{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl, Daniel Mantione Does the parsing of the procedures/functions This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit pdecsub; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses tokens,symconst,symtype,symdef,symsym; type tpdflag=( pd_body, { directive needs a body } pd_implemen, { directive can be used implementation section } pd_interface, { directive can be used interface section } pd_object, { directive can be used object declaration } pd_procvar, { directive can be used procvar declaration } pd_notobject, { directive can not be used object declaration } pd_notobjintf, { directive can not be used interface declaration } pd_notprocvar, { directive can not be used procvar declaration } pd_dispinterface,{ directive can be used with dispinterface methods } pd_cppobject { directive can be used with cppclass } ); tpdflags=set of tpdflag; function check_proc_directive(isprocvar:boolean):boolean; procedure insert_funcret_local(pd:tprocdef); function proc_add_definition(var currpd:tprocdef):boolean; function proc_get_importname(pd:tprocdef):string; procedure proc_set_mangledname(pd:tprocdef); procedure handle_calling_convention(pd:tabstractprocdef); procedure parse_parameter_dec(pd:tabstractprocdef); procedure parse_proc_directives(pd:tabstractprocdef;var pdflags:tpdflags); procedure parse_var_proc_directives(sym:tsym); procedure parse_object_proc_directives(pd:tabstractprocdef); function parse_proc_head(aclass:tobjectdef;potype:tproctypeoption;var pd:tprocdef):boolean; function parse_proc_dec(aclass:tobjectdef):tprocdef; implementation uses SysUtils, { common } cutils,cclasses, { global } globtype,globals,verbose,constexp, systems, cpuinfo, { symtable } symbase,symtable,defutil,defcmp,paramgr,cpupara, { pass 1 } fmodule,node,htypechk, nmat,nadd,ncal,nset,ncnv,ninl,ncon,nld,nflw, { parser } scanner, pbase,pexpr,ptype,pdecl ; const { Please leave this here, this module should NOT use these variables. Declaring it as string here results in an error when compiling (PFV) } current_procinfo = 'error'; procedure insert_funcret_para(pd:tabstractprocdef); var storepos : tfileposinfo; vs : tparavarsym; paranr : word; begin if not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]) and not is_void(pd.returndef) and paramanager.ret_in_param(pd.returndef,pd.proccalloption) then begin storepos:=current_tokenpos; if pd.typ=procdef then current_tokenpos:=tprocdef(pd).fileinfo; { For left to right add it at the end to be delphi compatible } if pd.proccalloption in (pushleftright_pocalls+[pocall_safecall]) then paranr:=paranr_result_leftright else paranr:=paranr_result; { Generate result variable accessing function result } vs:=tparavarsym.create('$result',paranr,vs_var,pd.returndef,[vo_is_funcret,vo_is_hidden_para]); vs.symoptions:=[sp_public]; pd.parast.insert(vs); { Store the this symbol as funcretsym for procedures } if pd.typ=procdef then tprocdef(pd).funcretsym:=vs; current_tokenpos:=storepos; end; end; procedure insert_parentfp_para(pd:tabstractprocdef); var storepos : tfileposinfo; vs : tparavarsym; begin if pd.parast.symtablelevel>normal_function_level then begin storepos:=current_tokenpos; if pd.typ=procdef then current_tokenpos:=tprocdef(pd).fileinfo; { Generate result variable accessing function result, it can't be put in a register since it must be accessable from the framepointer } vs:=tparavarsym.create('$parentfp',paranr_parentfp,vs_value ,voidpointertype,[vo_is_parentfp,vo_is_hidden_para]); vs.varregable:=vr_none; vs.symoptions:=[sp_public]; pd.parast.insert(vs); current_tokenpos:=storepos; end; end; procedure insert_self_and_vmt_para(pd:tabstractprocdef); var storepos : tfileposinfo; vs : tparavarsym; hdef : tdef; vsp : tvarspez; begin if (pd.typ=procvardef) and pd.is_methodpointer then begin { Generate self variable } vs:=tparavarsym.create('$self',paranr_self,vs_value,voidpointertype,[vo_is_self,vo_is_hidden_para]); vs.symoptions:=[sp_public]; pd.parast.insert(vs); end else begin if (pd.typ=procdef) and assigned(tprocdef(pd)._class) and (pd.parast.symtablelevel=normal_function_level) then begin storepos:=current_tokenpos; current_tokenpos:=tprocdef(pd).fileinfo; { Generate VMT variable for constructor/destructor } if (pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]) and not(is_cppclass(tprocdef(pd)._class)) then begin { can't use classrefdef as type because inheriting will then always file because of a type mismatch } vs:=tparavarsym.create('$vmt',paranr_vmt,vs_value,voidpointertype,[vo_is_vmt,vo_is_hidden_para]); vs.symoptions:=[sp_public]; pd.parast.insert(vs); end; { Generate self variable, for classes we need to use the generic voidpointer to be compatible with methodpointers } vsp:=vs_value; if (po_staticmethod in pd.procoptions) or (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) then hdef:=tclassrefdef.create(tprocdef(pd)._class) else begin if is_object(tprocdef(pd)._class) then vsp:=vs_var; hdef:=tprocdef(pd)._class; end; vs:=tparavarsym.create('$self',paranr_self,vsp,hdef,[vo_is_self,vo_is_hidden_para]); vs.symoptions:=[sp_public]; pd.parast.insert(vs); current_tokenpos:=storepos; end; end; end; procedure insert_funcret_local(pd:tprocdef); var storepos : tfileposinfo; vs : tlocalvarsym; aliasvs : tabsolutevarsym; sl : tpropaccesslist; hs : string; begin { The result from constructors and destructors can't be accessed directly } if not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]) and not is_void(pd.returndef) then begin storepos:=current_tokenpos; current_tokenpos:=pd.fileinfo; { We need to insert a varsym for the result in the localst when it is returning in a register } if not paramanager.ret_in_param(pd.returndef,pd.proccalloption) then begin vs:=tlocalvarsym.create('$result',vs_value,pd.returndef,[vo_is_funcret]); pd.localst.insert(vs); pd.funcretsym:=vs; end; { insert the name of the procedure as alias for the function result, we can't use realname because that will not work for compilerprocs as the name is lowercase and unreachable from the code } if assigned(pd.resultname) then hs:=pd.resultname^ else hs:=pd.procsym.name; sl:=tpropaccesslist.create; sl.addsym(sl_load,pd.funcretsym); aliasvs:=tabsolutevarsym.create_ref(hs,pd.returndef,sl); include(aliasvs.varoptions,vo_is_funcret); tlocalsymtable(pd.localst).insert(aliasvs); { insert result also if support is on } if (m_result in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin sl:=tpropaccesslist.create; sl.addsym(sl_load,pd.funcretsym); aliasvs:=tabsolutevarsym.create_ref('RESULT',pd.returndef,sl); include(aliasvs.varoptions,vo_is_funcret); include(aliasvs.varoptions,vo_is_result); tlocalsymtable(pd.localst).insert(aliasvs); end; current_tokenpos:=storepos; end; end; procedure insert_hidden_para(p:TObject;arg:pointer); var hvs : tparavarsym; pd : tabstractprocdef absolute arg; begin if (tsym(p).typ<>paravarsym) then exit; with tparavarsym(p) do begin { We need a local copy for a value parameter when only the address is pushed. Open arrays and Array of Const are an exception because they are allocated at runtime and the address that is pushed is patched } if (varspez=vs_value) and paramanager.push_addr_param(varspez,vardef,pd.proccalloption) and not(is_open_array(vardef) or is_array_of_const(vardef)) then include(varoptions,vo_has_local_copy); { needs high parameter ? } if paramanager.push_high_param(varspez,vardef,pd.proccalloption) then begin hvs:=tparavarsym.create('$high'+name,paranr+1,vs_const,sinttype,[vo_is_high_para,vo_is_hidden_para]); hvs.symoptions:=[sp_public]; owner.insert(hvs); end else begin { Give a warning that cdecl routines does not include high() support } if (pd.proccalloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_cppdecl]) and paramanager.push_high_param(varspez,vardef,pocall_default) then begin if is_open_string(vardef) then Message(parser_w_cdecl_no_openstring); if not (po_external in pd.procoptions) then Message(parser_w_cdecl_has_no_high); end; if (vardef.typ=formaldef) and (Tformaldef(vardef).typed) then begin hvs:=tparavarsym.create('$typinfo'+name,paranr+1,vs_const,voidpointertype, [vo_is_typinfo_para,vo_is_hidden_para]); owner.insert(hvs); end; end; end; end; procedure check_c_para(pd:Tabstractprocdef); var i, lastparaidx : longint; sym : TSym; begin lastparaidx:=pd.parast.SymList.Count-1; for i:=0 to pd.parast.SymList.Count-1 do begin sym:=tsym(pd.parast.SymList[i]); if (sym.typ=paravarsym) and (tparavarsym(sym).vardef.typ=arraydef) then begin if not is_variant_array(tparavarsym(sym).vardef) and not is_array_of_const(tparavarsym(sym).vardef) and (tparavarsym(sym).varspez<>vs_var) then Message(parser_h_c_arrays_are_references); if is_array_of_const(tparavarsym(sym).vardef) and (iparavarsym) then exit; with tparavarsym(p) do begin { Count parameters } if (paranr>=10) then inc(plongint(arg)^); { First parameter must be var } if (paranr=10) and (varspez<>vs_var) then Message(parser_e_ill_msg_param); end; end; procedure check_inline_para(p:TObject;arg:pointer); var pd : tabstractprocdef absolute arg; begin