym:=find_create_constructor(od); if constrsym.typ<>procsym then internalerror(2018102301); pcalln:=ccallnode.create(paran,tprocsym(constrsym),od.symtable,cloadvmtaddrnode.create(p),[],nil); p:=nil; typecheckpass(pcalln); if (pcalln.nodetype=calln) and assigned(tcallnode(pcalln).procdefinition) and not codegenerror then begin { TODO: once extended RTTI for methods is supported, reject a constructor if it doesn't have extended RTTI enabled } { collect the parameters of the call node as there might be compile time type conversions (e.g. a Byte parameter being passed a value > 255) } paran:=tcallnode(pcalln).left; { only count visible parameters (thankfully open arrays are not supported, otherwise we'd need to handle those as well) } parasok:=true; paras:=nil; if assigned(paran) then begin ptmp:=paran; pcount:=0; while assigned(ptmp) do begin if not (vo_is_hidden_para in tcallparanode(ptmp).parasym.varoptions) then inc(pcount); ptmp:=tcallparanode(ptmp).right; end; setlength(paras,pcount); ptmp:=paran; pcount:=0; while assigned(ptmp) do begin if not (vo_is_hidden_para in tcallparanode(ptmp).parasym.varoptions) then begin if not is_constnode(tcallparanode(ptmp).left) then begin parasok:=false; messagepos(tcallparanode(ptmp).left.fileinfo,type_e_constant_expr_expected); end; paras[high(paras)-pcount]:=tcallparanode(ptmp).left.getcopy; inc(pcount); end; ptmp:=tcallparanode(ptmp).right; end; end; if parasok then begin { Add attribute to attribute list which will be added to the property which is defined next. } if not assigned(rtti_attrs_def) then rtti_attrs_def:=trtti_attribute_list.create; rtti_attrs_def.addattribute(typesym,tcallnode(pcalln).procdefinition,pcalln,paras); end else begin { cleanup } pcalln.free; for i:=0 to high(paras) do paras[i].free; end; end else pcalln.free; end else begin Message(type_e_type_id_expected); { try to recover by nevertheless reading the parameters (if any) } read_attr_paras.free; end; p.free; until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); consume(_RECKKLAMMER); end; { From http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#objective-c-features : To determine whether a method has an inferred related result type, the first word in the camel-case selector (e.g., “init” in “initWithObjects”) is considered, and the method will have a related result type if its return type is compatible with the type of its class and if: * the first word is "alloc" or "new", and the method is a class method, or * the first word is "autorelease", "init", "retain", or "self", and the method is an instance method. If a method with a related result type is overridden by a subclass method, the subclass method must also return a type that is compatible with the subclass type. } procedure pd_set_objc_related_result(def: tobject; para: pointer); var pd: tprocdef; i, firstcamelend: longint; inferresult: boolean; begin if tdef(def).typ<>procdef then exit; pd:=tprocdef(def); if not(po_msgstr in pd.procoptions) then internalerror(2019082401); firstcamelend:=length(pd.messageinf.str^); for i:=1 to length(pd.messageinf.str^) do if pd.messageinf.str^[i] in ['A'..'Z'] then begin firstcamelend:=pred(i); break; end; case copy(pd.messageinf.str^,1,firstcamelend) of 'alloc', 'new': inferresult:=po_classmethod in pd.procoptions; 'autorelease', 'init', 'retain', 'self': inferresult:=not(po_classmethod in pd.procoptions); else inferresult:=false; end; if inferresult and def_is_related(tdef(pd.procsym.owner.defowner),pd.returndef) then include(pd.procoptions,po_objc_related_result_type); end; procedure types_dec(in_structure: boolean;out had_generic:boolean;var rtti_attrs_def: trtti_attribute_list); function determine_generic_def(name:tidstring):tstoreddef; var hashedid : THashedIDString; pd : tprocdef; sym : tsym; begin result:=nil; { check whether this is a declaration of a type inside a specialization } if assigned(current_structdef) and (df_specialization in current_structdef.defoptions) then begin if not assigned(current_structdef.genericdef) or not (current_structdef.genericdef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then internalerror(2011052301); hashedid.id:=name; { we could be inside a method of the specialization instead of its declaration, so check that first (as local nested types aren't allowed we don't need to walk the symtablestack to find the localsymtable) } if symtablestack.top.symtabletype=localsymtable then begin { we are in a method } if not assigned(symtablestack.top.defowner) or (symtablestack.top.defowner.typ<>procdef) then internalerror(2011120701); pd:=tprocdef(symtablestack.top.defowner); if not assigned(pd.genericdef) or (pd.genericdef.typ<>procdef) then internalerror(2011120702); sym:=tsym(tprocdef(pd.genericdef).localst.findwithhash(hashedid)); end else sym:=nil; if not assigned(sym) or not (sym.typ=typesym) then begin { now search in the declaration of the generic } sym:=tsym(tabstractrecorddef(current_structdef.genericdef).symtable.findwithhash(hashedid)); if not assigned(sym) or not (sym.typ=typesym) then internalerror(2011052302); end; { use the corresponding type in the generic's symtable as genericdef for the specialized type } result:=tstoreddef(ttypesym(sym).typedef); end; end; procedure finalize_class_external_status(od: tobjectdef); begin if [oo_is_external,oo_is_forward] <= od.objectoptions then begin { formal definition: x = objcclass external; } exclude(od.objectoptions,oo_is_forward); include(od.objectoptions,oo_is_formal); end; end; var typename,orgtypename, gentypename,genorgtypename : TIDString; newtype : ttypesym; sym : tsym; hdef : tdef; defpos,storetokenpos : tfileposinfo; old_block_type : tblock_type; old_checkforwarddefs: TFPObjectList; objecttype : tobjecttyp; first, isgeneric, isunique, istyperenaming, wasforward: boolean; generictypelist : tfphashobjectlist; localgenerictokenbuf : tdynamicarray; p:tnode; gendef : tstoreddef; s : shortstring; i : longint; {$ifdef x86} segment_register: string; {$endif x86} begin old_block_type:=block_type; { save unit container of forward declarations - we can be inside nested class type block } old_checkforwarddefs:=current_module.checkforwarddefs; current_module.checkforwarddefs:=TFPObjectList.Create(false); block_type:=bt_type; hdef:=nil; first:=true; had_generic:=false; repeat defpos:=current_tokenpos; istyperenaming:=false; generictypelist:=nil; localgenerictokenbuf:=nil; { class attribute definitions? } if m_prefixed_attributes in current_settings.modeswitches then while token=_LECKKLAMMER do parse_rttiattributes(rtti_attrs_def); { fpc generic declaration? } if first then had_generic:=not(m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and try_to_consume(_GENERIC); isgeneric:=had_generic; typename:=pattern; orgtypename:=orgpattern; consume(_ID); { delphi generic declaration? } if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then isgeneric:=token=_LSHARPBRACKET; { Generic type declaration? } if isgeneric then begin if assigned(current_genericdef) then Message(parser_f_no_generic_inside_generic); consume(_LSHARPBRACKET); generictypelist:=parse_generic_parameters(true); consume(_RSHARPBRACKET); { we are not freeing the type parameters, so register them } for i:=0 to generictypelist.count-1 do begin ttypesym(generictypelist[i]).register_sym; tstoreddef(ttypesym(generictypelist[i]).typedef).register_def; end; str(generictypelist.Count,s); gentypename:=typename+'$'+s; genorgtypename:=orgtypename+'$'+s; end else begin gentypename:=typename; genorgtypename:=orgtypename; end; consume(_EQ); { support 'ttype=type word' syntax } isunique:=try_to_consume(_TYPE); { MacPas object model is more like Delphi's than like TP's, but } { uses the object keyword instead of class } if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and (token = _OBJECT) then token := _CLASS; { Start recording a generic template } if assigned(generictypelist) then begin localgenerictokenbuf:=tdynamicarray.create(256); current_scanner.startrecordtokens(localgenerictokenbuf); end; { is the type already defined? -- must be in the current symtable, not in a nested symtable or one