{ Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by Florian Klaempfl This unit handles the exports parsing This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit pexports; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface { reads an exports statement in a library } procedure read_exports; implementation uses { common } cutils, { global } globals,globtype,tokens,verbose,constexp, systems, ppu,fmodule, { symtable } symconst,symbase,symdef,symtype,symsym, { pass 1 } node, ncon, { parser } scanner, pbase,pexpr, { obj-c } objcutil, { link } gendef,export ; procedure read_exports; var orgs, DefString, InternalProcName : string; pd : tprocdef; pt : tnode; srsym : tsym; srsymtable : TSymtable; hpname : shortstring; index : longint; options : word; function IsGreater(hp1,hp2:texported_item):boolean; var i2 : boolean; begin i2:=(hp2.options and eo_index)<>0; if (hp1.options and eo_index)<>0 then begin if i2 then IsGreater:=hp1.index>hp2.index else IsGreater:=false; end else IsGreater:=i2; end; begin current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_has_exports; DefString:=''; InternalProcName:=''; consume(_EXPORTS); repeat hpname:=''; options:=0; index:=0; if token=_ID then begin consume_sym_orgid(srsym,srsymtable,orgs); { orgpattern is still valid here } InternalProcName:=''; case srsym.typ of staticvarsym : InternalProcName:=tstaticvarsym(srsym).mangledname; procsym : begin pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).ProcdefList[0]); if (Tprocsym(srsym).ProcdefList.Count>1) or (po_kylixlocal in pd.procoptions) or ((tf_need_export in target_info.flags) and not(po_exports in pd.procoptions)) then Message(parser_e_illegal_symbol_exported) else InternalProcName:=pd.mangledname; end; typesym : begin if not is_objcclass(ttypesym(srsym).typedef) then Message(parser_e_illegal_symbol_exported) end; else Message(parser_e_illegal_symbol_exported) end; if (srsym.typ<>typesym) then begin if InternalProcName<>'' then begin { This is wrong if the first is not an underline } if InternalProcName[1]='_' then delete(InternalProcName,1,1) else if (target_info.system in [system_i386_win32,system_i386_wdosx,system_arm_wince,system_i386_wince]) and UseDeffileForExports then begin Message(parser_e_dlltool_unit_var_problem); Message(parser_e_dlltool_unit_var_problem2); end; if length(InternalProcName)<2 then Message(parser_e_procname_to_short_for_export); DefString:=srsym.realname+'='+InternalProcName; end; if try_to_consume(_INDEX) then begin pt:=comp_expr(true,false); if pt.nodetype=ordconstn then if (Tordconstnode(pt).valueint64(high(index))) then begin index:=0; message3(type_e_range_check_error_bounds,tostr(Tordconstnode(pt).value),tostr(low(index)),tostr(high(index))) end else index:=Tordconstnode(pt).value.svalue else begin index:=0; consume(_INTCONST); end; options:=options or eo_index; pt.free; if target_info.system in [system_i386_win32,system_i386_wdosx,system_arm_wince,system_i386_wince] then DefString:=srsym.realname+'='+InternalProcName+' @ '+tostr(index) else DefString:=srsym.realname+'='+InternalProcName; {Index ignored!} end; if try_to_consume(_NAME) then begin pt:=comp_expr(true,false); if pt.nodetype=stringconstn then hpname:=strpas(tstringconstnode(pt).value_str) else if is_constcharnode(pt) then hpname:=chr(tordconstnode(pt).value.svalue and $ff) else consume(_CSTRING); options:=options or eo_name; pt.free; DefString:=hpname+'='+InternalProcName; end; if try_to_consume(_RESIDENT) then begin options:=options or eo_resident; DefString:=srsym.realname+'='+InternalProcName;{Resident ignored!} end; if (DefString<>'') and UseDeffileForExports then DefFile.AddExport(DefString); end; case srsym.typ of procsym: begin { if no specific name or index was given, then if } { the procedure has aliases defined export those, } { otherwise export the name as it appears in the } { export section (it doesn't make sense to export } { the generic mangled name, because the name of } { the parent unit is used in that) } if ((options and (eo_name or eo_index))=0) and (tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[0]).aliasnames.count>1) then exportallprocsymnames(tprocsym(srsym),options) else begin { there's a name or an index -> export only one name } { correct? Or can you export multiple names with the } { same index? And/or should we also export the aliases } { if a name is specified? (JM) } if ((options and eo_name)=0) then { Export names are not mangled on Windows and OS/2 } if (target_info.system in (systems_all_windows+[system_i386_emx, system_i386_os2])) then hpname:=orgs { Use set mangled name in case of cdecl/cppdecl/mwpascal } { and no name specified } else if (tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[0]).proccalloption in [pocall_cdecl,pocall_mwpascal]) then hpname:=target_info.cprefix+tprocsym(srsym).realname else if (tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[0]).proccalloption in [pocall_cppdecl]) then hpname:=target_info.cprefix+tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[0]).cplusplusmangledname else hpname:=orgs; exportprocsym(srsym,hpname,index,options); end end; staticvarsym: begin if ((options and eo_name)=0) then { for "cvar" } if (vo_has_mangledname in tstaticvarsym(srsym).varoptions) then hpname:=srsym.mangledname else hpname:=orgs; exportvarsym(srsym,hpname,index,options); end; typesym: begin case ttypesym(srsym).typedef.typ of objectdef: case tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef).objecttype of odt_objcclass: exportobjcclass(tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef)); else internalerror(2009092601); end; else internalerror(2009092602); end; end; end end else consume(_ID); until not try_to_consume(_COMMA); consume(_SEMICOLON); if not DefFile.empty then DefFile.writefile; end; end.