if not(po_inline in pd.procoptions) or (tsym(p).typ<>paravarsym) then exit; with tparavarsym(p) do begin case vardef.typ of arraydef : begin if is_array_constructor(vardef) or is_variant_array(vardef) then begin Message1(parser_w_not_supported_for_inline,'array of const'); Message(parser_w_inlining_disabled); pd.proccalloption:=pocall_default; end; end; end; end; end; procedure set_addr_param_regable(p:TObject;arg:pointer); begin if (tsym(p).typ<>paravarsym) then exit; with tparavarsym(p) do begin if not vardef.needs_inittable and paramanager.push_addr_param(varspez,vardef,tprocdef(arg).proccalloption) then varregable:=vr_intreg; end; end; procedure parse_parameter_dec(pd:tabstractprocdef); { handle_procvar needs the same changes } type tppv = (pv_none,pv_proc,pv_func); var sc : TFPObjectList; hdef : tdef; arrayelementdef : tdef; vs : tparavarsym; i : longint; srsym : tsym; pv : tprocvardef; varspez : Tvarspez; defaultvalue : tconstsym; defaultrequired : boolean; old_object_option : tsymoptions; old_block_type : tblock_type; currparast : tparasymtable; parseprocvar : tppv; explicit_paraloc : boolean; locationstr : string; paranr : integer; dummytype : ttypesym; begin old_object_option:=current_object_option; old_block_type:=block_type; explicit_paraloc:=false; consume(_LKLAMMER); { Delphi/Kylix supports nonsense like } { procedure p(); } if try_to_consume(_RKLAMMER) and not(m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) then exit; { parsing a proc or procvar ? } currparast:=tparasymtable(pd.parast); { reset } sc:=TFPObjectList.create(false); defaultrequired:=false; paranr:=0; { the variables are always public } current_object_option:=[sp_public]; inc(testcurobject); block_type:=bt_type; repeat parseprocvar:=pv_none; if try_to_consume(_VAR) then varspez:=vs_var else if try_to_consume(_CONST) then varspez:=vs_const else if (m_out in current_settings.modeswitches) and try_to_consume(_OUT) then varspez:=vs_out else if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and try_to_consume(_POINTPOINTPOINT) then begin include(pd.procoptions,po_varargs); break; end else if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and try_to_consume(_PROCEDURE) then begin parseprocvar:=pv_proc; varspez:=vs_const; end else if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and try_to_consume(_FUNCTION) then begin parseprocvar:=pv_func; varspez:=vs_const; end else varspez:=vs_value; defaultvalue:=nil; hdef:=nil; { read identifiers and insert with error type } sc.clear; repeat inc(paranr); vs:=tparavarsym.create(orgpattern,paranr*10,varspez,generrordef,[]); currparast.insert(vs); if assigned(vs.owner) then sc.add(vs) else vs.free; consume(_ID); until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); locationstr:=''; { macpas anonymous procvar } if parseprocvar<>pv_none then begin pv:=tprocvardef.create(normal_function_level); if token=_LKLAMMER then parse_parameter_dec(pv); if parseprocvar=pv_func then begin consume(_COLON); single_type(pv.returndef,false); end; hdef:=pv; { possible proc directives } if check_proc_directive(true) then begin dummytype:=ttypesym.create('unnamed',hdef); parse_var_proc_directives(tsym(dummytype)); dummytype.typedef:=nil; hdef.typesym:=nil; dummytype.free; end; { Add implicit hidden parameters and function result } handle_calling_convention(pv); end else { read type declaration, force reading for value and const paras } if (token=_COLON) or (varspez=vs_value) then begin consume(_COLON); { check for an open array } if token=_ARRAY then begin consume(_ARRAY); consume(_OF); { define range and type of range } hdef:=tarraydef.create(0,-1,s32inttype); { array of const ? } if (token=_CONST) and (m_objpas in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin consume(_CONST); srsym:=search_system_type('TVARREC'); tarraydef(hdef).elementdef:=ttypesym(srsym).typedef; include(tarraydef(hdef).arrayoptions,ado_IsArrayOfConst); end else begin { define field type } single_type(arrayelementdef,false); tarraydef(hdef).elementdef:=arrayelementdef; end; end else begin if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then try_to_consume(_UNIV); {currently does nothing} if try_to_consume(_TYPE) then hdef:=ctypedformaltype else single_type(hdef,false); { open string ? } if (varspez in [vs_out,vs_var]) and (cs_openstring in current_settings.moduleswitches) and is_shortstring(hdef) then hdef:=openshortstringtype; if (target_info.system in [system_powerpc_morphos,system_m68k_amiga]) then begin if (idtoken=_LOCATION) then begin consume(_LOCATION); locationstr:=pattern; consume(_CSTRING); end else begin if explicit_paraloc then Message(parser_e_paraloc_all_paras); locationstr:=''; end; end else locationstr:=''; { default parameter } if (m_default_para in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin if try_to_consume(_EQUAL) then begin vs:=tparavarsym(sc[0]); if sc.count>1 then Message(parser_e_default_value_only_one_para); { prefix 'def' to the parameter name } defaultvalue:=ReadConstant('$def'+vs.name,vs.fileinfo); if assigned(defaultvalue) then begin include(defaultvalue.symoptions,sp_internal); pd.parast.insert(defaultvalue); end; defaultrequired:=true; end else begin if defaultrequired then Message1(parser_e_default_value_expected_for_para,vs.name); end; end; end; end else hdef:=cformaltype; { File types are only allowed for var and out parameters } if (hdef.typ=filedef) and not(varspez in [vs_out,vs_var]) then CGMessage(cg_e_file_must_call_by_reference); for i:=0 to sc.count-1 do begin vs:=tparavarsym(sc[i]); { update varsym } vs.vardef:=hdef; vs.defaultconstsym:=defaultvalue; if (target_info.system in [system_powerpc_morphos,system_m68k_amiga]) then begin if locationstr<>'' then begin if sc.count>1 then Message(parser_e_paraloc_only_one_para); if (paranr>1) and not(explicit_paraloc) then Message(parser_e_paraloc_all_paras); explicit_paraloc:=true; include(vs.varoptions,vo_has_explicit_paraloc); if not(paramanager.parseparaloc(vs,upper(locationstr))) then message(parser_e_illegal_explicit_paraloc); end else if explicit_paraloc then Message(parser_e_paraloc_all_paras); end; end; until not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON); if explicit_paraloc then begin pd.has_paraloc_info:=true; include(pd.procoptions,po_explicitparaloc); end; { remove parasymtable from stack } sc.free; { reset object options } dec(testcurobject); current_object_option:=old_object_option; block_type:=old_block_type; consume(_RKLAMMER); end; function parse_proc_head(aclass:tobjectdef;potype:tproctypeoption;var pd:tprocdef):boolean; var hs : string; orgsp,sp : TIDString; srsym : tsym; srsymtable : TSymtable; checkstack : psymtablestackitem; storepos, procstartfilepos : tfileposinfo; searchagain : boolean; st, genericst : TSymtable; aprocsym : tprocsym; popclass : boolean; ImplIntf : TImplementedInterface; old_parse_generic : boolean; begin { Save the position where this procedure really starts } procstartfilepos:=current_tokenpos; old_parse_generic:=parse_generic; result:=false; pd:=nil; aprocsym:=nil; if (potype=potype_operator) then begin sp:=overloaded_names[optoken]; orgsp:=sp; end else begin sp:=pattern; orgsp:=orgpattern; consume(_ID); end; { examine interface map: function/procedure iname.functionname=locfuncname } if assigned(aclass) and assigned(aclass.ImplementedInterfaces) and (aclass.ImplementedInterfaces.count>0) and try_to_consume(_POINT) then begin storepos:=current_tokenpos; current_tokenpos:=procstartfilepos; { get interface syms} searchsym(sp,srsym,srsymtable); if not assigned(srsym) then begin identifier_not_found(orgsp); srsym:=generrorsym; end; current_tokenpos:=storepos; { qualifier is interface? } ImplIntf:=nil; if (srsym.typ=typesym) and (ttypesym(srsym).typedef.typ=objectdef) then ImplIntf:=aclass.find_implemented_interface(tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef)); if ImplIntf=nil then Message(parser_e_interface_id_expected); consume(_ID); { Create unique name . } hs:=sp+'.'