higher up the stack -> don't use searchsym & frinds! } sym:=tsym(symtablestack.top.find(gentypename)); newtype:=nil; { found a symbol with this name? } if assigned(sym) then begin if (sym.typ=typesym) and { this should not be a symbol that was created by a generic that was declared earlier } not ( (ttypesym(sym).typedef.typ=undefineddef) and (sp_generic_dummy in sym.symoptions) ) then begin wasforward:=false; if ((token=_CLASS) or (token=_INTERFACE) or (token=_DISPINTERFACE) or (token=_OBJCCLASS) or (token=_OBJCPROTOCOL) or (token=_OBJCCATEGORY)) and (assigned(ttypesym(sym).typedef)) and is_implicit_pointer_object_type(ttypesym(sym).typedef) and (oo_is_forward in tobjectdef(ttypesym(sym).typedef).objectoptions) then begin wasforward:=true; case token of _CLASS : objecttype:=default_class_type; _INTERFACE : case current_settings.interfacetype of it_interfacecom: objecttype:=odt_interfacecom; it_interfacecorba: objecttype:=odt_interfacecorba; it_interfacejava: objecttype:=odt_interfacejava; end; _DISPINTERFACE : objecttype:=odt_dispinterface; _OBJCCLASS, _OBJCCATEGORY : objecttype:=odt_objcclass; _OBJCPROTOCOL : objecttype:=odt_objcprotocol; else internalerror(200811072); end; consume(token); { determine the generic def in case we are in a nested type of a specialization } gendef:=determine_generic_def(gentypename); { we can ignore the result, the definition is modified } object_dec(objecttype,genorgtypename,newtype,gendef,generictypelist,tobjectdef(ttypesym(sym).typedef),ht_none); if wasforward and (tobjectdef(ttypesym(sym).typedef).objecttype<>objecttype) then Message1(type_e_forward_interface_type_does_not_match,tobjectdef(ttypesym(sym).typedef).GetTypeName); newtype:=ttypesym(sym); hdef:=newtype.typedef; end else message1(parser_h_type_redef,genorgtypename); end; end; { no old type reused ? Then insert this new type } if not assigned(newtype) then begin { insert the new type first with an errordef, so that referencing the type before it's really set it will give an error (PFV) } hdef:=generrordef; gendef:=nil; storetokenpos:=current_tokenpos; if isgeneric then begin { for generics we need to check whether a non-generic type already exists and if not we need to insert a symbol with the non-generic name (available in (org)typename) that is a undefineddef, so that inline specializations can be used } sym:=tsym(symtablestack.top.Find(typename)); if not assigned(sym) then begin sym:=ctypesym.create(orgtypename,cundefineddef.create(true)); Include(sym.symoptions,sp_generic_dummy); ttypesym(sym).typedef.typesym:=sym; sym.visibility:=symtablestack.top.currentvisibility; symtablestack.top.insert(sym); ttypesym(sym).typedef.owner:=sym.owner; end else { this is not allowed in non-Delphi modes } if not (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then Message1(sym_e_duplicate_id,genorgtypename) else begin { we need to find this symbol even if it's a variable or something else when doing an inline specialization } Include(sym.symoptions,sp_generic_dummy); add_generic_dummysym(sym); end; end else begin if assigned(sym) and (sym.typ=typesym) and (ttypesym(sym).typedef.typ=undefineddef) and (sp_generic_dummy in sym.symoptions) then begin { this is a symbol that was added by an earlier generic declaration, reuse it } newtype:=ttypesym(sym); newtype.typedef:=hdef; { use the correct casing } newtype.RealName:=genorgtypename; sym:=nil; end; { determine the generic def in case we are in a nested type of a specialization } gendef:=determine_generic_def(gentypename); end; { insert a new type if we don't reuse an existing symbol } if not assigned(newtype) then begin newtype:=ctypesym.create(genorgtypename,hdef); newtype.visibility:=symtablestack.top.currentvisibility; symtablestack.top.insert(newtype); end; current_tokenpos:=defpos; current_tokenpos:=storetokenpos; { read the type definition } read_named_type(hdef,newtype,gendef,generictypelist,false,isunique); { update the definition of the type } if assigned(hdef) then begin if df_generic in hdef.defoptions then { flag parent symtables that they