+pattern; consume(_EQUAL); if assigned(ImplIntf) and (token=_ID) then ImplIntf.AddMapping(hs,pattern); consume(_ID); result:=true; exit; end; { method ? } if not assigned(aclass) and (potype<>potype_operator) and (symtablestack.top.symtablelevel=main_program_level) and try_to_consume(_POINT) then begin { search for object name } storepos:=current_tokenpos; current_tokenpos:=procstartfilepos; searchsym(sp,srsym,srsymtable); if not assigned(srsym) then begin identifier_not_found(orgsp); srsym:=generrorsym; end; current_tokenpos:=storepos; { consume proc name } sp:=pattern; orgsp:=orgpattern; procstartfilepos:=current_tokenpos; consume(_ID); { qualifier is class name ? } if (srsym.typ=typesym) and (ttypesym(srsym).typedef.typ=objectdef) then begin aclass:=tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef); srsym:=tsym(aclass.symtable.Find(sp)); if assigned(srsym) then begin if srsym.typ=procsym then aprocsym:=tprocsym(srsym) else begin { we use a different error message for tp7 so it looks more compatible } if (m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then Message1(parser_e_overloaded_no_procedure,srsym.realname) else Message(parser_e_methode_id_expected); { rename the name to an unique name to avoid an error when inserting the symbol in the symtable } orgsp:=orgsp+'$'+tostr(current_filepos.line); end; end else begin Message(parser_e_methode_id_expected); { recover by making it a normal procedure instead of method } aclass:=nil; end; end else Message(parser_e_class_id_expected); end else begin { check for constructor/destructor which is not allowed here } if (not parse_only) and (potype in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]) then Message(parser_e_constructors_always_objects); repeat searchagain:=false; current_tokenpos:=procstartfilepos; srsymtable:=symtablestack.top; srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.Find(sp)); { Also look in the globalsymtable if we didn't found the symbol in the localsymtable } if not assigned(srsym) and not(parse_only) and (srsymtable=current_module.localsymtable) and assigned(current_module.globalsymtable) then srsym:=tsym(current_module.globalsymtable.Find(sp)); { Check if overloaded is a procsym } if assigned(srsym) then begin if srsym.typ=procsym then aprocsym:=tprocsym(srsym) else begin { when the other symbol is a unit symbol then hide the unit symbol, this is not supported in tp7 } if not(m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) and (srsym.typ=unitsym) then begin HideSym(srsym); searchagain:=true; end else begin { we use a different error message for tp7 so it looks more compatible } if (m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then Message1(parser_e_overloaded_no_procedure,srsym.realname) else Message1(sym_e_duplicate_id,srsym.realname); { rename the name to an unique name to avoid an error when inserting the symbol in the symtable } orgsp:=orgsp+'$'+tostr(current_filepos.line); end; end; end; until not searchagain; end; { test again if assigned, it can be reset to recover } if not assigned(aprocsym) then begin { create a new procsym and set the real filepos } current_tokenpos:=procstartfilepos; { for operator we have only one procsym for each overloaded operation } if (potype=potype_operator) then begin Aprocsym:=Tprocsym(symtablestack.top.Find(sp)); if Aprocsym=nil then Aprocsym:=tprocsym.create('$'+sp); end else aprocsym:=tprocsym.create(orgsp); symtablestack.top.insert(aprocsym); end; { to get the correct symtablelevel we must ignore ObjectSymtables } st:=nil; checkstack:=symtablestack.stack; while assigned(checkstack) do begin st:=checkstack^.symtable; if st.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable,localsymtable] then break; checkstack:=checkstack^.next; end; pd:=tprocdef.create(st.symtablelevel+1); pd._class:=aclass; pd.procsym:=aprocsym; pd.proctypeoption:=potype; { methods inherit df_generic or df_specialization from the objectdef } if assigned(pd._class) and (pd.parast.symtablelevel=normal_function_level) then begin if (df_generic in pd._class.defoptions) then begin include(pd.defoptions,df_generic); parse_generic:=true; end; if (df_specialization in pd._class.defoptions) then begin include(pd.defoptions,df_specialization); { Find corresponding genericdef, we need it later to replay the tokens to generate the body } if not assigned(pd._class.genericdef) then internalerror(200512113); genericst:=pd._class.genericdef.GetSymtable(gs_record); if not assigned(genericst) then internalerror(200512114); { We are parsing the same objectdef, the def index numbers are the same } pd.genericdef:=tstoreddef(genericst.DefList[pd.owner.DefList.IndexOf(pd)]); if not assigned(pd.genericdef) or (pd.genericdef.typ<>procdef) then internalerror(200512115); end; end; { methods need to be exported } if assigned(aclass) and ( (symtablestack.top.symtabletype=ObjectSymtable) or (symtablestack.top.symtablelevel=main_program_level) ) then include(pd.procoptions,po_global); { symbol options that need to be kept per procdef } pd.fileinfo:=procstartfilepos; pd.symoptions:=current_object_option; { parse parameters } if token=_LKLAMMER then begin { Add ObjectSymtable to be able to find generic type definitions } popclass:=false; if assigned(pd._class) and (pd.parast.symtablelevel=normal_function_level) and (symtablestack.top.symtabletype<>ObjectSymtable) then begin symtablestack.push(pd._class.symtable); popclass:=true; end; { Add parameter symtable } if pd.parast.symtabletype<>staticsymtable then symtablestack.push(pd.parast); parse_parameter_dec(pd); if pd.parast.symtabletype<>staticsymtable then symtablestack.pop(pd.parast); if popclass then symtablestack.pop(pd._class.symtable); end; parse_generic:=old_parse_generic; result:=true; end; function parse_proc_dec(aclass:tobjectdef):tprocdef; var pd : tprocdef; isclassmethod : boolean; locationstr: string; popclass : boolean; begin locationstr:=''; pd:=nil; isclassmethod:=false; { read class method } if try_to_consume(_CLASS) then begin { class method only allowed for procedures and functions } if not(token in [_FUNCTION,_PROCEDURE]) then Message(parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected); if is_interface(aclass) then Message(parser_e_no_static_method_in_interfaces) else isclassmethod:=true; end; case token of _FUNCTION : begin consume(_FUNCTION); if parse_proc_head(aclass,potype_function,pd) then begin { pd=nil when it is a interface mapping } if assigned(pd) then begin if try_to_consume(_COLON) then begin inc(testcurobject); { Add ObjectSymtable to be able to find generic type definitions } popclass:=false; if assigned(pd._class) and (pd.parast.symtablelevel=normal_function_level) and (symtablestack.top.symtabletype<>ObjectSymtable) then begin symtablestack.push(pd._class.symtable); popclass:=true; end; single_type(pd.returndef,false); if popclass then symtablestack.pop(pd._class.symtable); dec(testcurobject); if (target_info.system in [system_m68k_amiga]) then begin if (idtoken=_LOCATION) then begin if po_explicitparaloc in pd.procoptions then begin consume(_LOCATION); locationstr:=pattern; consume(_CSTRING); end else { I guess this needs a new message... (KB) } Message(parser_e_paraloc_all_paras); end else begin if po_explicitparaloc in pd.procoptions then { assign default locationstr, if none specified } { and we've arguments with explicit paraloc } locationstr:='D0'; end; end; end else begin if ( parse_only and not(is_interface(pd._class)) ) or (m_repeat_forward in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin consume(_COLON); consume_all_until(_SEMICOLON); end; end; if isclassmethod then include(pd.procoptions,po_classmethod); end; end else begin { recover } consume(_COLON); consume_all_until(_SEMICOLON); end; end; _PROCEDURE : begin consume(_PROCEDURE); if parse_proc_head(aclass,potype_procedure,pd) then begin { pd=nil when it is a interface mapping } if assigned(pd) then begin pd.returndef:=voidtype; if isclassmethod then include(pd.procoptions,po_classmethod); end; end; end; _CONSTRUCTOR : begin consume(_CONSTRUCTOR); parse_proc_head(aclass,potype_constructor,pd); if assigned(pd) and assigned(pd._class) then begin { Set return type, class constructors return the created instance, object constructors return boolean } if is_class(pd._class) then pd.returndef:=pd._class else {$ifdef CPU64bit} pd.returndef:=bool64type; {$else CPU64bit} pd.returndef:=bool32type; {$endif CPU64bit} end; end; _DESTRUCTOR : begin consume(_DESTRUCTOR); parse_proc_head(aclass,potype_destructor,pd); if assigned(pd) then pd.returndef:=voidtype; end; _OPERATOR : begin consume(_OPERATOR); if (token in [first_overloaded..last_overloaded]) then begin optoken:=token; end else begin case token of _CARET: Message1(parser_e_overload_operator_failed,'**'); _UNEQUAL: Message1(parser_e_overload_operator_failed,'='); else Message1(parser_e_overload_operator_failed,''); end; { Use the dummy NOTOKEN that is also declared for the overloaded_operator[] } optoken:=NOTOKEN; end; consume(token); parse_proc_head(aclass,potype_operator,pd); if assigned(pd) then begin if pd.parast.symtablelevel>normal_function_level then Message(parser_e_no_local_operator); if token<>_ID then begin if not(m_result in current_settings.modeswitches) then consume(_ID); end else begin pd.resultname:=stringdup(orgpattern); consume(_ID); end; if not try_to_consume(_COLON) then begin consume(_COLON); pd.returndef:=generrordef; consume_all_until(_SEMICOLON); end else begin single_type(pd.returndef,false); if (optoken in [_EQUAL,_GT,_LT,_GTE,_LTE]) and ((pd.returndef.typ<>orddef) or (torddef(pd.returndef).ordtype<>bool8bit)) then Message(parser_e_comparative_operator_return_boolean); if (optoken=_ASSIGNMENT) and equal_defs(pd.returndef,tparavarsym(pd.parast.SymList[0]).vardef) then message(parser_e_no_such_assignment) else if not isoperatoracceptable(pd,optoken) then Message(parser_e_overload_impossible); end; end else begin { recover } try_to_consume(_ID); consume(_COLON); consume_all_until(_SEMICOLON); end; end; end; { file types can't be function results } if assigned(pd) and (pd.returndef.typ=filedef) then message(parser_e_illegal_function_result); { support