now contain a generic } hdef.owner.includeoption(sto_has_generic); if assigned(hdef.typesym) then begin istyperenaming:=true; include(newtype.symoptions,sp_explicitrename); end; if isunique then begin if is_objc_class_or_protocol(hdef) or is_java_class_or_interface(hdef) then Message(parser_e_unique_unsupported); if is_object(hdef) or is_class_or_interface_or_dispinterface(hdef) then begin { just create a child class type; this is Delphi-compatible } hdef:=cobjectdef.create(tobjectdef(hdef).objecttype,genorgtypename,tobjectdef(hdef),true); end else begin hdef:=tstoreddef(hdef).getcopy; { check if it is an ansistirng(codepage) declaration } if is_ansistring(hdef) and try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then begin p:=comp_expr([ef_accept_equal]); consume(_RKLAMMER); if not is_constintnode(p) then begin Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); { error recovery } end else begin if (tordconstnode(p).value<0) or (tordconstnode(p).value>65535) then begin Message(parser_e_invalid_codepage); tordconstnode(p).value:=0; end; tstringdef(hdef).encoding:=int64(tordconstnode(p).value); end; p.free; end; if (hdef.typ in [pointerdef,classrefdef]) and (tabstractpointerdef(hdef).pointeddef.typ=forwarddef) then current_module.checkforwarddefs.add(hdef); end; include(hdef.defoptions,df_unique); end; if not assigned(hdef.typesym) then begin hdef.typesym:=newtype; if sp_generic_dummy in newtype.symoptions then add_generic_dummysym(newtype); end; end; { in non-Delphi modes we need a reference to the generic def without the generic suffix, so it can be found easily when parsing method implementations } if isgeneric and assigned(sym) and not (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and (ttypesym(sym).typedef.typ=undefineddef) then { don't free the undefineddef as the defids rely on the count of the defs in the def list of the module} ttypesym(sym).typedef:=hdef; newtype.typedef:=hdef; { ensure that the type is registered when no specialization is currently done } if current_scanner.replay_stack_depth=0 then hdef.register_def; { KAZ: handle TGUID declaration in system unit } if (cs_compilesystem in current_settings.moduleswitches) and assigned(hdef) and (hdef.typ=recorddef) then begin if not assigned(rec_tguid) and (gentypename='TGUID') and (hdef.size=16) then rec_tguid:=trecorddef(hdef) else if not assigned(rec_jmp_buf) and (gentypename='JMP_BUF') then rec_jmp_buf:=trecorddef(hdef) else if not assigned(rec_exceptaddr) and (gentypename='TEXCEPTADDR') then rec_exceptaddr:=trecorddef(hdef); end; end; if assigned(hdef) then begin case hdef.typ of pointerdef : begin try_consume_hintdirective(newtype.symoptions,newtype.deprecatedmsg); consume(_SEMICOLON); {$ifdef x86} {$ifdef i8086} if try_to_consume(_HUGE) then begin tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_huge; consume(_SEMICOLON); end else {$endif i8086} if try_to_consume(_FAR) then begin {$if defined(i8086)} tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_far; {$elseif defined(i386)} tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_near_fs; {$elseif defined(x86_64)} { for compatibility with previous versions of fpc, far pointer = regular pointer on x86_64 } Message1(parser_w_ptr_type_ignored,'FAR'); {$endif} consume(_SEMICOLON); end else if try_to_consume(_NEAR) then begin if token <> _SEMICOLON then begin segment_register:=get_stringconst; case UpCase(segment_register) of 'CS': tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_near_cs; 'DS': tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_near_ds; 'SS': tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_near_ss; 'ES': tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_near_es; 'FS': tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_near_fs; 'GS': tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_near_gs; else Message(asmr_e_invalid_register); end; end else tcpupointerdef(hdef).x86pointertyp:=x86pt_near; consume(_SEMICOLON); end; {$else x86} { Previous versions of FPC support declaring a pointer as far even