procedure proc stdcall export; } if not(check_proc_directive(false)) then consume(_SEMICOLON); result:=pd; if locationstr<>'' then begin if not(paramanager.parsefuncretloc(pd,upper(locationstr))) then { I guess this needs a new message... (KB) } message(parser_e_illegal_explicit_paraloc); end; end; {**************************************************************************** Procedure directive handlers ****************************************************************************} procedure pd_far(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin Message1(parser_w_proc_directive_ignored,'FAR'); end; procedure pd_near(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin Message1(parser_w_proc_directive_ignored,'NEAR'); end; procedure pd_export(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200304264); if assigned(tprocdef(pd)._class) then Message(parser_e_methods_dont_be_export); if pd.parast.symtablelevel>normal_function_level then Message(parser_e_dont_nest_export); end; procedure pd_forward(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200304265); tprocdef(pd).forwarddef:=true; end; procedure pd_alias(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200304266); consume(_COLON); tprocdef(pd).aliasnames.insert(get_stringconst); include(pd.procoptions,po_has_public_name); end; procedure pd_public(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200304266); if try_to_consume(_NAME) then begin tprocdef(pd).aliasnames.insert(get_stringconst); include(pd.procoptions,po_has_public_name); end; end; procedure pd_asmname(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200304267); tprocdef(pd).aliasnames.insert(target_info.Cprefix+pattern); if token=_CCHAR then consume(_CCHAR) else consume(_CSTRING); { we don't need anything else } tprocdef(pd).forwarddef:=false; end; procedure pd_inline(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin { Check if there are parameters that can't be inlined } pd.parast.SymList.ForEachCall(@check_inline_para,pd); end; procedure pd_internconst(pd:tabstractprocdef); var v:Tconstexprint; begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200304268); consume(_COLON); v:=get_intconst; if (vint64(high(longint))) then message(parser_e_range_check_error) else Tprocdef(pd).extnumber:=longint(v.svalue); end; procedure pd_internproc(pd:tabstractprocdef); var v:Tconstexprint; begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200304268); consume(_COLON); v:=get_intconst; if (vint64(high(longint))) then message(parser_e_range_check_error) else Tprocdef(pd).extnumber:=longint(v.svalue); { the proc is defined } tprocdef(pd).forwarddef:=false; end; procedure pd_interrupt(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.parast.symtablelevel>normal_function_level then Message(parser_e_dont_nest_interrupt); end; procedure pd_abstract(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200304269); if (po_virtualmethod in pd.procoptions) then include(pd.procoptions,po_abstractmethod) else Message(parser_e_only_virtual_methods_abstract); { the method is defined } tprocdef(pd).forwarddef:=false; end; procedure pd_virtual(pd:tabstractprocdef); {$ifdef WITHDMT} var pt : tnode; {$endif WITHDMT} begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(2003042610); if (pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) and is_object(tprocdef(pd)._class) then Message(parser_e_constructor_cannot_be_not_virtual); {$ifdef WITHDMT} if is_object(tprocdef(pd)._class) and (token<>_SEMICOLON) then begin { any type of parameter is allowed here! } pt:=comp_expr(true); if is_constintnode(pt) then begin include(pd.procoptions,po_msgint); pd.messageinf.i:=pt.value; end else Message(parser_e_ill_msg_expr); disposetree(pt); end; {$endif WITHDMT} end; procedure pd_dispid(pd:tabstractprocdef); var pt:Tnode; begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200604301); pt:=comp_expr(true); if is_constintnode(pt) then if (Tordconstnode(pt).valueint64(high(longint))) then message(parser_e_range_check_error) else Tprocdef(pd).dispid:=Tordconstnode(pt).value.svalue else message(parser_e_dispid_must_be_ord_const); pt.free; end; procedure pd_static(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if (cs_static_keyword in current_settings.moduleswitches) then begin if pd.typ=procdef then include(tprocdef(pd).procsym.symoptions,sp_static); include(pd.procoptions,po_staticmethod); end; end; procedure pd_override(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(2003042611); if not(is_class_or_interface(tprocdef(pd)._class)) then Message(parser_e_no_object_override); end; procedure pd_overload(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(2003042612); include(tprocdef(pd).procsym.symoptions,sp_has_overloaded); end; procedure pd_message(pd:tabstractprocdef); var pt : tnode; paracnt : longint; begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(2003042613); if not is_class(tprocdef(pd)._class) then Message(parser_e_msg_only_for_classes); { check parameter type } paracnt:=0; pd.parast.SymList.ForEachCall(@check_msg_para,@paracnt); if paracnt<>1 then Message(parser_e_ill_msg_param); pt:=comp_expr(true); if pt.nodetype=stringconstn then begin include(pd.procoptions,po_msgstr); tprocdef(pd).messageinf.str:=stringdup(tstringconstnode(pt).value_str); end else if is_constintnode(pt) then begin include(pd.procoptions,po_msgint); if (Tordconstnode(pt).valueint64(high(Tprocdef(pd).messageinf.i))) then message(parser_e_range_check_error) else Tprocdef(pd).messageinf.i:=tordconstnode(pt).value.svalue; end else Message(parser_e_ill_msg_expr); pt.free; end; procedure pd_reintroduce(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(200401211); if not(is_class_or_interface(tprocdef(pd)._class)) then Message(parser_e_no_object_reintroduce); end; procedure pd_syscall(pd:tabstractprocdef); {$if defined(powerpc) or defined(m68k)} var vs : tparavarsym; sym : tsym; symtable : TSymtable; v: Tconstexprint; {$endif defined(powerpc) or defined(m68k)} begin if (pd.typ<>procdef) and (target_info.system <> system_powerpc_amiga) then internalerror(2003042614); tprocdef(pd).forwarddef:=false; {$ifdef m68k} if target_info.system in [system_m68k_amiga] then begin include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_legacy); if consume_sym(sym,symtable) then begin if (sym.typ=staticvarsym) and ( (tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef.typ=pointerdef) or is_32bitint(tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef) ) then begin tprocdef(pd).libsym:=sym; if po_syscall_legacy in tprocdef(pd).procoptions then begin vs:=tparavarsym.create('$syscalllib',paranr_syscall_legacy,vs_value,tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef,[vo_is_syscall_lib,vo_is_hidden_para,vo_has_explicit_paraloc]); paramanager.parseparaloc(vs,'A6'); pd.parast.insert(vs); end end else Message(parser_e_32bitint_or_pointer_variable_expected); end; (paramanager as tm68kparamanager).create_funcretloc_info(pd,calleeside); (paramanager as tm68kparamanager).create_funcretloc_info(pd,callerside); v:=get_intconst; if (vhigh(Tprocdef(pd).extnumber)) then message(parser_e_range_check_error) else Tprocdef(pd).extnumber:=v.uvalue; end; {$endif m68k} {$ifdef powerpc} if target_info.system = system_powerpc_amiga then begin include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_basesysv); if consume_sym(sym,symtable) then begin if (sym.typ=staticvarsym) and ( (tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef.typ=pointerdef) or is_32bitint(tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef) ) then begin tprocdef(pd).libsym:=sym; vs:=tparavarsym.create('$syscalllib',paranr_syscall_basesysv,vs_value,tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef,[vo_is_syscall_lib,vo_is_hidden_para]); pd.parast.insert(vs); end else Message(parser_e_32bitint_or_pointer_variable_expected); end; (paramanager as tppcparamanager).create_funcretloc_info(pd,calleeside); (paramanager as tppcparamanager).create_funcretloc_info(pd,callerside); v:=get_intconst; if (vhigh(Tprocdef(pd).extnumber)) then message(parser_e_range_check_error) else Tprocdef(pd).extnumber:=v.uvalue; end else if target_info.system = system_powerpc_morphos then begin if idtoken=_LEGACY then begin consume(_LEGACY); include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_legacy); end else if idtoken=_SYSV then begin consume(_SYSV); include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_sysv); end else if idtoken=_BASESYSV then begin consume(_BASESYSV); include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_basesysv); end else if idtoken=_SYSVBASE then begin consume(_SYSVBASE); include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_sysvbase); end else if idtoken=_R12BASE then begin consume(_R12BASE); include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_r12base); end else if syscall_convention='LEGACY' then include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_legacy) else if syscall_convention='SYSV' then include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_sysv) else if syscall_convention='BASESYSV' then include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_basesysv) else if syscall_convention='SYSVBASE' then include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_sysvbase) else if syscall_convention='R12BASE' then include(pd.procoptions,po_syscall_r12base) else internalerror(2005010404); if consume_sym(sym,symtable) then begin if (sym.typ=staticvarsym) and ( (tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef.typ=pointerdef) or is_32bitint(tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef) ) then begin tprocdef(pd).libsym:=sym; if po_syscall_legacy in tprocdef(pd).procoptions then begin vs:=tparavarsym.create('$syscalllib',paranr_syscall_legacy,vs_value,tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef,[vo_is_syscall_lib,vo_is_hidden_para,vo_has_explicit_paraloc]); paramanager.parseparaloc(vs,'A6'); pd.parast.insert(vs); end else if po_syscall_sysv in tprocdef(pd).procoptions then begin { Nothing to be done for sysv here for now, but this might change } end else if po_syscall_basesysv in tprocdef(pd).procoptions then begin vs:=tparavarsym.create('$syscalllib',paranr_syscall_basesysv,vs_value,tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef,[vo_is_syscall_lib,vo_is_hidden_para]); pd.parast.insert(vs); end else if po_syscall_sysvbase in tprocdef(pd).procoptions then begin vs:=tparavarsym.create('$syscalllib',paranr_syscall_sysvbase,vs_value,tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef,[vo_is_syscall_lib,vo_is_hidden_para]); pd.parast.insert(vs); end else if po_syscall_r12base in tprocdef(pd).procoptions then begin vs:=tparavarsym.create('$syscalllib',paranr_syscall_r12base,vs_value,tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef,[vo_is_syscall_lib,vo_is_hidden_para,vo_has_explicit_paraloc]); paramanager.parseparaloc(vs,'R12'); pd.parast.insert(vs); end else internalerror(2005010501); end else Message(parser_e_32bitint_or_pointer_variable_expected); end; (paramanager as tppcparamanager).create_funcretloc_info(pd,calleeside); (paramanager as tppcparamanager).create_funcretloc_info(pd,callerside); v:=get_intconst; if (vhigh(Tprocdef(pd).extnumber)) then message(parser_e_range_check_error) else Tprocdef(pd).extnumber:=v.uvalue; end; {$endif powerpc} end; procedure pd_external(pd:tabstractprocdef); { If import_dll=nil the procedure is assumed to be in another object file. In that object file it should have the name to which import_name is pointing to. Otherwise, the procedure is assumed to be in the DLL to which import_dll is pointing to. In that case either import_nr<>0 or import_name<>nil is true, so the procedure is either imported by number or by name. (DM) } var hs : string; v:Tconstexprint; begin if pd.typ<>procdef then internalerror(2003042615); with tprocdef(pd) do begin forwarddef:=false; { forbid local external procedures } if parast.symtablelevel>normal_function_level then Message(parser_e_no_local_proc_external); { If the procedure should be imported from a DLL, a constant string follows. This isn't really correct, an contant string expression follows so we check if an semicolon follows, else a string constant have to follow (FK) } if not(token=_SEMICOLON) and not(idtoken=_NAME) then begin { Always add library prefix and suffix to create an uniform name } hs:=get_stringconst; if ExtractFileExt(hs)='' then hs:=ChangeFileExt(hs,target_info.sharedlibext); if Copy(hs,1,length(target_info.sharedlibprefix))<>target_info.sharedlibprefix then hs:=target_info.sharedlibprefix+hs; import_dll:=stringdup(hs); include(procoptions,po_has_importdll); if (idtoken=_NAME) then begin consume(_NAME); import_name:=stringdup(get_stringconst); include(procoptions,po_has_importname); if import_name^='' then message(parser_e_empty_import_name); end; if (idtoken=_INDEX) then begin {After the word index follows the index number in the DLL.} consume(_INDEX); v:=get_intconst; if (vint64(high(import_nr))) then message(parser_e_range_check_error) else import_nr:=longint(v.svalue); end; { default is to used the realname of the procedure } if (import_nr=0) and not assigned(import_name) then begin import_name:=stringdup(procsym.realname); include(procoptions,po_has_importname); end; end else begin if (idtoken=_NAME) then begin consume(_NAME); import_name:=stringdup(get_stringconst); include(procoptions,po_has_importname); if import_name^='' then message(parser_e_empty_import_name); end; end; end; end; type pd_handler=procedure(pd:tabstractprocdef); proc_dir_rec=record idtok : ttoken; pd_flags : tpdflags; handler : pd_handler; pocall : tproccalloption; pooption : tprocoptions; mutexclpocall : tproccalloptions; mutexclpotype : tproctypeoptions; mutexclpo : tprocoptions; end; const {Should contain the number of procedure directives we support.} num_proc_directives=39; proc_direcdata:array[1..num_proc_directives] of proc_dir_rec= ( ( idtok:_ABSTRACT; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_object,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_abstract; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_abstractmethod]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_exports,po_interrupt,po_external,po_inline] ),( idtok:_ALIAS; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_alias; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_inline] ),( idtok:_ASMNAME; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_asmname; pocall : pocall_cdecl; pooption : [po_external]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_inline] ),( idtok:_ASSEMBLER; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_notobjintf]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_assembler]; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external] ),( idtok:_C; {same as cdecl for mode mac} pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_cdecl; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_assembler,po_external] ),( idtok:_CDECL; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_cdecl; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_assembler,po_external] ),( idtok:_DISPID; pd_flags : [pd_dispinterface]; handler : @pd_dispid; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_dispid]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor,potype_operator]; mutexclpo : [po_interrupt,po_external,po_inline] ),( idtok:_DYNAMIC; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_object,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_virtual; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_virtualmethod]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_exports,po_interrupt,po_external,po_overridingmethod,po_inline] ),( idtok:_EXPORT; pd_flags : [pd_body,pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_export; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_exports,po_global]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_interrupt,po_inline] ),( idtok:_EXTERNAL; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_interface,pd_notobject,pd_notobjintf,pd_cppobject]; handler : @pd_external; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_external]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc,pocall_syscall]; { allowed for external cpp classes } mutexclpotype : [{potype_constructor,potype_destructor}]; mutexclpo : [po_public,po_exports,po_interrupt,po_assembler,po_inline] ),( idtok:_FAR; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_interface,pd_procvar,pd_notobject,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_far; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_inline] ),( idtok:_FAR16; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar,pd_notobject]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_far16; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external] ),( idtok:_FORWARD; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_notobject,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_forward; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_inline] ),( idtok:_OLDFPCCALL; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_oldfpccall; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [] ),( idtok:_INLINE; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_inline; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_inline]; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_exports,po_external,po_interrupt,po_virtualmethod] ),( idtok:_INTERNCONST; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_body,pd_notobject,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_internconst; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_internconst]; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_operator]; mutexclpo : [] ),( idtok:_INTERNPROC; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_notobject,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_internproc; pocall : pocall_internproc; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor,potype_operator]; mutexclpo : [po_exports,po_external,po_interrupt,po_assembler,po_iocheck,po_virtualmethod] ),( idtok:_INTERRUPT; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_notobject,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_interrupt; pocall : pocall_oldfpccall; pooption : [po_interrupt]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc,pocall_cdecl,pocall_cppdecl,pocall_stdcall, pocall_pascal,pocall_far16,pocall_oldfpccall]; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor,potype_operator]; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_inline] ),( idtok:_IOCHECK; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_notobjintf]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_iocheck]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external] ),( idtok:_LOCAL; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_body]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_kylixlocal]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc,pocall_far16]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_exports] ),( idtok:_MESSAGE; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_object,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_message; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : []; { can be po_msgstr or po_msgint } mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor,potype_operator]; mutexclpo : [po_interrupt,po_external,po_inline] ),( idtok:_MWPASCAL; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_mwpascal; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [] ),( idtok:_NEAR; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_near; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [] ),( idtok:_NOSTACKFRAME; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar,pd_notobjintf]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_nostackframe]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [] ),( idtok:_OVERLOAD; pd_flags : [pd_implemen,pd_interface,pd_body]; handler : @pd_overload; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_overload]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [] ),( idtok:_OVERRIDE; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_object,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_override; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_overridingmethod,po_virtualmethod]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_exports,po_external,po_interrupt,po_virtualmethod,po_inline] ),( idtok:_PASCAL; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_pascal; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_external] ),( idtok:_PUBLIC; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_notobject,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_public; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_public,po_global]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_inline] ),( idtok:_REGISTER; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_register; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_external] ),( idtok:_REINTRODUCE; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_object,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_reintroduce; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_reintroduce]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_interrupt,po_exports,po_overridingmethod,po_inline] ),( idtok:_SAFECALL; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_safecall; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_external] ),( idtok:_SOFTFLOAT; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_softfloat; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; { it's available with po_external because the libgcc floating point routines on the arm uses this calling convention } mutexclpo : [] ),( idtok:_STATIC; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_object,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_static; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_staticmethod]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_interrupt,po_exports,po_inline] ),( idtok:_STDCALL; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_stdcall; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_external] ),( idtok:_SYSCALL; { Different kind of syscalls are valid for AOS68k, AOSPPC and MOS. } { FIX ME!!! MorphOS/AOS68k pd_flags should be: pd_interface, pd_implemen, pd_notobject, pd_notobjintf (KB) } pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_procvar]; handler : @pd_syscall; pocall : pocall_syscall; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_assembler,po_interrupt,po_exports] ),( idtok:_VIRTUAL; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_object,pd_notobjintf]; handler : @pd_virtual; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_virtualmethod]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_external,po_interrupt,po_exports,po_overridingmethod,po_inline] ),( idtok:_CPPDECL; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_cppdecl; pooption : []; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_assembler,po_external,po_virtualmethod] ),( idtok:_VARARGS; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_procvar]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_varargs]; mutexclpocall : [pocall_internproc,pocall_stdcall,pocall_register, pocall_far16,pocall_oldfpccall,pocall_mwpascal]; mutexclpotype : []; mutexclpo : [po_assembler,po_interrupt,po_inline] ),( idtok:_COMPILERPROC; pd_flags : [pd_interface,pd_implemen,pd_body,pd_notobjintf]; handler : nil; pocall : pocall_none; pooption : [po_compilerproc]; mutexclpocall : []; mutexclpotype : [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]; mutexclpo : [po_interrupt] ) ); function check_proc_directive(isprocvar:boolean):boolean; var i : longint; begin result:=false; for i:=1 to num_proc_directives do if proc_direcdata[i].idtok=idtoken then begin if ((not isprocvar) or (pd_procvar in proc_direcdata[i].pd_flags)) and { don't eat a public directive in classes } not((idtoken=_PUBLIC) and (symtablestack.top.symtabletype=ObjectSymtable)) then result:=true; exit; end; end; function parse_proc_direc(pd:tabstractprocdef;var pdflags:tpdflags):boolean; { Parse the procedure directive, returns true if a correct directive is found } var p : longint; found : boolean; name : TIDString; begin parse_proc_direc:=false; name:=tokeninfo^[idtoken].str; found:=false; { Hint directive? Then exit immediatly } if (m_hintdirective in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin case idtoken of _LIBRARY, _PLATFORM, _UNIMPLEMENTED, _DEPRECATED : exit; end; end; { C directive is MAC only, because it breaks too much existing code on other platforms (PFV) } if (idtoken=_C) and not(m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then exit; { retrieve data for directive if found } for p:=1 to num_proc_directives do if proc_direcdata[p].idtok=idtoken then begin found:=true; break; end; { Check if the procedure directive is known } if not found then begin { parsing a procvar type the name can be any next variable !! } if ((pdflags * [pd_procvar,pd_object])=[]) and not(idtoken=_PROPERTY) then Message1(parser_w_unknown_proc_directive_ignored,name); exit; end; { static needs a special treatment } if (idtoken=_STATIC) and not (cs_static_keyword in current_settings.moduleswitches) then exit; { check if method and directive not for object, like public. This needs to be checked also for procvars } if (pd_notobject in proc_direcdata[p].pd_flags) and (symtablestack.top.symtabletype=ObjectSymtable) and { directive allowed for cpp classes? } not(is_cppclass(tdef(symtablestack.top.defowner)) and (pd_cppobject in proc_direcdata[p].pd_flags)) then exit; { Conflicts between directives ? } if (pd.proctypeoption in proc_direcdata[p].mutexclpotype) or (pd.proccalloption in proc_direcdata[p].mutexclpocall) or ((pd.procoptions*proc_direcdata[p].mutexclpo)<>[]) then begin Message1(parser_e_proc_dir_conflict,name); exit; end; { set calling convention } if proc_direcdata[p].pocall<>pocall_none then begin if (po_hascallingconvention in pd.procoptions) then begin Message2(parser_w_proc_overriding_calling, proccalloptionStr[pd.proccalloption], proccalloptionStr[proc_direcdata[p].pocall]); end; { check if the target processor supports this calling convention } if not(proc_direcdata[p].pocall in supported_calling_conventions) then begin Message1(parser_e_illegal_calling_convention,proccalloptionStr[proc_direcdata[p].pocall]); { recover } proc_direcdata[p].pocall:=pocall_stdcall; end; pd.proccalloption:=proc_direcdata[p].pocall; include(pd.procoptions,po_hascallingconvention); end; if pd.typ=procdef then begin { Check if the directive is only for objects } if (pd_object in proc_direcdata[p].pd_flags) and not assigned(tprocdef(pd)._class) then exit; { check if method and directive not for interface } if (pd_notobjintf in proc_direcdata[p].pd_flags) and is_interface(tprocdef(pd)._class) then exit; { check if method and directive not for interface } if is_dispinterface(tprocdef(pd)._class) and not(pd_dispinterface in proc_direcdata[p].pd_flags) then exit; end; { consume directive, and turn flag on } consume(token); parse_proc_direc:=true; { Check