on non-x86 platforms. } if try_to_consume(_FAR) then begin Message1(parser_w_ptr_type_ignored,'FAR'); consume(_SEMICOLON); end; {$endif x86} end; procvardef : begin { in case of type renaming, don't parse proc directives } if istyperenaming then begin try_consume_hintdirective(newtype.symoptions,newtype.deprecatedmsg); consume(_SEMICOLON); end else begin if not check_proc_directive(true) then begin try_consume_hintdirective(newtype.symoptions,newtype.deprecatedmsg); consume(_SEMICOLON); end; parse_var_proc_directives(tsym(newtype)); if po_is_function_ref in tprocvardef(hdef).procoptions then begin { these always support everything, no "of object" or "is_nested" is allowed } if is_nested_pd(tprocvardef(hdef)) or is_methodpointer(hdef) then cgmessage(type_e_function_reference_kind) else begin { this message is only temporary; once Delphi style anonymous functions are supported, this check is no longer required } if not (po_is_block in tprocvardef(hdef).procoptions) then comment(v_error,'Function references are not yet supported, only C blocks (add "cblock;" at the end)'); end; end; handle_calling_convention(tprocvardef(hdef),hcc_default_actions_intf); if po_is_function_ref in tprocvardef(hdef).procoptions then begin if (po_is_block in tprocvardef(hdef).procoptions) and not (tprocvardef(hdef).proccalloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_mwpascal]) then message(type_e_cblock_callconv); end; if try_consume_hintdirective(newtype.symoptions,newtype.deprecatedmsg) then consume(_SEMICOLON); end; end; objectdef : begin try_consume_hintdirective(newtype.symoptions,newtype.deprecatedmsg); consume(_SEMICOLON); { change a forward and external class declaration into formal external definition, so the compiler does not expect an real definition later } if is_objc_class_or_protocol(hdef) or is_java_class_or_interface(hdef) then finalize_class_external_status(tobjectdef(hdef)); { Build VMT indexes, skip for type renaming and forward classes } if (hdef.typesym=newtype) and not(oo_is_forward in tobjectdef(hdef).objectoptions) then build_vmt(tobjectdef(hdef)); { In case of an objcclass, verify that all methods have a message name set. We only check this now, because message names can be set during the protocol (interface) mapping. At the same time, set the mangled names (these depend on the "external" name of the class), and mark private fields of external classes as "used" (to avoid bogus notes about them being unused) } { watch out for crashes in case of errors } if is_objc_class_or_protocol(hdef) and (not is_objccategory(hdef) or assigned(tobjectdef(hdef).childof)) then begin tobjectdef(hdef).finish_objc_data; tobjectdef(hdef).symtable.DefList.ForEachCall(@pd_set_objc_related_result,nil); end; if is_cppclass(hdef) then tobjectdef(hdef).finish_cpp_data; end; recorddef : begin try_consume_hintdirective(newtype.symoptions,newtype.deprecatedmsg); consume(_SEMICOLON); end; else begin try_consume_hintdirective(newtype.symoptions,newtype.deprecatedmsg); consume(_SEMICOLON); end; end; { if we have a real type definition or a unique type we may bind attributes to this def } if not istyperenaming or isunique then trtti_attribute_list.bind(rtti_attrs_def,tstoreddef(hdef).rtti_attribute_list); end; if isgeneric and (not(hdef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef,arraydef,procvardef]) or is_objectpascal_helper(hdef)) then message(parser_e_cant_create_generics_of_this_type); { Stop recording a generic template } if assigned(generictypelist) then begin current_scanner.stoprecordtokens; tstoreddef(hdef).generictokenbuf:=localgenerictokenbuf; { Generic is never a type renaming } hdef.typesym:=newtype; generictypelist.free; end; if not (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and (token=_ID) and (idtoken=_GENERIC) then begin had_generic:=true; consume(_ID); if token in [_PROCEDURE,_FUNCTION,_CLASS] then break; end else had_generic:=false; first:=false; if assigned(rtti_attrs_def) and (rtti_attrs_def.get_attribute_count>0) then