the pd_flags if the directive should be allowed } if (pd_interface in pdflags) and not(pd_interface in proc_direcdata[p].pd_flags) then begin Message1(parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_interface,name); exit; end; if (pd_implemen in pdflags) and not(pd_implemen in proc_direcdata[p].pd_flags) then begin Message1(parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_implementation,name); exit; end; if (pd_procvar in pdflags) and not(pd_procvar in proc_direcdata[p].pd_flags) then begin Message1(parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_procvar,name); exit; end; { Return the new pd_flags } if not(pd_body in proc_direcdata[p].pd_flags) then exclude(pdflags,pd_body); { Add the correct flag } pd.procoptions:=pd.procoptions+proc_direcdata[p].pooption; { Call the handler } if pointer(proc_direcdata[p].handler)<>nil then proc_direcdata[p].handler(pd); end; function proc_get_importname(pd:tprocdef):string; function maybe_cprefix(const s:string):string; begin if not(pd.proccalloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_cppdecl]) then result:=s else result:=target_info.Cprefix+s; end; begin result:=''; if not(po_external in pd.procoptions) then internalerror(200412151); { external name or number is specified } if assigned(pd.import_name) or (pd.import_nr<>0) then begin if assigned(pd.import_dll) then begin { If we are not using direct dll linking under win32 then imports need to use the normal name since two functions can refer to the same DLL function. This is also needed for compatability with Delphi and TP7 } (* case target_info.system of system_i386_emx, system_i386_os2 : begin { keep normal mangledname } if not (Assigned (PD.Import_Name)) then Result := PD.MangledName; end; else *) if assigned(pd.import_name) then begin if target_info.system in (system_all_windows + [system_i386_emx, system_i386_os2]) then { cprefix is not used in DLL imports under Windows or OS/2 } result:=pd.import_name^ else result:=maybe_cprefix(pd.import_name^); end else result:=ExtractFileName(pd.import_dll^)+'_index_'+tostr(pd.import_nr); end else result:=maybe_cprefix(pd.import_name^); end else begin { Default names when importing variables } case pd.proccalloption of pocall_cdecl : begin if assigned(pd._class) then result:=target_info.Cprefix+pd._class.objrealname^+'_'+pd.procsym.realname else result:=target_info.Cprefix+pd.procsym.realname; end; pocall_cppdecl : begin result:=target_info.Cprefix+pd.cplusplusmangledname; end; else begin {In MacPas a single "external" has the same effect as "external name 'xxx'" } if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then result:=tprocdef(pd).procsym.realname; end; end; end; end; procedure proc_set_mangledname(pd:tprocdef); var s : string; begin { When the mangledname is already set we aren't allowed to change it because it can already be used somewhere (PFV) } if not(po_has_mangledname in pd.procoptions) then begin if (po_external in pd.procoptions) then begin { External Procedures are only allowed to change the mangledname in their first declaration } if (pd.forwarddef or (not pd.hasforward)) then begin s:=proc_get_importname(pd); if s<>'' then begin { Replace ? and @ in import name } Replace(s,'?','__q$$'); Replace(s,'@','__a$$'); pd.setmangledname(s); end; end; end else { Normal procedures } begin if (po_compilerproc in pd.procoptions) then begin pd.setmangledname(lower(pd.procsym.name)); end; end; end; { Public/exported alias names } if (([po_public,po_exports]*pd.procoptions)<>[]) and not(po_has_public_name in pd.procoptions) then begin case pd.proccalloption of pocall_cdecl : begin if assigned(pd._class) then pd.aliasnames.insert(target_info.Cprefix+pd._class.objrealname^+'_'+pd.procsym.realname) else pd.aliasnames.insert(target_info.Cprefix+pd.procsym.realname); end; pocall_cppdecl : begin pd.aliasnames.insert(target_info.Cprefix+pd.cplusplusmangledname); end; end; { prevent adding the alias a second time } include(pd.procoptions,po_has_public_name); end; end; procedure handle_calling_convention(pd:tabstractprocdef); begin { set the default calling convention if none provided } if not(po_hascallingconvention in pd.procoptions) then pd.proccalloption:=current_settings.defproccall else begin if pd.proccalloption=pocall_none then internalerror(200309081); end; { handle proccall specific settings } case pd.proccalloption of pocall_cdecl, pocall_cppdecl : begin { check C cdecl para types } check_c_para(pd); end; pocall_far16 : begin { Temporary stub, must be rewritten to support OS/2 far16 } Message1(parser_w_proc_directive_ignored,'FAR16'); end; end; { Inlining is enabled and supported? } if (po_inline in pd.procoptions) and not(cs_do_inline in current_settings.localswitches) then begin { Give an error if inline is not supported by the compiler mode, otherwise only give a warning that this procedure will not be inlined } if not(m_default_inline in current_settings.modeswitches) then Message(parser_e_proc_inline_not_supported) else Message(parser_w_inlining_disabled); exclude(pd.procoptions,po_inline); end; { For varargs directive also cdecl and external must be defined } if (po_varargs in pd.procoptions) then begin { check first for external in the interface, if available there then the cdecl must also be there since there is no implementation available to contain it } if parse_only then begin { if external is available, then cdecl must also be available, procvars don't need external } if not((po_external in pd.procoptions) or (pd.typ=procvardef)) and not(pd.proccalloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_cppdecl,pocall_mwpascal]) then Message(parser_e_varargs_need_cdecl_and_external); end else begin { both must be defined now } if not((po_external in pd.procoptions) or (pd.typ=procvardef)) or not(pd.proccalloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_cppdecl,pocall_mwpascal]) then Message(parser_e_varargs_need_cdecl_and_external); end; end; { insert hidden high parameters } pd.parast.SymList.ForEachCall(@insert_hidden_para,pd); { insert hidden self parameter } insert_self_and_vmt_para(pd); { insert funcret parameter if required } insert_funcret_para(pd); { Make var parameters regable, this must be done after the calling convention is set. } { this must be done before parentfp is insert, because getting all cases where parentfp must be in a memory location isn't catched properly so we put parentfp never in a register } pd.parast.SymList.ForEachCall(@set_addr_param_regable,pd); { insert parentfp parameter if required } insert_parentfp_para(pd); { Calculate parameter tlist } pd.calcparas; end; procedure parse_proc_directives(pd:tabstractprocdef;var pdflags:tpdflags); { Parse the procedure directives. It does not matter if procedure directives are written using ;procdir; or ['procdir'] syntax. } var res : boolean; begin if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and (cs_externally_visible in current_settings.localswitches) then begin tprocdef(pd).aliasnames.insert(tprocdef(pd).procsym.realname); include(pd.procoptions,po_public); include(pd.procoptions,po_has_public_name); include(pd.procoptions,po_global); end; while token in [_ID,_LECKKLAMMER] do begin if try_to_consume(_LECKKLAMMER) then begin repeat parse_proc_direc(pd,pdflags); until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); consume(_RECKKLAMMER); { we always expect at least '[];' } res:=true; end else begin res:=parse_proc_direc(pd,pdflags); end; { A procedure directive normally followed by a semicolon, but in a const section or reading a type we should stop when _EQUAL is found, because a constant/default value follows } if res then begin if (block_type in [bt_const,bt_type]) and (token=_EQUAL) then break; { support procedure proc;stdcall export; } if not(check_proc_directive((pd.typ=procvardef))) then begin { support "record p : procedure stdcall end;" and "var p : procedure stdcall = nil;" } if (pd_procvar in pdflags) and (token in [_END,_RKLAMMER,_EQUAL]) then break else consume(_SEMICOLON); end; end else break; end; end; procedure parse_var_proc_directives(sym:tsym); var pdflags : tpdflags; pd : tabstractprocdef; begin pdflags:=[pd_procvar]; pd:=nil; case sym.typ of fieldvarsym, staticvarsym, localvarsym, paravarsym : pd:=tabstractprocdef(tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef); typesym : pd:=tabstractprocdef(ttypesym(sym).typedef); else internalerror(2003042617); end; if pd.typ<>procvardef then internalerror(2003042618); { names should never be used anyway } parse_proc_directives(pd,pdflags); end; procedure parse_object_proc_directives(pd:tabstractprocdef); var pdflags : tpdflags; begin pdflags:=[pd_object]; parse_proc_directives(pd,pdflags); end; function proc_add_definition(var currpd:tprocdef):boolean; { Add definition aprocdef to the overloaded definitions of aprocsym. If a forwarddef is found and reused it returns true } var fwpd : tprocdef; currparasym, fwparasym : tsym; currparacnt, fwparacnt, curridx, fwidx, i : longint; po_comp : tprocoptions; paracompopt: tcompare_paras_options; forwardfound : boolean; begin forwardfound:=false; { check overloaded functions if the same function already exists } for i:=0 to tprocsym(currpd.procsym).ProcdefList.Count-1 do begin fwpd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(currpd.procsym).ProcdefList[i]); { Skip overloaded definitions that are declared in other units } if fwpd.procsym<>currpd.procsym then continue; { check the parameters, for delphi/tp it is possible to leave the parameters away in the implementation (forwarddef=false). But for an overload declared function this is not allowed } if { check if empty implementation arguments match is allowed } ( not(m_repeat_forward in current_settings.modeswitches) and not(currpd.forwarddef) and is_bareprocdef(currpd) and not(po_overload in fwpd.procoptions) ) or { check arguments, we need to check only the user visible parameters. The hidden parameters can be in a different location because of the calling convention, eg. L-R vs. R-L order (PFV) } ( (compare_paras(currpd.paras,fwpd.paras,cp_none,[cpo_comparedefaultvalue,cpo_ignorehidden,cpo_openequalisexact])=te_exact) and (fwpd.returndef=currpd.returndef) ) then begin { Check if we've found the forwarddef, if found then we need to update the forward def with the current implementation settings } if fwpd.forwarddef then begin forwardfound:=true; if not(m_repeat_forward in current_settings.modeswitches) and (fwpd.proccalloption<>currpd.proccalloption) then paracompopt:=[cpo_ignorehidden,cpo_comparedefaultvalue,cpo_openequalisexact] else paracompopt:=[cpo_comparedefaultvalue,cpo_openequalisexact]; { Check calling convention } if (fwpd.proccalloption<>currpd.proccalloption) then begin { In delphi it is possible to specify the calling convention in the interface or implementation if there was no convention specified in the other part } if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin if not(po_hascallingconvention in currpd.procoptions) then currpd.proccalloption:=fwpd.proccalloption else if not(po_hascallingconvention in fwpd.procoptions) then fwpd.proccalloption:=currpd.proccalloption else begin MessagePos(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_call_convention_dont_match_forward); tprocsym(currpd.procsym).write_parameter_lists(currpd); { restore interface settings } currpd.proccalloption:=fwpd.proccalloption; end; end else begin MessagePos(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_call_convention_dont_match_forward); tprocsym(currpd.procsym).write_parameter_lists(currpd); { restore interface settings } currpd.proccalloption:=fwpd.proccalloption; end; end; { Check if the procedure type and return type are correct, also the parameters must match also with the type } if ((m_repeat_forward in current_settings.modeswitches) or not is_bareprocdef(currpd)) and ((compare_paras(currpd.paras,fwpd.paras,cp_all,paracompopt)<>te_exact) or (fwpd.returndef<>currpd.returndef)) then begin MessagePos1(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_header_dont_match_forward, fwpd.fullprocname(false)); tprocsym(currpd.procsym).write_parameter_lists(currpd); break; end; { Check if both are declared forward } if fwpd.forwarddef and currpd.forwarddef then begin MessagePos1(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_function_already_declared_public_forward, currpd.fullprocname(false)); end; { internconst or internproc only need to be defined once } if (fwpd.proccalloption=pocall_internproc) then currpd.proccalloption:=fwpd.proccalloption else if (currpd.proccalloption=pocall_internproc) then fwpd.proccalloption:=currpd.proccalloption; { Check procedure options, Delphi requires that class is repeated in the implementation for class methods } if (m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then po_comp:=[po_classmethod,po_varargs,po_methodpointer,po_interrupt] else po_comp:=[po_classmethod,po_methodpointer]; if ((po_comp * fwpd.procoptions)<>(po_comp * currpd.procoptions)) or (fwpd.proctypeoption <> currpd.proctypeoption) then begin MessagePos1(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_header_dont_match_forward, fwpd.fullprocname(false)); tprocsym(fwpd.procsym).write_parameter_lists(fwpd); { This error is non-fatal, we can recover } end; { Forward declaration is external? } if (po_external in fwpd.procoptions) then MessagePos(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_proc_already_external); { Check parameters } if (m_repeat_forward in current_settings.modeswitches) or (currpd.minparacount>0) then begin { If mangled names are equal then they have the same amount of arguments } { We can check the names of the arguments } { both symtables are in the same order from left to right } curridx:=0; fwidx:=0; currparacnt:=currpd.parast.SymList.Count; fwparacnt:=fwpd.parast.SymList.Count; repeat { skip default parameter constsyms } while (curridxparavarsym) do inc(curridx); while (fwidxparavarsym) do inc(fwidx); { stop when one of the two lists is at the end } if (fwidx>=fwparacnt) or (curridx>=currparacnt) then break; { compare names of parameters, ignore implictly renamed parameters } currparasym:=tsym(currpd.parast.SymList[curridx]); fwparasym:=tsym(fwpd.parast.SymList[fwidx]); if not(sp_implicitrename in currparasym.symoptions) and not(sp_implicitrename in fwparasym.symoptions) then begin if (currparasym.name<>fwparasym.name) then begin MessagePos3(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_header_different_var_names, tprocsym(currpd.procsym).realname,fwparasym.realname,currparasym.realname); break; end; end; { next parameter } inc(curridx); inc(fwidx); until false; end; { Everything is checked, now we can update the forward declaration with the new data from the implementation } fwpd.forwarddef:=currpd.forwarddef; fwpd.hasforward:=true; fwpd.procoptions:=fwpd.procoptions+currpd.procoptions; { marked as local but exported from unit? } if (po_kylixlocal in fwpd.procoptions) and (fwpd.owner.symtabletype=globalsymtable) then MessagePos(fwpd.fileinfo,type_e_cant_export_local); if fwpd.extnumber=$ffff then fwpd.extnumber:=currpd.extnumber; while not currpd.aliasnames.empty do fwpd.aliasnames.insert(currpd.aliasnames.getfirst); { update fileinfo so position references the implementation, also update funcretsym if it is already generated } fwpd.fileinfo:=currpd.fileinfo; if assigned(fwpd.funcretsym) then fwpd.funcretsym.fileinfo:=currpd.fileinfo; { import names } if assigned(currpd.import_dll) then begin stringdispose(fwpd.import_dll); fwpd.import_dll:=stringdup(currpd.import_dll^); end; if assigned(currpd.import_name) then begin stringdispose(fwpd.import_name); fwpd.import_name:=stringdup(currpd.import_name^); end; fwpd.import_nr:=currpd.import_nr; { for compilerproc defines we need to rename and update the symbolname to lowercase } if (po_compilerproc in fwpd.procoptions) then begin { rename to lowercase so users can't access it } fwpd.procsym.realname:='$'+lower(fwpd.procsym.name); { the mangeled name is already changed by the pd_compilerproc } { handler. It must be done immediately because if we have a } { call to a compilerproc before it's implementation is } { encountered, it must already use the new mangled name (JM) } end; { Release current procdef } currpd.owner.deletedef(currpd); currpd:=fwpd; end else begin { abstract methods aren't forward defined, but this } { needs another error message } if (po_abstractmethod in fwpd.procoptions) then MessagePos(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_abstract_no_definition) else begin MessagePos(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_overloaded_have_same_parameters); tprocsym(currpd.procsym).write_parameter_lists(currpd); end; end; { we found one proc with the same arguments, there are no others so we can stop } break; end; { check for allowing overload directive } if not(m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then begin { overload directive turns on overloading } if ((po_overload in currpd.procoptions) or (po_overload in fwpd.procoptions)) then begin { check if all procs have overloading, but not if the proc is a method or already declared forward, then the check is already done } if not(fwpd.hasforward or assigned(currpd._class) or (currpd.forwarddef<>fwpd.forwarddef) or ((po_overload in currpd.procoptions) and (po_overload in fwpd.procoptions))) then begin MessagePos1(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_no_overload_for_all_procs,currpd.procsym.realname); break; end; end else begin if not(fwpd.forwarddef) then begin MessagePos(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_procedure_overloading_is_off); break; end; end; end; { equal arguments } end; { if we didn't reuse a forwarddef then we add the procdef to the overloaded list } if not forwardfound then begin { can happen in Delphi mode } if (currpd.proctypeoption = potype_function) and is_void(currpd.returndef) then MessagePos1(currpd.fileinfo,parser_e_no_funcret_specified,currpd.procsym.realname); tprocsym(currpd.procsym).ProcdefList.Add(currpd); end; proc_add_definition:=forwardfound; end; end.