Message1(parser_e_unbound_attribute,trtti_attribute(rtti_attrs_def.rtti_attributes[0]).typesym.prettyname); until ((token<>_ID) and (token<>_LECKKLAMMER)) or (in_structure and ((idtoken in [_PRIVATE,_PROTECTED,_PUBLIC,_PUBLISHED,_STRICT]) or ((m_final_fields in current_settings.modeswitches) and (idtoken=_FINAL)))); { resolve type block forward declarations and restore a unit container for them } resolve_forward_types; current_module.checkforwarddefs.free; current_module.checkforwarddefs:=old_checkforwarddefs; block_type:=old_block_type; end; { reads a type declaration to the symbol table } procedure type_dec(out had_generic:boolean); var rtti_attrs_def: trtti_attribute_list; begin consume(_TYPE); rtti_attrs_def := nil; types_dec(false,had_generic,rtti_attrs_def); rtti_attrs_def.free; end; procedure var_dec(out had_generic:boolean); { parses variable declarations and inserts them in } { the top symbol table of symtablestack } begin consume(_VAR); read_var_decls([vd_check_generic],had_generic); end; procedure property_dec; { parses a global property (fpc mode feature) } var old_block_type: tblock_type; begin consume(_PROPERTY); if not(symtablestack.top.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) then message(parser_e_property_only_sgr); old_block_type:=block_type; block_type:=bt_const; repeat read_property_dec(false, nil); consume(_SEMICOLON); until token<>_ID; block_type:=old_block_type; end; procedure threadvar_dec(out had_generic:boolean); { parses thread variable declarations and inserts them in } { the top symbol table of symtablestack } begin consume(_THREADVAR); if not(symtablestack.top.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) then message(parser_e_threadvars_only_sg); if f_threading in features then read_var_decls([vd_threadvar,vd_check_generic],had_generic) else begin Message1(parser_f_unsupported_feature,featurestr[f_threading]); read_var_decls([vd_check_generic],had_generic); end; end; procedure resourcestring_dec(out had_generic:boolean); var orgname : TIDString; p : tnode; dummysymoptions : tsymoptions; deprecatedmsg : pshortstring; storetokenpos,filepos : tfileposinfo; old_block_type : tblock_type; sp : pchar; sym : tsym; first, isgeneric : boolean; begin if target_info.system in systems_managed_vm then message(parser_e_feature_unsupported_for_vm); consume(_RESOURCESTRING); if not(symtablestack.top.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) then message(parser_e_resourcestring_only_sg); first:=true; had_generic:=false; old_block_type:=block_type; block_type:=bt_const; repeat orgname:=orgpattern; filepos:=current_tokenpos; isgeneric:=not (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and (token=_ID) and (idtoken=_GENERIC); consume(_ID); case token of _EQ: begin consume(_EQ); p:=comp_expr([ef_accept_equal]); storetokenpos:=current_tokenpos; current_tokenpos:=filepos; sym:=nil; case p.nodetype of ordconstn: begin if is_constcharnode(p) then begin getmem(sp,2); sp[0]:=chr(tordconstnode(p).value.svalue); sp[1]:=#0; sym:=cconstsym.create_string(orgname,constresourcestring,sp,1,nil); end else Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; stringconstn: with Tstringconstnode(p) do begin { resourcestrings are currently always single byte } if cst_type in [cst_widestring,cst_unicodestring] then changestringtype(getansistringdef); getmem(sp,len+1); move(value_str^,sp^,len+1); sym:=cconstsym.create_string(orgname,constresourcestring,sp,len,nil); end; else Message(parser_e_illegal_expression); end; current_tokenpos:=storetokenpos; { Support hint directives } dummysymoptions:=[]; deprecatedmsg:=nil; try_consume_hintdirective(dummysymoptions,deprecatedmsg); if assigned(sym) then begin sym.symoptions:=sym.symoptions+dummysymoptions; sym.deprecatedmsg:=deprecatedmsg; symtablestack.top.insert(sym); end else stringdispose(deprecatedmsg); consume(_SEMICOLON); p.free; end; else if not first and isgeneric and (token in [_PROCEDURE, _FUNCTION, _CLASS]) then begin had_generic:=true; break; end else consume(_EQ); end; first:=false; until token<>_ID; block_type:=old_block_type; end; end.